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Jun 12, 2017 9:18 PM
May 2015
You got it wrong
The characters aren't annoying
We think the characters are annoying
If a big boobed idiot tries to do something impossible...
of course we cringe
but in reality she has confidence and wants more strength
what's wrong with that?
Do we have to hate her?
No we want to
Because we don't want useless characters

Jun 12, 2017 10:19 PM

Nov 2013
Age isn't necessarily important (it provides experience though). But acting like a reasonable person is. Even if some responses were rude, throwing insults isn't helpful.
You're a louse, Roger Smith. - R. Dorothy Wayneright
This is my fight! No Senpai, this is our fight! - Kojou Akatsuki & Yukina Himeragi
Jun 12, 2017 10:25 PM

May 2015
Vociferous tsundere lolies - oh, how I hate those little brats.
夏草や 兵どもが 夢の跡
Jun 12, 2017 10:56 PM

Mar 2017
No mods yet? Alright, I'll be the Anti-Fun this time, because f*ck your popcorns, this is just painful to watch. I would be one of the first to engage in rational discourse. This is anything but.

I mean come on you guys, stop arguing with a child or she's gonna call you "baka."

MuQu said:
........ ...............................................................

Forgive me. Just passing by, curious as to how you bypassed the limits. Now I see.

You gave up your freedom of speech when you clicked Agree to the User Agreement
This is not a public platform.
Jun 13, 2017 1:33 AM

Nov 2009
S-quare22 said:
We are seeing these days a lot of cliche animes that talks about "moeshit" girls like eromanga sensei , oreimo , gochuumon wa usagi and love live .. and a lot shitty "moeanimes" receiving a second season .. the problem is that these animes are not profitable for the studios so the most of the anime studios have been closed ..
In addition , in the shounen animes ( the last hope for the anime industry ) we always find the boobed shit girl that you want to punch .. for example inoue from bleach ..
To be honest most of the anime fans dropped most of the shounen animes because of that kind of shitty annoying girls ..
So the shounen animes have shit girls , shoujo anime have shit girls , slice of life have shit girls ...
I am really tired of that .. ok there are some exceptions like kurisu and mikasa ..
But i cant stand the anime girls untill now
You know , they put girls just to add some fucking ecchi scenes ..

So , what is your opinion
Do you like anime girls and tell us why and dont forget to write your opinion of what i said ..

Basically, men (like me) are usually capable of tolerating a lot of bad stuff from girls. And about twice as much bad stuff if they belong in "children being immature" mental category.
Due to the differences in upbringing and psychology, it is necessary. In the eyes of a man, any real woman comes packaged with at least the equal number of quirks and alienness as an anime girl. Nazo no Kanojo X anime and manga is said to capture this feeling very well.

For example, I find your desire to punch Inoue from Bleach or moe girls from Gochuumon wa Usagi to be alien.
Sure, as a feminist (and as a guy) I want Inoue to have a better role (frankly, a lot of shounen anime are the same), but why would I want to punch her? She has a hard time as she is already. I'd rather give her some words of encouragement.

If you feel that you personally are not represented well enough, well, I feel the same. Sure, there is plenty of guys in anime, but guys who actually think and aren't villains are much more rare. It's like the anime keeps telling me: "You're evil for being so smart. Go get a glass of wine and slouch evilly on your throne".
Jun 13, 2017 1:41 AM

Jun 2011

I mean I could give you a list of anime I love that have great women in them to me but I am sure you would just bitch.
The anime community in a nutshell.
Jun 13, 2017 1:42 AM

Jun 2011
Valaskjalf said:
blame Evangelion and the Asuka fans

"annoying girl" has been a popular archetype since then

Asuka is actually a great character. Shinji imitations fair no better. OP even hates Perfect Blue. Honestly, OP just hates women in anime.
Energetic-NovaJun 13, 2017 1:46 AM
The anime community in a nutshell.
Jun 13, 2017 1:55 AM

Aug 2016
You don't like the usual tropes then.
Jun 13, 2017 2:05 AM
Sep 2013
Just stick with anime targetting girls then.Shoujo manga and its adaptations,otome game and its adaptations,male idol shows etc.

You are sounding as stupid as a guy who bother to watch yaoi and complaining it is being gay and characters have no real personality

You know male characters from otome game have hardly have any depth in personality and not really relatable to majority of men.
umashikanekoJun 13, 2017 2:20 AM
Jun 13, 2017 2:21 AM

Feb 2017
Yes tsunderes are annoyings
Thats about it

Jun 13, 2017 2:50 AM

Nov 2009

Don't use this word. And for that matter, do not make blanket attacks on large groups of anime fans. In doing so, you are only breeding hatred, which will return to you and to everybody else who happens to be too close.
And the hatred will ruin the discussion you're trying to have.

Yes, most of us are here because we like anime. If you think there is something wrong with liking stuff like anime, you're wrong. We humans have the right to seek happiness in whichever way we consider to be good. If you want to challenge that, you have to argue that in seeking this happiness we are hurting others too much.

Sure, it's great that you're 13 and you have your own opinions. But in a loosely-moderated space like MAL, if your thread degenerates to insult-flinging, well, your thread has degenerated, and there is no one to help you. You gotta learn to be diplomatic. Or choose a well-moderated venue where you will have to behave too.

S-quare22 said:
all the mal members are my dear family .. but the two weebs that i mentioned before freaks the hell out of me

You've been watching anime for a while already. Freaky things happen all the time in anime, don't they?

KazamiSan said:
Ok guys .. i was really scared to post this ..
because i know that boys will attack me with brutal replies .. but i don't care XD

Before saying anything... I'm a boy in the first place and i'm proud ..

We are seeing these days a lot of cliche animes that talks about "fujoshit" boys like yuri on ice, kuroshitsuji, and makura no danshi .. and a lot shitty "fujoshi anime" receiving a second season .. the problem is that these animes are not profitable for the studios so the most of the anime studios have been closed ..
In addition , in the shoujo animes ( the last hope for the anime industry ) we always find the sexualized shit boy that you want to punch .. for example kyouya from ookami shoujo ..
To be honest most of the anime fans dropped most of the shoujo animes because of that kind of shitty annoying boys ..
So the shoujo animes have shit boys , shounen anime have shit boys , slice of life have shit boys ...
I am really tired of that .. ok there are some exceptions like guts-tan and griffith-sama (ah i want griffith to play with my butt X'D ) ..
But i cant stand the anime boys untill now
You know , they put boys just to add some fucking fujoshi fanservice scenes ..

So , what is your opinion
Do you like anime boys and tell us why and dont forget to write your opinion of what i said ..
Or do you agree with me ?
Leave your comments here
Sorry for my bad arabic ; )

Does that make any sense for you, OP?

Well, it does make sense to me. Because many anime characters aren't particularly alive, and many of them have annoying personalities.
Personally, I find the groom from Inu to Boku SS to be the most punchable male character that comes to mind.

jal90 said:
SSF2 said:
Ecchi is a way of exageration and fetishization of women (which, even if I don't like it, I don't think it has always to be bad). Moe is infantilization of girls (and sometimes boys), girls who look and act like children, but aren't children. I suppose there is exactly the point of its atractiveness to some boys. Imagine how childish their minds must be, although there are some exceptions of very conscious people who still like it, for a big variety of reasons...

Moe does not equal infantilization. Acting quirky/cutesy =/= not acting your age. I don't know why this is still a thing, come on.

I wish people would just stop with this ageism stuff. Just because I'm 30, doesn't mean I have to conform to all their ideas of adults and spend my life drowning myself in alcohol.

hack5 said:
and dont get me started on cute girls doing cute things anime i wont touch that crap with a ten foot pole eg Gakkougurashi! i hate that show you mean to tell me they are stuck in a school with retarded zombies conveniently have a garden on the roof and stock supply of food in the school cafeteria lets not forget they go camping in the middle of a zombie apocalypse

Yes, this school was obviously prepared for zombie apocalypse because the government knew about the possibility.
But either way, their environment has to provide for relatively easy life. Otherwise, Gakkougurashi would not be a CGDCT slice-of-life anime it is. If you want a proper zombie apocalypse, Highschool of the Dead is waiting.

hack5 said:
last but not least is girl sports have you see how most girl sports is portrayed we get shows like Keijo!!!!!!!!,Bakuon!! and other fan service bullshit where are the good real hardworking sports anime like haikyuu,prince of tennis,ace no diamond,y/pedal days,free,baby steps etc that boys get,I could go on and on lol.

I am under the impression that sports shows are mostly watched by people of opposite gender to characters. Keijo is meant for men, and Free is meant for girls.
Jun 13, 2017 3:04 AM

Mar 2015
guys, wait a second.... okay lets said anime girls does annoying, arent real life girls annoying too? heck, people in general are annoying... so, doesn't make them realistic? aren't anime character being annoyence is good thing?
"If taking responsibility for a mistake that cannot be undone means death, it's not that hard to die. At least, not as hard as to live on."
Jun 13, 2017 3:08 AM

Jul 2015
flannan said:

KazamiSan said:

Does that make any sense for you, OP?

Well, it does make sense to me. Because many anime characters aren't particularly alive, and many of them have annoying personalities.
Personally, I find the groom from Inu to Boku SS to be the most punchable male character that comes to mind.

Well, that makes sense to you. I don't think it'll make any sense to someone with the same mindset as the OP, though.
Jun 13, 2017 3:37 AM
May 2017
It really depends for me because anime girls only annoy me if they are useless, do things that piss me off or just shout all the time like most Tsunderes, but there are some I really like.
Like I said my opinion of anime girls that annoy me is very random and mixed so i can't really give a clear definition of my thoughts.
Jun 13, 2017 3:40 AM

Nov 2014
Because it sells. Studios are catering the Japanese audience who has shit taste.
Jun 13, 2017 4:45 AM

Jan 2014
goichitenshi said:
i mean not all girls in anime are annoying, i find it annoying to always have the short haired girl that's shy in every anime and manga. idk if anyone agrees with me but it's def something that gets on my nerves
"holy cow im in lots of animes then XD. im sorry that my existence gets on your nerves." well thats just one out of the many cliche elements.

EcchiLordMamster said:
Anita Sarkeesian... PLEASE don't bring your salty feminazi bullshit to the anime community

i'd hate to break it to you, but you're watching a medium that mostly targets straight males, so that sucks that the girls don't cater to you, and after reading that... im sure as hell glad they don't

men are going to idealize fictional women... just like women are going to idealize fictional men

who fucking cares? is it your business to tell others what to fantasize about? im sure if someone like you were to make an anime, us guys would definitely love the girls, wouldn't we? sarcasm
u would worthship them like angels walking on earth while you stay virgin for that one girl whos going to flip your life upside down and you will have the perfect body to carry your angel as if shes a feather.u will even become a millionaire so that u can buy your angel anything she wants and will strive for the source of youth so that u will forever see her at the most beautiful age XD.
fuyuki said:
interesting thread, really *grabs popcorn*
lets share! i got sour candy!
Illyricus said:
Just a comment passing here to post this.
thanks for the chair!
S-quare22 said:
EcchiLordMamster said:

this is the next generation of tumblr feminism, we cannot give them attention... giving them attention is what they want

that was fucking LOL

I cant support talking with weebs
You think that the age is important weebs .. huh ??
Im very surprised that my brain is bigger than yours
A 13 girls who owns a mind of an adult and and an adult who owns a weeb boyish mind .. after that discussion i realised that weebs will destroy the world .. i dont mind .. keep of talking untill you will die weeb
if u think youre so much more "adultish" than these people and wants to avoid these socalled shitty girls then please be my guest so we can both watch some real adult anime/manga that is not hentai at all cause it seems like u need a serious break from this cliche character or maybe u just need to see them die in a horror show.
Deknijff said:
S-quare22 said:
Sorry .. i know that im annoying .. but there are two weebs that i must teach them a lesson ..
Youre saying that im insulting ?? No way bro .. i was just talking to the two weebs ..
Im acting like im popular here ??? No way again bro .. i joined mal 3 months ago XD

all the mal members are my dear family .. but the two weebs that i mentioned before freaks the hell out of me
you see this is what I'm talking about
if you want to reach an understanding you shouldn't resort to name calling
treat others as how you would want to be treated. Even if they are being rude themselves in your opinion you should take a higher stance
for that it would be best to use sarcasm while u can also be respectable. it is the best way to prevent to hurt feelings or upset them in the worst possible way and it will make u look calm and a better person. but youll probably take this as bullshit.
S-quare22 said:
Ok guys .. i was really scared to post this ..
because i know that girls will attack me with brutal replies .. but i don't care XD

Before saying anything... I'm a girl in the first place and i'm proud ..

We are seeing these days a lot of cliche animes that talks about "moeshit" girls like eromanga sensei , oreimo , gochuumon wa usagi and love live .. and a lot shitty "moeanimes" receiving a second season .. the problem is that these animes are not profitable for the studios so the most of the anime studios have been closed ..
In addition , in the shounen animes ( the last hope for the anime industry ) we always find the boobed shit girl that you want to punch .. for example inoue from bleach ..
To be honest most of the anime fans dropped most of the shounen animes because of that kind of shitty annoying girls ..
So the shounen animes have shit girls , shoujo anime have shit girls , slice of life have shit girls ...
I am really tired of that .. ok there are some exceptions like kurisu and mikasa ..
But i cant stand the anime girls untill now
You know , they put girls just to add some fucking ecchi scenes ..

So , what is your opinion
Do you like anime girls and tell us why and dont forget to write your opinion of what i said ..
Or do you agree with me ?
Leave your comments here
Sorry for my bad english ; )

okay listen! i did not drop bleach because of any shitty boobed character so what other shitty characters are u also hating? if anything theres only one shounen anime that i dropped because the heroine was a bitch (at least boobless) and thats her ---> surely stupid and a misuser of guys feelings to her and does not think about the other parts feelings while shes crushing on somebody elses man. this may not be a total cliche but i can mostly hate a certain character for being a terrible, IGNORANT and selfish human being unless if they truly are villains BUT FOR THAT THEY WOULD NEED A BRAIN. but i only dropped that anime because the show revolved so much around that person that it made me sick . u may not be a person who can tolerate cliche types anymore which will often be found in any that has drama romance or as u said "shounen" which is a great mix of anything. we cant always avoid shit in greatness but if youre lucky enough u get to find stuff thats just as good as defense devil as long as u search for any factors that might be unusual or simply an awaker of interest. i personally do not think that people would simply drop an anime just because of one shitty character, unless if youre a passionate hater and if the plot often revolves around that character.

to me the ultimate shitty girl would be a stupid barbie that acts just like the character i mentioned above XD.

as i said why dont u just find something adultish or where the plot only takes place around male characters like Kaiji or rainbow? cause u need a break from ecchi bewbs XD or even better, how about ya find an anime that doesnt focus on humans like ginga nagareboshi gin XD
Sonic X is basically an isekai
Jun 13, 2017 4:50 AM

Sep 2016
Is this a discussion? I do not think that this is a discussion but only your complaint about anime girl you don't like. But if you keep saying that this is a discussion, I would say "this post is very bad".

You said, anime has "moeshit" girl are not profitable for the studios so the most of the anime studios have been closed.

- please dont kidding. Animes studio have been closed just because has moe girl? LOL
If you say like that, do you have data that can be shown? If you do not have knowledge about business or profit do not just talk.

- i don't mind if you dont like moe girl like Sagiri, Yamada, and Muramasa from Eromanga-sensei, or Kirino, Ruri, and Ayase from Oreimo.
It just your problem.

In my opinion, That girls have a unique and interesting character. And animes that have unique and interesting characters are not boring. When watching Oreimo, I was curious how the reaction of Kirino when his brother found his erogame. Or when sagiri's brother knows if her sister is an eromanga sensei who illustrates her Light Novel.

It was interesting, i think it was "Kawai" when you found another side of that character.

Then, you said, the shounen animes (the last hope for the anime industry) always has the boobed shit girl for example inoue from bleach. To be honest most of the anime fans dropped most of the shounen animes because of that.

- do you have problem with boobs?
#tee hee... :v

- why you said shounen anime "the last hope"? I don't get it. LOL :v

You said, the shounen animes have shit girls, shoujo anime have shit girls, slice of life have shit girls.
- maybe someone also think that you are shit girl too?

If you do not want to be called that way, stop judging and complaining. It's just your taste and you can not force it on anyone.

Man, Titanic movie also have ecchi scene, LOL :V
NabeliaJun 13, 2017 5:13 AM
Jun 13, 2017 4:53 AM

Apr 2017
I know how that feels, I am sometimes not comfortable with the common Anime made now with female characters since it is too moe and all the waifu thing is just completely insane (Yeah, crazy fandom).

It is the same with the male characters of today though so I cannot really say anything bad about it. They are just the same.

There are some good female characters in some series though. It is mostly the stereotype that ruins it or the tropes. -3-
Ugh, I hate those tropes like when a female character suddenly punches or kicks a male character for something. I don't understand the point of it. I used to to think that it was funny but being used a lot of times in different series? Looks like abuse.

Tsunderes are in a way annoying of all the female characters made by the way. Hahahaha! ._. Don't hit me please.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jun 13, 2017 4:59 AM

Nov 2009
SSF2 said:
S-quare22 said:
Ok guys .. i was really scared to post this ..
because i know that girls will attack me with brutal replies .. but i don't care XD

Before saying anything... I'm a girl in the first place and i'm proud ..

We are seeing these days a lot of cliche animes that talks about "moeshit" girls like eromanga sensei , oreimo , gochuumon wa usagi and love live .. and a lot shitty "moeanimes" receiving a second season .. the problem is that these animes are not profitable for the studios so the most of the anime studios have been closed ..
In addition , in the shounen animes ( the last hope for the anime industry ) we always find the boobed shit girl that you want to punch .. for example inoue from bleach ..
To be honest most of the anime fans dropped most of the shounen animes because of that kind of shitty annoying girls ..
So the shounen animes have shit girls , shoujo anime have shit girls , slice of life have shit girls ...
I am really tired of that .. ok there are some exceptions like kurisu and mikasa ..
But i cant stand the anime girls untill now
You know , they put girls just to add some fucking ecchi scenes ..

So , what is your opinion
Do you like anime girls and tell us why and dont forget to write your opinion of what i said ..
Or do you agree with me ?
Leave your comments here
Sorry for my bad english ; )

Okay, first, it isn't my intention at all to be mean at you but... most of the things you said about anime industry and community aren't true. It isn't true that most of the anime fans have dropped shounen animes because of these "shitty annoying girls". In fact, plenty, if not most of shounen regular viewers are actually looking for it.
It is not true that this type of anime is not profitable for anime studios to the point several of them have had to be closed. Because, you know, they are profitable, not as much as they used to be, that's right, but still enough.

Anime girls are not the problem, but the ones who create them. And who creates them? Men (and some girls, I know), but obviously not all of them. Men who have a completely distorsionated view of how a woman looks like, but it isn't as if they cared about it anyway.

Ecchi is a way of exageration and fetishization of women (which, even if I don't like it, I don't think it has always to be bad). Moe is infantilization of girls (and sometimes boys), girls who look and act like children, but aren't children. I suppose there is exactly the point of its atractiveness to some boys. Imagine how childish their minds must be, although there are some exceptions of very conscious people who still like it, for a big variety of reasons... And then there's the typical shoujo girl (who's not only present in shoujos anyway), submissive and kind to the point of being really annoying. But, let's face it, this type of girl is based on the ideal of women they have in Japan (and in western countries until not long ago, though there are some people who still want it here), these gender roles are very rooted even if we try to pretend they're not.

This is why feminism is still necessary today.
Some men are just afraid of feminism because they think we want to take something away from them. Attacking men is not the aim of feminism. Feminists are just women (and some men) who aknowledge the privileges males have over women in every human society, and so try to fight against them (privileges, not men) to reach equality. And by the way, the mere fact of calling us feminists "feminazis", of comparing us to a group of murderers who commited one of the most atrociuos genocides in humanity history is not only insulting and disrespectful, but also terribly ignorant.

I'm so tired of guys like @EcchiLordMamster. Look, I understand you want anime as your way of sexual escapism, even though I cannot respect it. I'm not saying that you're an inmoral pig and everything you like should be banned, I'm just saying that it shouldn't be present in every anime, because it isn't anymore what most of anime fans are looking for (anime is no longer an only straight male target entertainment, as much as the industry and you keep acting as it is), and that it should be more respectful to women. Anime treats women like shit, and you know that. I do think you even like it more because of that.

The funniest thing about all of this, is how they appeal to your age to point out their arguments as more valid and deserving of respect than yours. It's just pathetic.

Girl, be proud of being capable of thinking this kind of stuff at your age, I know what it's like, it was the same for when I was 13, and it still happens to me even now, and I'm 17. Don't take them seriously, after all, they have already shown how willing to debate this kind of things they are, haven't they?

The main reason feminism has trouble with acceptance, in my opinion, is because Internet is full of people who want something to disappear, and lacking in people offering replacements.
I mean, go on, criticize harem girls all you like. But first, show me an anime that appeals to me (a male) with lovable girls, and that actually fits your ideas of what anime girls should be like.
If you don't have an anime like that, write a novel or make some other work of art that you're good at. Go on, you keep talking about how men lack empathy and understanding, so you must understand our hearts better, right?

When feminists fail to do that, they make me suspect that the underlying concept of appealing to males with lovable girls is inherently evil in feminist worldview. Meaning they want to oppress me.
Jun 13, 2017 5:01 AM

Feb 2013
op reminds me of myself when i was posting on forums at 13 and even younger
good times
Jun 13, 2017 5:02 AM

Oct 2013
"Love Live"


Don't lump Love Live and OreImo together.
Jun 13, 2017 5:06 AM

Feb 2013
S-quare22 said:
Pfff .. you also dont have any proof of the moe animes sales .. so dont be so rude and stop acting like a genius who knows everything .. you are comparing the moe animes sales to the shounen one ??!! Seriously !!?? Their sales are incomparable to naruro and one piece
i havent followed close enough the thread to see how much of this is bait and how much is genuine

but check the numbers for k-on here

then for naruto and one piece here

and the methodology used here

and tldr shounen are more successful in tv ratings and manga sales but most anime disc sales are for otaku/late night series
Jun 13, 2017 5:08 AM

May 2015
You lost me at 'shounen as the last hope for anime'. What? How come?
WEAPONS - My blog, for reviews of music, anime, books, and other things
Jun 13, 2017 6:11 AM
Jul 2018
... Just.
I don't even know to be completely fair. I am more questioning this thread than the actual question.

To be completely fairly honest regarding on this... just because people drop shounen animes because they want to see moe doesn't mean that it is an actual problem. Heck, this isn't even a fucking problem in the anime industry. If anything that's just some nitpick shit from your end.

Second, your entire comment post thread regards on RANTING about slice of life, shoujo etc having shit girls. Care to elaborate why are they shit compared to Shounen?

I'm pretty sure if you can pretty much elaborate regarding on this then I could understand but it seems like you just made a desperate shitfest thread to go and vent on your dislike for shit girls in a genre that is either meant for girls or characters getting along or shoujo about characters just... being like that.
Jun 13, 2017 6:13 AM
Jul 2018
TheBrainintheJar said:
You lost me at 'shounen as the last hope for anime'. What? How come?

I'm lost at this as well. In fact the person brags about Shounen even though I personally think the "quality" of shounen anime has decreased. Let's be fair while I don't think the shounen genre has gone downhill... it's just, no. It's not even the last hope for anime.

The last hope for anime is for the industry itself to get its shit together with the way it handles itself.
Jun 13, 2017 6:26 AM

Mar 2012

that shit was poetic as fuck LOOOOOOLLL
Jun 13, 2017 6:30 AM
Nov 2016
Wait did you say moe anime wasn't profitable.


Jun 13, 2017 6:44 AM

Nov 2011
Hmm I guess I'm just not as hard of a judge. I do agree some of the mainstream moe anime girls leave a lot to be desired, but there are plenty of great girl characters and extremely annoying male characters too. It really just depends if you limit yourself to watching those types of shows. I gotta say I disagree with categorizing characters based on genres completely though.

Jun 13, 2017 6:54 AM
Nov 2016
flannan said:
SSF2 said:

Okay, first, it isn't my intention at all to be mean at you but... most of the things you said about anime industry and community aren't true. It isn't true that most of the anime fans have dropped shounen animes because of these "shitty annoying girls". In fact, plenty, if not most of shounen regular viewers are actually looking for it.
It is not true that this type of anime is not profitable for anime studios to the point several of them have had to be closed. Because, you know, they are profitable, not as much as they used to be, that's right, but still enough.

Anime girls are not the problem, but the ones who create them. And who creates them? Men (and some girls, I know), but obviously not all of them. Men who have a completely distorsionated view of how a woman looks like, but it isn't as if they cared about it anyway.

Ecchi is a way of exageration and fetishization of women (which, even if I don't like it, I don't think it has always to be bad). Moe is infantilization of girls (and sometimes boys), girls who look and act like children, but aren't children. I suppose there is exactly the point of its atractiveness to some boys. Imagine how childish their minds must be, although there are some exceptions of very conscious people who still like it, for a big variety of reasons... And then there's the typical shoujo girl (who's not only present in shoujos anyway), submissive and kind to the point of being really annoying. But, let's face it, this type of girl is based on the ideal of women they have in Japan (and in western countries until not long ago, though there are some people who still want it here), these gender roles are very rooted even if we try to pretend they're not.

This is why feminism is still necessary today.
Some men are just afraid of feminism because they think we want to take something away from them. Attacking men is not the aim of feminism. Feminists are just women (and some men) who aknowledge the privileges males have over women in every human society, and so try to fight against them (privileges, not men) to reach equality. And by the way, the mere fact of calling us feminists "feminazis", of comparing us to a group of murderers who commited one of the most atrociuos genocides in humanity history is not only insulting and disrespectful, but also terribly ignorant.

I'm so tired of guys like @EcchiLordMamster. Look, I understand you want anime as your way of sexual escapism, even though I cannot respect it. I'm not saying that you're an inmoral pig and everything you like should be banned, I'm just saying that it shouldn't be present in every anime, because it isn't anymore what most of anime fans are looking for (anime is no longer an only straight male target entertainment, as much as the industry and you keep acting as it is), and that it should be more respectful to women. Anime treats women like shit, and you know that. I do think you even like it more because of that.

The funniest thing about all of this, is how they appeal to your age to point out their arguments as more valid and deserving of respect than yours. It's just pathetic.

Girl, be proud of being capable of thinking this kind of stuff at your age, I know what it's like, it was the same for when I was 13, and it still happens to me even now, and I'm 17. Don't take them seriously, after all, they have already shown how willing to debate this kind of things they are, haven't they?

The main reason feminism has trouble with acceptance, in my opinion, is because Internet is full of people who want something to disappear, and lacking in people offering replacements.
I mean, go on, criticize harem girls all you like. But first, show me an anime that appeals to me (a male) with lovable girls, and that actually fits your ideas of what anime girls should be like.
If you don't have an anime like that, write a novel or make some other work of art that you're good at. Go on, you keep talking about how men lack empathy and understanding, so you must understand our hearts better, right?

When feminists fail to do that, they make me suspect that the underlying concept of appealing to males with lovable girls is inherently evil in feminist worldview. Meaning they want to oppress me.

I've already said that it isn't my intention to claim that all those things should be banned. I never said every men lacks empathy and understanding. I don't want to oppress you. I understand that you have sexual desires and so want to please them. I do understand that anime is your way of sexual escapism. There's nothing wrong with you being a human because if you feel that need is because you're so (although there are asexual people that aren't less human).

The problem is that, you said we feminists fail to understand you all. I don't deny that some feminists do, but it isn't my case. What I think is some of you don't even try to understand us. My problem with this kind of anime is that it humiliates women. Have you noticed the main differences between fanservice targeted to males and the one targeted to females? Well, I'll tell you, in most of the cases (not all) yaoi or whatever fanservice that tries to appeal to women doesn't humiliate the men it uses. Because it uses them, yeah, but also gives them a personality (better or worse I know) and doesn't try to only objectfy them. It's far more respectful to them that male fanservice is to women. Let alone that male fanservice is almost omnipresent in anime shows. Fanservice targeted to males (usually) treats women as stupid and childish/abussive and violent individuals (if they can be called that) that are only there in the scene to please you, and you know that's true, if most of you go to anime to please you is because you're looking for that kind of fanservice, or am I wrong?
Jun 13, 2017 6:55 AM

Aug 2013
I'd say what you're talking about is mostly in LN based ecchi shit...
And hentai. They just don't shut up in hentai...
Who the fuck cares about how deep his man stick is spilling milk juice inside of your horny slut hole??

Also OP, i went though your list, and i don't see what anime you could be talking about, most anime you watched do not have what could be considered as "annoying anime girls".
OknxrJun 13, 2017 8:07 AM
Jun 13, 2017 7:38 AM

Jan 2014
romagia said:
op reminds me of myself when i was posting on forums at 13 and even younger
good times
I hardly knew what a forum was back then XD
Sonic X is basically an isekai
Jun 13, 2017 7:40 AM

Nov 2009
SSF2 said:
The problem is that, you said we feminists fail to understand you all. I don't deny that some feminists do, but it isn't my case. What I think is some of you don't even try to understand us. My problem with this kind of anime is that it humiliates women. Have you noticed the main differences between fanservice targeted to males and the one targeted to females? Well, I'll tell you, in most of the cases (not all) yaoi or whatever fanservice that tries to appeal to women doesn't humiliate the men it uses. Because it uses them, yeah, but also gives them a personality (better or worse I know) and doesn't try to only objectfy them. It's far more respectful to them that male fanservice is to women. Let alone that male fanservice is almost omnipresent in anime shows. Fanservice targeted to males (usually) treats women as stupid and childish/abussive and violent individuals (if they can be called that) that are only there in the scene to please you, and you know that's true, if most of you go to anime to please you is because you're looking for that kind of fanservice, or am I wrong?

I have to agree that anime has a lot more male-targeted fanservice than female-targeted fanservice. Or at least I notice it more, because that's what I'm looking for.

I do not agree that female characters are usually more stupid than their male counterparts. Usually, the most level-headed, sane and academically successful person in a group of main characters is a girl (she is also likely to be tsundere and/or tsukkomi, because everybody else is an idiot). This dynamic can only change if the protagonist is supposed to be smart, which is rare (and even in these cases, it does not automatically mean none of the girls are smart).
Note that this observation applies primarily to shounen shows. In shoujo it might be the other way around, but I don't see much shoujo.

I have to agree that anime treats childishness as attractive in girls. It seems to be reflection of overall stance of Japanese culture, and might be related to Japanese having a schoolgirl fetish.

I have to clarify about women being abusive and violent - anime just doesn't seem to take female-inflicted comedic violence seriously. There are a few anime where men inflict comedic violence in similar patterns (for example, Chuunibyou demo koi ga shitai, and the upcoming Aho Girl), but this is more rare. You can indeed take it as evidence of sexism.

Finally, I would disagree with the claim that most female characters exist only for fanservice. Even in ecchi shows.
Sure, often they are female only for fanservice, but they have their social/comedic/plot/combat/whatever niche to fill. These niches could be filled with male characters, but ecchi/harem shows make a point of putting attractive female characters in them.

Valenthius said:
I'd say what you;re talking about is mostly in SoL based ecchi shit...

It is rare to have SoL and ecchi in the same show.
Mere 35 shows, and 8 of them are Crayon Shin-chan.
Most ecchi is some variation of comedy harem or battle harem.

Valenthius said:
And hentai. They just don't shut up in hentai...
Who the fuck cares about how deep his man stick is spilling milk juice inside of your horny slut hole??

Well, how else are we going to know how awesome the sex is? With those silly "x-ray" shots?
Besides, it would be boring if they just moaned all the time.
Jun 13, 2017 7:45 AM

Jan 2014
EcchiLordMamster said:

that shit was poetic as fuck LOOOOOOLLL
oh no, my talent has been revealed *hides from the public an RUUUUUNS*
Sonic X is basically an isekai
Jun 13, 2017 7:55 AM

Jun 2009
S-quare22 said:
Ok guys .. i was really scared to post this ..
because i know that girls will attack me with brutal replies .. but i don't care XD

I don't see any girls attacking you on this thread, persecution complex much?

Maybe you haven't seen that many animes series. There are a lot of great female characters actually.
As you might know, there is the annoying beta male cliche in anime, the female equivalent are the moe girls cliche. So there aren't only female character tropes, but male character tropes as well.
Claymore is an anime where all the important female characters are powerful warriors, they aren't sexy or there for fan service. They look like respectable warriors:

Also, Orihime in Bleach is fine. Indeed she says "Kurosaki-kun" a lot, but she's a kind and caring person that tries to protect her friends, she's not a bitch character or a violent tsundere. You gotta at least respect that.
And since you mentioned Bleach: Bleach has a lot of great badass, powerful female characters: Rukia, Unohana (if you read the last arc of Bleach you know what I mean), Yoruichi, Harribel, Soi Fon and Nelliel.

If you want strong, complex female characters I recommend: Saber from Fate/stay night, Balalaika, Roberta and Revy from Black Lagoon, Koko Hekmatyar and Sofia Valmer from Jormungand, Kino from Kino no Tabi, Nakajima Youko from 12 Kingdoms, all the female characters from Claymore, Balsa from Seirei no Moribito, Ichihara Yuuko from xxxHOLiC, Kikyou and Sango from Inuyasha, Kagura, Tsukuyo, Kyuubei and Nobume from Gintama, Oscar from The Rose of Versailles, all the main female characters from Madoka Magica, Misaka and Kuroko from Toaru Kagaku no Railgun, Michiko and Hatchin from Michiko to Hatchin, Riza Hawkeye, Winry, Mira Armstrong, Izumi Curtis and Lust from FMA.
And many, many more.
-Hotaru_Jun 13, 2017 8:08 AM
Jun 13, 2017 8:02 AM

Jun 2009
flannan said:

I do not agree that female characters are usually more stupid than their male counterparts. Usually, the most level-headed, sane and academically successful person in a group of main characters is a girl (she is also likely to be tsundere and/or tsukkomi, because everybody else is an idiot). This dynamic can only change if the protagonist is supposed to be smart, which is rare (and even in these cases, it does not automatically mean none of the girls are smart).
Note that this observation applies primarily to shounen shows. In shoujo it might be the other way around, but I don't see much shoujo.

I totally agree with that, usually the level-headed, serious and responsible of the group in an anime is a female.
Also, most of the class presidents in anime are females. In order to be a class president in Japan you have to be one of the smartest kids in your class (if not the smartest) and have to be a very responsible person.
I also know from real life, most of my class presidents were female.
Jun 13, 2017 8:06 AM

Aug 2013
flannan said:
Valenthius said:
I'd say what you're talking about is mostly in SoL based ecchi shit...

It is rare to have SoL and ecchi in the same show.

I mean to write LN based
I just saw "SoL" in a different comment and wrote it down by accident.
Jun 13, 2017 8:36 AM

Aug 2015
I agree on Inoue part, I gave bleach a bit lower than the other shounen due to her tbh... But I able to read it till the end is due to my favourite girl is also there XD

IMO, most anime's these days rarely have a decent female mc.. That's why I only looking forward to certain anime that I have known it before from LN or manga..

I'm starting to get embarrassed by my own forum signature line.. XD
Jun 13, 2017 8:51 AM

Apr 2015
I'm not sure if this is bait or not...
"I'd take rampant lesbianism over nuclear armageddon or a supervolcano any day." ~nikiforova
Jun 13, 2017 8:55 AM

Oct 2015
I am a girl myself but even i wouldn't want anime girls to disappear. Im sorry i have to disagree with you. I mean i like the way that some of them are acting cute, some being shy, or some being too cheerful. Either they add some kind of flavour to the plain story and make them interesting (imagine if bleach doesn't have girl at all, it will an action non-stop anime). Plus, even if they're annoying as long as the male lead are badass enough i could accept it, though the unnecessary ecchi scene really get on my nerve, also some of them like Yukinoshita Yukino from Oregairu are likable even for me.

So, no. I disagree with you. Of course they are annoying but thats just the way they should be, their characteristics.
Jun 13, 2017 9:41 AM

Jun 2009
Silpher00 said:

So, no. I disagree with you. Of course they are annoying but thats just the way they should be, their characteristics.

I hope you meant only a few girls that are actually annoying, not girls in anime in general. If you go by all the annoying beta males in anime you'll get hundreds.
And I think Orihime in Bleach is really not annoying, so it's not like female characters are meant to be annoying.
It's all matter of perspective. I bet that Kubo likes Orihime as a character, he wrote her as a kind, caring, sometimes shy girl that wants to protect her friends. What's there not to like? So what if she says "Kurosaki-kun" a tad too many time?
Going back to perspective/taste, some love tsunderes, some hate them, some love bubbly, energetic characters, others hate them, some love the yanderes other hate them etc.
So saying "most female characters are annoying but it's okay, they're meant to be that way so it doesn't bother me" is really close-minded. Female anime characters have dozen different tropes, some might find the kuudere trope annoying, other might love it etc. There's plenty different female anime personalities to choose from. So any anime fan has at least a favorite female trope that he/she likes and doesn't find annoying.
-Hotaru_Jun 13, 2017 9:55 AM
Jun 13, 2017 9:57 AM

Jun 2009
Godny said:

Besides, from what I've seen in your anime list, and even your manga list, you have a great amount of ecchi and some very "esteriotipically portrayed girl" things. So, obviously, you're going to see lots of stupid and annoying female characters. Because of what you are choosing to see, you're judging the whole anime industry. That's a really unlogical thing to do.

Try being a little more positive and try watching some stuff out off of your confort zone. Josei's have some well written girls, and, some action animes (the serious ones) have some too. ^.^

Wow, really great argument, totally agree with you *high five*
Jun 13, 2017 10:08 AM

Oct 2016
because anime girl with annoying attitude are not NORMAL.

notice the people who are happy for your happiness, and sad for your sadness. They're the ones who deserve special places in your heart.
Not all those who wander are lost
Jun 13, 2017 11:36 AM

Mar 2014
I don't like the girls that are always complaining and needy.
Jun 13, 2017 12:03 PM

Mar 2017
Sometimes true but Shiina is an exception
Jun 13, 2017 4:16 PM

Dec 2010
flannan said:

Don't use this word. And for that matter, do not make blanket attacks on large groups of anime fans. In doing so, you are only breeding hatred, which will return to you and to everybody else who happens to be too close.
And the hatred will ruin the discussion you're trying to have.

Yes, most of us are here because we like anime. If you think there is something wrong with liking stuff like anime, you're wrong. We humans have the right to seek happiness in whichever way we consider to be good. If you want to challenge that, you have to argue that in seeking this happiness we are hurting others too much.

Sure, it's great that you're 13 and you have your own opinions. But in a loosely-moderated space like MAL, if your thread degenerates to insult-flinging, well, your thread has degenerated, and there is no one to help you. You gotta learn to be diplomatic. Or choose a well-moderated venue where you will have to behave too.

S-quare22 said:
all the mal members are my dear family .. but the two weebs that i mentioned before freaks the hell out of me

You've been watching anime for a while already. Freaky things happen all the time in anime, don't they?

KazamiSan said:

Does that make any sense for you, OP?

Well, it does make sense to me. Because many anime characters aren't particularly alive, and many of them have annoying personalities.
Personally, I find the groom from Inu to Boku SS to be the most punchable male character that comes to mind.

jal90 said:

Moe does not equal infantilization. Acting quirky/cutesy =/= not acting your age. I don't know why this is still a thing, come on.

I wish people would just stop with this ageism stuff. Just because I'm 30, doesn't mean I have to conform to all their ideas of adults and spend my life drowning myself in alcohol.

hack5 said:
and dont get me started on cute girls doing cute things anime i wont touch that crap with a ten foot pole eg Gakkougurashi! i hate that show you mean to tell me they are stuck in a school with retarded zombies conveniently have a garden on the roof and stock supply of food in the school cafeteria lets not forget they go camping in the middle of a zombie apocalypse

Yes, this school was obviously prepared for zombie apocalypse because the government knew about the possibility.
But either way, their environment has to provide for relatively easy life. Otherwise, Gakkougurashi would not be a CGDCT slice-of-life anime it is. If you want a proper zombie apocalypse, Highschool of the Dead is waiting.

hack5 said:
last but not least is girl sports have you see how most girl sports is portrayed we get shows like Keijo!!!!!!!!,Bakuon!! and other fan service bullshit where are the good real hardworking sports anime like haikyuu,prince of tennis,ace no diamond,y/pedal days,free,baby steps etc that boys get,I could go on and on lol.

I am under the impression that sports shows are mostly watched by people of opposite gender to characters. Keijo is meant for men, and Free is meant for girls.

I have watched high school of the dead by the way and it just proves what i am trying to say girls in general get better treatment,then lets talk about sports anime i know that there are shows that cater to male like keijo or female,free but i find you dont get the feels or drive that you get when you watch a show like haikyuu i just wish they take girls seriously we do a whole lot more than be cute and eat cake
hack5Jan 3, 2018 6:36 PM
Jun 13, 2017 5:36 PM

Apr 2016
>Love Live!

>not profitable

Pick one.

Love Live! is probably one of the biggest gold mines in anime history. Cheap 20€ figurines, posters, pillows, music, a truckload of CUTE GIRLS, what else do you want to make money? You should ask Love Live!'s studio if you want information on how to rip off needy teenage boys.
Jun 13, 2017 6:55 PM
Jul 2018
You should have include more anime example then we could heat up this argument.
Jun 13, 2017 10:00 PM

Nov 2009
hack5 said:
flannan said:

Yes, this school was obviously prepared for zombie apocalypse because the government knew about the possibility.
But either way, their environment has to provide for relatively easy life. Otherwise, Gakkougurashi would not be a CGDCT slice-of-life anime it is. If you want a proper zombie apocalypse, Highschool of the Dead is waiting.

I am under the impression that sports shows are mostly watched by people of opposite gender to characters. Keijo is meant for men, and Free is meant for girls.

I have watched high school of the dead by the why and it just proves what i am trying to say girls in general get better treatment,then lets talk about sports anime i know that there are shows that cater to male like keijo or female,free but i find you dont get the feels or drive that you get when you watch a show like haikyuu i just wish they take girls seriously we do a whole lot more than be cute and eat cake

I have never seen Haikyuu (I have a general dislike of sports, and even when a sports anime is filled with cute girls, I am not likely to watch it).
The most powerful sports anime with mostly girls I've seen (except battle harems) is that one about air tag.
Edit: found it.
flannanJun 14, 2017 8:43 AM
Jun 13, 2017 11:07 PM

May 2014
S-quare22 said:
EcchiLordMamster said:
ok seriously OP, are you a troll?

im having a hard time believing this isn't some grown person shitposting under the account of a pretend 13 year old XD




"im smart, you're dumb"

"im smart, you're dumb"

alright, almight 13 year old shitposter.. you win, im stupid and you're a genius

why do i keep posting?

idk, you're a good laugh XD


im still waitin' my dude, idk how telling a 13 year old girl who has her own standards to just not watch anime intended for teenage boys and adult men isn't bringing anything to the discussion, but i know you think im annoying af, so you just said that out of spite, unless ofc you care to elaborate

You thought that i was talking seriously with you ?? XD
I was laughing all the time .. really you are a good clown .. your place is not here babe .. the cicus have a lot of jobs .. go and just do it !! XD

For a second there I thought you were serious.
Man you must be some type of actor because that's some quality acting.
Jun 14, 2017 12:00 AM

Oct 2015
HotaruKara said:
Silpher00 said:

So, no. I disagree with you. Of course they are annoying but thats just the way they should be, their characteristics.

I hope you meant only a few girls that are actually annoying, not girls in anime in general. If you go by all the annoying beta males in anime you'll get hundreds.
And I think Orihime in Bleach is really not annoying, so it's not like female characters are meant to be annoying.
It's all matter of perspective. I bet that Kubo likes Orihime as a character, he wrote her as a kind, caring, sometimes shy girl that wants to protect her friends. What's there not to like? So what if she says "Kurosaki-kun" a tad too many time?
Going back to perspective/taste, some love tsunderes, some hate them, some love bubbly, energetic characters, others hate them, some love the yanderes other hate them etc.
So saying "most female characters are annoying but it's okay, they're meant to be that way so it doesn't bother me" is really close-minded. Female anime characters have dozen different tropes, some might find the kuudere trope annoying, other might love it etc. There's plenty different female anime personalities to choose from. So any anime fan has at least a favorite female trope that he/she likes and doesn't find annoying.

Thats what im trying to say with my simple mind. Yes its all matters of perspective. It is neither good nor bad. Its all about whether one enjoy watvhing it or not. Take me for example i hate tsundere but in some anime i find it cute and in some i just wanna kill that girl and in the other im indifferent. Its all about whether YOU like it or not other people's opinion arent really important. Just watch what you want to watch and be annoyed with the character that annoy you.
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