Anime & Manga News

MyAnimeList Reports from Anime Festival Asia 2015

by arsonal
Nov 22, 2015 6:04 PM | 29 Comments

Anime Festival Asia, the largest anime convention in Southeast Asia, returns to Singapore and will be held November 27-29 this year. MAL users in the region have attended Anime Festival Asia since its began in 2008, and our team will provide live updates from the event for the first time this year.


On Saturday and Sunday, we will provide updates on our Twitter page.
  • Attending Anime Festival Asia? Join the Anime Festival Asia club. Tweet using the hashtag #MALatAFA, and we will share some of them to our followers.
  • Not attending Anime Festival Asia? Follow our Twitter page or the #MALatAFA hashtag to get a glimpse of this year's event. We hope you will be able to join us next year!

About Anime Festival Asia 2015

Anime Festival Asia 2015 is the eighth edition of the convention, expected to draw close to 100,000 attendees. The event is organized by SOZO Pte Ltd in conjunction with Dentsu and Zepp Live. Anime Festival Asia is known for its headline I Love Anisong concerts, which feature more than a dozen guests artists each year.


Main Stage Panels

Mini Stage Appearances
  • November 27, 03:15 pm: Illustrator NOB-C


I Love Anisong announcement

Schedule is as reported by Anime Festival Asia and may change without notice. All times are Singapore Standard Time (GMT+8).

Official site:

20 of 29 Comments Recent Comments

I am so disappointed that I can not be there there..

Nov 25, 2015 4:37 AM by yuriilover96

I'm in Singapore. Going for all 3 days (full day except saturday since I can only manage to come for garakowa). This is going to be fun, even has my favourite moe show GochiUsa! (thank you AFA for featuring this, AOTY 2015). I won't be able to attend concert since it's expensive and not rich enough.

I'm prob having around $50-100 to spend on goods. See you guys there!.

Nov 25, 2015 4:23 AM by DeathSaint

Uh....who exactly is representing "MAL"?

Nov 24, 2015 2:19 PM by --ALEX--

Lord_Khan said:
Wish i could be there.

FedeBankai said:
Minimze said:
Lie down then cry T_T

Nov 23, 2015 11:41 PM by Tengai

Wish it was in the states. :(

Cool to see that happening, though.

Nov 23, 2015 7:31 AM by DeusExMavro

lol that's a pretty sloppy banner there. Did you use MS Paint for that?

Anyway, it sounds like a pretty cool event. To everyone going, I hate you.

Nov 23, 2015 6:34 AM by BatoKusanagi

badwolf45f said:
arsonal said:

[*]November 28, 07:00 pm:, Suzuko Mimori

[*]November 29, 06:00 pmnano[/list]

Max said:
I have no idea why people care about these anime conventions. You pay to be shamelessly pandered to for a couple days on end, and then buy even more merchandise. Waste of money.

If its to see Suzuko Mimori and Nano in concert i would pay with my kidneys if needed.

lol bit rubbsh form what i herd at react con in britan they has X japan singapore is lacking

Nov 23, 2015 6:06 AM by DateYutaka

mayukachan said:
Dang, AFA's stacked with amazing things. I'm never gonna see these seiyuu or industry people at AN, ever. Have fun!!
I wanna go there with u

Nov 23, 2015 6:01 AM by Comic_Sans

if only it was in nepal

Nov 23, 2015 5:43 AM by ultravigo

arsonal said:

[*]November 28, 07:00 pm:, Suzuko Mimori

[*]November 29, 06:00 pmnano[/list]

Max said:
I have no idea why people care about these anime conventions. You pay to be shamelessly pandered to for a couple days on end, and then buy even more merchandise. Waste of money.

If its to see Suzuko Mimori and Nano in concert i would pay with my kidneys if needed.

Nov 23, 2015 5:09 AM by badwolf45f

I have no idea why people care about these anime conventions. You pay to be shamelessly pandered to for a couple days on end, and then buy even more merchandise. Waste of money.

Cool that we're covering it for those who do care, though.

Nov 23, 2015 4:40 AM by vegetablespirit

Surprised to see MAL gonna cover this. I'm going down as well to watch Garakowa the second time and to meet with some executives there. My Japanese reporter friend might be coming down to cover this too. Haha

Nov 23, 2015 4:00 AM by Jiharo

I guess no livestream or such? :(

Nov 23, 2015 3:26 AM by Pysonics

Dang, AFA's stacked with amazing things. I'm never gonna see these seiyuu or industry people at AN, ever. Have fun!!

Nov 23, 2015 3:25 AM by Mayuka

yay I'm going there too! ^^. The friday lineup for the iloveanisong is pretty good O_O Too bad I can't go for the concert T_T

Nov 23, 2015 3:22 AM by Zetara

Damn I live near Singapore and I cant go 😭

Nov 23, 2015 1:58 AM by Kiyoshi-Jidai

Minimze said:
Lie down then cry T_T

Nov 23, 2015 1:54 AM by FedeBankai

Yup I will be going but not the concert segment. Compared to previous years the lineup for the concert this year is pretty disappointing.

Nov 22, 2015 9:50 PM by tetrix1993

Lie down then cry T_T

Nov 22, 2015 9:37 PM by Slypee

Yay! I'm a country near the Singapore, but I can't go there. Too bad, 29's my birthday. It would be really fun to go there, but I don't have enough money.

Nov 22, 2015 9:28 PM by keimaconquesta

It’s time to ditch the text file.
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