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The Heroic Legend of Arslan
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Jul 17, 2016 1:24 AM

Nov 2011
Mm, quite a background story this episode. Not sure how I feel about seeing that weird earth spirit guy again. However, I'm glad the episode also focused on Silver Mask and his ruthlessness.

I also love Daryun's role this episode as he and the others tries to stand by Arslan. Pretty tense episode..
Jul 17, 2016 2:34 AM

Jan 2015
Some Romance-related flashback story of mister Silver Mask. That's kinda touching especially remember how he lose his temper easily.

Arslan's team are now in lots of confusion considering their choice follow Arslan which means disobey the king himself, what a choice.
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Jul 17, 2016 2:47 AM

Jan 2012
Wasn't expecting a Hilmes flashback. Irina's beautiful, but that Farangis end god! XD

Well they're all exiled together, as expected. Andragoras remains quite the douche. XD
animefan8800Jul 17, 2016 2:54 AM
Jul 17, 2016 3:04 AM

Dec 2010
Good episode.
Backstory on Hilmes was interesting. We don't really know much about his past minus the fire incident.

Kinda surprised by Kishward's action though. I thought he was more of a friend to Arslan. Bit disappointed, unless his gonna work for both sides. Pass messages through Azrael or something.
Jul 17, 2016 3:37 AM
Jul 2018
I'm laughing so hard, this is freaking ridiculous. I really thought the babysitting over Arslan was truly over but his bunch just couldn't stay still. Jesus, they just won't let him grow on his own. Pampered boy Arslan.
Jul 17, 2016 4:26 AM

Jun 2014
Pretty nice to get some backstory about Hilmes. I guess now we understand why becoming king is so important to him.

I'm in total agreement with @yuliyana29, I really thought we were gonna see Arslan fend for himself for a change. If anything, I thought he was gonna be off on his own for at least an episode, maybe two, before inevitably reuniting with Daryun and the others, but instead, he isn't even by himself for a full episode. Seriously, there's some potential right here for character development and the opportunity has gone down the drain.

I have to admit, Daryun and the others disobeying Andragoras like that is pretty ballsy, if they ever have to face his wrath, then they're definitely fucked.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Jul 17, 2016 4:57 AM

Dec 2013
Interesting to see Himes's backstory. Seems even he has a waifu :3

Can't wait to see Andragoras's reaction to learning how many people left.
Jul 17, 2016 5:10 AM
Feb 2016
I know this is unnecessary, but please let me explain why Kishward acted like that. (Concerning the original novel..)

-He has the strongest sense of responsibility in the Marzban (Daryun, Kishward, Kubard) and he couldn't abandon his 10000 subordinates, especially considering that Daryun will do so and his 10000 soldiers will lose their leader.
-Kishward's family is of traditionally much higher grade knight than Daryun and he has been strictly raised to be loyal toward King.
-Unlike Daryun, he hasn't been against King.

That is why he couldn't disobey Andragoras and stopped Daryun, but he really cares Arslan as we can see from his letting Azrael follow him.

What I want to say is that I liked the scene of Kishward.
Jul 17, 2016 5:14 AM
Apr 2016
everything is Andragoras' fault lol. I want a younger Arslan flashback episode though but I loved how the others we like bye bye Andragoras.
Jul 17, 2016 5:36 AM

Feb 2011
This season of Arslan is really good compared to the previous one.
Jul 17, 2016 5:44 AM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Another solid episode. We get some much needed backstory to Hilmes and his life before throwing his lot with the Lusitanians.

And while I expected Arslan's retainers to join him, I expected it to take a bit longer before they made their move. And I desperately want to hear more from the Queen and her relationship to Arslan, if any.

The story is really opening up with new characters being introduced. We could get several seasons if the sales are good.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Jul 17, 2016 5:48 AM
Former AMQ God

Sep 2014
Liked the flashback for Hilmes the most, much more sympathy for him now.
Jul 17, 2016 6:16 AM

Jun 2016
cant believe such a ruthless guy had such a romantic backstory...i like him a little bit more now
Jul 17, 2016 6:24 AM

May 2012
Yeah, I like Hilmes a bit more after seeing more about his past. It's nice to see that he's just not hell bent on revenge but motivated for other reasons as well.

Jul 17, 2016 6:32 AM

Sep 2013
Great backstory for Hilmes.

I really have no idea how this story is gonna finish. Actually, Arslan is gonna win, obviously, but I want to see what happens with Hilmes and King. And why King did what he did as well.
Jul 17, 2016 7:58 AM

Dec 2015
Still thinks that were in the old OVA I think. I remember the meeting with that princess. But I don't know Hermes/Hilmes met her directly or of some other people met her in the OVA. (Already a bit different with the sword that got stolen and in OVA it got lost I think.)

Next episode should be stuff that wasn't yet in the old OVA. Looking forward to it.
Jul 17, 2016 8:07 AM

Jul 2013
loved loved loved the scene at the end there.

hilmes backstory was nice to see as well
Jul 17, 2016 8:13 AM
Apr 2014
Meh I kind hoped that Arslan would have his solo arc gathering Nakamas before being joined by the loyal guys from his army, I didn't expect they'd turn on the king and join Arslan so soon, I would've liked to see how Arslan would do without his guys after all this.
Hilmes is literally (Massive Naruto Spoiler)
I now know where Kishimoto got this backstory. I didn't really like Hilmes' backstory too much, this is the cheapest way to make us care for the dude but then again this is an 80's story.
Finally the sea next episode.
Jul 17, 2016 10:41 AM

Feb 2015
yuliyana29 said:
I'm laughing so hard, this is freaking ridiculous. I really thought the babysitting over Arslan was truly over but his bunch just couldn't stay still. Jesus, they just won't let him grow on his own. Pampered boy Arslan.

How so? Are you saying you would just mindlessly obey Andragoras if it were you? Daryun is honestly the only one who has any kind of obligation to him, and even then he has more of an obligation to Arslan.

Farangis is there for Arslan and Arslan alone, by what she believes to be the wishes of her god. Gieve is simply following Farangis (so he says, but I feel he has some feeling of devotion to Arslan after all they've been through). Narsus has been banished by Andragoras before, so he has no reason to serve him. Elam serves Narsus directly. Alfreed owes Arslan and his company, plus the fact she is in love with Narsus. And Jaswant directly owes Arslan a debt as he said himself.

tl;dr- nobody is being "pampered". It makes perfect sense why all these characters would follow Arslan contrasted to why it makes no sense why they would follow Andragoras. Sounds like somebody just doesn't like Arslan and is bitching.
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Jul 17, 2016 10:43 AM

Feb 2015
KolmeDG said:
I know this is unnecessary, but please let me explain why Kishward acted like that. (Concerning the original novel..)

-He has the strongest sense of responsibility in the Marzban (Daryun, Kishward, Kubard) and he couldn't abandon his 10000 subordinates, especially considering that Daryun will do so and his 10000 soldiers will lose their leader.
-Kishward's family is of traditionally much higher grade knight than Daryun and he has been strictly raised to be loyal toward King.
-Unlike Daryun, he hasn't been against King.

That is why he couldn't disobey Andragoras and stopped Daryun, but he really cares Arslan as we can see from his letting Azrael follow him.

What I want to say is that I liked the scene of Kishward.

I agree. It was obvious that Kishward is pulling for them from that smile at the end. He may be duty-bound to Andragoras in title but the asshole king doesn't control his emotions or wishes.
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Jul 17, 2016 10:46 AM

Aug 2010
Hermers got himself some romance :3

Arslan's development has been great viewing this as being free and not as exile. BA
Jul 17, 2016 10:49 AM

Aug 2012
There we go, now Hilmes is somewhat sympathetic, sets up for a nice bittersweet ending because, well we all know there's only one way this can end.

Oh boy, Andragoras is not gonna be happy with Kishward. He needs him though, so he should be fine.

WHOA, would not have expected that Farangis end card from Yuki Suetsugu(chihayafuru)
Jul 17, 2016 10:53 AM

Jul 2013
Hilmes's backstory with the princess was nice. Honestly, I'm kinda rooting for him considering how annoying the plot armor of the protagonists is, but considering what the sorcerer told him about what his revenge will bring, I doubt he will end well.

A bit dissapointed Daryun and the others decided to escape with Arslan to obtain the soldiers Andragoras told him to reunite, as that means we will have more Deux ex Machinas of Narsus and Arslan being saved again by everyone, but, well, the opening spoiled they will join his in his task, so complaining any more will be useless.

We need more of best girl Etoile soon.

That endcard pleased my d*ck. Fortunately, Falangies boobs are as thick as her plot armor.
IllyricusJul 17, 2016 12:15 PM
Jul 17, 2016 10:54 AM
Jul 2018
Hilmes's backstory was interesting!
Jul 17, 2016 1:44 PM

Jan 2015
Powerful episode. From beginning to end, from Hilmes to Arslan. <3 The encounter with the princess was heartbreaking. Kishward sending Azrael away to accompany his Denka. <3

lol at people saying Arslan's gang should have left him be. he recruited them, what is loyalty anyway, amirite.. waow they will have to face the king's wrath, better stay cozy at home. uh.

The series are now at the same moment the OVAs left, with just a few differences in the story order.
Jul 17, 2016 5:26 PM

Jun 2013
So Hilmes escaped to the kingdom of Maryam after being saved. The king saved him for his own purposes. There Hilmes meets the princess of Maryam, Irina, a blind girl. He falls in love with her and stuff. But Lusitania invades and the selfish a-hole of a king surrenders and even sells off his freakin daughter. How big of a selfish scumbag is that king? Good thing Hilmes killed him.

The purpose of mentioning Maryam, a kingdom which no longer exists, is that Bodin is planning on restoring that place. He wants to distance himself from Innocentus and Hilmes. Or he wants to give Pars another pain in the ass in the form of a fourth enemy. And Maryam was across the sea which means that Arslan will be facing them since his destination is a port city.

As expected, everyone is believing that the story about Arslan not being of royal blood is true and he's being kicked out to prevent someone not of royal blood from ascending the throne. Andoragoras sure is harsh for not letting Narsus or Daryun accompany Arslan. And he even hates Narsus. He has Kishward swear loyalty to him again and probably does the same with Kubard and the other generals. Gieve, Farangis, Alfreed and Elam have no obligation to follow Andoragoras since they're not soldiers who have sworn loyalty to the king, and Jaswant isn't even a citizen of Pars so he's free to do whatever. The problem lies with Narsus and Daryun since they were explicitly ordered by the king to not accompany Arslan. But Andoragoras probably expected them to run off to Arslan anyway. But if Andoragoras really is planning on having Arslan take Pars for himself with his own army, then there won't be any trouble for Daryun and Narsus.

And now we'll get a change in outfits as they go to meet Narsus's distant relative who will also probably be a strategist like Narsus or a leader type figure because he doesn't look like a fighter based on the opening sequence at least.
Jul 17, 2016 7:02 PM

Oct 2011
They were loyal to Arslan this whole time. oh narzus has a relative omg
Jul 17, 2016 8:17 PM

Sep 2011
Just what we needed - a flashback episode in an 8 episode series. For a shorter season it feels significantly slower than the prequel.
Jul 17, 2016 11:17 PM

Dec 2009
Hilmes backstory shows he clearly is justified in what he is doing, Andoragoras is such a fucking dick and deserves to be cut down. If it wasn't for the black cloaked magic users manipulating hilmes, I would say Andorgoras was probably the main villain of the series. I was so happy seeing everyone join Arslan at the end though, fuck you Andoragoras! ....Daryun is so gay....I love it
Jul 17, 2016 11:24 PM

Jan 2014
Hilme's backstory is compelling and I don't find myself disliking him as much as I did because what he is doing is understandable, but I still don't think he would make a good king because he is revenge-driven and doesn't seem to care about the bigger picture.

Arslan being reunited with everyone made me so happy. I like how action was taken immediately to escape the castle. Elam just hopping down from out of nowhere was amazing. Daryun is clearly the mom friend.

Also, those poor horses.
Jul 18, 2016 3:27 AM
Jul 2018
CC9ers said:
yuliyana29 said:
I'm laughing so hard, this is freaking ridiculous. I really thought the babysitting over Arslan was truly over but his bunch just couldn't stay still. Jesus, they just won't let him grow on his own. Pampered boy Arslan.

How so? Are you saying you would just mindlessly obey Andragoras if it were you? Daryun is honestly the only one who has any kind of obligation to him, and even then he has more of an obligation to Arslan.

Farangis is there for Arslan and Arslan alone, by what she believes to be the wishes of her god. Gieve is simply following Farangis (so he says, but I feel he has some feeling of devotion to Arslan after all they've been through). Narsus has been banished by Andragoras before, so he has no reason to serve him. Elam serves Narsus directly. Alfreed owes Arslan and his company, plus the fact she is in love with Narsus. And Jaswant directly owes Arslan a debt as he said himself.

tl;dr- nobody is being "pampered". It makes perfect sense why all these characters would follow Arslan contrasted to why it makes no sense why they would follow Andragoras. Sounds like somebody just doesn't like Arslan and is bitching.

See? You just confirmed they're all stucked to him like a glue.
Jul 18, 2016 4:22 AM

Dec 2012
Just when I was saying at my brother that I couldn't remember how Hilmes was burned, the flashback started. Perfect timing. It made me appreciate him more. Andragoras is an asshole, but he obtained what he wanted.
Fortunately for Arslan, his friends are courageous. Beautiful reunion.
Jul 18, 2016 4:36 AM

Sep 2015
CC9ers said:

How so? Are you saying you would just mindlessly obey Andragoras if it were you? Daryun is honestly the only one who has any kind of obligation to him, and even then he has more of an obligation to Arslan.

Farangis is there for Arslan and Arslan alone, by what she believes to be the wishes of her god. Gieve is simply following Farangis (so he says, but I feel he has some feeling of devotion to Arslan after all they've been through). Narsus has been banished by Andragoras before, so he has no reason to serve him. Elam serves Narsus directly. Alfreed owes Arslan and his company, plus the fact she is in love with Narsus. And Jaswant directly owes Arslan a debt as he said himself.

tl;dr- nobody is being "pampered". It makes perfect sense why all these characters would follow Arslan contrasted to why it makes no sense why they would follow Andragoras. Sounds like somebody just doesn't like Arslan and is bitching.

I second this.

Arslan is not being pampered. He has grown a lot compared to how he was in the beginning of the story. His character has been developed considerably and there is no need for him to prove himself on his own - he already achieved a lot during the time that ridiculous king has been held in captivity. And while, of course, his followers played a big role in his achievements, their participation does not diminish his own role.

Jul 18, 2016 4:42 AM

Jan 2014
We've got what I believe is the series' third or fourth romantic pairing with Hilmes and that blind girl...a redemption arc is anyone's guess at the moment.
Jul 18, 2016 7:22 AM

Jul 2013
yuliyana29 said:
CC9ers said:

How so? Are you saying you would just mindlessly obey Andragoras if it were you? Daryun is honestly the only one who has any kind of obligation to him, and even then he has more of an obligation to Arslan.

Farangis is there for Arslan and Arslan alone, by what she believes to be the wishes of her god. Gieve is simply following Farangis (so he says, but I feel he has some feeling of devotion to Arslan after all they've been through). Narsus has been banished by Andragoras before, so he has no reason to serve him. Elam serves Narsus directly. Alfreed owes Arslan and his company, plus the fact she is in love with Narsus. And Jaswant directly owes Arslan a debt as he said himself.

tl;dr- nobody is being "pampered". It makes perfect sense why all these characters would follow Arslan contrasted to why it makes no sense why they would follow Andragoras. Sounds like somebody just doesn't like Arslan and is bitching.

See? You just confirmed they're all stucked to him like a glue.

Which really makes sense rather than following some asshole king. A true leader is someone that people are willing to follow because they truly believe in him. You call Arslan pampered but what about that asshole king who just simply marched in and literally stole what Arlan built?

You're talking about Arslan growing but the question is did you really watch (and understand) the series from season 1? there have been many instances where the gang let Arslan made his own decisions and grow by himself. Not too long ago (1 or 2 eps maybe) Narsus forbade Daryun from stopping Arslan from confronting the barbarians who slaughtered innocent people in front of the fortress. That was only one small instance and there have been many, especially during the Sindhura arc where they simply let Arslan learned to make his own decision and grow as a potential king. Nurturing and protecting are not the same as spoiling. It's not exactly a king's job to fight on the frontline or repel people who are trying to kill him. That's what knights and guards are for.
Jul 18, 2016 7:34 AM

Sep 2010
Well, I know one thing - the new journey will be awesome. I'm so sad there will only be 8 eps though.

Might start reading manga, but I guess there isn't much more chapters to begin with.

Jul 18, 2016 8:30 AM

May 2015
That was unexpected.

I really didn't wanted to like Silver mask but I'm weak for cute love stories and childhood promises...
Jul 18, 2016 8:38 AM
Nov 2015
I'm kind of sad to know that there still only 5 episodes to the end of this season ..
Good epiisode, The King is a good fighter and ruler. But as a father, he's a scum.
I'm becoming a big fan of SilverMask-san. The way he killed those soldiers, I'm not wondering how he won against Dariun.
So we're gonnaa see thee Pirate and the blond hair person from the OP. (only 49.991 left ?) They look likee another Dariun & Narsus.

PS: That princess can't see but know how to kiss. How lewd she is !
Jul 18, 2016 9:09 AM
Jul 2018
MoeGod said:
yuliyana29 said:

See? You just confirmed they're all stucked to him like a glue.

Which really makes sense rather than following some asshole king. A true leader is someone that people are willing to follow because they truly believe in him. You call Arslan pampered but what about that asshole king who just simply marched in and literally stole what Arlan built?

You're talking about Arslan growing but the question is did you really watch (and understand) the series from season 1? there have been many instances where the gang let Arslan made his own decisions and grow by himself. Not too long ago (1 or 2 eps maybe) Narsus forbade Daryun from stopping Arslan from confronting the barbarians who slaughtered innocent people in front of the fortress. That was only one small instance and there have been many, especially during the Sindhura arc where they simply let Arslan learned to make his own decision and grow as a potential king. Nurturing and protecting are not the same as spoiling. It's not exactly a king's job to fight on the frontline or repel people who are trying to kill him. That's what knights and guards are for.

I didn't say that they should be following the asshole king. The point is that they are too unrealisticlly loyal to Arslan which makes the series kinda boring and predictable because you know that they would solve everything for him and they won't betray him for anything. So far, everytime Arslan had to face some difficulty I did't take it seriously, I couldn't, because I knew that someone would save the day for him (even if it means a falcon), and I wasn't deceived by my presupmtions. Every nation that had come to conquer his land was defeated so easily by his squad it just becomes so boring and I can't praise Arslan or his squad for beating some people that are too dumb for them. So yes, I have watched the whole season 1, as you can see, and I don't buy this so called heroic story, aside from other people who haven't read much books or watched shows about war(it doesn't have to be realistic ones). If there wasn't any blood in this anime, this would have been for kids, where you are supposed to root for the good guys and hate the bad guys. I like good guys, but Arslan wouldn't have learned anything from his tragedies if Narsus didn't tell him what to, he was even neutral about the slaves until Narsus told him what's the point, he joyfully ate at Narsus after the night he experienced the defeat and the picture of it which is not logical to be ok in your mind after seeing that for the first time and when he found out that his parents are not his parents, he just let go of it so simply. Of course he didn't love or feel anything about them as his parents, but then, what is there so sorry to feel about. He just needs to regain his kingdom because Narsus told him to. And it didn't looked like he is teaching him, but more like he is pouring his ideals in Arslan's mind which looks like he is manipulating him, but neh, he is just loyal to him because Arslan is noble and that's reason enough. Even though in essence that would mean that he is using you because you are so noble (dumb) to see that. Or most likely it was just the writing that wasn't so good to make me feel that Arslan actually cared from the bottom of his heart for the people.

The episode where Narsus forbade Daryun from stopping Arslan from confronting the barbarians who slaughtered innocent people in front of the fortress was plain stupidity because if this was in reality, rushing like that without calculation/strategy for how to defeat an army that you don't know, will get you killed, besides that, seems like Arslan have some kind of luckiness to not be killed by an older experienced king. But you know, the foreign king has to act dumb and powerless so Arslan can win or be saved. Plot convenience at its finest. Trust me, the next time Turan or any other nation attacks, they will be defeated before we even see them do that. In the end, everything Arslan does is finished by his squad, not because he as a king doesn't need to do much as his knights and guards should do, but because he can't and he is always getting helpless. I know that he can't do everything all by himself, but he is way too much relying on his squad and everytime he speaks I can only see that he is saying what he has to say, following Narsus' ideals and words or just encouraging everyone, not that he actually thinks something straight by himself. You call that growing up?

About Andragoras, I can hardly see a bold man being pampered, but selfish, yes I can see that. But that's what this show needs, a villain, someone who will prevent Arslan from gaining what he wants. Everyone is talking about him being afraid, no, he isn't afraid, he just wants Arslan out of his way because he is not his child and he is still a king, so he wouldn't be grateful for what Arslan (Narsus) has achieved so far. Knowing that Arslan alone, can't gather 50 000 people, it's the perfect way to stop him from interfering in his plans. Or maybe he wants to make Arslan do something on his own beacuse a Parsian king is not like any other king for whom people would do everything for; to be a king of Pars you even need to kill a lion with your own bare hands. Not that I expect to see that from this little boy, but that's what Andragoras may think. Either way, even if he is an asshole, I don't mind it as long as it makes Arslan rethink his life and sweat a little bit by himself. Which now it's ruined by his unrealisticly loyal squad.
removed-userJul 18, 2016 9:12 AM
Jul 18, 2016 9:48 AM

Dec 2013
Finally they show Princess Irina. It was good to see a little characterization for Hermes.
Can't really complain too much about this episode, despite how slow it was in the narrative.
Was hoping we'd get to see when Andragoras retakes Pars, but I guess the rest of the season will mainly be Arslan playing pirates...
Jul 18, 2016 11:01 AM

Jul 2009
But why is the King so stupid? And painfully obvious in his treatment? If he didn't want Arslan to be the next king why name him crowned prince? And wow poor Tahamine, didn't get to see her child at all (i'm still hoping that child is Arslan and not some other random kid)

And really who sends their crown prince off ALONE. Like not a single soldier went with him? Nor attendants? That's BS. Also Narsus obviously only joined for Arslan, as he was exiled by the same king that told him he had to stay -.-

Besides Daryun, I'm still confused as to why Gieve, Alfreed, Falangies and Jaswant (especially Jaswant) didn't just leave immediately with Arslan, like the king has no hold on them.

But honestly considering how nice and innocent Arslan is, the king seems to really be trying to get overthrown or something. Don't just treat your crown prince that way.

yuliyana29 said:
I'm laughing so hard, this is freaking ridiculous. I really thought the babysitting over Arslan was truly over but his bunch just couldn't stay still. Jesus, they just won't let him grow on his own. Pampered boy Arslan.

LOL i can definitely see how Arslan has been crazy pampered, most things don't seem to have been his own achievements but rather by those who follow him. While I couldve understood if maybe Narsus stayed back so that he could grow, it would actually be more weird for him to go alone. Every ruler/royalty still needs a guard and attendants. Can't run a country on your own. (Plus, again, besides Daryun (technically) the rest of them have more loyalty to him than that asshole king)
InugirlzJul 18, 2016 11:09 AM
Jul 18, 2016 3:07 PM

Sep 2012
Andradoras deserves the title of FATHER OF THE YEAR.
Jul 18, 2016 4:01 PM
Aug 2013
Never imagined that Hermes would fall in love one day!
Jul 18, 2016 7:12 PM

Sep 2013
With this episode, the Arslan anime finally catches up with where the OVA left off 20 years ago.
Jul 18, 2016 9:20 PM

Jul 2013
yuliyana29 said:

I didn't say that they should be following the asshole king. The point is that they are too unrealisticlly loyal to Arslan which makes the series kinda boring and predictable because you know that they would solve everything for him and they won't betray him for anything. So far, everytime Arslan had to face some difficulty I did't take it seriously, I couldn't, because I knew that someone would save the day for him (even if it means a falcon), and I wasn't deceived by my presupmtions. Every nation that had come to conquer his land was defeated so easily by his squad it just becomes so boring and I can't praise Arslan or his squad for beating some people that are too dumb for them. So yes, I have watched the whole season 1, as you can see, and I don't buy this so called heroic story, aside from other people who haven't read much books or watched shows about war(it doesn't have to be realistic ones). If there wasn't any blood in this anime, this would have been for kids, where you are supposed to root for the good guys and hate the bad guys. I like good guys, but Arslan wouldn't have learned anything from his tragedies if Narsus didn't tell him what to, he was even neutral about the slaves until Narsus told him what's the point, he joyfully ate at Narsus after the night he experienced the defeat and the picture of it which is not logical to be ok in your mind after seeing that for the first time and when he found out that his parents are not his parents, he just let go of it so simply. Of course he didn't love or feel anything about them as his parents, but then, what is there so sorry to feel about. He just needs to regain his kingdom because Narsus told him to. And it didn't looked like he is teaching him, but more like he is pouring his ideals in Arslan's mind which looks like he is manipulating him, but neh, he is just loyal to him because Arslan is noble and that's reason enough. Even though in essence that would mean that he is using you because you are so noble (dumb) to see that. Or most likely it was just the writing that wasn't so good to make me feel that Arslan actually cared from the bottom of his heart for the people.

The episode where Narsus forbade Daryun from stopping Arslan from confronting the barbarians who slaughtered innocent people in front of the fortress was plain stupidity because if this was in reality, rushing like that without calculation/strategy for how to defeat an army that you don't know, will get you killed, besides that, seems like Arslan have some kind of luckiness to not be killed by an older experienced king. But you know, the foreign king has to act dumb and powerless so Arslan can win or be saved. Plot convenience at its finest. Trust me, the next time Turan or any other nation attacks, they will be defeated before we even see them do that. In the end, everything Arslan does is finished by his squad, not because he as a king doesn't need to do much as his knights and guards should do, but because he can't and he is always getting helpless. I know that he can't do everything all by himself, but he is way too much relying on his squad and everytime he speaks I can only see that he is saying what he has to say, following Narsus' ideals and words or just encouraging everyone, not that he actually thinks something straight by himself. You call that growing up?

About Andragoras, I can hardly see a bold man being pampered, but selfish, yes I can see that. But that's what this show needs, a villain, someone who will prevent Arslan from gaining what he wants. Everyone is talking about him being afraid, no, he isn't afraid, he just wants Arslan out of his way because he is not his child and he is still a king, so he wouldn't be grateful for what Arslan (Narsus) has achieved so far. Knowing that Arslan alone, can't gather 50 000 people, it's the perfect way to stop him from interfering in his plans. Or maybe he wants to make Arslan do something on his own beacuse a Parsian king is not like any other king for whom people would do everything for; to be a king of Pars you even need to kill a lion with your own bare hands. Not that I expect to see that from this little boy, but that's what Andragoras may think. Either way, even if he is an asshole, I don't mind it as long as it makes Arslan rethink his life and sweat a little bit by himself. Which now it's ruined by his unrealisticly loyal squad.

They aren't unrealistically loyal to Arslan. They are loyal to him because they believe he's the person most suited to the king. Daryun did it out of obligation at first but as he said in this episode, he came to do it in his own will. As for the rest CC9ers have already explained it. They all have legit enough reasons to side with Arsland instead of Andragoras. I mean really, you may question their motives but between serving Andragoras and Arslan I think the choice is obvious for them. It's not simply about sticking to Arslan like a glue, I'm pretty sure their dislike towards Andragoras also played a huge part in their decision. What would you do if you were in their position? serve the man you don't like? abandon the war altogether? or stick to the person you were loyal to from the beginning?

I think you're also forgetting Arslan is like what, 14-15 years old? when has kids on his age never not influenced by people around him? you may think that Narsus shaped Arslan to his ideals but Arslan's no different than most teenagers growing up whose ideals tend to be shaped by people they look up to. Even Andragoras wasn't born an asshole and become the asshole king that he is now without some sort of influence. Your ideals were pretty much shaped by people around you. That being said, from the very beginning of the series Arslan has always been portrayed as a noble person who cares for the slaves. Whether you're willing to accept that is your problem but the way I see it, rather than Narsus forcibly forcing Arslan to agree with his ideals it was simply them agreeing on the same ideals. What Narsus did do was influence Arslan to have the courage to actually change the system. Whether that can be seen as pouring his ideals onto Arslan is debatable but it won't change the fact that Arslan was a noble person to begin with and that's why Narsus followed him.

You also seem to have problems with Arslan relying on his generals but what about Andragoras winning the battle that made him famous thanks to Narsus' works? Rewatch the beginning of the series, Andragoras barely even broke a sweat thanks to Narsus' strategies yet ultimately it was Andragoras who got the reputation as a war king due to the underdog victory. The truth is no king, leader, or any president in this world can run a country on their own. They always have generals, aides, or ministers who do the dirty work for them. Genghis Khan was known as a fearsome king who conquered continents but most of it was actually thanks to his brilliant strategist Subutai that he managed to win those wars.

Despite what you want to believe, it's clear that we see Arslan's character in a different way. You're biased towards hating him so what Arslan said or do, you construed it as something he has to say because he has to say it instead of accepting that's how his actual believe is. Take the part where he honored the bald general for doing the dirty work to confuse one of the barbarian generals. Narsus acknowledged that it was wise of Arslan to appreciate the lesser known generals, do you still think of it as Narsus influencing Arslan (which he clearly did not) or would you accept that Arslan has grown exponentially wiser from the naive prince that he was when he left Ecbatana (which I doubt you would). What about Jaswant? do you also think Narsus somehow influenced Arslan to save his life not once but three times? with so many of these generals and soldiers, they all have legitimate reasons to be thankful or admire the person that Arslan is without outside influences. It just seems to me you chose to nitpick all the parts where Narsus consul Arslan while at the same time ignoring all the time Arslan made many decisions on his own. You talk about having luck that he isn't killed yet but luck favors the brave, just look at Portugal's recent Euro victory. Call it luck if you will but the fact is that doesn't matter because they won, just like it won't matter for Arslan when he becomes king. You also seem to have not notice that many of the kings in this anime aren't bright to begin with. Andragoras lost his kingdom because he relied on brute force rather than experience and strategy. Rajendra would have lost the succession battle had Narsus not intervened and made him join forces with Arslan. The Lustanian's were so easily manipulated by Hilmes, their king is a useless fat blob while his brother is a wimp. Is it really surprising that the Turan king lost when all he did was show up with brute force just like every "experienced" king in this anime?

The thing with Arslan's story is about making a change from old traditions. If he can abolish the slave system then he sure as hell can become king without having to kill a lion. His followers understand this, they know that what the country needs is a noble ruler who cares for his people not just a simple brute with a simple mind like Andragoras.
Jul 18, 2016 9:42 PM

Jul 2015
Loved every second of this season so far. This series is awesome, and gets better and better!

KolmeDG said:
I know this is unnecessary, but please let me explain why Kishward acted like that. (Concerning the original novel..)

-He has the strongest sense of responsibility in the Marzban (Daryun, Kishward, Kubard) and he couldn't abandon his 10000 subordinates, especially considering that Daryun will do so and his 10000 soldiers will lose their leader.
-Kishward's family is of traditionally much higher grade knight than Daryun and he has been strictly raised to be loyal toward King.
-Unlike Daryun, he hasn't been against King.

That is why he couldn't disobey Andragoras and stopped Daryun, but he really cares Arslan as we can see from his letting Azrael follow him.

What I want to say is that I liked the scene of Kishward.

Thanks for the info! Not unnecessary at all. =)

I thought the scene of Kishward was great and very legit, character-wise. The way he reacted when Asrael left was really meaningful. This extra bit of info merges very well with the image of his character I got from the show.
Jul 19, 2016 12:00 AM

Oct 2013
So we're gonna be seeing ship based combat from now,eh? Wonder why they chose the city name Gilan, seeing as how the real Gilan is up north, near the Caspian sea as oppposed to being near the Persian Gulf.
Jul 19, 2016 3:04 AM

Jul 2013
We finally got to learn a little bit more about Hermes. I like antagonists' flasbacks, and thanks to this, his character got a little bit more depth. It's good to know he's not only:,,Fukushu, fukushu! Ksama wo korosu". So, in a way, he was humiliated, betrayed and manipulated the whole time. No wonder he became one angry man. *Hopes he and Irina get to be together!*
Arslan goes to his sea adventure, the squad comes after him. Damn, I love that new soundtrack. So, we are back to square one, huh?
Noir… It is the name of an ancient fate. Two sisters who watch anime. The peace of the newly born, their black hands protect.
Jul 19, 2016 3:29 AM
Jul 2018
MoeGod said:
yuliyana29 said:

I didn't say that they should be following the asshole king. The point is that they are too unrealisticlly loyal to Arslan which makes the series kinda boring and predictable because you know that they would solve everything for him and they won't betray him for anything. So far, everytime Arslan had to face some difficulty I did't take it seriously, I couldn't, because I knew that someone would save the day for him (even if it means a falcon), and I wasn't deceived by my presupmtions. Every nation that had come to conquer his land was defeated so easily by his squad it just becomes so boring and I can't praise Arslan or his squad for beating some people that are too dumb for them. So yes, I have watched the whole season 1, as you can see, and I don't buy this so called heroic story, aside from other people who haven't read much books or watched shows about war(it doesn't have to be realistic ones). If there wasn't any blood in this anime, this would have been for kids, where you are supposed to root for the good guys and hate the bad guys. I like good guys, but Arslan wouldn't have learned anything from his tragedies if Narsus didn't tell him what to, he was even neutral about the slaves until Narsus told him what's the point, he joyfully ate at Narsus after the night he experienced the defeat and the picture of it which is not logical to be ok in your mind after seeing that for the first time and when he found out that his parents are not his parents, he just let go of it so simply. Of course he didn't love or feel anything about them as his parents, but then, what is there so sorry to feel about. He just needs to regain his kingdom because Narsus told him to. And it didn't looked like he is teaching him, but more like he is pouring his ideals in Arslan's mind which looks like he is manipulating him, but neh, he is just loyal to him because Arslan is noble and that's reason enough. Even though in essence that would mean that he is using you because you are so noble (dumb) to see that. Or most likely it was just the writing that wasn't so good to make me feel that Arslan actually cared from the bottom of his heart for the people.

The episode where Narsus forbade Daryun from stopping Arslan from confronting the barbarians who slaughtered innocent people in front of the fortress was plain stupidity because if this was in reality, rushing like that without calculation/strategy for how to defeat an army that you don't know, will get you killed, besides that, seems like Arslan have some kind of luckiness to not be killed by an older experienced king. But you know, the foreign king has to act dumb and powerless so Arslan can win or be saved. Plot convenience at its finest. Trust me, the next time Turan or any other nation attacks, they will be defeated before we even see them do that. In the end, everything Arslan does is finished by his squad, not because he as a king doesn't need to do much as his knights and guards should do, but because he can't and he is always getting helpless. I know that he can't do everything all by himself, but he is way too much relying on his squad and everytime he speaks I can only see that he is saying what he has to say, following Narsus' ideals and words or just encouraging everyone, not that he actually thinks something straight by himself. You call that growing up?

About Andragoras, I can hardly see a bold man being pampered, but selfish, yes I can see that. But that's what this show needs, a villain, someone who will prevent Arslan from gaining what he wants. Everyone is talking about him being afraid, no, he isn't afraid, he just wants Arslan out of his way because he is not his child and he is still a king, so he wouldn't be grateful for what Arslan (Narsus) has achieved so far. Knowing that Arslan alone, can't gather 50 000 people, it's the perfect way to stop him from interfering in his plans. Or maybe he wants to make Arslan do something on his own beacuse a Parsian king is not like any other king for whom people would do everything for; to be a king of Pars you even need to kill a lion with your own bare hands. Not that I expect to see that from this little boy, but that's what Andragoras may think. Either way, even if he is an asshole, I don't mind it as long as it makes Arslan rethink his life and sweat a little bit by himself. Which now it's ruined by his unrealisticly loyal squad.

They aren't unrealistically loyal to Arslan. They are loyal to him because they believe he's the person most suited to the king. Daryun did it out of obligation at first but as he said in this episode, he came to do it in his own will. As for the rest CC9ers have already explained it. They all have legit enough reasons to side with Arsland instead of Andragoras. I mean really, you may question their motives but between serving Andragoras and Arslan I think the choice is obvious for them. It's not simply about sticking to Arslan like a glue, I'm pretty sure their dislike towards Andragoras also played a huge part in their decision. What would you do if you were in their position? serve the man you don't like? abandon the war altogether? or stick to the person you were loyal to from the beginning?

I think you're also forgetting Arslan is like what, 14-15 years old? when has kids on his age never not influenced by people around him? you may think that Narsus shaped Arslan to his ideals but Arslan's no different than most teenagers growing up whose ideals tend to be shaped by people they look up to. Even Andragoras wasn't born an asshole and become the asshole king that he is now without some sort of influence. Your ideals were pretty much shaped by people around you. That being said, from the very beginning of the series Arslan has always been portrayed as a noble person who cares for the slaves. Whether you're willing to accept that is your problem but the way I see it, rather than Narsus forcibly forcing Arslan to agree with his ideals it was simply them agreeing on the same ideals. What Narsus did do was influence Arslan to have the courage to actually change the system. Whether that can be seen as pouring his ideals onto Arslan is debatable but it won't change the fact that Arslan was a noble person to begin with and that's why Narsus followed him.

You also seem to have problems with Arslan relying on his generals but what about Andragoras winning the battle that made him famous thanks to Narsus' works? Rewatch the beginning of the series, Andragoras barely even broke a sweat thanks to Narsus' strategies yet ultimately it was Andragoras who got the reputation as a war king due to the underdog victory. The truth is no king, leader, or any president in this world can run a country on their own. They always have generals, aides, or ministers who do the dirty work for them. Genghis Khan was known as a fearsome king who conquered continents but most of it was actually thanks to his brilliant strategist Subutai that he managed to win those wars.

Despite what you want to believe, it's clear that we see Arslan's character in a different way. You're biased towards hating him so what Arslan said or do, you construed it as something he has to say because he has to say it instead of accepting that's how his actual believe is. Take the part where he honored the bald general for doing the dirty work to confuse one of the barbarian generals. Narsus acknowledged that it was wise of Arslan to appreciate the lesser known generals, do you still think of it as Narsus influencing Arslan (which he clearly did not) or would you accept that Arslan has grown exponentially wiser from the naive prince that he was when he left Ecbatana (which I doubt you would). What about Jaswant? do you also think Narsus somehow influenced Arslan to save his life not once but three times? with so many of these generals and soldiers, they all have legitimate reasons to be thankful or admire the person that Arslan is without outside influences. It just seems to me you chose to nitpick all the parts where Narsus consul Arslan while at the same time ignoring all the time Arslan made many decisions on his own. You talk about having luck that he isn't killed yet but luck favors the brave, just look at Portugal's recent Euro victory. Call it luck if you will but the fact is that doesn't matter because they won, just like it won't matter for Arslan when he becomes king. You also seem to have not notice that many of the kings in this anime aren't bright to begin with. Andragoras lost his kingdom because he relied on brute force rather than experience and strategy. Rajendra would have lost the succession battle had Narsus not intervened and made him join forces with Arslan. The Lustanian's were so easily manipulated by Hilmes, their king is a useless fat blob while his brother is a wimp. Is it really surprising that the Turan king lost when all he did was show up with brute force just like every "experienced" king in this anime?

The thing with Arslan's story is about making a change from old traditions. If he can abolish the slave system then he sure as hell can become king without having to kill a lion. His followers understand this, they know that what the country needs is a noble ruler who cares for his people not just a simple brute with a simple mind like Andragoras.

I didn't say that they should be following the asshole king and I'm stating it again. I'm talking about his squad. They're like overprotective mothers about everything towards Arslan, even about helping Elam in his job "cause he might cut his finger and Daryun will panic because he promised his uncle he would keep him safe as his own eyes"; but put that aside, the generals that we see afterwards were also loyal to him. Everyone is loyal to him. We don't see even a single doubt in them about their loyality because this show says Arslan should become a king and no one should act in any other way other than what the story requires. Why were they all loyal to him from the beginning? Of all the people, only the loyal ones found him. He was a poor little kid that anyone would've kill, use to get to the throne or to get some position because of selfish reasons. Of course we see Karlan wanting to kill him, but here comes the loyal Daryun to save him. Ok, I don't mind that, he made a promise to his uncle, but then we see Hodir who wants to use Arslan to get some position but here we go again: he was killed because he was too dumb and obvious that he wants to use him. He wasn't only dumb but his armor was also useless to protect him. In this anime any armor is useless against Farangis' arrows and Daryun' spear or any other person's weapon of Arslan' squad because they are the Arslan' squad and because...I don't know why. I don't even know why there are soldiers here, they'll get killed eventually. The soldiers look like it's just a sword given to them and they're just told to go and fight. Sadly nobody told them they will die anyway.

I also didn't deny that Arslan was noble, I can see that, even though I do called him dumb but not because of his nobility, and yes I know that he is 14-15 years old, but don't compare today's teenagers with those in the history, there is a big deference considering the circumstances. Hilmes was also 14-15 years old or even less when he was put in a fire by his uncle and was left alone to think and do stuff mostly by himself, and that is what I respect him for; it's just that he collaborates with the mages or whatever they are, that I don't like about him, but you see, he also needs someone to do part of his job for him; by which I do not deny that a king has to do all by himself, I am quite aware of that, but what I wanted to say is that Arslan isn't completely near doing anything coming straight from himself. Yes, he does certain things by himself, but the difference between how Arslan does it and how Hilmes does it, is way too big.

No, I have no complains about praising the general and protecting Jaswant with his squad, Arslan is noble, that's a fact, and that's why he did those stuff, but what I want to say is that even though he has experienced some difficulties, he hasn't learned much by himself from them. That's the real problem; therefore I couldn't take it seriously that he cared about anything from his heart. Just because he acts nicely that doesn't mean he has grown up. He was always nice. I never saw any big change in his character, except when the barbarians slaughtered the innocent people, but then he himself took the situation mindlessly; in the end Gieve saved him and he was just happy that his squad praised him for rushing into battle like that.

The thing the bald general did to confuse one of the barbarian generals was also a plain stupidity because before the barbarian general attacked, seeing that he waited for the moon to hide and do his job didn't surprised me that they all killed each other. Even if there was a real cavalry instead of just horses, you won't see anything in the darkness and might kill a soldier of your owns. Knowing that fact, it was predictable, at least for me, and also, every strategy done by Narsus must work and others should be dumb so to they won't realise.

And I don't know about Portugal, at least every team played by some kind of strategy and there were attacks from both sides and dynamics, but in this anime I haven't seen any other strategy than those of Narsus. Now you have just confirmed my words. But why should they be stupid to begin with? And how can everyone in this show be stupid except everyone on Arslan' side. Be on the Arslan' side and you'll immediately become smart. You can notice that when Kishward wanted to stop Daryun from running away, but since he changed the side he isn't that worthy to stop a strong soldier, like he was stopping armies. Daryun and Narsus are so op, let's admit that.

I understand that Arslan Senki is about changing traditions, they want to make a king without being like the usual Parsian king, but I was talking about what Andragoras thinks, and that was the lesser option. Andragoras wants Arslan out of his way. That is what's gonna move this story in the other direction and make things more interesting, although everything it's still predictable and that's what's wrong about everything in this anime.

Some can say that I'm bitching about Arslan because I hate him (I don't hate him exactly, but this is becoming annoying), but I can also say that you justify him because you love him . So all we can do is blame each other based on our opinions. If everyone hated Arslan or didn't like him as a character I wouldn't be attacked, but now that everyone loves him just because the characters do and say so, and the show tells you to root for him, I'm the wrong one.
removed-userOct 3, 2016 4:44 AM
Jul 19, 2016 4:42 AM
Feb 2016
yuliyana29 said:

I didn't say that they should be following the asshole king. The point is that they are too unrealisticlly loyal to Arslan which makes the series kinda boring and predictable because you know that they would solve everything for him and they won't betray him for anything.

If you're tired of ''unrealistically loyal companions'', don't worry. There will be different ones afterward.
So far, everytime Arslan had to face some difficulty I did't take it seriously, I couldn't, because I knew that someone would save the day for him (even if it means a falcon), and I wasn't deceived by my presupmtions. Every nation that had come to conquer his land was defeated so easily by his squad it just becomes so boring and I can't praise Arslan or his squad for beating some people that are too dumb for them.

As we hear every time we watch this show, it is already revealed that he'll become the king. So I personally think that this is not a story to excite about WHAT will be accomplished, but HOW they accomplish something.
So yes, I have watched the whole season 1, as you can see, and I don't buy this so called heroic story, aside from other people who haven't read much books or watched shows about war(it doesn't have to be realistic ones).

If you expect war story, may be this is not suitable for you because this is a legend. A legend contains even supernatural powers so it is quite natural to be unrealistic.
If there wasn't any blood in this anime, this would have been for kids, where you are supposed to root for the good guys and hate the bad guys.

Well, this anime IS made considering child viewers! This anime is made to be on the air on Sunday at 5 pm.
However, original novel is definitely not for young children (I won't tell why here though...). Story is a bit more complicated and each characters' personality shows more various aspects, both villains and heroes. Though some detail part of the story is modified into safe-for-kids style, most of the episodes and the core of the story are same. So if you follow the story more carefully, you may find lots of hidden stories behind it.
I like good guys, but Arslan wouldn't have learned anything from his tragedies if Narsus didn't tell him what to, he was even neutral about the slaves until Narsus told him what's the point, he joyfully ate at Narsus after the night he experienced the defeat and the picture of it which is not logical to be ok in your mind after seeing that for the first time and when he found out that his parents are not his parents, he just let go of it so simply. Of course he didn't love or feel anything about them as his parents, but then, what is there so sorry to feel about. He just needs to regain his kingdom because Narsus told him to. And it didn't looked like he is teaching him, but more like he is pouring his ideals in Arslan's mind which looks like he is manipulating him, but neh, he is just loyal to him because Arslan is noble and that's reason enough. Even though in essence that would mean that he is using you because you are so noble (dumb) to see that. Or most likely it was just the writing that wasn't so good to make me feel that Arslan actually cared from the bottom of his heart for the people.

The episode where Narsus forbade Daryun from stopping Arslan from confronting the barbarians who slaughtered innocent people in front of the fortress was plain stupidity because if this was in reality, rushing like that without calculation/strategy for how to defeat an army that you don't know, will get you killed, besides that, seems like Arslan have some kind of luckiness to not be killed by an older experienced king. But you know, the foreign king has to act dumb and powerless so Arslan can win or be saved. Plot convenience at its finest. Trust me, the next time Turan or any other nation attacks, they will be defeated before we even see them do that. In the end, everything Arslan does is finished by his squad, not because he as a king doesn't need to do much as his knights and guards should do, but because he can't and he is always getting helpless. I know that he can't do everything all by himself, but he is way too much relying on his squad and everytime he speaks I can only see that he is saying what he has to say, following Narsus' ideals and words or just encouraging everyone, not that he actually thinks something straight by himself. You call that growing up?

He does make his own decision. For example when he decided to see Kharlan to stop mass murder, saving Jaswant's life, and attck to Turanian army. It may not be wise as a strategist, but the action is enough to know his kind character, and that makes Narsus follow Arslan.
Arslan follows others' words often because he is modest and openminded. That differentiate him from Andragoras.

About Andragoras, I can hardly see a bold man being pampered, but selfish, yes I can see that. But that's what this show needs, a villain, someone who will prevent Arslan from gaining what he wants. Everyone is talking about him being afraid, no, he isn't afraid, he just wants Arslan out of his way because he is not his child and he is still a king, so he wouldn't be grateful for what Arslan (Narsus) has achieved so far. Knowing that Arslan alone, can't gather 50 000 people, it's the perfect way to stop him from interfering in his plans.

I agree.
Or maybe he wants to make Arslan do something on his own beacuse a Parsian king is not like any other king for whom people would do everything for; to be a king of Pars you even need to kill a lion with your own bare hands. Not that I expect to see that from this little boy, but that's what Andragoras may think. Either way, even if he is an asshole, I don't mind it as long as it makes Arslan rethink his life and sweat a little bit by himself. Which now it's ruined by his unrealisticly loyal squad.

Sending a young boy in wilderness alone just before night is definitely not for making the boy strong, but an act of absurdity. As we saw in the scene just before this, there are many groups of robbers out there. How can a boy defeat them alone if he is attacked? It's too reckless.

He is only 14. I think it is quite difficult for such a young boy make an official decision as a prince by himself always. Especially, Arslan is raised just as same as an ordinal citizen boy for most of his life. He will gradually gain such skill considering that decision making requires great amount of inteligence. Narsus will train him.

Well, I don't mean to attack you, just wanted to say my opinion concerning your post. If this makes you feel bad, I apologize and delete this.
KolmeDGJul 19, 2016 4:52 AM
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