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Is anyone else turned off by visual style only?

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Apr 23, 2016 12:00 AM
Laughing Man

Jun 2012
anobaka said:
Well your are speaking about opinion like it was a fact. Visual style is completely subjective. Just because something is extremely detailed it doesn't mean it automatically better. I simply prefer minimalistic character face styles like Nisekoi/Oregairu.

I think there is an obvious difference between Clannad and Nisekoi/Oregairu visual style of character faces. And yes, to me Nisekoi/Oregairu style is great.

Hey, you're the one that called Clannad's character design ugly. Wouldn't you say that's "speaking about opinion like it was fact"? Anyway, I disagree entirely with visual style being completely subjective. Obviously, the freaking Mona Lisa is "better" than what some tween in DevianArt draws. Details matter of course: you can't just draw a stick figure and call it a cute girl.

You say like "minimalistic" character faces, but what's so not "minimalistic" about Clannad's character's faces? But, look, I'm not saying Clannad character designs are amazing, and Nisekoi/Oreigaru's don't, but that neither of them are much to talk about in terms of visuals, they're all pretty average-looking.
If you're going to be spoiled by something, it might as well be the best the medium has to offer.

I'm level on MAL-Badges. View my badges.
Apr 23, 2016 1:36 AM

Nov 2011
anobaka said:
Well I thought I was much more resilient to visual style variation but I guess it plays a major role for me.

I am struggling with Clannad just because of ugly visual style of character faces. I guess I got spoiled by nice stuff like Nisekoi and Oregairu.

I feel you on that.
I know i can really love and cry for Clannad but i cant just get past the face and those weird looking eyes.
Hate Keeps me warm
Apr 23, 2016 1:41 AM

Nov 2015
Well, I think, yes. I dropped Clannad but watched the entire 2 seasons of GochiUsa. I think that's a convincing proof.
Apr 23, 2016 2:00 AM

Apr 2014
yes i cant watch shows such as yuyu hakusho or higurashi because of the art
Apr 23, 2016 2:09 AM

Apr 2014
I would like to say no, but sometimes yes. Like I am probably never going to watch Clannad anyway because it doesn't seem much like my type of story, but the art throws me off even more. I just do not like that style.
Apr 23, 2016 2:25 AM

May 2015
anobaka said:
TheBrainintheJar said:
Clannad is fairly traditional though. What do you think of stuff like Tatami Galaxy?

That's one of the best anime in existence.

I haven't seen it but I googled some images and I must say I am not a fan. :)

That's said. Tatami Galaxy is brilliant and frankly, easy to watch and understand. It's not one of those weird anime that leaves you feeling stupid.

I suggest giving it a chance. It's hilarious.
WEAPONS - My blog, for reviews of music, anime, books, and other things
Apr 23, 2016 2:29 AM
Aug 2015
Tarotist said:
I've seen Ajin, Ping Pong, Shiki, Madoka, Expelled from Paradise, and several other anime, and their visual styles never bothered me...

Exceot Madoka Magica never looked ugly?
Apr 23, 2016 2:34 AM
Aug 2015
kuuderu said:

Is anyone else turned off by visual style only?

Absolutely.. I'm not ready to watch Clannad because I can't stand character designs.
Many people dislike Aku no Hana because of its rotoscoping but it's one of my favs.

From a few clips I've seen, Aku no Hana looks like a nightmare. It may benefit the storyline, but it's way too creepy to even consider watching it.
Apr 23, 2016 2:39 AM
Mar 2016
Yes, I'll drop it if I don't like the visuals. That's why I don't watch Durarara anymore
Apr 23, 2016 3:48 AM
Mar 2012
tragedydesu said:
Yep for someone who care a lot about the visuals (like me ) is impossible to enjoy watching anime like ping pong

I mean there's a big problem here in that you are assuming people agree with you - I loved Ping Pong's style and I care a lot about the visuals when I watch anime. Normally that I would prefer them to be stylistically interesting than one that is generic and boring af most of the time, though generic series can be saved by having great technical quality.

Also if you DON'T think visual play a big part in anime then I have to question why you watch anime and don't read - it's a visual medium so naturally they play a very big part in how a series is percieved.
Apr 23, 2016 3:51 AM

Feb 2015
I don't like CGI and I don't like anime that look like generic otaku pandering stuff. But I'm not turned off by unique or strange looking anime, I actually prefer it that way.
Apr 23, 2016 4:02 AM

Feb 2016
BatoKusanagi said:
anobaka said:
Well your are speaking about opinion like it was a fact. Visual style is completely subjective. Just because something is extremely detailed it doesn't mean it automatically better. I simply prefer minimalistic character face styles like Nisekoi/Oregairu.

I think there is an obvious difference between Clannad and Nisekoi/Oregairu visual style of character faces. And yes, to me Nisekoi/Oregairu style is great.

Hey, you're the one that called Clannad's character design ugly. Wouldn't you say that's "speaking about opinion like it was fact"? Anyway, I disagree entirely with visual style being completely subjective. Obviously, the freaking Mona Lisa is "better" than what some tween in DevianArt draws. Details matter of course: you can't just draw a stick figure and call it a cute girl.

Well when I said "ugly" I was speaking about my opinion of course. And art is completely subjective. There is absolutely no objective measure where you could claim Mona Lisa is "better" than any other painting.

BatoKusanagi said:

You say like "minimalistic" character faces, but what's so not "minimalistic" about Clannad's character's faces? But, look, I'm not saying Clannad character designs are amazing, and Nisekoi/Oreigaru's don't, but that neither of them are much to talk about in terms of visuals, they're all pretty average-looking.
If you're going to be spoiled by something, it might as well be the best the medium has to offer.

I didn't say Clannad is detailed. I was simply saying there is a big difference between its style and Nisekoi/Oreigaru.

I guess you find them average. I find Nisekoi/Oreigaru style among the best. Simply different opinions, which is completely natural when we talk about something completely subjective as an art.
Apr 23, 2016 4:11 AM

Feb 2016
Reading through the thread, it is nice to see there are other people who feel the same. Especially about Clannad's character design. :)
Apr 23, 2016 4:16 AM

Jul 2015
this is my problem with this medium
the majority of adaptations are unfaithful or incomplete
and everytime i say : ' anime X suck' people say to me "go read manga/vn is so much better"
but i hate reading .... sound and animation make the characters alive unlike in manga/vn
anyway i don't have any choice , i will stuck with my video games and wait for a good adaptations ...
Apr 23, 2016 4:16 AM
Apr 2016
IMO it's not really a matter of being 'turned off', it's more of how seriously you take the show.

If you get kawaii-esque kind of visual, I'm more likely to just sit there for shits and giggles. Even for something like mahou shoujo madoka magica.

Then there's Samurai Champloo. Fluid, chill, has a more sexy appeal to it. So I'd just sit back and chill while Mugen pulls off a...well, Mugen.

Then there's Bobobobobobo or something. The moment I saw that shith0le you call an anime, I never wanted to try and watch it.
Apr 23, 2016 4:27 AM

Apr 2016
Maybe when I started watching anime, but now after enjoying various art styles I can appreciate them all. I'm more of a story person and doesn't mind so called "ugly" visuals. Many people would call the visuals of Hajime No Ippo and Initial D ugly. For me, art style adds to the story. There are certain anime that if it weren't for their unique art style, they wouldn't be that good, for example Ping Pong the animation. Also, if an anime can only offer a good visual/sound, I don't think I'd ever watch that.

In conclusion - No!
Something witty that makes you think I'm funny

Defeating a sandwich only makes it tastier
Apr 23, 2016 4:55 AM

Jul 2015
NateMKII said:
Klad said:
This guy gets it. CGI is the worst thing to happen to anime

CGI will get better over time. Early 2000s digital anime looks horrendous in many cases, and now it looks pretty good.

That's not my point. The way CGI looks is limited by current technologies, hand-drawn cels aren't. The worst that can happen to drawings is to look out of style after 20 years. CGI always looks outDATED after a couple years.
Apr 23, 2016 5:26 AM

Feb 2010
I don't think anyone can seriously criticize Clannad's visuals. It's usually the character designs that are a problem for people, not the visual style in general. The backgrounds and everything lopok pretty great after all.

I think it's important to separate artstyle/visuals from the character design. Those are different people usually done/decided by different people. And character designs are a more valid reason to be unable to watch a whole anime, though even that never happened to me. If I don't like em there's just one less thing that makes this anime particularly enjoyable, but other aspects of the show can easily make up for it. Though liking the character designs is definitely something that can increase my enjoyment of a show.
I probably regret this post by now.
Apr 23, 2016 5:47 AM

Dec 2012
Actually yeah. I care a lot about visuals. Something has to be really interesting for me to watch despite having ugly visuals I would watch something if it's just pure eye candy.

Couldn't get past Clannad's first episode because of that. those faces design, ugh. So glad that type of art style died now (it was very prominent in the early 2000's)
Apr 23, 2016 5:49 AM

Jul 2015
Pullman said:
I don't think anyone can seriously criticize Clannad's visuals. It's usually the character designs that are a problem for people, not the visual style in general. The backgrounds and everything lopok pretty great after all.

I think it's important to separate artstyle/visuals from the character design. Those are different people usually done/decided by different people. And character designs are a more valid reason to be unable to watch a whole anime, though even that never happened to me. If I don't like em there's just one less thing that makes this anime particularly enjoyable, but other aspects of the show can easily make up for it. Though liking the character designs is definitely something that can increase my enjoyment of a show.

I disagree. Character design and art style are indeed different things, but in Clannad's case the eyes are part of the art style rather than a choice in the design of X or Y character. Art style defines how you draw your characters. You can't put characters from Dead Leaves and Clannad in the same show and say "bah, it's just a matter of character design". Obviously the art styles would clash.
DeathkoApr 23, 2016 5:53 AM
Apr 23, 2016 5:51 AM

Feb 2016
No matter how much I try to convince myself that animation quality is not a big deal for me, I have to admit that it is a bit of a letdown to have good anime shown in poor animation quality. I'll just say that it's always a big plus to my overall enjoyment to have a visually appealing animation.
A retard is trying to prove his point, thanks.
Apr 23, 2016 6:03 AM

Feb 2010
Clebardman said:
Pullman said:
I don't think anyone can seriously criticize Clannad's visuals. It's usually the character designs that are a problem for people, not the visual style in general. The backgrounds and everything lopok pretty great after all.

I think it's important to separate artstyle/visuals from the character design. Those are different people usually done/decided by different people. And character designs are a more valid reason to be unable to watch a whole anime, though even that never happened to me. If I don't like em there's just one less thing that makes this anime particularly enjoyable, but other aspects of the show can easily make up for it. Though liking the character designs is definitely something that can increase my enjoyment of a show.

I disagree. Character design and art style are indeed different things, but in Clannad's case the eyes are part of the art style rather than a choice in the design of X or Y character. Art style defines how you draw your characters. You can't put characters from Dead Leaves and Clannad in the same show and say "bah, it's just a matter of character design". Obviously the art styles would clash.

It's really easy. If the thing that is bothering you is how the CHARACTERS look you should complaing about their designs and not about the choice of color palette, how the backgrounds are drawn and all that stuff that falls under the category of artstyle.
That has nothing to do with the fact that usually the director will try and make the character designs somehow fit in with the overall art of the anime.
Just because two things are made to not clash with each other doesn't make them the same thing.
You can say art defines characters but you can also say the character designs define the art depending on what comes first. In any case by saying A defines B you're already using them as separate things even though you say you disagree with the point I was trying to make.
I probably regret this post by now.
Apr 23, 2016 6:13 AM

Apr 2014
When I was a pleb yes. But as u start watching more and more anime u like different styles. We all been there.
Apr 23, 2016 6:17 AM

Jul 2015

No, I'm sorry, I still disagree. You'd have a point if you were talking about Mako's eyes vs Ryuuko's eyes in Kill la Kill, they're both different design choices who follow the same art style rules (cartoonish, heavy lines, etc) but not with Clannad. That's like saying the uber long legs in xxxHolic are a character design choice. It's not, it's the art style.

Characters and art styles aren't "made not to clash with each others". Character design is independent from art style. A character's design can be adapted to fit any number of art styles... And that's why, if you were to put the Clannad girls in another anime, you'd keep their character design (hair color etc) but ditch the giant fish eyes because they wouldn't fit with another art style.
Apr 23, 2016 6:20 AM
Jul 2018
On_the_Lam said:
kuuderu said:

Absolutely.. I'm not ready to watch Clannad because I can't stand character designs.
Many people dislike Aku no Hana because of its rotoscoping but it's one of my favs.

From a few clips I've seen, Aku no Hana looks like a nightmare. It may benefit the storyline, but it's way too creepy to even consider watching it.

That's just an opinion. We all have our definition of creepy and so on.
I like Aku no Hana anime characters even way more than original manga.
And for many it's other way around. Matter of taste, nothing new here.
Apr 23, 2016 6:24 AM

Dec 2012
Clebardman said:

No, I'm sorry, I still disagree. You'd have a point if you were talking about Mako's eyes vs Ryuuko's eyes in Kill la Kill, they're both different design choices who follow the same art style rules (cartoonish, heavy lines, etc) but not with Clannad. That's like saying the uber long legs in xxxHolic are a character design choice. It's not, it's the art style.

Characters and art styles aren't "made not to clash with each others". Character design is independent from art style. A character's design can be adapted to fit any number of art styles... And that's why, if you were to put the Clannad girls in another anime, you'd keep their character design (hair color etc) but ditch the giant fish eyes because they wouldn't fit with another art style.

Yup. Character designs refer to character features and such. For example Ryuoko's outfit is a character design, how it's drawn is the art style.

Like this for example:

The features of the character (the character designs) are kept intact. What's different is the art style of each mangaka.
Apr 23, 2016 6:33 AM

Feb 2016
Visual style of characters and character design (in a sense design is common among all characters) is pretty much the same thing.
Apr 23, 2016 6:54 AM

Jan 2013
Yeah, some visual style especially some type of character design are a turn-off for me, its difficult to enjoy anime if i dont like the characters

Older Type Character Design (like dennou coil, cowboy bebop) and "Macho" character design (like Jojo series) are the ones that i can't stand
Apr 23, 2016 6:59 AM

Feb 2016
hexanort said:
Yeah, some visual style especially some type of character design are a turn-off for me, its difficult to enjoy anime if i dont like the characters

Older Type Character Design (like dennou coil, cowboy bebop) and "Macho" character design (like Jojo series) are the ones that i can't stand

While admittedly it is not my favourite, I am actually okay with Cowboy Bebop character style. It doesn't prevent Cowboy Bebop from being my favourite anime.
Apr 23, 2016 7:17 AM

Feb 2010
Clebardman said:

No, I'm sorry, I still disagree. You'd have a point if you were talking about Mako's eyes vs Ryuuko's eyes in Kill la Kill, they're both different design choices who follow the same art style rules (cartoonish, heavy lines, etc) but not with Clannad. That's like saying the uber long legs in xxxHolic are a character design choice. It's not, it's the art style.

Characters and art styles aren't "made not to clash with each others". Character design is independent from art style. A character's design can be adapted to fit any number of art styles... And that's why, if you were to put the Clannad girls in another anime, you'd keep their character design (hair color etc) but ditch the giant fish eyes because they wouldn't fit with another art style.

You're not making any sense, saying you disagree and then explicitly stating that 'Character design is independent from artstyle' in your next paragraph, which was exactly my point from the start.

In any case I've said my piece and don't really have anything to add.
I probably regret this post by now.
Apr 23, 2016 7:42 AM

Jul 2015
Pullman said:
You're not making any sense, saying you disagree and then explicitly stating that 'Character design is independent from artstyle' in your next paragraph, which was exactly my point from the start.

In any case I've said my piece and don't really have anything to add.

I'm not making sense? Did you forget your first post already or are you trying to move the goal posts?

Pullman said:
I don't think anyone can seriously criticize Clannad's visuals. It's usually the character designs that are a problem for people, not the visual style in general. The backgrounds and everything lopok pretty great after all.

Here's the part where you confused art style and character design. That's the thing in your first post I wanted to adress. Nobody here said character design and art style are the same thing, you must have misread my answer.
Apr 23, 2016 7:57 AM

May 2014
Z-Dante said:

If the art is shit, the anime is automatically shit to me!

That's why kill la kill is a terrible anime in my book .
*cough* Code GeAss *cough*

Why do you think that Kill la Kill's visuals are ugly? Imaishi and the whole staff actually did a pretty good job in this area IMO. Can you explain to me what you find bad-looking here? The colors might be retro and not as pretty as SAO's, but its art and animation aren't bad at all. I mean, dude.
Apr 23, 2016 8:02 AM
Sep 2011
If it's just the character designs, like the eyes in Clannad being too far apart, I wouldn't be put off from watching a show. I'd watch the dreaded Kamichama Karin with the famous "I'm cute?" face and not be put off by the character designs.

It's usually when the entire anime uses a unique style that I can get put off, like the stylistic art and bright colors of Osomatsu-san, or the constant photorealism and unmoving plaid Studio Shaft uses. It can be especially off putting if it's a show that tries to be very artsy and quirky, like many of Ikuhara's works.
Apr 23, 2016 8:04 AM

Jul 2015
paraze said:
Z-Dante said:

If the art is shit, the anime is automatically shit to me!

That's why kill la kill is a terrible anime in my book .
*cough* Code GeAss *cough*

Why do you think that Kill la Kill's visuals are ugly? Imaishi and the whole staff actually did a pretty good job in this area IMO. Can you explain to me what you find bad-looking here? The colors might be retro and not as pretty as SAO's, but its art and animation aren't bad at all. I mean, dude.

Some people are just put off by anything that doesn't look like the main bulk of anime production. I mean, the backlash at Panty & Stocking was kinda hilarious , with lots of butthurt people whining that it wasn't all drawn like the sexy scenes.
Apr 23, 2016 8:07 AM

Jul 2015
After taking a chance and watching Ping Pong I've never been really bothered by visuals enough to not watch an anime. Though Clannad would give me nightmares considering those eyes. Things like Tatami Galaxy, Mononoke, Madoka Magica, Flowers of Evil, and anything else I can not only tolerate but appreciate after watching Ping Pong. Guess it opened my eyes to different art styles.
"Few, but ripe." - C.F. Gauss
Apr 23, 2016 9:57 AM
Jan 2015
Me? As long as it's not as ugly as Denpa Kyoushi, I am fine with it.
Apr 23, 2016 10:29 AM
Mar 2016
Kill La Kill , cannot watch it looks too stupid ;-;
Apr 23, 2016 11:02 AM

Jan 2015
The story and the characters interest me more than the aesthetic style. I must be weird or something.
Apr 23, 2016 11:17 AM

Feb 2016
FahtahSensei said:
The story and the characters interest me more than the aesthetic style. I must be weird or something.

Well that is obviously not the point of the thread. I would say majority put more weight on story and characters then visual style, myself included. The question of the thread was whether bad visual style (specifically ugly/weird character design) can ruin anime for you.
Apr 23, 2016 11:36 AM

Jan 2015
anobaka said:
FahtahSensei said:
The story and the characters interest me more than the aesthetic style. I must be weird or something.

Well that is obviously not the point of the thread. I would say majority put more weight on story and characters then visual style, myself included. The question of the thread was whether bad visual style (specifically ugly/weird character design) can ruin anime for you.

Ye alright and my answer is generally no. Unless it is utter shit. And sometimes not even then.
Apr 23, 2016 1:47 PM
Aug 2014
Kaneki_Haise said:
Klad said:
This guy gets it. CGI is the worst thing to happen to anime

That is true, but that's not always the case. Take ufotable for example. They also use CGI, but it comes out brilliantly most of the time. The Fate series is the result of that.

For a long time i had the mindset that CGI was bad in general. Knights of Sidonia changed my mind. In the first few episodes i considered dropping it for the CGI, but towards the end(and especially in the action space battles) the artstyle actually grew on me.
Apr 23, 2016 6:27 PM

Feb 2014
anobaka said:
Well I thought I was much more resilient to visual style variation but I guess it plays a major role for me. For example, bad character design can definitely ruin an anime for me or even make it unwatchable.

I am struggling with Clannad just because of ugly visual style of character faces. I guess I got spoiled by nice stuff like Nisekoi and Oregairu.

Just pretend everyone in Clannad had down-syndrome. They act like it and it makes the gap between the eyes easier to accept ;)
Apr 23, 2016 6:33 PM

Sep 2012
I think the blade and soul anime and a few other heavily CG anime actually made me nauseous trying to watch them so yeah

It's also a turn off if they're totally uninspired generic plastic looking moe blobs like you'd see in baby's first hentai
☕ Truth be told, I'm quite proud of my house blend. To attain my flavor and fragrance, I use five different types of coffee beans. ☕
Apr 23, 2016 8:44 PM
Jul 2018
Ugh, the artwork in Attack on Titan is gross. Also One Piece. Also DBZ. Also Clannad... etc.

I'm not saying the authors aren't talented artists. Their visual style just really doesn't resonate with me.
Apr 23, 2016 9:04 PM

Jun 2013
God Save Berserk. the trailer showed some CGI.
Apr 23, 2016 9:48 PM

Aug 2014
I don't. Instead, "unique" visual style intrigue me even more. When I said unique, I mean literally unique(like Kaiji, Akagi, Ping Pong, Tatami Galaxy, etc).
Apr 23, 2016 10:08 PM

Nov 2008
Extremely so. It's very hard to get me to watch anything if I hate the art style. No matter how good the story is, why bother if you can have good story AND an artstyle you like instead of one you hate? XD

Examples of art I like:

Owari No Seraph
Lucky Star
Akatsuki No Yona

Examples of art I don't like:

Ping Pong
Aku No Hana
Space Dandy
Everything from Satoshi Kon. HIS SHIT IS UGGGGLY. Sorry
Utena (Half. The girls look okay (though they're too tall. But the MEN!? WTF O_______o)

I'mmmmm shallow~whoopdee dee~
ChiibiApr 23, 2016 10:20 PM

Apr 23, 2016 10:42 PM

Jan 2016
Can totally relate. I dropped ajin just cause the animation style is different.
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Apr 23, 2016 10:46 PM

May 2015
Kingof1k said:
Yes, I'll drop it if I don't like the visuals. That's why I don't watch Durarara anymore

Durarara's art is offensive. There are art styles that look bad, but at least have style or something unique in them. Aku no Hana may look bad but at least it tries something different. In Durarara, everyone looks like side-characters.
WEAPONS - My blog, for reviews of music, anime, books, and other things
Apr 23, 2016 10:51 PM

Jun 2015
To be honest, I'm an unpredictable dude in this regard but I think it's safe to say the art doesn't determine anything for me. So no, art isn't an exact only turn off for me. I mean I watched the ONAs for Blame! even though it was horrible (thank God they weren't that long anyway).

I will tell you guys right now, anyone who can do that with a whole heart is a boss!! Terrible visuals I tell you guys. Damn!
Raging_BerserkerApr 23, 2016 10:54 PM
'Life is full of ups and downs, trials and tribulations, successes and disappointments. Think positive always and never allow disappointments drag you down. Hell! Disappoint anyone and everyone, but never and I repeat, NEVER disappoint yourself'.
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