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What do you actually LIKE about Modern Anime?

Feb 13, 2020 5:31 PM

Aug 2017
It seems every time modern anime is brought up, it's always in the sense of how it fails in comparison to previous eras. But, as a long time viewer of anime (Since the days of Dragonball, Sailor Moon and Ronin Warriors), I think there's a lot to like about the Modern anime era. One example: On average, anime villains have far more complex motivations and personalities than they did in the 80's and 90s. Most villains back then were just evil because the hero needed someone to beat. They were just evil because the script called for it. But, now you have villains like Askeladd, Makishima Shogou and Meruem. Complex villains with sometimes justifiable reasoning for their villainry, which makes the story better.

In some ways, anime today is better than anime in the past. Not even considering the production quality or mass availability of it. (New heads will never know what it's like to have to drive across town to the anime shop to rent a DVD just so you can see anime at all. LOL!)

But, what are some ways you think that modern anime is better than past eras?
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Feb 13, 2020 5:45 PM

Oct 2019
Characters have more depth like you said, and their personalities are more thought out. In some ways, yes, the animation I have found to be improved in modern times (slightly) but I do prefer older anime as I like the themes shown in it more than modern.
Feb 13, 2020 5:47 PM

Sep 2018
Simulcast are one good thing about modern anime. I still watch dub anime sometimes. Dubs used to take forever to get new episodes.
Feb 13, 2020 5:49 PM

Jul 2007
It's convenient not having to wait for fansubs anymore since almost every show gets subs on release now.
"There's a huge difference between one and infinity.
However, compared to the difference between
existence and non-existence, one and infinite are
nearly the same. I am the child destined to become
the best witch... no... The greatest Creator in the world...!"
-Maria Ushiromiya

Feb 13, 2020 5:58 PM

Nov 2008
It's GORGEOUS, full of scenery porn, and I personally think character writing is far well as relationships and stuff.

Looking back on older anime (90s)....they weren't so great at love...especially shounen anime.

Feb 13, 2020 6:38 PM
Dec 2019
The biggest thing is that the average level of production quality has risen.
Feb 13, 2020 6:43 PM

Nov 2018
Even if it's still mostly average/bad and there are problems with writing, production level is very high, so shows are at least watchable.
I hate everyone equally
Feb 13, 2020 6:47 PM

Jul 2017
Lots of things really. Like modern anime are able to convey good stories in only 12 eps whereas a lot of older anime need to spend lots of episodes to do so
Feb 13, 2020 7:15 PM

Oct 2017
I enjoy the SOL genre and there is much less when browsing through what was coming out in the pre 2000s. I haven't really seen any anime that would be comparable to March Comes in Like A Lion or Shōwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjū.

Animation in general has had ups and downs but the highs of today in my opinion are greater than the highs of the past. Then again lots of really bad animation is also more recent. (though old anime had tons of animation issues as well)

In terms of industry I think it is good that anime is becoming more popular. Streaming especially as it gets bigger will hopefully allow more shows to get around censorship and explore more genres. Don't hate the otaku community at all but it would be a net positive for the industry to be able to reach more kinds of audiences and create more variety of shows. Granted the draw back is countries with lots of pull like China also getting heavily into anime may lead to other forms of censorship.

Anyway that is just my opinion. I am still exploring older content.
BilboBaggins365Feb 13, 2020 9:26 PM
Feb 13, 2020 7:21 PM
May 2019
I like the art styles of modern anime. One of the main reasons I've watched the anime I have is because of the art style. If I don't find the art style good it kinda takes away the plot of the anime for me personally. Even though I've watched more older anime than modern the shiny bright art style is something I really appreciate of modern as it gives off a MODERN feel.
Feb 13, 2020 8:42 PM

Oct 2012
I prefer a lot about older anime, but there's lots to like about modern shows.

Were getting a lot more full adaptations of old and new manga in the last few years, that's a trend I've loved. We also tend to get more high quality dramas now than in the 90s or 00s. The existence of studio orange has been pretty refreshing as well.
Feb 13, 2020 9:44 PM
Feb 2014
Although it may not seem like it, based on the things i said previously on these forums, i actually do like a lot of things about modern anime, here's a list:

1. Much bigger variety of anime to choose from, anime are much more varied in pretty much every way possible than in the past, ranging from themes, characters, plots, genres, art etc. In the past, it was very common for a genre to dominate the anime scene for years, like, there was a time when almost every anime coming out just HAD to have Mecha somewhere, it HAD to, it was mandatory! And let's not forget about Sci-Fi(often went hand in hand with Mecha as well....) or Harem/Ecchi rom-coms. Yes, looking back throughout the seasonal charts, i realize that some genres like Harem-Ecchi were indeed more prevalent back then(or they are just not labeled properly anymore nowadays....)

2. Much more attractive art styles and character designs, seriously, designs of old anime were pretty bad for the most part(Except Shoujo), especially for shounen, kids and comedy stuff. Like, harem MC's used to be very ugly. Over the years, Harem MC's have become better looking and some are actually very handsome bishounen indeed, like, look at the MC of Tate no Yuusha! Shounen characters have also become much better looking since the mid 20"!!!!!

3. Better looking color pallets and line art! Everything is very crisp and smooth looking now, the brighter, more lively colors are much better in my opinion!

4. No more fillers or if there are any, it's completely minimal in comparison to the mountains of fillers found in older(pre 2010 i guess) anime!

5. Anime nowadays follow the original source material more faithfully as opposed to going their own route and having anime only endings!

6. Older anime have started getting new remakes/adaptations that promise to be a complete faithful adaptation of the original source material, something that in the past would never have happened!!!!

7. Older manga are also finally getting adapted instead of being overlooked in favour of the flavour of the month manga!!!

8. Reverse harems and Otome games are getting much more adaptations than ever before!!!

9. Other girl targeted browser/mobile games are also seeing adaptations, something that would have been very unlikely in the past!

10. More all male bishounen cast anime are being produced than ever before!(That are not mecha, sports or shounen!)

11. Male teenage characters(with some exceptions here and there which i still think sucks) are finally played by actual male voice actors!!!!!! No longer will a teenage guy above the age of 13 sound like a girl!!!! I disliked that.....soo....much!!!! >_<

12. More bishounen in general(like in almost every genre you can find pretty boys now, yes, even in Isekai's! But that wasn't the case in the past, i mean, compare the bishounen of Kuroku no Basket or Free! to something like Captain Tsubasa or Ganbare! Kickers lol.)

13. Very fast and easy accessibility, streaming has made watching anime sooo much easier and painless, downloading anime was the only way to watch them back in the day, since streaming didn't exist yet and let me tell you, it was a pain in the butt, especially if we are talking about Torrents, because it took me months to download Ai no Wakakusa Monogatari, Versailles no Bara and Rockman.EXE each!!!!!!!!!! >:( IRC was also a no go, since i immediately caught Viruses from it and i was forever done with the program!!!!!

14. Thanks to streaming again, there is a infinitely bigger variety of anime to watch, even really old ones that in the past you couldn't watch you can now thanks to streaming!(Though, finding them in a good and decent quality is another beast entirely, almost for everything pre 2010..... -_-;)

15. More anime merchandise is produced than ever before! Almost every anime is getting Nendoroids now as well, unlike in the past, where not even pretty popular ones got any, like, Orange Rouge, where are my D.Gray-man Nendo's?!

16. The creativity of Anime and the Japanese in general has only gone up over the years, contrary to popular belief, we didn't have anime about postmen killing giant armoured bugs while delivering the letters to their destination, anime about the daily lifes of anthropomorphic cells battling to keep our body healthy, anime about ancient Japanese swords given human forms to fight revisionists who want to change history or anime about famous Japanese writers brought back to life to fight monsters inside books to prevent them from corroding the literature of the world and making people forget about them!

I think that's it, if i can think of more, i'll add on later.
My Shoujo, Josei and Female targeted anime adaptations starting from 2017+ stacks:

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Feb 13, 2020 11:44 PM
Jul 2018
Chiibi said:
It's GORGEOUS, full of scenery porn, and I personally think character writing is far well as relationships and stuff.

Looking back on older anime (90s)....they weren't so great at love...especially shounen anime.

This. Especially those got better a lot and recognized that their characters are feeling human beings and mostly stopped to care about the battles in first place. Battles aren't their main focus anymore.
I must think about those classics like Dragonball.

Other than that:
- I feel like there is more variety
- Old anime are often very lengthy for no reason?
- Often I don't like the art style so much or not at all from old anime
- There is more good lgbt stuff / very good queer(-coded) characters
- More people are into anime, it's more mainstream and it's nice not only meeting hardcore otakus there.
removed-userFeb 14, 2020 2:17 AM
Feb 13, 2020 11:58 PM

Oct 2017
The best part of modern anime for me is that pretty much every season, there's something for every anime fan.

Also, it's not as much an aspect of modern anime as it is the community, but I really appreciate that anime is gradually becoming more acceptable as a hobby, to the point where a lot of people don't just automatically think you're a weird perv the second the word "anime" escapes your lips.
Feb 14, 2020 1:24 AM

Dec 2014
What I like about Modern Anime is I personally believe the quality is better, as in both the stories and the animation is better now compared to older anime. I also like that there is more anime to watch each season now and more variety of anime.
Feb 14, 2020 1:56 AM
Jul 2019
Injenss said:
One example: On average, anime villains have far more complex motivations and personalities than they did in the 80's and 90s. Most villains back then were just evil because the hero needed someone to beat. They were just evil because the script called for it. But, now you have villains like Askeladd, Makishima Shogou and Meruem. Complex villains with sometimes justifiable reasoning for their villainry, which makes the story better.

Your examples are fairly weird, with the exception of Makishima (since I think Pyscho pass was an anime original). Anime is mostly an adaptation medium, with most of the stories coming from manga (historically) and light novels (more recently). So analysing story elements with respect to time for adaptations is a bit pointless, when the source material was released years prior. Vinland Saga was serialised in 2005 while HxH was around in the 90s.

In any case, from my perspective, the best things about modern anime are the variety (atleast at surface level), and the massive number of new releases. Easier access is also a good point.
Feb 14, 2020 2:30 AM

Sep 2009
Dauphine said:
2 Like, harem MC's used to be very ugly. Over the years, Harem MC's have become better looking and some are actually very handsome bishounen indeed, like, look at the MC of Tate no Yuusha! Shounen characters have also become much better looking since the mid 20"!!!!!

I second this. Would like to add Kazami Yuji from Grisaia series and Kojou Akatsuki from Strike the Blood. (Or maybe Ousawa Akatsuki with that body of his)

Not to mention how good looking is the MC of Maou Gakuin in the manga. (Which is also considered as harem )

I would like to add same applies to the Shoujo main characters also. I mean how Yona , Chihaya Ayase and Shirayuki look gorgeous. I'd rather to have my gorgeous shoujo females over the plain and boring looking ones.
VargnattFeb 14, 2020 2:40 AM

Feb 14, 2020 2:32 AM

Apr 2013
Better artstyle and animation (in my opinion at least)
More daring (when it comes to fanservice, violence etc)
More genre diversity (back then it was mostly shounen, mecha etc)
Feb 14, 2020 7:03 AM
Dragon Idol

May 2017
They're much easier to watch. Old anime suffer from bad audio a lot.
Character-wise there are less annoying characters. They can't be eradicated entirely but there are less characters annoying just for the sake of being annoying.
OP and ED themes have gotten catchier regardless of anime genre.
The design of the characters are also much more varied, there are many more hair colors for Earthlings and there's a huge variety of styles these days.
CGI isn't as terrible-looking anymore. Same goes for effects.
Feb 14, 2020 7:07 AM

Jun 2016
The quality of explosions has greatly improved compared to previous eras
Feb 14, 2020 7:16 AM

Aug 2018
I think modern anime is as a whole better cause the industry is only growing so we now got:

Better animation quality

Little to no filler

Short hard hitting 12 or 24 episode seasons

More anime in general, which means more good anime

More great mangas/lns get adaptations, which again, means more good anime

High quality dubs

Mainstream appeal (its really nice to see anime finally getting the mainstream attention it deserves)

Actual good cgi

Stronger and bigger communities

More remakes to old anime (kinda like fruits basket or brotherhood)

Fast as hell simulcasting, weather you watch it legally or not, you're bound to get a new episode within an hour or less, and a dub after like a week or 2

The only main bad thing about modern anime that I could think of is the fact that there's more trash since there's a lot more anime in general, but I don't care cause trash plagues every media
yotiFeb 14, 2020 7:48 AM
Feb 14, 2020 7:25 AM
Jul 2018
In the last modern vs classic anime thread I promised I'd take two shots every time this topic is brought up. Commencing shot consumption. Rip liver.
Feb 14, 2020 8:05 AM

Feb 2020
I like that we nowadays for the most part don't really only have to hope that a fansub group will sub it so simulcasts are one of the best things and also the CGI in modern anime is usually better than in older ones.
Feb 14, 2020 8:09 AM

Dec 2019
any time there’s CGI, it actually looks acceptable
Feb 14, 2020 8:15 AM

Feb 2017
I like all the things that are now possible to do with computer assistance that were extremely hard to do before or outright impossible. Attack on Titan's 3DMG sequences for example.
Feb 14, 2020 11:00 AM

May 2009
One thing animation seems to have gotten better at is the "awkward highlight" problem of older animation.

If you watch older stuff, sometimes you can tell "hey, that one rock is going to move" simply because it's drawn differently from the background. It can still happen, but it happens less.
Avatar character is Gabriel from Gabriel DropOut.
Feb 14, 2020 11:58 AM

May 2015
Animation, mostly, can't really think of anything else.
Feb 14, 2020 12:00 PM

Mar 2016
I appreciate the fact that modern anime has mostly done away with seizure inducing flashes.
Feb 14, 2020 3:04 PM

Aug 2017
SunnySelenophile said:
Injenss said:
One example: On average, anime villains have far more complex motivations and personalities than they did in the 80's and 90s. Most villains back then were just evil because the hero needed someone to beat. They were just evil because the script called for it. But, now you have villains like Askeladd, Makishima Shogou and Meruem. Complex villains with sometimes justifiable reasoning for their villainry, which makes the story better.

Your examples are fairly weird, with the exception of Makishima (since I think Pyscho pass was an anime original). Anime is mostly an adaptation medium, with most of the stories coming from manga (historically) and light novels (more recently). So analysing story elements with respect to time for adaptations is a bit pointless, when the source material was released years prior. Vinland Saga was serialised in 2005 while HxH was around in the 90s.

In any case, from my perspective, the best things about modern anime are the variety (atleast at surface level), and the massive number of new releases. Easier access is also a good point.
I don't read Mangas or LN, I only watch anime. I used to, but it just wasn't as satisfying as watching the story fully animated, so I stopped. So, I don't know which animes are originals and which are manga adaptations. But, I just meant as a general rule with that example, and those guys just came to my head.
Feb 14, 2020 3:10 PM

Aug 2017
Dauphine said:
Although it may not seem like it, based on the things i said previously on these forums, i actually do like a lot of things about modern anime, here's a list:

1. Much bigger variety of anime to choose from, anime are much more varied in pretty much every way possible than in the past, ranging from themes, characters, plots, genres, art etc. In the past, it was very common for a genre to dominate the anime scene for years, like, there was a time when almost every anime coming out just HAD to have Mecha somewhere, it HAD to, it was mandatory! And let's not forget about Sci-Fi(often went hand in hand with Mecha as well....) or Harem/Ecchi rom-coms. Yes, looking back throughout the seasonal charts, i realize that some genres like Harem-Ecchi were indeed more prevalent back then(or they are just not labeled properly anymore nowadays....)

4. No more fillers or if there are any, it's completely minimal in comparison to the mountains of fillers found in older(pre 2010 i guess) anime!

Two of my favorite things about anime today. I remember how there was just nothing but Mecha, Mecha, Mecha, Mecha, Mecha. And I loved some of it, like Gundam and Evangelion, of course. But, it was just seriously overkilled. To be able to jump from an anime about a suicide cult, to an anime about firefighters vs. fire starting mutants to an anime about an Isekai hero with OCD in a span of a week, is awesome.
Feb 14, 2020 3:12 PM

Jun 2016
Directors/writers seem less hesitant to be artsy, and really try to elevate the artform by tackling themes more profound that the standard "friends are important, believe in yourself" garbage that's been permeating since anime came into existence, and presenting it more skillfully than ever before. I think cinematography in general has improved greatly for TV anime.
Feb 14, 2020 3:18 PM
Nov 2015
Dauphine said:
Although it may not seem like it, based on the things i said previously on these forums, i actually do like a lot of things about modern anime, here's a list:

1. Much bigger variety of anime to choose from, anime are much more varied in pretty much every way possible than in the past, ranging from themes, characters, plots, genres, art etc. In the past, it was very common for a genre to dominate the anime scene for years, like, there was a time when almost every anime coming out just HAD to have Mecha somewhere, it HAD to, it was mandatory! And let's not forget about Sci-Fi(often went hand in hand with Mecha as well....) or Harem/Ecchi rom-coms. Yes, looking back throughout the seasonal charts, i realize that some genres like Harem-Ecchi were indeed more prevalent back then(or they are just not labeled properly anymore nowadays....)

2. Much more attractive art styles and character designs, seriously, designs of old anime were pretty bad for the most part(Except Shoujo), especially for shounen, kids and comedy stuff. Like, harem MC's used to be very ugly. Over the years, Harem MC's have become better looking and some are actually very handsome bishounen indeed, like, look at the MC of Tate no Yuusha! Shounen characters have also become much better looking since the mid 20"!!!!!

3. Better looking color pallets and line art! Everything is very crisp and smooth looking now, the brighter, more lively colors are much better in my opinion!

4. No more fillers or if there are any, it's completely minimal in comparison to the mountains of fillers found in older(pre 2010 i guess) anime!

5. Anime nowadays follow the original source material more faithfully as opposed to going their own route and having anime only endings!

6. Older anime have started getting new remakes/adaptations that promise to be a complete faithful adaptation of the original source material, something that in the past would never have happened!!!!

7. Older manga are also finally getting adapted instead of being overlooked in favour of the flavour of the month manga!!!

8. Reverse harems and Otome games are getting much more adaptations than ever before!!!

9. Other girl targeted browser/mobile games are also seeing adaptations, something that would have been very unlikely in the past!

10. More all male bishounen cast anime are being produced than ever before!(That are not mecha, sports or shounen!)

11. Male teenage characters(with some exceptions here and there which i still think sucks) are finally played by actual male voice actors!!!!!! No longer will a teenage guy above the age of 13 sound like a girl!!!! I disliked that.....soo....much!!!! >_<

12. More bishounen in general(like in almost every genre you can find pretty boys now, yes, even in Isekai's! But that wasn't the case in the past, i mean, compare the bishounen of Kuroku no Basket or Free! to something like Captain Tsubasa or Ganbare! Kickers lol.)

13. Very fast and easy accessibility, streaming has made watching anime sooo much easier and painless, downloading anime was the only way to watch them back in the day, since streaming didn't exist yet and let me tell you, it was a pain in the butt, especially if we are talking about Torrents, because it took me months to download Ai no Wakakusa Monogatari, Versailles no Bara and Rockman.EXE each!!!!!!!!!! >:( IRC was also a no go, since i immediately caught Viruses from it and i was forever done with the program!!!!!

14. Thanks to streaming again, there is a infinitely bigger variety of anime to watch, even really old ones that in the past you couldn't watch you can now thanks to streaming!(Though, finding them in a good and decent quality is another beast entirely, almost for everything pre 2010..... -_-;)

15. More anime merchandise is produced than ever before! Almost every anime is getting Nendoroids now as well, unlike in the past, where not even pretty popular ones got any, like, Orange Rouge, where are my D.Gray-man Nendo's?!

16. The creativity of Anime and the Japanese in general has only gone up over the years, contrary to popular belief, we didn't have anime about postmen killing giant armoured bugs while delivering the letters to their destination, anime about the daily lifes of anthropomorphic cells battling to keep our body healthy, anime about ancient Japanese swords given human forms to fight revisionists who want to change history or anime about famous Japanese writers brought back to life to fight monsters inside books to prevent them from corroding the literature of the world and making people forget about them!

I think that's it, if i can think of more, i'll add on later.

WoW i agree, on everything !!!!! Men you just say everything i think about new anime too ... And fellow old friend YOU TRULY REMEMBER THE PAIN OF DOWNLOADING ANIME, was so hard to find and donwload that TRADE was very important in the anime community, you used to make Friends to share and exchange anime CDs/dvds hahaahhahahahh
Feb 14, 2020 3:52 PM

May 2018
Injenss said:
like Askeladd, Makishima Shogou and Meruem

This is roughly 2005, 2012 and 1998...Makishima Shogou is the newest and the lamest here so not very good examples. Try with others!

For my perspective the villains nowadays generally are not that more nuanced but on the other hand more realistic - they have more practical goals.

In my opinion there are not many core changes since the 00s but the scripts nowadays sound a bit more polished also the video and audio edits smoother or more dynamic.
I guess this comes from all the technical advances - you can research and write faster, you can edit AV faster and the communication between the different teams is eased.
Lately have seen some titles heavily relying on Google Maps, Google Earth and computer blueprints for various real buildings.
A modern type of workflow also means less errors and more ways to correct them in time.

Short_Circut said:
Lots of things really. Like modern anime are able to convey good stories in only 12 eps whereas a lot of older anime need to spend lots of episodes to do so

This is more a question of planing - older shows were forced to drag the story to fill slots of 50+ episodes but usualy it ended after an year. Nowadays they are forced to rush chunks of if it in singles cours with no grantee there will be a continuation.
Thus both have problems!

Chiibi said:
It's GORGEOUS, full of scenery porn

Scenery porn is a concept old as anime. Yon can have it even with more minimalistic styles.
For example Takarajima (1979)

Or some screen shots from Heidi (1974).

alshuFeb 14, 2020 4:51 PM
Feb 14, 2020 4:09 PM

Jun 2014
It's interesting how with modern anime, female characters look worse, but male characters now look sexier than ever.

Also, there's more BL-themed anime than ever now, or at least it seems that way.

Feb 14, 2020 4:10 PM

Feb 2010
The main thing I like about modern anime is ur mom
I probably regret this post by now.
Feb 14, 2020 4:13 PM

May 2014
What's even considered modern anime anyway? How far back are we talking.
Feb 14, 2020 4:26 PM

Mar 2015
i don't comment on personal preference (like story telling, visual, character, trope, ETC), so here is the OBJECTIVE reasoning.
>diversity of choice
there is soo many anime made that you can always rely that you can at least found something.
thanks to internet age, you can stream/download anything anytime, no long wait, no dead fansub, no dead link, ETC. remember XDCC? i feel old.
>High Quality screening
good old 360p 4:3 screening, who even miss them? LMAO
"If taking responsibility for a mistake that cannot be undone means death, it's not that hard to die. At least, not as hard as to live on."
Feb 14, 2020 4:41 PM
Jun 2017
what i like about modern anime are the following:

- SOME have GREAT ANIMATION/ CGI (sorry 7DS season 3 your not one of them)
- SLICE OF LIFE GENRE (im not a fan of this genre before but nowadays, the stories being shown in this genre are great)
- SOME ISEKAI series (hope i can never watch a series like ISEKAI CHEAT MAGICIAN again)
- rom con series
- borderline ecchi/ hentai type (if you think interspecies reviewer is nearly a hentai, WATCH YOSUGA NO SORA ... hahaha)
- modern day shounen!!!
Feb 14, 2020 4:41 PM

Feb 2010
More or less the same thing I like about older anime - shows that appeal to my personal preference.
I probably regret this post by now.
Feb 14, 2020 4:51 PM

Aug 2017
Ericonator said:
What's even considered modern anime anyway? How far back are we talking.
People define it differently, but I consider there to be four anime eras:

1917-1960 (Japan Only Era) When anime was small time even in Japan, was heavily controlled by the government and nobody really knew much or cared about it outside of Japan. It didn't even look like it does today.)

1961-1979 (The Classic Era) When anime started to get the animation style we're more familiar with today, and got really popular in Japan, and started to get international play, mainly due to Mushi and Tatsunoko studios (Astro Boy and Speed Racer, respectively).

1980-1999 (International Era/Golden Years) When anime really started blowing up internationally and produced some of the biggest classics, like Dragonball, Gundam, Yuyu Hakusho, and of course the Studio Ghibli works.

2000-2020 (The Modern/Internet Era) This era would be defined by anime's explosive spread on the internet. Becoming an international monetary juggernaut, spawning hundreds of studios, etc...

That's how I define the eras, anyway. Generally 20 year stretches.
Feb 14, 2020 5:00 PM

May 2018
Kuma said:

good old 360p 4:3 screening, who even miss them? LMAO

In DVD terms is 480p and the original analogue broadcast had better colours but the poor archiving methods degraded it.
A new scan and restoration of the original movie tape (if available) that was used to shoot the TV anime will give you more details and colours than most of the modern TV products.
Only the 4:3 will remain but I don't thinks it's a real issue.
Feb 14, 2020 5:03 PM

Mar 2015
alshu said:
Kuma said:

good old 360p 4:3 screening, who even miss them? LMAO

In DVD terms is 480p and the original analogue broadcast had better colours but the poor archiving methods degraded it.
A new scan and restoration of the original movie tape (if available) that was used to shoot the TV anime will give you more details and colours than most of the modern TV products.
Only the 4:3 will remain but I don't thinks it's a real issue.
that's modern technology to made them look like modern anime tho.
"If taking responsibility for a mistake that cannot be undone means death, it's not that hard to die. At least, not as hard as to live on."
Feb 14, 2020 5:07 PM

May 2018
Kuma said:
that's modern technology to made them look like modern anime tho.

Those are the old artists that putted such efforts and skills that their art will look better when just adapted for not recreated with modern technology.

Less time is given to the new artists just because of the business restrains. Those new tools are not used to their full extent...even by comparison with the projects around 2010.
alshuFeb 14, 2020 5:12 PM
Feb 14, 2020 5:08 PM

May 2016
The things I like about modern anime are the same things I like about older anime. Aside from some window dressing and the near-eradication of filler episodes, not much has really changed.

This glorious signature image was created by @Mayumi!

I am the Arbiter of Absolute Truth, and here is my wisdom:

"Anime was always influenced by the West. This is not news.
Shoujo is the superior genre primarily aimed at young people.
Harem/isekai are lazy genres that refuse any meaningful innovation.
There is no 'Golden Age.' There will always be top-shelf anime.
You should be watching Carole & Tuesday."
Feb 14, 2020 5:10 PM

Mar 2015
alshu said:
Kuma said:
that's modern technology to made them look like modern anime tho.

Those are the old artist that but such an effort that their art will look better when just adapted to modern technology, not recreated.

that mean they admit modern visual is better. or at very least markettable.
"If taking responsibility for a mistake that cannot be undone means death, it's not that hard to die. At least, not as hard as to live on."
Feb 14, 2020 5:15 PM

May 2018
Kuma said:

that mean they admit modern visual is better.

Theoretically (and this even goes without saying) - yes, practically - not always. There are many botched projects in the last years: result of impossible schedules.

Kuma said:
or at very least markettable.

People will buy any trash if it's trendy.

I am not against modern anime or anything. But good stuff comes rarely despite technical advancements and everything...and I need more than what I can find in the seasonals. Thus I turn to older and retro looking titles. A lot of interesting projects there despite being buried under the dust.
alshuFeb 14, 2020 5:26 PM
Feb 14, 2020 5:31 PM

Oct 2013
Seiya said:
It's interesting how with modern anime, female characters look worse, but male characters now look sexier than ever.

I both a agree and disagree with this statement. I actually think both male and female characters are more attractive now. Anime tiddies are better these days too in my opinion. Then again it's all relative. Kind of hard to make a generalized statement about these kind of things when not every anime looks exactly the same.I'll admit I think Faye from Cowboy Bebop, a 90's show, has a much better body than a lot modern female characters.
Feb 14, 2020 5:31 PM
May 2018
IMO, rather than saying it is better, or worse than before, I think anime at the very least went in a good (maybe not right, but good, if you get what I mean) direction.

I still watch bunch of old things, arguably more than new, but the way anime nowadays looks, and feels, still makes me look forward to future titles, especially those that are part of old(er) franchises.

It's not just visuals, but also sensibilities of the current age.
Feb 14, 2020 5:34 PM

Jun 2014
Setsuei said:
Seiya said:
It's interesting how with modern anime, female characters look worse, but male characters now look sexier than ever.

I both a agree and disagree with this statement. I actually think both male and female characters are more attractive now. Anime tiddies are better these days too in my opinion. Then again it's all relative. Kind of hard to make a generalized statement about these kind of things when not every anime looks exactly the same.I'll admit I think Faye from Cowboy Bebop, a 90's show, has a much better body than a lot modern female characters.

Anime tits are shiny now, but that's the only positive thing. Most of the time, the breasts in modern anime are too big, and I'm not into that.

I prefer anime girls from the 80s & 90s, and I have little to no interest in modern anime girls.

Feb 14, 2020 6:12 PM

Oct 2013
Seiya said:
Setsuei said:

I both a agree and disagree with this statement. I actually think both male and female characters are more attractive now. Anime tiddies are better these days too in my opinion. Then again it's all relative. Kind of hard to make a generalized statement about these kind of things when not every anime looks exactly the same.I'll admit I think Faye from Cowboy Bebop, a 90's show, has a much better body than a lot modern female characters.

Anime tits are shiny now, but that's the only positive thing. Most of the time, the breasts in modern anime are too big, and I'm not into that.

I prefer anime girls from the 80s & 90s, and I have little to no interest in modern anime girls.

I'm not into huge anime tits either, but our definitions of what's too big are probably vastly different.
When I think "too big" I think the girls in Maken-Ki, Tomo from Seikon no Qwaser, Tsunade from Naruto and Cattleya and Melpha from Queens Blade. Anything smaller than those examples is generally fine with me
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