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MAL Users Without 'Drop Rates' ~ Liars, Patient, or just Completionists?

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Feb 24, 2017 5:07 AM
a lil bean ✨

Feb 2011
Most of the time I prefer to ignore threads like this one, but somehow I feel compelled to post at least once.... curious, why would it be? =D

Impala said:
Let me tell you a secret, their On Hold list is their Dropped list.

^ lol at that

I, so far, haven't dropped an anime. Yes, my on-hold list is quite bigger than what I wish for, but even so they are titles I do plan to continue (and most of them I have enjoyed) or I'm simply waiting for a release. There's just not enough time to spend on everything. Now, Why do you start from a believe that having 1,000+ titles completed with 0 drops is a torture or dishonesty? Yes, I can agree to a certain extent that you are bound to find something you don't like and can't enjoy no matter how hard you try, but such things just gives more knowledge (no, I'm not an M)... In my case, I guess you can call me an optimistic individual. I'm of the believe that most anime deserve the chance of being watched without a preconception. If they later end as good, a shit, a bigger shit or holy shit then they deserved it by all means... and they also earned the right to be abused and trash talked... you might say, "then why waste the time with it?" mm because I like expanding my perspective? I mean, the more "badly rated" anime I see, the more I can appreciate other titles. Think about it, if someone only watch things that might be of their tastes, they won't have tolerance to other things that might be different, out of their comfort zone, and you will find them trash talking things they don't understand with a certain superiority complex.... but this is something for another discussion. I do watch anime for enjoyment. I'm always looking for that one title that will become the next favorite (heck, sometimes they appear from unexpected synopsis)... mm I don't care as much for the stats or increasing "days", but I made it a new goal which comes hand-in-hand with my habit of watching anime anyways so it's like a secondary thing (even if I pay attention to it or not it).




Feb 24, 2017 5:17 AM

Sep 2012
To me at least I don't bother to add lots of anime in that list.

Only add some shows that I really didn't like.
Feb 24, 2017 5:37 AM

Mar 2016
Based on my statistics
Watching : 16 = 1,1%
Completed : 864 = 58,2%
On hold : 250 = 16,9%
Dropped : 107 = 7,2%
Plan to Watch : 248 = 16,7%

Based on the all amount of anime on my list, I have only 7,2% of anime that I dropped. But, it's if we see it slightly.

If I counts only anime that I have tried and completed or dropped, it will be like this
Completed : 864 = 82,6%
Dropped : 182 (107 from my dropped list, 75 from on hold list) = 17,4%

Why do I have such a low dropping rate ? (if it is)

1) I am being dishonest.
Yes, if you look at my list, I've put anime with the date I watched them. Shows that have only a year are shows that I wasn't sure when I was watching them, it's including childhood anime. In this childhood list, I may being dishonest. Though, I tried my best to remember "did I really completed it?" before putting it on my completed list. I was put shows that I clearly remember its last episode or shows that I watched for years (that matched with the amount of its episodes) to my completed list, while if I was not sure, I was put it on dropped list. Even if I tried my best to remember though, there's a chance I was fooling myself.

2) Dropped anime that I didn't put on list
I have watched anime more intense since I was in university (2010). I have tried many shows, but I can't recall all of them. Only shows that I clearly remember I've completed and show that I marked on my hardisk that I put on my list. While show that I dropped without being marked was deleted from my hardisk. I can't recall all of them. I remember watching some episodes of Shakugan no Shana, Shaman King, Black Rock Shooter, and so on. But I can't recall where I was stopped watching them clearly, nor recall the plot. So, I don't bother adding them to my dropped list.

3) I revisited some of my dropped list
Since I saved most of anime I have downloaded, I know when I was watching them. There are some of 10 - 26 episodes-anime which I needed at least a year to finishing them. It's basically mean I was dropped it but revisited it later. I was also dropped re:zero and kabaneri, but revisited them some days ago (didn't need a year). So, I've dropped-revisited series more than the amount of the date on my list has explained.

4) I have completed alot of short show (show that has the amount of episode lower than 10)
Based on my list I've watched
342 of 1-episodes-anime
26 of 2-episodes-anime
13 of 3-episodes-anime
11 of 4-episodes-anime
4 of 5-episodes-anime
10 of 6-episodes-anime
and 3 of 9-episodes-anime

176 of them are movies with varied length
74 musics
28 ONAs
87 OVAs
41 specials
and only 3 TVs

so, I basically have completed a large amount of "short" anime.

My point is, there are alot of possibility for why people have a low-ratio of dropped shows.
Kurniawan_KtrFeb 24, 2017 5:54 AM
"People who don't see that anime has changed are either wearing "glasses" or watching only a certain type (and or era) of anime"
"Having a low mean score doesn't necessarily mean one doesn't enjoy anime. Rating system is not a school grading system."
"Elitist is people who think he is superior than others. Not necessarily ones who insulting/critisizing your favorite anime or people who enjoy a certain type of anime"
"Fanboy is people who translating "your favorite anime is shit" into "you are shit".
"Being a fanboy is an indication of elitism"
Feb 24, 2017 5:42 AM

May 2012
I'm a completionist and therefore very picky when it comes to choosing which anime I watch. After completing so many of them, you can almost be certain if you're going to like an anime or not based on the synopsis, genre tags, the team behind it, etc. I'm also someone who just likes to feel knowledgeable about the medium, so I tend to watch many shows that I deem influential or important enough. If I really don't like an anime, I just put them in my on hold list and complete them very slowly. If you have enough time to waste, why not?

Willow_Folk said:

- Do people care THIS MUCH for anime stats? Or am i missing something here.

Since you made a thread just because you can't believe some people think and watch differently than you, I guess you do care an awful lot about anime stats.

Love to hear all of your Drop Rates % or Policy's
I'd love to find some middle ground on the topic -especially love to hear arguments for a sensible drop rate %. I'm well aware my 32% is quite high.

Who decides what's a sensible drop rate? I always thought it was up to everyone individually to decide that for themselves, but apparently you think differently.

most people ... have absolutely no reason to be dishonest?

There might be some people making 'fake' lists to impress others, but I suspect they are a very, very small minority. Who cares about being popular on MAL, really? Even then, who cares about people's drop percentages? You could watch 3000 anime and have a 50% drop percentage. That's far more impressive than someone like me who hasn't dropped a single one but has only ~755 anime completed.

I'm sorry but there's just no way i can see anyone watching that many titles without dropping a single one.

Then why did you create this thread? I thought you were interested in reading other perspectives but you seem to only be interested in your own.
Feb 24, 2017 5:44 AM

Dec 2015
Willow_Folk said:
Bobby2Hands said:
I'm not a liar, I'm not patient and I'm not a completionist.
I just have crippling OCD.

Haha it took me a while to settle on the phrasing. I started with OCD, then went to perfectionist > then completionist.

You can't be serious, though. Is it really THAT irritable not to finish a shitty anime?

Nah, to be honest I do drop anime after one or two episodes but I don't even bother to add those to my list. My rule is that if I watch at least 3 episodes then I have to finish it, even if it sucks ass.
Feb 24, 2017 5:46 AM

Feb 2013
I just don't get the point of tracking dropped series. I don't want every time i check my list to remember that shitty summer 2012 series that looked kinda good but i couldnt give a shit about 3 episodes in.
Feb 24, 2017 6:03 AM

Jun 2015
If for instance I start watching a seasonal and I can tell right away I don't like it I most likely remove it.

Stuff I watched long ago but most likely didn't finish (Detective Conan I might have watched 200 eps) is simply not in my list as well. And yet I still have 4 dropped shows to display my displeasure.
Feb 24, 2017 6:04 AM

Apr 2015
I Also Have A No Drop Policy,Once I Start An Anime I Usually Finish It. If I Dont Like An Anime Then I Drop It But Not List It..........
Feb 24, 2017 6:15 AM

Feb 2016
Logically, people with this policy usually have sccored lot of shows really low, i'd rather drop a show then finishing it and hate my self for that and rate it very low
MohAngeloFeb 24, 2017 7:11 AM
Feb 24, 2017 6:19 AM

Jan 2017
"I thought you were interested in reading other perspectives but you seem to only be interested in your own."

Come now.
Isn't that just being rude now?
I've learnt alot during this discussion and have new things to consider. Why is that every single provocateur on MAL NEEDS to see a disclaimer in the OP stating the discussion is in a general sense. From fear of sounding patronising i say this carefully ... but couldn't it just be that you've misinterpreted my skepticism? I mean, in any general sense when a new point is raised i find that highly interesting ... but in a definitive sense then no ... i'm not interested in reading other perspectives when they're purely anecdotal.

Flawed or not ... i went into this forum believing that the most common anecdote at the end of the day will ultimately answer my *general question.

I've never quite understood why folks like you would rather pick away at inconsistencies/semantic trivialities throughout the forum instead of contributing or responding to the OP.
Willow_FolkFeb 24, 2017 6:37 AM
“Join my wander, to a yonder. In search of the meaning from mystery & wonder ...
And when tragedy finds us, and breaks our bodies, we'll find peace in one shared mind.”

Feb 24, 2017 6:32 AM

Jan 2017

Willow_Folk said:

- Do people care THIS MUCH for anime stats? Or am i missing something here.

Since you made a thread just because you can't believe some people think and watch differently than you, I guess you do care an awful lot about anime stats.

Love to hear all of your Drop Rates % or Policy's
I'd love to find some middle ground on the topic -especially love to hear arguments for a sensible drop rate %. I'm well aware my 32% is quite high.

Who decides what's a sensible drop rate? I always thought it was up to everyone individually to decide that for themselves, but apparently you think differently.

most people ... have absolutely no reason to be dishonest?

There might be some people making 'fake' lists to impress others, but I suspect they are a very, very small minority. Who cares about being popular on MAL, really? Even then, who cares about people's drop percentages? You could watch 3000 anime and have a 50% drop percentage. That's far more impressive than someone like me who hasn't dropped a single one but has only ~755 anime completed.

I'm sorry but there's just no way i can see anyone watching that many titles without dropping a single one.

Then why did you create this thread? I thought you were interested in reading other perspectives but you seem to only be interested in your own.[/quote]

I don't even know where to begin ... jesus christ ... lol. The Grammar Nazi is real.

1. Do people really care about stats
Clearly you've interpreted this to mean something else. I never implied nor intended to say this was good or bad. I asked a simple question with a very simple answer and you somehow took offense and tried to turn it back onto me? O.o Ok?
Sure, i care about stats ... ? I'm asking whether anyone else does?
2. Who decides what a sensible drop rate is
- "Sensible" imples 'sense.' I'm very confused ... how you can criticize my use of the term when it's apt. To clarify, i was asking after any sense to a drop rate %.
Only after someone explains (by virtue of SENSE) why something works does it then become sensible. Dear god ... you have to be trolling, right? O.O
3. As for your last tirade i could agree more ... i fail to see how you've assumed my intent from the questions i've asked? I honestly don't care what you find impressive, and i doubt your speculative (suspecting) claim that only a small minority use fake stats.

Please, i'm sure you think you're being helpful in your own contrarian way but you really aren't. You haven't answered any questions only picked apart mine.
Willow_FolkFeb 24, 2017 6:36 AM
“Join my wander, to a yonder. In search of the meaning from mystery & wonder ...
And when tragedy finds us, and breaks our bodies, we'll find peace in one shared mind.”

Feb 24, 2017 6:38 AM

Jan 2017
Kurniawan_Ktr said:

I think you quoted the wrong person (?)

Apologies! Lol my bad. .......
“Join my wander, to a yonder. In search of the meaning from mystery & wonder ...
And when tragedy finds us, and breaks our bodies, we'll find peace in one shared mind.”

Feb 24, 2017 6:47 AM

Jan 2017
SheyCroix said:
"then why waste the time with it?" mm because I like expanding my perspective? I mean, the more "badly rated" anime I see, the more I can appreciate other titles. Think about it, if someone only watch things that might be of their tastes, they won't have tolerance to other things that might be different, out of their comfort zone, and you will find them trash talking things they don't understand with a certain superiority complex.....

I'd never considered that tbh. You've reminded me a little of Ying and Yang / Chaos & Order. That sounds intriguing in theory but excruciating in practice (at least to me).

Deprave yourself for long enough and i'm sure almost anything could been seen in a positive light. Maybe that is the secret to your optimism? ;') But you're really tempting the devil (pessimism) in the face by finishing shitty animes or don't you ever fall into slumps?
“Join my wander, to a yonder. In search of the meaning from mystery & wonder ...
And when tragedy finds us, and breaks our bodies, we'll find peace in one shared mind.”

Feb 24, 2017 6:49 AM

Feb 2017
I've not dropped anything yet, but I'm only like 2 weeks into my anime journey.

What counts as a drop anyway? I watched like 10 mins of Elfen Lied and felt 99% certain it wasn't for me, so turned it off. Does that count as dropping it?
'I love you because you're you. I'm happy that you're whole. I don't care if there are sides of you that I don't know, or don't like. If that's who you are, that's fine. As long as you're whole, that's enough for me.'-Kouko Kaga
Feb 24, 2017 6:51 AM

May 2010
I have 0 drops, because I want this sweet sweet graph achievement and that's why my On Hold is full of things that will be there forever.
Feb 24, 2017 7:51 AM

Jun 2016
I just saw this thread and found the opening post with the "I dont understand so lets put them in Box A B or C" structure funny. Then I checked and It appears I have a 0% dropout rate (admited with a low watchcount overall) D:. So maybe I should post here.

So I why do I have a 0% dropout?

1 I like to watch anime and am willing to spend time on it.

2 Patience? yes I have that. But I could rather ask why are you people (generalisation sorry) so incredibely impatient (its rethorical sorry again :D)? Since I know the internet I see It everywhere people who react agressive on the slightest problems, get emotional about literary everything, looking for every opportunity to blame somone for something. I find this kind of stress channelling completly inefficient (so I am also rationally patient).
If I take the agression in internet serious as a representative sample, this impatience is pathological and I wont be surprised when a war breaks out tomorrow cause it is what those people in those societies want.

3 I have an overall wide interests spectrum. In fact anime helps me explore areas I would never watch in motion picture (like Romance, Slice of Life). So I am much harder to disappoint eg by a change of focus in a series.

4A I don't mess up my anime experience by dropping tons of expectations on it how it supposed to be. I am open and let myself surprise. Eg I don't say this show is a mecha and should thus be this and that way or it will be crap, OR I picked this show becasue its like Death Note and now it has to deliver the same OR art should be like this or cant watch.
Creating unchangable truths for onself just set yourself up for disappointment.
This doesn't mean I have low expectations. IT just matters only when I judge or when I rewatch, not the first time I watch.

4B I dont create unchangable truths about myself either. My favorite or "this is my type" has no meaning to me. I am also more resistent to immaginary bubbles (eg "the hero") and putting characters
into boxes ("the Completionist").

5 I do not set up a pressuring situation for myself. I am willing to spend time on anime and thus do not allow the emergence of a resource conflict.

6 I have 3 inofficial "on hold" situations but that doesnt mean its a bad show.Eg I had to stop NHK ni Youkoso! for a few weeks because I was too much emotionally involved in it. On hold means to me only I watch the show over a longer period of time. ITs a bother to extra mention that (saves clicks).
I will watch them all to end anyway. If the show is bad I can rate it according to keep away people from it.

7 I carrefully choose which show to watch. I am resistent to hypes (but I check them) and prefer to use vote distribution and critical opinions using arguments and offering a diverse view on the show instead of the positive "this was the best X i have ever seen" (seriously you set yourself up for a disappointment with that sentence) reviews often unreliable or the famous "I didnt watch it to the end but here i am to judge it" posts.

8 My watching method may also be helpful. I watch 2 - 4 shows parallel watching several episodes in a row and then switch. Some shows need time for things to sink in or have some difficult parts you have to struggle through. This helps with that. I also try to have a few shows of different type available for mood changes+ too much of the same genre makes you bored.

9 I avoid long shows with many episodes .
Feb 24, 2017 7:54 AM
Dec 2011
For me, it is very rare to drop an anime since if they make a mistake on the 1st episode, it is easily correctable. However, for those anime that I find to be unsettling such as Black Bullet, then I drop it for now and pick it up later.

Well, If I decide to pick it up again.
Feb 24, 2017 7:55 AM

Apr 2014
their average score is like a 4.99
so it balances out
Feb 24, 2017 8:26 AM

May 2012
Willow_Folk said:
"I thought you were interested in reading other perspectives but you seem to only be interested in your own."

Come now.
Isn't that just being rude now?

I consider accusing people of dishonesty without any evidence far ruder than stating facts. If you accuse people of dishonesty, why would you value any dissenting opinion in this thread? After all, they could just be lying. You respond to every post challenging your beliefs without having any evidence to support your own assumptions. Show me a significant amount of users with fake drop lists and then we'll talk.

I've never quite understood why folks like you would rather pick away at inconsistencies/semantic trivialities throughout the forum instead of contributing or responding to the OP.

Except I did respond to the OP. Read my initial post again and you'll find my answer.
Feb 24, 2017 8:51 AM

Apr 2016
Hey, on my list, what you see is what you get. I'm not a liar and yes, I have one of those "No Drop" policies. Why? Because I don't like to drop an anime no matter how bad it is. The anime makers in Japan take a lot of efforts to make an anime, it's not easy. So instead of just dropping it like a 'scaredy cat', man up and complete it. Just give it a low score or something instead of dropping it.
Feb 24, 2017 9:13 AM

Feb 2016
i like surprise. and i'm always hoping for unexpected scene in the next episodes
Feb 24, 2017 9:25 AM

Mar 2015
Part patient, part completionist, part masochist. >:D

I have a no drop policy cuz before I watch something I try to consider what mood I'm in and so I pick carefully whatever it is that I'd be watching. Also, I'm one of those people that enjoy it's-so-bad-it's-actually-good anime. But still I rate them low if I really think they're bad even if I did enjoy witnessing the glorious train wrecks they become.

Though I'm actually wondering what anime would be much deserving of being the first that I drop lol..

Even if the future awaiting me is so bright that it's blinding,
If I'm to face it alone, there's no real meaning in it.. ♫♫

Feb 24, 2017 9:28 AM

Jul 2013
My drop rate is 58.6% Dang that is pretty bad lol
Feb 24, 2017 9:31 AM

Dec 2010

Feb 24, 2017 10:09 AM

Jan 2016
I don't add anime to my list until I've watched at least 3 episodes and decided I want to watch it. Since I don't usually drop after I decide I want to watch it, nothing ends up on my drop list.
"I'm gonna move it today! The mountain! The galaxy! Listen to my song!"
-Nekki Basara, Macross 7
Feb 24, 2017 11:20 AM

Oct 2011
I have 4 dropped out of 302 completed so around 1.5%. I'm not lying, I#m out of this age. I don't need reputation. I simply like to track what I watched, what I liked and what I disliked.

I choose carefully before I watch a show and I give every show a chance, if I started it. Sometimes I don't really enjoy to watch it, but when I'm at ep 5 of 12 I finish it nevertheless. I hated Gantz, but I finished it, but I dropped Diabolik Lovers because I just could not get over the stupid hatred and torturing.

BTW, my on hold has 2 items on it and they will be watched, when I feel like it ;)
I could put them back on PTW, but its not really the truth, because I've seen 1-5 eps already.
Feb 24, 2017 11:34 AM

Jul 2012
Willow_Folk said:
It's always struck me as odd when i chance upon people with 0 'Drops' but a large quantity of total entries.

I'd love to know what's going on here because from my perspective (32% of titles dropped) it seems like at least of the following is occurring.
1. Dishonest - either from vanity or some alien motive - they use the 'Complete' status for all their anime titles watched.
2. They have a 'No Drop Policy' which further baffles me. How someone can have 1000+ total anime listings without stumbling across a single anime that bored them or at best they took it upon themselves to visit torture upon themselves and soldier through just seems outright stupid and totally against their interest.
- Do people care THIS MUCH for anime stats? Or am i missing something here.

Love to hear all of your Drop Rates % or Policy's
I'd love to find some middle ground on the topic -especially love to hear arguments for a sensible drop rate %. I'm well aware my 32% is quite high.

I guess my drop rate on MAL is 2.7%. Its a little of both of your guesses above. There's some lying, I have watched hundreds of series up to episode 1-4 (I use a 4 ep rule) then dropped them without adding them to the drop list. I usually only leave them there if they particularly pissed me off in some way or they are noteworthy and I don't want people asking where Baccano is on my list.

The other half is completionist. I really will stick through some crappy series just because I am a completionist. If I can get to like 40-50% of a series I'll usually complete it even if I wanted to drop.
Feb 24, 2017 11:37 AM

Feb 2013
I have my obsession, I can't drop anything because I couldn't even sleep anymore.
Why should I drop an anime because I didn't like it?
They are made to be watched from the start to the end, heck, maybe I will like it in the end, and even if I won't, I get a great satisfaction when I finish with it.
My list is 100% real, all my re-watched anime are actually re-watched, I haven't even skipped recap episodes.
I'm proud to see how my list grows and grows, I know that I'm not gonna gain anything from it, but I'm proud.
Feb 24, 2017 11:38 AM

Sep 2014
I'll tell you exactly what I told this guy.

Feb 24, 2017 11:38 AM

Nov 2008
I think they're just fanboys, who believe any anime they start deserves their time because it's anime, which is inherently good, even if they end up rating it a 1/10.

Feb 24, 2017 12:11 PM

Feb 2015
I dunno, I never really cared about it, so why should I now?


Now, how did you suddenly went from there?
Feb 24, 2017 12:53 PM

Oct 2008
I took most of my dropped shows off because I didn't like looking at them and remembering why I dropped them..
Rainy11Mar 20, 2017 2:08 AM
Feb 24, 2017 1:11 PM

Oct 2013
Willow_Folk said:

like who the fk is going to sit through Doraemon, Sgt Frog or Detective Conan.
How do you get upto episode 200 ... 300 ... 400 ... 500 ... 600 ... 700 ... 800 ect and rationalize "Even though all these episodes are the same ... the repetition is exciting!"

Good thing that you mention Detective Conan.
I am one of these "completionists" and pay a lot of attention what title I am going to pick up. Before picking up Detective Conan I pretty much watched a dozen movies from the franchise to be sure I am going to enjoy this and keep watching it knowing this will probably be on the air for another decade.
I tried the same thing for Bleach, Naruto and One Piece. After watching one movie of each title I knew that I won't enjoy Naruto and One Piece but will enjoy Bleach.
This way you can add the movie as completed and not even touch the main show which won't end up on your dropped list since you never started it. There should be a "won't watch" section on the list for those titles.

As for the seasonal Anime when you watched a bit of Anime you tend to know what you should clearly avoid. When doubting wait before starting it until a few reviews of it come out on Youtube to get an impression. If nonetheless an Anime turns out to be not so good you can still let it run on the side and do other stuff on the side (read/game/browse).
In the last years there was only one title where I regretted my no drop policy which really isn't that much.
Feb 24, 2017 1:17 PM

Feb 2015
The only shows I put on my Dropped list are shows that I'm 99% I'm not going to finish.
Everything else is put On-Hold.

That's how it works in ma town.
Feb 24, 2017 1:26 PM

Feb 2015
Instead of dropping a show, I just put it on hold for a few years.
Feb 24, 2017 1:34 PM
a lil bean ✨

Feb 2011

lol most likely. Either be able to find something interesting in everything or start hating most things xD mm I have fallen in some but there's other media out there to get some "fresh air" haha




Feb 24, 2017 1:41 PM

Sep 2014
I've never dropped often and with time I drop less and less, actually my drop list got bit smaller over the past year.
You say it's 'torture' but I never really feel this way, even bad anime can be passable way to spend time, and if you're more into the medium itself it's sometimes not just about the sole experience of watching the show, but also getting to know the thing people discuss and forming your own opinion on it.
Never really regretted finishing a show, even if I didn't like it.
Feb 24, 2017 1:46 PM

Aug 2016
I just sit through the ones I dislike, if they are only 12 episodes I'm like ehh why not. (Bloodivores, Nazotokine, DanMachi I tortured myself with)
Haven't come across an anime longer than 12 that I've wanted to drop badly though.

Only anime I've dropped is Forest Fairy Five because it's honestly just a meme anime.
Feb 24, 2017 1:47 PM
Émilia Hoarfrost

Dec 2015
Well, for me I just keep everything on watching so whenever I open this list I can RNG and randomly scroll to find what anime I'm gonna watch. Most of the time it doesn't please me then I give it up and I search again.
Like, Love Lab / Noir / Yowamushi Pedal are my watching shows for now, but stuff like Hitsugi no Chaika / Seikoku no Dragonar comes after

Feb 24, 2017 1:54 PM
Jan 2017
Dear OP,

This actually made me update my list :) in the anime that I have watched, I have truly only found 2 anime that i have dropped, I often put things on a word doc if i have then on hold instead of mal... because of don't like mal's color for (on hold). Other than that, that is my only reason for not updating.

Feb 24, 2017 2:10 PM

Jul 2015
tbh im not that patient
if i didnt like the anime after 3/4 ep i just drop it
Feb 24, 2017 2:15 PM
#1 Hitagi Lover

Apr 2014
People do lie of what they watched sadly but at the same time there are those who suffer the consequences and watch through hours of hell. It personally doesn't matter to me as I don't pay it much mind. I've only dropped a few shows but I feel like I give them another chance eventually.
Feb 24, 2017 2:21 PM
Jul 2018
romagia said:
I just don't get the point of tracking dropped series. I don't want every time i check my list to remember that shitty summer 2012 series that looked kinda good but i couldnt give a shit about 3 episodes in.

lol I couldn't have said it any better.
Feb 24, 2017 2:22 PM

May 2010
I dropped more shows than the ones I have on my list but I don't add them bc a high number of dropped shows looks ugly
Feb 24, 2017 2:45 PM

Jan 2017
Aika said:
I dropped more shows than the ones I have on my list but I don't add them bc a high number of dropped shows looks ugly

Hahah this has to be by far the most honest answer here.
“Join my wander, to a yonder. In search of the meaning from mystery & wonder ...
And when tragedy finds us, and breaks our bodies, we'll find peace in one shared mind.”

Feb 24, 2017 2:46 PM

Oct 2011
(I haven't seen that many anime, but--) Like a few others have mentioned, I don't even log the things that I drop. I actually track most of my anime through a Word document anyway, since I don't feel like MAL actually includes everything that I would consider to be anime.

This site is actually most helpful to me because it lets me rate things, link and tag things, and it's an easy place to keep track of what I'm watching/what I plan to 'immediately' watch next. I mean for goodness sake, I have a multi-hundred page word document with all my PTW anime/manga. Definitely not going to enter all those into MAL.

So yeah, I have no desire at all to track the anime I dropped because as romagia said, why would I even want to remember those? MAL is a tool I use to track my anime but I don't really rely on it.
SnakeringFeb 24, 2017 9:01 PM
Feb 24, 2017 2:49 PM

Sep 2015
This is just a case of people being unable to comprehend very simple motives. There's a plethora of reasons why someone might not drop any / many shows that they pick up. The most simple one that comes to mind - and the only one I'll bother listing - is that some people are very good at picking shows. If they only pick up ones that they'll have a high chance to enjoy, or at least don't dislike enough to the point that they want to drop then of course there won't be any drops.
It's an entirely different kind of flying, altogether!
It's an entirely different kind of flying.
Feb 24, 2017 2:54 PM

Jan 2014
they are only doing this for stats.
why do you think this atrocity exists ''2017 Anime Watching Challenge - Sign Up'' Challenge? challenge up my ass. you watch anime, or you don't, i see less than zero challenge in this.

my drop list would be approximately over 400 right now, if i actually started adding ''dropped''..
the amount of anime that i just stopped watching after one-three episode is just colossal..
i stopped doing that for a sole reason that i see no need to aaannddd.... im lazy.
CovetousnessFeb 24, 2017 2:59 PM
Feb 24, 2017 2:59 PM

Apr 2015
I'd say some of them are liars, and not in a typical way.

As low as my average score is, I always give whatever I'm watching all, or nearly all, of my for any sort of recap(s). And it is a pain. Orange would probably be the best example of something that was a pain to watch and stay invested in, and I still wonder why I didn't drop it. I must also throw a mention to Hell Girl here, because while I was invested in the first four and last few episodes, it was a show that really struggled to get to me. I spent so much of my time forcing myself through it, alternating between boredom lightly sprinkled with anger and confusion at the jacked system that was in place.

Sitting through all that time, and actually paying attention, is amazing. After finishing Hell Girl in mid October, I talked to a friend who had recommended it to me, and asked him how he gets through so many series he blatantly hates.
He initially just said "I just watch it and move on." However, I pressed in on him here and there, and come to find out he would spend alot of the time with the episode playing as background noise while he either gamed or messed with social media. Whenever I pressed him about specifics about what he didn't like about any series he had rated as a 3 or lower, he often couldn't recall anything beyond the premise and maybe the opening episode.

I myself don't really count anything if I'm not paying attention. I go 120% or 0% with everything, and that includes anime, which is why I watch it so slowly. If I'm not in the mood, I'm not going to bother. But for people with no-drop policy, they likely just pull the episode up and tune out, or tune out halfway just to be pulled back in for key words/phrases/voices. Personally, I see this as cheating, but I am probably in the minority there.

So in the end, my answer is: They are lying by virute of not actually paying attention to what they are claiming to watch.
"I'd take rampant lesbianism over nuclear armageddon or a supervolcano any day." ~nikiforova
Feb 24, 2017 4:18 PM

Oct 2013
Ooh, another thread on dropping anime. As I've stated in the other thread, I have a No Drop policy and it's mainly because of mild OCD. It just bothers me a lot seeing numbers under "dropped" or even "on-hold". But I'm not terribly patient either... I vet everything I decide to watch pretty thoroughly. There are a few specific genres, art styles, demographics, and studios in combinations that I just won't touch no matter what because I know my own tastes. That's why my average is so high.

And I'm no masochist, that's for sure. I've seen people who will watch shit they know they'll hate just to say they've seen it and they have a No Drop policy, and that's legitimately baffling. The only reason I can even maintain my NDP is because I'm as picky as humanly possible. (Also, with the exception of Pokemon, I don't cheat by watching at faster speeds/running anime in the background. The closest I get to that is zoning out of boredom or briefly checking my phone a few times while watching.)

Ofc, it depends a lot on what exactly I'm watching. I'm definitely more forgiving with airing anime because watching a single episode a week is not as stressful, as long as the show does not go longer than 2 seasons/26 episodes. Still, I only pick stuff that's acceptable to me, and so far I've never gone over 20+ airing anime a season. Same thing with anything shorter too, like movies/OVAs/shorts. For non-airing anime, the longer it is, the more I scrutinize it before starting it. I try to space out how often I watch long runners (75+ eps) to just one or two per year, so I don't totally overwhelm myself.

I also give myself just a little breathing room. If I start an anime and can't get past the first episode, I won't add it to my list and have to mark it as dropped, but if I start episode 2, I'm officially committed.
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