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Oct 1, 2020 11:53 AM

Apr 2018
That OG opening at the end, it hit different. That just made this episode 12/10 for me.

A decade and a half later the CVs still sound the same if not better. Talk about talent!
Oct 1, 2020 11:54 AM

Jun 2012
MakiseKuriisu said:
Glordit said:

This is an adaptation of the game, not a remake of the anime.

I know that lul, I am saying that it is broken compared to the original novel.

No anime is ever going to get a 1:1 adaptation. This is pretty close.


People complaining about the character design probably never played the original PS2 game.
GlorditOct 1, 2020 12:00 PM
Oct 1, 2020 11:56 AM

Oct 2018
I cannot believe they used the original OP! Felt a bit less suspenseful than the original but that may be because I already know what's gonna happen. Still, everything seems pretty solid and I can't wait for more!
Oct 1, 2020 12:00 PM
Apr 2020
One thing curious tho is that will they use the OG ed as well? Imo it has a beautiful melody and fits perfectly but the lyrics are kinda weird that I seriously want a remake of that ed.
Oct 1, 2020 12:01 PM

Mar 2016
I really never liked Higurashi in general as a franchise, but I can at least praise its themes and psychological/horror setups.
I really liked the original's visual aesthetics more, though, cause the shorter length of lighting and contrast scales suited it better to add the dreary, foreboding atmosphere. This remake's color choices stand out too much, and I'm not fond of the new character designs, on top of me disliking the characters in general.

I did find the remastering of the all-too-familiarizing OP theme from the original very chilling and impressive, though.
Oct 1, 2020 12:03 PM

Sep 2014
I'm happy with the overall quality of the art. The faces were the one thing I wasn't a fan of in the trailers... and while I'm still not a fan of them (Tomitake looks pretty weird lol), they barely bothered me while watching the episode. I still find those mouths a bit weird for Higurashi characters, but I can live with that if they adapt the story well enough this time.

So, this episode ended exactly where the first one did in the old adaptation. However, they definitely did a better job this time around, especially when it comes to characterization. The interactions with Satoko and Rika were so much better imo. That's huge in my book... I mean, back when I picked up the old anime, I felt detached. If I hadn't read most of the novel, I wouldn't have gotten to know the characters properly until S2.

Overall, this episode made better use of the time available, which is one of the things this series most needed. The fact they had to create a anime-exlusive arc in the old adaptation just to patch the holes left by S1 shows how much they messed up in that regard. This episode makes me feel this adaptation will be a lot more coherent from the get-go.

Also, no... the post-credits scene doesn't really spoil anything. The fact that it wasn't in the novel that necessarily make it bad. It makes you think "what's up with her?", just like when Rena and Mion answer Keiichi's question about the murder case. That's it. It's pretty ambiguous.
FlamepriesTOct 1, 2020 12:06 PM
Oct 1, 2020 12:05 PM

Aug 2018
HunLepto said:
NoviSun said:
The VN readers are always pist and flapping their jaws to everyone’s weariness. If only they had a place of their own they could go and share their wisdom there.

Maybe if studios wouldn't animate like 40 percent content of VNs, us VN readers could shut up, but nah. I actually hoped and expected that the first two episodes will be full of slice of life scenes with obvious foreshadowings. I seriously hoped there would be more episodes given to each arcs, but it seems they're not really gonna give them more episode counts than Deen did either. VN readers can never win with anime adaptations whenever there's something with multiple arcs or routes.
Thank you for making my point. Isn’t there somewhere you could discuss the VN? To the best of my knowledge this topic in the forum is about the anime and not the VN. Maybe YouTube would be a good place to look for fellow VN lovers.
Oct 1, 2020 12:05 PM
Sep 2014
I rewatched the 2006 after this one to compare, hmm 2006 is better to me. Well 2006 lacks animation budget and backgrounds are lacking, but
- it is clearer at explaining the characters and initial situation
- character visual design is way better
- Details in the beginning and ending of 2020 are way too spoiler for first episode (if you know the story, you probably know what I mean)
- I found it funnier and more natural than 2020 (lunch scene, junkyard scene)
- The orginal card game scen is way better than the find the pen scene and the door trap scene

It's fresh to have a new version, but atm if I'd to advise a newcomer, I'd say 2006 for episode 1
Ple0kOct 1, 2020 12:10 PM
Oct 1, 2020 12:08 PM

May 2014
The comedic moments felt so stupid and boring that I almost dropped this after 5-10mins.

The ending was interesting enough but god damn the comedy has not aged well. Those characters are all annoying as fuck trying to be cute lmao. The VAs just sound awkward half the time to me.
Not to mention the animation style just lacks depth and reminded me of dragon ball kai lol.

3 flashbacks to the same random dude line in one episode? Random different style to make the response to the question a bit more serious? This all seems so outdated I'm surprised it's released in 2020.

I'll give it a couple more episodes but if this continues I just can't.
AlexandricLeoOct 1, 2020 12:19 PM

Oct 1, 2020 12:10 PM

May 2017
Piromysl said:
All I can say to those who did not watched old series is that I envy you. Not because original was bad or anything, but because experiencing Higurashi for the first time, but with such refreshed and good looking artstyle is truly an amazing experience.
Just avoid spoilers like a fire, guys!

After watching this 2020 1st episode I gotta say the older version was significantly better at pacing and tension grabbing. Overall the older version is better imo. This is not by any means bad though, its good just not as good as the original.
Oct 1, 2020 12:11 PM
Dec 2007
Got hit with a big wave of nostalgia watching this, especially with the original OP dropping at the end.

Something does feel off though, I feel like they're leaning into the creepy vibes earlier and harder then they did with the original That's a shame because what made higurashi great was how it baited you with the calm SOL moments and then threw the shocking moments at you as you got comfortable.. Also feels like things are being a bit rushed, but it could just be that I haven't watched the original in over 10 years.

Id really like to compare the two, but surprise surprise the original in its entirety got pulled from HIDIVE as soon as this episode dropped....
GGcc78Oct 1, 2020 12:14 PM
Oct 1, 2020 12:13 PM

May 2017
ZoroZoldyck said:
The comedic moments felt so stupid and boring that I almost dropped this after 5-10mins.

The ending was interesting enough but god damn the comedy has not aged well. Those characters are all annoying as fuck trying to be cute lmao.
Not to mention the animation style just lacks depth and reminded me of dragon ball kai lol.

I'll give it a couple more episodes but if this continues I just can't.

Have you watched the original? IMO its significantly better than this 2020 version. I agree, the Sliceoflife scenes in this new 2020 version is, not too bad but definitely not as flowing and natural as the original. Also, the original does tension waay better. Though I love the artstyle in this new version, the older version just has more personality and charm in its art and animations.
FukGoBackOct 1, 2020 12:16 PM
Oct 1, 2020 12:13 PM
Jan 2017
Short question:

Is Rika overwatching the trashyard in the manga aswell as keeichi and reyna are there?
That last scene confused me a bit since ive never seen in before, maybe its just some VN thing. ^^
Dont spoil me pls but id like to know where that scene is in the manga.
Oct 1, 2020 12:15 PM

Dec 2015
animefans001 said:
HunLepto said:

If this was not a mystery (I actually wonder if Passione even knows that), I wouldn't mind much. The joy of mysteries is that you, the viewer actually don't know the suspect either and can theorize on your own with the gathered evidences in the story, but here, it basically deters you from the suspects you're supposed to focus on and gives you a new suspect that you have no information of. The viewing experience would also be much better if fleshed out information was given instead of just out-of-place scenes like this that just makes new viewers confused and ask themselves "When will that little girl with strange eyez kill everyone? lol".

Exactly, the mystery in the VN isn't even solvable (most of the mysteries aren't solvable, some are). it'll be good if they gave more hints to actually make the mystery solvable by thinking.
The Rika scene doesn't imply anything now, the people freaking out are the ones that know what's happening, they don't look from the pov of new watchers, besides (spoilers from the other arcs)
Oct 1, 2020 12:16 PM
Dec 2007
CptJackSparrow said:
Short question:

Is Rika overwatching the trashyard in the manga aswell as keeichi and reyna are there?
That last scene confused me a bit since ive never seen in before, maybe its just some VN thing. ^^
Dont spoil me pls but id like to know where that scene is in the manga.
You might want to avoid Rika questions, you might get spoiled hard...things will get explained
Oct 1, 2020 12:22 PM

Aug 2015
Love this already, and I have great hope for the anime. Hopefully, it won't try to cram 2 Kai arcs into the first season like Deen's version did. Sticking to the first 4 arcs for this season would do much better for the pacing.

Also, for the people talking about a certain scene, Ryukishi himself is involved with the scenario of the anime, so it could very well be a scene he added.

Tho, talking about scenes, I kinda hate how the train scene wasn't included here. It was in the original so I hope it would be here too, as is one of my favorite little scene in the early arcs. But, they did include Satoko's trap, which is a 1000x better way of introducing Rika and Satoko than the original anime did, so I guess the missing scene and this new scene balance themselves out...
Oct 1, 2020 12:23 PM

Dec 2015
Glordit said:

No anime is ever going to get a 1:1 adaptation. This is pretty close.


People complaining about the character design probably never played the original PS2 game.

Yeah, all of them are saying "tHe dEsIgNS aRe nOT cReePy eNouGh" when they're actually not supposed to look creepy, and just look like cute girls.
Oct 1, 2020 12:24 PM
Jun 2017
It was amazing and I’m sooo happy they kept the original theme song. Does this mean Naraku no Hana will make a comeback?? I hope so, it’s in my top anime openings of all time, it’s an incredible song.
Overall I’m so pumped for this, it’s so cruel to have to wait for episodes to release 😩
Oct 1, 2020 12:25 PM
Jan 2017
clint87 said:
CptJackSparrow said:
Short question:

Is Rika overwatching the trashyard in the manga aswell as keeichi and reyna are there?
That last scene confused me a bit since ive never seen in before, maybe its just some VN thing. ^^
Dont spoil me pls but id like to know where that scene is in the manga.
You might want to avoid Rika questions, you might get spoiled hard...things will get explained

I mean ive watched the original anime so im fine with such things. But others might not be so... Uhm i just dont want to get spoiled regarding the VN. Maybe there are VN parts that i dont know cuz i just watched the original anime. Thats why i said that. ^^
Still id like to know if that scene really is in the orignial manga since i dont remember it at all. /Its onikakushi isnt it?
Oct 1, 2020 12:26 PM

May 2020
We're back to Hinamizawa!
It's so nice seeing these characters again, overall a decent episode, although I think the original handled it a bit better.
I hope this version doesn't rush the events, but seeing that they're already are leaning into spooky/creepy vibes already, they might end up rushing the story. I hope that my intuition is wrong.
Oct 1, 2020 12:28 PM
Jan 2017
newazurill said:
I decided to watch this and the old one together weekly and I don't know anything about the series so there's no nostalgic bias here, but the original seems to be much better. It explained more and had better scenes that flowed more naturally. The humor was a lot better as well. I find Rena, Rika, and Satoko to be far less annoying in the old one.

You better fasten your seatbelt cuz you are in for a hell of a ride. :D
The original anime seems to have the overall better atmosphere. But the new first episode really is great.
Oct 1, 2020 12:31 PM

Jun 2012
Dorkave said:
rholeros said:

I am anime original only, and its plainly obvious that is a huge fuck up. As another user pointed out, there is other foreshadowing that is PERFECT. But “that” scene? Terrible. The episode IS better than the original, keep that in mind, but you can’t give the main plot away so early
Yeah, even I was a little unsure of what the point of that scene was.

The scene is showing that while Rena is watching Keiichi,
Like a layer on top of another layer. Foreshadowing.
Haunt-botOct 1, 2020 12:35 PM
Shoot first, think never.
Oct 1, 2020 12:32 PM
Jul 2020
This anime has such an eerie atmosphere I love it so far.
Oct 1, 2020 12:32 PM

Aug 2019
Having seen the original and not really enjoying it I was hoping this would be new stuff but it seems it’s just a remaster which is a shame.
Oct 1, 2020 12:35 PM

Jun 2012
snowykevin said:
Having seen the original and not really enjoying it I was hoping this would be new stuff but it seems it’s just a remaster which is a shame.

If anything, this series should be different and closer to the source material, instead of the anime original story divergence and ending they did with the first series.
Oct 1, 2020 12:38 PM
Nov 2018
animation was a little wonky at times, and i feel like va did a better job in the og bat scene but still enjoyed this.

at the end when the og opening started playing i lost it.
Oct 1, 2020 12:41 PM
Mar 2013
Sorry to say this, but the animation looks like garbage. Also why someone choose such an artstyle is beyond my imagination.
What was good: returning seyuu voices and OG song at the end.
Oct 1, 2020 12:46 PM
Apr 2020
Isn't this like..... way too early for that Rika Scene?
All in all, It looks much better than expected. it's a bit faster than the original, and I like it pacing wise. I just hope that they don't cut too much from those answer arcs for the sake of fitting more into an episode .

The designs looked bad at first, but I am starting to like them and thank god they didn't change that legendary OP
Oct 1, 2020 12:48 PM

Aug 2018
I see its time for a mind fuck once again
"Who needs drugs when you got cute anime girls?"
-Sun Tzu
Oct 1, 2020 12:51 PM
Jul 2018
why did they give higurashi to studio passione? i think it is weird that it is fast (cutting out some scenes from the vn) like the original anime. hopefully it slows down.
Oct 1, 2020 12:54 PM

Nov 2012
The background music somehow REALLY annoyed me.
It might've been because it was almost as loud as the characters' voices and got extremely repetitive after some time
Oct 1, 2020 12:57 PM

Mar 2020
The best anime to remake for spooky month. Hopefully they don't screw it up such a beloved series like how JC butchered OPM.
Oct 1, 2020 12:58 PM
Oct 2020
I disagree.
The first episode's artstyle, even if it looks "renewed", doesn't feel right in my opinion.

What's with this first scene with Keiichi waking up but having paper thin legs and small arms?

Maybe we're a bit more lenient about it because of the nostalgia it brings?

The animation looks sub par to me. No matter how I look at it, there are a lot of choppy looking animations in the first scenes after the opening bloodbath.

As someone who has watched the OG show, I much prefer the more teenage look of OG than this kindergartner looking version that they seem to push around. Keiichi looks too young and too round.

I am unimpressed, but I'll continue watching, for my curiosity grows.

EDIT: I tried playing the vn. It bored me.
kumo_kiraiOct 1, 2020 1:02 PM
Oct 1, 2020 12:59 PM

Mar 2012
As the first anime it feels rushed, but maybe less natural if we talk about characters interactions this time than before ?
Too much foreshadowing can serve the anime. The post-ending scene was stupid as fuck. Seeing Rika there was good enough.
The background and the overall quality seems better than the first adaptation.
I'm not already used to the new chara-design it's seems a bit far from what I expect about Higurashi. Maybe after few more episode it will be better.

Not a bad start for the anime only (if we except the post ending scene which is a HUGE spoiler).
Bad start if we compare with the VN but I don't want to, because for me it's not possible to well adapt Higurashi. I will try to take it as it is, and hope they wll add the biggest scenes skiped by the first anime.

I already went in this village IRL (shirakawa-go) and it remind me my time their so it was pretty cool for that.

Ashhk said:
It doesn't look bad but I still wonder why they remade Higurashi, the original version was perfect.

Tekakurika said:
Still DON'T understand why this remake is needed? Original series was good enough

It was a really bad adaptation, far from perfect..
They cut one of the biggest moment of the VN (all the end of chapter 3) and there is a lot of problems here and there.
Most of them can't be resolve by an anime tho. But they can try to fill the holes !

And.. I don't say it was a garbage anime or something like that. I say that it was a bad adaptation, it's not the same, but it's more like Higurashi can't be well adapted.
There is too much content. A 100+ hours VN in two poor seasons it's just not possible.
Still they can improve if we confront it against the first anime.

NoviSun said:
Dorkave said:
It looks like a lot of visual novel readers are pretty pissed about the post-credits scene. I have only seen the anime so I have no idea what it's supposed to imply, but if it's already a fuck up, I'm concerned.
The VN readers are always pist and flapping their jaws to everyone’s weariness. If only they had a place of their own they could go and share their wisdom there.

Nope, Steins;Gate or Clannad have good adaptations. VN readers don't say anything about them.
Higurashi first adaptation was pretty bad. As always people says too much bullshit as it suits them and don't even think about it because they are on the "good" side...
So we are not always pissed.
I still understand why you are pissed of but just don't read it then and don't spray bullshit pls.

(Sorry for my english, I hope I was still understandable.)
Oct 1, 2020 1:00 PM

Feb 2020
rika's nipah is so cute and satoko's 'hohoho'

rena cute as usual!!

i hope they keep the op the same as the 2006 ver and i think there is a possibility since they made that in the ending?

rena at the end for her machete and rika's eyes wowowow

the animation might take some getting used to though hm

Oct 1, 2020 1:03 PM

Apr 2014
The only thing that I would change in the episode is the timing of the op song. I would start it when Rena was holding her machete. That would involve extending the scene a bit, but I think that the impact would be bigger
Oct 1, 2020 1:04 PM

Oct 2010
Animation was a bad at some parts (fingers/toes in the beginning scenes especially) but overall a solid intro.

But most importantly THEY KEPT SHIMAMIYA EIKO'S THEME SONG!!!!!! YATTA!!!!
Oct 1, 2020 1:09 PM
May 2010
DeathSmiles said:
I'm REALLY happy with this. I had low expectations going in considering that I never expect much when it comes to visual novel adaptations. However, this (so far) is doing everything right.
It finally FEELS like the VN. I appreciate the little things here and there. I think this has a lot of potential and will certainly be better than the "old" anime. I find the new designs and animation style a little unsettling since it's not what I'm used to but it isn't unpleasant. Nothing bothered me at all in fact. Excited for the next episode to see what else is in store.
ALSO really loved the fact that the OP was used. Such a legendary track.

This, I'm watching this with my brother who is a first timer and he didn't have a clue nor see it importante that last scene.

So all anime first time viewers will be like him, not giving a fk about that scene. He nows suspect about almost all the cast but it's fine cause is a mystery show.
Oct 1, 2020 1:11 PM

Apr 2009
I read the vn some 10 years ago, but still recall most of the pivotal story flags; it's one of the classics of the medium, after all. Seeing the gang back warms the cockles of my heart, and the amalgam of the nostalgia I feel for Higurashi and huge appreciation towards R07's works allows me to turn a blind eye to a fair chunk of the many bumps present in this episode, and likely in those to come.

So yes, I did enjoy it. にぱ〜s are as OLEV as ever, cicadas bode trouble in the making, and I'd absolutely let Rena take me home. But there are weak points: the art style leaves much to be desired (inb4 "just as R07's" - fair point), the direction weirds me out with its bizarreness, but the worst bit is: the creepiness is just not there. Higurashi (Onikakushi-hen; first arc) in its original rendition is goosebumps and taut terror, and by the end of this episode there should've been 2 or 3 moments that would send shivers down my spine. They fell flat, however, and it's making me a bit worried for what's to come. The studio and most of the staff working on this adaptation deal in ecchi and SoL, so I sure as hell hope their debut in heavier themes ends up being a success.

I loved the visual novel, I hated the og adaptation by Studio Deen. And while I'm sure this won't be a great adaptation, I hope it wedges itself between the vn and the 2007 anime on the quality scale instead of joining its older twin in the QUALITY abyss.

3/5 and a heartfelt がんばって.

Oct 1, 2020 1:12 PM
Jul 2018
Huh, I was thinking of re-watching the whole series, but I'll do dat some other time.

I definitely remember the bloody start, lol. My favourite part was when they started playing the original anime's opening theme towards the end of the episode. Ahhhh, so good!
Oct 1, 2020 1:13 PM
Dec 2019
I have compared the episodes. I noticed that there are some differences to the old one.
1. old The card game | new find the marker
2. old photographer spoke alone and rena saw him on the way back | new Rena came between the discussion
3. old Rena went to the scrap yard with crows screaming | new More details about the murder and Rena and Rika were there.

I can't wait for more changes, hype!!!
Oct 1, 2020 1:15 PM

Jul 2014
Lustreless said:
I read the vn some 10 years ago, but still recall most of the pivotal story flags; it's one of the classics of the medium, after all. Seeing the gang back warms the cockles of my heart, and the amalgam of the nostalgia I feel for Higurashi and huge appreciation towards R07's works allows me to turn a blind eye to a fair chunk of the many bumps present in this episode, and likely in those to come.

So yes, I did enjoy it. にぱ〜s are as OLEV as ever, cicadas bode trouble in the making, and I'd absolutely let Rena take me home. But there are weak points: the art style leaves much to be desired (inb4 "just as R07's" - fair point), the direction weirds me out with its bizarreness, but the worst bit is: the creepiness is just not there. Higurashi (Onikakushi-hen; first arc) in its original rendition is goosebumps and taut terror, and by the end of this episode there should've been 2 or 3 moments that would send shivers down my spine. They fell flat, however, and it's making me a bit worried for what's to come. The studio and most of the staff working on this adaptation deal in ecchi and SoL, so I sure as hell hope their debut in heavier themes ends up being a success.

I loved the visual novel, I hated the og adaptation by Studio Deen. And while I'm sure this won't be a great adaptation, I hope it wedges itself between the vn and the 2007 anime on the quality scale instead of joining its older twin in the QUALITY abyss.

3/5 and a heartfelt がんばって.

bruh we are not even on the creepy part yet, why are you whining about the lack of creepiness when this episode was 90% SoL?
Oct 1, 2020 1:15 PM

Jan 2008
It had some issues. The voices were a little too pitchy and annoying. The art style feels a little off and I felt like that very last scene should have been cut just short so

Leave it on an edge for the next episode for new comers.

But overall I enjoyed it.
Oct 1, 2020 1:15 PM

May 2018
Dang, this interesting.......................................
Oct 1, 2020 1:16 PM

Sep 2014
littleproblems said:
why did they give higurashi to studio passione? i think it is weird that it is fast (cutting out some scenes from the vn) like the original anime. hopefully it slows down.

It's true that they covered about as much content as the old adaptation. But they definitely did a better job when it comes to characterization (especially when it comes to Rika and Satoko). The scenes also felt less rushed and smoother (Tomitake doesn't straight up vanish in a matter of seconds).

For me, these are signs of a more cohesive adaptation that most likely won't skip key aspects of the story, such as

Fixing that sort of mess up would be a major step forward.
FlamepriesTOct 1, 2020 1:22 PM
Oct 1, 2020 1:16 PM

Dec 2019
Ngl I set my expectations really low, but holy shit this blew me away. It's so much better than the first episode of the original, and hopefully the pacing is done right and better in this adaptation. If Passione pulls this off correctly, this could easily be a 8.5/10 at least
Oct 1, 2020 1:21 PM

Feb 2017
_f said:
After watching this episode definitely gonna go watch the 2000's version first

I would also recommend you to do so, we can't say for sure what this remake is going to end up as, but I can for sure say that the original is good and it will be RIP for you if you watch the remake, disliking it and won't ever be able to watch the original without already knowing everything beforehand...
Oct 1, 2020 1:26 PM

Dec 2010
Good episode, im really surprised they used the old op. This remake kinda feels random.
Oct 1, 2020 1:27 PM

Oct 2010
DrLarsen said:
_f said:
After watching this episode definitely gonna go watch the 2000's version first

I would also recommend you to do so, we can't say for sure what this remake is going to end up as, but I can for sure say that the original is good and it will be RIP for you if you watch the remake, disliking it and won't ever be able to watch the original without already knowing everything beforehand...

I agree with this. It has some "quality" animation and doesn't adapt the VN exactly but it's a really solid anime that was very popular in its day despite what the haters like to say. Also every theme song was 10/10.
Oct 1, 2020 1:30 PM

Apr 2009
Devil_Slayer said:
bruh we are not even on the creepy part yet, why are you whining about the lack of creepiness when this episode was 90% SoL?

There is a nice round 0 of whining in my post. Just honest thoughts sprinkled with reluctant optimism and well-grounded worries. The real creepiness of first part of Onikakushi-hen stems from exactly that SoL. It's all chill, fun and games until something a bit off happens. Nothing much, just a dissonance in the ensemble. That's where the actual scary bits take place. Not in what's shown and portrayed, but in what's hidden and assumed. I might have phrased it inaccurately in my first post - there is a difference between scary and creepy, after all.

Buy hey - maybe it's the fact that in the history of vn adaptations only 2 were ever properly done what's causing me to be so wary. I'm not whining, mate, I'm actually thrilled for more. But when you are a huge fan of a franchise and it's newest addition is off to a wobbly start, you sometimes can't help but get panicky. Let's just hope it all turns out gucci, and we get ourselves the third successful vn adaptation, eh?

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