joe_g7 said:TrashIsMyWaifu said:But the thing is she moved on OFF SCREEN which just makes her disposable. We don't see her reject the idea even though she was made out to be naive, I mean sure she was horrified first but out of the three raids only two involved drenching, so what I, as someone who hasn't read the manga, see a character who isn't well fleshed out enough to make her find it okay to be drenched in blood.
It doesn't make her disposable at all. Not everything can be shown on-screen. Frodo and Sam from LoTR did a lot of journeying off-screen during their way to Mordor, does that make them disposable? As I said, she went on more adventures off-screen, and as far as we know, she could've been drenched in blood many more times. In this episode they show us that she's done it enough times that she's gotten used to it, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.
It does we don't see her grow, were as in LoTR the most important parts are shown to the audience we get to see the story unfold with a good execution of the premise.
Wouldn't it have been more interesting seeing the emotional turmoil she goes through to become so nonchalant.
Also this is just my input but I would have found it better if she showed remorse at the deaths of even goblins saying that "Every being shouldn't have to die so cruelly." Giving us something to remember the character by, as someone who presents a less brutal ideology of GS,rather than just rolls the motions and adds nothing to the story.
What you're saying is completely illogical considering what she has gone through. You want her to feel remorse for the creatures she saw brutally rape and murder three people right in front of her eyes? The first episode already communicated that the goblins are bastards who deserve no mercy. It was straight-out said that "there are no good goblins in this world". I don't understand why you want her to suddenly feel sorry for the goblins just because they're "living creatures" and can breathe. They're parasites of the worst kind. A dumb pacifist-like girl in this show would be what a tumor is to a human body.
I don't want her to be a pacifist I want her to be a, to quote, "a less brutal ideology" showing us a different path than just murdering them all because if this world was realistic then they wouldn't let beginners take on goblins.
Also why do you think it matters if people died and were raped in front of her because literally no one cares. This isn't me being an ass or anything the story doesn't give them names doesn't focus on them as important motivations for the priestess and the priestess practically forgets about them.
I did go back and watched the scene again but I didn't see anything however just in case I turned the brightness to the highest setting on my phone and I was able to see it. Details like that should have been clear and anyone with functioning eyes would have seen it as the elf,their main focus, was in front of it and what doesn't make sense is that the goblins eyes should shine in the dark, something that nocturnal or cave living animals have to have due to adaptation, but their eyes react better in light something that doesn't make biological or contextual sense but is just meant to be visually pleasing.
Ahhh, you're watching from your phone? Then the fact that you can't make out some things is your fault, not the show's. Try watching from a bigger screen next time. I have my brightness on the lowest setting (5 out of 100) yet I had no problem making out the things that you missed.
Eyes of animals that can see in the dark don't have a constant shine. You see that green tint/shine only if you shine a light straight at them. Trust me, I've seen this with cows a dozen times.
Yeah I know it was my fault but still it only showed that place after the elf says something about it they should have made it clear rather than having a horror movie jump scare(this is an exaggeration).
Second I didn't go that far into the first SAO{I commend you for going that far though} i quit at episode 5 and I dropped the franchise in episode 1 of the second season, what I was talking about was SAO Alicization, the only above five star SAO, ep 4 which had Kirito facing goblins with no ex-machina apart from something the show did to grow Eugeo as a character.
The goblins in SAO were just that though, goblins, minions, small fry etc. In this, Goblin Slayer was basically facing a boss character, and he didn't win by pull a nuke out of his ass, he didn't win by suddenly revealing a secret OP ability, he didn't win by the power of friendship, he won by using a scroll that was built-up from the previous episode. It wasn't as bad as some people are making it out to be.
Practically the same thing as SAO then so I have nothing to say here.
But which is more fun stiff action or sakuga. Also,no offence to anyone who likes the show, SAO does not have the best fight animation in the industry. A1 pictures is bland and repetitive, the sakuga may be passable but if you compare most of their famous works to White Fox, the studio doing GS, then White Fox wins.
Hey, I'm just as disappointed with GS's animation as you are. I wish it was better.
It is really a step down from their usual.
Let me show an example which is better overall Steins Gate or SAO? It isn't a matter of studios or money it's the effort put into it SAO Alicization seems to have more effort put into it than the stiffness of Goblin Slayer.
Right now, SAO is an already established franchise with millions of followers all over the world. GS is new and barely anyone knows anything about it (or at least that used to be the case before episode 1 happened). I don't blame White Fox for not throwing all their money into this show, and I won't say that it's because of laziness. If White Fox was indeed lazy with this anime, then you can bet your ass this would've been on Toei levels of bullshit animation with a permanently CGI Goblin Slayer and a CGI Ogre.
Hahahahahaha*deep breath*hahahaha. I just remembered Toei doing One Piece and I'm fucking creased.
But you'd have to fuck up to wake them up if the elf is as skilled as they showed a sleeping target should have been instant kill and I'm sure the dragon and GS could have easily slit their throats.
Why risk doing something that could wake up the goblins, if you can instead put them to sleep and then kill them at your leisure? Being really skilled at something doesn't automatically make you an OP God with 100% accuracy. If High Elf missed even ONE of the targets and hit them in the shoulder or something, then it would've turned into a disaster. What and how they did it was slow, methodical, and calculated.
This is not a show where the protagonists can take on two dozen goblins at the same time in an open area, and that's what would've happened if even a SINGLE one of the sleeping goblins woke up or made a noise. Anyway, this the last I'm gonna say about this topic, cause if what I've said above can't convince you then I don't know what can.
But dude remember what she did in episode three.
Also all of them were already sleeping. And if one woke up elf could do what she did in episode three.
She might get better but does that really make sense in a narrative point of view. Narratives need to hook the audience on a character not ask the audience to wait for them to gethe better this just makes even some fans dislike her.
You're the only one I've seen complaining about Priestess. She seems pretty fine to me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I just don't like her, it might just be me but her blandness is kind of putting off.
No that's not how moons work. The only way for that to happen is the sun has to be larger than ours as moons reflect light not radiate it. Also one moon is way behind or smaller than the other so the brightness would barely be any different to our one if that was how moons work.
I dunno man, I'm just guessing.
To be honest, at this point, you're just nitpicking. In the end, the shine/reflection/whatever of the water is an inconsequential detail that was only on the screen for a few seconds yet you've made such a big deal out of it. It's like complaining that the wind was too strong or that the fence is not built from the right wood or that the Cow Girl isn't milking the cows correctly. Like, gimme a break man. Seriously, I'm slowly starting to question whether or not you even enjoy watching anything at all, do you put all shows under a magnifying glass or is it just with Goblin Slayer?
I do enjoy watching things in fact this premise is something I usually like but the execution is terrible.
Also for the nitpicking point the deeper you go into an argument or a show everything just becomes a nitpick until it becomes boring.
The problem i had for calling me retard was rather than it being constructive it was more I'm triggered because you saw things differently but I would have found your points reasonable if you didn't turn pissy.
You say that when more than half of the points you brought up at the start sounded more like a triggered rant rather than actual constructive criticism for the show. Yet I still responded to the majority of them seriously. At least you didn't insist on them once you got the answes, which is commendable.