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Jun 30, 2024 7:50 AM
Community Mod

Jan 2017
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anime-primeJun 30, 2024 8:28 AM
Jun 30, 2024 8:28 AM

May 2020
Sylphy with long hair was such a nice sight, though only to her misery the news this guy was carrying with him wasn’t nice in the first place, and I’m not only talking about Paul dying along the way, but the audacity of him asking her permission for another marriage. Norn is the most natural character out of all these people, I’ve finally fully realized the same. Feel bad for giving her the flak in some of the previous episodes. I’m glad for once some show did try to portray a kid as a kid, and not an already super mature adult.

In the end, Sylphy is such a nice girl… too good for this guy. I mean he was here to mourn about his father or whatnot, but the moment he was over with the news, he just straight up went to announce his intention to marry Roxy. Norn gave him nicely though… again the most rational character out of ALL in this series. We’re supposed to believe this is such a nice and pretty conclusion that now he can make babies out of two girls, and not just one. Very typical of this series lol. Tbh, that talk at the grave just doesn't even feel serious after all the marriage fiasco we went through this episode.

Series hasn't changed a bit back from that day one, though it became a bit tolerable but that's just it lol. Paul's death was supposed to bring some revolution or was about to change the landscape of this series forever, but yeah, it might have.. though convincing others about taking in a second wife took precedence, sigh. Season 3 will be hyped again now.
Softhenic03Jun 30, 2024 8:40 AM
Jun 30, 2024 8:28 AM

Dec 2021
Time to break ALL the news to the fam.

Sylphie over here all giddy and welcoming Rudeus back not knowing at all what's about to happen. But yeah. more than anything, I knew that Norn and Aisha's reaction to the whole ordeal was going to be the biggest moment. Though Aisha was more calm than I expected her to be. I mean even an adult would start freaking out and crying like Norn did. Whatever though, the more important and uh worser news to break was the fact that Rudeus wanted to wife best girl.

Gotta say though, Norn's seiyuu killed it this episode. And while she had a point, it really isn't that much of Rudeus' fault. She was kinda getting on my nerves towards the end because, idk if you know this Norn, YOUR DAD WAS THE EXACT, AND I MEAN EXACT SAME AS HIM. Dude just look at Aisha. But obviously the more mature person between the child and adult is the adult in the end, and Rudeus' harem thus begins. And as well as Rudeus' life as a dad and Sylphie's life as a mom also begins. Entire scene with Rudeus at Paul's grave made me shed a year man ":(

Rudeus' life has just now truly begun. A life given all thanks to Paul. His life in this other world continues, ofc in season three.

What a fucking season man. Part 1 was a downgrade on all fronts to many, and this season has easily brought those peoples back to the show. Thank you Bind. See you in season three.


Jun 30, 2024 8:28 AM

May 2020
well that was an amazing way to end the season
Rudeus is finally a father
Lucy Greyrat is born
this season again is a solid 10/10
season 3 has already been announced
I just hope it comes out soon

Some LN Extra Details (Volume 12 Chapter 13-16)
- Rudy named the half frozen armadillo Dillo so that it does not die without one.
- When Zenith is taking the armor, Rudy thought if she really did understood this situation and some part of her still remained.
- Rudy want to research the magic stones that absorbed mana incase he faced similar enemies like the hydra again in the future.
- Rudy still has a dilemma that Elinalise told him that Roxy might be pregnant and worried if Roxy have to give birth all by herself, that's why he was doubling down on having Roxy as his wife.
- Sylphie knew knowing Rudy, it is matter of time before he's bringing a woman home, though she thought it would be Lynia, Pursena or Nanahoshi.
- Roxy revealed that she was not actually pregnant. Rudy realised that he was baited by Elinalise to double down on marring Roxy.
- Rudy tried bringing Zenith to the best doctors in Ranoa, but they cannot identify what is wrong with her.

Differences from LN
- Dillo should be in the house and chills around them during and after the discussion
- Sylphie's hair in LN is still short even though it does grow a bit longer. Her hair in the anime was supposed to be for season 3.
- Norn pushed aside Aisha's hand when she's putting it in her shoulder
- Sylphie is more stricter when stopping Roxy from leaving and told Norn to keep quiet

Self Note
- Dillo is being neglected again. It deserves more screentime.
- It's a bit weird seeing Norn and Aisha's dynamic in the anime being totally different when compared to the LN. When i meant different, i meant fistfighting level of difference.
- Also feels weird seeing Badigadi and Ruijerd walking together at the end credit considering how we saw them in the earlier episodes LOL
- My summary this season; it was a good run, but not as good as season 1. Too many things felt being watered down when compared to previous season. Only episode 22 gives me a season 1 vibes.
- Can't wait to see the season 3 adapted. I hope it gives more of a season 1 vibe as it could be one of the most epic season of the series.
- I think this is should be it from me for now. I'll see you guys again on season 3.

Homura24Jun 30, 2024 9:56 AM

Jun 30, 2024 8:28 AM

Jul 2017
Rudeus being reminded by Hitogami of his wife Sylphie, it looks as if that the house that he bought for them was all but abandoned...until Aisha showed up to clear his worries, which he can finally breathe a sigh of relief after hearing that everyone is safe and sound.

With everyone present, Rudeus comes clean with whatever happened at the Labyrinth of Nagan, including the news that Norn did not expect to hear of: her biological father's death with his weapons and accessories all intact, being very devastated by his loss. Clearly, there's nothing that the group can do about it, and have to move on with whatever he has left, plus the hard truth about carrying on his mantle. Even in a vegetable state, Zenith recognizes Paul's accessories, and Rudeus wants her to stay together with the rest of the family. It's the usual "Welcome Home" feeling but it's not a happy one, and even then, Rudeus thanks everyone for their help thus far as Elinalise, Geese and the others depart.

Now, comes the most important and excruciating part for Rudeus: the introduction of his second wife of Roxy to Sylphie, and admits that he cheated on her in the process. This, however, does not recess Norn in any way, and the continuation of her outburst, made worse with the clash of similar circumstances between her and Rudeus, and the homewrecker isn't in any position to retaliate. It's only through the grace of Sylphie that she understands Roxy, and she would've done the same since he's a pervert at heart and hearing stories of the master-student relationship between the former and Rudeus, and welcomses the latter with all her heart to continue supporting Rudeus.

A toast from the son to the father on his grave, Rudeus has matured a lot in his growth throughout Season 2, and aside from the birth of his and Sylphie's very first child: a daughter named Lucie Greyrat, this journey of growing up isn't quite over yet.

Season 3 is in production as leaked, let Studio Bind cook for as long as they need to.
KANLen09Jul 1, 2024 4:57 AM
Jun 30, 2024 8:28 AM

Mar 2021
What an emotional episode this was. I knew Norn would've been heartbroken just by the news of Paul's death, that she took Rudeus announcing Roxy's inclusion as his 2nd wife a tad bit personal. The way she yelled at both Rudy and Roxy was done so good by the VA.

Also, Lucy is born and they are back to being the happy family.

Season 3 in production....

Mod Edit: Removed extra screenshot.
anime-primeJun 30, 2024 9:35 AM
Jun 30, 2024 8:30 AM

Apr 2011
This part sucked to read and the voice actresses for Norn and Aisha killed it. They also seem to have gone off with the animation during the argument scene.

Did not think they would show Lucy here, since she is born in volume 13.
Jun 30, 2024 8:30 AM

Nov 2011
> I'd like to take Roxy as my second wife
Probably the most obvious thing to happen after the recent episodes.

All the emotional drama aside, we have a baby born this episode so that's a glimpse of hope. Too bad about Paul and it's sad to just see his grave.

Season 3 announced!

Jun 30, 2024 8:30 AM

Nov 2021
Damn Sylphie that hair snapped something inside of me. She looks way prettier compared to the novel.
Best season ending so far. I really teared up at the last scene.

May you rest in peace for all eternity, Paul.
-AcheronJun 30, 2024 8:33 AM
Jun 30, 2024 8:33 AM

Oct 2017
This finale was a roller coaster of emotions. Watching Norn, Aisha and Sylphy receive the news of Paul's death and afterwards Rudeus wanting to take Roxy as his second wife was quite something to say the least but yeah Sylphy being an open minded girl who supported Rudeus having multiple wives from the begining had no issues at all unlike some viewers who felt like they were the ones in her shoes. The final scene made me emotional.

WE GOT TO SEE ERIS. Need that volume 15 adaptation fast, hopefully s3 won't have us waiting for long.

Great season overall and really happy to see some of my favourite volumes adapted. While production quality was not as good as s1 it was still a great watch. Sylphy and Roxy got their focus this season so it's plain obvious who's next. Super hyped for s3 and volume 15.
Jun 30, 2024 8:37 AM
May 2021
Slyphies hair looks so amazing they freakin nailed it.

Was expected this episode would be all over the place. Hurts seeing Norn like that after realizing what happened to Paul. Right when she was getting along with Rudy and becoming more comfortable in her new environment. And her reaction to Roxy was not surprising but what was surprising is how she didn’t really realize Paul did the same thing in that moment. Good thing Slyphiette reminded her. Also the one character I feel we truly never see her vulnerability as much because she hides it is Aisha. The way she broke down after seeing her mother after so long was heartwarming. After all they’ve been through, especially Lilia.

Slyphiette accepting Roxy was also so heartwarming to finally see animated. Funny how she was expecting a 2nd wife too. Mushoku Harem is here baby.

Overall great season and even though it could’ve been fleshed out more w additional LN scenes animated it was very well done.

We wait till 2026 for season 3 now 😭. So long Rudeus and family.

LeoDragoJun 30, 2024 10:11 AM
Jun 30, 2024 8:37 AM

Jul 2017
An amazing finale to an amazing season. Shit got me feeling really emotional by the end and was an absolute rollercoaster of an episode.

Happiness, frustration, anxiety, tension, catharsis and so much more. This was a sensational episode that defined why Volume 12 is my favorite light novel volume in this series and one of my favorites of all time. It defined why Mushoku Tensei is my favorite anime.

There's conflicts, mistakes made, regrets but ultimately, the way the writing handles progression and characterization is so great that it makes those struggles and bad mistakes which can be conflicting to hear about, great in this story. Seeing Norn's reactions were crushing to the loss of her father and how not even someone as special as Rudeus was able to save him, even with him losing his hand in the process. Seeing Norn rage at Rudeus like everyone on social media for the mistakes he made with Roxy, and Roxy taking advantage of the situation with a genuine reaction and great voice acting to boot, with her enforcing her own morals of being a Millis follower like a lot of people on social media with their personal morals on topics like polygamy in this series.

Norn really made the scene though. Rudeus and Roxy did a bad thing ultimately (which Roxy made clear here too with mentioning about having ulterior motives truthfully to Sylphie), so being rewarded without any sort of struggle would paint a bad look on both of them and the cast that would be hard to fix. But Norn and her rant at Rudeus and Roxy made this work, made the challenges of cheating work like how Zenith went at Paul for what he did. In a way, Norn mirrored Zenith, Rudeus mirrored Paul, Roxy mirrored Lilia (to wanting to leave for good after what she did in enticing her partner) and Sylphie mirrored the younger Rudeus that prevented the family from falling apart, in her own way. It was such a great callback to episode 4 of season 1 and so well done, fitting the nature of the series as a whole.

Seeing Sylphie and Roxy communicate and Sylphie (amazing hair as well by the way - evolved to Mylphie) take the route of acknowledging Roxy despite what she did, knowing that she would have done the same as her in her position and acknowledging her flaws but still wanting her to be by his side since Rudeus brought home someone who sincerely he cares for and vice versa and didn't do it out of hate or a lack of care for Sylphie. It was a strong, mature response from her in a situation that could easily have her justify leaving him without issue. Sylphie's grown up around Paul and the issues he caused to have two wives and nobles so while it is a shame she can't have Rudeus for himself, she's grateful that Rudeus is still alive and well, that Rudeus still loves her even with the mistakes he made and still cared enough to confront this directly with her and face the firing line than running away. It was really satisfying seeing Lucy's birth too, she looks adorable and made me feel really happy for Sylphie and Rudeus in their new step taken in life. Rudeus is now a father in this world. He made a lot of mistakes with his parents in his old world and this one, but now as a father, he has a lot to embrace and learn to protect his family.

Even earlier on when Rudeus realized that regrets could correlate with Sylphie, Norn and Aisha, even his scene of utter panic and desolation with seeing them briefly gone and him alone, extremely worried, was so well done too, just wanted to briefly mentioned that.

And then the graveyard scene with Paul, emotional stuff and a great reflection of how much he took this life for granted and how he didn't truly acknowledge Paul as a father in the past but now he does, flaws and all. He has a long way to go as a character and a person and now that he learned his lesson, he's going to do whatever it takes to protect his new life with more meaning found in it. It was an amazing, emotional scene as a whole. The Yuiko Ohara song was a magical touch in the background too in his reflection scene.

Overall, this was a fantastic and emotional season with a rollercoaster of emotions from top to bottom and this finale brought that out all at once. Unbelievable season as a whole, and this season was spectacular. Can't wait for the 3rd season and given the content that happens there, should be the best one.
animejasJun 30, 2024 8:45 AM
Jun 30, 2024 8:38 AM
May 2018
Lovely ending, glad Norn got to cook there and express her feelings without holding back.
Great insert song as well [to finish off the season.

for those wondering, the song name is [かげくらべの唄] by Yuiko Ohara who has performed a bunch of the ops/eds
Jun 30, 2024 8:41 AM

Apr 2020
Better than the first half but still prefer S1 overall
Go watch Gintama boyo/grill
My discord server for gaming and anime/manga:
Jun 30, 2024 8:45 AM
May 2021
Potential spoiler here, but I think anyone who have watched ep11 already know what's coming.

I now officially hate Roxy. Sylphie wasn't my og ship with Rudeus, she never was, but Sylphie didn't deserved getting cu cked like that. I also originally hated Norn for her attitude with Rudeus, but now I completely love her. Mega W for Norn, unfortunate and undeserved L for Sylphie, and frock you gardening ho e-ahh Roxy. Disgusting side chick. (I put the blame on Roxy and Elinalise lol. Rudeus was thinking correctly on not marrying Roxy until Elinalise convinced Rudeus to do so. Dude was damn vulnerable at that time, having the loss of his father and his vegetable mother. NORN SPOKE FACTS. N O R N S P O K E F A C T S. N O R N F R O C K I N G S P O K E M E G A F A C T S).

Objectively good show, but damn I hate where the story went.
Jun 30, 2024 8:52 AM

Dec 2017
They did it! The studio adapted it so well in the limited time they were given, I am so glad they put enough time into things that matter, especially the Paul's grave scene.

I cannot wait to see how they will adapt the next season 😭
Jun 30, 2024 8:53 AM
Apr 2014
Oh my God, this episode was amazing as hell
Jun 30, 2024 8:57 AM

Dec 2010
I cried watching this episode.... So much emotion in Norn's acting.

Clearly this is why Sylphie is best girl.

10/10 anime
Jun 30, 2024 8:59 AM

Feb 2021
So season 2 finally comes to an end...
S3 announced just like expected.

On this final episode they did cut the part where Rudeus thought Roxy was pregnant, and he used that as an argument for why he was marrying her.
I hope season 3 has even better animation than this season tho...

Jun 30, 2024 8:59 AM

Apr 2019
Lol. This show is a pack of _ _ _.

Jun 30, 2024 9:01 AM

Jul 2017

One additional detail I loved that was in the anime and actually not shown in the books if I recall correctly, is that Sylphie's actually wearing the earrings Rudeus got for her from the Turning Point episode. That was a nice touch there.
Jun 30, 2024 9:03 AM

Dec 2019
Reply to EdTheAlchemist
Lol. This show is a pack of _ _ _.
@EdTheAlchemist It is a pack of peak, I get what you mean.
Jun 30, 2024 9:04 AM
Jul 2023
Pinnacle of character development.

Rudy journey from teen to adult, going through all kind of emotional, challenges, and how he move on through gained and losses, to a life worth living.
Jun 30, 2024 9:05 AM

Dec 2019
So many good moments. Lucy being born was super whoesome as hell, Norn was goated in this ep in calling Roxy and Rudeus out, the scene with Rudeus at Paul's grave was brutal but showed good ass growth too, one cut of Eris made me hype af for that new season. S2 was so damn good, next one should cook up something more special for the future. Love how complicated topics and aggressive discussions like one in this ep handled pretty darn well.
Jun 30, 2024 9:06 AM
Oct 2013
The best. AOTY.

I cannot bring myself to rate anime that I have completed below 5. Well, it just because I have use up my precious time to watch it. so, the worse you will get from me is 5 (changes may apply)
Jun 30, 2024 9:06 AM

Oct 2010
EDIT: I had too much to drink, my bad.
The_Sum_of_ZeroJul 1, 2024 11:22 AM
Jun 30, 2024 9:07 AM

Dec 2019
Reply to The_Sum_of_Zero
EDIT: I had too much to drink, my bad.
@The_Sum_of_Zero Just like Norn in this ep.
Jun 30, 2024 9:13 AM
May 2023
A mixture of different emotions , especially the last few episodes
Jun 30, 2024 9:16 AM

Jan 2011
3221 10 again. I liked it but Slyph....flat out defending Roxy and saying she would do that is fucked up and creepy.

"Yasss queen I'll take advantage of men who are massively depress!"
I haven't updated in years but now I have changed that. I'll be free soon.
Jun 30, 2024 9:18 AM
Apr 2014
Bots, activate once more
Jun 30, 2024 9:18 AM

Jan 2018
Norn and Aisha's dad is dead. Their mother is a vegetable. And their brother Rudeus cheats on his wife and brings the woman he cheated on her with home. What a shitshow.

Norn being the voice of reason was the least expected.

Sylphie with longer hair looks so good. Man, Sylphie is one angel of a wife accepting polygamy like that. Rudeus doesn't deserve her fr.

Glad the episode ended on a nicer note. People make mistakes and it's better to not dwell on them too much.

Surprised Season 3 was announced in this episode. Ig the studio really wants to adapt the whole series as fast as possible. Waiting to see what other crazy shit happens.
Jun 30, 2024 9:19 AM

Jan 2024
Hmm, that was a little too much drama and emotional for me xD But it was necessary I guess. Seeing Norm go through all this was hurtful, oof.

Overall a good season, better than the first half of season two but not as good as season 1. 8/10
Jun 30, 2024 9:21 AM
Jun 2023
Wtf... I was not expecting to tear up this episode at all lol it was all good until Rudy was talking to Paul's grave and damn that convo hit hard with Rudy thanking his dad for letting him make it back to his wife and newborn child Lucie..

And DAMN! Sylphie with her long hair looks so damn beautiful! Love the new look!
I'll also give Sylphie her flowers for how understanding and accepting she is with letting Roxy into the family. I personally don't have any hard feelings towards Rudy or Roxy for what happened, I'm sure we all knew where this was going even before he met up with Roxy.
Ain't no way in hell they even teased us with best girl Eris! She's gonna be a freakin monster next time we see her! 🗡
The fam is all here! Plus many more to come which isn't gonna be surprising..
Mushoku Tensei is always gonna be my all time favorite anime without a doubt, loved all of season 2 and they ended the final episode WITH A BANG! AND I'M HYPED ASF FOR SEASON 3 COMING SOON! 🔥🔥

Mod Edit: Removed extra screenshots.
anime-primeJun 30, 2024 9:37 AM
Jun 30, 2024 9:21 AM

Jan 2011
Ok, another masterpiece in my book.
Once you learn to keep an open mind this show is top notch.
And on that note - its nice touch to see how different people react to the same situation. Remember how Zenith (who follows the monogamy faith) reacted and compare. Same as Norn, basically :D
Jun 30, 2024 9:22 AM

Apr 2021
Norn's crying hit a lot harder than i expected
Jun 30, 2024 9:23 AM
Supreme Tsundere

Nov 2012
So it ends, tbh I feel more with the end of this season than the end of S1, but that is also because I liked volume 12 ending more.
Overall they did a job I m pleased with these last 3 episodes, which is what was ESSENTIAL from this season (along the lines of them at least doing a decent job with the worldbuilding of the other episodes, which they did).

Paul's grave scene hit me much harder in the LN, but I enjoyed the lyriced song at the end, and I was tearing up during the episode when Rudeous confronted his family, and after when I saw Roxy crying... seeing Sylphie's long hair adapted is sure hella awesome, and she was the best girl on that scene, realizing how much Roxy loved him, and extending her arm to Roxy, it was beautiful.

Norn behaved as expected, typical from a person her age ANG from Millis church, I also liked they left the rest of the dialogue for they sword fighting scene, which is kinda original scene, but uses the dialogue from the LN, it was a smart move that blended well.
And so ends S2 and Rudy in it alone got two wifes already and a child born, this was the season for character development, for the most part via slower paced arcs, which will paid up later on, and then an explosive ending to put things in a different context.

And III announced right at the end (and I saw Eris on her sword training attire!!), cant come soon enough, but PLEASE, make Rudeous character design more mature already, he was supposed to change slowly over these past 6 volumes, and that is hard work, which they totally skipped on, so for next season the true adult era, and the longest of Rudy, upgrade his childish face already, he is supposed to look more like a man, now, and more like Paul, now that he truly followed his footsteps!!

All that is left is to see Rudeous going for the RGB combo, cant wait, no matter how much they choose to adapt, at least the next 12-13 episodes will end BOMBASTICLY, it will truly be the best season of Mushoku Tensei yet, shamefully without the budget of S1, when S1 never needed it, and it was S3 that would need it!

9.2/10 = 9

A big positive for this episode, they got ride of OP and ED, thus more screentime for the scenes that matter, that should have been way more frequent this season, especially part 2.
We near MT peak, but unlike S1, which left me more pleased as an adaptation, LN is the way to go.
The peak could have been truly reached but it needed a much more talented director, the current one did a fine job, especially when it required, but S3 will be much more demanding, and to get a 10, they really NEED to put care, and the care will have to be for almost half of the S3 episodes, I dunno if they up to that life.

V1P3R0P said:
Season 3 in production....

Hopefully that means unlike after S1, the wait for S3 will be shorter.

-Acheron said:
She looks way prettier compared to the novel.

Her long hair looks really beautiful in the LN, so I would disagree, but I never expected it to have this much impact in the anime, it does because she was rocking it short for so long, much prettier and wholesome now~~

Bortm said:
Objectively good show, but damn I hate where the story went.

Once you get a taste of that RBG combo you will think different, you gotta see the big picture in motion, also technically Roxy was in Rudy life first, and then he cucked both Sylphie and Roxy with Eris!!!

MadanielFL said:
I hope season 3 has even better animation than this season tho...

S3 will need animation like of ep10 part 2 way more often that is for sure, as for the rest, unless this just decent director changes, we wont see it happening.
My crazy wish is that we would get ReZero S1 and S2 director, then the dude would go crazy pulling of episodes 27-29m long, which would adapt more scenes for sure.

AnimeSrk said:
Best season so far for me, waiting for S3

Character development was stronger this season than in the past for sure, so much happened this season, a lot of it wasn't action, but the time for it will come.
PlaycoolJun 30, 2024 9:35 AM
Jun 30, 2024 9:25 AM
Oct 2016
Oh wow man. Couldn't ask for a better finale. I cried during three separate incidents during that episode. Rudy arriving home was kinda scary, running through the house looking for everyone making sure they're all ok. I'd lose my mind until I saw they were all safe. While nothing happened at home Rudy has some explaining to do for all the girls here. Firstly the explanation of Paul being dead, absolutely brutal having to tell Norn and Aisha that Paul didn't make it. I started bawling during that, Rudy is much tougher than I am because I would've broken down telling my little sisters that our dad is dead. I'm glad that Norn will have Paul's sword now, she should keep it above anyone else. Paul was her hero so she should have his sword. Next the conversation about Roxy becoming Rudy second wife, which I would say was the more brutal of the two big conversations. The tears started flowing once Rudy got down on his knees saying everything. Again ill say Rudy is stronger than me because I was ugly crying while he explained everything. Norn getting upset I totally understand, having another wife goes against her religion and she was the one sitting there with Sylphie everyday while he worried about Rudy on his journey. I would've just taken a beating from little sis while already on the floor. The guilt would be eating me alive. Sylphie showed such tremendous grace to Roxy after everything had been explained. Understanding that Roxy pulled Rudy from the depths of despair and that Sylphie herself would've done the same thing in Roxy shoes. Sylphie can rest easy now knowing that the Roxy which Rudy talked about so much is a normal girl just like her. They can be sister wives in full trust from now on. Everyone will have to adjust but now the house is fuller than it was before. Sylphie delivered the baby so well! They had a beautiful baby girl named Lucie. Rudy talking with Paul's grave was the third time I started crying. The wind pushing Rudy back like a sign from Paul to keep going. This season was fantasy through and through. Rudy has grown so much following his tragedy. He's built a wonderful new life with his expanding family here. I couldn't ask for more.

Jun 30, 2024 9:25 AM

Dec 2020
With a mix of excruciatin' sorrow and blissful sweetness what a great ending. Glad to see Norn's scolding goo moral lil sis. Anyways Lucy's sooo cute><" I wanna cuddle with her. Norn inheritin' Paul's sword...maybe she gonna be like Eris? Rudy got another character development definitely W. With Roxy being added to the harem and Lucy being born Rudy family member count stonks +2

I've been watchin' Mushoku Tensei from the very 1st season while it being ongoing and my enthusiasm can't be decreased even by the slightest bit.
What a Man of Culture + Alpha male you were Paul. You'll always be remembered

Rating: 8.4/10

Can't wait bruh gimme the season 3 rn

Mod Edit: Removed extra screenshots.
anime-primeJun 30, 2024 9:57 AM
Jun 30, 2024 9:27 AM

Jun 2014
The news about Paul's death hit Norn hard, even I teared up a bit as she was crying.

Of course Rudy wanting to take on Roxy as his 2nd wife was met with some resistance, but Sylphie was ok with it and it's her decision that matters, not yours Norn. Lol.

While they're still reeling from Paul's death, at least there's a bright spot in Rudy's daughter being born. Seeing him get emotional definitely hit different. The scene at Paul's grave was nice too, esp. with the song in the background. Also, that Eris tease toward the end 😮

Man, this almost feels like a series finale, but there's still more story to tell. Third season already confirmed, keep em coming.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Jun 30, 2024 9:28 AM
Sep 2021
Best season so far for me, waiting for S3
Jun 30, 2024 9:28 AM
Dec 2023
my feeling was mixed watching this episode. But, i can feel the whole feeling in this episode.
Jun 30, 2024 9:29 AM

Jul 2017
Rudeus finally getting to have a drink with his dad...

Mod Edit: Removed extra screenshot.
anime-primeJun 30, 2024 9:36 AM
Jun 30, 2024 9:31 AM
Jan 2012
I felt that Norn was a mouthpiece for how alot of people in the fandom felt towards Rudy's Infidelity,even though this situation does mirror Pauls... Who will be missed dearly.
Jun 30, 2024 9:32 AM
May 2024
Jun 30, 2024 9:32 AM

Jan 2012
im opposed to cheating and it opened my mind that there are some cases that cheating is okay
My Guitar Covers:

Jun 30, 2024 9:33 AM

Jan 2024
Reply to animejas
An amazing finale to an amazing season. Shit got me feeling really emotional by the end and was an absolute rollercoaster of an episode.

Happiness, frustration, anxiety, tension, catharsis and so much more. This was a sensational episode that defined why Volume 12 is my favorite light novel volume in this series and one of my favorites of all time. It defined why Mushoku Tensei is my favorite anime.

There's conflicts, mistakes made, regrets but ultimately, the way the writing handles progression and characterization is so great that it makes those struggles and bad mistakes which can be conflicting to hear about, great in this story. Seeing Norn's reactions were crushing to the loss of her father and how not even someone as special as Rudeus was able to save him, even with him losing his hand in the process. Seeing Norn rage at Rudeus like everyone on social media for the mistakes he made with Roxy, and Roxy taking advantage of the situation with a genuine reaction and great voice acting to boot, with her enforcing her own morals of being a Millis follower like a lot of people on social media with their personal morals on topics like polygamy in this series.

Norn really made the scene though. Rudeus and Roxy did a bad thing ultimately (which Roxy made clear here too with mentioning about having ulterior motives truthfully to Sylphie), so being rewarded without any sort of struggle would paint a bad look on both of them and the cast that would be hard to fix. But Norn and her rant at Rudeus and Roxy made this work, made the challenges of cheating work like how Zenith went at Paul for what he did. In a way, Norn mirrored Zenith, Rudeus mirrored Paul, Roxy mirrored Lilia (to wanting to leave for good after what she did in enticing her partner) and Sylphie mirrored the younger Rudeus that prevented the family from falling apart, in her own way. It was such a great callback to episode 4 of season 1 and so well done, fitting the nature of the series as a whole.

Seeing Sylphie and Roxy communicate and Sylphie (amazing hair as well by the way - evolved to Mylphie) take the route of acknowledging Roxy despite what she did, knowing that she would have done the same as her in her position and acknowledging her flaws but still wanting her to be by his side since Rudeus brought home someone who sincerely he cares for and vice versa and didn't do it out of hate or a lack of care for Sylphie. It was a strong, mature response from her in a situation that could easily have her justify leaving him without issue. Sylphie's grown up around Paul and the issues he caused to have two wives and nobles so while it is a shame she can't have Rudeus for himself, she's grateful that Rudeus is still alive and well, that Rudeus still loves her even with the mistakes he made and still cared enough to confront this directly with her and face the firing line than running away. It was really satisfying seeing Lucy's birth too, she looks adorable and made me feel really happy for Sylphie and Rudeus in their new step taken in life. Rudeus is now a father in this world. He made a lot of mistakes with his parents in his old world and this one, but now as a father, he has a lot to embrace and learn to protect his family.

Even earlier on when Rudeus realized that regrets could correlate with Sylphie, Norn and Aisha, even his scene of utter panic and desolation with seeing them briefly gone and him alone, extremely worried, was so well done too, just wanted to briefly mentioned that.

And then the graveyard scene with Paul, emotional stuff and a great reflection of how much he took this life for granted and how he didn't truly acknowledge Paul as a father in the past but now he does, flaws and all. He has a long way to go as a character and a person and now that he learned his lesson, he's going to do whatever it takes to protect his new life with more meaning found in it. It was an amazing, emotional scene as a whole. The Yuiko Ohara song was a magical touch in the background too in his reflection scene.

Overall, this was a fantastic and emotional season with a rollercoaster of emotions from top to bottom and this finale brought that out all at once. Unbelievable season as a whole, and this season was spectacular. Can't wait for the 3rd season and given the content that happens there, should be the best one.
@animejas very nice parallels you pointed out with Rudy-Sylphy & Lilia-Zenith situations well done.
Jun 30, 2024 9:34 AM
Mar 2015
Rudy comes home , Sylphie accepts Roxy as second wife, the baby is born and Rudy says goodbye to Paul
Jun 30, 2024 9:36 AM
Oct 2020
2:04 Sylphy in 8 months has evolved into a MILF!




20:07 🪦 Paul.

22:57 Cliff and Elinalise nice.


23:05 ERIS!

10/10 episode. MAN THIS SEASON WAS SO PEAK! I actually cried. HYPED FOR SEASON 3!

Also I was prepared for the worst thinking something bad must've happened like Rudy but SO GLAD EVERYONE IS OK! SLYPHY IS SAFE! THE BABY GIRL WAS BORN! AISHA AND NORN ARE SAFE TOO! Also Rudy's first child! Lucie Greyrat! Another addition to the family!

Mod Edit: Removed extra screenshot.
anime-primeJun 30, 2024 9:56 AM
Jun 30, 2024 9:36 AM
Nov 2021
Even though I knew this was a harem anime, even though I knew from the spoilers that Rudy would marry roxy, eris, sylph, even though I knew sylphy accepted it, I still HATE Rudy's decision to marry roxy for the reason that she had 'helped' Rudy in his worst condition, the reason is not make sense at all.
Jun 30, 2024 9:37 AM

Jan 2024
Reply to MasterHavik 10 again. I liked it but Slyph....flat out defending Roxy and saying she would do that is fucked up and creepy.

"Yasss queen I'll take advantage of men who are massively depress!"
@MasterHavik she meant only for Rudy who she loves. She also did the same thing in S1 but their was no cheating involved.
The comparison is about loving and helping Rudy in his worst times not exploiting him.
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