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Feb 13, 2018 4:12 PM

Apr 2013
those look like some thots bro

Don't have one, there are a lot of cuties from every race. After that it just depends on their personality.
Feb 13, 2018 4:24 PM
Sep 2007
leosapathy said:
those look like some thots bro
Well, we are talking about looks in this thread.
Feb 13, 2018 4:35 PM

Dec 2016
I'm White with a very tiny amount of Basque in me.

I love all women and I've dated just about every kind. I've learned there's a couple types that don't interest me as much and one of them is Filipino women. Don't get me wrong they can be very beautiful and you have to go by individuals and my sister in law is Filipino.

I'm generalizing but here's what I found...

Filipino Women: Very warm and loving. But once you get with them they will literally work you to death. My Brother and other people I know who have married them ever stop working, they constantly either are working second jobs or they are doing huge chores. Filipino women are the boss of the household.

Chinese Women: You better either have money, or a good education. Chinese women can be very materialistic and status is important to them.

Mexican Women: Again very warm and loving, quite often stunningly beautiful. Quite often Jealous and protective. May still be living like a Catholic School Girl with their family as they are not expected to move out until they get married which makes them hard to date. Family is important so expect friendly death threats from their many Brothers and Cousins if you mess up.

Feb 13, 2018 4:53 PM

Apr 2010
I can't be bothered with something I think is so foolish.

There's much more I can look for in a partner than the color of their skin. A waste of my life, tbh.
[Catchy, cool, insightful quote]
Feb 13, 2018 5:31 PM

Nov 2014
Hasn't this thread already been made before?

What's your ethnicity?


Do you have a racial preference for dating?


What about races which you're not that into?

Whatever race finds these kinds of questions relevant.

Which racial group typically has the hots for you?

I've had nice intra and inter racial relationships.

Why do you think that is?

Because we got along with each other. It's not rocket science.
Feb 13, 2018 6:22 PM

Mar 2008
Psajdak said:

But when they look like this, IMO, they are far more beautiful than other races I usually favour.

First girl is a nope for me but part of that is her makeup. Second girl is cuter.
Feb 13, 2018 7:39 PM

Jan 2016
if they are not a minotaur i am really not interested in dating
Feb 13, 2018 7:52 PM

Mar 2017
I'm mostly German, Welsh, and Vietnamese with a tad bit of Jewish and Indian (India, not Native American).

I'm particularly attracted to French and Russian girls but I'm pretty open to all races. The girl I'm interested in right now is mostly Hungarian. The only races don't really find attractive are African and similarly-featured people and southeast Asians. There are few exceptions.

And no that's not racist.

I've noticed that the people that are into me are almost always white girls and dudes.
Feb 13, 2018 8:06 PM
Jul 2018
I am white, and I only want to date white. I dated a Spanish girl once, but that is as far off from white as I will go.

I definitely do not think it is racist to have racialized sexual preferences, as I am as inclusive as ever when it comes to things that are not related to my sexuality. Why would that even be something that I decide? It is like telling a gay man that he is sexist because he does not want to get with woman - something which we would consider fucking absurd in today's society. I am attracted to white women, and thats that. As long as the reason for the attraction isn't engrained in racist beliefs (which it can be for some, so in that case it would be racist), then it is fine. I don't even think it is racist to like a specific race for specific stereotypes related to their bodies (for example, asians being small), although it would be into a race for personality stereotypes (for example, asians being submissive). Overall, as long as the reasons behind a racialized sexual preference is reasonable and does not discriminate or exoticize a culture or race in a negative way, it seems okay.

I'm not really sure about which groups typically have the hots for me. Been a while since I've been in the dating game. When I was looking for relationships, it was a variety. Like I said, I dated a Spanish girl, so obviously there have been Spanish girls attracted to me, although I've also had several white women, as well as black women attracted to me. So couldn't give a definite answer.
Feb 13, 2018 8:07 PM

Mar 2016

- Northern European
- I prefer other Northern Europeans (Fair skin, eyes, hair), whites in general though.
- No, how is liking people culturally and ethnically similar too you racist.
- idk
Feb 13, 2018 8:39 PM

Mar 2008
hibadaddy said:
I am white, and I only want to date white. I dated a Spanish girl once, but that is as far off from white as I will go.

Spanish is white lol Did you mean a Hispanic girl that wasn't a white Hispanic but was like a light brown maybe? Or did you really mean Spanish and it was meant as a joke?

N30-R3TR0 said:

I'm particularly attracted to French and Russian girls but I'm pretty open to all races. The girl I'm interested in right now is mostly Hungarian. The only races don't really find attractive are African and similarly-featured people and southeast Asians. There are few exceptions.

I like the petitness of some Russians.

Does she speak Hungarian? I'm guessing that's not the case which is too bad since It's an attractive language when from a cute looking girl.

Yomiyuki said:
i would date olive-skinned girls, but i'll only seriously get with girls as white or whiter than me, fampire

An albino? I heard they often have poor vision as part of their condition.
Feb 13, 2018 8:43 PM

Mar 2017
traed said:
hibadaddy said:
I am white, and I only want to date white. I dated a Spanish girl once, but that is as far off from white as I will go.

N30-R3TR0 said:

I'm particularly attracted to French and Russian girls but I'm pretty open to all races. The girl I'm interested in right now is mostly Hungarian. The only races don't really find attractive are African and similarly-featured people and southeast Asians. There are few exceptions.

I like the petitness of some Russians.

Does she speak Hungarian? I'm guessing that's not the case which is too bad since It's an attractive language when from a cute looking girl

She can a little bit. She is definitely the cutest girl I know. Too bad she has a bf. Rip me.
Feb 13, 2018 8:59 PM

Feb 2015
"You just have to be 2D or I won't even fap while looking at you"
Feb 14, 2018 9:44 AM

Apr 2015
Fun fact:
People who say "I dont date outside my race" have never dated and probably wont in the near future.
Feb 14, 2018 11:00 AM

Oct 2015
Most people who say they have no racial preferences are lying.

Claire said:
Is having a preference or disinclination for a particular racial group racist or is it all a matter of taste in regards to what we fantasize?

I answered that in another thread
Orhunaa said:
Technically, not wanting to date a certain race can be considered racism according to definitions of racism and prejudice which means that most people are a bit racist already. And that's just one example. Implicit bias also does qualify.

I don't feel like writing a long reply. I like Japanese and Korean men/women the most and black men/women the least.
Feb 14, 2018 11:15 AM

Apr 2017
I don't. I've dated black, brown, white, pink and moving on to Asian next....If I can find one
Feb 14, 2018 2:32 PM

Jul 2017
What's your ethnicity?

OoF um Cuban/Lebanese/Canadian/German (My ancestry is legit from every region of the world)
I have the appearance of a white-passing Latina with ~some~ Lebanese features (long eyelashes, big eyes)

Do you have a racial preference for dating? What about races which you're not that into? Please elaborate on your preferences in a list format, from the most preferred to the least.
White (i luv dem blue eyes) > Latino > Black > Middle Eastern > Asian

Is having a preference or disinclination for a particular racial group racist or is it all a matter of taste in regards to what we fantasize?

It isn't. I feel that it is a combination of the diversity of the location where we are raised as well as the natural instinct of wanting a partner the same race as us.

Which racial group typically has the hots for you? Why do you think that is?

White People definitely. The stereotypical Latina body frame in a white dominated city is a rarity.

“The essence of good deeds and evil deeds are the same.
They’re both no more than a person’s actions to make up for a defect in themselves.”

-Yashiro Gaku (Erased)
Feb 14, 2018 3:38 PM
Jul 2018
1. im white
4. i think grandmas have the hots for me, they always smile at me
Feb 14, 2018 4:35 PM
Nov 2017
>What's your ethnicity?

Who gives a shit about my ethnicity. We're all part of the human race.

>Do you have a racial preference for dating? What about races which you're not that into? Please elaborate on your preferences in a list format, from the most preferred to the least.

Preference: Humans >>>>>>>> Everything else

>Is having a preference or disinclination for a particular racial group racist or is it all a matter of taste in regards to what we fantasize?

Yes. Humans are very diverse and showing preference towards one feature over the other is discriminatory.

>Which racial group typically has the hots for you? Why do you think that is?

Humans typically have the hots for me. I think that's because they were human being and so am I.
Feb 14, 2018 4:51 PM

Feb 2008
3 out of 5 of my girlfriends were also white, with the current and the last being Japanese.

I'm not exclusively attracted to any race, but I really couldn't see myself being with a non-Japanese girl due to my life now being centered in the country. I don't want to live in Canada, so if it was another white girl I would have to leave them to go back to Japan - that wouldn't really work out.

And I'm much more attracted to the Japanese style - cute, feminine, conservative - so it would take a really special western girl to turn my head nowadays. But it's not like it's something I have to consider, as my current girlfriend will likely end up my wife in the next year or so.
Feb 14, 2018 6:41 PM

Mar 2015
I'm white and I don't really have a preference, probably because I have little experience ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Honestly if I can get along with someone or enjoy their company then that's enough for me, no point getting caught up on the details.
Feb 14, 2018 6:56 PM
Nov 2017
Khajiit or Argonian preferably...Dark Elf in a pinch.
Feb 14, 2018 10:18 PM

Aug 2012
Though I was born in Brazil, I am fully white. Such thing is uncommon here, yes. I´ve only dated white dudes so far and I still think they´re the most attractive.

I think some guys that approached me before were mullato.
"Could you not talk with me? I'm busy breathing."
Feb 14, 2018 10:27 PM

Oct 2015

Wish more interesting discussions were commonplace in casual discussion

Feb 14, 2018 11:29 PM
Mar 2017
white pale men, preferably mid to skinny in terms of body type.
Feb 14, 2018 11:51 PM

Sep 2016
I’d like myself a hot elf as a girlfriend. If that’s not possible then a cute caucasian girl.

🔥You're looking at someone🔥

🔥Who is superior to you🔥

🔥You have my permission to🔥

🔥Bask in my glow🔥

Feb 15, 2018 2:22 AM

Mar 2014
What's your ethnicity?
- well, it's kinda hard. i have a melayu, minang, jawa and a bit of arab on my bloodline. hmm, i'm not sure if it's true but grandpa's father from my father side, was told to be a dutch, but i don't have time to verify this one. so :shrug:

Do you have a racial preference for dating? What about races which you're not that into? Please elaborate on your preferences in a list format, from the most preferred to the least.
- if you're interesting, i'll date you. that's what matter to me. i've had dating only with melayu, minang and jawa though because these people are the most populated people here. hmmm, and i see all of them as asians even though i've known that there are 2 of my exes that they're just like me, a hybrid. so :shrug:

Is having a preference or disinclination for a particular racial group racist or is it all a matter of taste in regards to what we fantasize?
- hmmm, depends on who do you ask this question i think. for me, as long as that person have something to give other than just money and sweet words (i can get money by my own and i'm sure i have some skill with wording, so i don't really care about those two that much). and my preference is more into what lies inside, not what you've shown outside because i heard that korea and thailand people are very good at modifying human's outside counterpart. if you're a television, i don't care how many inches is your display, what i care is how much is your dpi

Which racial group typically has the hots for you? Why do you think that is?
- well, as long as you're a human, you're hot.
Feb 15, 2018 2:31 AM

Mar 2016
"What's your ethnicity?"
It's Japanese even if i'm little mixed.
My Father is Japanese why my Mother is Japanese, Hawaiian and Filipino.

"Do you have a racial preference for dating?"
If was not married to Japanese man who i very much love, would have to say...
Asian people, Hispanic people or Black people.

"What about races which you're not that into?"
The reason being most the messed up shit that happen to me in life... came from Caucasians.
Like as child my step Father who abused me, raped me and try to beat me to death...
He was Caucasian and a pedofile, best news ever got was when found out he was stabbed to death in prison. lol
Most my American school life i was bullied and crushed on by Caucasians.
I'm Asian and was seen as handicapped since was Hard of Hearing and Mute... I'm sure people can think of some of the shit I heard and dealt with. One day there be some Caucasian bitch bullying me then the next have some Caucasian boy crushing on me trying to get in my pants thinking i'm easy target.
I dated a Caucasian man once in middle school, who turned out being a abusive relationship.
Then dated some Caucasian girl who ended up being schizophrenic who would stalk me and wanted to kill me after broke up with her.
After all that i just stopped with Caucasians.

"Which racial group typically has the hots for you?"
Growing up some in the United States, it was Caucasians.
(If the only reason you have the hots for me if cause i'm Asian and you have a Asian fetish... leave me alone.)
Here in Japan, it's mostly Japanese men with some foreigners here and there.

Feb 15, 2018 3:13 AM

Nov 2016
My dad is arabian,but I'm a white guy with dark blonde hair.

I prefer asian and oriental women, they're usually petite and have a very feminine figure.I think they're even more attractive when they have pale skin and dark hair.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Feb 15, 2018 3:38 AM

Apr 2015
Ethnicity: Chinese-Indonesian
Racial Preference: Well most of chinese people here tend to be strict with culture and educate their childrens to marry another chinese, but I don't really care about cultures tbh. Still, Orient ppl attract me the most because perhaps my weeb tendencies, but most recently I found Hispanic girls to be as attractive. I guess a mixture of both will fits me better? lmao
Not really into: Caucasians, specially Slavs but I'm not racist to them as I have some slav friends which is nice too, just a marriage preference I guess. Second I guess is black?

I'm straight male, so girls only: Orient=Hispanic/Latina>Native>Middle Eastern>Black=Caucasian>Slav

I'm not racist at all just a matter of taste in girls I suppose.

I live in Indonesia and typically Indonesians attracted to me the most. I'm not that attractive to Chinese, perhaps because I'm rather tan instead of yellow.

Idk how to separate Indonesians from Chinese-Indonesians, really since these so-called "Indonesians" ancestors are from Yunan province of China. These ancestors just migrated to Indonesia earlier (perhaps in 2nd century?) than us the so-called "Chinese-Indonesian" which is about 20th century.
Feb 15, 2018 4:00 AM

Apr 2013
Cbr_Star said:

Chinese Women: You better either have money, or a good education. Chinese women can be very materialistic and status is important to them.

that's so true LMAO education & potential to earn money are the two biggest factors. like my mom calls me once a week to make sure that lesson gets hammered in.

What's your ethnicity?
Do you have a racial preference for dating? What about races which you're not that into? Please elaborate on your preferences in a list format, from the most preferred to the least.
east asian > white > southeast asian > every other race.
besides having the shit beaten out of me by my traditional chinese family if i date outside their preference, i prefer east asian guys in general. there's just more cultural common ground. with races that i'm not into, it's like a conditioned response. i can clearly see who's attractive & who's not regardless of race, but i'm just raised not being attracted to brown/black/latino/middle eastern/etc.

Is having a preference or disinclination for a particular racial group racist or is it all a matter of taste in regards to what we fantasize?
i don't think it's racist, but when ppl start thinking of a race as this exotic fantasy then it becomes fetishism. like ya it's ok to find asian girls cute, but if u think all asian girls are sexy only bc of their oh so silky black hair & petite figure & small eyes, then it's kinda creepy.

Which racial group typically has the hots for you? Why do you think that is?
i'm popular w asian guys & guys w/ yellow fever. i think the reason is bc i look conventionally pretty in the asian standard. my skin's rly pale & double eye lids & dyed hair & eyebrows drawn straight. but it's more of a double edged sword than not bc i get rude ass comments like 'you're rly pretty for a chinese girl...' or 'you look korean! you should be glad you don't look chinese' all the time. literally on a weekly basis. like ok sit down u koreaboo, bc that's not a compliment ?? i'm not even into krn culture, it's just what i look like ? ? when i spent 100$ on make up and took 45 min to do my make up in the morning, it sure as hell wasn't bc i wanted to look kpop for u. /end rant
sutoriFeb 15, 2018 4:21 AM
Feb 15, 2018 6:14 AM

Oct 2015
zodd0 said:
Orhunaa said:
Most people who say they have no racial preferences are lying.

Source: your butthole.

Wrong. It's common sense. It kinda makes you wonder when those same people who said they're equally attracted to all races and have no preferences when dating related to race having no problems telling their non-racial preferences like height, eye color, muscularity etc. They're obviously trying too hard to not sound racist.
Auron_Feb 15, 2018 6:19 AM
Feb 15, 2018 6:33 AM

Apr 2017
Orhunaa said:
Wrong. It's common sense. It kinda makes you wonder when those same people who said they're equally attracted to all races and have no preferences when dating related to race having no problems telling their non-racial preferences like height, eye color, muscularity etc. They're obviously trying too hard to not sound racist.

For some people race is irrelevant in this way, or their "preference" change from time to time, which is understandable since the concept of race is a social construction and not much else. Same can't be be fully said about something like height.

Feb 15, 2018 6:39 AM

Oct 2015
zodd0 said:

I dunno man if someone doesn't find physical appearance of say, asians attractive it's likely not gonna change. Unless you're asexual finding your partner physically attractive is important.

And well, I used "most" meaning there may be a few people who are exceptions.
Feb 15, 2018 6:45 AM
Apr 2016
Brazilian and White.

To be honest, i highly preffer dating white girls, i don't feel much attraction to ppl of other racial type.

That's not racist, it's just your type of ppl.

Asian girls but i've never date one, lol.
Feb 15, 2018 6:48 AM
Oct 2009
Latino here.
No preference, for me it all goes down if we click or not. Simple as that. I've hanged out with alot of girls, and it just come down to their mindset, vibes and how they get shit done.

Other than that, as for race and ethnicity, be open mofos. Don't knock it until you try it. Be open, cause you can learn alot from somebody else outside your "circle" "bubble" etc.
Feb 15, 2018 7:01 AM

Aug 2015
I'm white as fuck and only attracted to white and asian ethnicities.

It's rare for me to find good-looking black, brown, indian, latino or middle eastern women.
The skin color is of course a big factor, but i find that white and asian women have the prettiest facial structure and features.
Feb 15, 2018 9:07 AM

Sep 2012
I prefer Asians and white girls.

I never really tend to find black women attractive date-worthy for I'm not sure why.
☕ Truth be told, I'm quite proud of my house blend. To attain my flavor and fragrance, I use five different types of coffee beans. ☕
Feb 15, 2018 9:15 AM

Feb 2017
What's your ethnicity?
A bunch of different Caucasian/European.

Do you have a racial preference for dating?
Yes, I prefer Asians, such as Koreans. Close second would be Latinas.

What about races which you're not that into?
I'm not attracted to African/Black all that much. There are exceptions, just from a broad general view I don't get attracted to their features.

Please elaborate on your preferences in a list format, from the most preferred to the least.


Is having a preference or disinclination for a particular racial group racist or is it all a matter of taste in regards to what we fantasize?

It's similar to art. You have no control over what art stimulates you, and what art repulses you.

Which racial group typically has the hots for you? Why do you think that is?

Latinas. Almost every Latina girl I've talked to for a while ends up liking me. I've had the theory it's because of my eyes and my facial hair, since they always mention they love both.

Feb 15, 2018 9:29 AM

Jun 2011
zodd0 said:
Orhunaa said:
Wrong. It's common sense. It kinda makes you wonder when those same people who said they're equally attracted to all races and have no preferences when dating related to race having no problems telling their non-racial preferences like height, eye color, muscularity etc. They're obviously trying too hard to not sound racist.

For some people race is irrelevant in this way, or their "preference" change from time to time, which is understandable since the concept of race is a social construction and not much else. Same can't be be fully said about something like height.

preference changing wouldnt be the same as having no preference and since we are talking mostly about physical appearance your "social construction" comment just makes it seem like @Orhunaa called it :p
Feb 15, 2018 9:31 AM

Apr 2011
What's your ethnicity?
Fullly Caucasian, at least eighth or ninth generation (I cannot quite find anything about our family tree from before the 16th century — but anyone beyond that is purely Dutch and never had any interracial offspring, as far as I am aware).

Do you have a racial preference for dating? What about races which you're not that into? Please elaborate on your preferences in a list format, from the most preferred to the least.
I would only enter into a relationship with another Caucasian. This goes for both cultural as well as a physical attraction. Preferably Nordic or Germanic, as our cultures, physique and appearances are most similar in nature.

Is having a preference or disinclination for a particular racial group racist or is it all a matter of taste in regards to what we fantasize?
A definite no. I find this similar to preferring a certain hair-colour or eye-colour.

Which racial group typically has the hots for you? Why do you think that is?
People are generally not that interested in me. Which is fine by me either way.
Lestat-Feb 15, 2018 10:24 AM

» "You've fought a valiant duel, my friend..." «


inspector @ MAL's anime watching challenge
Feb 15, 2018 10:05 AM

Apr 2017
Killaclown said:
preference changing wouldnt be the same as having no preference and since we are talking mostly about physical appearance your "social construction" comment just makes it seem like @Orhunaa called it :p

Uhm yeah, it could be, sort of. Someone who changes "preference" every other day or hour should even care about it because...? Someone should care if they seem to prefer people who are half white and half black, or if they prefer someone like Vanessa Hudgens who have 50 different ethnicities mixed in their genes, whatever that makes her?

I'm just calling it for what it is; not the same as "height" and not something that everyone feel to care about. So what's your problem?
Zoldra0Feb 15, 2018 10:12 AM
Feb 15, 2018 10:05 AM

Nov 2014
I'm from Spain, with very white skin

I like Scandinavians and asians the most, people with lighter tones of skin are more attractive to me.

I think it's a matter of opinion, I do whatever I want.

Typically, I'm was surrounded by Caucasians from where I used to live, Americans tourists loved our kind and culture
LelouchXLulukoFeb 15, 2018 10:11 AM
Feb 15, 2018 10:18 AM

Jun 2011
zodd0 said:
Killaclown said:
preference changing wouldnt be the same as having no preference and since we are talking mostly about physical appearance your "social construction" comment just makes it seem like @Orhunaa called it :p

Uhm yeah, it could be, sort of. Someone who changes "preference" every other day or hour should even care about it because...? Someone should care if they seem to prefer people who are half white and half black, or if they prefer someone like Vanessa Hudgens who have 50 different ethnicities mixed in their genes, whatever that makes her?

I'm just calling it for what it is; not the same as "height" and not something that everyone feel to care about. So what's your problem?
didnt say it should matter to them, just that its not the same

well ethnicity is more socially constructed than race, we all may be the human race but there are clear differences in appearances, so it is the same as "height"... i mean thats even one of the general differences lol
Feb 15, 2018 10:26 AM

Apr 2017
Killaclown said:
well ethnicity is more socially constructed than race, we all may be the human race but there are clear differences in appearances, so it is the same as "height"... i mean thats even one of the general differences lol

Uhm no, it's not...

Height is something objective. What you're talking about are looks, which are subjective. The thread is about "racial" preference, not "general look" preference, which you seem to be on about...
Feb 15, 2018 10:36 AM

Jun 2011
zodd0 said:
Killaclown said:
well ethnicity is more socially constructed than race, we all may be the human race but there are clear differences in appearances, so it is the same as "height"... i mean thats even one of the general differences lol

Uhm no, it's not...

Height is something objective. What you're talking about are looks, which are subjective. The thread is about "racial" preference, not "general look" preference, which you seem to be on about...
oh so asians arent usually short and thats not one of their attractive features? sure could have fooled me

this is what i meant by general differences, sure its not true for the entire race but there are clear differences in appearance and height happens to be one of them.... not one that i was thinking of but since you brought it up i found it pretty funny since it would just be one of the many differences
Feb 15, 2018 10:38 AM

Jul 2015
My race of choice would have to be human.
I would totally have an affair with a Time Lady though.
Feb 15, 2018 10:38 AM

Dec 2016
sutori said:
Cbr_Star said:

Chinese Women: You better either have money, or a good education. Chinese women can be very materialistic and status is important to them.

that's so true LMAO education & potential to earn money are the two biggest factors. like my mom calls me once a week to make sure that lesson gets hammered in.

besides having the shit beaten out of me by my traditional chinese family if i date outside their preference, i prefer east asian guys in general. there's just more cultural common ground. with races that i'm not into, it's like a conditioned response. i can clearly see who's attractive & who's not regardless of race, but i'm just raised not being attracted to brown/black/latino/middle eastern/etc.

That's the problem I ran into with the Chinese Girl Friend I had and it really broke my heart. She was in University, and honestly I was living a somewhat bohemian lifestyle at the time where I was playing guitar in a band, and working at entry level jobs while I tried to also pursue photography.

The thing is that's what's was attractive about me to her because deep down she wanted to have that freedom, and in her heart she was a musician.

When things got more serious well her family got involved and suddenly I wasn't good enough. She dropped me like I was nothing after two year relationship because her Mother told her to.

Sad thing is it was a couple years after that I was getting closer to my late 20's and I pulled a 180, and pursued a very successful career in Insurance and would have had everything her family wanted.
Feb 15, 2018 10:40 AM

Apr 2017
Killaclown said:
oh so asians arent usually short and thats not one of their attractive features? sure could have fooled me

this is what i meant by general differences, sure its not true for the entire race but there are clear differences in appearance and height happens to be one of them.... not one that i was thinking of but since you brought it up i found it pretty funny since it would just be one of the many differences

Orhunaa was the one who brought up height and compared it to race, not me. It is obviously not comparable.

Nobody has said there aren't general differences in appearances of races...
Feb 15, 2018 11:02 AM

Jun 2011
zodd0 said:
Killaclown said:
oh so asians arent usually short and thats not one of their attractive features? sure could have fooled me

this is what i meant by general differences, sure its not true for the entire race but there are clear differences in appearance and height happens to be one of them.... not one that i was thinking of but since you brought it up i found it pretty funny since it would just be one of the many differences

Orhunaa was the one who brought up height and compared it to race, not me. It is obviously not comparable.

Nobody has said there aren't general differences in appearances of races...
my bad there, but i mean it is comparable.... its literally one of the differences

didnt say you did, just was saying what i meant by general difference since you said it wasnt the same as racial difference
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2 hours ago
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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