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What type of people do you dislike the most?

Jun 3, 2019 5:52 AM
Feb 2017
While I try my best to be nice to everyone and make attempts in giving people respect, there will always be those I can't be on good terms with. I personally dislike those who are extremely prideful in what they are good at. I can respect those who are good at what they do, but if they shove it into other people's faces and push others down, it honestly ticks me off. If you're good at something, don't make other people feel like dirt but rather make them feel like they can improve. Putting others down just makes you an a-hole, not someone cool.
MegaStrideJun 3, 2019 1:32 PM
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Jun 3, 2019 5:59 AM

Feb 2017
People who abuse their power and look down on others and insult people who belong to lower hierarchy.

Like boss fucking their workers or professors fucking with students. fucking hate these egoistic bastards.

Jun 3, 2019 6:03 AM

Jun 2014
I hate pretty much everyone under 40.

It doesn't matter what their personality is like.

Jun 3, 2019 6:12 AM
Feb 2017
foscor70 said:
People who abuse their power and look down on others and insult people who belong to lower hierarchy.

Like boss fucking their workers or professors fucking with students. fucking hate these egoistic bastards.

I also agree, kinda similar to what I said about those who are good at what they do where they put others down.

Seiya said:
I hate pretty much everyone under 40.

It doesn't matter what their personality is like.

That's a pretty large margin of people to dislike, then again I dislike almost everyone's personality.
Jun 3, 2019 6:18 AM

Jun 2014
BlakexEkalb said:
foscor70 said:
People who abuse their power and look down on others and insult people who belong to lower hierarchy.

Like boss fucking their workers or professors fucking with students. fucking hate these egoistic bastards.

I also agree, kinda similar to what I said about those who are good at what they do where they put others down.

Seiya said:
I hate pretty much everyone under 40.

It doesn't matter what their personality is like.

That's a pretty large margin of people to dislike, then again I dislike almost everyone's personality.

I just don't trust young people. I feel threatened and uncomfortable around them.

Jun 3, 2019 6:26 AM

May 2017
People who are good at nothing
but like to speak like they were something.

"というわけで。待望の、体 操 服! でっあ~る。祭りであれば、余も着飾ってはいられぬと用意したが……うむ! 心身ともに軽くなったようだ。どうだ? 似合っているであろう、マスター?" - Random Quote From Internet by Saber Nero

Jun 3, 2019 6:49 AM
Feb 2017
Seiya said:
BlakexEkalb said:

I also agree, kinda similar to what I said about those who are good at what they do where they put others down.

That's a pretty large margin of people to dislike, then again I dislike almost everyone's personality.

I just don't trust young people. I feel threatened and uncomfortable around them.

Personally I can see this being applied to anyone, especially those who are out of college as they are finally having stressed lives of paying bills and such.
Jun 3, 2019 6:52 AM

Jun 2014
BlakexEkalb said:
Seiya said:

I just don't trust young people. I feel threatened and uncomfortable around them.

Personally I can see this being applied to anyone, especially those who are out of college as they are finally having stressed lives of paying bills and such.

I never went to college, and I'm disabled due to chronic pain, so I don't work.

I hated young people when I was a teenager in high school as well. I never fit in with young people, because they're all different than me. I will never like today's young people.

Jun 3, 2019 7:02 AM
Feb 2017
Seiya said:
BlakexEkalb said:

Personally I can see this being applied to anyone, especially those who are out of college as they are finally having stressed lives of paying bills and such.

I never went to college, and I'm disabled due to chronic pain, so I don't work.

I hated young people when I was a teenager in high school as well. I never fit in with young people, because they're all different than me. I will never like today's young people.

I was a quiet kid in HS after making a shift from being extroverted my freshman year to being introverted for the rest of it. With that change I didn't talk to many other people either, only having a few friends that I would only see at school. MAL was the only place where I could truly relate and talk to people openly about topics and just be myself. Just saying don't knock everybody who's <40, some may be similar to you in terms of situations.
Jun 3, 2019 7:15 AM

Nov 2018
Liying, narrow-minded, disrespectful people.
Jun 3, 2019 7:19 AM

Dec 2016
Ingenuine people. I don't care if you're an asshole as long as you're honest about it.
I have no taste.
Jun 3, 2019 7:21 AM

Apr 2019
People who won't mind their own damn business.

Jun 3, 2019 7:37 AM

Oct 2017
IRL people who complain damn too much.
For online people the ones who comes with instant ad-hominem.

Also I need to add that I have pride on what I do btw, it has a difference of liking what you do and being an asshole like you described on the OP.
''Enemies' gifts are no gifts and do no good.''
Jun 3, 2019 8:07 AM
Jul 2018
- People, who have zero empathy for others and don't understand (or don't want to understand) others.
- Sexist people and co., who are very uncomfortable to be around and that's against women and men, but mainly because I don't need someone around, who doesn't respect me like a normal human being.
- People, who shove in others face "Look what a good human being I am, far better than all of you are!"
- People, who can't reflect their own actions and agree on making mistakes. It's tiring and you don't know what to do anymore, if people just won't understand and will do things again and again.
- People, who persistently think they know better what's good for you than you do yourself and won't listen or change their mind.
- People with some extreme beliefs in general and if they want them to force on you.
- Pretentious people, who can't do shit and are not that smart how they make themselves look like, but still think they are an expert in everything or are more intelligent than everyone around them.
- Too delusional people and these, who are living in another reality than most. Like, someone said to me "All of you guys are so boring, living the bourgeois life, most of you working 20-40 hours a week, studying, and the highlight of your lives are some events, vacations, cons, new anime etc... all of you are sooo ordinary and boring!!1" - the guy was over 30, leeching on his rich parents his whole life. -__-
- Also: People, who have insanly high standards for others, especially if they base them on fiction, but don't have experiences on their own. Still, they judge others on everything they do wrong, but don't experience what's like to have to make decisions on their own. It's easy to have high standards, if they are never challenged.
- People, who have zero manners.
- People, who extremely pity themselves over nothing, although they are the problem, like "nobody loves me", but they do everything that people couldn't.
- Being hurtful to others for some sadistic reasons.
- It's not "hate", but I don't know how (or don't want) to deal with people, who seem to be horny 24/7 and can't talk about anything else.

Damn, that list is long...
removed-userJun 3, 2019 8:31 AM
Jun 3, 2019 9:08 AM

Jul 2014
It takes quite a lot to make me hate someone but there are sorts of people I tend to dislike and who rub me the wrong way. Specifically bigots, backstabbers, hypocrites and arrogant folk.
Take care of yourself

Jun 3, 2019 9:14 AM

Aug 2009
Basically people that don't have their shit together as far as being a decent human being goes.

Seiya said:
I hate pretty much everyone under 40.

It doesn't matter what their personality is like.

And I thought I was a crotchety old man of MAL.

Jun 3, 2019 9:16 AM
Jul 2018
Maneki-Mew said:
- People, who have zero empathy for others and don't understand (or don't want to understand) others.
- Sexist people and co., who are very uncomfortable to be around and that's against women and men, but mainly because I don't need someone around, who doesn't respect me like a normal human being.
- People, who shove in others face "Look what a good human being I am, far better than all of you are!"
- People, who can't reflect their own actions and agree on making mistakes. It's tiring and you don't know what to do anymore, if people just won't understand and will do things again and again.
- People, who persistently think they know better what's good for you than you do yourself and won't listen or change their mind.
- People with some extreme beliefs in general and if they want them to force on you.
- Pretentious people, who can't do shit and are not that smart how they make themselves look like, but still think they are an expert in everything or are more intelligent than everyone around them.
- Too delusional people and these, who are living in another reality than most. Like, someone said to me "All of you guys are so boring, living the bourgeois life, most of you working 20-40 hours a week, studying, and the highlight of your lives are some events, vacations, cons, new anime etc... all of you are sooo ordinary and boring!!1" - the guy was over 30, leeching on his rich parents his whole life. -__-
- Also: People, who have insanly high standards for others, especially if they base them on fiction, but don't have experiences on their own. Still, they judge others on everything they do wrong, but don't experience what's like to have to make decisions on their own. It's easy to have high standards, if they are never challenged.
- People, who have zero manners.
- People, who extremely pity themselves over nothing, although they are the problem, like "nobody loves me", but they do everything that people couldn't.
- Being hurtful to others for some sadistic reasons.
- It's not "hate", but I don't know how (or don't want) to deal with people, who seem to be horny 24/7 and can't talk about anything else.

Damn, that list is long...

A nice summary would be "every douchebag who does every douchebag thing" lol
Jun 3, 2019 9:17 AM

Jun 2014
NexivsSelecaf said:
Basically people that don't have their shit together as far as being a decent human being goes.

Seiya said:
I hate pretty much everyone under 40.

It doesn't matter what their personality is like.

And I thought I was a crotchety old man of MAL.

I just can't relate to young people at all, or people my own age.

They speak funny, shave the sides of their head, wear wayfarer glasses, have tattoos and body piercings, and live on their cellphones. I don't like any of those things, so I steer clear of young people.

Jun 3, 2019 9:18 AM
Jul 2018
I personally don't mind people who take pride in what they do, but agree with the OP that there's restrictions, such as shoving their talents and such down other peoples faces. Or making others feel less because they are better at something in particular. But having pride in what we are good at is not a bad thing in itself.

When it comes to people, I just don't really get on that well with people who are extremely loud/obnoxious. I was seeing a girl once who was literally the embodiment of obnoxious, and the folly of it drove me nuts.
Jun 3, 2019 9:19 AM

Oct 2018
Mostly people that are egocentric, but also people that exhibit the 'jock mentality'.
Dreaming 'bout long gone things;
Days, on end, repeating infinitely.
Like the inside of a never-ending dream,
Whilst looking for the endless morn...
Only to return to the dream again
Jun 3, 2019 9:34 AM

Mar 2015
-people who can't disagree/criticize others without actively berating them and putting them down
-people who don't treat someone equally just because they're a different gender/race/religion/etc.
Jun 3, 2019 9:38 AM
Oct 2018
People that are Ideological and hold dogmatic beliefs
Jun 3, 2019 9:50 AM

Feb 2019
The only thing that gets on my nerves is when people talk about what's getting on their nerves. Nobody cares about your nerves.

Pink_Ribbon said:
People who are too positive or too loud. People who are full of themselves are also insufferable. How I wish I could tell them the world doesn't give a shit.

Yeah, it can suck when people expect you to pretend that things are great even when they suck. That's called "rewarding bad behavior." People will keep doing things wrong for as long as constantly positive people pat their back for it. If you're positive about everything all the time then you're not really positive about anything... You're just scared of being labeled as negative.
Jun 3, 2019 9:54 AM
Jul 2018
HungryForQuality said:
Maneki-Mew said:
- People, who have zero empathy for others and don't understand (or don't want to understand) others.
- Sexist people and co., who are very uncomfortable to be around and that's against women and men, but mainly because I don't need someone around, who doesn't respect me like a normal human being.
- People, who shove in others face "Look what a good human being I am, far better than all of you are!"
- People, who can't reflect their own actions and agree on making mistakes. It's tiring and you don't know what to do anymore, if people just won't understand and will do things again and again.
- People, who persistently think they know better what's good for you than you do yourself and won't listen or change their mind.
- People with some extreme beliefs in general and if they want them to force on you.
- Pretentious people, who can't do shit and are not that smart how they make themselves look like, but still think they are an expert in everything or are more intelligent than everyone around them.
- Too delusional people and these, who are living in another reality than most. Like, someone said to me "All of you guys are so boring, living the bourgeois life, most of you working 20-40 hours a week, studying, and the highlight of your lives are some events, vacations, cons, new anime etc... all of you are sooo ordinary and boring!!1" - the guy was over 30, leeching on his rich parents his whole life. -__-
- Also: People, who have insanly high standards for others, especially if they base them on fiction, but don't have experiences on their own. Still, they judge others on everything they do wrong, but don't experience what's like to have to make decisions on their own. It's easy to have high standards, if they are never challenged.
- People, who have zero manners.
- People, who extremely pity themselves over nothing, although they are the problem, like "nobody loves me", but they do everything that people couldn't.
- Being hurtful to others for some sadistic reasons.
- It's not "hate", but I don't know how (or don't want) to deal with people, who seem to be horny 24/7 and can't talk about anything else.

Damn, that list is long...

A nice summary would be "every douchebag who does every douchebag thing" lol

Well yes, haha.
I can take a little bit of some of these stuff or to some degree and still like the person, but if it's too much, it's really unlikeable.

NexivsSelecaf said:
Basically people that don't have their shit together as far as being a decent human being goes.

Seiya said:
I hate pretty much everyone under 40.

It doesn't matter what their personality is like.

And I thought I was a crotchety old man of MAL.

I'm quite the opposite. There were some people 40+ I liked, because they were still open-minded, but many old people become so hateful and narrow-minded, especially towards the younger generations. They are stucked in their time and won't leave it.
Jun 3, 2019 10:16 AM

Dec 2016
BlakexEkalb said:
I personally hate those who are extremely prideful in what they are good at. I can respect those who are good at what they do, but if they shove it into other people's faces and push others down, it honestly ticks me off. If you're good at something, don't make other people feel like dirt but rather make them feel like they can improve. Putting others down just makes you an a-hole, not someone cool.

Means they are insecure. If you've got no talents and no success in life apart from having a high IQ or being good at basketball or something, then they just latch onto that and obsess over it. I've met a good number of people who are talented at multiple things (are smart and are socially competent, are smart and are very athletic, etc.) and they typically do not brag about any of their talents.

Also if you're actually good at something, people should be able to tell without you shoving it in their faces. Again another sign of insecurity because the person is scared that he or she is not actually smart or talented and that's why they try and make it obvious that they are.

What's the difference?
Jun 3, 2019 10:23 AM

Jun 2014
Maneki-Mew said:
HungryForQuality said:

A nice summary would be "every douchebag who does every douchebag thing" lol

Well yes, haha.
I can take a little bit of some of these stuff or to some degree and still like the person, but if it's too much, it's really unlikeable.

NexivsSelecaf said:
Basically people that don't have their shit together as far as being a decent human being goes.

And I thought I was a crotchety old man of MAL.

I'm quite the opposite. There were some people 40+ I liked, because they were still open-minded, but many old people become so hateful and narrow-minded, especially towards the younger generations. They are stucked in their time and won't leave it.

You see, with me, I'm stuck in the "old people" time, despite being much younger than they are.

I spent my entire childhood playing my grandparent's old LPs & 45s, and I never listened to modern music. Because of this, I somehow cut myself off from the modern world, and I only like old stuff, and this is the reason I never liked being around people my age or younger, because I have nothing in common with them.

Me "fitting in" with young people would be like a 75 year old man trying to fit in with young people. It just doesn't work.

Jun 3, 2019 10:24 AM

Mar 2009
People who are bigots in general. Life is full of people, and full of people who are jerks even when they've gotten past their biases, so I have very little time for people who haven't gotten past the whole basic 'ew homo / women on the internet / other races' stage of their life (which they may never get past).
Jun 3, 2019 10:31 AM
Feb 2017
Seiya said:
Maneki-Mew said:

Well yes, haha.
I can take a little bit of some of these stuff or to some degree and still like the person, but if it's too much, it's really unlikeable.

I'm quite the opposite. There were some people 40+ I liked, because they were still open-minded, but many old people become so hateful and narrow-minded, especially towards the younger generations. They are stucked in their time and won't leave it.

You see, with me, I'm stuck in the "old people" time, despite being much younger than they are.

I spent my entire childhood playing my grandparent's old LPs & 45s, and I never listened to modern music. Because of this, I somehow cut myself off from the modern world, and I only like old stuff, and this is the reason I never liked being around people my age or younger, because I have nothing in common with them.

Me "fitting in" with young people would be like a 75 year old man trying to fit in with young people. It just doesn't work.

Modern music is hot trash, with mumble rap mainly focusing on (99% of the time) sex, drugs, women, etc.
Jun 3, 2019 10:37 AM

Jul 2007
I don't really waste time thinking about it. Usually someone just irks me for reasons I can't put my finger on. Bit much to call it 'hate' though.
Jun 3, 2019 11:17 AM

Aug 2018
1)Egocentric narrow-minded people with whom having a discussion is akin to conversing with a concrete slab because they refuse to absorb any information that doesn't conform with their preconceived notions. Such people are no better than mentally incapacitated people.

2)Emotionally manipulative people in general but especially the ones who are incompetent/lazy and then try to make you feel guilt/pity for them. A girl I know who used to be my good friend (she had a crush on me a few years back but I didn't reciprocate, then she became the gf of one of my bestfriends and then they broke up like 2 years later) fell into this category.
Her mistake was assuming I was as tolerant as her ex-bf, I got tired of her bullshit and told her off. To be honest I tolerated her bullshit much longer than I should have. The fact that she was somewhat smarter than average made her quite adept at manipulation.

3)Arrogant or extremely shy people. I don't hate these category of people but I do dislike them.
<Insert clever quote>
Jun 3, 2019 11:18 AM

Oct 2018
People that fake their true feelings.~

Jun 3, 2019 11:35 AM

Aug 2016
I don't hate any specific type of people. Hate is a pretty strong feeling and I don't have this towards any human. I may dislike some behaviour in some people, but generally there is no certain type that I dislike. Everyone is different.
Jun 3, 2019 11:52 AM
Jul 2018
Maneki-Mew said:
- People, who have zero empathy for others and don't understand (or don't want to understand) others.
- Sexist people and co., who are very uncomfortable to be around and that's against women and men, but mainly because I don't need someone around, who doesn't respect me like a normal human being.
- People, who shove in others face "Look what a good human being I am, far better than all of you are!"
- People, who can't reflect their own actions and agree on making mistakes. It's tiring and you don't know what to do anymore, if people just won't understand and will do things again and again.
- People, who persistently think they know better what's good for you than you do yourself and won't listen or change their mind.
- People with some extreme beliefs in general and if they want them to force on you.
- Pretentious people, who can't do shit and are not that smart how they make themselves look like, but still think they are an expert in everything or are more intelligent than everyone around them.
- Too delusional people and these, who are living in another reality than most. Like, someone said to me "All of you guys are so boring, living the bourgeois life, most of you working 20-40 hours a week, studying, and the highlight of your lives are some events, vacations, cons, new anime etc... all of you are sooo ordinary and boring!!1" - the guy was over 30, leeching on his rich parents his whole life. -__-
- Also: People, who have insanly high standards for others, especially if they base them on fiction, but don't have experiences on their own. Still, they judge others on everything they do wrong, but don't experience what's like to have to make decisions on their own. It's easy to have high standards, if they are never challenged.
- People, who have zero manners.
- People, who extremely pity themselves over nothing, although they are the problem, like "nobody loves me", but they do everything that people couldn't.
- Being hurtful to others for some sadistic reasons.
- It's not "hate", but I don't know how (or don't want) to deal with people, who seem to be horny 24/7 and can't talk about anything else.

Damn, that list is long...

Finish the damn list! or I won't be able to sleep tonight (^_^;)
Jun 3, 2019 11:52 AM
Feb 2017
RandomFriday said:
I don't hate any specific type of people. Hate is a pretty strong feeling and I don't have this towards any human. I may dislike some behaviour in some people, but generally there is no certain type that I dislike. Everyone is different.

Maybe "hate" is too strong of a word. "Hate" has become a word that is thrown out there freely to use, I should use dislike instead.
Jun 3, 2019 11:59 AM

Sep 2018
i hate people who hate people.

people who just have kids without trying to think it through.
people who actively get in the way of someone else when it has no say in their lives (abortion, lgbt, etc)
Jun 3, 2019 12:12 PM

Jun 2019
People who are morally self-righteous and attempt to impose their version and understanding of morality and their values and ideology on everyone else because they don't believe they even have an ideology but instead think their highly subjective principles and worldview should form some universal standard. I can't stomach such types, their preachiness, sanctimoniousness, special combination of ignorance and arrogance, or the influence and presence they seem to have across society.

This can be liberal capitalists, Marxists, anarchists, fascists, fundamentalist Christians, fundamentalist Muslims, those espousing the moral superiority of a certain type of lifestyle as if it's the only way for a country/culture or individual to live and everything else is evil/crazy/stupid/backward, those espousing a certain type of relationship with their parents/children/wives/friends to be the only way to have relationships. Ideologues, basically, who are usually so brainwashed they don't even recognize the inherent subjectivity of their own views or even think of it as an ideology. Talking with them is like living in the Matrix or some other virtual world of pre-programmed people, robots on autopilot who cannot change or even question their code.
WatchTillTandavaJun 3, 2019 12:19 PM
Jun 3, 2019 12:32 PM

Feb 2019
I don't know if I'd call it hate, but I just can't stand pseudo-know-it-all arrogant people who always talk down to those around them, I try to steer away from them.
Jun 3, 2019 12:46 PM
Jul 2018
Scud said:
I don't really waste time thinking about it. Usually someone just irks me for reasons I can't put my finger on. Bit much to call it 'hate' though.

high iq answer

theres 100000000 different negative qualities people can have its not even worth the time/energy thinking about or hating them
Jun 3, 2019 1:00 PM

Nov 2017
Hate's a strong word. I'm just going to list a few kinds of people I can't jibe with no matter what...

Bigots - Racism, homophobia/transphobia, sexism, religious bigotry, etc. has no place in my social circle. I don't want you around me or breathing the same oxygen as me or at all.

Insecure/negative - No offense, but insecure/negative people tend to be boring and draining as hell. And nowhere near as interesting or complex as they think they are. There's nothing wrong with being insecure per se, but lashing out at others or projecting onto others is not cool! Either improve yourself so you can efface your shortcomings like a decent, moral person would, or accept that you can't change your perceived flaws and there's no need to make other people feel bad. Of course, people tend to have a less critical view of themselves. I can't imagine anyone wanting to go, "Good God, I suck". And it's more difficult and scary to confront your own demons than trying to make someone else feel bad. Also, my sky-high confidence and "I can do anything" attitude is just gonna annoy you anyway.

Holier-than-thou - Golly, it's got to be tiring to be the ethics police and in constant judgment of others and what they do with their lives. Were you asleep when your parents or teachers were talking about the Golden Rule or something? What ever happened to "Live and let live"? People are individuals and individuals are different. So not everyone wants to do or likes the same things you do (shocking truth!). Sooo if you want to get all judgy 'cause someone has a tattoo, is in a polyamorous relationship, or does drugs, do this one simple thing instead: shut the hell up.

Know-it-alls - It's like a cross between insecure and holier-than-thou except well, they act like they know everything. Bill Nye was right, "Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don't". But know-it-alls don't have an ounce of humility or self awareness. I mean, why would they? Whatever you do, they do it better, they've been there and done that, and have all the answers before the questions are even asked. But I've noticed deep down, they're insecure, obnoxious, obtuse and socially retarded. All because they're difficult, controlling, can't make or keep friends, but they think they are superior compared to other people and should be treated as such.

Yeah, I just dislike immoral people in general. I said in another post that was my meaness for today, but this post will be the last one, I swear to 鷲羽神様! This post was pretty negative so in order to curtail some of the negativity I just put out in the universe, I should probably post a good song. At least it'll make me feel better

Jun 3, 2019 1:07 PM
Jul 2018
People faking severe mental illnesses, making us look bad. Stop imitating Hannibal the Cannibal, or faking depression for attention w/ edgy images. Fuck off, honestly.

Otherwise, people lying about achievements in life. E.g. claiming to be in medicine, and insulting those who're in STEM who've lost loved ones. Strange how its people doing it through a monitor and not IRL.

Maneki-Mew said:

Does getting 7/13 make me the mega 'douche'?
removed-userJun 3, 2019 2:40 PM
Jun 3, 2019 1:18 PM

Dec 2015
I hate people named Bobby and people with two hands.
Jun 3, 2019 1:56 PM

Nov 2013
people who have static lists of reasons why they dislike people. often upon reflection some of those traits usually applies to them too :>
the official MAL hall of fame/cursed comments is now open for business - you are welcome to PM me any potential quotes to include
Jun 3, 2019 2:04 PM

Aug 2017
The ones I hate over all is stupid people
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jun 3, 2019 2:11 PM
Jul 2018
BallistikJuice said:
Maneki-Mew said:
- People, who have zero empathy for others and don't understand (or don't want to understand) others.
- Sexist people and co., who are very uncomfortable to be around and that's against women and men, but mainly because I don't need someone around, who doesn't respect me like a normal human being.
- People, who shove in others face "Look what a good human being I am, far better than all of you are!"
- People, who can't reflect their own actions and agree on making mistakes. It's tiring and you don't know what to do anymore, if people just won't understand and will do things again and again.
- People, who persistently think they know better what's good for you than you do yourself and won't listen or change their mind.
- People with some extreme beliefs in general and if they want them to force on you.
- Pretentious people, who can't do shit and are not that smart how they make themselves look like, but still think they are an expert in everything or are more intelligent than everyone around them.
- Too delusional people and these, who are living in another reality than most. Like, someone said to me "All of you guys are so boring, living the bourgeois life, most of you working 20-40 hours a week, studying, and the highlight of your lives are some events, vacations, cons, new anime etc... all of you are sooo ordinary and boring!!1" - the guy was over 30, leeching on his rich parents his whole life. -__-
- Also: People, who have insanly high standards for others, especially if they base them on fiction, but don't have experiences on their own. Still, they judge others on everything they do wrong, but don't experience what's like to have to make decisions on their own. It's easy to have high standards, if they are never challenged.
- People, who have zero manners.
- People, who extremely pity themselves over nothing, although they are the problem, like "nobody loves me", but they do everything that people couldn't.
- Being hurtful to others for some sadistic reasons.
- It's not "hate", but I don't know how (or don't want) to deal with people, who seem to be horny 24/7 and can't talk about anything else.

Damn, that list is long...

Finish the damn list! or I won't be able to sleep tonight (^_^;)

BallistikJuice said:
Maneki-Mew said:
- People, who have zero empathy for others and don't understand (or don't want to understand) others.
- Sexist people and co., who are very uncomfortable to be around and that's against women and men, but mainly because I don't need someone around, who doesn't respect me like a normal human being.
- People, who shove in others face "Look what a good human being I am, far better than all of you are!"
- People, who can't reflect their own actions and agree on making mistakes. It's tiring and you don't know what to do anymore, if people just won't understand and will do things again and again.
- People, who persistently think they know better what's good for you than you do yourself and won't listen or change their mind.
- People with some extreme beliefs in general and if they want them to force on you.
- Pretentious people, who can't do shit and are not that smart how they make themselves look like, but still think they are an expert in everything or are more intelligent than everyone around them.
- Too delusional people and these, who are living in another reality than most. Like, someone said to me "All of you guys are so boring, living the bourgeois life, most of you working 20-40 hours a week, studying, and the highlight of your lives are some events, vacations, cons, new anime etc... all of you are sooo ordinary and boring!!1" - the guy was over 30, leeching on his rich parents his whole life. -__-
- Also: People, who have insanly high standards for others, especially if they base them on fiction, but don't have experiences on their own. Still, they judge others on everything they do wrong, but don't experience what's like to have to make decisions on their own. It's easy to have high standards, if they are never challenged.
- People, who have zero manners.
- People, who extremely pity themselves over nothing, although they are the problem, like "nobody loves me", but they do everything that people couldn't.
- Being hurtful to others for some sadistic reasons.
- It's not "hate", but I don't know how (or don't want) to deal with people, who seem to be horny 24/7 and can't talk about anything else.

Damn, that list is long...

Finish the damn list! or I won't be able to sleep tonight (^_^;)

For now, I'm fine, but new courses might bring new hate, I dunno.
I swear, normally I get along with most, I could call that "decent human being" or so.

Seiya said:
Maneki-Mew said:

Well yes, haha.
I can take a little bit of some of these stuff or to some degree and still like the person, but if it's too much, it's really unlikeable.

I'm quite the opposite. There were some people 40+ I liked, because they were still open-minded, but many old people become so hateful and narrow-minded, especially towards the younger generations. They are stucked in their time and won't leave it.

You see, with me, I'm stuck in the "old people" time, despite being much younger than they are.

I spent my entire childhood playing my grandparent's old LPs & 45s, and I never listened to modern music. Because of this, I somehow cut myself off from the modern world, and I only like old stuff, and this is the reason I never liked being around people my age or younger, because I have nothing in common with them.

Me "fitting in" with young people would be like a 75 year old man trying to fit in with young people. It just doesn't work.

That's absolutely okay, I mean I don't "hate" most old people either, it's just quite many of them were spiteful and all.
Jun 3, 2019 2:16 PM

Jan 2009
maybe those people that uses science to discriminate or even dehumanize people, there is a reason dangerous science and technology like human experiments and nukes are regulated by ethics/morality
Jun 3, 2019 2:27 PM

Nov 2013
@Flevalt difficult to tell whether you are being sarcastic or stupid, but since it's MAL i often just assume the latter as it's usually true. i'll bite.

i mentioned static not in terms of expecting a list to evolve as you read it, but that if you have pet peeves there should be an expectation that you reach some level of experience where trivial things shouldn't matter as much. the more you cling to passively disregarding people who carry these undesirable traits the less opportunity you have to understand them, and move past them so you can enjoy your life more. or better yet, have some self development and realise you may be an asshole too or whatever your pet peeve is. the amount of contradictory statements people make about these things is comical at times.

"i hate people who leave the door open when they leave the room" ---> does that themselves 5 minutes later. mostly i think it's just a case of lacking self awareness and where your boundaries really should be for what bothers you. the longer the list the more of a landmine your personality is to others really.

although i do like your list of what you don't hate, the ethos behind it doesn't apply in real life as all of those traits don't make them up as people. we have more to offer than just being humble, or poor. poor people still kill people for fun you know?
the official MAL hall of fame/cursed comments is now open for business - you are welcome to PM me any potential quotes to include
Jun 3, 2019 2:45 PM

Jan 2017
Anyone who has a inflated ego. I'm a prideful person myself and respect others who are the same. The thing about being proud and confident in what you do is to not speak of it and let actions show, people who try to one up the other by saying "oh I did this and that etc etc" or making excuses for underperforming instead of owning up to it like "Oh I didn't get enough sleep, oh I wasn't paying attention or I wasn't trying" etc etc always rub me the wrong way. No idea if it's due to peoples insecurity that they need to make excuses like that or they actually believe what they are saying but it paints a negative image.

If you believe in your ability it never needs to be stated. Even when being called out about underperforming [despite always being at your prime] it is best to acknowledge it and never make excuses, if the person knows your past ability it will never be a issue.
Jun 3, 2019 2:53 PM

Jun 2019
People who are boring and negative all the time 😁

Jun 3, 2019 3:55 PM

Mar 2016
Close-minded people who are not willing to accept people different than them or even debate people with different stances on topics cause they’re insecure about their stances. Bigots and racists who incite hate, violence, and dehumanization of others are also some of worst people out there.
Jun 3, 2019 4:04 PM

Jul 2015
There’s not a type of person I dislike the most, but social climbers irk me I guess
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