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Jun 11, 2017 8:04 AM

Jan 2010
wen294 said:
logic340 said:

- you still didn't answer the question which is what was the purpose of this post. That's the important part. The way it looks to me you spun it back at me "you're not going to ask me questions" that's trying to make be look bad. And if you can't see it then I suggest you take this out of your game entirely.
-sad....seen like you did hit the scum wall
-I would say you were not able to get much out of iron Ace because of the actual level of effort you put into it. Had you went about it in a different way I bet you that you would probably understand or know a little more then you currently do. Hence why I called it a scummy attack D1.
-other than offering up his boat day one can you give me examples of where he's just going with the flow? At this point I can kind of accuse you of that just going with the flow.
-your approach to Militus is oddly different and this really does not explain why nor does it justify it. If you really want to figure Meletus out don't you think you should ask them some questions tag them quote something that they said and ask a question about it? These are the things that I wanted you to do with ironace that you didn't you're not doing them with Militus and you're not attacking Militus the way you did ironce? It's a strange distinction between two similar players?
-why does what you've done in the past have anything to do with your lack of an answer to my ISO in this game? How is that alignment indicative or good defense? What I want to know is why and how you read that whole thing and have one thing to say about it? Should I just stop doing them then since it obviously was a huge waste of time if you only have one question and boo connects out of that whole thing? These things don't just give me reads on the people I do them on the way others react and respond to them also lets me read you all.
-I'm annoyed rn too not sure if that came across in this post or not?
-"hit the scum wall" sorry for the typos mobile sucks. Basically your motivation seens gone I see it happen to scum from time to time but generally but this early.
-this reply really pings me for scum. No one expects you to look into the future but I do expect you to know what you're capable of and have a plan for what you going to do with the rest of this phase. So your answer is very disgusting and unappealing. In your own words "YUCK!!!"

- I still don't get your point. It served no greater/ingenious purpose than to simply reply to you. Also i never said you weren't gonna ask questions. I said you were free to ask them so long as you cared about them. I asked penta if he wanted to ask me anything and he just said 'no'.
- You should know by now that i'm more motivated as scum than town.
- eh, fair enough.
- Hmm, backreading through his posts there is indeed not much that points towards it. I did get that collective feeling from his posts though... might be because most of his posts not really getting attention except for the ones that one where he offered up his vote. My interaction with him wasn't much except for some fluff and the part about his voting that i thought was weird.
Guess this is why people usually backread huh...

- Because i never give a "woooah" reaction to your isos. Why would i suddenly do so now...? I really don't get why you expect my behaviour towards them to be different than usual. Seriously why would i go "yeah sounds about right" about half of your points. What does that do except maybe making you feel good about yourself? I don't do much with your isos except read it through, if something stands out i comment on it (which usually isn't the case) and apart from that i sometimes make use of it as a means of replacing backreading. That's it. And if you want to stop doing them then that's your decision to make man. I'm fine with it either way.
- a bit, yeah.
- ah okey, clear.
- Well that's the difference between "will you be making any contribution this phase" and "will you try to make any contribution this phase". Obviously i only know the answer to the latter.

-My point isn't hard to get so I am not sure why you aren't getting it. My point is there was no point to your post asking me if I would question you. I had already questioned you and made my suspicions of you very clear so what more did you feel you needed from me in justifying my vote? It was a very bad attempt by you to make me look bad and now you are claiming ignorance.
-While I can say that for Suzune I cannot say that for you not based off what I saw form you in EEM and Gakkougurashi as town. That self meta is trash never bring it out again.
-Not sure how you missed this considering you grabbed the one about Abu 3 posts below. Look over these posts that Coelestin found then tell me what you think of Sakura

-I am not asking for a whoa reaction I am asking you to read the entire thing and give some God Damned feedback. Not asking too much since that is what I need to do to figure people out. Your refusal makes it much easier to vote for you and gain the support I need for you lynch. "What does it do besides make you feel good about yourself" These are the types of useless comments you make to paint people. If you don't notice yourself doing it I am bringing it to your attention and telling you it needs to stop if you are town. This is some scummy as shit and a horrible way to defend yourself.
-Smart ass answers don't help you cause either. You have a brain and I know you know how to use it so answering like this instead of answering the question you could have answered isn't cute it's annoying and something I expect from scum.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Jun 11, 2017 8:09 AM

Jan 2010
wen294 said:
logic340 said:
@wen294 what have you gotten out of Sakura? It seems to me that yurkin is doing more work there then you are and you proclaim to be able to get something out of him
Who is sakura?
SakuraTsubasa??? you don't know who the player you made up a name for is? Maybe use their real name instead of a made up name?

wen294 said:
logic340 said:
While this is a reason it's not a valid reason because you are the one working against the plan actually working. You cannot make yourself the problem with the plan then say hey there's a problem. If you are down with the plan then we don't have to worry about more then 5 votes so stop being the issue and help out?

This quote below is actual reasons for not wanting to do it not what you said sorry try again.
I'm just using myself as an example there, it could be anyone that doesn't agree with who is being lynched and the current playerbase - 5 is still bigger than 5.
You don't have to use yourself as an example since you are the one that disagree you are the problem you so speak of with the plan. So I ask you to join hands with us and make it so you are not the problem it's that simple. If we get the majority to agree then the minority will have to work with us or face lynch. That's kind of how majority works.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Jun 11, 2017 8:10 AM

Jan 2010
PentaFlare said:
wen294 said:
You wanted logic to claim when he had 0 votes, and you yourself didn't want to claim when you were in a shared 1st place with 4 votes??

I should replace myself with a broken record player. I'm just repeating myself. logic had two votes, both with intent to lynch. I had one vote out of suspicion, one vote out of self preservation, and one vote from Shinichi being lazy. logic was in a position where he was going to get more votes soon because others suspected him too. Most other actually had slight townreads on me, so it would have been hard to push a lynch through against me when only Suzune-chan had a justified vote. logic was at risk of being lynched. I wasn't.
I don't think I was at risk of being lynched. I have faced much stiffer odds than that and survived so if you are going to use "logic was in danger of being lynched" as your argument I am going to call Bull Shit. I gave that information because I wanted not because I was in any danger...smh
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Jun 11, 2017 8:10 AM

Sep 2016
who tf is sakura
if coelestin is actually anon, i will have a good laugh
...better to be hated for what you are than loved for something you are not.
Jun 11, 2017 8:12 AM

Jan 2010
RE1031 said:
who tf is sakura
if coelestin is actually anon, i will have a good laugh
Sorry Sakura=Suzaku
I was thinking Sakura from Tsubasa instead of Suzaku....LMAO. My bad.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Jun 11, 2017 8:13 AM

Jan 2010
eh....on that note I am going to take a half hour break.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Jun 11, 2017 8:14 AM

Aug 2014
logic340 said:
PentaFlare said:

I should replace myself with a broken record player. I'm just repeating myself. logic had two votes, both with intent to lynch. I had one vote out of suspicion, one vote out of self preservation, and one vote from Shinichi being lazy. logic was in a position where he was going to get more votes soon because others suspected him too. Most other actually had slight townreads on me, so it would have been hard to push a lynch through against me when only Suzune-chan had a justified vote. logic was at risk of being lynched. I wasn't.
I don't think I was at risk of being lynched. I have faced much stiffer odds than that and survived so if you are going to use "logic was in danger of being lynched" as your argument I am going to call Bull Shit. I gave that information because I wanted not because I was in any danger...smh

No. You totally were. You need to be careful not to be too cocky about your ability to avoid lynches. Knowing how to push through mislynches also teaches me how to read a thread to gauge who has a chance of being lynched. There was enough support for a train on you to make you the leading train, it would have just needed a more active town.
Be like this seal. It is a happy seal.
~Review Guidelines~ | ~Recommendation Guidelines~ | ~Mafia Society~
Jun 11, 2017 8:15 AM

Aug 2014
RE1031 said:
who tf is sakura
if coelestin is actually anon, i will have a good laugh

Told you. She would have used >.< and not >_<
Be like this seal. It is a happy seal.
~Review Guidelines~ | ~Recommendation Guidelines~ | ~Mafia Society~
Jun 11, 2017 8:17 AM

Jan 2010
PentaFlare said:
logic340 said:
I don't think I was at risk of being lynched. I have faced much stiffer odds than that and survived so if you are going to use "logic was in danger of being lynched" as your argument I am going to call Bull Shit. I gave that information because I wanted not because I was in any danger...smh

No. You totally were. You need to be careful not to be too cocky about your ability to avoid lynches. Knowing how to push through mislynches also teaches me how to read a thread to gauge who has a chance of being lynched. There was enough support for a train on you to make you the leading train, it would have just needed a more active town.
No I totally wasn't and I am not being too cocky I am stating a fact that with 2 votes on me and little suspicion I was not actually feeling any danger at that point. I begged for my lynch and couldn't get it you think 2 votes is going to bother me knowing I have a good claim to fall back on? Stop it....
A more active town and we would probably have a better suspect than me don't think just because activity was low means things would have stayed the same with increased activity. This is a hypothetical game we don't need to be playing here.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Jun 11, 2017 8:18 AM

Sep 2016
PentaFlare said:
RE1031 said:
who tf is sakura
if coelestin is actually anon, i will have a good laugh

Told you. She would have used >.< and not >_<

...better to be hated for what you are than loved for something you are not.
Jun 11, 2017 8:24 AM

Aug 2014
logic340 said:
PentaFlare said:

No. You totally were. You need to be careful not to be too cocky about your ability to avoid lynches. Knowing how to push through mislynches also teaches me how to read a thread to gauge who has a chance of being lynched. There was enough support for a train on you to make you the leading train, it would have just needed a more active town.
No I totally wasn't and I am not being too cocky I am stating a fact that with 2 votes on me and little suspicion I was not actually feeling any danger at that point. I begged for my lynch and couldn't get it you think 2 votes is going to bother me knowing I have a good claim to fall back on? Stop it....
A more active town and we would probably have a better suspect than me don't think just because activity was low means things would have stayed the same with increased activity. This is a hypothetical game we don't need to be playing here.

I'm trying to help you here. There was more suspicion of you than you think. The number of townies approaching you cautiously and a few admitting they weren't comfortable with how you were playing. Your claim to fall back on was legitimate, but that was coming across in your play. The good claim was perfectly fine, and it is good that you were aware of it, but you should also know that you really didn't look shiny.
Be like this seal. It is a happy seal.
~Review Guidelines~ | ~Recommendation Guidelines~ | ~Mafia Society~
Jun 11, 2017 8:26 AM

Aug 2014
Being aware of how you appear to others is a really powerful tool because it helps you catch someone trying to force a mislynch on you or catch someone giving a townread that is way to strong for what you've done. Both of those players would be scum.
Be like this seal. It is a happy seal.
~Review Guidelines~ | ~Recommendation Guidelines~ | ~Mafia Society~
Jun 11, 2017 8:27 AM

Jan 2010
wen294 said:
yurkin said:
@ironace #923
I think you are the anonymous lol.
I doubt it and are you rolefishing here?
My thing is how is it Role Fishing when the person in question asked them who they though he was? Also the fact that reiynii did something earlier that was actually a role fish compared to this yet you didn't bring it up is bothersome. This is why I feel like you are painting people rather than actually trying to figure them out. You told me about your town meta right well as town you don't have to paint people as scum that is from my meta on you so why are you doing it here?
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Jun 11, 2017 8:27 AM

Nov 2008
Coelestin said:
@DenjaX It's absolute democracy vs representative democracy lol. Your plan is flawed by the fact that it will limit the realms of scumhunting in this game. The votes and actions of people say more than a thousand words. I know you're all gung ho about game mechanics n stuff, but giving up clues that could point to one's alignment is not worth the perks.

Game mechanics is part of the game, but it's not all there is to it.
this is short sighted. Limit scumhunting? Did I tell everyone to stop scumhunting? We already have town representatives so all we need to do is have them lynch our target. Look at day 1. People are bandwagoning for free perk lottery. Where is the scumhunting there? We were lucky it was just a tpr. Im proposing this idea to control the free perk giveaway and have people to actually scumhunt. Also goodluck scumhunting inactives.

Penta is already doing bad with him pressing charges that already lead to multiple roleclaims. If what im proposing cannot stop massclaims then what are you proposing to do? Massclaiming early is way worse imo. It is already happening and it is like a domino effect. If you want a reference, look at role ladness where you also played. Just look at the massclaims.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .anime . manga . updates . ♫♪ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Jun 11, 2017 8:27 AM

Jul 2009
RE1031 said:
PentaFlare said:

Told you. She would have used >.< and not >_<


Re thats what togs would use...
Jun 11, 2017 8:28 AM

Jan 2010
PentaFlare said:
Being aware of how you appear to others is a really powerful tool because it helps you catch someone trying to force a mislynch on you or catch someone giving a townread that is way to strong for what you've done. Both of those players would be scum.
Yes it's how I play and caught a lot of flack from SK Fo for in your Gakkougurashi game.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Jun 11, 2017 8:31 AM

Aug 2014
logic340 said:
PentaFlare said:
Being aware of how you appear to others is a really powerful tool because it helps you catch someone trying to force a mislynch on you or catch someone giving a townread that is way to strong for what you've done. Both of those players would be scum.
Yes it's how I play and caught a lot of flack from SK Fo for in your Gakkougurashi game.

Really? That's hilarious now that you mention it. It's probably because Fo was SK, because what I just said is advice he gave me way back. I think you have a tendency to give yourself too strong of a townread though, because you can see the town motivation behind everything you do, but a lot of it is NAI.
Be like this seal. It is a happy seal.
~Review Guidelines~ | ~Recommendation Guidelines~ | ~Mafia Society~
Jun 11, 2017 8:33 AM

Dec 2013
logic340 said:
wen294 said:

- I still don't get your point. It served no greater/ingenious purpose than to simply reply to you. Also i never said you weren't gonna ask questions. I said you were free to ask them so long as you cared about them. I asked penta if he wanted to ask me anything and he just said 'no'.
- You should know by now that i'm more motivated as scum than town.
- eh, fair enough.
- Hmm, backreading through his posts there is indeed not much that points towards it. I did get that collective feeling from his posts though... might be because most of his posts not really getting attention except for the ones that one where he offered up his vote. My interaction with him wasn't much except for some fluff and the part about his voting that i thought was weird.
Guess this is why people usually backread huh...

- Because i never give a "woooah" reaction to your isos. Why would i suddenly do so now...? I really don't get why you expect my behaviour towards them to be different than usual. Seriously why would i go "yeah sounds about right" about half of your points. What does that do except maybe making you feel good about yourself? I don't do much with your isos except read it through, if something stands out i comment on it (which usually isn't the case) and apart from that i sometimes make use of it as a means of replacing backreading. That's it. And if you want to stop doing them then that's your decision to make man. I'm fine with it either way.
- a bit, yeah.
- ah okey, clear.
- Well that's the difference between "will you be making any contribution this phase" and "will you try to make any contribution this phase". Obviously i only know the answer to the latter.

-My point isn't hard to get so I am not sure why you aren't getting it. My point is there was no point to your post asking me if I would question you. I had already questioned you and made my suspicions of you very clear so what more did you feel you needed from me in justifying my vote? It was a very bad attempt by you to make me look bad and now you are claiming ignorance.
-While I can say that for Suzune I cannot say that for you not based off what I saw form you in EEM and Gakkougurashi as town. That self meta is trash never bring it out again.
-Not sure how you missed this considering you grabbed the one about Abu 3 posts below. Look over these posts that Coelestin found then tell me what you think of Sakura

-I am not asking for a whoa reaction I am asking you to read the entire thing and give some God Damned feedback. Not asking too much since that is what I need to do to figure people out. Your refusal makes it much easier to vote for you and gain the support I need for you lynch. "What does it do besides make you feel good about yourself" These are the types of useless comments you make to paint people. If you don't notice yourself doing it I am bringing it to your attention and telling you it needs to stop if you are town. This is some scummy as shit and a horrible way to defend yourself.
-Smart ass answers don't help you cause either. You have a brain and I know you know how to use it so answering like this instead of answering the question you could have answered isn't cute it's annoying and something I expect from scum.
- It's kinda funny how pissed you are with that because i actually didn't mean anything with it. Before you, penta came at me and voted for me, I asked if he had any questions and he said he didn't want to ask any questions. Then you come at me and say something about questions without asking any, so i wanted to know if you actually intended to ask questions or just vote me and nothing more like Penta did.
- heh sorry but i know my own meta better than you do.
- I did not miss it but i knew coelestin left some of his posts unquoted.
- okey i only read the personal comments part. But the part that was in a spoiler tag was probably a list with his posts and in short what they contained, because that's usually what you put there. What posts you were referring to was clear enough just from reading your comments though tbh. Also didn't read the questions part. They won't matter if they don't get an answer and if they do get an answer i'll find out what the question was anyway. Still don't know what you want in terms of feedback, or why you suddenly demand it from me now when you normally don't. What's the point of saying "yup yup, right on track logic"?
Oh and i even say stuff like "not like it's gotta do much except maybe give a pat on the back of your own ego" in real life so no i don't intend to paint people with it, allthough i am somewhat aware i'm pretty capable of getting people angry. I myself don't see stuff like that as offensive at all though so it's pretty hard for me stop. Most people i interact with don't get offended by that kind of stuff either and my sister is practically even worse with it than me so yeah, that's a thing.
- Then don't ask pointless questions. If you ask "will you try to be usefull" in a game like this the only possible reply you're gonna get is either a positive or a smart ass answer. Who in their right mind is gonna say "nope i'm gonna try and sabotage this entire day phase"
Jun 11, 2017 8:37 AM

Nov 2008
Also, my plan also serves a purpose on pressuring scum to git gud. They have to really make a fake case in order to force a mislynch. By setting this proposal in motion, people will have to think twice and make sure what theyre doing legitimate, otherwise, things wil become questionnabke later on. I dont mind not voting again so that the votes will be more apparent. I can just defend myself anyway if I get POEd.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .anime . manga . updates . ♫♪ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Jun 11, 2017 8:40 AM

Sep 2016
DenjaX said:
Also, my plan also serves a purpose on pressuring scum to git gud. They have to really make a fake case in order to force a mislynch. By setting this proposal in motion, people will have to think twice and make sure what theyre doing legitimate, otherwise, things wil become questionnabke later on. I dont mind not voting again so that the votes will be more apparent. I can just defend myself anyway if I get POEd.

how many more ppl u need to claim
...better to be hated for what you are than loved for something you are not.
Jun 11, 2017 8:46 AM

Dec 2013
logic340 said:
wen294 said:
I'm just using myself as an example there, it could be anyone that doesn't agree with who is being lynched and the current playerbase - 5 is still bigger than 5.
You don't have to use yourself as an example since you are the one that disagree you are the problem you so speak of with the plan. So I ask you to join hands with us and make it so you are not the problem it's that simple. If we get the majority to agree then the minority will have to work with us or face lynch. That's kind of how majority works.
But that's like a vig saying "if you don't agree with me i'll shoot you" ;w;
*sigh* well whatever.

logic340 said:
wen294 said:
I doubt it and are you rolefishing here?
My thing is how is it Role Fishing when the person in question asked them who they though he was? Also the fact that reiynii did something earlier that was actually a role fish compared to this yet you didn't bring it up is bothersome. This is why I feel like you are painting people rather than actually trying to figure them out. You told me about your town meta right well as town you don't have to paint people as scum that is from my meta on you so why are you doing it here?

Hmkey i can see where you're coming from here. I did not take anonymous' "who do you think i am huehuehue" serious so trying to actually guess who he/she was didn't really cross my mind. That's why yurkin's post felt like it came out of nowhere to me. Somebody, i think RE but not sure, already pointed that out shortly after i made the post.
Jun 11, 2017 8:50 AM

Sep 2016
wen294 said:

logic340 said:
My thing is how is it Role Fishing when the person in question asked them who they though he was? Also the fact that reiynii did something earlier that was actually a role fish compared to this yet you didn't bring it up is bothersome. This is why I feel like you are painting people rather than actually trying to figure them out. You told me about your town meta right well as town you don't have to paint people as scum that is from my meta on you so why are you doing it here?

Hmkey i can see where you're coming from here. I did not take anonymous' "who do you think i am huehuehue" serious so trying to actually guess who he/she was didn't really cross my mind. That's why yurkin's post felt like it came out of nowhere to me. Somebody, i think RE but not sure, already pointed that out shortly after i made the post.

I just want to say you are using the wrong context here. When yurkin made that guess, it was because ironace was hinting at his role, not because anonymous was messing around with the messages. ironace said something along the lines of "my role loses its power if it becomes known" or something like that. I came to a similar conclusion as yurkin, so I don't think she was rolefishing as ironace intentionally hinted at his role.
...better to be hated for what you are than loved for something you are not.
Jun 11, 2017 8:55 AM

Jan 2010
wen294 said:
- It's kinda funny how pissed you are with that because i actually didn't mean anything with it. Before you, penta came at me and voted for me, I asked if he had any questions and he said he didn't want to ask any questions. Then you come at me and say something about questions without asking any, so i wanted to know if you actually intended to ask questions or just vote me and nothing more like Penta did.
- heh sorry but i know my own meta better than you do.
- I did not miss it but i knew coelestin left some of his posts unquoted.
- okey i only read the personal comments part. But the part that was in a spoiler tag was probably a list with his posts and in short what they contained, because that's usually what you put there. What posts you were referring to was clear enough just from reading your comments though tbh. Also didn't read the questions part. They won't matter if they don't get an answer and if they do get an answer i'll find out what the question was anyway. Still don't know what you want in terms of feedback, or why you suddenly demand it from me now when you normally don't. What's the point of saying "yup yup, right on track logic"?
Oh and i even say stuff like "not like it's gotta do much except maybe give a pat on the back of your own ego" in real life so no i don't intend to paint people with it, allthough i am somewhat aware i'm pretty capable of getting people angry. I myself don't see stuff like that as offensive at all though so it's pretty hard for me stop. Most people i interact with don't get offended by that kind of stuff either and my sister is practically even worse with it than me so yeah, that's a thing.
- Then don't ask pointless questions. If you ask "will you try to be usefull" in a game like this the only possible reply you're gonna get is either a positive or a smart ass answer. Who in their right mind is gonna say "nope i'm gonna try and sabotage this entire day phase"

-I am not pissed an you know that. You saw pissed logic in gakkougurashi! I am going a very good job of keeping my composure this game. As stated I changed my vote and went to bed. I had asked plenty of questions so why are you asking me if I was doing what Penta did when it clearly was not?
-I don't ever trust self meta whether you think you know it better or not. Just like I don't expect you to trust my self meta.
-What is the point in saying this? Are you going to quote the posts and say that Coelestin left them out because they didn't support her narrative? If not what is the point of this other than slander and to make others look bad? I would think this is your game had I just went through two town games where you didn't do it.
-The thoughts section could have gotten more attention than you gave it. Why demand from just you? I asked Shinichi multiple time, I have posted the actual ISO or a link ot it something like 5 times and tagged everyone about it. I am on you because we are currently talking. You could ask other why they haven't commented but maybe that is doing too much to figure others out for you?
-Letting people know what you agree and disagree with amounts to a lot more than a pat on the bag (which I do not want). It amounts to a read on you based on what you put into the thread but you feel like you need to hide what you feel and limit what you put out there. This is behavior I expect form scum not from town.
-How you going to tell me not to ask pointless questions when I have caught you doing it multiple times here? Hypocrite much? I am more than happy to lynch your ass today.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Jun 11, 2017 8:55 AM

Dec 2013
RE1031 said:
wen294 said:

Hmkey i can see where you're coming from here. I did not take anonymous' "who do you think i am huehuehue" serious so trying to actually guess who he/she was didn't really cross my mind. That's why yurkin's post felt like it came out of nowhere to me. Somebody, i think RE but not sure, already pointed that out shortly after i made the post.

I just want to say you are using the wrong context here. When yurkin made that guess, it was because ironace was hinting at his role, not because anonymous was messing around with the messages. ironace said something along the lines of "my role loses its power if it becomes known" or something like that. I came to a similar conclusion as yurkin, so I don't think she was rolefishing as ironace intentionally hinted at his role.
I didn't see that as a hint towards anonymous at all tho. Imho the role won't even change all that much if it's known who the player is.
Jun 11, 2017 8:57 AM

Jan 2010
wen294 said:
logic340 said:
My thing is how is it Role Fishing when the person in question asked them who they though he was? Also the fact that reiynii did something earlier that was actually a role fish compared to this yet you didn't bring it up is bothersome. This is why I feel like you are painting people rather than actually trying to figure them out. You told me about your town meta right well as town you don't have to paint people as scum that is from my meta on you so why are you doing it here?

Hmkey i can see where you're coming from here. I did not take anonymous' "who do you think i am huehuehue" serious so trying to actually guess who he/she was didn't really cross my mind. That's why yurkin's post felt like it came out of nowhere to me. Somebody, i think RE but not sure, already pointed that out shortly after i made the post.
What are you even talking about? reiynii was dead by the time Anonymous started in with the guess who I am shit. You have completely misrepresented what I was saying and showed that you have no idea what I am talking about.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Jun 11, 2017 9:06 AM

Sep 2016
wen294 said:
RE1031 said:

I just want to say you are using the wrong context here. When yurkin made that guess, it was because ironace was hinting at his role, not because anonymous was messing around with the messages. ironace said something along the lines of "my role loses its power if it becomes known" or something like that. I came to a similar conclusion as yurkin, so I don't think she was rolefishing as ironace intentionally hinted at his role.
I didn't see that as a hint towards anonymous at all tho. Imho the role won't even change all that much if it's known who the player is.

The fun of it would be gone, for anon. For the rest of us, a goddamn relief.
I mean, to each and their own. I thought ironace might have been anon from that, as yurkin did. So I didn't find it suspicious at all. Plus I would not put that post in the realm of rolefishing because rather than trying to find out who is which role, she was just trying to find out ironace's role (who, again, intentionally made it a point for us to guess his role).
...better to be hated for what you are than loved for something you are not.
Jun 11, 2017 9:11 AM

Jan 2010
wen294 said:
logic340 said:
You don't have to use yourself as an example since you are the one that disagree you are the problem you so speak of with the plan. So I ask you to join hands with us and make it so you are not the problem it's that simple. If we get the majority to agree then the minority will have to work with us or face lynch. That's kind of how majority works.
But that's like a vig saying "if you don't agree with me i'll shoot you" ;w;
*sigh* well whatever.
So the way to look at this is as if we all agree. What happens when one person steps out of line on something we all agreed upon? Mafia cannot agree to this or they limit themselves to NK and are at the mercy of town during the day and SK at night. From a town perspective this plan is a masterpiece and should have no one against it unless your selfish pride is more important than our shared win condition?
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Jun 11, 2017 9:12 AM

Sep 2016
RE1031 said:
DenjaX said:
Also, my plan also serves a purpose on pressuring scum to git gud. They have to really make a fake case in order to force a mislynch. By setting this proposal in motion, people will have to think twice and make sure what theyre doing legitimate, otherwise, things wil become questionnabke later on. I dont mind not voting again so that the votes will be more apparent. I can just defend myself anyway if I get POEd.

how many more ppl u need to claim

...better to be hated for what you are than loved for something you are not.
Jun 11, 2017 9:17 AM

Oct 2014
Where did Karote and his lists go? Thinking...

Jun 11, 2017 9:33 AM

Jan 2010
PentaFlare said:
logic340 said:
Yes it's how I play and caught a lot of flack from SK Fo for in your Gakkougurashi game.

Really? That's hilarious now that you mention it. It's probably because Fo was SK, because what I just said is advice he gave me way back. I think you have a tendency to give yourself too strong of a townread though, because you can see the town motivation behind everything you do, but a lot of it is NAI.
Yeah it was part of the reason I scum read him before my death since he discredited it but I felt it was a great way to get reads on people who just saw my scum game in EEM.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Jun 11, 2017 9:38 AM

Jan 2010

#260 and #266 - Says she wanted to vote Yamin in RVS but it's over still votes Yamin 6 post later?
#279 - Says she wants to ask Abu questions lets see if she follows up.
#292 - Asks for clarification but doesn't tag the person who needs to clarify it. Look for follow up to this.
#317 - I really like this post and I will have to look for wen's response later. I think she gets tow points for this? She could have just let this slide here's no need for mafia to point this out.
#326 - Though she misunderstood what I was doing there I get the same feeling as #317
#437 - Kind of like this line of questioning wish I would have see more interactions right after.
#722 - After seeing all these posts I am believer in this.
#730 - Generally I feel like scum would feel pressure to move here in an effort to try ad look tow but yurkin doubles down on her vote.
#946 - More unneeded attention I dot think scum bring on themselves?
#954 - Not sure what to make of this one. Could be mafia not wanting attention but feels more like just knowing there are other better roles than hers.
#962 - Great defense against a bogus claim form wen.
#1414 - I really like this post and what followed for a few reasons. 1. She is wondering why I am parking my vote on an inactive player that we have no read on. She voted them yesterday but sees the futility in this effort. 2. I am basically confirmed town at this point and she is not afraid to call me out for BS (something town should be doing). 3. Because it's someone she voted all D1 she is brining negative attention to herself by even questioning me (SuzakuTsubasa was drawn that way).
#1638 - Doesn't look like much but I like that she asked Denja why she is the exception.
#1731 - Doesn't seem like the type of response that would come from scum given that Suzaku misrepresented her though it's possible.
#1975 - Trying to understand Tsubasa's mindset is a townie thing.
#1999 - Reads as asked for by Tsubasa these feel good not following others or going with the flow.
#2007 - Reads as asked for by Tsubasa these feel a bit safe but I can understand them.

Questions @yurkin:
I didn't realize Yamin was basically a RVS vote for you. Why is it you felt there was no one better to vote for in #714?
Why leave an RVS for an entire phase I will need evidence of where you have done this in other games.
What are your suspicions of Penta for?
What are your suspicions of wen for?
How do you currently feel about ironace?

So the yurkin train stared up before I finished this. There are some really town looking posts D1 and there is the RVS vote that lasted all phase and not much in the way of reads D2. I would say slight town lean based on liking the townie things more than the Vote. They are way more active than we have given them credit for. Not seeing any major scum markers as the RVS not moving imo is more likely to come from town.

@Shinichi-kun it's done
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Jun 11, 2017 9:47 AM

Dec 2013
Well from the looks of it i won't avoid a lynch without a claim so I have to do this sooner rather than later:

I'm Tachanka, the vigilante
Did not use night action N1, if there's anyone you wanna see dead just gimme a heads up before N2. If you wanna check you can just cop me or hide behind me or whatever really.

Jun 11, 2017 9:50 AM

Dec 2013
Oh btw @logic340, as for that question of older games where Yurkin left RVS vote for entire D1:

I looked it up earlier when she said she did that, cause i couldn't really remember her doing so. Not sure about other games but it checks with that one.
Jun 11, 2017 9:51 AM

Jan 2014
Anonymous: The way people are opposing denja's plan, they can be scum read. The situation here calls for denja's plan to be put into action. Any other way and we will be running in circles. If we lynch a townie, we will have a smaller list of possible suspects for later.
~I am just one sadist who supports friends~
Jun 11, 2017 9:56 AM

Apr 2014
Votes so far!

ironace (1) - ( Rinto-kun)

DenjaX (1) - (Karote)

SuzakuTsubasa (1) - ( Suzune-chan)

grrr (1) - (Sleipnirr)

Yurkin (1) - (grrr)

AbuHumaid (1) - (RE1031)

wen294 (4) - (coelestin,Shinichi-kun,Logic340,Pentaflare)

Pentaflare (1) - Abuhumaid)

Not voting: PTYamin, Militus, yurkin, DenjaX, ironace,SuzakuTsubasa,Wen294

Time until Night 2!
Jun 11, 2017 10:01 AM

Jan 2010
Uncountered Claims:
Logic - Hider - Hid behind Rinto N1
Shinichi - IQ - Wen got Double Tap
PentaFlare - Doctor
Wen - Vig

wont be voting an uncoutntered vig or doc claim
time to move to my neutral pile or back to my neutral pile?
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Jun 11, 2017 10:02 AM

Feb 2014
vote: ironace

We can't lynch the vigilante. Let the real vigilante shoot him. Please change your votes now!
Jun 11, 2017 10:11 AM

Jan 2010
wen294 said:
Oh btw @logic340, as for that question of older games where Yurkin left RVS vote for entire D1:

I looked it up earlier when she said she did that, cause i couldn't really remember her doing so. Not sure about other games but it checks with that one.
Same thing again here so it's NAI since she always does it.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Jun 11, 2017 10:14 AM

Jan 2014

Jun 11, 2017 10:15 AM

Jan 2014
Votes so far!

ironace (2) - ( Rinto-kun, grrr)

DenjaX (1) - (Karote)

SuzakuTsubasa (1) - ( Suzune-chan)

grrr (1) - (Sleipnirr)

AbuHumaid (1) - (RE1031)

wen294 (2) - ([Shinichi-kun, Pentaflare)

Pentaflare (1) - Abuhumaid)

Not voting: PTYamin, Militus, yurkin, DenjaX, ironace, SuzakuTsubasa, wen294, Coelestin, logic340

Time until Night 2!
~I am just one sadist who supports friends~
Jun 11, 2017 10:20 AM

Feb 2014
after 45 hours of day 2 we have 9 non voters ...
Jun 11, 2017 10:23 AM

Jan 2015
grrr said:
Coelestin said:

Just kidding.
Vote: grrr

I think I get it now why your behavior seems so different than in Bungou Stray Dogs. In Bungou Stray Dogs, you were really forceful with your plan. Here, you were just aimlessly trying to get people to claim. There's a big difference.

Typical traitor lol!

Shinichi-Kun said:


I wanna know why u claimed 4 roles.

And typical kaito ...

I want to ask eventhough you reacted to these votes why didnt you react to mine?
Jun 11, 2017 10:29 AM

Jan 2010
grrr said:
after 45 hours of day 2 we have 9 non voters ...
my vote keeps moving. I mean it could always find its way back to you while I keep searching for who is actually scum here?
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Jun 11, 2017 10:36 AM

Jan 2014
DenjaX said:
Coelestin said:
@DenjaX It's absolute democracy vs representative democracy lol. Your plan is flawed by the fact that it will limit the realms of scumhunting in this game. The votes and actions of people say more than a thousand words. I know you're all gung ho about game mechanics n stuff, but giving up clues that could point to one's alignment is not worth the perks.

Game mechanics is part of the game, but it's not all there is to it.
this is short sighted. Limit scumhunting? Did I tell everyone to stop scumhunting? We already have town representatives so all we need to do is have them lynch our target. Look at day 1. People are bandwagoning for free perk lottery. Where is the scumhunting there? We were lucky it was just a tpr. Im proposing this idea to control the free perk giveaway and have people to actually scumhunt. Also goodluck scumhunting inactives.

Penta is already doing bad with him pressing charges that already lead to multiple roleclaims. If what im proposing cannot stop massclaims then what are you proposing to do? Massclaiming early is way worse imo. It is already happening and it is like a domino effect. If you want a reference, look at role ladness where you also played. Just look at the massclaims.

Sighs. Nothing can replace votes. A person intent always shines through the most in their votes. If we only let these 5 vote we're going to run into a wall eventually because it'll be easy for the others to pretend to be scum hunting and shift momentum. And yeah, I might as well be biased here cause I love scum hunting and getting reactions with my vote.

I am willing to compromise though, if you can come up with a plan that still includes a voting system or something similar to it and your initial plan of using a town block to use the full potential of perks etc. then I think peeps like Suzu, Penta and I will be more open to it.

And I never said that I have a plan against all this mass claiming, if you've seen my reaction to Penta's shenanigans then you know that I'm against it, but it doesn't mean that your plan is the right way to go either.
Jun 11, 2017 10:38 AM

Dec 2013
ok i i roughly read the posts but this is becoming stupid. Everyone is claiming as soon as they get under slight bit of pressure.
I was going to vote for penta but since he claimed and and so has wen, so our list of suspects grows smaller. Has grrr claimed? I do think his plan of mass claiming worked in a roundabout way.And i dont like that. If everybody is claiming the game no longer becomes fun.

Also, i dont remember who asked me this question but the reason i chose to deem suzaku and suzune as town is because i just cannot see then as scum for now. Maybe that will change later but for now i will lean towards them being town .
Jun 11, 2017 10:40 AM

Jan 2014
Votes so far!

ironace (2) - ( Rinto-kun, grrr)

DenjaX (1) - (Karote)

SuzakuTsubasa (1) - ( Suzune-chan)

grrr (2) - (Sleipnirr, ironace)

AbuHumaid (1) - (RE1031)

wen294 (2) - ([Shinichi-kun, Pentaflare)

Pentaflare (1) - Abuhumaid)

Not voting: PTYamin, Militus, yurkin, DenjaX, SuzakuTsubasa, wen294, Coelestin, logic340

Time until Night 2!
~I am just one sadist who supports friends~
Jun 11, 2017 10:46 AM

Dec 2013
@Logic340, in your iso in #954 yurkin is talking about players not roles. She is usually (no offense here yurkin) not really a driving force for town, so i think she's referring to that. I don't think there's a hint to her role there, but i personally kinda feel that such a post would sooner come from town than scum.

ironace said:
Also, i dont remember who asked me this question but the reason i chose to deem suzaku and suzune as town is because i just cannot see then as scum for now. Maybe that will change later but for now i will lean towards them being town .
Yeah that was me, was there any specific reason or post that gave you the impression or is it more akin to gut feeling?
Jun 11, 2017 10:46 AM

Feb 2014
Sleipnirr said:
grrr said:

Typical traitor lol!

And typical kaito ...

I want to ask eventhough you reacted to these votes why didnt you react to mine?

I dont consider you being neither traitor neither kaito. Why would I react to you ?
Jun 11, 2017 10:46 AM

Sep 2016
vote: ironace
I really hate to have go back to where I started. But if wen is telling the truth, then ironace has a higher chance of being scum. If he's not, well, like grrr says, let the real vigilante shoot him. And 2 of ironace's votes have been on players who voted for him first right before.
Also I have little intention of going along with Denja's plan because he's given me little reason to actually trust him + he's not here. If he shows up maybe that'll be another story.
Plus I have some thoughts on why grrr is acting this way. And I'd like to keep him alive.
...better to be hated for what you are than loved for something you are not.
Jun 11, 2017 10:46 AM

Jan 2014
The_Pyromaani said:
Anonymous: The way people are opposing denja's plan, they can be scum read. The situation here calls for denja's plan to be put into action. Any other way and we will be running in circles. If we lynch a townie, we will have a smaller list of possible suspects for later.

Ahh yes, let's scum read people for having an opinion. It's like yesterday where people judged Penta for trying to force people into claiming. It's not alignment indicative. And I can tell you from experience that Suzu is often if not always against that kind of stuff.
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