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Jan 7, 2017 7:36 AM

Mar 2015
That fell flat on its face at the end. So rushed! OKAY SAVE THE WORLD BANG BOOM BAH finish

I'm Bruneian and I like anime. And Manchester United. And fat cats.
Jan 8, 2017 12:24 AM
Apr 2016
I can´t understand the people who says this anime deserve 1/10, better you watch teletubbies. And i don´t spect that everybody think that piece is a masterpiece like me, but is at least a 7 (only if you really undestand the story) and for me an easy 10.
Jan 8, 2017 7:59 AM

May 2012
A different ending than what I was expecting to be honest.
In general I quite liked the overall setting and character development with all the twists and mystery. But I do also have some mixed feeling regarding the whole story.

All in all it was still a nice overall anime!
Jan 8, 2017 9:08 AM
Jul 2008
overall pretty good one but the pace is really fast. chaos;head was like that too, it was good but too fast. this anime suffers the same fate..

what I'm still confused:
1. Who exactly is that girl mangaka? Is she still ghost? Did she already dead 1 year before or did she also have the skill to become a ghost like the devil? If she's a ghost, why did her corpse disappear?
2. Why no other people going to the cafe? Is that cafe appears different to normal people?
3. What really happened to Yuta? Did he stay at the 'future' as ghost?
Jan 9, 2017 4:43 AM

May 2009
eighttailedfox said:
I blame the director and anime studio. For them to decided on a hard limit of 12 episodes, and shit pacing. Because that's what ultimately ruined the show.

It's not the studio who decides the length of anime, it's production commitee.
Jan 12, 2017 12:38 AM

Oct 2016
he didn't make it right .. and what's that door named "Gamon Yuta" ..
Jan 12, 2017 5:52 PM
Jul 2016
I feel like the story was pretty good, but presented in such a mundane fashion that nothing ever shocked or awed me like it should. I'd probably need to watch this again to fully understand everything but getting through it the first time was hard enough.
Jan 16, 2017 2:08 AM

Apr 2012
really thats the last ep....
that was anticlimactic
Jan 16, 2017 6:20 AM
Sep 2014
When they said that the SC injection completion was speeded in 20 minutes rather than hours later, and Gamotan had actually completing his hero mission in time, I thought he was definitely gonna make it back, but even so, he didn't survive and is now stuck in the spirit realm and in the human world altogether, which is really sad imo.
I had high hopes for his chance of survival and really wanted that happy ending, especially since most of the show had a happy tone to it despite the occultic events and dark occurences such as their deaths. The whole idea of this this show and all of its contents were very intriguing from the start. Although the pacing ruined it for most people, I actually liked that as well, except for the last episode, which I think at least this one needed a part 2 to spread it out a little. I needed some extra time to absorb the info and to let the emotions sink in.
I still wish he lived though... ;(
"Crying doesn't mean you're weak. Enduring doesn't mean you're strong." - Hai to Gensou no Grimgar <3
Jan 16, 2017 9:38 AM

Sep 2013
bastek66 said:
eighttailedfox said:
I blame the director and anime studio. For them to decided on a hard limit of 12 episodes, and shit pacing. Because that's what ultimately ruined the show.

It's not the studio who decides the length of anime, it's production commitee.

Robotics;Note is the one that should be blamed, because it was mediocre and flopped, 5pb isn't doing more 2 cours.
Jan 16, 2017 9:50 AM

Feb 2016
ichii_1 said:
bastek66 said:

It's not the studio who decides the length of anime, it's production commitee.

Robotics;Note is the one that should be blamed, because it was mediocre and flopped, 5pb isn't doing more 2 cours.

I don't think R;N is the problem for that. And we don't even know if they even wanted to make O;N a 2 cour anime. The LN was cancelled and they are working on a VN now, it might just be another "buy the source" advertisement.
S;G 0 is expected to be 2 cour for sure.
Jan 16, 2017 10:29 AM

May 2009
ichii_1 said:
bastek66 said:

It's not the studio who decides the length of anime, it's production commitee.

Robotics;Note is the one that should be blamed, because it was mediocre and flopped, 5pb isn't doing more 2 cours.

Nothing beside Steins;Gate in semicolon series is popular anyway.

Aquamirror said:
I don't think R;N is the problem for that. And we don't even know if they even wanted to make O;N a 2 cour anime. The LN was cancelled and they are working on a VN now, it might just be another "buy the source" advertisement.
S;G 0 is expected to be 2 cour for sure.

Llight novel was put on hiatus because they decided to turn it into VN. After game will be released they will probably continue LNs.
Jan 18, 2017 7:23 PM
Oct 2012
Honestly, some sort of better reassurance for goman for the viewer should of been introduced Besides " he's still a ghost and keeps up his blogs." I mean shit, at least make it so hes still there with the group and only 1-2 people can see him. shit this show was rushed even on the execution. Should of been at least 1-2 mins longer. or even an after EP extended cut,
Jan 21, 2017 5:56 AM

Dec 2010
This episode felt far longer than its duration. I liked it and it solidified the series's image to me. The only thing I'm really concerned with after it though is if the Light Novels go beyond this ending.

Overall Score: 6/10.
Jan 22, 2017 6:20 AM

Feb 2014
well i'm confused asf about the ending and i agree it felt rushed but i did enjoy it
Jan 22, 2017 8:55 AM

Jun 2009
wow... what a shame. 5/10
Jan 28, 2017 9:32 PM

Jun 2013
I honestly thought it had a great potential if they made it 24 episode long but ended up being mediocre at best. I didn't really like the weird camera angles or the fast-talking as I had to pause quite often to read and understand the dialogues. However, I thought the story was decent if not needlessly complex. The characters were hardly interesting to the point where I didn't really care. And the most obvious problem was the pacing which is a crucial element in any show that revolves around mystery and detectives.

Jan 29, 2017 7:51 AM

Jan 2014
it's an OK ending, I came to understand even it's just a little bit.

what I still don't understand is:
1. what connection between little white guy and that cult organization?
2. where's Chi-chan? in the MAL it said she's one of 256 victim, but instead she's one of victim for sacrificing that box thing.
3. who's that mangaka really is? it's like she's already now everything and travel back in time to draw. or maybe, she can do astral projection and volunteer to be the victim of 256 accident, so she can give precognition through her manga? (this is the most logical reason I can come up with).
Jan 31, 2017 9:27 AM

Jul 2009
This could have been good, really, but it turned into a mess, Aria was so interesting and she was left least most of them could live again.
Feb 2, 2017 8:24 PM
Sep 2013
I thought it was strange that the first girl featured in the ED wasn't Ryo-tas (or even Myuu) since the main girl is ALWAYS the main focus of the ED; once we learned that Ryo-tas is actually Aveline and we see how Aveline looks like though, that girl in the ED is obviously Aveline.

I had a strong hunch the moment Zonko appeared that she was somehow Ryo-tas though, only the heroine could verbally abuse the MC like that.
Feb 5, 2017 4:05 AM
Aug 2015
Really rushed and rather confusing when they make the characters say anything scientific(wave length etc) very quickly. It's just trying to rush through it so viewers may/may not be bothered analysing it.

And the plot still doesn't make sense, 256 people died and they resurrected the main casts leaving the rest still dead. Doesn't really seem very heroic anyway.

Gamo staying as an astral spirit who is still able to interact with the real time(blog updated etc.) and being the orphan receptor, so he is pseudo god with his real body placed in stasis in the coldsleep room? They didn't really explain anything in the end.

For a LN written by steins;gate's author this work is.. dissapointing imo.
6/10 for the sci-fi effort.
Feb 6, 2017 3:05 PM

Jan 2010
Wow, wtf was that. I feel like this show had a lot potential as a whole, but the way that story was told was so annoying and it completely destroyed everything. Concept for story is great to be honest, but pacing is just so bad. Everything is rushed. Peopleconstatlytalksofuckingquicktorushstoryandpretendtobecoolitstarstomelttogetherlikethissentencewithoutspacesandyoudontevenknowwhatisgoingon. Because of this rush I feel like not only I missed a lot of details but authors lost some details too. There was a lot plot holes because of that and story just doesn't makes sense at all sometimes. It's such a shame because whole setting was good, characters was likeable even though some of them knew some shit because they knew it (there wasn't time for explaining why, they are just like that, eh ok then). Animation was great, really liked art. Music was good too. Sometimes ridiculous shots were annoying too (here's shot tilted 45 degrees, there's shot from lamp, there's shot upside down and now wait for shot from fucking space). And anticlimactic ending pf course.

Overall, it's shame, a lot of wasted, even completely destroyed potential.

5/10 - I guess art, some characters and just basics of stroy make me give that score. Story as whole is just ehh. Might give a manga try since it might be paced better.
Feb 11, 2017 2:34 PM
Jan 2013
I liked it even with its fast pace, but that ending-- so abrupt! I assume they ran out of material to adapt from the novels since that's still ongoing. It does seem like there's a lot that still needs to be answered/concluded.
Feb 24, 2017 2:42 PM

Jan 2014
@Mormegil @TheTsunami @vangoz @ButadonMeitante

That's not how defibrilation works, that's not how any of it works (>.<)

But anyway, so Gamotan decided to stay behind to save his friends, and so that Aveline did not have to sacrifice herself. Then Aveline sacrificed herself anyway, by kissing Gamotan, who realised he could make it in time to be resurrected, at which he subsequently failed?

Also, what's the point of the female mangaka? She serves no role in the story at all, heck even the albino kid didn't, or Chi-chan. There's also Aria, seemingly happy to stay a ghost forever, flying around with the guy who has her brother's organs.

Finally, can somebody explain to me what exactly was supposed to happen when the tower activated, why it needed to be destroyed, and why Aveline was fighting to save her (grand)father's legacy, when it was her (grand)father himself who'd been clearly identified, even by her, to be running the whole scheme?

7/10 because I enjoyed it, but there's no denying this show would have benefitted so much from an extra episode or two.
"I'm a middle schooler bartender!"
- Mishima Hitomi
Feb 25, 2017 9:16 PM
Jul 2009
i enjoyed this show so much and thought it nailed just about everything but for emotional satisfaction - something meaningful to come of it all. and even that, i would've sacrificed, if for a clear resolution, but instead we got what looks like a cliffhanger? such a shame as imo it could've been cleared up with even one extra episode or just the conscious decision to go that way, but the unclear and rushed ending made what i found to be a fantastic and innovative show much more sub-par on the whole.
Feb 27, 2017 2:34 AM

Aug 2013
This just turned into a supernatural setting from a sci-fi one hahaha.
Well now I'm thoroughly satisfied with this one alright.. never expected this from the start.
Putting aside how it ends I loved the executing and progression despite the fast pacing.
Can't deny the ending is rushed but isn't the whole anime's pacing rushed anyway.
Didn't think I'd get this stuff from seeing ms oppai from the pv hahaha.
Felt like I watched contents far longer than that of 12 episodes rofl.
The adaption let Gamon die in the end.. phew.
Mar 1, 2017 11:16 PM

Mar 2012
I don't think I've ever seen a more blatant abrupt ending. The biggest issue i had was the fast pace of the show, never stopping to catch a breath, none of it was difficult to grasp but characters felt like they talked a mile a minute and often times what they said wasn't even of any major importance. Some arcs were cool and attention grabbing, but everything was else was meh at best.

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment"
Mar 5, 2017 6:57 AM

Jan 2013
Really cheesy generic ending. The series played with some interesting concepts and the pseudo science was sound enough. 6/10
Mar 13, 2017 5:09 PM

Aug 2011
Overall, I enjoyed this series. Great characters, although same as the plot, they were very confusing t times. From the beginning, I was drawn into the unique plot and presentation; however, toward the end, it got kinda sloppy. it's like someone lost interest or was gunnin' to meet a deadline. 7/10
Mar 25, 2017 1:07 PM

Jun 2011
LOL the last minute asspull is so fucking real in this episode.

The idea overall was nice, had some creepy moments which I like a lot, and a nice twist in the middle of the series, but the characters and the overall story execution were terrible. Lots of scientific mumbo jumbo which to be honest, who give a shit. The direction was terrible, the different angle switch was so annoying throughout the entire series, why the fuck do you want to make it seems like you're creative with the directing by just rotating the screen, without any reason for doing so? The art was poor at times. The pace was terrible, and as I've said in the first episode discussion, they speak way too fast, it's not creative, it's annoying. Speaking of creativity and annoyance, the characters were made too quirky, that instead of finding them interesting and fun to follow, they became very annoying to watch. The show also tried way too hard to make everything connect, like Aria and that devil with her who was revealed to be her dead brother(?), then the shop owner, the dude who killed everybody's daddy and is the guy wearing mask, like dude, if you wanna exorcist the "ghost" so to say, why wait until the last minute of the last episode of the last of everything to do it? Just so that there's a story to tell?

The ED song was nice.

A series basically is over-complicated for no reason. Would've been nice if the anime creators could show some reservation. The need to insert a joke somewhere is very cringey, especially when it comes to Yuuta. The forced sob/emotional scene was cringey. Interesting idea, with poor execution.
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Mar 29, 2017 3:24 PM
Dec 2010
If they are alive, then the past changes and the tower probably won't be destroyed. The bad guys won (whatever they were trying to do).

The time travel doesn't make any sense the way they presented it.

Half of the characters were either pointless or had their story unresolved.

I really liked the "everybody is Bruce Willis" plot twist and the pseudoscience wasn't bad for the most part, but overall it was too messy.
Apr 25, 2017 2:15 AM

Nov 2014
May 1, 2017 5:34 AM

Apr 2009
Plainly obvious from how fast everyone was talking throughout the series, that this was rushed as hell. It left a handful of questions that were never resolved. Maybe a 13th episode could have at least helped the breakneck pacing and resolve all the loose ends left behind.

A bit sad MC didn't make it like the others, I was holding out for him to join the ending party in the cafe. No word either if fortune teller girl Miyu's BFF Chi-chan revived because of the time snapback (I'm assuming she didn't, since she was killed and chopped to pieces unlike the others who got the "Scandium" treatment). That only the handful of them revived, or all the 255 victims, minus MC also revived.

Annoyed that they never explained Nishizono's sudden disappearance and before that her sudden, unassisted revival. Why was mister obnoxious detective guy after her? I'll never know. Also, creepy albino boy's identity was never explained nor shown what happened to him after being jailed. Not enough punishment for the most evil character in this story.
ColdlightMay 1, 2017 5:38 AM
May 7, 2017 12:15 PM

Oct 2013
First couple episodes were kinda confusing and i feel like the ending was a bit rushed, could've been better. So Aria and Kiryuu aka the shinigami dude didn't get resurected. Gamotan became the NEET God like literally, he got wings and could fly anywhere he wants other then that, he keep updating his blog eventho he's dead, being a ghost is not bad after all apparently.

Overall score 7/10
May 14, 2017 1:06 AM
Nov 2016
what happen to ririka ?
did ria and her brother(?) not get resurrected ?
are they the only ones that survive the mass suicide or what ?
whats the deal with the albino kid ?
is he still a ghost (cause he still writes in his blog)
May 28, 2017 1:44 AM

Apr 2015
The juvenile sensationalist at work- hyper-gimmicky, science lovers will HATE this(I assume), rushed, forced, unbalanced, overambitious, pre-ten-tious,

tremendous. 6-7/10

Yeah, but definitely flawed though. I'm being generous. Too many unexplained leads.
The high score comes because this was seamlessly entertaining and minimally cringey from start to finish
LanzMay 28, 2017 7:21 AM
Jun 4, 2017 3:47 AM

Jun 2014
That was an abrupt ending, lol. I enjoyed this fun series regardless, glad I gave it another chance. A lot of things weren't explained, but whatever. Good directing and animation, I liked the OST and the voice acting was good. The character designs were nice. Thing ended up being very confusing and ass-pully at the end, but whatever.

alpha_shadowDec 9, 2017 3:52 PM
Jun 16, 2017 12:40 AM
Sep 2007
Too rushed for me.
Jun 19, 2017 11:04 AM
Sep 2015
But what happened to Nishizono Ririka??? I did not get that poart.
Aug 8, 2017 5:05 PM

Jul 2016
I really enjoyed O;N! I just have some questions to be solved... I'll read the novel to know.
I loved the characters, the ambient, the story... At the beginning I felt it was really fast but I got used to the rhythm.

9/10 or even 10/10 for me.

@PS: I want Gamotan back :(((
Aug 18, 2017 12:07 PM
Mar 2016
7/10 .. it was a horrible show

Oct 18, 2017 8:42 PM
Jul 2018
Wow....what a weird show. I'm not even sure if I knew what was going on to be honest, but I did think it was interesting to say the least.
Oct 24, 2017 3:54 PM
Jan 2011
Anyone knows any source of info (not speculation or theory) of all of the things left unknown?
Who the guy the detective is speaking.
The manga girls
The sister and the guy who has her brother's memory (why did you not save the girls-.- in the end, the guy has an out of body exp but is still alive)
the white boy, or why he wanted the box
ending after credits
And many more
Oct 25, 2017 8:22 AM

Feb 2016
Arting said:
Anyone knows any source of info (not speculation or theory) of all of the things left unknown?
Who the guy the detective is speaking.
The manga girls
The sister and the guy who has her brother's memory (why did you not save the girls-.- in the end, the guy has an out of body exp but is still alive)
the white boy, or why he wanted the box
ending after credits
And many more

The VN game will be released on 9th November in Japan, there will be multiple routes and will probably explain the whole story more in depth. Don't know when it will get an official translated release in the west though..
Dec 22, 2017 12:50 PM
Apr 2014
Are you fucking serious? First they tease us with all the twists just for Gamon to die anyway? Or rather "not resurrect" anyway...

You know, I was dead-set on giving this 8/10. Would have been 9 if they talked slower. First I didn't notice but as soon as I did I couldn't ignore it anymore and it was rather apparent (not because of the subs btw. Following those was easy enough). maybe I'm gonna re-watch it at some point at 0.9 speed or something. Should be a lot better. Anyway back to my point. After that end I'm not happy with 8/10 anymore. Why not just go with the good ending and just let everyone resurrect? Especially with everything being so compressed in the time window they had per episode.

Well... Rant aside this was pretty good. Really enjoyed all of it. Expected a lot worse after the score was so low last year but I suppose that was people who went in with some kind of wrong expectation?
Jan 2, 2018 6:07 PM

Sep 2016
That ending was way too rushed. Hopefully when the visual novel does come out in the west, we can actually see a better ending.

Also if anyone is having trouble watching the sub, why not try watching the dub. It's a lot easier to follow imo.
aSuperiorGamerJan 2, 2018 6:49 PM

🔥You're looking at someone🔥

🔥Who is superior to you🔥

🔥You have my permission to🔥

🔥Bask in my glow🔥

Jan 8, 2018 8:58 PM
Jun 2016
Solid and good series, very fair paced not too fast but not too slow. And at no point did the ending feel even remotely rushed it felt perfectly put. The way mutual recognition was used in order to avoid being snuffed out was perfect placed with gammon and the fact that he didn't make it in time to have his father's spirit come back and help him return back in time was such an emotional scene and the camera angles were quite unique.

Series was original, well paced, and had beautiful dialogue to keep the audience moving from one episode to the next. 10/10
Apr 9, 2018 9:48 PM

May 2016
An anime that i would not watch twice, i loved it but i would not have leave him alone, so every time i remember the end i feel really, really sad.

I think that after he did was somehow unjust so a 9/10 for me.
Someday I will read the light novel.
I like to post in manga forum when I feel it is worth it, so people will think. "Shit, is her again" or something.

People asked me where I read certain thing but the rules say no telling where did you read so maybe I am too boring for not saying? Or salty because you didn't check my profile that says don't ask because I hate people to ghost me after that. I love learning languages so maybe I did not read the manga in English.
Apr 19, 2019 2:03 PM
Jun 2016
It was a really interesting and great episode but I'm kinda upset and confused by Gamon is the only one still dead. And I would if the other people are still dead too... Guess I need to read the manga now
Sep 8, 2019 10:39 AM
Lewd Depresso

Jul 2008
If put aside obnoxious characters, overly complicated and convoluted storytelling and sanic tempo..

then it was okay Anime.. had it's intrigue.. just the whole pacing and info dumping felt too tedious..

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