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what cultural things are worth preserving in japan and why?

Aug 12, 2019 3:05 AM

Feb 2017
Saw an youtube video about japan and the comment section was filled with people saying how foreigners should stop visiting japan,japan should not be mixed with people of other countries anymore, let japan be the way it is etc to preserve its culture.

the video was probably from this channel -

I'm in a dilemma. What culture are they exactly talking about? Tbh i dont see much major difference between japan and all the other developed countries.

so back to the question,what cultural things are worth preserving in japan and why?

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Aug 12, 2019 3:33 AM

Jul 2019
Warning: I didn't watch the video because I didn't found it. This is my opinion on the "comments" and I won't comment any possible disscussion reaction.

Those kind of people are retards. Japan should be visited and experienced. Arguments like "Japan's culture should be preserved and not mixed" are complete thrash, national identity cannot be lost by getting mixed with other countries, no it's the way to show Japan's culture to the entire world, culture that makes Japan's unique and beautiful.

Isolationism is not way to go.
Aug 12, 2019 4:11 AM

Jul 2015
You first have to answer the following question: What exactly does preserving a culture entail?
Presumably, it entails having people keep practicing it. Ideally, they'd be doing that on their own, but if you're at risk of a losing a culture, they clearly don't want to practice it anymore, which is why you're losing it.

From that, the answer to the question of what cultural things are to be preserved should be pretty clear - absolutely nothing.

People should never be forced to keep their culture if they don't feel like it's worth preserving. Culture is all nice and good, but it's never worth forcing it. You can go ahead and advertise your culture if it means that much to you, but you should never infringe on peoples rights in an effort to preserve a culture. This point is really worth stressing: If a culture is being lost, it's not because of some weird foreign invading force, it's because the people themselves who grew up with that culture don't care enough about it to preserve it. And you should respect that, because anything else is a horrible transgression.

Culture shifts and changes all the time anyway. Even if the old disappears, it'll be replaced by something else in time. People ought to stop worrying about it.

The only valid point of contention is whether a certain culture causes objective suffering to people. Now that's something that you can actually go ahead and worry about.
Railey2Aug 12, 2019 4:18 AM
"my life at this state could be transposed into a pretty massive biography"

- Cneq, "the guy who was literally using BTC in 2012 to make deals in the first main instance of a digital itemized economy forming naturally in all human history (also the precursor of NFTs) and who had 20k+ total trades.", 23 years old

MAL's most prolific antivaxxer, Noboru.
Aug 12, 2019 4:36 AM

Dec 2012
Culture is a euphemism for race. They want Japan to remain ethnically Japanese.
Aug 12, 2019 5:01 AM
Feb 2017
TheAnimeMan made a video about things Japan does that he finds completely stupid, all of which are stupid indeed.

Aug 12, 2019 3:31 PM

Jan 2009
I think that the things most worth preserving on the culture of every nation are:

- plans for iconic buildings (so they can be rebuilt in the worst case)
- oldest inscriptions in that language (so they can be studied and compared with later versions of the language
- memories of valuable pieces of music and literature
- royal insignia (if there are any) and/or state symbols

In the case of Japan, I would also include stuff like the oldest Anime + Manga and the titles that raised a major cult

Tbh i dont see much major difference between japan and all the other developed countries.
That's because the architecture has become uniformed... just click on the link in my signature for more information...

Railey2 said:
People should never be forced to keep their culture if they don't feel like it's worth preserving. Culture is all nice and good, but it's never worth forcing it.
Good that many people see it completely different than you and take precautions to conserve cultural goods securely in underground archives. The biggest ones that come to mind:

- Barbarastollen near Freiburg, Germany

- MOM project (memory of mankind; private organization) in Hallstatt, Austria

- the archives in Vatican City
Aug 12, 2019 4:53 PM

Oct 2014
The architecture. Can't think of anything else really.
Aug 13, 2019 12:28 AM

Jul 2015
Noboru said:
I think that the things most worth preserving on the culture of every nation are:

- plans for iconic buildings (so they can be rebuilt in the worst case)
- oldest inscriptions in that language (so they can be studied and compared with later versions of the language
- memories of valuable pieces of music and literature
- royal insignia (if there are any) and/or state symbols

In the case of Japan, I would also include stuff like the oldest Anime + Manga and the titles that raised a major cult

Tbh i dont see much major difference between japan and all the other developed countries.
That's because the architecture has become uniformed... just click on the link in my signature for more information...

Railey2 said:
People should never be forced to keep their culture if they don't feel like it's worth preserving. Culture is all nice and good, but it's never worth forcing it.
Good that many people see it completely different than you and take precautions to conserve cultural goods securely in underground archives. The biggest ones that come to mind:

- Barbarastollen near Freiburg, Germany

- MOM project (memory of mankind; private organization) in Hallstatt, Austria

- the archives in Vatican City
You didn't read.

I said that it's fine to preserve a culture if the will is there, but that people should never be forced to preserve it.

For example, you shouldn't be evicted so that people can destroy your house and build a recreation of an old house on it.
Or you shouldn't be stopped from immigrating because people are worried that your "influence" will be a threat to their native culture.
Or you shouldn't be forced to pay money to aid projects that aim to preserve aspects of the native culture.

If people want to come together and preserve their culture with nondisruptive means, then that's fine, which I assume applies to the projects you've named.
Going beyond that, though.. that's where the trouble starts.
"my life at this state could be transposed into a pretty massive biography"

- Cneq, "the guy who was literally using BTC in 2012 to make deals in the first main instance of a digital itemized economy forming naturally in all human history (also the precursor of NFTs) and who had 20k+ total trades.", 23 years old

MAL's most prolific antivaxxer, Noboru.
Aug 13, 2019 2:56 AM

Nov 2013
Modern japan is a product of foreign influence.
No culture simply remains the same forever, so going out of your way to preserve things in the name of traditionalism isn't rational.
The issue is a cultural shift to worse behaviors. The fear of that happening is why traditionalists fear monger the collapse of a society at any change instead of individually assessing things.
Though those comments are specifically talking about immigration policy and ghettoizing japan.

I can see you

Aug 13, 2019 4:58 AM

Feb 2015
Anything that has significance that speaks about their history?

They can be preserved in libraries or museums in case some of the people's way of life no longer has any place in the present and forgotten, because things change all the time.
Aug 13, 2019 5:44 AM

Mar 2019
I think it's stupid to præserve anything cultural; the few good ideas of cultures can always be improved.

I like the idea of sitting on the floor; it's far more practical but there is surely better material for it than rice straw. I'm pretty sure that if you put a bunch of scientists in a lab to try to figure out the ideal and most cost-saving method of making sittable floors they could come up with some cheap to produce, easy to clean synthetic solution that is better for the environment too than rice straw.

Tradition is the hallmark of the fool.

It is obvious that "obscenity" is not a term capable of exact legal definition; in the practice of the courts, it means "anything that shocks the magistrate".

— Bertrand Russell
Aug 13, 2019 8:34 AM
Cat Hater

Feb 2017
I've seen that guy, with all my respect he lacks knowledge on a lot of topics and maybe isn't very intelligent in general. Some of his content is pretty good though, I have to agree.

Also why is his channel called "find your love in japan" yet some of his most popular videos are about black people in the US, a country that he has never even been to as far as I know.

However some of the aforesaid videos made his channel blow up in the recent years so you probably understand the political stance of his viewers as well as the fact that the vast majority of them aren't Japanese.
Aug 13, 2019 8:39 AM

Jan 2009
Railey2 said:
For example, you shouldn't be evicted so that people can destroy your house and build a recreation of an old house on it. (1)
Or you shouldn't be stopped from immigrating because people are worried that your "influence" will be a threat to their native culture. (2)
Or you shouldn't be forced to pay money to aid projects that aim to preserve aspects of the native culture. (3)
(1) This would be quite the unrealistic reason to expropriate people of their estates.
(2) Immigration laws are based on the politics which is influenced by the elections.
(3) Are you referring to public fees (i.a.: GEZ)?
Aug 13, 2019 8:46 AM

Oct 2018
It's bullshit. As of 2018, Japan's population had 2% foreign residents. That's not a lot if you compare it to western countries like Germany (where I am born) which had around 15% foreign residents in 2017 and the USA which had around 14% in 2017. So why Japan exactly? Sure, Japan has a culture worth preserving, but doesn't every country? The only difference is that Japan still has a culture that you can preserve. In most European countries it's already completely lost. I mean I'm not talking about things you can find in a museum but everyday culture. From my experience for example in Germany people are looking at you like if you smoked a joint if you're talking about old german traditions and fests. I take Yule over Christmas everday. So instead of worrying about Japan people should worry about their own country first. Japan is completely fine.
Aug 13, 2019 11:41 AM

Jan 2019
Japan has a distinct lack of diversity in it's culture, but it also lacks crime. A single large group of people with a similar mentality will always be more peaceful than a cluster of smaller groups with different ideals. Peace and low crime rates are something good that should be preserved, right?
Aug 13, 2019 12:08 PM

Jul 2016
The penis festivals and their thong underwear because freely expressed sexuality is important.

And general political incorrectness.

Aug 13, 2019 3:02 PM

Jul 2015
What political incorrectness? The fact that they can make racist, homophobic or borderline pedo jokes np?

Oh a fake leather gay dude thrusting his hips in front of a 10yo face, so politically incorrect, so fun. Wow, bravissimo japan, dem balls!

Meanwhile, social commentary in japan is about as poor as it was in the USSR lol.

Reminder that japan is literally the country of political correctness, where you shut up and swallow your pride daily, and where nobody talks about the fair portion of children who are going to hang in trees before their 20th birthday. All this "political incorrectness" BS is just a wet 4chaner dream. "b-but Hitler-kun liked them"
DeathkoAug 13, 2019 3:11 PM
Aug 13, 2019 3:41 PM

Mar 2008
Too late for that. Japan had it's culture changed due to Western semi-colonial powers on it in the past. That's how Japan became so puritanical cencoring porn and things like that. Though do keep in mind Japanese culture is just an offshoot of Korean culture and maybe a bit of Ainu culture to begin with anyway yet it still took on some of it's own characteristics. Same will just happen with any other cultural influence. This happens pretty much everywhere. You won't get some totally homogenous global culture so easily.
traedAug 13, 2019 3:50 PM
Aug 13, 2019 9:38 PM

Mar 2019
traed said:
Too late for that. Japan had it's culture changed due to Western semi-colonial powers on it in the past. That's how Japan became so puritanical cencoring porn and things like that. Though do keep in mind Japanese culture is just an offshoot of Korean culture and maybe a bit of Ainu culture to begin with anyway yet it still took on some of it's own characteristics. Same will just happen with any other cultural influence. This happens pretty much everywhere. You won't get some totally homogenous global culture so easily.

I don't think Japan is puritanical at all. People make such a big deal out of them censoring genitals but literally nothing else is censored. You can blatantly sexualize underage schoolgirls and have them fuck their brother multiple times per episode without any controversy in multiple different animes. I mean, a lot of the ecchis I've been watching lately make Game of Thrones look hella tame by comparison but Game of Thrones drew controversy just for having too many sex scenes and because people thought the female characters were naked too often, much less with underage characters the way anime does.

When MTV tried to air their own version of Skins in the United States, which is basically a show from the UK that focuses on the sex lives of teenagers, it got taken off the air because it drew too much controversy over its sexual content. Meanwhile, how many countless animes have been made for TV where the sex lives of teenagers is the primary theme? Ecchi anime will also show much more graphic details during sex scenes that make them look way more pornographic than even HBO shows in America do, characters licking each other, sucking on breasts, tongues twisting around each other with saliva dripping from their mouths, or characters sucking on them, loud orgasms, and even ejaculatory fluids all on regular TV as long as its late at night. Pretty much all the sex scenes in our media involve the characters thrusting for a bit and then stopping.

So basically, they censor like one thing that we don't, and we censor like ten things that they don't.
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Aug 13, 2019 10:25 PM

Mar 2008
Ryuk9428 said:
traed said:
Too late for that. Japan had it's culture changed due to Western semi-colonial powers on it in the past. That's how Japan became so puritanical cencoring porn and things like that. Though do keep in mind Japanese culture is just an offshoot of Korean culture and maybe a bit of Ainu culture to begin with anyway yet it still took on some of it's own characteristics. Same will just happen with any other cultural influence. This happens pretty much everywhere. You won't get some totally homogenous global culture so easily.

I don't think Japan is puritanical at all. People make such a big deal out of them censoring genitals but literally nothing else is censored. You can blatantly sexualize underage schoolgirls and have them fuck their brother multiple times per episode without any controversy in multiple different animes. I mean, a lot of the ecchis I've been watching lately make Game of Thrones look hella tame by comparison but Game of Thrones drew controversy just for having too many sex scenes and because people thought the female characters were naked too often, much less with underage characters the way anime does.

When MTV tried to air their own version of Skins in the United States, which is basically a show from the UK that focuses on the sex lives of teenagers, it got taken off the air because it drew too much controversy over its sexual content. Meanwhile, how many countless animes have been made for TV where the sex lives of teenagers is the primary theme? Ecchi anime will also show much more graphic details during sex scenes that make them look way more pornographic than even HBO shows in America do, characters licking each other, sucking on breasts, tongues twisting around each other with saliva dripping from their mouths, or characters sucking on them, loud orgasms, and even ejaculatory fluids all on regular TV as long as its late at night. Pretty much all the sex scenes in our media involve the characters thrusting for a bit and then stopping.

So basically, they censor like one thing that we don't, and we censor like ten things that they don't.

Japan is this weird combination of puritanical and closeted perverts. Basically something obscene is considered a problem but something offensive is not looked at. I could bewwrong but it very much seems that way. Someone from Japan and moved elsewhere or having moved to there would better know since thet could directly compair countries. I'm not necisarilly talking about the culture per say but the government authority. Get what I mean?
Aug 13, 2019 10:55 PM
Cat Hater

Feb 2017
@traed I don't think they are puritanical, it's just called absurdity. Genitals are censored but anything else that doesn't fall into that category isn't despite sometimes looking far more extreme than regular sex.

It reminds me of the anti-prostitution laws which I believe clearly specify that vaginal intercourse with someone in exchange for payment is illegal. However it still leaves a huge question mark about other sexual activities/services which according to the law should be consider okay, technically.
Aug 13, 2019 11:33 PM

Jul 2015
Noboru said:
Railey2 said:
For example, you shouldn't be evicted so that people can destroy your house and build a recreation of an old house on it. (1)
Or you shouldn't be stopped from immigrating because people are worried that your "influence" will be a threat to their native culture. (2)
Or you shouldn't be forced to pay money to aid projects that aim to preserve aspects of the native culture. (3)
(1) This would be quite the unrealistic reason to expropriate people of their estates.
(2) Immigration laws are based on the politics which is influenced by the elections.
(3) Are you referring to public fees (i.a.: GEZ)?
(1) exactly.
(2) dumb point that has nothing to do with anything I said. We are talking about the oughts here, idgaf what is informed by what. It doesn't matter to this discussion. I'm saying that if a policy like that was used, it would be a grave transgression against peoples rights.
(3) Yes, although paying for the Tagesschau isn't what I'd call a cultural purpose, but yeah fuck the rest. Forcing people to pay for a cultural programme that they never wanted or needed is overstepping, hard. Keep the Tagesschau (that's not cultural, it's informatory and educational), absolutely scrap the rest.
"my life at this state could be transposed into a pretty massive biography"

- Cneq, "the guy who was literally using BTC in 2012 to make deals in the first main instance of a digital itemized economy forming naturally in all human history (also the precursor of NFTs) and who had 20k+ total trades.", 23 years old

MAL's most prolific antivaxxer, Noboru.
Aug 13, 2019 11:44 PM

Mar 2008
149597871 said:
@traed I don't think they are puritanical, it's just called absurdity. Genitals are censored but anything else that doesn't fall into that category isn't despite sometimes looking far more extreme than regular sex.

It reminds me of the anti-prostitution laws which I believe clearly specify that vaginal intercourse with someone in exchange for payment is illegal. However it still leaves a huge question mark about other sexual activities/services which according to the law should be consider okay, technically.

Well yes, it's absurd but there are other things aren't there? For example even a drug as soft as cannabis is viewed as something very bad that only hardened criminals would do despite cannabis being a big part of Japanese culture in the past in religious use. I can't think of other examples at the moment.
Aug 14, 2019 12:07 AM

Mar 2019
@traed and @149597871

Yeah I don't think its puritanical attitudes, its just weird. Its like they're too lazy to change the law or strike it off the books. Culture is part of it, but lots of animes created by the Japanese are banned in Westernized countries mainly for sexual content involving underage characters. High School DxD for example was banned in New Zealand. I've heard numerous ecchis are banned in Australia and New Zealand. A Kite was banned in Norway and censored in the US for depicting the rape of an underage girl. The only subject that seems really taboo for anime to touch on is depicting Japanese atrocities during WW2, but other than that, Japanese writers have a lot of freedom regarding controversial themes that people from other countries don't have.

The US hasn't banned privately owning shows directly from Japan, but I feel like if something like Kiss X Sis was made by an American company and they tried to air it on US television, the FCC regulations would either not approve it or immediately take it down. So its not just culture, with the exception of the genital pixels, the Japanese government seems pretty unwilling to censor things.

The way I see it, prostitution might as well be considered legal in Japan. The law was obviously made so they could say its illegal while being a blatant loophole. Its not a question mark for non-vaginal intercourse, it is completely legal. Its also legal if you're "acquainted," so Soaplands exploit this loophole by giving the customer a bath and after the bath they are "acquainted," therefore, vaginal intercourse is now legal too.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Aug 14, 2019 12:09 AM

Mar 2019
traed said:
149597871 said:
@traed I don't think they are puritanical, it's just called absurdity. Genitals are censored but anything else that doesn't fall into that category isn't despite sometimes looking far more extreme than regular sex.

It reminds me of the anti-prostitution laws which I believe clearly specify that vaginal intercourse with someone in exchange for payment is illegal. However it still leaves a huge question mark about other sexual activities/services which according to the law should be consider okay, technically.

Well yes, it's absurd but there are other things aren't there? For example even a drug as soft as cannabis is viewed as something very bad that only hardened criminals would do despite cannabis being a big part of Japanese culture in the past in religious use. I can't think of other examples at the moment.

Yeah when it comes to drugs, all of Asia is really regressive.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Aug 14, 2019 10:29 AM

Jan 2009
Railey2 said:

(2) I'm saying that if a policy like that was used, it would be a grave transgression against peoples rights.
I'm not up for a conversation about immigration...

Railey2 said:
(3)Keep the Tagesschau (that's not cultural, it's informatory and educational), absolutely scrap the rest.
Well, we certainly don't need the umpteenth version of the "Tatort" and lots of other stuff...
Aug 14, 2019 10:40 AM

Jul 2015
Noboru said:
Railey2 said:

(2) I'm saying that if a policy like that was used, it would be a grave transgression against peoples rights.
I'm not up for a conversation about immigration...

Railey2 said:
(3)Keep the Tagesschau (that's not cultural, it's informatory and educational), absolutely scrap the rest.
Well, we certainly don't need the umpteenth version of the "Tatort" and lots of other stuff...
(2) you came to the wrong thread then!

(3) You have no idea how much I agree with you on that one. Can't believe I have to pay for that shit every year, and the best thing is that I have to pay even though the last time I watched TV was like 6 years ago.
"my life at this state could be transposed into a pretty massive biography"

- Cneq, "the guy who was literally using BTC in 2012 to make deals in the first main instance of a digital itemized economy forming naturally in all human history (also the precursor of NFTs) and who had 20k+ total trades.", 23 years old

MAL's most prolific antivaxxer, Noboru.
Aug 14, 2019 10:51 AM

Jan 2009
Railey2 said:
(2) you came to the wrong thread then!

(3) You have no idea how much I agree with you on that one. Can't believe I have to pay for that shit every year, and the best thing is that I have to pay even though the last time I watched TV was like 6 years ago.
(2) Oopsie-daisy, got the thread wrong... And here I thought, this would be a harmless, "safe" thread abou talking about which cultural goods are worthy to be preserverd :p

(3) There is lots of other senseless stuff like modern monuments that are erected with the help of taxes. Compared to that, even the GEZ feels almost humane.
Aug 14, 2019 11:18 AM

Aug 2012
Literally no one cares about Japanese culture except wanna-be Japanese weebs. Who are you to demand preserving something that the Japanese might not want? Let the people of culture decide.

If you ask me, personally, cultures should mostly be experienced in celebrations. Modern lifestyle rendered all that stuff obsolete anyway.
Aug 14, 2019 12:48 PM

Apr 2015
Ryuk9428 said:
A Kite was banned in Norway

Where did you get that info? I googled that up and I found no info that A Kite even had a Norwegian release planned, just some old forum thread were some folks wondered would hentai including underage characters be banned there and they concluded yes. Similarly it would be banned in Sweden according to them but no news it even was going to be released there.

Also theatrical releases in Japan do get edited, censoring nudity and violence to get lower PG to not affect ticket sales.
Aug 14, 2019 4:12 PM

Mar 2008
Ryuk9428 said:
@traed and @149597871

Yeah I don't think its puritanical attitudes, its just weird. Its like they're too lazy to change the law or strike it off the books. Culture is part of it, but lots of animes created by the Japanese are banned in Westernized countries mainly for sexual content involving underage characters. High School DxD for example was banned in New Zealand. I've heard numerous ecchis are banned in Australia and New Zealand. A Kite was banned in Norway and censored in the US for depicting the rape of an underage girl. The only subject that seems really taboo for anime to touch on is depicting Japanese atrocities during WW2, but other than that, Japanese writers have a lot of freedom regarding controversial themes that people from other countries don't have.

The US hasn't banned privately owning shows directly from Japan, but I feel like if something like Kiss X Sis was made by an American company and they tried to air it on US television, the FCC regulations would either not approve it or immediately take it down. So its not just culture, with the exception of the genital pixels, the Japanese government seems pretty unwilling to censor things.

The way I see it, prostitution might as well be considered legal in Japan. The law was obviously made so they could say its illegal while being a blatant loophole. Its not a question mark for non-vaginal intercourse, it is completely legal. Its also legal if you're "acquainted," so Soaplands exploit this loophole by giving the customer a bath and after the bath they are "acquainted," therefore, vaginal intercourse is now legal too.

A Kite already had a cencored version from Japan iirc so the other countries wasn't really who cencored it. It also had a live action adaptation in the US.
Aug 14, 2019 5:56 PM

Nov 2008
I want an underground archive for all of Japanese media, including anime, something like this. It's good time for Japan to think about having an archive for Japanese media that's safe from the elements and fire.

Aug 14, 2019 8:20 PM

Mar 2019
konkelo said:
Ryuk9428 said:
A Kite was banned in Norway

Where did you get that info? I googled that up and I found no info that A Kite even had a Norwegian release planned, just some old forum thread were some folks wondered would hentai including underage characters be banned there and they concluded yes. Similarly it would be banned in Sweden according to them but no news it even was going to be released there.

Also theatrical releases in Japan do get edited, censoring nudity and violence to get lower PG to not affect ticket sales.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Aug 14, 2019 10:59 PM

Mar 2008
DiscoDespot said:
Japan has a distinct lack of diversity in it's culture, but it also lacks crime. A single large group of people with a similar mentality will always be more peaceful than a cluster of smaller groups with different ideals. Peace and low crime rates are something good that should be preserved, right?

The Japanese police mainly in Tokyo as far as I know can be pretty corrupt and manupulate crime stats to make the public feel safer than they actually are. This is fairly well documented. Unsolved murders may get labelled as suicides for example.
Aug 15, 2019 12:03 AM

Jan 2017
Keep japan Japanese, good for everyone.
Aug 15, 2019 12:10 AM

Jan 2017
MasterGlyth said:
Modern japan is a product of foreign influence.
No culture simply remains the same forever, so going out of your way to preserve things in the name of traditionalism isn't rational.
The issue is a cultural shift to worse behaviors. The fear of that happening is why traditionalists fear monger the collapse of a society at any change instead of individually assessing things.
Though those comments are specifically talking about immigration policy and ghettoizing japan.
I'd bet the life of my dog [if I had one] that if japan let mass immigration happen like it has in all these other western countries it certainly would become a ghetto. I'm almost 99% sure.
Aug 15, 2019 12:15 AM

Jan 2009
their overwork culture (cause of karoshi) and shame culture (cause of hikikomori) should be preserved /s
Aug 15, 2019 12:35 AM
Mar 2011
traed said:
Too late for that. Japan had it's culture changed due to Western semi-colonial powers on it in the past. That's how Japan became so puritanical cencoring porn and things like that. Though do keep in mind Japanese culture is just an offshoot of Korean culture and maybe a bit of Ainu culture to begin with anyway yet it still took on some of it's own characteristics. Same will just happen with any other cultural influence. This happens pretty much everywhere. You won't get some totally homogenous global culture so easily.

just ot correct you the whole of the east is offshoot of Tang era china Ainu culture is hard to trace sicne non know were the langauge even comes from its anisolte like Basque is
"If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine"

When the union's inspiration through the workers' blood shall run
There can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun
Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one
For the Union makes us strong
Aug 15, 2019 12:38 AM
Mar 2011
Cneq said:
MasterGlyth said:
Modern japan is a product of foreign influence.
No culture simply remains the same forever, so going out of your way to preserve things in the name of traditionalism isn't rational.
The issue is a cultural shift to worse behaviors. The fear of that happening is why traditionalists fear monger the collapse of a society at any change instead of individually assessing things.
Though those comments are specifically talking about immigration policy and ghettoizing japan.
I'd bet the life of my dog [if I had one] that if japan let mass immigration happen like it has in all these other western countries it certainly would become a ghetto. I'm almost 99% sure.

there is gettos in Japan both poor urban and rural gettos and that cuase of teh LDP but teh LDP have connection to th Yakuza so the gte vote vua fear

"If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine"

When the union's inspiration through the workers' blood shall run
There can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun
Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one
For the Union makes us strong
Aug 15, 2019 12:40 AM

Jan 2017
DateYutaka said:
Cneq said:
I'd bet the life of my dog [if I had one] that if japan let mass immigration happen like it has in all these other western countries it certainly would become a ghetto. I'm almost 99% sure.

there is gettos in Japan both poor urban and rural gettos and that cuase of teh LDP but teh LDP have connection to th Yakuza so the gte vote vua fear

When I say ghetto I'm talking US grade ghettos [skid row, detroit etc etc]. People can "say" there are ghettos in places like Japan or Australia but the ones who say that have no clue what a real ghetto is.
Aug 15, 2019 12:41 AM

Oct 2013
Yes. Let me pull out my ruler with which I measure a "culture's" worth objectivly and free of any bias.
Aug 15, 2019 12:43 AM
Mar 2011
traed said:
DiscoDespot said:
Japan has a distinct lack of diversity in it's culture, but it also lacks crime. A single large group of people with a similar mentality will always be more peaceful than a cluster of smaller groups with different ideals. Peace and low crime rates are something good that should be preserved, right?

The Japanese police mainly in Tokyo as far as I know can be pretty corrupt and manupulate crime stats to make the public feel safer than they actually are. This is fairly well documented. Unsolved murders may get labelled as suicides for example.

Understatement of teh century there so bad that i some tiles long for the days of JRA bobmong ppolice buidling from the 1970's and 80's the Rentai are just mmore akin to what antifa were to bgin with left-wing soccer hooligans thye od not have the miltray Style structure of the Old JRA

but then again being decenized will help
"If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine"

When the union's inspiration through the workers' blood shall run
There can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun
Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one
For the Union makes us strong
Aug 15, 2019 12:52 AM
Mar 2011
Cneq said:
DateYutaka said:

there is gettos in Japan both poor urban and rural gettos and that cuase of teh LDP but teh LDP have connection to th Yakuza so the gte vote vua fear

When I say ghetto I'm talking US grade ghettos [skid row, detroit etc etc]. People can "say" there are ghettos in places like Japan or Australia but the ones who say that have no clue what a real ghetto is.

th eus does not have something like the Burakumin like Japan does

and su getto/barrios are caused by historical racial/class injustice that will only gte wirse under trump or nay non truly left-wing Presidnt and no non of the dems running are truly left wing by my standed of left wing the so called us far left [ not ta;k abot antifa here]

in ta;k abour people liek AOC and the CLUB or whatever there called there not far left in real sense there moderate soc Dems whoa re seen as far left sicne the overton window in the us has alway been far to the right [ and no im talking about race policy
"If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine"

When the union's inspiration through the workers' blood shall run
There can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun
Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one
For the Union makes us strong
Aug 15, 2019 1:13 AM

Jan 2017
DateYutaka said:
Cneq said:
When I say ghetto I'm talking US grade ghettos [skid row, detroit etc etc]. People can "say" there are ghettos in places like Japan or Australia but the ones who say that have no clue what a real ghetto is.

th eus does not have something like the Burakumin like Japan does

and su getto/barrios are caused by historical racial/class injustice that will only gte wirse under trump or nay non truly left-wing Presidnt and no non of the dems running are truly left wing by my standed of left wing the so called us far left [ not ta;k abot antifa here]

in ta;k abour people liek AOC and the CLUB or whatever there called there not far left in real sense there moderate soc Dems whoa re seen as far left sicne the overton window in the us has alway been far to the right [ and no im talking about race policy
"getto/barrios are caused by historical racial/class injustice" Yeah says who? And what races are we speaking about? Not all ghettos in the US are dominated by one ethnic group [of course some are since ethnic groups tend to stick together but not all]. There are plenty of shit holes in the US populated by both mexicans, blacks and whites. For you to be bringing up current political matters only goes to show you have no idea about the history of the US. These issues run deep and it's been like this since way before even the 80's. Ghettos and their history in the US cannot be defined by simple "left" or "right".

I don't believe the Burakumin have anything to do with the type of ghetto I'm talking about. I'm talking about areas that you can walk through and almost be guaranteed to find used needles, trash, dried bloodstains, illegal sex workers, addicts with withdrawls etc. And if you're really lucky you may get held up at gunpoint or caught up in a drive by. This kind of shit happens by the hour and even in areas that are deemed "safe". You boot up any police scanner and even in areas like San Diego [which is considered a "nice" area] you'll find this type of shit happening 24 hours a day.

The only places that can compare to the filth and ghettos the US has are places in South America, Africa, Mexico [Tijuana is basically the same as areas near LA lmao] and of course the middle east. The EU is getting there though after letting mass immigration happen.
Aug 15, 2019 1:24 AM
Aug 2016
Those kind of comments were probably from frustrated people who didn't get the chance to go to Japan themselves, and now they throw that kind of shit at people who visit Japan.

My opinion is that every country should be visited by foreigners because all the countries have their own culture, and it's good that people are trying to learn cultures from other countries.
Aug 15, 2019 1:42 AM
Mar 2011
Cneq said:
DateYutaka said:

th eus does not have something like the Burakumin like Japan does

and su getto/barrios are caused by historical racial/class injustice that will only gte wirse under trump or nay non truly left-wing Presidnt and no non of the dems running are truly left wing by my standed of left wing the so called us far left [ not ta;k abot antifa here]

in ta;k abour people liek AOC and the CLUB or whatever there called there not far left in real sense there moderate soc Dems whoa re seen as far left sicne the overton window in the us has alway been far to the right [ and no im talking about race policy
"getto/barrios are caused by historical racial/class injustice" Yeah says who? And what races are we speaking about? Not all ghettos in the US are dominated by one ethnic group [of course some are since ethnic groups tend to stick together but not all]. There are plenty of shit holes in the US populated by both mexicans, blacks and whites. For you to be bringing up current political matters only goes to show you have no idea about the history of the US. These issues run deep and it's been like this since way before even the 80's. Ghettos and their history in the US cannot be defined by simple "left" or "right".

I don't believe the Burakumin have anything to do with the type of ghetto I'm talking about. I'm talking about areas that you can walk through and almost be guaranteed to find used needles, trash, dried bloodstains, illegal sex workers, addicts with withdrawls etc. And if you're really lucky you may get held up at gunpoint or caught up in a drive by. This kind of shit happens by the hour and even in areas that are deemed "safe". You boot up any police scanner and even in areas like San Diego [which is considered a "nice" area] you'll find this type of shit happening 24 hours a day.

The only places that can compare to the filth and ghettos the US has are places in South America, Africa, Mexico [Tijuana is basically the same as areas near LA lmao] and of course the middle east. The EU is getting there though after letting mass immigration happen.

what caused the middle east to beocme liek ut is us wars or us back dictators in Latin Amarica
"If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine"

When the union's inspiration through the workers' blood shall run
There can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun
Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one
For the Union makes us strong
Aug 15, 2019 1:56 AM

Jan 2017
DateYutaka said:
Cneq said:
"getto/barrios are caused by historical racial/class injustice" Yeah says who? And what races are we speaking about? Not all ghettos in the US are dominated by one ethnic group [of course some are since ethnic groups tend to stick together but not all]. There are plenty of shit holes in the US populated by both mexicans, blacks and whites. For you to be bringing up current political matters only goes to show you have no idea about the history of the US. These issues run deep and it's been like this since way before even the 80's. Ghettos and their history in the US cannot be defined by simple "left" or "right".

I don't believe the Burakumin have anything to do with the type of ghetto I'm talking about. I'm talking about areas that you can walk through and almost be guaranteed to find used needles, trash, dried bloodstains, illegal sex workers, addicts with withdrawls etc. And if you're really lucky you may get held up at gunpoint or caught up in a drive by. This kind of shit happens by the hour and even in areas that are deemed "safe". You boot up any police scanner and even in areas like San Diego [which is considered a "nice" area] you'll find this type of shit happening 24 hours a day.

The only places that can compare to the filth and ghettos the US has are places in South America, Africa, Mexico [Tijuana is basically the same as areas near LA lmao] and of course the middle east. The EU is getting there though after letting mass immigration happen.

what caused the middle east to beocme liek ut is us wars or us back dictators in Latin Amarica
Yes that is true and you can thank the democratic party for doing that. Bush and Obama in particular. Both bush's literally bred an entire generation of middle eastern kids [who are now around 20+] to hate the west and be out for blood. Would you be angry if your country was bombed to hell and family and friends killed? Certainly. They have every right to hate the US for what the democrats did to them.
Aug 15, 2019 1:59 AM
Mar 2011
Cneq said:
DateYutaka said:

what caused the middle east to beocme liek ut is us wars or us back dictators in Latin Amarica
Yes that is true and you can thank the democratic party for doing that. Bush and Obama in particular. Both bush's literally bred an entire generation of middle eastern kids [who are now around 20+] to hate the west and be out for blood. Would you be angry if your country was bombed to hell and family and friends killed? Certainly. They have every right to hate the US for what the democrats did to them.

im an anti war left winger Bush is democrat trump as not pulled us backing ofrm Yemen for exmaple
"If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine"

When the union's inspiration through the workers' blood shall run
There can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun
Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one
For the Union makes us strong
Aug 15, 2019 2:02 AM

Mar 2008
DateYutaka said:
traed said:
Too late for that. Japan had it's culture changed due to Western semi-colonial powers on it in the past. That's how Japan became so puritanical cencoring porn and things like that. Though do keep in mind Japanese culture is just an offshoot of Korean culture and maybe a bit of Ainu culture to begin with anyway yet it still took on some of it's own characteristics. Same will just happen with any other cultural influence. This happens pretty much everywhere. You won't get some totally homogenous global culture so easily.

just ot correct you the whole of the east is offshoot of Tang era china Ainu culture is hard to trace sicne non know were the langauge even comes from its anisolte like Basque is

Well yes. I was just suggesting since Ainu are the natives of the land that some things may have influenced Japanese culture. I don't have anything particular in mind. Why I mentioned Korea was simply because Japanese have close genetic ties to Korea so that was the last location of cultural influence. That isn't to say China did not also have an influence.
Aug 15, 2019 2:07 AM
Mar 2011
traed said:
DateYutaka said:

just ot correct you the whole of the east is offshoot of Tang era china Ainu culture is hard to trace sicne non know were the langauge even comes from its anisolte like Basque is

Well yes. I was just suggesting since Ainu are the natives of the land that some things may have influenced Japanese culture. I don't have anything particular in mind. Why I mentioned Korea was simply because Japanese have close genetic ties to Korea so that was the last location of cultural influence. That isn't to say China did not also have an influence.

Ainu culute was alive untill after the great war and then was not reconzne until the 1990's
"If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine"

When the union's inspiration through the workers' blood shall run
There can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun
Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one
For the Union makes us strong
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