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BigSimo said: glasses girl's boobs are far too big there is seriously no point to it. i hate it when designers do that to characters. it's so stupid
Possibly maybe to make you keep watching the show..
Kida may have been part of the yellow gang because while walking he said he doesn't want to go back to the way he was living (he was all depressed) and just wants to help his friend live in that part of the city.
I do not like The Slasher. It decides to run away when Celty is still standing and just randomly kill the Yellows (though I don't doubt it's informed about both).
Celty's pretty funny. "What if it's an alien?" Just hearing that from her. :P
Kida has just went down in value since he seems to have just ditched his girlfriend.
I really like Kida... Liked him since the beginning! So it was nice to have him as the narrator. :D
So, yeah, good episode... Lots of interesting stuff going on. I wonder what was up with Selty's/Celty's wounds screaming at her...? The voices of people she's killed in the past? And the "Slasher" is so freaky... D:''
Really interesting episode; seeing everything happen from a different perspective every episode allows to see the story with greater depth.
It seems pretty obvious that Kida was involved with a gang, most likely the Yellow Scarves, since it was highlighted many times, and his departure of it must have something to do with the girl in the hospital. Mikado seems to know more than he appears to…
The Slasher is mystery, but it has to have relation with the spammer in the chat, and with Haruna whose father was the one asking about the “stronger” in Ikebukuro. Or so I think.
I’m still trying to make sense of everything that’s happening. My brain’s being messed up.
Slasher = Creepy
Slasher = Must be this Haruna chick
Strongest = Meh...unknown. I'd say Celty for now.
Episode = Deserved a 5/5 ( Mostly for new character and learning some new interesting facts~)
This time Kida narrates the story.
This kind of storytelling's uniqueness really interests me coz aside the storytelling, we got to know more about the narrator's personality.
After this ep, I liked Kida's character now.
Not just he's cool-looking, he's also cool inside. :)
The encounter with that red-eyed slasher was interesting. I hope next eps will clear things up.
And that scarred neck girl has something to do with Celty's head probably.
kida's narration was superp. learned a lot, and it seems he must have fell into the darkness before the other guy came to the city and he's actually happy now than he was before. he also doesnt want him to go into the darkness or he might share a similer fate.
and i was actually suprised at how celty was talking about her wounds like that. i had the impression she didnt care much about a lot of stuff but than she blurtls out about having an alien inside her, lol
So Kida haves a darker side to his cheerful personality?? was he a part of a color gang with Izaya or something? And who is that girl at the hosp? SO MANY QUESTIONS! :(
StormViruz said: And that scarred neck girl has something to do with Celty's head probably.
So far, so good.
I was just thinking exactly this! Maybe she ain't the headless rider but she definitively has something to do with her and that scar on her neck...maybe her head?
I'm looking forward to seeing Kida's backstory (if we ever do) since he seems to have some kind of past with the "darkness" in Ikeburo, and how there's a girl he wants to visit but doesn't, who seems to be related to Izaya. Although I'm not completely hooked yet, I'm very curious about all these characters :)
Proselyt said: Always amazes me how well the story is told, by using different perspectives and timelines.
Yes I thought that, how they give you extra information for the previous episode you've watched but not enough information to keep you going until the next episode so it hooks you in! Also in the preview for the next episode they mentioned "Dotachin" and wasn't he mentioned in the first episode but no one would answer any questions about him?
I'm really digging Kida as a character. He's funny but has a lot of depth to him unlike Mikado who's a bit meh so far. I loved when Kida confronted the molesting teacher. Sonohara owes him one.
Anyone notice the little Cowboy Bebop reference? Bang!
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii
There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov
Love how the story is told in different perspectives.
I wonder what Kida's past is. (Either way he's such a babe hehehe)
It's really precious seeing how much he treasures the relationship that he has with those two.
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Yes! We're back at the Kida-Mikado-Anri line at last.
I wonder why Kida thinks that Mikado wants to join the thug life despite he's not showing clear signs of this. Perhaps he knows him way better than we do for now, or he's even predicting his actions turns ahead.
Zubatuba said: Did anybody else get the feeling that those Yellow Turbans were just about to get an ass whooping before Mikado showed up to 'rescue' Kida?
So Celty is freaked out at the thought of aliens when she's something from a myth :P
37 girls lol this guy.
That teach is a perv :/
And that's when their friendship started.
So the girl in the hospital is Kida's gf? This is a wild guess, but based on what's been said I think that he used to be in a gang (probably the yellow scarves) and she got hurt real bad so he quit and is now afraid to face her, she also looks like she might be Sonohara's friend.
Kida's an interresting character. He seem to have been involved in a gang before. My guess is that the girl at the hospital is his sister or someone relate and that she got hurt because of retaliation. But that is just my speculation.
I didn't though there would be a love triangle, he seemed to be interrested in pretty much everygirl.
That new weirdo, Saika the Ripper, doesn't seem human. Maybe another monster like Celty.
I already hate that teacher that was harrassing Anri. Not only he seemed like a real asshole and predator, but he seemed to know her and to have the mission to keep an eye on her.
Anyway, I don't see where the hell this is going, but I guess everything will link in a near future.
«Time is passing so quickly. Right now, I feel like complaining to Einstein. Whether time is slow or fast depends on perception. Relativity theory is so romantic. And so sad.» - Kurisu Makise a.k.a. The Zombie