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What do you think of the anime community? What do you hate/like about it?

Feb 7, 2016 11:50 PM

Apr 2015
Inb4: I hate when people talk about what they hate.

Hi gals and guys from MAL. I started watching anime in March of 2015 and I saw the anime community on the outside as a bunch of twelve year olds fighting over cartoons, I didn't really think much of anime back then though. So 11 months now.

I just want to list four things I hate about the community. You don't have to read this, you can just post. Although I'd like if you read my post. Hopefully it doesn't go to the length of a blog. I'm not saying there can't be good anime fans by the way. I've met tons of great people IRL and in MAL that AREN'T LIKE THIS.

I personally think the anime community is one of the cancerous fanbases on the planet for four reasons.

1. Selective morals
"Don't judge me for liking anime" "Anyone who doesn't like anime is an idiot" shut up. Please. If you don't want people to judge you for the things you like then don't judge them, someone may like Justin Beiber and think you are weird for liking anime or vice-versa, but you need to realize that you are passing judgement on people when you do that and being hypocritical. I hate seeing it and it happens far too often, especially in the anime community.

When fanboys go and overhype the show they love so much what they don't know is they are actually a cancer to their own series. They are giving pre expectations about a show we may or may not like it and making it so we may not enjoy an anime to its fullest extent.

3. Dub haters.
These are the anime purists who feel the anime is at its most pure when it is only watched in the subbed version. Some of these dub haters believe that Japanese is the most beautiful language in the world and will bash an anime if it is in a different language, even if it is the language they speak. Stop stereotyping and actually try it out. I don't care for preference but it starts getting bad when you say the following reasons.

-English dubs have a small cast of voice actors
-English ruins the "feel" of the show
-English is a horribly ugly language compared to Japanese.
-English dubs censor and butcher jokes from the Japanese versions
-English dubs are for weeaboos who know nothing about anime and Japan.
-Characters have no emotions when they talk
-ALL English dubs "just suck"

4. Using the word weeaboo as slang for anime fan.
I think of this as when black people use the word nigga as a form of communication when it is used as a form of insult which is just fucking retarded.
It's insulting to black people because it can signify that you are undeserving of a birth-given name, simply because your skin is dark. Weeaboos are people that try and be Japanese and dismiss their own culture calling themselves Japanese, not anime fans.
Stop using this shit as slang for anime fans or else you just destroy the definition. Like that time when Oxford changed the definition of "literally" to now be used sarcastically. If anything use Otaku if you're by definition "people with obsessive interests, commonly the anime and manga fandom."

Overall most of them think they're opinion is fact and have bad communication skills whilst constantly chucking swears and insults.

Let me know your thoughts!

Edit: Since people seem to actually care about my opinion, I guess I'll shit on the community some more. I only picked some specifics that aren't brought up much to feel a bit different, but you know, I guess I'll say some more "common" issues. I added some gifs that prove this behaviour occurs and or for a laugh!

5. Good and bad taste in anime. Trying to apply objectivity in subjectivity.
Just... What? Is this a joke? Stop applying objectivity to this. Taste means a person's liking for particular flavours. So when saying anime TASTE it just means preferences and things you like. Of course there is objective writing flaws like plot holes and character inconsistencies but at the end of the day, there is no definite answer for this, there are no facts to show what is good or bad. People can enjoy quote "garbage". That's why MAL's top 100 anime is not in the exact order you'd like. People like what they like. You aren't better than someone else for not liking different shows like LOTGH which are supposedly good. You just need to argue as to why you like it. But this won't be proven fact. For example "Omg, you like ___ anime, you have great taste". Stop adding objectivity. It's your opinion. If anything the people that don't like the shows you, for example "SAO" might be more honest with themselves. If they enjoy it who cares. This medium is for enjoyment. If they enjoy Highschool DXD, let them be. They aren't hurting people. Also, stop judging shows you haven't seen like Naruto, Bleach, One piece. It's just ignorant.

6. Judging people who don't like anime.
Oh my god, I've seen this so much at my school you wouldn't even be able to fathom the amount of this garbage I've seen. They act as if not liking anime is a personal offence to them. Like, if someone says "Ehh, I don't really like it that much" then they would tell them they don't understand, they're ignorant, they're being mean to them blah blah. I'm sorry there is a difference between stereotyping and judging people who just have a hobby and just not liking it. Jesus, you make us look like we're part of a cult trying to recruit people. Not everyone will like what you like. That's just life. Sure you can introduce them to it, but if they still don't like it, too bad. Just don't make a fuss over it. It isn't the best "thing" ever. And if you think it is, that is just your opinion. Don't get bitchy about it. Have you seen the internet on images on this? Oh my.... It scares me for the future generations to come.

7. The source doesn't "fix" the problems with the anime.
Okay.... I'm getting saltly boys.... Get ready. You have been WARNED.

I'm calling some fate fans out as well so you'll know who you are if you did this. For all intensive purposes I've read most of Nasu's works. Complaining when people have problems with the anime, don't like the adaptation of your favourite ____, calling them cancerous and telling them to read the source. This isn't the source material, this is the anime. Stop acting as if being a secondary is a bad thing, it isn't. It just means someone doesn't have more useless anime knowledge as you. Why don't you shut up and actually accept there are issues with it. Nothing is perfect. Don't go and praise the source just because the anime was bad. "soy good, such masterpiss" Please, UBW was an above average VN route and the anime handled it horribly, relying on fight scene animation whilst trying to turn the show into a shounen cliche instead of what it was suppose to be. It's an encylopedia of a game. You wont ever be happy. Instead of yelling "Omg, I hate these secondaries, read the source" Why don't you actually answer his/her concerns and or agree with him because ___ probably brings up some valid points about the anime. The anime isn't the source and the source isn't the anime, understand that. We are talking about the anime here. Look at them as two separate works.

But yes, there will be places were the manga will be better, but I'm saying that doesn't excuse the problems in the anime.

Lock/delete thread if you want mods. Such salt.
JkayWFeb 20, 2016 9:36 AM
Pages (5) [1] 2 3 » ... Last »
Feb 7, 2016 11:56 PM
Jan 2013
It might not be the best thing ever but ain't noone else will understand my fascination towards calling a bunch of pen stroke and ink fills mashed together a "waifu"

So it's some sort of carrot or stick, except the carrot is kinda rotten, but I still rather have the carrot than the stick
gone bai bai
Feb 7, 2016 11:57 PM

Apr 2014
Couldn't agree more with the dub haters; But there's also sub haters out there that are equally bad.

As a whole, I think we're alright as a community. It's just a lot of bantering mostly, but friendly bantering in most cases.
Feb 7, 2016 11:58 PM

Nov 2015
Agreed, OP. MAL's logic in general is just cancer.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Feb 8, 2016 12:04 AM

Dec 2015
I agree with everything OP said. Especially about dub haters.
Feb 8, 2016 12:05 AM

May 2013
I dislike when anime fans think their is objectiveness in anime.
Feb 8, 2016 12:10 AM

Dec 2013
It's honestly pretty awful, but most fandoms are like this so it's nothing new. I really don't like anything about it. I will echo what earlier posters said with the fact that dub vs sub debates are by far the worst part of it.
Feb 8, 2016 12:14 AM

Feb 2015
i kinda "dislike" it, but sometimes it can be a fun, interesting and crazy community (if there is no haters) XD

Edit: forget it. i "HATE" it so much when people start an arguement.
Feb 8, 2016 12:42 AM

Sep 2015
What I dislike: When somebody uses the "well that's just your opinion" phrase when debating about an anime or other topic. I see so many people say this and then back out like a little bitch. Oh and the comments section on Top 10 videos are cancerous.

What I like: The people who have radical opinions. It's so funny to see them try to justify why all English dubs suck or if something is sexist/racist/homophobic/whatever else people find offensive.
amk_2397Feb 8, 2016 1:34 AM
Feb 8, 2016 12:45 AM

Jun 2014
The community was good around 2005, but became complete garbage come 2012. Besides the haul uploaders, I dislike it.
Feb 8, 2016 12:56 AM

Jul 2014
anime community is too large to really call a community at this point

its just a country of fucking morons that I hate like 75% of

Feb 8, 2016 1:03 AM
Jun 2015
Anime fans, or fans in general, that say "This is an objective opinion, so agree with it or you're not respecting my opinion" are shit.
Feb 8, 2016 1:10 AM

Jul 2013
What I like. The salt who happens when some anime is popular and everyone starts to shit on it just because is popular.

What I dislike. Too many things to list.
Feb 8, 2016 1:18 AM

Mar 2015
at very least, it better than gamer comunity.
"If taking responsibility for a mistake that cannot be undone means death, it's not that hard to die. At least, not as hard as to live on."
Feb 8, 2016 2:17 AM

Apr 2015
Mkim said:
It might not be the best thing ever but ain't noone else will understand my fascination towards calling a bunch of pen stroke and ink fills mashed together a "waifu"

So it's some sort of carrot or stick, except the carrot is kinda rotten, but I still rather have the carrot than the stick

I don't understand what you're saying. Not a single word.
Feb 8, 2016 2:29 AM

Feb 2015
I think the anime community is pretty good.
Feb 8, 2016 2:31 AM

Apr 2013
There are a bunch of idiots, but they appear in every community. Overall I like it, especially the people who go to conventions are really great to talk to :3
Feb 8, 2016 2:40 AM

Sep 2015
I agree with most of the things posted in the OP, but it's not like this is unique to the anime community alone. You take almost any community and the vocal minority will shit on everything and everyone that doesn't agree with them.
People are too immature to simply accept that different people will enjoy different things, and they come up with all sorts of crazy crap to justify their own inane biases.
It's an entirely different kind of flying, altogether!
It's an entirely different kind of flying.
Feb 8, 2016 3:20 AM

Feb 2013
Anime fans are really cool! OP's post is not representative for the anime fans i know at all, but haters gonna hate

also lol@it can signify that you are undeserving of a birth-given name
your overthinking it m8
Feb 8, 2016 4:19 AM

Nov 2009
JkayW said:
Inb4: I hate when people talk about what they hate.

I hate people hating specific anime or whole genres.
Do they truly believe that banning ecchi harems will make the world a better place?
Will they commit suicide if they were to wake up in an ecchi harem anime?
Why can't they just accept that people like me, who like the genre/anime in question, exist, and just say that they don't like that genre?

Or maybe in my language "hate" is a more strong word that it is in modern English.

JkayW said:
I personally think the anime community is one of the cancerous fanbases on the planet for four reasons.

When fanboys go and overhype the show they love so much what they don't know is they are actually a cancer to their own series. They are giving pre expectations about a show we may or may not like it and making it so we may not enjoy an anime to its fullest extent.

3. Dub haters.
These are the anime purists who feel the anime is at its most pure when it is only watched in the subbed version. Some of these dub haters believe that Japanese is the most beautiful language in the world and will bash an anime if it is in a different language, even if it is the language they speak. Stop stereotyping and actually try it out. I don't care for preference but it starts getting bad when you say the following reasons.

-English dubs have a small cast of voice actors
-English ruins the "feel" of the show
-English is a horribly ugly language compared to Japanese.
-English dubs censor and butcher jokes from the Japanese versions
-English dubs are for weeaboo's who know nothing about anime and Japan.
-Characters have no emotions when they talk
-ALL English dubs "just suck"

2. I hate people who are so easily influenced. I you haven't been born yesterday, you should know you are different from other people, and their tastes don't match yours. Just look at all those football fans. Why the hell do they watch football?

3. Do you claim that there are plenty of English dubs that are not guilty of these charges?
They sure aren't plentiful in my native Russian. Hell, even Russian subs aren't very good (and I can tell when they're translated from English by people who are bad at English).
Well, English subs aren't perfect either, so I strongly prefer to have a backup for any translation I have, to have an idea of how many shortcuts the translators have done.
TyrelFeb 9, 2016 4:35 PM
Feb 8, 2016 4:21 AM

Jul 2012
I don't like it when people make threads about how x and y type of fans suck especially when they target my fellow fudanshis and fujoshis :(
Feb 8, 2016 4:27 AM

Aug 2015
Dunno about the entire community , but when shitposters suddenly starts giving serious statement , it feels strangely weird. Everyone should just stick to what they do best.

I just want the community to be fun. So while I'm neutral about most , I can't take the extreminist who doesn't want to listen to anyone who disagrees with them.
Z-DanteFeb 8, 2016 12:46 PM
Feb 8, 2016 4:36 AM

Jul 2012
Z-Dante said:
Dunno about the entire community , but when shitposters suddenly starts giving serious statement , it feels strangely weird. Everyone should just stick to what they do best.
Are you referring to anyone in this thread?
Feb 8, 2016 4:39 AM

Apr 2014
It's fine the way it is. Trolls and heated discussion about which heap of pixels looks better are to be expected ofcourse.
Feb 8, 2016 4:42 AM

Aug 2015
Mayuka said:
Z-Dante said:
Dunno about the entire community , but when shitposters suddenly starts giving serious statement , it feels strangely weird. Everyone should just stick to what they do best.
Are you referring to anyone in this thread?
I dare not. After all I am one of them So , this goes for everyone known as a shitposter
Feb 8, 2016 4:44 AM

Jan 2009
Eh I'm basically dub hater, but not 'cus I think japanese is superior language or anything.
I just prefer the original version.
I also prefer to read books in english instead of native my native language, so it's not exclusive to anime.

Well anyway
I hate "extremists" who feel the need to voice their "superior" opinion all the time. Even when it has nothing to do with anything.
I like the part of the community that doesn't everything too seriously. - anime | manga | reviews
Feb 8, 2016 4:51 AM

Sep 2014
Sometimes whenever I traverse the posts of other users then all of a sudden "SPOILER" Trap card opened T_T
Feb 8, 2016 4:56 AM

Nov 2009
JkayW said:
And I don't even know what @Flannan is trying to say..

Hmm... let me try say it in different words.

1. I hate the way people on MAL throw the word "hate" around. It's supposed to be more meaningful word.

2. Don't trust any anime judgement made by another person. Even if there's a whole lot of them. Stay strong.

3. I have no idea what the sub/dub debate is like for English speakers. Because English is not my native language.
My native language is Russian, and my favorite way of watching anime is original sound and English subtitles, because translations tend to suck.
Feb 8, 2016 4:58 AM

Sep 2014
I hate how anime fans are so easy to pleasure.
Smoke Weed Everyday
Feb 8, 2016 4:58 AM

Aug 2008
I agree. Anime community is one of the most cancerous fanbase thanks to 'elitist'.
But it's important to remember that a movie review is subjective;it only gives you one person's opinion.

It doesn't matter if you like LoGH,Monster etc.If you are a jobless or college/school dropout living in your mom basement, you are still an unintelligent loser. Taste in anime does not make you a better person.If elitist don't exist, casual pleb and shit taste also don't exist.
Feb 8, 2016 4:58 AM

Jul 2012
flannan said:
3. I have no idea what the sub/dub debate is like for English speakers.
Well, usually, most English speakers prefer sub if they're into Anime. If they're more casually into the hobby, they would just watch English dub.
Feb 8, 2016 5:07 AM

Dec 2015
Sidartha1 said:
I hate how anime fans are so easy to pleasure.

You mean sexually right?...right?
Feb 8, 2016 5:08 AM

May 2015
All big fanbases are terrible. Filthy casuals, elite but not really elite elitists, subfags, dubfags, waifufags, moefags, someotherkindofshittyanimefanfags, all of them increase the cancer in my soul every time I see them.

Basically, anime is shit, Samurai Jack>Anime, Samurai Jack is the only form of storytelling you will need.
every single one of my forum posts is dumb and invalid except for 1, I don't claim them it was a different person it was all fake
Feb 8, 2016 5:13 AM

Feb 2013
JkayW said:
romagia said:
Anime fans are really cool! OP's post is not representative for the anime fans i know at all, but haters gonna hate

also lol@it can signify that you are undeserving of a birth-given name
your overthinking it m8

Did you even bother to read that I said this DOESN'T represent the entire community but what I hate about it? I'm black and my parents went through racism so I take it very seriously. I'm not overthinking it. I think you're just not thinking hard enough.
Yes, and i said it's not representative AT ALL for the fans I KNOW; i.e. literally never encountered points 1 and 3, and points 2 and 4 only on MAL (i hope ironically for the most part)
romagiaFeb 8, 2016 5:17 AM
Feb 8, 2016 5:15 AM

Jul 2015
Kuma said:
at very least, it better than gamer comunity.

sorry but i dont agree with this
some video games have really a great comunity
Feb 8, 2016 6:33 AM

Oct 2014
I believe once you move past the vocally obnoxious bad apples, the general anime community is rather tame and not problematic at all.

The OP's arguments are not particularly convincing to me. They ring true but only to a selective group of individuals.
Feb 8, 2016 6:34 AM

Jun 2015
You think fighting over cartoons is bad? Y'all haven't seen gamers. I've seen gamers send death threats to those who disagree with them. I have yet to see that in the anime community.

But yeah, elitists and dub haters are the worst.
Feb 8, 2016 6:43 AM

Jul 2011
Despite having old school elitists, shippers, "anime it's diying, because it's diying, fact" fans and and people who claims that seinen it's the best "genre" while bashing K-On when that it's a seinen too, the community it's fine.
Feb 8, 2016 6:45 AM

Nov 2012
the community is okay as it is, as long as you talk to the right people instead of focusing on the types of fans you hate. :p
Feb 8, 2016 6:45 AM

Oct 2014
AltoRoark99 said:
masterofgo said:
I believe once you move past the vocally obnoxious bad apples, the general anime community is rather tame and not problematic at all.

The OP's arguments are not particularly convincing to me. They ring true but only to a selective group of individuals.

Can't that be said for all fanbases?
Probably. A fanbase is incredibly broad, especially if we talk about the anime fanbase. I think a community is a subset of that and should probably be defined as specific places such as MAL, ANN, AnimeSuki. From there we can judge the particular communities. I would argue that the majority of the fanbase is not at all remotely reprehensible because the majority of them do not participate in communities like this.
Feb 8, 2016 6:47 AM

Jul 2015
JkayW said:
Inb4: I hate when people talk about what they hate.

Hi gals and guys from MAL. I started watching anime in March of 2015 and I saw the anime community on the outside as a bunch of twelve year olds fighting over cartoons, I didn't really think much of anime back then though. So 11 months now.

I just want to list four things I hate about the community. You don't have to read this, you can just post. Although I'd like if you read my post. Hopefully it doesn't go to the length of a blog. I'm not saying there can't be good anime fans by the way. I've met tons of great people IRL and in MAL that AREN'T LIKE THIS.

I personally think the anime community is one of the cancerous fanbases on the planet for four reasons.

1. Selective morals
"Don't judge me for liking anime" "Anyone who doesn't like anime is an idiot" shut up. Please. If you don't want people to judge you for the things you like then don't judge them, someone may like Justin Beiber and think you are weird for liking anime or vice-versa, but you need to realize that you are passing judgement on people when you do that and being hypocritical. I hate seeing it and it happens far too often, especially in the anime community.

When fanboys go and overhype the show they love so much what they don't know is they are actually a cancer to their own series. They are giving pre expectations about a show we may or may not like it and making it so we may not enjoy an anime to its fullest extent.

3. Dub haters.
These are the anime purists who feel the anime is at its most pure when it is only watched in the subbed version. Some of these dub haters believe that Japanese is the most beautiful language in the world and will bash an anime if it is in a different language, even if it is the language they speak. Stop stereotyping and actually try it out. I don't care for preference but it starts getting bad when you say the following reasons.

-English dubs have a small cast of voice actors
-English ruins the "feel" of the show
-English is a horribly ugly language compared to Japanese.
-English dubs censor and butcher jokes from the Japanese versions
-English dubs are for weeaboo's who know nothing about anime and Japan.
-Characters have no emotions when they talk
-ALL English dubs "just suck"

4. Using the word weeaboo as slang for anime fan.
I think of this as when black people use the word nigga as a form of communication when it is used as a form of insult which is just fucking retarded.
It's insulting to black people because it can signify that you are undeserving of a birth-given name, simply because your skin is dark. Weeaboos are people that try and be Japanese and dismiss their own culture calling themselves Japanese, not anime fans.
Stop using this shit as slang for anime fans or else you just destroy the definition. Like that time when Oxford changed the definition of "literally" to now be used sarcastically. If anything use Otaku if you're BY DEFINITION "people with obsessive interests, commonly the anime and manga fandom."

Overall most of them think they're opinion is fact and have bad communication skills whilst constantly chucking swears and insults.

Let me know your thoughts!

you pretty much covered everything i hate about the anime community. thumbs up
but there are a few other things i dislike, such as those who take anime VERY SERIOUSLY
Feb 8, 2016 6:49 AM
Jul 2018
If MAL is any indication, I'd say it is one of the most cancerous communities around.
Feb 8, 2016 6:59 AM

Jan 2016
I hate the fact that there are people that have such a vastly larger viewing experience than my self. It makes talking about anime seem Intimidating since my sample size is so low in comparison.

But in that same breathe I love that there so many people with that large of collection so I can pick their brains on what to watch. So it's a love/hate thing I guess.
Feb 8, 2016 7:27 AM

Dec 2015
What I dislike?? Your waifus. All of your waifus.

What I like?? My waifus.

But foreal I like the anime community because we can talk about anime... Yaasssss.
What I don't like is y'all can be some damn hypocrites sometimes (BTW I watch dubs. Fight me m8).

Also I didn't know Op was black. Seems like everyday I meet more fellow black people *sniffs* I feelz so touched.
Banner credit to @turnip
Feb 8, 2016 7:43 AM

Jun 2013
I don't like dubs, but in every kinda of media not just anime, when i try to watch dub even if it is good dub to me there's something that feels off i can't describe it, i just don't know the thought of a fake voice over the original voice doesn't feel right to me, of course in animation it can be excused they are not real people, but still to me there's something that my subconscious tells me to stop, "this ain't for me".
Feb 8, 2016 7:51 AM
Jul 2018
I think when anime watchers take it too far trying to shove their taste down someone else's throat, I don't like that. It's cool if you disagree but there's no need to bash someone for their taste. Watch and let people watch.

Other than that, the community is fine in my book.
Feb 8, 2016 8:56 AM

May 2015
People who are ashamed of watching anime should stop watching anime.
WEAPONS - My blog, for reviews of music, anime, books, and other things
Feb 8, 2016 9:01 AM

Mar 2012
I mainly just hate elitists

Um... excuse me, words don't have meanings, they have usages.... we use "nigga" in a different context, ain't no hard R in there, thats when we get offended
Feb 8, 2016 11:19 AM
Jan 2013
JkayW said:
Mkim said:
It might not be the best thing ever but ain't noone else will understand my fascination towards calling a bunch of pen stroke and ink fills mashed together a "waifu"

So it's some sort of carrot or stick, except the carrot is kinda rotten, but I still rather have the carrot than the stick

I don't understand what you're saying. Not a single word.
It might be for the best (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
gone bai bai
Feb 8, 2016 11:29 AM

Dec 2015
It's just another community, nothing more or less. I'm also in the metal community and that one can be just as cancerous as this one, only with other topics.
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