Anime & Manga News

Anime Project 'Flying Babies' Announced

by Sakana-san
Nov 5, 2016 8:41 AM | 73 Comments

Yoshinori Asao, the president of studio Fukushima Gainax, announced at the Magical Fukushima event that the studio will begin to produce a new anime project that is aimed to be completed in time for next year's event. Titled Flying Babies, the project is set in Iwaki city and revolves around earthquake survivors who are aiming to become hula girls. Haruka Yoshimura (Shirobako) and Rikako Yamaguchi (Bakuon!!) will cast as the main characters.

The event took place at a Hawaiian-themed resort that is iconic for its hula girl performances since the 1960s. The resort has also inspired an award-winning live-action film by Lee Sang-il in 2006. Asao commented that he hopes the anime project will be as successful as the 2006 live-action film and will also generate some interest for the local area.

Source: Minpo

Hulaing Babies on MAL

20 of 73 Comments Recent Comments

_Ako_ said:
Jiharo said:

Almost 2 years later, still no more news on when will it air. :(

I dig a little bit about it and there you go...

Oh okay thanks!



Aug 23, 2018 5:22 AM by Jiharo

Jiharo said:

Almost 2 years later, still no more news on when will it air. :(

I dig a little bit about it and there you go...

Aug 23, 2018 12:34 AM by _Ako_


Almost 2 years later, still no more news on when will it air. :(

Aug 22, 2018 11:08 PM by Jiharo

Isnt this anime also the one where Konomi Suzuki will be debuting in a big role as a seiyuu?

Nov 21, 2016 11:35 PM by Jonesy974

One can only imagine why exactly the English translation of this is "Flying Babies". No, more than that why the Japanese and English title for this show is "Flying Babies". Maybe they were going for the shock effect. It is possible they'll tie this in with crazy plot twists or paranormal activity, but whatever it is, it looks cute and for that I'll at least give it a chance.

Nov 11, 2016 11:13 PM by MemiHime

I don't know what to believe in anymore. I'll just judge it when it's out, lol.

Nov 8, 2016 2:08 AM by Toarujisuru

"yes lets spend millions of dollars and 100s of hours making this anime!"
"what shall we call it?..."
-drunk guy smoking some weeb flops in-
"FLYING BABIES!.... Flying babies...."
"Jesus christ he's a genius..."

-meanwhile that one normal guy just leaves-

Nov 6, 2016 10:12 PM by Nyah_Chan

The 2 baby lolis look cute, will watch.

Nov 6, 2016 9:19 PM by ichii_1

LoneWizard said:
KingKatsura said:
what does this have to do with my post? obviously they chose this super niche premise for the sole purpose that it allows for sensual attire and movements amongst the cast.
Your avatar makes your posts lol worthy :D

erza is a grown woman with breasts not a 10 year old girl.

i dont see the problem

Nov 6, 2016 2:03 PM by KingKatsura

@Red_Keys I wasn't saying that at all. I was reacting to what you said about the concept. My goal was to point out the fact this idea of a hula hoop group used for revival/promotion was neither unique or new.
Hula Girls is a fiction based on real events.
Fukushima Hula Girls is a documentary movie.

PS: I really wonder how my inoffensive posts can so often be so negatively answered. I should try claiming blatantly false affirmations and see what ensues.

Nov 6, 2016 11:48 AM by Rei_III

Rei366 said:
Red_Keys said:
Seems like two randomly selected english words thrown together because "kawaii english title", just like the two completely random and detached ideas of earthquakes and hula dancing are thrown together. Cause who needs creativity when you can just slop random shit together to be "unique" and "new"?

Random enough for the thing to have happened before in real life: (the movie cited in the article, based on the origin story of the center in the 60s) (looks like the events related in this documentary inspired the animation)
Nothing new then.
I'm sure this television anime will accurately, respectfully, and genuinely present the plights of these women.

Wait are these just movies or did this stuff actually happen

Nov 6, 2016 11:06 AM by Red_Keys

Oh, hey!

Flying in Japanese would be pronounced 'furaingu'
Or, uh 'hulaingu'?
They're totally just trying to make a really bad pun right there.

Nov 6, 2016 11:02 AM by Kishi115

KingKatsura said:
Colon_3_Mf said:

Have you ever seen hula? Girls sometimes wear somewhat skimpy clothing. It's nothing new.
what does this have to do with my post? obviously they chose this super niche premise for the sole purpose that it allows for sensual attire and movements amongst the cast.
Your avatar makes your posts lol worthy :D

Nov 6, 2016 9:55 AM by LoneWizzy

Can't wait for the sequel, Flying Grandmas

Nov 6, 2016 8:05 AM by Ace_39

Rei366 said:
Red_Keys said:
Seems like two randomly selected english words thrown together because "kawaii english title", just like the two completely random and detached ideas of earthquakes and hula dancing are thrown together. Cause who needs creativity when you can just slop random shit together to be "unique" and "new"?

Random enough for the thing to have happened before in real life: (the movie cited in the article, based on the origin story of the center in the 60s) (looks like the events related in this documentary inspired the animation)
Nothing new then.

wow, i never know japan actually do the same thing...

preach it brother... people ignorancies are real...

Nov 6, 2016 5:31 AM by Kuma

Rei366 said:
Red_Keys said:
Seems like two randomly selected english words thrown together because "kawaii english title", just like the two completely random and detached ideas of earthquakes and hula dancing are thrown together. Cause who needs creativity when you can just slop random shit together to be "unique" and "new"?

Random enough for the thing to have happened before in real life: (the movie cited in the article, based on the origin story of the center in the 60s) (looks like the events related in this documentary inspired the animation)
Nothing new then.

Basically, people trying to show how something is stupid are ignorant of what they are talking about. Eh.

OT: hope it has a tropical or all-beach setting.

Nov 6, 2016 4:56 AM by SuperRed

Red_Keys said:
Seems like two randomly selected english words thrown together because "kawaii english title", just like the two completely random and detached ideas of earthquakes and hula dancing are thrown together. Cause who needs creativity when you can just slop random shit together to be "unique" and "new"?

Random enough for the thing to have happened before in real life: (the movie cited in the article, based on the origin story of the center in the 60s) (looks like the events related in this documentary inspired the animation)
Nothing new then.

Nov 6, 2016 4:26 AM by Rei_III

i place my bet in something like this:

after the devastating earthquake,the most city population is gone, and only left some really small survivor... nothing industries or big economic income can be made to recover the city properly.... so they launching amature tourism project which bring the hope of the remaining people which the MC is center of it... flaying babies is the name of project, which mean bringing the hoping of people that the ameature project can compate, even above everything they expect..

just wild imagination thou... get this idea after the name of "baby step" from the plot of "declining population" trope... and ironicaly, this actually ever happened in my country TBH...

gotta be fun if actually real, or whatever plot the writer bring this up.. the title and the synopsis is comedy gold already...

Nov 6, 2016 3:51 AM by Kuma

Okay, and what exactly does the title have to do with hula hula and earthquakes... ?

Nov 6, 2016 3:19 AM by Comic_Sans

Nickienator said:
Sakana-san said:
the project is set in Iwaki city and revolves around earthquake survivors

Seems interesti-
Sakana-san said:
who are aiming to become hula girls.

holy shit, dude you made me burst out laughing, gold.

OT: the amount of responses is bigger then for most of news lol,

I wonder why.....

Nov 6, 2016 1:51 AM by removed-user

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