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Feb 1, 2021 10:13 PM

Jul 2019
I genuinely can't watch any anime without shipping characters together, for me its just a formality you have to ship someone. But I'm not toxic with it though and no gay ships(we all know how these end up)

But on a more serious not how can one watch an anime and not ship characters its just necessary.

E.g. I couldn't get Ryuko x Sanageyama out of my head(but not in a toxic way).
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Feb 1, 2021 10:19 PM

Dec 2020
Personally, I ship some characters if I see there is chemistry between those two. This is kind of funny in harem or stuff like that, unless the author wants us to realize the mc will end up with an specific girl. Now, the shippers fandom is alright, as long as they don't show toxicity against the ones who don't ship their favorite couple.

I don't ship usually, but when I do it, I do it hard (for example in animes such Steins; gate or Gintama)
Feb 1, 2021 10:19 PM

Apr 2020
They can do what they want, just don't annoy other people in the fanbase.
I personally just think its not needed
Feb 1, 2021 10:24 PM

Jan 2016
I grew up in the trenches of shipper wars on Tumblr and deviantART. So of course I am also liable to ship hard af.
Feb 1, 2021 10:29 PM

Feb 2020
I used to ship Ash and May from Pokemon in my childhood.

I've been shipping anime/cartoon characters from almost forever.

So, It is pretty Normal to me.
Feb 1, 2021 10:33 PM

Feb 2018
Personally, I primarily watch romances so I just don't see the point most of the time. Most of the characters I "ship" are canon couples so it feels odd of me to say as much. Otherwise, I don't mind shippers, so long as they aren't harassing anyone, they should do what makes them happy.
"If it's not big, it's only a bust," some guy on the internet
Feb 1, 2021 10:36 PM

Sep 2015
I shipped Takeru and Hikari from Digimon when I was little. Was on the verge of crying when they didn't end up together in the second season epilogue. F that ending.
Feb 1, 2021 10:47 PM

Mar 2020
I most of the time dont really ship anyone but there are some anime where it just seems to fit too well to go any other way. I dont get upset or anything when it goes another way though. On a rare occasion an anime makes me wish that it had an omnibus ending.

I very much dislike when an anime has no final couple and it is left ambiguous. I hate indecisiveness. Harem can sorta be an exception I suppose but some anime handle that well. I always liked in DxD how it might be harem but there is a main girl and its not ambiguous in anyway who that is.
Feb 2, 2021 1:31 AM
busy week =_+

Dec 2014
I'm fine with shippers. Straight ships or LGBT ships are both fine as long as they stay in fanfics and fanarts. Don't start pointless shipwars just because other people don't agree with you. I still remember the argument between ErenxMikasa and ErenxHistoria shippers. Wtf. It usually ends up being a personal attack competition

CURRENT: semi-hiatus (busy)

Feb 2, 2021 1:37 AM

Jul 2019
I am one of them,I just don’t tell people who I ship because nobody cares
Feb 2, 2021 2:31 AM
Jul 2018
For most parts I have a positive opinion of myself.
Feb 2, 2021 2:42 AM
Jan 2021
as we all know MHA shippers are the scariest and yeah i agree...

I ship jirou x kaminari and ochako x deku but when i told this certain someone, they got so mad and was like "EUW NO! KAMINARI X KIRISHIMA AND DEKU X TODOROKI" like wtfff i know you like BL but that doesn't mean you have to ship boys with boys only.. i also do like BL and read BL manga but i only ship couples that make sense
Feb 2, 2021 3:10 AM

Mar 2020
Shippers are cool, but it gets annoying when they force it in other people's faces.

BNHA fanbase is especially guilty of this, it's an action shounen manga, but most fans just focus on the ships.
If you disagree with their ships, they'll be out on a witch hunt.
It just makes the whole community hard to tolerate, and ruins the experience for anyone that wants to participate in it.
It also gives the community a bad rep, something you can already see with BNHA.
Feb 2, 2021 3:18 AM

Oct 2010
I think they are very interesting people with a lot of free time, I too ship characters but don't overreact when my ship is sunk
Feb 2, 2021 3:19 AM

Mar 2020
Just don’t do it.....
I don’t understand what compels anyone to ship characters, maybe it’s just because I genuinely don’t care enough about the characters.
Feb 2, 2021 3:38 AM

Apr 2013
I think shipping is part of the fun, especially when watching romance anime. I usually ship the obvious pairs though, except if one of them is way too good for the other.
Feb 2, 2021 3:56 AM
Oct 2020
I have some ships that I like so I personally do not have a problem with shippers
Unless they're toxic or super cringy kids I really don't care too much
Feb 2, 2021 4:04 AM

Sep 2011
It's pretty rare for me to "ship" characters, because usually if there is any romance in a story I just accept that romance. I don't think trying to force how you think a character should act onto a show does you any good, it will just lead to disappointment. Especially in shows where there are clearly no romantic feelings at all. If it's a bit ambiguous, go ahead I guess.

"They escaped the weight of darkness,
to forge a path into the marrow of the spirit.
They chose to drown in a deeper vacancy,
an emptiness that quells the null,
a pool for the forgotten..."
Feb 2, 2021 4:08 AM

Aug 2018
i'm fine with shippers and shipping, i do it all the time too

just don't do weird ass ships like deku x bakugo
Feb 2, 2021 4:10 AM
Jan 2020
The shipping community is very fun to watch. Some of the ships are just so bad yet so good. I personally will ship people if there is already a solid relationship between them or if there is a growing relationship between them.
Feb 2, 2021 4:24 AM

Jun 2015
im ok with shipping

as long as its the same as mine
Feb 2, 2021 4:48 AM

Apr 2012
I don't like it when people ship their characters really hard on the internet or on conventions. It's kind of annoying but I can avoid this stuff easily, so it's not really a bother.
I have no problem with shipping in general, I do it too sometimes but it's more a thing for myself and there is no need for me to to show of my ships and discuss shippings etc. When the anime is done I focus on other things.
Feb 2, 2021 4:52 AM
Jul 2018
couldn't care less, i was never shipping characters and i never plan to do that
Feb 2, 2021 4:53 AM

Jun 2020
Shippers can do whatever they want but some of the things that some of them can say make me not want to interact with them
Feb 2, 2021 8:43 AM
Jul 2018
I've been shipping before it was cool/mainstream. As I got older though, a good chunk of my ships were yuri
Feb 2, 2021 10:00 AM
Dec 2017
Couldn't care less at all what they do so long as they don't ship real people or attack anybody.

Feb 2, 2021 10:08 AM

Dec 2018
It is fun to ship characters together personally. I don’t talk about it but it’s something fun to do in my head. I don’t really have an opinion on people who openly talk about shipping though, however you enjoy the medium doesn’t matter to me.
Feb 2, 2021 10:11 AM

Apr 2020
i ship characters (that are mostly together), and idc if ur an insane shipper as long as its not illegal and makes 0 sense. believe it or not shipping takes some input of IQ into it
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Feb 2, 2021 10:13 AM
Jul 2018
i don't really ship characters at all tbh, never really thought of doing it.
Mystogan14579 said:
But I'm not toxic with it though and no gay ships(we all know how these end up)

huh... whats wrong with gay ships?
Feb 2, 2021 10:14 AM
Jul 2018
I don't have a problem with shippers. Although they can get a little crazy and nonsensical with their ships some times. I don't like when people push yaoi ships between male characters that have no romantic feelings towards each other.
Feb 2, 2021 10:23 AM

Dec 2019
I don't really care about them ad to be honest I'm fine with them doing their thing as long as it's not obnoxious or toxic... or is plain stupid and makes 0 sense and they try to force it onto others. (Deku x Todoroki or some shit lol).
Shipping is fine but if you harass others for disagreeing with your ships (I'm looking at you BNHA fanbase) that's not okay.
I do ship characters sometimes but only if they have a good relationship or chemistry with each other. Like Asta x Noelle (Black Clover) or Keiichi x Rena (Higurashi).
Feb 2, 2021 10:27 AM

Oct 2020
I generally don't have any problems with shippers, since I'm also kind of one myself.
But i only ship when i see a certain kind of chemistry..? Like, it just seems different for me. and of course, most of them is a sunken ship in the end. Lol

But i can totally see the annoying ones.. like a lot of people said above, MHA fanbase is known for having many of them.. XD
And some even ship real people....
A certain person lurking here
Feb 2, 2021 10:33 AM

Oct 2020
Hmm I tend to ship characters who've been written to have romantic interactions? This includes characters who have two or more love interests - Idk it just comes to me very naturally. But I'm not verbal about any of my ships so I wouldn't know what's part of shipping culture and stuff

Feb 2, 2021 10:47 AM

Mar 2017
J.B. Hunt is supposed to be pretty good.

Wait... never mind.
A møøse once bit my sister...
Feb 2, 2021 10:49 AM
Sep 2020
Only if the characters have actual romance between them, I don't get shipping 2 characters who obviously don't like each other even a little bit together
Feb 2, 2021 12:33 PM

Oct 2017
Communities focused on something you think should be harmless but ends up being a massive minefield for some reason.

I don't usually ship characters there is the occasional dynamic I enjoy and want to see fan art for but for the most part I only care about canonical romantic relationships laid out by the creator.

As long as shipping is kept to check out my art work and fan fic I have NP with it.
Feb 2, 2021 1:40 PM

Oct 2019
I think some of the most grotesque ships are hella funny. Also, it is extremely fun to hear about a notorious ship before watching an anime and then figuring out the relationship between the two.
Personally, I stopped shipping characters after coming into contact with A.R.M.Y (more specifically BTS shippers), tbh my mind has blocked most of that because it was a tad bit traumatising.
Feb 2, 2021 1:44 PM

Mar 2020
2077 said:
i don't really ship characters at all tbh, never really thought of doing it.
Mystogan14579 said:
But I'm not toxic with it though and no gay ships(we all know how these end up)

huh... whats wrong with gay ships?

1. Gay ships literally never win in anime unless it's a Shounen Ai (consider BNHA with Deku x Bakugou)
2. Most of the weebs are homophobic (you can see it in this thread itself)
Feb 2, 2021 2:20 PM

Oct 2020
I think shipping is part of the fun in watching Anime, as long as it's not illegal shit like Levi x Eren or incest like Osamu x Atsumu from also has to make some kind of sense, you can't just ship two characters that had like 10 seconds shared screentime or never even met each other
Feb 2, 2021 2:28 PM

Jan 2008
I'm a shipper but I like to explore it separately from the anime in fan made stuff.

I don't watch something like Haikyuu and think Kageyama and Hinata are an actual couple but like to see it explored either in art or expressed in fanfiction. In fact I'm a multi shipper so I am quite happy see those two characters or any other character for that matter explored in other pairings.

It's purely for fun.

Only thing I find uncomfortable and refuse to explore is RL shipping. Those are actual real people and it disturbs me to come across stories where they are sexualised.
UberBatFeb 2, 2021 2:33 PM
Feb 2, 2021 2:31 PM

Apr 2020
I really don´t care (only if it is legal, not like Levi x Eren wtf) i ship a lot of characters but i HATE fujoshis and how obssesed they are over yaoi. It makes me sick
My only gay ship is Jotaro x Kakyoin and Senku x Gen and I already feel bad for shipping them.
Feb 2, 2021 3:06 PM

May 2013
I'm one. Most of us are ok from my experience, but let's be honest, the VERY vocal toxic minority makes us all look like lunatics... And honestly, I don't blame people for being wary of shippers because of those idiots. Hoo boy, they're a doozy. But again, most of us are pretty chill.
Feb 2, 2021 3:12 PM

Sep 2020
I don't particularly care too much (some ships are pretty whack, but it isn't my place to judge).

As long as they don't annoy anyone or aren't toxic, then they're fine in my books.
Feb 2, 2021 3:15 PM

Dec 2020
I let my feelings to do the decision.

I feel like shipping if I notice that the characters are waving flags to each other. If a love triangle forms, I give priority to the early bird(ex: Yukino in OreGairu or Nanami in Sakurasou). If the early bird doesn't get the worm, I change the priority to the brave one(Ex: Ruka in Rent-a-Girlfriend or Mashiro in Sakurasou).

Couples always have my ship. I send them container ships of shipping 😁 I don't like break-ups. I don't like cheatings(unless harem is normalized in the story, which I haven't seen yet).

I don't usually ship if a romance has not started.
Forum avatar: Lu, from Isekai Nonbiri Nouka
Feb 2, 2021 3:29 PM

Aug 2010
I understand them since having a ship definitely makes a series more fun. I don't think it's always needed though, nor does my ship has to always end up together.

It's only bad when shippers actually threaten real people like authors or studio staffs because their ship sink.
Feb 2, 2021 3:46 PM

Oct 2015
I think well of them. Shipping is fun. But if it's same-sex ships you'll have to acquiesce yourself to the fact that it's never gonna be actualized outside of fan works.

Iikamiialv said:
i ship a lot of characters but i HATE fujoshis and how obssesed they are over yaoi. It makes me sick
My only gay ship is Jotaro x Kakyoin and Senku x Gen and I already feel bad for shipping them.

Why? Is it specifically female fans of yaoi that you're averse to or the act of shipping male characters in general? If it's the former, what particular thing about female sexuality being expressed do you take issue with? If it's the latter, how do you reconcile the differential treatment between straight couples in fiction and gay couples in fiction.
Feb 2, 2021 4:04 PM
Jul 2018
Personally I just see it as another way to enjoy a series. (Usually) harmless fun. Can't stand fujos though, they're always so creepy and snobby about their little cartoon couples.
Feb 2, 2021 4:07 PM

Apr 2020
Auron_ said:
I think well of them. Shipping is fun. But if it's same-sex ships you'll have to acquiesce yourself to the fact that it's never gonna be actualized outside of fan works.

Iikamiialv said:
i ship a lot of characters but i HATE fujoshis and how obssesed they are over yaoi. It makes me sick
My only gay ship is Jotaro x Kakyoin and Senku x Gen and I already feel bad for shipping them.

Why? Is it specifically female fans of yaoi that you're averse to or the act of shipping male characters in general? If it's the former, what particular thing about female sexuality being expressed do you take issue with? If it's the latter, how do you reconcile the differential treatment between straight couples in fiction and gay couples in fiction.

first, i'm so sorry if was rude, i was refering to those extreme fujoshis. Yes, fundashis too, but i have never seen one of them so i didn´t even know that they existed.
I have talked to a lot of fujoshis (not everyone is like this, i know) and they way that the fetishize gay relationships is akward. You put two guys togheter and they start shipping them. A great example is part of the MHA fanbase, with very illegal ships and pretty weird things. I do not have anything against shipping men, girls or whatever
I guess you are a fujoshi?, so sorry for being rude i don´t want to make anyone feel bad
IikamiialvFeb 2, 2021 4:10 PM
Feb 2, 2021 4:21 PM

Dec 2019
I do,I shipp,i have gay shipps(i know they can't be together but still doing)I can't watch anything without shipping someone.
Feb 2, 2021 4:29 PM

Mar 2016
I ship if theres potential in the ship or if it’s canon.

just wanna feel wanted by someone other than the police 😫
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