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Magical Girl Raising Project (light novel)
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Dec 12, 2016 4:54 AM

Jan 2011
Welp....Top Speed has to be my favorite character. I just marathon up to this episode in a day. MY god...just no....this show is so fucking good.
I haven't updated in years but now I have changed that. I'll be free soon.
Dec 12, 2016 5:10 AM

Jan 2012
ernst said:
sanlei said:
Also btw. Cranberry wasnt shocked that Swim Swim was a child, so she hesitated to kill her. She was more surprised that such a young child had so much of a potential and reminded her of her own past, as she was also quite young in her own selection test.

I see, another shit change. How many does that make now? We can never have perfect adaptations after all. I find this show interesting but still not enough to make me read the original, especially after seeing how many volumes there are now.
How can people call Tama the weakest after all that? If I know she can do that, I'll treat her like a secret weapon.
I like how Swim Swim wins by cheapshots instead of the usual shounen shits or generic strategy that sounds awesome but if you think about it, it only works bcuz the enemies are ignorant fools and the MC is the only one who studied shits. Also unlike most here, I like how she killed Alice, so unfair but how can she or anyone kill her otherwise? Smart move, I like this villain, not her idea though. I like Alice too by the way.
I came expecting deaths and I got just that, lol at people expecting their faves to live after La Pucelle's death. The direction this show is going was so obvious by then.

Well its not really a change as the anime shows she's surprised that Swim Swim is a child, its just a bit unfortunate that it doesnt show why as she doesnt care about killin' a child. So kinda, missin' the depth which makes it understandable and feelin' rushed as it doesnt explain the reasons behind it like the LN.
Other changes are worse, especially the ones that are censoring or the view that most viewers get from seein' Snow White bein' useless.

But i will never understand censor politics, i find it worse to see Cranberry's legs without her exploded body than seein' Mary covered in glass spliters >.> Or even worse censor in mature games or anime's about Sex, shame about the art, but yeah its far better to see blood and half bodies! >.>

Anyway back to topic: I also think its better than some shounish battles, at least in the cases of Alice and Cranberry, since Swim Swim and co. wouldnt have a chance against her under "normal" fighting conditions as Cranberry would just kill them off. So its maybe anticlimatic, but just fits with a far stronger enemy that she loses by her own mistake against the weakest(with the most terrifyin' power though~) without a battle. We all saw how Cranberry played with Winterprison, so there was never a chance for a "fair" 1 on 1 battle. Especially in Swim Swim's case this isnt a option and next battle also wont be so shounish.

Still woulda have been more fun, to see some longer battles before like Alice vs. Mary, or Winterprison vs. Cranberry. Even if this wouldnt make sense especially in Swim Swim + Tama vs. Cranberry case.

Not really a fan of Swim Swim either (#fuckSwimSwim) but she fits her role and does a good job to get all the hate as a villain.
Dec 12, 2016 5:33 AM

Jun 2010
michaelh19 said:

now that I think about it, Ruler actually is a good girl... Swim swim is the bad one...

Ruler wasn't as bad as people though, but don't forget the entire killing game here started with her trying to steal candies from Snow White.
Dec 12, 2016 6:00 AM

Jan 2015
Bigod1981 said:
How specific is the identity rule? Do they have to know their full name and where they live or what?

Swim Swim appeared before Hardgore Alice in her human form was able to kill her because her "identity" was revealed by her subordinate so Alice was unable to transform again to save herself due this rule.

Swim Swim was knocked out in human form in Tama's arms, but she didn't lose her magical ability.

This rule doesn't work like that. Breaking it doesn't kill or take away powers. At least directly. It was made by people above Clanberry, to prevent normal people from learning about magical girls, but as long as it doesn't become some big news, you pretty much safe. Example: Sister Nana was perfectly fine after she told Winterprison (before that one also become magical girl) about herself.
Also Ruler modified this rule to apply also to other magical girls.
Dec 12, 2016 6:19 AM

Apr 2013
michaelh19 said:
Poor Tama...
now that I think about it, Ruler actually is a good girl... Swim swim is the bad one...
I wonder what happen if Ripple manages to kill Swim swim and find out that she is a little girl... damn...
Cranberry's dead reminds me too btooom though... the bomb that sucks it surroundings...

I repeat: only Cramberry is a bad girl.

neonie said:
michaelh19 said:

now that I think about it, Ruler actually is a good girl... Swim swim is the bad one...

Ruler wasn't as bad as people though, but don't forget the entire killing game here started with her trying to steal candies from Snow White.

This killing game started with Cramberry and Fav. Ruler did nothing wrong (if this survivor game doesn't happened they all keep being good mahou shoujo). If Swim Swim doens't have betrayed Ruler, I think the four survivors would be Ruler, Swim Swim, Tama and Minael or Yunael, and new Fav's master would be Ruler, then all this killing game would have stopped.
Dec 12, 2016 7:00 AM

Jun 2015
Hmm the beginning scene
Was Cranberry part of that intake of the girls i wonder

damn what a battle royal
So Cranberry was the only survivor here eh

With that level of experience its no wonder that Cranberry
is such a good tactician
dealing with Tama and Swim Swim must be like child play to her

hmm as expected Cranberry is Swim's equal in combat
even with Swims ability
hmm Swims real identity is that of a child eh

thats pretty surprising
wow to think that Tama was the one that managed to kill Cranberry
but man Swims pretty ruthless killing even Tama who was on your team
just because she found out your real identity

hmm so Tama had a pretty neglected life
always being overshadowed by her brother
at least her gran was nice to her
too bad that she died though

i wonder was one of the criteria for magical girls was that
they had to be neglected or sad in addition to being positive and determined
Tama sure fits the former

Forgot how horrible Ruler was lol
despite that its nice seeing that Ruler did have a softer side to her
when she helped Tama understand her document

so since Cranberry was the current master
and since Tama isn't alive anymore
Swim becomes the new master then eh
its too bad that we didn't get to see what Cranberry's real life self looked like

hmm so Swims not going to work together with Fav then eh
so now then there's only three girls left
Snow white, Ripple and Swim Swim
i guess next will be sudden death eh

God i miss top speed as does Ripple
her positive attitude sure was infectious
and she cared about all of them

To have suffered the loss of so many friends
Snow white and Ripple must feel horrible
having the ones that they care about and value the most guest star here
was a nice touch
Top speed for ripple and La Pacelle for snow white

so Ripple is now focused on getting revenge for top speed then eh
so ripple carried Top speeds body back to her home so that it can be found by
her family. That was a nice move and though it would have brought her family
much sadness they at least would have the body to mourn with.

Ripples conversation with Top speeds ghost though was a nice touch
being able to have one last convo with her
and make your amends and apologies

the transformation scene though was pretty well done
looks like the next and episode will be the final showdown
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Dec 12, 2016 7:32 AM

Jun 2010
[quote=KatanaBR message=48926629]
michaelh19 said:

This killing game started with Cramberry and Fav. Ruler did nothing wrong.

1. Not the game it self, the actual shady play and attempt to protect your self through ill-gotten means started with Ruler in this iteration of the game, that Fav and Cranberry put on.

2. You can't say Ruler did nothing wrong, when Swim Swim's entire mindset and code of conduct is constructed from Rulers influence. It does not, by any means, excuse Swim Swim.

But I disagree entirely with the idea of treating Ruler as some Innocent Patriarch of good morals when she very clearly was not. If she was, this whole iteration of the game would have went entirely differently.
Dec 12, 2016 8:46 AM
Nov 2016
I not think Ruler will win this game even if she not be betrayed like KatanaBR suspect

1. If Swim Swim not betray Ruler, Snow White will die (or La Pucelle who will pass
SW her candys), after this not think Nana will want to do any agreement wyth
Ruler team so lure Winterprison into a trap will be almost impossible. This will
meak big chang in all game
2. Atak on Snow White, from start was only test for Ruler her real goal was
elimineat Calamity Mary.
So if all go good, atak on Calamity Mary will be next Ruler move and from this
whot we know about Mary combat experience, firepower and range i not think
it;s will end good for Ruler or etlist not good for many member of her team.
Dec 12, 2016 10:04 AM

Oct 2014
Swim Swim and Kiritsugu should meet some day.
Dec 12, 2016 3:14 PM
News Team

Nov 2014
Yup, i was scared that it would happen and it did happen.
When i saw Swim swim being alright and transforming again, i just knew that she would fuck up Tama and boi she did. ;-;

I really just hope that Ripple won against swim swim.
Definitly wouldnt mind if Snow White dies, she's annoying af and useless.
But, i know she'll not die, shes the MC. ._.
Dec 12, 2016 8:24 PM
Jun 2016
damn what a nice cap poor Tama she was so dumb I kinda like her, Swim Swim omg this girl :D the hype is real and she is just a kid D: damn it, final cap will be good Ripple hope you dont die... also fuck snow white
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Dec 12, 2016 8:53 PM

Dec 2012
Ok so hardgore alice became like that because his father killed his mother right? She's still an angel compared to swim swim though. What kinda fucked up childhood backstory will they give her?

I don't watch as much anime as before...
Dec 12, 2016 10:01 PM
Oct 2012
Infatuate said:
Ok so hardgore alice became like that because his father killed his mother right? She's still an angel compared to swim swim though. What kinda fucked up childhood backstory will they give her?

No backstory necessary. The seeds were sewn before Nemurin died. Basically all of what is happening now from Ruler's death onward is because Nemurin egged on Swim Swim.
Dec 13, 2016 3:11 AM

Mar 2009
fateoffate said:
What a jobber.

lmao get rekt, Cranberry.

Poor little Tama. She did nothing wrong. It's just sad she got involved with the wrong crowd. Like a few people mentioned in this thread, it was fitting that the "weakest" killed the strongest. She couldn't find anything that she was good at in real life and her mom constantly put her down. But for a short while there, a few minutes, she was the strongest magical girl after killing Cranberry. She ended up being good at something. Kind of poetic, I guess.

Another cruel episode. Swim Swim is so twisted. One more episode left. I can't see Swim Swim surviving this. I think this will finally be it for her.
MormegilDec 13, 2016 3:15 AM
Dec 13, 2016 5:44 AM

Jan 2011
I feel so happy to be caught up. I'm hype for Saturday.
I haven't updated in years but now I have changed that. I'll be free soon.
Dec 13, 2016 7:24 AM

Jan 2012
Well... kids are dangerous... easy to brainwash them huh But she sure is cold blooded for someone so young
Dec 13, 2016 8:05 AM

Mar 2013
zeoh said:
No backstory necessary. The seeds were sewn before Nemurin died. Basically all of what is happening now from Ruler's death onward is because Nemurin egged on Swim Swim.
Would people stop blaming Nemurin? All she did was cheer up a kid who seemed to have such low self esteem she wanted to be a subject of a princess, rather than aspiring to the usual princess role. It's something a lot of people would have done in her place.
Dec 13, 2016 11:05 AM

Feb 2015
Once again I am surprised. Cranberry died. WOW did not expect that. Tama died too. Meh, it had to happen at some point. And Swim Swim is still alive. Damn it. So she was set to be Pon's master but she's unenthusiastic, not exactly the master thhat Pon hoped for. So Pon tells Ripple about Swim Swim's weakness. That's very interesting. I totally want to see Ripple defeat that little kid Swim Swim. I've grown tired of Snow White's constant pacifism. The fact that she didn't want Swim Swim to be killed is an insult to basically all of the other magical girls who have been screwed over by her. Ripple all the way~
Dec 13, 2016 2:45 PM

Nov 2013
Zefyris said:

BTW, bear in mind something, as it's easy to make the mistake and think it backward. The reason we're being shown THIS particular death game and not any of the previous ones she orchestrated is because in this one she screwed up, which never happened before. This is because it's her last, and because it will start everything, that we're seeing this one. So obviously yes she screwed up and died. If she didn't, the author would have told you about another game, not that one.

But if she orchestrated other death games before this one then why did she ask Fabuu what happens to the magical girls when they are disqualified? Shouldn't she know it already? Is that a plot hole or that just means the previous games had different rules?
“Right is right even if no one is doing it; wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it.”
― Saint Augustine
Dec 13, 2016 3:38 PM

Apr 2013
pkKodama said:
Zefyris said:

BTW, bear in mind something, as it's easy to make the mistake and think it backward. The reason we're being shown THIS particular death game and not any of the previous ones she orchestrated is because in this one she screwed up, which never happened before. This is because it's her last, and because it will start everything, that we're seeing this one. So obviously yes she screwed up and died. If she didn't, the author would have told you about another game, not that one.

But if she orchestrated other death games before this one then why did she ask Fabuu what happens to the magical girls when they are disqualified? Shouldn't she know it already? Is that a plot hole or that just means the previous games had different rules?

Don't you understand? Clamberry knew without asking, that whole conversation was staged. Clamberry even clarifies as much as possible FA-B's words to be sure that no one can interpret it in any other way than what she wants. They wanted them to discover it asap for the death game to start. They purposely had a discussion in a chat where you can check the history, knowing very well that some would check sooner or later. The sooner they know, the quicker they stop gathering candies and start the second phase.
If you think about it, that should have been obvious. That chatroom is under the AI's control since it's part of the system, there's no way that an AI "forgets" the chatroom keeps history of discussions.

BTW when peoples are disqualified as magical girls they're not actually dying. They die if they're in magical girl form when the link is severed tho. It's logic when you think about it. And that's why he cut Nemurin from the chat 10 minutes before severing the link and incited her to transform, because she's usually consulting the chat from her room without being transformed. Whereas for Ruler, he cut immediately, because she's consulting from their hideout, and she will be always be transformed here.
ZefyrisDec 14, 2016 12:24 AM
Dec 13, 2016 8:34 PM

Nov 2013
Zefyris said:
pkKodama said:

But if she orchestrated other death games before this one then why did she ask Fabuu what happens to the magical girls when they are disqualified? Shouldn't she know it already? Is that a plot hole or that just means the previous games had different rules?

Don't you understand? Clamberry knew without asking, that whole conversation was faked. Clamberry even clarifies as much as possible FA-B's words to be sure that no one can interpret it in any other way than what she wants. They wanted them to discover it asap for the death game to start. They purposely had a discussion in a chat where you can check the history, knowing very well that some would check sooner or later. The sooner they know, the quicker they stop gathering candies and start the second phase.
If you think about it, that should have been obvious. That chatroom is under the AI's control since it's part of the system, there's no way that an AI "forgets" the chatroom keeps history of discussions.

BTW when peoples are disqualified as magical girls they're not actually dying. They die if they're in magical girl form when the link is severed tho. It's logic when you think about it. And that's why he cut Nemurin from the chat 10 minutes before severing the link and incited her to transform, because she's usually consulting the chat from her room without being transformed. Whereas for Ruler, he cut immediately, because she's consulting from their hideout, and she will be always be transformed here.

Oh, I see. It's been some weeks since that episode and I didn't remember it very well, especially since back then I wasn't even suspecting Cranberry. It should have been obvious indeed if I had paid more attention to it. Thank you for the information.
“Right is right even if no one is doing it; wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it.”
― Saint Augustine
Dec 14, 2016 2:14 AM
Nov 2014
Sh0g0Mak1sh1ma said:
Snow white is just annoying, she doesn't want anyone to fight yet she's not proactively trying to stop it.

Agreed. Honestly, if she had done something to try and stop the fighting, she would be at least somewhat likeable. I honestly wouldn't mind if she was killed in the last episode because she's really annoying. But we all know she won't because she's the protagonist and has plot armor and shit.
Dec 14, 2016 5:24 AM

Apr 2013
PinkLightnan said:
Sh0g0Mak1sh1ma said:
Snow white is just annoying, she doesn't want anyone to fight yet she's not proactively trying to stop it.

Agreed. Honestly, if she had done something to try and stop the fighting, she would be at least somewhat likeable. I honestly wouldn't mind if she was killed in the last episode because she's really annoying. But we all know she won't because she's the protagonist and has plot armor and shit.

SHe has been proactively saving peoples 'lives. while other where busy killing each other. Guess what, that makes her better than anyone else in this show. Or do you hate field medics and wish they die because they save lives instead of firing a gun at the opponent?
Also, you got this backward. Anyone who survive this is a main character and will get developed. Anyone who don't is insignificant (except Clamberry), will never get developed, and doesn't matter for the story as a whole.
Dec 15, 2016 9:59 AM
Nov 2016
I have 1 question.
After ep12 I plan to start reading LN.
I should start from arc1 or can skipi it and start from arc1.5?
Dec 15, 2016 10:14 AM
Jun 2012
Styraxx said:
I have 1 question.
After ep12 I plan to start reading LN.
I should start from arc1 or can skipi it and start from arc1.5?

Just read it from Arc 1, it's not really long and you will get a better insight to Snow White and Ripple's mind.
You can even read it till the last chapter when waiting.
Dec 15, 2016 10:24 AM
Nov 2016
Thanks Noireo
I will do as you say, becous i know after
end anime i will curious what happened next
Dec 15, 2016 6:18 PM

Sep 2015
I DEFINITELY wasnt expecting Swim Swim to kill her allies at some point in this series. Hope that bitch dies by Ripple. I feel like if Snow White or Ripple get the Master status, they can revive everyone back except the bad girls.
Dec 15, 2016 7:59 PM

Apr 2014
Swim swim...that child... If she survives and with no slow and painful death idk she just deserve the worst,
But her attitude of killing Tama was so understandable, she learnt from Ruler- thus she's jus a small child.

I got to see Cranberry's death in this episode which is nice, and yet, I cried when Snow White and Ripple reminiscing their friends; ugh I just cant wait for the next episode!

and I just have a feeling that Snow White will go beserk and be the next 'master'.
Signature of three years-or-so was removed

here's my new one


Thank you and have a nice day, everyone.
Dec 15, 2016 8:44 PM

Jan 2011
I think people are downplaying of how good of an MC Snow White is. She actually wants to do her job and be a magical girl.

Everyone else is busy either trying not to fight or causing chaos to kill other magical girls. It's like a lot of them forgot what it meant to be a magical girl.
I haven't updated in years but now I have changed that. I'll be free soon.
Dec 15, 2016 9:21 PM

Aug 2016
I rated this series 8/10 after watching 11 episodes. (previously 7/10)

But honestly, no spoiler, I want to rate 9 after someone "poison" me the VN material, but then I realize it's the VN, not the anime. If there is somehow S2 of it, depend on the series, I will probably give it a 9. Snow White is the main character for a reason after all.

Dec 16, 2016 11:10 AM

Jan 2011
Episode 12 can't get here fast enough.
I haven't updated in years but now I have changed that. I'll be free soon.
Dec 16, 2016 4:46 PM

Jan 2014
And then there were three. If episode 12 sticks the dismount this may my favorite anime of the season. Such gloom and hopelessness, barrelling toward and an end as inevitable as running down an alley to try and escape from Swim Swim in the rain. Thank god the background music didn't interfere with the drama as it has during scenes in earlier episodes, and where some of the earlier flashbacks lacked punch, Tama's backstory was heartbreaking. "What did I do wrong?" were her last words. Even Cranberry's horrific death was met with a cold, unfeeling stare, then blood everywhere. Her secret death matches finally got out of hand and she was killed by probably the weakest magical girl with a power I thought at first was somewhat ridiculous.

It's difficult for me to really dislike Swim Swim. These were all children given powers and trapped by Cranberry, whose own selection process was mismanaged, resulting in disaster and deep trauma and Cranberry becoming a cold-blooded killer of countless mahou shoujo, just like Swim Swim is on her way to becoming. If there is any blame to be assessed, it belongs to the monstrosity that the World of Magic and their various administration departments. Poor, sad mahou shoujo, all victims of a runaway bureaucracy.
Dec 16, 2016 8:20 PM

Dec 2016
Well I was disappointed.. The fight between Swim Swim and Cranberry was way too short and anticlimatic, and Cranberry died in such a dumb way. She was so powerful and confident in herself and aware of her surroundings that I find it hard to believe that Tama could sneak up on her. And then to have Swim Swim thank Tama for saving her life by chopping her head off was just an insult to Cranberry's death. I wanted to see Cranberry beat Swim Swim's ass so bad but they didn't even get to fight smh..

On a good note, the second half of the episode saved it and made me want to see what Ripple does. Top Speed's death was the most upsetting for me and that scene with Ripple actually almost made me cry. All I can hope is that Ripple wins against Swim Swim, even though I would've rathered it be Cranberry who put her in her place.
Dec 17, 2016 12:20 AM
Jul 2011
"Someone has to die anyway".

That's right, that is exactly why Snow White didn't want to do anything.
She may knew a very little, but she knew that the most important thing is someone is going to die after weeks later including her.
Someone still has to die whether people play by the rules or not.
Problem like this isn't something that can be solved by just rebelling against the problem itself.
Both Snow White and La Pucelle are fully aware of what is going to happen to them.
It was at that moment they both stop thinking like "Magical Girls", they thought like normal human beings.
Of course, Sister Nana and Winterprison were actually doing something, but it looks like it the resistance was futile.
It was to the point that Ripple said to Snow White herself in person that she would stop being a Magical Girl.

Comparing Nemu's and Ruler's death back then, including these two, I never thought any of the remaining Magical Girls that deserves death this way.

Just what is a Magical Girl suppose to be anyway?
Isn't that just a girl that can use magic and be called magical because of its magic looking supernatural powers?
Dec 17, 2016 12:50 AM

Dec 2012
Ruler was a nice girl, it feels so sad to know that they were all killed by Swim Swim.
Cranberry's death was unexpected
Dec 17, 2016 12:57 AM
Oct 2012
I'm a bit confused at people being so disappointed with Cranberry's death. To me it was genius and kind of amazing that they went for a kill like that. Who would have expected the weakest and most cowardly to take out someone like Cranberry?
Dec 17, 2016 3:53 AM

Apr 2013
Woodfall said:
Well I was disappointed.. The fight between Swim Swim and Cranberry was way too short and anticlimatic, and Cranberry died in such a dumb way. She was so powerful and confident in herself and aware of her surroundings that I find it hard to believe that Tama could sneak up on her. And then to have Swim Swim thank Tama for saving her life by chopping her head off was just an insult to Cranberry's death. I wanted to see Cranberry beat Swim Swim's ass so bad but they didn't even get to fight smh..

On a good note, the second half of the episode saved it and made me want to see what Ripple does. Top Speed's death was the most upsetting for me and that scene with Ripple actually almost made me cry. All I can hope is that Ripple wins against Swim Swim, even though I would've rathered it be Cranberry who put her in her place.

She didn't sneak up, Clamberry could hear her sound and clear.
She hesitated about killing swimswim now due to her potential after seeing it was such a small child that did all those deaths and reacted that well in that situation. That hesitation in the middle of combat caused Tama to scratch her. Just a small scratch is what that small hesitation allowed. Normally that wouldn't lead to Clamberry's death, but well :).
Dec 17, 2016 6:30 AM
Jul 2016
swim swim is such a bitch

just when you thought she couldn't get worse

sad this show is endgning tonight

best of the season, better than keijo imo
Dec 17, 2016 9:53 AM

Dec 2016
Zefyris said:
Woodfall said:
Well I was disappointed.. The fight between Swim Swim and Cranberry was way too short and anticlimatic, and Cranberry died in such a dumb way. She was so powerful and confident in herself and aware of her surroundings that I find it hard to believe that Tama could sneak up on her. And then to have Swim Swim thank Tama for saving her life by chopping her head off was just an insult to Cranberry's death. I wanted to see Cranberry beat Swim Swim's ass so bad but they didn't even get to fight smh..

On a good note, the second half of the episode saved it and made me want to see what Ripple does. Top Speed's death was the most upsetting for me and that scene with Ripple actually almost made me cry. All I can hope is that Ripple wins against Swim Swim, even though I would've rathered it be Cranberry who put her in her place.

She didn't sneak up, Clamberry could hear her sound and clear.
She hesitated about killing swimswim now due to her potential after seeing it was such a small child that did all those deaths and reacted that well in that situation. That hesitation in the middle of combat caused Tama to scratch her. Just a small scratch is what that small hesitation allowed. Normally that wouldn't lead to Clamberry's death, but well :).

I still think it is dumb because Swim Swim could never have beat Cranberry. Poor innocent Tama had to save her just to get betrayed by her. And the only person who could beat the hell out Swim Swim with no problem was taken out in the process. I wish the fight lasted longer at least. I also think Cranberry would have made a better final battle
Dec 17, 2016 10:55 AM

Apr 2013
Woodfall said:
Zefyris said:

She didn't sneak up, Clamberry could hear her sound and clear.
She hesitated about killing swimswim now due to her potential after seeing it was such a small child that did all those deaths and reacted that well in that situation. That hesitation in the middle of combat caused Tama to scratch her. Just a small scratch is what that small hesitation allowed. Normally that wouldn't lead to Clamberry's death, but well :).

I still think it is dumb because Swim Swim could never have beat Cranberry. Poor innocent Tama had to save her just to get betrayed by her. And the only person who could beat the hell out Swim Swim with no problem was taken out in the process. I wish the fight lasted longer at least. I also think Cranberry would have made a better final battle

If clamberry didn't make a msitake herself, there was no way she would die from any single opponent among those 16. Even grouping up to kill her wouldn't have worked. If you think of it that way, the only way Clamberry die is by her own mistake. She never made one before.
If clamberry didn't die this time , we wouldn't get the story of that time because there would be no point.
If clamberry died, then she did a mistake. As slight as it was, it was a mistake she made and led to her death.

There was not a single other option in this story than having than happening. So there was no other way than having an "underwhelming" fight here. Because if you let Clamberry fight a normal fight, Swimswim die, tama die, the angel die, and then ripple has absolutely no way to win either, so it's the end, jsut a repeat of what happened so many times before. The Land of Magic doesn't notice a thing, FA-B send false report, everything goes the usual way, let's go to the next "killing game".
What you would have wanted could not happen.
Dec 17, 2016 1:08 PM

Dec 2016
Zefyris said:
Woodfall said:

I still think it is dumb because Swim Swim could never have beat Cranberry. Poor innocent Tama had to save her just to get betrayed by her. And the only person who could beat the hell out Swim Swim with no problem was taken out in the process. I wish the fight lasted longer at least. I also think Cranberry would have made a better final battle

If clamberry didn't make a msitake herself, there was no way she would die from any single opponent among those 16. Even grouping up to kill her wouldn't have worked. If you think of it that way, the only way Clamberry die is by her own mistake. She never made one before.
If clamberry didn't die this time , we wouldn't get the story of that time because there would be no point.
If clamberry died, then she did a mistake. As slight as it was, it was a mistake she made and led to her death.

There was not a single other option in this story than having than happening. So there was no other way than having an "underwhelming" fight here. Because if you let Clamberry fight a normal fight, Swimswim die, tama die, the angel die, and then ripple has absolutely no way to win either, so it's the end, jsut a repeat of what happened so many times before. The Land of Magic doesn't notice a thing, FA-B send false report, everything goes the usual way, let's go to the next "killing game".
What you would have wanted could not happen.

Sure could've. She didn't have to make the mistake against Swim Swim lol
Dec 17, 2016 2:09 PM

May 2010
Alice... I still can't get over her death and now Swimswim kills Tama as well. I must say I was whatever about Tama until now, but I like how she took out Cranberry and her backstory with Ruler.

Good episode. Ripple made it to one of the best girls. Snow White remains boring. Been a while since such a passive MC in a battle anime.
Dec 17, 2016 2:46 PM

Apr 2013
Woodfall said:
Zefyris said:

If clamberry didn't make a msitake herself, there was no way she would die from any single opponent among those 16. Even grouping up to kill her wouldn't have worked. If you think of it that way, the only way Clamberry die is by her own mistake. She never made one before.
If clamberry didn't die this time , we wouldn't get the story of that time because there would be no point.
If clamberry died, then she did a mistake. As slight as it was, it was a mistake she made and led to her death.

There was not a single other option in this story than having than happening. So there was no other way than having an "underwhelming" fight here. Because if you let Clamberry fight a normal fight, Swimswim die, tama die, the angel die, and then ripple has absolutely no way to win either, so it's the end, jsut a repeat of what happened so many times before. The Land of Magic doesn't notice a thing, FA-B send false report, everything goes the usual way, let's go to the next "killing game".
What you would have wanted could not happen.

Sure could've. She didn't have to make the mistake against Swim Swim lol

Technically, Clamberry didn't made a mistake against swimswim, but against the enemy she was underestimating the most. Against the enemy that she was certain was of no danger at all.
That's quite different.
Dec 17, 2016 4:46 PM

Dec 2009
Oh man, i can't get over how Cranberry was insta-fucked by Tama... I was expecting a big showdown... As in Cranberry beat SwimSwim + Tama, then Ripple + Snow White having to beat Cranberry by combining never missing and mind-reading.....

Tama landing a scratch on Cranberry (in which was cranberry's fuckup), Tama could make a hole in her. Still though, i saw the scratch and was like, "oh, i guess Tama is dead" then Cranberry explodes and i'm like OH FUCK! Instantly the realism skyrockets.

Then SwimSwim proceeds to eliminate Tama based on her psychopathic dogma, raising my hate level for her to the maximum (i'm never this involved with a series where i can legitimately say i hate a character), and raising her 'fantastic villain' status to just below that of a certain one from Shinsekai Yori. Unfortunate that she didn't think enough to realize that even seeing her un-transformed doesn't mean Tama would have any clue who she is, other than being a child.

. . .
While i do hate SwimSwim for what she's done, she's also a psychopath who doesn't know any better, and i can fully appreciate and understand her perspective... If i were in the position to kill her, i would, but i would give her a dignified death and comfort her passing.
The only way this can end, is for her to die never having learned any better.

Zefyris said:
Woodfall said:

Sure could've. She didn't have to make the mistake against Swim Swim lol

Technically, Clamberry didn't made a mistake against swimswim, but against the enemy she was underestimating the most. Against the enemy that she was certain was of no danger at all.
That's quite different.
It's called death by hubris.
Cranberry (according to the LN) knew about Tama's power and conditions, and thus realized her fuck-up upon being scratched. She is promptly exploded due to her mistake. The best writing skills this series has shown yet. All prior hypotheses or ideas on what was going to happen are shattered, and SwimSwim grows to be an incredible villain.
GenesisAriaDec 17, 2016 4:49 PM
❀桜舞う空〜                   Cute is Power.           🔗CosmoGenesis Project
“You cannot know what you do not know.”
“Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”
“A truth seeker has no patience for BS.”

I seek only to improve myself and others.
Dec 17, 2016 6:18 PM

Feb 2013
Holy sh*t! Tama nuked Cranberry! That was awesome!

Swim was clever by un-transforming to make Cranberry think she was dead. To bad for Tama due to the "nobody can know my secret" thing.

Never would have guessed the "final" would be Ripple vs Swim.
Dec 17, 2016 6:52 PM

Dec 2016
GenesisAria said:
Oh man, i can't get over how Cranberry was insta-fucked by Tama... I was expecting a big showdown... As in Cranberry beat SwimSwim + Tama, then Ripple + Snow White having to beat Cranberry by combining never missing and mind-reading.....

Tama landing a scratch on Cranberry (in which was cranberry's fuckup), Tama could make a hole in her. Still though, i saw the scratch and was like, "oh, i guess Tama is dead" then Cranberry explodes and i'm like OH FUCK! Instantly the realism skyrockets.

Then SwimSwim proceeds to eliminate Tama based on her psychopathic dogma, raising my hate level for her to the maximum (i'm never this involved with a series where i can legitimately say i hate a character), and raising her 'fantastic villain' status to just below that of a certain one from Shinsekai Yori. Unfortunate that she didn't think enough to realize that even seeing her un-transformed doesn't mean Tama would have any clue who she is, other than being a child.

. . .
While i do hate SwimSwim for what she's done, she's also a psychopath who doesn't know any better, and i can fully appreciate and understand her perspective... If i were in the position to kill her, i would, but i would give her a dignified death and comfort her passing.
The only way this can end, is for her to die never having learned any better.

Zefyris said:

Technically, Clamberry didn't made a mistake against swimswim, but against the enemy she was underestimating the most. Against the enemy that she was certain was of no danger at all.
That's quite different.
It's called death by hubris.
Cranberry (according to the LN) knew about Tama's power and conditions, and thus realized her fuck-up upon being scratched. She is promptly exploded due to her mistake. The best writing skills this series has shown yet. All prior hypotheses or ideas on what was going to happen are shattered, and SwimSwim grows to be an incredible villain.

I was hoping for that Cranberry vs Ripple/Snow White matchup. It sounds like the LN elaborates a lot more on things than the anime does? If so, I wouldn't mind giving it a read.
Dec 17, 2016 8:16 PM

Sep 2013
Really good episode. The way shoujos are dropping, I don't want to predict who will be the last one standing.

Death Toll:

Survivors List:

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.
Dec 17, 2016 11:00 PM
May 2016
f*ck swim swim, dude
Dec 18, 2016 3:19 AM

Apr 2016
Even though it's just flashbacks, glad to see ma girl back.
See?? exactly why I say even though she is a bitch, she really does care for her team so that they can all succeed together.

But damn, who would've thought Tama managed to kill Cranberry out of all people. Now that I think about it, her ability is actually OP AF. Though it's kinda sad to see Cranberry die. A part of me wants her to live cus she's an awesome character but a part of me felt relieved that she died.

Oh the feels, Top Speed pls.. :(
Also glad they decided to show some of her flashbacks in this episode.
2 of my favourite characters...

and for the best part

RIP Tama... even though you were weak, I would really consider saying you're the best girl in the series

oh before I forget
MeguwiemDec 18, 2016 3:24 AM
Favourite Quotes:

"If you wish for hope,an equal amount of despair will be rained down upon you too.That's how everything stays in equilibrium...and the world's balance doesn't get disturbed."

"Unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies,it remains only a single seed. Anyone who loves their life will lose it,while anyone who hates their life in this world...will keep it for eternal life."

"There's so much bullshit in this statement that even the shit from a bull isn't enough bullshit."
Dec 18, 2016 3:27 AM

Apr 2013
Woodfall said:
GenesisAria said:
Oh man, i can't get over how Cranberry was insta-fucked by Tama... I was expecting a big showdown... As in Cranberry beat SwimSwim + Tama, then Ripple + Snow White having to beat Cranberry by combining never missing and mind-reading.....

Tama landing a scratch on Cranberry (in which was cranberry's fuckup), Tama could make a hole in her. Still though, i saw the scratch and was like, "oh, i guess Tama is dead" then Cranberry explodes and i'm like OH FUCK! Instantly the realism skyrockets.

Then SwimSwim proceeds to eliminate Tama based on her psychopathic dogma, raising my hate level for her to the maximum (i'm never this involved with a series where i can legitimately say i hate a character), and raising her 'fantastic villain' status to just below that of a certain one from Shinsekai Yori. Unfortunate that she didn't think enough to realize that even seeing her un-transformed doesn't mean Tama would have any clue who she is, other than being a child.

. . .
While i do hate SwimSwim for what she's done, she's also a psychopath who doesn't know any better, and i can fully appreciate and understand her perspective... If i were in the position to kill her, i would, but i would give her a dignified death and comfort her passing.
The only way this can end, is for her to die never having learned any better.

It's called death by hubris.
Cranberry (according to the LN) knew about Tama's power and conditions, and thus realized her fuck-up upon being scratched. She is promptly exploded due to her mistake. The best writing skills this series has shown yet. All prior hypotheses or ideas on what was going to happen are shattered, and SwimSwim grows to be an incredible villain.

I was hoping for that Cranberry vs Ripple/Snow White matchup. It sounds like the LN elaborates a lot more on things than the anime does? If so, I wouldn't mind giving it a read.

Clamberry would have won extremely easily that fight, and the result would have been Clamberry surviving, so no story to tell there. Like I said, there was no other choice nor possibility.
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