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Aug 24, 2014 3:51 AM

Jul 2013
i thought naru was an orphan :|

btw why no episode next saturday?
Aug 24, 2014 4:19 AM

May 2012
The end of this episode left me in tears. Definitely messing with my feels, episode...
Aug 24, 2014 4:45 AM

Oct 2013
this could be one of my favorite anime of thios season so far
episode was cute
poor beetle D:
haha her gift
kiind of mad me a little said for Naru but she seemed happy I hope he doesn't leave the village
Aug 24, 2014 5:22 AM

Dec 2012
Heartwarming episode. 4 Episodes left. Dang. Season 2 please.

Tama recalling why Handa came to their village. Time will come when Handa needs to leave the village. All of them already been close to Sensei during his stay. This will be hard.
Aug 24, 2014 6:24 AM

Aug 2014
Really sweet episode. This episode really showed the bond Handa and Naru have. I feel like the next episode or so will have some rough stuff for us regarding Naru's parents/Handa's leaving. Unless they are saving that for the last episode. I'm sad that this is so close to ending
Aug 24, 2014 6:34 AM

Jun 2013
such a beautiful episode!

i wonder what happened to Naru's parents...
Aug 24, 2014 6:49 AM

Apr 2010
RIP in peace Hercules-chan.
Aug 24, 2014 7:02 AM

Sep 2011
swaggahsaurus said:
Flowers for Algernon
Wow. It's been a LONG time since I've heard anybody mention that story. (I saw the movie adaptation "Charly" when I was young)

swaggahsaurus said:
there's no rule that dictates when you can have those experiences.
Take me for instance...52 going on 14 (or so my son says)...

swaggahsaurus said:
I'm not certain that she is human.
Aug 24, 2014 8:00 AM

Jun 2010
I wonder where is Naru's parents :o Never really thought of that before.
Aug 24, 2014 8:13 AM

Aug 2009
Oh man, this episode was absolutely beautiful. I almost ALMOST released a magnificent tear at the end.
Aug 24, 2014 8:15 AM

May 2013
Heartwarming indeed. Handa is still not capable of catching beetles. Naru's gift from Handa is that he will do anything Naru says for 1 time only. Haha!
Visiting Naru's grandmother was nice. It was also nice to see Naru that happy.
Aug 24, 2014 8:55 AM

Jul 2013
Hilarious and heartwarming, even more so than usual.

Handa's rivalry with Kenta & friends was hilarious XD and that evil eyes lol.. The final scene was beautiful with the fireworks, Handa surely can't leave Naru alone anymore.

I thought the grave was Naru's parents but it seems that they may be working on another place (well that's my guess) or the more tragic one would be they went missing and thus have no graves yet.-Naru being adopted is a possibility too, probably found abandoned as a baby.
Aug 24, 2014 9:21 AM

Dec 2012
Kyouraku-san said:
Nothing's happening in this show.. and it's not even funny anymore
Please consider dropping it, then. This clearly isn't your type of anime. Has always been hilarious and warming in its own way.
Aug 24, 2014 10:06 AM

Apr 2013
episode started funny ended really heartwarming.
Aug 24, 2014 11:15 AM
Sep 2012
Oh man, I can't stop laughing on the first story of the episode!
"Series of Sensei's unfortunate events" has arrived again! xDD

About on the scene where a stag beetle landed on sensei's cheek and fell on the ladder, is the same thing that happened to me many years ago... except the insect is a flying cockroach! xDD

The last story in the episode made me curious about Naru's family background.
Since we know his grandfather and her deceased grandmother, It left me wonder where are her parents.

I doubt that Naru is an orphan or adopted kid...

Setting the gloomy topic aside, let us learn more about Sensei's fallen victim; the Hercules Beetle ^_^

And I always thought Puchi is a male poodle not until Hiro mention that dog is a "she" x)
J_Lanz16Aug 24, 2014 11:23 AM
Aug 24, 2014 11:18 AM

Aug 2013
sillyanna said:
QuestForMaiWaifu said:

Abandoned her, maybe ?

Or maybe Naru was adopted by the grandpa and grandma, and is actually an orphan?

Another Miwa quote: "He's been acting as Naru's guardian too."

VanishingKira said:
I hope Sensei never leaves the island/Naru.

This will be Naru's One Wish, I'm sure of it.
Aug 24, 2014 12:43 PM

Oct 2009
I think in the end Sensei will remain with Naru and the others.
Aug 24, 2014 1:12 PM

Dec 2012
Skullcrusher said:
I think in the end Sensei will remain with Naru and the others.
I hope so, wouldn't feel right otherwise.
Aug 24, 2014 2:03 PM

Dec 2013
Narus reaction when she got the present from sense was beautiful.i

Whats my age again? WHERE IS MY ASIAN FRIEND!!!!!!!
Aug 24, 2014 2:49 PM
Jul 2014
Naru's reaction to her birthday was so cute and heartwarming. Really hope sensei will stay with them.
Aug 24, 2014 4:42 PM

Jul 2012
The second half of this episode was super touching in my opinion.

Great episode!!!
Aug 24, 2014 4:49 PM

May 2012
Omigawwdd!! This episode was bootifuull!! <3 I loved it! And the little bit at the end with the fishing and the dog. Hahahaaaaaaa. I laughed soo hard.

But seriously, I did thought about where her parents were but I just figured that it was a bad story but the bit that Handa-san decided to stay with her and then he re-lit the candle..ahhh..I melted. Such a nice guy, that man! :DD
""You think you're special? You're not. Everyone lies, everyone hides things...
Nobody makes it through this life being completely honest."
- Izaya

Aug 24, 2014 5:02 PM

Aug 2013
Can that show even have one bad episode? Seriously, it's just getting better and better.

Sensei feeling close to Pooch-san... Wait, wut?

Damn, I'm just as curious as sensei, where are Naru parents? Well, they're probably dead. Like I've read, it's also possible that the old man isn't even her real gramps, but only a folk who took charge of her with his wife. Who knows, when someone die of a sudden death, it can be hard to find a reliable tutor. DON'T LEAVE HER ALONE SENSEI.

Naru got that ''do everything I want'' ticket. That will come back in his face later :)
Also, that chase for beetles was hilarious, with sensei being scared of them. He remind me of myself so much xD
«Time is passing so quickly. Right now, I feel like complaining to Einstein. Whether time is slow or fast depends on perception. Relativity theory is so romantic. And so sad.»
- Kurisu Makise a.k.a. The Zombie
Aug 24, 2014 7:52 PM

Mar 2012
Amazing episode. 10/10.
LoneWolf said:
@Josh makes me sad to call myself Canadian.
Aug 24, 2014 9:46 PM

Oct 2011
I wonder if Naru is an orphan child T___T
Aug 24, 2014 10:20 PM

Jun 2011
I love this show so much. It has so much heart.

I'd really like to learn more about Naru's parents as well. They must not be dead if they didn't pay their respects to them. Interesting indeed.
Aug 24, 2014 10:33 PM

Apr 2010
Warms my soul.

Aug 24, 2014 10:46 PM

Jun 2013
Kyouraku-san said:
Nothing's happening in this show.. and it's not even funny anymore

Clearly slice of life isn't for you then, which is fine.
Aug 25, 2014 12:51 AM

Oct 2013
Naru is an orphan...

...originally raised by Hercules beetle, has Rhinoceros-oneesan and Kuwagata-oniisan, and is now adopted by her former bug-lover grandpa.
Aug 25, 2014 5:50 AM

Aug 2013
I almost shed a tear. Heart-warming/10. My goodness. *sniffle*
"May those who accept their fate be granted happiness."

"May those who defy their fate be granted glory."
Aug 25, 2014 7:11 AM

Aug 2013
Best episode so far. So beautiful.
Aug 25, 2014 12:21 PM

Jun 2011
Cratex said:
xpaula said:
Naru's birthday was sweet. But why did they say they only held a birthday party for Naru because sensei was there?
Adults are often disconnected from a kid's world unless that kid is their own child (and even then...). Her grandfather, still working the fields, is probably to tired and distracted to think of those things. These kids feel Handa is somehow part of their world, and part of Naru's world in particular, and I figure they just assumed he would be involved and happy to have a party at "his" place, which is more "their" place really.

Ah, thanks. I just assumed they were all kind of one big family, living in a small village and all, and would've held a birthday party for her any way.
Aug 25, 2014 2:08 PM

May 2010
Sensei really had a rough time this episode. Naru's excitement level was over 9000+1 when sensei gave her his present, loved seeing that.

Naru really is mature for her age (in her own way) I just love everyone's bond, I am gonna be so sad once this anime ends... Such a beautiful episode...
Aug 25, 2014 2:31 PM

Jan 2011
Not the usual comedy that I was expecting, but this was really really good too! I wonder what Sensei's gonna do when he finishes training...
I almost never read discussions after I made my post, if you want to reply PM me or post on my profile page.
Aug 25, 2014 2:56 PM

Sep 2011
xpaula said:
Ah, thanks. I just assumed they were all kind of one big family, living in a small village and all, and would've held a birthday party for her any way.
It surely wouldn't be on purpose, and may simply be just a matter of assumeing that somebody else would have done it. For instance, after our divorce I made the mistake of assuming she would make a cake, or at least buy one, for our son, but I discovered the day AFTER his next birthday that he didn't even get a card from her, never mind a cake. I went to the store and bought a cake mix that night...
Aug 25, 2014 5:24 PM

Dec 2007
i loved it. i love every single episode of this anime. it's one of the best from this season. but i'm pretty sure i'm gonna cry in the end and it's only 4 weeks away T.T

PS: i also wonder about naru's parents.
Aug 25, 2014 11:22 PM

Mar 2014
Aww. Such a sweet and heart-warming episode. It's gonna be sad when it's time for Sensei to leave. I having a feeling that gift from Sensei to Naru will be significant later on.
Strawberry-RainAug 25, 2014 11:34 PM
MAL: A community that thinks every anime is bad, but rates everything a 7/10.
Aug 26, 2014 12:44 AM

Oct 2013
getting adoption feelings here
"Urushibara Ruka. The mannerisms and voice of a woman... No... More feminine than any woman. But he's a guy. Taller than Mayuri, but so very thin... But he's a guy. Looks great in a miko outfit... But he's a guy. It's already twilight And yet, it's so hot. The cicadas are crying. But... He's a guy."
Aug 26, 2014 8:46 PM

Jul 2012
What? I wanted a relaxing, feel good SOL episode but now tears are falling out of my eyes...

Anyway, superb episode as usual. Bless this show.

Kyouraku-san said:
Nothing's happening in this show.. and it's not even funny anymore

lol I feel bad for people who can't enjoy this gem.
Aug 27, 2014 10:06 AM
Oct 2013
swaggahsaurus said:
You know, this entire time I've thought of Naru as very outgoing and definitely one of the major sources of the lightheartedness in this anime, yet I've never stopped to consider what her personal life is like. It's apparent that she seeks others, but for some reason I never realized that her real family is pretty much absent. She never talks about her parents, and I imagine she would, so I'm thinking there must be some sort of bad experience there. But even so, the townsfolk are her family of sorts. All of them seem like a giant family, with how close they are to each other; each person is familiar with everyone else and I never sense any animosity between people in this anime.

But Naru, Naru. We know so much and so little about her. All of what we've seen of Naru in Barakmon is just a surface appearance; we know she's cheerful, but what stood out to me most is that it's a mystery even to Handa what she really likes. It's also a question about what her family is like, and where she goes home to sleep at night. Does she miss her parents, or do the friendships of all the people in her village fill that gap? Even though she has so many people who adore her, I doubt it can still be the same thing as having parents would be. In essence, she's really just a child of the town. Her behaviour reflects that of everyone- outgoing, playful, always with a smile on her face, very welcoming, open-minded. Perhaps, since it appears as though she's indeed been raised by the people of the island, Naru is that way because that's all she's ever known. It's quite often that children come to, at least partially, reflect the outlooks of their parents and family, isn't it?

Handa provides another perspective. Because of his calligraphy, he missed out on being able to have fun and be outside. It's not saying that calligraphy isn't fun, but it's also something that detracts from the other experiences that he could have gone through in his life. Now, as a young adult, he's experiencing his rightful childhood. And that's nothing to be sneezed at; there's no rule that dictates when you can have those experiences. The problem is, in a childhood, the viewpoint of most children is clear, innocent, unmarred by the experiences of later life and the negative things in this world. The older you get, the more paranoid you get, expressed as simply as when Handa fears touching the bug. Now that he's going through childhood experiences, he can't really experience it the same way as the children do because he's already seen much of the world. I've noticed adults tend to see the more negative things in life. Knowledge is good, but there's also many instances where it can detract from happiness.

Take Charlie Gordon from the novel Flowers for Algernon. A mentally disabled young adult, he undergoes an operation to make him more intelligent, which should, ideally, contribute to his happiness. But it does quite the opposite. He discovers that his friends only hung around him because they liked to make fun of him, he discovers that love is much more complex than even him, as a now intelligent being, can understand; he is fired from his company because everyone fears his intelligence, and for that same reason many people stop associating with him. With his intelligence, he gains an awareness of this world. So in a sense, he might be more mature, but he can also realize what terrible things happen in our society.

It's not as severe with Handa, of course, but the idea of trying to be too conscious of what's going on in the world and then becoming more and more distraught certainly applies. On the island, he learns that it's better just to do things, and take things as they come and go. Life changes; there's no such thing as something being truly routine. If Handa had continued to be wary of everyone, he wouldn't have made friends with the people of the village. So he embraced the more easygoing view of the world, didn't focus on trying to intelligently analyze everything as though they were algorithms, because really, even though math can play a big part in nature, it doesn't truly account for how humans function and socialize. A mathematical equation or an instruction booklet can only do a poor job at best of telling you how to socialize with others.

This is a good segue into my other point. The problem with Handa and his calligraphy is that he consciously tries to be creative. I mean, trying new things is fine, but it seems like he's just forcing himself to be creative. Creativity is an unconscious process most of the time; you don't develop an art style by setting rules and trying to form it out of your own will, it kind of just evolves over time. I can't describe how my art has progressed to where it is now. I didn't consciously try to make many of the changes that I've seen occur in my art style, yet nevertheless, they continued and still do appear. It's not something that you can manipulate and force into happening; yes, you can stimulate creativity, but it doesn't really have a definite shape. It can't be molded into the desired product, and quite often the products of creativity aren't really what you had envisioned, but they are unique to you. This is something difficult for me to explain especially since it's an unconscious process, but I tried my best to make it as clear as possible. So Handa needs to just let his unconscious do the work, and someday, he'll find something that he can call his own.

And as a last note, what the dog said was very interesting. Handa has only ever been completely accepted in this island town. When he lived back in the urban areas, there were always people who would criticize him because he didn't conform to societal expectations. On the other hand, in the village, there are many different types of people with many different personalities, but one factor unifies them all- they're all welcoming and tolerant of everyone. It matters not if Handa's attitude and upbringing is very different from that of everyone else's. I actually find that it's rarely mentioned, how much he stands apart from everyone else, and that's because the townspeople consider him to be one of their own. Yes, they do make comments about how life is different here, but they've never spoken about the city-dwellers in a derogatory way. What's sad is that people living in urban areas will often make offensive comments about people living in the countryside or rural areas. But I guess that's a difference in attitudes...

That was quite interesting, tho reading this whole thing was quite a challenge ._.

This series is so damn good! its definitely on my top 5 of this season.
I really don't want Handa to Leave The island, it seems like it his home now.. Such Character development o_o.

I wonder what Naru will do with her present.. also, i got the idea.. what if the person holding the fifth key is Naru? and last but not least, the thing with Naru's parents got my interest, cant wait to see the conclusion of that. that dog thing tho. DA FEELS THIS EPISODE ;___;.

5/5 as always, cant wait for the next episode!
also, i cant believe its only 4 episodes till the end, PLZ HAVE A SECOND SEASON!!! ;^;
J-SamaAug 27, 2014 10:09 AM
Aug 27, 2014 7:28 PM

Jan 2011
Clearly one of the best shows in a very strong season. This episode had more feels than we're used to but still carried a lot of comedy. I'm ready for season two. And yes, the fact that neither of Naru's parents have come back to visit for Bon is not a good sign--although on the other hand no one mentioned them at the family grave so it's unlikely they're dead.
rodacAug 27, 2014 7:52 PM
Please don't feed the trolls!
In my next life I want to collide at the corner with the cute transfer student
carrying a piece of toast in her mouth

Aug 28, 2014 2:45 AM

Jun 2008
This week's episode is really heartwarming because it depicts how Naru isn't just a happy go lucky girl all the time and that she can feel lonely even despite having so many wonderful people around ;( I wonder what happened to Naru's parents. The more I watch this anime, the more I felt nostalgic because it reminded me of my childhood. Just like Naru, I grew up in a small remote village mainly filled with elderly people and children and was raised by my grandparents up til I was 9 while my parents were always absent because of work since they lived apart from us in the city and rarely comes home to visit. Grandparents were too old and tired to play with me so that definitely made me feel lonely (just like what happened to Naru). The only thing I did back then to ease my loneliness was to play with the other kids my age all the time and going on adventure. Though I ended up being a major tomboy like Naru since there were more boys than girls in the village. X'D

It's also interesting to see that in this episode it shows a part of Japanese culture that I never knew about, in particularly in regard to how they have a specific day/event where many people will visit the graveyards of their ancestors and put up lanterns and play firecrackers because I thought only my chinese culture does that. I'm guessing this type of practice is actually more common than I think. Even the way the graveyard looks are really reminiscent of my village too!! O_O I also love the birthday episode since it sounds like they don't celebrate birthday often. ;( Man, even that part is similar to my life as well :C Many people in the village that I used to live in don't celebrate birthday and I didn't even know about my own birthday until I was 9 x.X

This episode overall just give me all sort of feels. I never liked slice of lice series much and this is one of the very rare ones that actually touched my heart. One of the major reasons why I love this anime so much is because it really captures the realism and mood of what a country life is like in so many ways that I almost felt like I was looking back at my past. The characters felt realistic and really relatable, especially Naru in particular for me since I resembled her the most. Gosh <3 I wish there are more anime like this too ><;
EstherellaAug 29, 2014 12:01 AM
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Aug 28, 2014 7:43 AM

Aug 2013
Estherella said:
It's also interesting to see that in this episode it shows a part of Japanese culture that I never knew about, in particularly in regard to how they have a specific day/event where many people will visit the graveyards of their ancestors and put up lanterns and play firecrackers because I thought only my chinese culture does that. I'm guessing this type of practice is actually more common than I think. Even the way the graveyard looks are really reminiscent are really reminiscent of my village too!! O_O

It's my understanding (and someone correct me if I'm wrong) that the culture on some of the more isolated southern islands in the archipelago is a more of a blend of Japanese and Chinese cultures to varying degrees. This might explain why some of the things they do are familiar to you.
Aug 28, 2014 12:16 PM

Mar 2012
PaleBlue said:
Estherella said:
It's also interesting to see that in this episode it shows a part of Japanese culture that I never knew about, in particularly in regard to how they have a specific day/event where many people will visit the graveyards of their ancestors and put up lanterns and play firecrackers because I thought only my chinese culture does that. I'm guessing this type of practice is actually more common than I think. Even the way the graveyard looks are really reminiscent are really reminiscent of my village too!! O_O

It's my understanding (and someone correct me if I'm wrong) that the culture on some of the more isolated southern islands in the archipelago is a more of a blend of Japanese and Chinese cultures to varying degrees. This might explain why some of the things they do are familiar to you.
This applies more to the islands further south, the Ryukyu islands (Okinawa prefecture and, to a lesser extent, Amami islands of Kagoshima prefecture). The modern Okinawa prefecture officially became part of Japan only in the late 19th century; before that it was a kingdom that paid tribute to the Chinese emperor (and indirectly to the Japanese shogun, through the Satsuma samurai clan). The linguistic varieties spoken on those islands aren't even mutually intelligible with any of the Japanese dialects, so they can be considered separate languages. It's often said that, since the kingdom had closer ties to China, its culture was influenced by Chinese culture to an even greater extent than that of Japan proper, but I'm not sure in exactly what ways.

The Gotō islands where this show takes place may be far from Tokyo, but they aren't particularly remote and are well within the historical Yamato cultural sphere. The grave-visiting tradition seems to be connected to the all-Japanese festival of Bon, which has connections to the Chinese Ghost Festival through Mahayana Buddhism that got to Japan from China.
Aug 28, 2014 2:25 PM

Apr 2013
Handa has some weird dreams. I really like this episode.
Aug 28, 2014 2:47 PM

Jun 2014
Just in case anyone missed this announcement! No Episode 9 this week!
So glad that I'm not a huge manga reader, because the manga readers WHINE WAY TOO MUCH and have to RUIN every adapted anime for the ANIME ONLY WATCHERS!
Aug 30, 2014 5:54 AM

Oct 2009
It saddens me every time the episode ends </3
Aug 30, 2014 5:58 PM

Jul 2012
This was definitely the best episode yet. So many great, funny, and heartwarming moments in this episode. I love this series! :)
Aug 30, 2014 7:32 PM

May 2014
I was so sure that the grave was gonna be Naru's parents
Aug 31, 2014 8:30 AM

Dec 2012
Sucj a heartwarming/beautiful episode <3
Sensei's dreams are freaking weird~!
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