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If you know that an anime is bad, will you give it a try?

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Aug 15, 2017 4:54 PM

Feb 2017
I can you possibly know if something is bad until you've watched it yourself? Everyone enjoys different things.

I pay no heed to reviews when I'm picking something to watch. I can make my own mind up
'I love you because you're you. I'm happy that you're whole. I don't care if there are sides of you that I don't know, or don't like. If that's who you are, that's fine. As long as you're whole, that's enough for me.'-Kouko Kaga
Aug 15, 2017 4:58 PM

Jun 2016
I never relied on ratings. If someone, at least one person, says its good then I'll consider watching it (=_=) even Boku no Pico
Aug 15, 2017 4:58 PM

Dec 2015
Yeah, it's bad for other maybe not for me. ;)

Aug 15, 2017 5:06 PM

May 2015
When people say that a certain anime is bad, it makes me more inclined to watch it. It's what got me to watch anime like Kuusen Madoushi, Big Order, Elfen Lied, and Kanokon (and Kanokon was the best of these).

I think I do this to counteract the anime I watch where people said that they were really good...only to be disappointed. This is what usually happens when people recommend me good/bad anime:

"This is a really good anime! You really need to watch it!"
Me at the end of the series:

"This is a horrible anime! Don't even bother watching it!"
Me at the end of the series:

Of course these aren't always true, but expecting something bad then turning out good is a much better feeling than expecting something good then turning out bad.
Aug 15, 2017 5:51 PM
Jan 2016
flannan said:
It's enough to look at the hatred surrounding SAO to know that other people are not to be trusted unless you know them well enough.

"Those who don't take risks don't drink champagne" is a proverb in my country.
I take quite a lot of risks, and find quite a lot of enjoyable anime this way. One recent example is Kemono Friends. I would have never guessed how good it turned out to be.

Well, I decided to bold both "many people" & "good reasons" to avoid this kind of accusation. No, I will not just blindly listen to other people, they also need good reasons. Are we clear? And hey, I ended up watching SAO & enjoying it.

Well, good for you. I have my reason(as stated on my previous post) why I do not do that. As for Kemono friends, I have seen some clip & I dislike bad CGI, it always messes with the directing quality. And you know what, if you have any anime that many regarded as bad but you found it enjoyable or good, tell me. I might try it.
Aug 15, 2017 6:02 PM

Feb 2016

I generally don't really care about others opinions that much to the extent of not bothering to form my own.

If there's some pretty fair hate behind the respectively bad anime though, then I might avoid it.

I'll probably still look into the anime (read synopsis/description) though and see if it'd interest me regardless. Might be a semi-decent watch still.

“Don’t just mindlessly judge people as you please.” – Rin Okumura
“Your past shouldn’t stop you from achieving your goals and dreams.” – Rin Okumura
Aug 15, 2017 6:07 PM

Dec 2012
Doesn't compute. I have to watch the anime to form any sort of opinion on it, good or bad.

If people say an anime I haven't seen is bad, who cares? Just because someone else, or even a lot of someones, didn't like it that doesn't mean I'll have the same opinion, and I usually try to avoid spoilers so I wouldn't be reading about something I haven't seen in the first place.
KruszerAug 15, 2017 6:16 PM
"The name's Gambit. Remember it."
-Gambit "X-Men '97"

Aug 15, 2017 6:08 PM
Jul 2017
Yes, I watched Glasslip knowing the overwhelmingly negative reviews. I'll admit 90% of the time I was bored, and had no idea what the story was. What the biggest problem was with this show was that any other character was more interesting then the MC. However, I did like the idea/setting/animation even the character growth although it was only on the supporting cast. I hope they remake this anime and do it right.
Aug 15, 2017 6:28 PM

Oct 2014
Yes, I've watched a lot of anime because I heard how bad they were and got interested in seeing it for myself.
Aug 15, 2017 6:47 PM

Jan 2017
Bad ratings or other people's opinions tell me that THEY find it bad. To be able to tell whether I find it bad, I need to watch at least an episode.
Aug 15, 2017 6:49 PM

Jan 2017
I gave SAO,asterisk war, and elfen lied a chance I so I guess I do😂
Aug 15, 2017 6:53 PM

Feb 2016
If were talking about "Mars of destruction bad" then hell yes, because stuff like that is so bad, that it actually makes you laught.
Aug 15, 2017 6:56 PM

Mar 2016
Yes. As long it may catch my interest, why not?

Aug 15, 2017 6:58 PM

May 2014
But I won't know if it's bad unless I give it a try.
So I suppose the answer is...yes?
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Aug 15, 2017 7:01 PM

Apr 2017
I would, i wont know its good or bad until i watched it myself.

I think ive watched some below average rated shows, and i quite enjoying some.
Life isn't as fun and easy as anime.
Watch anime to bring that fun!!
Aug 15, 2017 7:23 PM

Dec 2016
How can you know that an anime is bad before you even see it?

Even if you have only read or heard negative comments about a show, you first have to watch it for yourself to decide whether it is bad or not. You can't do it ex-ante. Others opinions should only serve as a guide, not as a conclusion.

Aug 16, 2017 1:35 AM

Nov 2009
TheServant said:
flannan said:
It's enough to look at the hatred surrounding SAO to know that other people are not to be trusted unless you know them well enough.

"Those who don't take risks don't drink champagne" is a proverb in my country.
I take quite a lot of risks, and find quite a lot of enjoyable anime this way. One recent example is Kemono Friends. I would have never guessed how good it turned out to be.

Well, I decided to bold both "many people" & "good reasons" to avoid this kind of accusation. No, I will not just blindly listen to other people, they also need good reasons. Are we clear? And hey, I ended up watching SAO & enjoying it.

Well, good for you. I have my reason(as stated on my previous post) why I do not do that. As for Kemono friends, I have seen some clip & I dislike bad CGI, it always messes with the directing quality.

Well, if you're looking for quality, Kemono Friends is not the right place. It is well-researched, heartwarming and gratifying, but simplistic and has no budget (and thus looks pretty damn bad).
In some way, it is opposite of Sword Art Online, which has gorgeous looks and complicated storyline, but left a lot of people unhappy.

TheServant said:
And you know what, if you have any anime that many regarded as bad but you found it enjoyable or good, tell me. I might try it.

The obvious example is Tsukihime. VN-first people still have trouble admitting it exists, but I liked it a lot (and it inspired me to read the VN). It seems Rewrite has the same problem, compounded by people who aren't Key's fans watching it because the premise looked like an action anime.
Less obviously, I seem to be in the minority that enjoyed Rokka no Yuusha. Maybe it's because I've read the LN first. I would not recommend it to you, because it doesn't look all that great, especially the CGI monsters on the normal background.
Of course, I rated and liked a bunch of ecchi anime a lot more than average. Bikini Warriors, Kodomo no Jikan (TV) and Dirty Pair seem to have the biggest differences in ratings. You would not see much criticism of Dirty Pair nowadays, because nobody watches it anymore (which is a shame), but Bikini Warriors and Kodomo no Jikan still get a lot of hatred.
The one I never understood is Coppelion. I mean, ruined Tokyo, interesting adventuring storyline, schoolgirls... what else could one possibly want? And yet, it's rated 6.55.
Aug 16, 2017 1:48 AM
Jan 2016
flannan said:
Well, if you're looking for quality, Kemono Friends is not the right place. It is well-researched, heartwarming and gratifying, but simplistic and has no budget (and thus looks pretty damn bad).
In some way, it is opposite of Sword Art Online, which has gorgeous looks and complicated storyline, but left a lot of people unhappy.

Well-researched? Could you elaborate?
SAO does not have complicated storyline. Not even close. Do you mean SAO the LN? Or the 2nd season?
Aug 16, 2017 2:03 AM

Nov 2009
TheServant said:
flannan said:
Well, if you're looking for quality, Kemono Friends is not the right place. It is well-researched, heartwarming and gratifying, but simplistic and has no budget (and thus looks pretty damn bad).
In some way, it is opposite of Sword Art Online, which has gorgeous looks and complicated storyline, but left a lot of people unhappy.

Well-researched? Could you elaborate?

One of the main heroines is a serval. You will probably have to go to Wikipedia to know it's an actual animal. Have a link:
Exotic animals you've never heard of don't end there.

But this show scored major points with me when Kaban demonstrated common human strengths. Not just being clever (everybody knows that humans are clever), but being capable of walking long distances, and not needing to pant to cool down.

TheServant said:
SAO does not have complicated storyline. Not even close. Do you mean SAO the LN? Or the 2nd season?

Maybe I said it wrong. But I did mean SAO the anime, season 1. Sure, it isn't anywhere near the level of Sora wo Kakeru Shoujo or Occultic;Nine, but it's not simplistic, and notably does not have a stable structure it's reusing over and over.
Aug 16, 2017 2:15 AM

Mar 2016
If It's like Fairy Tail with a large following but still considered shit by most I wouldn't.

If It's universally hated by everyone who's seen it then I need to watch it.
Aug 16, 2017 2:24 AM
Apr 2016
I have several anime in my watchlist that are there just to be dropped (if i ever get around to try them, thats it). I suspect they are all bad but i want to check at least one episode before forgetting about them. It will not be the first time i come across a hidden gem, so want to make sure. However, i have so many good series in my watchlist, those are very low priority.

Tl;dr: Yes, but who knows when, i prefer good anime yknow.
Aug 16, 2017 5:47 AM

Oct 2016
Well, yes. I will give a try.. And wondering why some other user drop this anime.

notice the people who are happy for your happiness, and sad for your sadness. They're the ones who deserve special places in your heart.
Not all those who wander are lost
Aug 16, 2017 5:51 AM

Aug 2017
Yeah, I will. Another thing that draws my attention is the synopsis beside review and rating.
Aug 16, 2017 6:10 AM

Aug 2017
As i can see now, many ppl dont care bout ratings (bad popularity is still popularity) and other stuff. If something picked their interest, they would definitely check it out. Good.
“All men are jealous idiots. And women are stupid too, to feel happy about it. It's true, there are idiots everywhere!”

“I know it's difficult to look past my brilliant tail, brain and looks, but I also have excellent ears and eyes.”

“I need to have a drink, and I need one soon!”

“I am Holo the Wise Wolf so you shut up!”
Aug 16, 2017 6:19 AM

Apr 2015
Only if it's really short (Generation of Chaos or shorter) or if there is some awesome payoff in store (School Days).
"I'd take rampant lesbianism over nuclear armageddon or a supervolcano any day." ~nikiforova
Aug 16, 2017 8:20 AM
May 2016
The simple answer is NO. If it has a very low rating on MAL,lower than 7,no popular high ranking reviews, or has no controversy as to its low ranking,then I wouldn't watch it.

The exception being shows that are infamous for being bad, like School Days.
Aug 16, 2017 8:46 AM

May 2016
i watched PupaPupa and that was AMAZING! idk why ppl hate it. so i added some other really downrated anime to my watchlist. i will watch them for sure. i dont care if ppl hate it. EVERY anime must be good bcoz if something is shit then ppl dont even put money in it.

"there is no shit anime just shit ppl"
Aug 16, 2017 8:56 AM
Oct 2013
Pullman said:
Well, occasionally for the lulz. Or if it's a short the rating doesn't mean anything and a 4.xx score might actually be a masterpiece. MAL users are plebs when it comes to shorts and music videos, if it isn't clichéd like Shelter it is most likely gonna have a score below 5.5 or even 5.0, often even lower.

That´s a pretty stupid opinion because usually something that´s truly bad has that low score for good reasons. Even if certain aspects of it are great it fails in several other areas that form said rating.

I for myself adore Takashi,Taniguchi shorts. But I know they´re garbage.
I could be an asshole and talk shit about how summarized they add up to "a statement on minimalism" because all of the shorts are done by one guy alone. Therefore they are incredible pieces of art, like people who try to defend Shitcom . But if I´d ask the director personally, I´m pretty certain that he´d tell me how all he wants to do ist to entertain people and create stupid funny cartoons.

His humor is pretty niche low brow and solely appeals to me because I do have a weakness for so bad it´s good humor, be it on purpose or not.

The same can be said about music videos and anything anyone may consider underappreciated. Just because one particular aspect of a singular short appealed to your specific wants, doesn´t mean that the product as a whole was well made.

The quality of good Anime or even mediocore ones is far more debateable and interesting because there is a reason a majority finds them appealing to begin with.

To give two infarmous examples:
No matter how terrible SAO is or has become even outsiders can see where it got it´s appeal from when it initially started . School days on the other hand gets good ratings only from non comformists, fetishists or outright trolls who seek attention.

Arguing however that a terribly directed, terribly written, terribly paced piece of work is good and everyone else is wrong is just you interpreting it in a way it never was intended to be.
IsterioAug 16, 2017 9:03 AM
Aug 16, 2017 9:00 AM

Feb 2010
Isterio said:
Pullman said:
Well, occasionally for the lulz. Or if it's a short the rating doesn't mean anything and a 4.xx score might actually be a masterpiece. MAL users are plebs when it comes to shorts and music videos, if it isn't clichéd like Shelter it is most likely gonna have a score below 5.5 or even 5.0, often even lower.

That´s a pretty stupid opinion because usually something that´s truly bad has that low score for good reasons. Even if certain aspects of it are great it fails in several other areas.

I for myself adore Takashi,Taniguchi shorts. But I know they´re garbage.

I could be an asshole and talk shit about how summarized they add up to "a statement on minimalism" because all of the shorts are done by one guy alone. Therefore they are incredible written.
But if I´d ask the director I´m pretty certain that he´d tell me how all he wants to do ist to entertain people and create stupid funny cartoons.

Even though his humor is pretty niche low brow and solely appeals to me because I do have a weakness for so bad it´s good humor, be it on purpose or not.

The same can be said about music videos and anything we may consider underappreciated. just because one particular aspect of a singular short appealed to your specific wants doesn´t mean that the product as a whole was well made.

The quality of good Anime or even mediocore ones is far more debateable and interesting because there is a reason a majority finds them appealing to begin with.

To give two infarmous examples:
No matter how terrible SAO is or has become even outsiders can see where it got it´s appeal from when it initially started . School days on the other hand gets good ratings only from non comformists, fetishists or outright trolls who seek attention.

man, talk about stupid opinions. Whatever, you stick to your belief system. I still won't shy away from liking and enjoying and decently rating good shorts just because they have a 4.xx rating or lower. *shrug*
I probably regret this post by now.
Aug 16, 2017 9:04 AM

Jun 2010
I don't usually take note of the ratings but rather, I would choose base on my own preference. There is no "one size fits all" and everyone's interest is also different. What I like may not be what you like, and vice versa.
Aug 16, 2017 9:08 AM

Oct 2015
If I discovered that "bad anime" by myself I probably won't watch it, but if it is a recommendation from my friends I'll probably watch the first 3 episodes and then decide whether I'm going to finish the series or drop it.

Click the spinning
ghost for delivery (~‾▽‾)~
Aug 16, 2017 9:11 AM
Oct 2013
Pullman said:

man, talk about stupid opinions. Whatever, you stick to your belief system. I still won't shy away from liking and enjoying and decently rating good shorts just because they have a 4.xx rating or lower. *shrug*

I´d just love to see which of those 4.xx ratings there are can be considered good.
The cutoff score for me personally is 6 everything beyond that may have the novelty of being so bad it´s good, but not a genuine good product.

The score 6 being general consensus not personal preference.
To me this statement just comes off as going against standards just for the sake of it. I´m assuming that your 4.xx music videos are theoretical at best.

The few I´ve seen include Me!Me!Me! Interstella 5555 and your aforementioned Shelter, all universally well received. So I´m baffled where to even search for those obscure things, you´re talking about.

It´s not like they´re Gorillaz or Heavy Metal.
IsterioAug 16, 2017 9:28 AM
Aug 16, 2017 9:17 AM
Aug 2011
I give everything a chance but I also do not drop anime even with bad buzz around. People might hate it but maybe I will like it.
Aug 16, 2017 2:09 PM

May 2016
Red_Ryu12345 said:
I give everything a chance but I also do not drop anime even with bad buzz around. People might hate it but maybe I will like it.

dude i wanted to say that from now on u are my bfff but then i checked ur list and i changed my mind. i hate u.
Aug 16, 2017 2:14 PM

Aug 2017
Lots of my favourite shows are quite polarizing, so I'll have to say yes
Aug 16, 2017 2:49 PM
otp haver 🤪

Jul 2017
Absolutely the fuck not. I have only so many hours in the day.
Aug 16, 2017 5:28 PM

Jan 2013
Depends on what the Anime is about. Though tbh, if an Anime is rated a 6 or below on MAL I will more than likely ignore it.
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Aug 16, 2017 5:34 PM

Mar 2014
A bad anime can be enjoyable so yeah, i'd give it 1-2 episodes to see if i can at least enjoy it. I enjoyed a few bad anime like Mayoiga for exemple, It was really bad but had some enjoyment value so i didn't drop it.

Profile Picture and Avatar/Signature made by SenpieX, requested in this thread :
Aug 16, 2017 6:59 PM

Jul 2017
oh yesss
i'm an incredibly curious person, so when people are like "oh wow that anime was so bad! i couldn't sit through it all!" it peaks my interest and makes me want to watch it. the only kind of "bad anime" i wouldn't watch are anime that are so boring i would rather do anything else then watch it. but if people call an anime bad because "too much gore!! too many sexual scenes!!! it goes too far!!" it makes me curious to see what exactly is in the anime, and i'll end up watching it. this is true for manga, too.
examples of this happening for me are shoujo tsubaki, pupa, nami, corpse party, tsukimisou no akari, gyo ugomeku bukimi, and mai chan no nichijou.
Aug 16, 2017 8:24 PM

Sep 2015
I watched Mayoiga for that reason and loved it, lol.
Aug 16, 2017 11:16 PM
Jun 2017
i generally don't watch an anime if the majority opinion on it is shit
but then again, a lot of good anime are like that
and even if it's bad, knowing that it's bad might actually get you to enjoy it
Aug 16, 2017 11:19 PM
Dec 2016
Depends, if how bad it is or if I care enough about the story/theme or not.
Aug 16, 2017 11:50 PM

Jul 2016
I would probably watch 1 - 3 episodes and set it on plan to watch if it was to bad, and just watch like 5 episodes a month
Aug 17, 2017 1:15 AM

Mar 2015
i watch bad anime on purpose... get on my lvl...
"If taking responsibility for a mistake that cannot be undone means death, it's not that hard to die. At least, not as hard as to live on."
Aug 17, 2017 1:21 AM

Nov 2014
RattlyUndead said:
So, if you know that an anime is bad (your friends disliked it or this anime has the bad ratings), will you give it a try.

Not exactly the most reliable sources when it comes to how bad anime are. Ratings only have a weak correlation to my actual enjoyment of an anime. As for friends, it depends on their taste. I've got friends I'll take recommendations very seriously from and others where their opinions wouldn't change my mind on whether to pick up an anime.
I'm not a lolicon, you're just projecting your tendency to lewd 2D characters.

If your favourite character is Tsutsukakushi Tsukiko, you are my soul mate.

Been a long time since I've been here, I'll continue expressing myself freely and believe everyone should too.
My MAL Interview
Aug 17, 2017 1:40 AM

Feb 2013
Isterio said:
Pullman said:

man, talk about stupid opinions. Whatever, you stick to your belief system. I still won't shy away from liking and enjoying and decently rating good shorts just because they have a 4.xx rating or lower. *shrug*

I´d just love to see which of those 4.xx ratings there are can be considered good.
The cutoff score for me personally is 6 everything beyond that may have the novelty of being so bad it´s good, but not a genuine good product.

The score 6 being general consensus not personal preference.
To me this statement just comes off as going against standards just for the sake of it. I´m assuming that your 4.xx music videos are theoretical at best.

The few I´ve seen include Me!Me!Me! Interstella 5555 and your aforementioned Shelter, all universally well received. So I´m baffled where to even search for those obscure things, you´re talking about.

It´s not like they´re Gorillaz or Heavy Metal.
as a rule of thumb, the shorter older and obscurer you go, the scores also get lower; i think there are good odds a user could like some 5 minute short with 5.xx rating more than dagashit kashi, only because the latter is watched by more "8 is average :^)" people who skew its average

as for where to find them, the dementia & music tag on MAL and youtube .. and for some i believe you can watch the author's full "filmography" in the next hour through related videos or channel on yt

you can sort pullman's animegraph by "Diff" to see those he rated higher than the site average; many of his biggest differences are dubious shorts so it shouldn't be hard,anime (those with round numbers are "unranked" anime with less than 50 ratings)

for specific titles, here are the 2 music videos below 5 he rated with a 7

there is also this unranked music video he rated 7 (not 4.xx but not far either; if u dont like , give it a 1 and watch the score plummet xD)

and he also gave 7 to the following 4.xx unranked shorts.. you seem to be more focused on music videos tho

im not sure why i reply since i dont even watch shorts :V probably just to preach about mal ratings
also pullman seems to be the kind of guy who really likes shorts; you might not be and that's ok, but i still think you can find something you like in the sea of <6 rated shorts if you look with an open mind or smth like that
romagiaAug 17, 2017 1:48 AM
Aug 17, 2017 1:58 AM

Apr 2015
You don't know if it's bad before watching it.

However, I do have a hard time watching shite anime. Thus I cherry-pick.
Aug 17, 2017 3:37 AM

Aug 2017
It's not bad unless I say it so myself. Do not believe in what others might say, ratings included. Always believe in yourself :)
"Kinda have feelings kinda heartless."
Aug 17, 2017 3:40 AM

Jan 2010
If I've already heard enough about it to know what it's about then probably not, unless it's something that really interests me. I don't like to waste my time watching something that I most likely won't even enjoy.
Aug 17, 2017 3:46 AM

Oct 2016
Yes, I still try them and sometimes I can find a few ones I can enjoy~

I was nothing until the moment I met you.

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