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Love and Lies
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Jul 4, 2017 3:16 AM

Apr 2012
Everything felt rushed; the confession, kiss, message from the government..
How did they find him at the park? that was creepy tbh xD

The episode was okay 3/5, I think I might start reading the manga..
Jul 4, 2017 3:25 AM

Mar 2014
Okay start, this could be interesting even though the romance was dealt with pretty quickly considering these two characters have only had like one interaction before. Anyway I will probably keep watching, next ep seems to deal with the new girl so let's see how things go. I wonder if there will be a love triangle or not
Jul 4, 2017 3:29 AM
Mar 2010
Just logged in for some info about the ED song. I liked the ED so much that I asked Google about it. It pointed me to an unknown singer (for me lol) and not the one I want. Any of you know where to find it?

Oh, and 3/5 for now. Kinda liked it but I feel it was kinda rushed in that one ep.
Jul 4, 2017 3:59 AM

Jan 2016
Huh, that wasn't to bad was it? I liked it! This concept is probably what drew me into mangas like Nisekoi and U19 before they turned shit. Let's hope this doesn't turn out to be bad as the start is good.

Artstyle was very similar to Kuzu no Honkai
Jul 4, 2017 4:27 AM
Jul 2018
When does the underground resistance group show up?

There has to be some sort of resistance wanting to abolish this fascistic government.

I mean seriously wtf.

I hate it so far tbh. The fact that the family is totally accepting of this fucked up bullshit is fucking stupid.
Jul 4, 2017 4:36 AM

Oct 2015
Tokoya said:
I'm gonna bite since nobody else did and I'm gonna take this as another opportunity to educate the vanilla masses once again

1. To address your first point, you kinda contradicted yourself with your second point considering that most likely the reason why their partners are chosen at 16 is not only because "Maybe it's for them to get used to each other before being adults" but also because the age of marriage consent in Japan is between 16-18 (With parental consent of course, but in this story, the government took over that role)

I disagree with it "being more thrilling" if they were 20/adults solely because High School (Basically ages 16-18) is where adolescents start to really dive into having romantic relationships and (for some) the deeper acts that they include such as being sexually active etc and even though some people tend to downplay love at this age, this period is usually the first time where we as individuals would develop strong feelings for the opposite (Or the same) sex, so to have that legally ripped from you is pretty tragic

And also, at the end of the day, this series is directed towards adolescents in a country where they are having a problem with these individuals coming together in marriage and multiplying (Do some research, this is LITERALLY a problem that Japan are having today lol) so to say that this whole concept is retarded is pretty narrow-minded of you to say......All this is really is an extreme solution on how to combat this problem.....There's tons of reasons why this would be a huge problem both morally and ethicallythough and that's why I'm hoping that this series will at least touch on these things in some way no matter how big or small

2. As for your second point, it goes back to what I said above, the issue here is that nobody was having sex with the intention of breeding nor were they dating (And that's a big IF on the dating part) with the intention of a long term relationship leading to marriage (Which is what is happening in Japan right now) and when this happens, you will eventually have a decline in population.....One reason as to why it's probably like this is the fact that Japanese people are generally really reserved and shy for some reason, especially during school years and that the way they date is pretty different from how it happens in the west....And besides, to further make sense of this system, the show DID layout the fact that there's an algorithm that is used to match people based on genetics etc so incompatibility doesn't seem to be much of an issue here either in the long run

A stark contrast to Japan in this case (Both in this anime and IRL) would be China whom are the exact opposite in every way, and to combat this, the government literally made a law stating that families aren't allowed to have more than 1 (I think its 1 but I'm not sure) kid because of overpopulation

3. As for the 2 officials thing, this is anime man, they need to add drama somehow xD I'm kinda intrigued as to why they're fucking with the MC like this

4. To defend Neji (God I had withdrawals when I saw them call him that because of Neji from Naruto lol), in most cases like this that we see in anime, most guys would have shit themselves if their crush said what she said to him in school (Like I know for a fact that if that was me at that age, I would have been HURT BAD and would have probably been depressed for a bit lol) and instead this man said fuck that cliche, I'm gonna have balls and tell her how I feel and sure enough, that's what he did instead of being a pussy like most male MC's in this genre are and that in itself is pretty respectable

As for the whole her reciprocating his feelings thing, I've said this in the Kado sub forum, and I'll say it again, love in general doesn't make sense nor can it always be calculated. For some people, stuff like the encounter between these two characters is all it takes for them to feel a certain type of way about someone especially at that age and as for the 5 years thing, they were kids and were shy, what did you expect them to do lol? And I wouldn't even go as far as to call Neji a loser considering that there was nothing to suggest that he was one....The guy was just average, average =/= being a loser
Before anything else, you're not "educating the vanilla masses once again", because all we are doing here is presenting opinions and discussing the topic. You're not stating facts per say.

Well, I am personally more than tired of highschool settings, and this would be the perfect premisse to deviate from that in my opinion. Yes, 16~18 years old is when people dive into having romantic relationships and discover sex, etc., but that's precisely why it doesn't make sense. If they had to choose a partner at the age of 20, not only would they go through that stage, but even the shy ones would be encouraged to do so, because they wouldn't want to be assigned someone they don't even know. At the end of the day, a 16 year old is a dumb child in these themes, and giving them time to flesh out their thoughts and grow until they're 20 is simply an obvious choice in my eyes.

I'm obviously aware that this is a real world problem, all I'm stating is my opinion on how edgy and honestly unrealistitc this seems. I can't see the Japanese doing this, and even if they did, I think there'd be a riot lol. I'm actually interested in knowing later how they touch on the ethical part of things as you said.

Again, it's not like this is a solution for the problem. If they are shy and don't want to have sex, they just won't. And even if they do, if they don't wish to have kids, they can always simply have sex for the sake of it. What's the appeal of having a kid with someone you barely know? I have to stress that this is simply my view on the situation, maybe they're totally into that idk xD

And YES, you're right. He did have balls to do it, and I commend him for that. I was reffering to "losers" as in he was a loser all the way until 5 years later, and he got corresponded without having done nothing for it. I'm not saying it is impossible for the whole 5 year-span thing to happen, but this happens way too many times in anime for me to just close my eyes to it and say "welp, I GUESS there's a 1/10000000000000000 chance of this happening, so this is totally possible and I'm ok with it". Well, no, a near to impossible situation being repeated over and over just takes away the magic of the thing. Again, this is my opinion, not an actual "flaw" of the show, just my view on it.
Jul 4, 2017 4:37 AM

May 2010
Wow this show is so anti-lgbt+ (jk)

Sounds nice. Dat kiss+ mutual love right in the 1st episode.

This sounds like it could turn into a decent teenage drama but at the same time, it might drag on and become worse. I wonder if I will stick with it. For now, I wanna see Lilina and then I will decide.
Jul 4, 2017 5:11 AM

Jun 2017
Meh, a generic and fairly average start to the show. Disappointing to see the poor animation, the characters felt slightly bland but good nonetheless, pretty good music and certainly enjoyable. However, the relationship between Yukari and Takasaki felt slightly fake(?) to me for some reason when considering how she reacted to him in school since it would mean that it was their first encounter after 5 years. Overall, the episode felt kind of rushed to me.
7/10 for me so far...
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Jul 4, 2017 5:13 AM
Jun 2016
this is giving out NTR Vibes
Jul 4, 2017 5:39 AM
May 2017
drop after first ep
Jul 4, 2017 5:55 AM

Feb 2012
As a manga reader, I'm really glad they made an adaptation of this. I'm liking how they've done it so far even though there are some flaws to the storytelling (not the anime fault but just the overall story), like them liking each other for 5 years but not doing anything, 2 govt workers stalking the boy til it's his birthday, phone gliching (don't know if that's possible). Luckily it gets more interesting later on
You can just be yourself. Do things your own way, one step at a time. You'll get there. Just be yourself, you'll be fine."
~Fruit Basket
Jul 4, 2017 6:56 AM

Apr 2016
I love it ..Amazing <3
Nejima and Takasaki should be together ...Stupid government... He received his notice.. Misaki was the chosen one... why they came with a different notice???
This anime made me cry from 1st episode. 8,4/10 so far is the best anime of summer 2017
joshua10redJul 4, 2017 7:05 AM

Jul 4, 2017 7:02 AM
Dec 2015
the art is similar to scum's wish. the character design is similar to scum's wish. the story is similar to scum's wish. this show is scum's wish and im liking it
Jul 4, 2017 7:14 AM

Mar 2016
Tokoya said:
SMS = Short Message Service which is basically a text message.....Be it that or an email, automated messages are a thing

You're dumb, or deliberately pretending that you don't know what I meant. Automated messages don't break phones which is why your original post, and this one, do not make sense. I originally thought it was a prank by one of his friends, but the way the screen was glitching out makes it seem more important.
Jul 4, 2017 7:15 AM
Aug 2015
How does this work? Do they have to be born on the same day because if not then some would find out before they reach 16 as their partners birthday is before them... haha
Jul 4, 2017 7:19 AM

Feb 2014
This was extremely cringe and I don't see it getting much better. What the fuck is with the character designs they look like aliens.
Jul 4, 2017 7:20 AM

Sep 2013
I didn't think the series would be for me, but having fake text messages that destroy your phones and random government officials that creep up on you at midnight is a bit much. Even from the start the rules of this thing seem broken.
Jul 4, 2017 7:21 AM

Jun 2017
I wasn't a big fan of Yukari's voice but I'm excited to see what's gonna happen next.
Jul 4, 2017 7:25 AM

Jul 2013
Holy shit the character animation and design is ugly as hell.
Feels hard to just finish the episode.

The only redeeming part is hana kana
Jul 4, 2017 7:34 AM

Jan 2017
The episode was nice enough. Those two government officials coming out of nowhere was weird though. lol I can't help but feel that instance along with the message sent to the phone is going to have some importance in the future.
Jul 4, 2017 7:35 AM

Mar 2013
Lol at the premise. What about two lovers marrying off outside their country? And surely there's gotta be lots of cheating couples in this scheme.

Art tho... Wtf is with those eyes? ._.

The guy did received the msg. Is it some sort of experiment where our lead characters are guinea pigs? lmao

Also... what happens when someone's chosen partner ends up dying. What then? :D
Jul 4, 2017 7:42 AM
The Komori

Mar 2013
Nostalgik said:
Tokoya said:
I'm gonna bite since nobody else did and I'm gonna take this as another opportunity to educate the vanilla masses once again

1. To address your first point, you kinda contradicted yourself with your second point considering that most likely the reason why their partners are chosen at 16 is not only because "Maybe it's for them to get used to each other before being adults" but also because the age of marriage consent in Japan is between 16-18 (With parental consent of course, but in this story, the government took over that role)

I disagree with it "being more thrilling" if they were 20/adults solely because High School (Basically ages 16-18) is where adolescents start to really dive into having romantic relationships and (for some) the deeper acts that they include such as being sexually active etc and even though some people tend to downplay love at this age, this period is usually the first time where we as individuals would develop strong feelings for the opposite (Or the same) sex, so to have that legally ripped from you is pretty tragic

And also, at the end of the day, this series is directed towards adolescents in a country where they are having a problem with these individuals coming together in marriage and multiplying (Do some research, this is LITERALLY a problem that Japan are having today lol) so to say that this whole concept is retarded is pretty narrow-minded of you to say......All this is really is an extreme solution on how to combat this problem.....There's tons of reasons why this would be a huge problem both morally and ethicallythough and that's why I'm hoping that this series will at least touch on these things in some way no matter how big or small

2. As for your second point, it goes back to what I said above, the issue here is that nobody was having sex with the intention of breeding nor were they dating (And that's a big IF on the dating part) with the intention of a long term relationship leading to marriage (Which is what is happening in Japan right now) and when this happens, you will eventually have a decline in population.....One reason as to why it's probably like this is the fact that Japanese people are generally really reserved and shy for some reason, especially during school years and that the way they date is pretty different from how it happens in the west....And besides, to further make sense of this system, the show DID layout the fact that there's an algorithm that is used to match people based on genetics etc so incompatibility doesn't seem to be much of an issue here either in the long run

A stark contrast to Japan in this case (Both in this anime and IRL) would be China whom are the exact opposite in every way, and to combat this, the government literally made a law stating that families aren't allowed to have more than 1 (I think its 1 but I'm not sure) kid because of overpopulation

3. As for the 2 officials thing, this is anime man, they need to add drama somehow xD I'm kinda intrigued as to why they're fucking with the MC like this

4. To defend Neji (God I had withdrawals when I saw them call him that because of Neji from Naruto lol), in most cases like this that we see in anime, most guys would have shit themselves if their crush said what she said to him in school (Like I know for a fact that if that was me at that age, I would have been HURT BAD and would have probably been depressed for a bit lol) and instead this man said fuck that cliche, I'm gonna have balls and tell her how I feel and sure enough, that's what he did instead of being a pussy like most male MC's in this genre are and that in itself is pretty respectable

As for the whole her reciprocating his feelings thing, I've said this in the Kado sub forum, and I'll say it again, love in general doesn't make sense nor can it always be calculated. For some people, stuff like the encounter between these two characters is all it takes for them to feel a certain type of way about someone especially at that age and as for the 5 years thing, they were kids and were shy, what did you expect them to do lol? And I wouldn't even go as far as to call Neji a loser considering that there was nothing to suggest that he was one....The guy was just average, average =/= being a loser
Before anything else, you're not "educating the vanilla masses once again", because all we are doing here is presenting opinions and discussing the topic. You're not stating facts per say.

Well, I am personally more than tired of highschool settings, and this would be the perfect premisse to deviate from that in my opinion. Yes, 16~18 years old is when people dive into having romantic relationships and discover sex, etc., but that's precisely why it doesn't make sense. If they had to choose a partner at the age of 20, not only would they go through that stage, but even the shy ones would be encouraged to do so, because they wouldn't want to be assigned someone they don't even know. At the end of the day, a 16 year old is a dumb child in these themes, and giving them time to flesh out their thoughts and grow until they're 20 is simply an obvious choice in my eyes.

I'm obviously aware that this is a real world problem, all I'm stating is my opinion on how edgy and honestly unrealistitc this seems. I can't see the Japanese doing this, and even if they did, I think there'd be a riot lol. I'm actually interested in knowing later how they touch on the ethical part of things as you said.

Again, it's not like this is a solution for the problem. If they are shy and don't want to have sex, they just won't. And even if they do, if they don't wish to have kids, they can always simply have sex for the sake of it. What's the appeal of having a kid with someone you barely know? I have to stress that this is simply my view on the situation, maybe they're totally into that idk xD

And YES, you're right. He did have balls to do it, and I commend him for that. I was reffering to "losers" as in he was a loser all the way until 5 years later, and he got corresponded without having done nothing for it. I'm not saying it is impossible for the whole 5 year-span thing to happen, but this happens way too many times in anime for me to just close my eyes to it and say "welp, I GUESS there's a 1/10000000000000000 chance of this happening, so this is totally possible and I'm ok with it". Well, no, a near to impossible situation being repeated over and over just takes away the magic of the thing. Again, this is my opinion, not an actual "flaw" of the show, just my view on it.
Japan having a birth decline is factual, romantic relationships between adolescents starts between the ages of 16-18 which is FACTUAL, that stuff I said about China? Factual....A lot of what I said can be researched

And yeah I can feel you in regards to the high school setting being way overused, but hey, that's what seems to sell in Japan so creators will always tend to gravitate towards using teens unfortunately....We need more series like Golden Time imo. But like I said before, the age of marriage consent in Japan is 16-18 which is culturally different from us here in the west, so what would seem nonsensical to you is pretty normal to them

I wouldn't call this edgy but it is indeed pretty extreme but personally, if China can tell their entire nation that they can't have more than 1 kid, then I wouldn't be surprised by anything an Asian country would do lol....I dunno if this is accurate but I think I heard something about them wanting more boys instead of girls too which is pretty sad

But at the end of the day I respect your opinion buddy....Hopefully this show manages to meet our expectations
Jul 4, 2017 7:51 AM

Oct 2015
Tokoya said:
Nostalgik said:
Before anything else, you're not "educating the vanilla masses once again", because all we are doing here is presenting opinions and discussing the topic. You're not stating facts per say.

Well, I am personally more than tired of highschool settings, and this would be the perfect premisse to deviate from that in my opinion. Yes, 16~18 years old is when people dive into having romantic relationships and discover sex, etc., but that's precisely why it doesn't make sense. If they had to choose a partner at the age of 20, not only would they go through that stage, but even the shy ones would be encouraged to do so, because they wouldn't want to be assigned someone they don't even know. At the end of the day, a 16 year old is a dumb child in these themes, and giving them time to flesh out their thoughts and grow until they're 20 is simply an obvious choice in my eyes.

I'm obviously aware that this is a real world problem, all I'm stating is my opinion on how edgy and honestly unrealistitc this seems. I can't see the Japanese doing this, and even if they did, I think there'd be a riot lol. I'm actually interested in knowing later how they touch on the ethical part of things as you said.

Again, it's not like this is a solution for the problem. If they are shy and don't want to have sex, they just won't. And even if they do, if they don't wish to have kids, they can always simply have sex for the sake of it. What's the appeal of having a kid with someone you barely know? I have to stress that this is simply my view on the situation, maybe they're totally into that idk xD

And YES, you're right. He did have balls to do it, and I commend him for that. I was reffering to "losers" as in he was a loser all the way until 5 years later, and he got corresponded without having done nothing for it. I'm not saying it is impossible for the whole 5 year-span thing to happen, but this happens way too many times in anime for me to just close my eyes to it and say "welp, I GUESS there's a 1/10000000000000000 chance of this happening, so this is totally possible and I'm ok with it". Well, no, a near to impossible situation being repeated over and over just takes away the magic of the thing. Again, this is my opinion, not an actual "flaw" of the show, just my view on it.
Japan having a birth decline is factual, romantic relationships between adolescents starts between the ages of 16-18 which is FACTUAL, that stuff I said about China? Factual....A lot of what I said can be researched

And yeah I can feel you in regards to the high school setting being way overused, but hey, that's what seems to sell in Japan so creators will always tend to gravitate towards using teens unfortunately....We need more series like Golden Time imo. But like I said before, the age of marriage consent in Japan is 16-18 which is culturally different from us here in the west, so what would seem nonsensical to you is pretty normal to them

I wouldn't call this edgy but it is indeed pretty extreme but personally, if China can tell their entire nation that they can't have more than 1 kid, then I wouldn't be surprised by anything an Asian country would do lol....I dunno if this is accurate but I think I heard something about them wanting more boys instead of girls too which is pretty sad

But at the end of the day I respect your opinion buddy....Hopefully this show manages to meet our expectations
Yeah I know what you said is factual. I meant that it's not like you were giving me news, and I was just more interested in knowing your opinion on the subject.

Yeah tbh it's unpredictable how far asian countries can go with their laws... My main problem in cases like this is that, even if the premisse isn't factually bad / wrong, if it goes against my moral logic and opinions, I find it way too hard to take entertainment from it.

I marker this show as dropped but I might check out a couple more episodes... Idk

BTW Nice signature gif ;)

Jul 4, 2017 8:05 AM

Mar 2017
Ehh, well not a bad first ep, but not remarkable either. The premise is really interesting tho, hopefully the anime doesn't screw it up.
Jul 4, 2017 8:11 AM
The Komori

Mar 2013
cwtgcheese said:
Tokoya said:
SMS = Short Message Service which is basically a text message.....Be it that or an email, automated messages are a thing

You're dumb, or deliberately pretending that you don't know what I meant. Automated messages don't break phones which is why your original post, and this one, do not make sense. I originally thought it was a prank by one of his friends, but the way the screen was glitching out makes it seem more important.
Clearly the phone got hacked in some way, I dunno why you're trying to make a big deal over this

The question is WHY it happened, not how (Because it's obvious)
Jul 4, 2017 8:16 AM

Mar 2016
Tokoya said:
I dunno why you're trying to make a big deal over this

You're the one going on about automated messages and SMS for whatever reason.
Jul 4, 2017 8:20 AM

Jul 2013
Tokoya said:
Nostalgik said:
Before anything else, you're not "educating the vanilla masses once again", because all we are doing here is presenting opinions and discussing the topic. You're not stating facts per say.

Well, I am personally more than tired of highschool settings, and this would be the perfect premisse to deviate from that in my opinion. Yes, 16~18 years old is when people dive into having romantic relationships and discover sex, etc., but that's precisely why it doesn't make sense. If they had to choose a partner at the age of 20, not only would they go through that stage, but even the shy ones would be encouraged to do so, because they wouldn't want to be assigned someone they don't even know. At the end of the day, a 16 year old is a dumb child in these themes, and giving them time to flesh out their thoughts and grow until they're 20 is simply an obvious choice in my eyes.

I'm obviously aware that this is a real world problem, all I'm stating is my opinion on how edgy and honestly unrealistitc this seems. I can't see the Japanese doing this, and even if they did, I think there'd be a riot lol. I'm actually interested in knowing later how they touch on the ethical part of things as you said.

Again, it's not like this is a solution for the problem. If they are shy and don't want to have sex, they just won't. And even if they do, if they don't wish to have kids, they can always simply have sex for the sake of it. What's the appeal of having a kid with someone you barely know? I have to stress that this is simply my view on the situation, maybe they're totally into that idk xD

And YES, you're right. He did have balls to do it, and I commend him for that. I was reffering to "losers" as in he was a loser all the way until 5 years later, and he got corresponded without having done nothing for it. I'm not saying it is impossible for the whole 5 year-span thing to happen, but this happens way too many times in anime for me to just close my eyes to it and say "welp, I GUESS there's a 1/10000000000000000 chance of this happening, so this is totally possible and I'm ok with it". Well, no, a near to impossible situation being repeated over and over just takes away the magic of the thing. Again, this is my opinion, not an actual "flaw" of the show, just my view on it.
Japan having a birth decline is factual, romantic relationships between adolescents starts between the ages of 16-18 which is FACTUAL, that stuff I said about China? Factual....A lot of what I said can be researched

And yeah I can feel you in regards to the high school setting being way overused, but hey, that's what seems to sell in Japan so creators will always tend to gravitate towards using teens unfortunately....We need more series like Golden Time imo. But like I said before, the age of marriage consent in Japan is 16-18 which is culturally different from us here in the west, so what would seem nonsensical to you is pretty normal to them

I wouldn't call this edgy but it is indeed pretty extreme but personally, if China can tell their entire nation that they can't have more than 1 kid, then I wouldn't be surprised by anything an Asian country would do lol....I dunno if this is accurate but I think I heard something about them wanting more boys instead of girls too which is pretty sad

But at the end of the day I respect your opinion buddy....Hopefully this show manages to meet our expectations

This japan is a democratic country, not dictatorship or communist like in China.
It would be okay if the arrange marriage was optional or only for people that couldn't get married after 30 years, that would be a logical solution.

But FORCING 16 years old kid to get married EVEN if said kid already have a love interest and planning to get married with that love interest (like this first episode) is stupid as fuck plot even for anime.
That bill wouldn't get past the parliament and it greatly breaches human rights.

This is not an apocalypse setting like in hunger games or battle royale

If their purpose was to increase birth rate, then they should let normal people that are already in a relationship get married to each other, instead of forcing them to marry strangers.
And focus on only forever alone people that are a lot in japan.

And that "I love you because you gave me an eraser" was cringy as hell
Jul 4, 2017 8:24 AM
Jul 2018
The fact they both just so happen to end up falling in love with one another for a reason so trivial as half of a piece of rubber that was given 5 years ago is the pure pinnacle of stupidity. I mean good lorn even doujinshis come up with better excuses than this.
Oh and apparently the government has a Cinderella complex i guess, since they have nothing better to do then stalk a kid all day until midnight just so they could give him the letter personally. Speaking of which, what about the parents? Your kid spend the whole night missing but you do not even gonna bother making a single phone call or send a message? And dont even get me started on the mc voice and how he acts...
Jul 4, 2017 8:55 AM
May 2008
I would be ok with a government sponsored relationship.
Jul 4, 2017 8:57 AM

Jun 2013
This was adapted very nicely!
Fantastic start!!
Jul 4, 2017 9:00 AM

Jun 2013
Also, the art and animation is even bad.
Big eyes take a bit to get used to.... but no one seems to have a problem with Kyoto animation doing it, so why is it so terrible here??
Jul 4, 2017 9:01 AM

Sep 2012
Their eyes scares me.
But great opening song.
Jul 4, 2017 9:04 AM

Oct 2012
Lots of things didn't seem to make sense but I like the ending song at least.
Jul 4, 2017 9:08 AM

Mar 2017
The story is okay so far, but I couldn't get behind the artwork... Meh?
Jul 4, 2017 9:50 AM

Jan 2011
elior1 said:
katsu044 said:
despite ridiculous premise i didn't hate it,it's just far to early to judge and it weighs heavily on how crazy they plan on going with it, was nice how quickly things were progressing between the two but we all knew that would end bad.
i will understend better when the sub will be released but i agree the premise is rediculous but even so from what i heard from manga readers it the type of manga that have it ups and downs as it progress
yeah if anything it might still be entertaining if it get's real bad but we'll just have to see.
Jul 4, 2017 10:15 AM
Sep 2015
Wow, people are really fast to drop anime nowadays lol So far, I kinda like the plot even tho it's a bit generic but we'll see what happen next.

I'm personally intrigued by that first notice that was apparently 'a mistake'. Can't wait for the next episode :)
Jul 4, 2017 10:20 AM

Sep 2013
It was a good ep, it should end here.
Jul 4, 2017 10:54 AM

Jul 2014
i like that op. i rewatched the episode several times just to listen to the op again.

kanashi kanashi kanashi kanashiiiii.

and yeah a bit blergh as a start, but i can see some potential.
And yes, I meant that.
Sukasuka Discord server, also home to Orlandri Translation Company, who are planning to translate Sukasuka and Sukamoka:
Do join if it interests you.
Jul 4, 2017 11:02 AM

Jul 2013
Well, the events may be a bit over the top (the system to make people marry looks like something a dictatorial regime would use, those goverment officers appearing like stalkers to give the card when they could just send it to the mailbox of the MC, the phone showing wrong information...), but I would lie if I say I didn't liked the episode. They confessed their love without anyone cockblocking them and even kissed, all in the first episode. The ending song was very good too.

I wonder if this would end with another HanaKana defeat, considering her career in harem/love triangle series. I doubt this anime will end as a complete adaptation, though, but, considering this time both characters confessed their love for each other, I have the hope she might have chances to win this time.
Jul 4, 2017 11:15 AM

May 2016
-I don't have a problem with the 'marriage system' plot device. It's just a plot device after all. The trigger to this whole ordeal

-I like the character design, yes, even the big eyes. In general, the girls look preety cute to me

-Both premisse and nature of the show makes for a very uninteresting plot. No matter how many twist they throw, in it's core is just another "waifu battle" to see who ends with who by the end of the series

-The way she fell in love with him IS preety unconvincing and unsatisfying

I predict I'll give this show a 6/10 by the end of it.
HyperLJul 4, 2017 11:44 AM
You are not your body, you are your brain, the "self" that emerges from within it.
Jul 4, 2017 11:28 AM
Jun 2016
I guess it was what people expected. Slowly paced and the start of problems... I'll be continuing :)
Jul 4, 2017 11:37 AM

Mar 2014
Time to analyze ( no knowledge of the manga )
Just my sense of curiosity

The Mother is expecting the letter to come by the afternoon
Basically the Parents are the first one to know
to prove the person to be wed legit and official, the other party should meet one another
A Red Flag will be raised if the 2 parties didn't matched as in they didn't met one another

Next Point of interest

The boy who confess his love to Hanazawa Kana Misaki must be killed Truth or a Lie
Now the phone glitched or virus or whatever reason it is
the Mail he got through E-Mail and not Text Message
Maybe an EMP blasted that time or some weird guys came at the middle of the night

Next this M I B ( you sure ? that is girl ahahaha )

12 MN !! For Goodness Sake !!
Nobody in this world will work 12 MN as Government Employee
First of all, how they tracked this guy in the park ?
unless everybody's phone was being tracked by the government ( talked about privacy )


This, her phone didn't glitched screen after opening her mail


From Ep.1 there are 2 ways to confirm your Waifu FORCED Marriage

-Thru E-Mail and Official Document
Official Document should be received by the Parents
but the Child could also receive it via E-Mail

-Government Employees works morning to afternoon and not Midnight

-This glitched died phone will be the key through this Lies and Deception

Could Misaki already received the notice ? and Lied ?
( the classroom scene on the first part that rumors Misaki haven't received any Notice yet even though her Birthday already come to passed )


Misaki really loved that guy but Lied just to uhhmm . . . ( "Your Lie in April" comes to mind )


Should we call it quits and say this is NTR ending and not Vanilla
so Kuzu no Honkai perhaps
or Yuri Ending Misaki x Lilina

Just noticed this

xiety10Jul 4, 2017 11:44 AM
Jul 4, 2017 11:55 AM
Dec 2016
okay interesting but very common beginning... ihope we will see some good drama and this will be really good...
Jul 4, 2017 12:05 PM

Dec 2014
So happy this got animated, would have preferred a better art style; but I'm not sure how popular the manga is in Japan. The sole fact it's not a short is good enough for me.

The moment his phone turned off at the same time the officials came..totally not planned.
Best girl already appeared too; we are off to a good start.

Jul 4, 2017 12:09 PM
The Komori

Mar 2013
cwtgcheese said:
Tokoya said:
I dunno why you're trying to make a big deal over this

You're the one going on about automated messages and SMS for whatever reason.
Because initially I thought that you were saying that the how the message was sent didn't make sense
Jul 4, 2017 12:10 PM
Jun 2016
I'm considering dropping it at the moment, it seemed a bit face paced but it really wasnt, it isnt exciting either, the thing that made me in excited was that (and I'm a shoujo lover) I don't think there actually was a reason or some actions that would deepen their "love" this much, of course the idea of having to marry someone they don't know might have made an impact on adoloscences but that impact isnt "love" as all of us know, there wasnt really good voice acting eithe. There isnt any particular reason for it to be a considered good story. And even if there arent any extreme stuff I think it should have been implied that there are sexual content (there really isnt much as I saw, I would stopped watching it the moment of the scene if there were but the preview of ep 2 did get me worried).

Long story short, I wouldnt recommend this to any friends because of the concept of "love" they are imprinting and the actions of the mcs the moment of the confession, it seemed a bit emotionless to me.
Jul 4, 2017 12:10 PM
The Komori

Mar 2013
Nostalgik said:
Tokoya said:
Japan having a birth decline is factual, romantic relationships between adolescents starts between the ages of 16-18 which is FACTUAL, that stuff I said about China? Factual....A lot of what I said can be researched

And yeah I can feel you in regards to the high school setting being way overused, but hey, that's what seems to sell in Japan so creators will always tend to gravitate towards using teens unfortunately....We need more series like Golden Time imo. But like I said before, the age of marriage consent in Japan is 16-18 which is culturally different from us here in the west, so what would seem nonsensical to you is pretty normal to them

I wouldn't call this edgy but it is indeed pretty extreme but personally, if China can tell their entire nation that they can't have more than 1 kid, then I wouldn't be surprised by anything an Asian country would do lol....I dunno if this is accurate but I think I heard something about them wanting more boys instead of girls too which is pretty sad

But at the end of the day I respect your opinion buddy....Hopefully this show manages to meet our expectations
Yeah I know what you said is factual. I meant that it's not like you were giving me news, and I was just more interested in knowing your opinion on the subject.

Yeah tbh it's unpredictable how far asian countries can go with their laws... My main problem in cases like this is that, even if the premisse isn't factually bad / wrong, if it goes against my moral logic and opinions, I find it way too hard to take entertainment from it.

I marker this show as dropped but I might check out a couple more episodes... Idk

BTW Nice signature gif ;)

I feel you buddy, and thanks for the compliment (Killua is awesome)
Jul 4, 2017 12:31 PM

Dec 2015
Beginning seemed a bit boring. I thought this was going to be a generic school romance + a bit special stuff (with the arranged marriages) mixed in. I don't like the char design too much. (Also it reminds heavily of Kuzu no Honkai - well at least for that girl.)

End seemed interesting with the government tracing the position of the people and that weird hacker (I guess it was a hacker or some automated AI that sent the text message to the guy first).

Hopefully this will get interesting lager and not stay a normal school romance but showing political/government stuff as well (and how the chars try to hide/evade the system) - otherwise it could get boring.

I also hope for 1-cour full or 2-cour full adaption (with manga ending the same time as the anime). If it were longer (and no real end) it would be ore likely to get boring I guess. 1-cour would be ideal ... with no wasting time on school stuff but instead making a interesting plot where the both lovers try to get together and escaping the system.
Jul 4, 2017 1:29 PM
Jan 2017
I liked this episode but I'm glad best girl Lilina got some screen time at the end. But I don't get how they're gonna do this, with so many chapters of the manga, and the manga nowhere near completion.
Jul 4, 2017 2:05 PM
Apr 2017
I feel like this one is gonna be a sad ending...
but the manga is good so i'll give this a 5 until the final ep is out ill give it a 10/10 maybe :)

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