ThorLL said: 'stupid cunt' - that is what I call my slave girl.
Funny, I like that c-word despite me of being a woman. It's because I don't like the b-word at all. And funnily enough, I don't swear in Mandarin or in French.
I like saying "piece of shit" in English, and in German I don't really swear... At least not about people. But sometimes when I really want to stress how shitty something is, I say "beschissen".
If life ain't just a joke
Then why are we laughing?
My mother language has a wide selection of swear words to just pick one.
The real skill in swearing is chaining together as many as possible in a continuous rant.
I have a strange relationship with swearing.. I think I rarely swear, and at most say shit, stupid or something juvenile like that, but I used to swear with a close friend and only with her. We'd say all kinds of words with each other and it was always in good spirits haha, but never when one usually or generally does, like at others or with seriousness, it was always a joke kind of thing. It's the same at home, my parents and I generally have a word or phrase (most times common words) that we get caught up with for a period of time and it becomes a joke for don't know what reason, sometimes the popular cuss words became the joke..
Промудохуеблядская недохуетень of course, and hevonvitunperse is a close second.
Out of English ones I really like the C-word and the T-word that is synonymous to it, and various combined ones like fucknut or shitass.
"Fuck" is probably the most ubiquitous. I don't even realize I say it have the time it's so ingrained. I would say "cunt" more often, but it's just not the same without an Australian accent.
This ground is soiled by those before me and their lies. I dare not look up for on me I feel their eyes
I prefer the swear words in my native language. The sound more vulgar than the ones in English. My favorite one to use is "yarrak", which simply means dick. The more you emphasize the 'r' sound in "yarrak", the better.
I really like "kak" and "doos", which are basically the Afrikaans equivalents of shit and douche respectively. And you can't go wrong with a good old fashioned "fuck" either.
I see absolutely no one here saying "shit." It's so versatile. Here are a few examples:
1. Someone just died: while crying, say "shit."
2. You are raging, someone just killed you in a video game: "SHIT!"
3. You made a mistake: "shit"
4. Someone told you something really cool: "Aw shit, that's awesome!"
5. You are eating some really good food: "This is the shit right here!"
6. Something is bad: "That's dogshit." (bonus points for the dog part)
7. Someone is lying: "That is bullshit!" (bonus points for the bull part. Horse also works too, horseshit)
8. Going to the bathroom?: "Gotta take a shit."
9. You accomplished something: "I'm the shit!"
10. You feel the drama coming: "Shit..."
Usually just one or two words in my native language like 他妈的 (ta ma de) or damn it. Sometimes in standard English like crap and all the s words and f words.