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The Brexit (Update: UK votes in favour to leave EU)

Should Britain leave the European Union?
They should leave
They should leave but won't
They should stay
They should stay but won't
194 votes
May 15, 2016 11:09 PM

Aug 2010
Ok, I am honestly curious about what you guys (especially those in Europe) think about the possibility of the Brexit becoming reality.

In case you don't know or wondering what the Brexit is, it is the possibility of Britain pulling out of the EU if decided by the referendum coming Thursday, June 23.

BBC said:

Who wants the UK to leave the EU?
The British public are fairly evenly split, according to the latest opinion polls. The UK Independence Party, which won the last European elections, and received nearly four million votes - 13% of those cast - in May's general election, campaigns for Britain's exit from the EU. About half of Conservative MPs, including five cabinet ministers, several Labour MPs and the DUP are also in favour of leaving.

Why do they want the UK to leave?

They believe Britain is being held back by the EU, which they say imposes too many rules on business and charges billions of pounds a year in membership fees for little in return. They also want Britain to take back full control of its borders and reduce the number of people coming here to work. One of the main principles of EU membership is "free movement", which means you don't need to get a visa to go and live in another EU country. They also object to the idea of "ever closer union" and what they see as moves towards the creation of a "United States of Europe".

Who wants the UK to stay in the EU?

Prime Minister David Cameron wants Britain to stay in the EU, now he has got some powers back from it. Sixteen members of his cabinet also back staying in. The Conservative Party has pledged to be neutral in the campaign - but the Labour Party, SNP, Plaid Cymru and the Lib Dems are all in favour of staying in. US president Barack Obama also wants Britain to remain in the EU, as do other EU nations such as France and Germany. As mentioned above, according to polls, the British public seems pretty evenly split on the issue.

Why do they want the UK to stay?

Those campaigning for Britain to stay in the EU say it gets a big boost from membership - it makes selling things to other EU countries easier and, they argue, the flow of immigrants, most of whom are young and keen to work, fuels economic growth and helps pay for public services. They also believe Britain's status in the world would be damaged by leaving and that we are more secure as part of the 28 nation club, rather than going it alone

Latest poll results, it's pretty evenly split according to the polls shown

Arguments for and against

Since the UK has expressed interest in establishing a trade agreement/partnership of sorts with the commonwealth nations including Australia, New Zealand and Canada, it would be more beneficial to Canada and these countries if they leave. But I digress. My take on the matter is that they would ultimately stay

What are your thoughts?
ThRippJckJun 23, 2016 11:27 PM
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May 16, 2016 5:53 AM
Jan 2014
I think that that they will stay in the EU. However them leaving would probably create a shock wave across the EU something that I think is really needed at the moment.
May 16, 2016 10:27 AM

Jan 2009
elros75 said:
I think that that they will stay in the EU. However them leaving would probably create a shock wave across the EU something that I think is really needed at the moment.
I'd also say they will most-likely stay and I agree that a Brexit could cause a huge Schock Wave. However, I don't think that it's worth the Price:

For one, Britain may lose direct Influence on European Politics. It may be still a nuclear World Power, but it's doubtful whether they could reach any major Importance alone, that is under the idealistic Premise that it will stay the United Kingdom, as Scotland will surely try another Referendum and Northern Ireland might unite with the Republic of Ireland.

Economically, it might be a Disaster if major Investors moved from London to Paris and Frankfurt. Even the Pound had gone down whenever the Threat of a Brexit became bigger.

Europe on the other Hand can't allow themselves to have a major Net Contributor vanish and to have their Ideology of Unity being destroyed.
May 16, 2016 10:39 AM

May 2014
Noboru said:
Northern Ireland might unite with the Republic of Ireland.

lemme just stop you right there, thats never ever gonna happen

Ot; Uk really need to stay because Ireland is one of their biggest exports and noone likes paying taxes on exports and imports. Its a financial nightmare.
I've been here way too long...
May 16, 2016 10:44 AM

Aug 2013
I like the PM's fear mongering "If we leave EU the world will end! recession will kill your ancestors! rivers of blood!

May 16, 2016 10:48 AM

Jan 2009
TheConquerer said:
Noboru said:
Northern Ireland might unite with the Republic of Ireland.

lemme just stop you right there, thats never ever gonna happen
Why not? I mean once Scotland breaks free, Northern Ireland might break free from "Rest-UK" to get in the EU as well.

But I agree with you that Taxes are a financial Nightmare. Even in the ideal Case that the UK could return to being an EFTA Member, they'd still have to Pay Member Fees, but wouldn't have any political Say.
May 16, 2016 10:53 AM
Mar 2013
I'm probably voting out unless someone on MAL can convince me otherwise. The main reason is that I want to the EU to realise that it isn't working. The UK's exit will cause a shock wave that will echo across the continent.
May 16, 2016 10:58 AM

May 2014
Noboru said:
TheConquerer said:

lemme just stop you right there, thats never ever gonna happen
Why not? I mean once Scotland breaks free, Northern Ireland might break free from "Rest-UK" to get in the EU as well.

But I agree with you that Taxes are a financial Nightmare. Even in the ideal Case that the UK could return to being an EFTA Member, they'd still have to Pay Member Fees, but wouldn't have any political Say.

Its not that its not an economic viability, it is. But with the whole Unionist and Republican situation up there, it would be very very difficult to get them to join Ireland when Stormont Castle is full of unionists.
Plus we both just discussed taxes
I've been here way too long...
May 16, 2016 11:06 AM

Jan 2009
JD2411 said:
I'm probably voting out unless someone on MAL can convince me otherwise. The main reason is that I want to the EU to realise that it isn't working. The UK's exit will cause a shock wave that will echo across the continent.
Any Shock Wave in a major economical Power will have Repercussion to the other World Powers as well. And it's quite doubtful whether the UK could remain a major World Power even if it stayed united, especially with the Prospect of America not backing them as much anymore if Trump won.
Staying in the EU is therefore the least risky Approach when it comes to be independent from outside Dependencies.

TheConquerer said:
Its not that its not an economic viability, it is. But with the whole Unionist and Republican situation up there, it would be very very difficult to get them to join Ireland when Stormont Castle is full of unionists.
Plus we both just discussed taxes
Wouldn't the economic Viability turn the Scales towards the Republicans?
May 16, 2016 11:10 AM

May 2014
Noboru said:

TheConquerer said:
Its not that its not an economic viability, it is. But with the whole Unionist and Republican situation up there, it would be very very difficult to get them to join Ireland when Stormont Castle is full of unionists.
Plus we both just discussed taxes
Wouldn't the economic Viability turn the Scales towards the Republicans?

Its much more than just an economic problem, just last week some guy got shot by Republicans so don't expect those in power to want to 'succumb' to them.
I've been here way too long...
May 16, 2016 11:14 AM
Jan 2014
@Noboru I do agree that both sides will lose out somehow, however it could create the opportunity for other countries to reassess their investment in the EU. At the moment the EU is dysfunctional with each country having his own idea of what the Union should be, this can't go on like this.
May 16, 2016 11:15 AM

Jan 2009
TheConquerer said:
Noboru said:

Wouldn't the economic Viability turn the Scales towards the Republicans?

Its much more than just an economic problem, just last week some guy got shot by Republicans so don't expect those in power to want to 'succumb' to them.
Damn, I thought there wouldn't be that much of a Problem these Days, since both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland are Member States of the EU. On the other Hand, who knows how big of a Conflict it might become with the EU having less Influence on the UK.

@elros75: And that's why it's better to have Negotiations rather than to risk a Shock Wave that could destroy the labile World Economy. The Main Issue is that once the UK gets out of the EU, they won't have any Say in the Decisions anymore and the EU will lose a big critical Voice from within themselves.
NoboruMay 16, 2016 11:18 AM
May 16, 2016 11:25 AM
Jan 2014
@Noboru I understand your point of view in valuing stability but at this point I have lost faith in the EU, if it stays in its current form and there's a referendum in my country I'd vote to leave.
May 17, 2016 3:22 AM

Feb 2015
I think that brexit in the long term would be a disaster for you brits. There will be no future for isolationists in the coming millenium, at least not one where they retain a seat at the decision making tables.
Globalisation has long begun, the question is: will we be able to advance as a whole towards a better future or will we succumb and be farmed by lobbies?
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May 18, 2016 6:37 AM

Jan 2013
RollTheJoint_C2 said:
I think that brexit in the long term would be a disaster for you brits. There will be no future for isolationists in the coming millenium, at least not one where they retain a seat at the decision making tables.
Globalisation has long begun, the question is: will we be able to advance as a whole towards a better future or will we succumb and be farmed by lobbies?

The Fact you ask that question in light of current events is rather concerning.

Globalization has long failed the common man, putting him on the teat of the state, or a slave in the factory.

Globalization is a wealth bringing cancer for its task masters alone that kills the rest of us all, first our pride, our foundations, our notions. And finally our physical health. The gifts of globalization, has been the sweat shop and purposely placed poverty, the rise of the Mega city, the death of national production and the rise of the service industry. It has also brough unattainable "ideas" for what a life should be like, and to keep up with pace and price, fake food, fake manners. Squadnering national treassures for mass producded consumerist crap and the GMO.

And with all this talk on "hard times" or needing American support. For Fuck's sake. Stand on your own two feet, or bow to your imperialist masters in full. Enough of these false states and false smiles, this is why the Western world is in such tormoil, not a single honest man among the whole lot. A economic shock up could be a good thing leading to national self sufficiency. As we have seen with many countries as of late, he who holds the wealth holds the power, how easy has it been to turn off banks, how easy has it been to blockaid waters. How easy has it been to "arm twist" states and populations with dishonest means?

The Era of Might has been replaced with the Era of the Mobster and the Economic Feudal Lord...until it reaches the tipping point and the general populance sees where their bright futures are truely fated to end.

The EU can never be the US, only an autocratic body could be able to forge something from it. Cultural Division in the US are realitively small and hidden from general public view, though they like those of the EU are founded on Geo-polotical realities. Geo-politcs still trumps economics and requires a forceful or a careful hand to manipulate.

The EU can, nor will it ever be a sustianable state. I could go down a huge list of why the EU is wrong, but that is not a talk for here. The UK however should leave for the sake of its national pride and preservation, the UK should also acceapt economic conditions may be turned on it, purposely, and the UK should acceapt that Traditional Alliance must be turned against and new allies to be found. The Island that has always stood against the Mainland will have to do so again.

However I also do not beleive it will happen. Questionable votes will have the Leave Camp defeated by 1%. IF that doesn't happen we'll see "peaceful protest" or the EU demanding they vote again. Maybe even the US Military acting on "Behalf of a misguided ally". People all around the world will mark this result and its aftermath as corruption, while spin doctors and lawyers who don't have a single bit of rightousness within them will say "Well the law doesn't say it is corrupt so how can it be?" While stroking their beards should they have one arrogantly.

And so the situation continues as a few fools keep chasing the Golden Dragon, ignoring the abyss below.
May 18, 2016 6:45 AM

Mar 2014
I don't know if the Brits are going to leave the EU or not

All I know is that it's going to send a shock wave across Europe either way
Nico- said:
@Comic_Sans oh no y arnt ppl dieing i need more ppl dieing rly gud plot avansement jus liek tokyo ghoul if erbudy dies amirite
Conversations with people pinging/quoting me to argue about some old post I wrote years ago will not be entertained
May 18, 2016 7:49 AM
Oct 2014
The UK should leave, save yourself, and then we can start Swexit.

May 18, 2016 9:01 AM

Nov 2008
The EU has become a pile of tyranny in recent years and the tyrants themselves are desperate for voters not to vote for the UK exiting the EU, it feels like they and only they have something to lose from exiting the EU.

May 18, 2016 9:34 AM

Feb 2015
RedArmyShogun said:
The Fact you ask that question in light of current events is rather concerning.

I'm sorry I don't seem to get, would you please explain why my question is this concerning?

RedArmyShogun said:
Globalization is a wealth bringing cancer for its task masters alone that kills the rest of us all, first our pride, our foundations, our notions. And finally our physical health. The gifts of globalization, has been the sweat shop and purposely placed poverty, the rise of the Mega city, the death of national production and the rise of the service industry. It has also brough unattainable "ideas" for what a life should be like, and to keep up with pace and price, fake food, fake manners. Squadnering national treassures for mass producded consumerist crap and the GMO.

Couldn't agree more. But you left out the most important thing: it stripped us from the possibility to escape it. I often think though, was there really an alternative for mankind? Sometimes I happen to think it was just inevitable.

RedArmyShogun said:
And with all this talk on "hard times" or needing American support. For Fuck's sake. Stand on your own two feet, or bow to your imperialist masters in full. Enough of these false states and false smiles, this is why the Western world is in such tormoil, not a single honest man among the whole lot. A economic shock up could be a good thing leading to national self sufficiency. As we have seen with many countries as of late, he who holds the wealth holds the power, how easy has it been to turn off banks, how easy has it been to blockaid waters. How easy has it been to "arm twist" states and populations with dishonest means?

I assume these words above are directed to the Uk, am I right? As for the economic shock part, indeed it could prove to be a positive thing, as we all know how after every economic downfall there is resurgence. But I'm also quite the pessimist so I would naturally be doubting that an average downfall like that could break the chains of this economic system that we have. Even a brilliant thinker like Marx could not foresee how capitalism would trap the working classes forever by allowing them to partecipate in the pursuit of wealth. He wrongly thought that they would eventually break free of the dominating but false ideology of the burgeoisie, thus letting all his incredible work slide into utopia.

RedArmyShogun said:
The EU can, nor will it ever be a sustianable state. I could go down a huge list of why the EU is wrong, but that is not a talk for here. The UK however should leave for the sake of its national pride and preservation, the UK should also acceapt economic conditions may be turned on it, purposely, and the UK should acceapt that Traditional Alliance must be turned against and new allies to be found. The Island that has always stood against the Mainland will have to do so again.

This is where I beg to differ. Firstly, imho there are no sustainable states. Even North Korea isn't. But I can't back that up with facts, neither I'm willing to research it so take it as is, a "not so wild" guess I'd like to say. I don't agree when you say that UK should leave to preserve it's pride. As a matter of fact UK was always treated like the special guest in the EU, countless and ridicoulus exceptions where made to keep the Brits from feeling equal to europeans. It's funny because it's the other way around: if they have to leave, then it's definitely to preserve the pride of the numerous EU members. All of them had to give something up and make sacrifices for the union's sake, which cannot compair to those made by the UK.
What are the reasons for the UK to act so pampered and hard to please anyway? It's very frustrating if the goal is to survive as a whole and compete with the rest of the world.
Then again, I never was the prideful nationalist, so I see how difficult it is to get it from my limited and maybe even naive point of view. Even if I feel that my beliefs are constantly shaken by my own doubts, I don't think I will ever be able to completely shift my point of view and regard crappy things like pride, nationalism, isolation, enhancement of differences and all that right-winged stuff to be the vessels to a brighter future.

In Varietate Unitas... I love this motto. I hate that we don't seem be ready to embrace it.
RollTheJointMay 18, 2016 10:48 AM
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May 18, 2016 9:41 AM

Sep 2013
Yes, they should leave and if Japan doesn't get a permanent seat on the security council they should leave too.
May 18, 2016 9:50 AM

Jan 2013
The UK is an import heavy country, going by the OEC having a negative trade balance of $191B (2014). From a financial side I don't see the advantages, nor will it be a viable tax haven for companies either. At the very least no more promising than Ireland, which has low taxes, and import/export advantages of the EU.

The EU is pretty strict with their regulations, so not only would the UK give up on being able to decide those "regulations". They would most likely get deals were they are worse off than they are today. (There's also the slight chance the EU might retaliate, and make future discussions rather hard for the UK. Though I doubt that a bit.)

It's not really possible to compare the UK with Norway either, as Norway has a positive trade balance, due to its oil. A leverage the UK doesn't have.

With TTIP on it's way, the UK is giving up on being able to decide on profitable regulations, leading to a loss of potential billions.

From a pure financial perspective I see no gain for the UK in the long run, even in the short run.
May 18, 2016 11:53 AM

Feb 2015
It's necessary that the U.K. go ahead with 'brexit', but part of me doubts that they will.
Now you're wondering if there's white text in any of my other posts.

Over there, I'm everywhere. I know that.
May 18, 2016 12:02 PM
Mar 2011
Noboru said:
TheConquerer said:

lemme just stop you right there, thats never ever gonna happen
Why not? I mean once Scotland breaks free, Northern Ireland might break free from "Rest-UK" to get in the EU as well.

But I agree with you that Taxes are a financial Nightmare. Even in the ideal Case that the UK could return to being an EFTA Member, they'd still have to Pay Member Fees, but wouldn't have any political Say.

Ulster is loyal to the union
"If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine"

When the union's inspiration through the workers' blood shall run
There can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun
Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one
For the Union makes us strong
May 18, 2016 12:55 PM
Oct 2014
Molyneux is sad

May 18, 2016 1:00 PM

Dec 2014
Holy... will they ... I did not think that they will
May 18, 2016 1:53 PM

Jul 2008
How dare they express nationalism and refuse to be fucked by foreign businessmen and politicians with terrible forced trade deals.
May 18, 2016 2:25 PM

Feb 2012
They're not going to leave, because they can still blackmail other countires to pay for their shit. I'd like to see nothing more than countires leaving the union, but small countries are too pussy to do that before big ones.
May 18, 2016 3:21 PM

Feb 2015
Rarusu_ said:
Molyneux is sad

I actually took the time to watch the video. But I didn't make make some research on this guy to know his background so I'm not exactly sure if I can trust him as objective. Not saying that I am, but he most certainly isn't. And he was the one saying that people with definite opinions have low IQ and will vent they anger at the dominant culture.

I don't agree on the following:

- Centralization: Europe has the most decentralized form of government. That's why there is no harmony of politics between its members. Even if very important regulations (like deciding the size of cucumbers, very important reg!) are taken by the EU, it's not like municipal ordinances are taken for you in Brussels. Then you have counties, discricts, provinces, regions, länder, whatever you call your middle level of administration. Guess what is there if you go up? Plethora of ever-vigilant courts, the state and at last your constitution.
- Language barrier: everybody knows english, and those who don't can learn it in three months. This is really a non-issue.
-Turkey joining the EU: they were close but Erdogans policies set back the process of many decades, and even if it's not like the entire 79 millions turks will leave they country and flee to UK (lol), as there are far better welfare states to pick. How much of them would really emigrate to Europe anyway? Not even 5 mil.
- IQ issue: he claims that the majority of islamic countries still do cousin marriages and that's why they will drop our IQ if they come in. Nonsense aside how many of those marriages have been carried out in Europe? Even if your parents have a low score it doesn't mean that you will have no means to go above those scores, expecially if you are in the european education system.
- Culture destruction: the dominant culture cannot be changed easily by a smaller one. I suggest you look into sociology's concept of culture for that matter.
- Immigrants won't contribute to the economy: of course they will, they will need houses, clothes, food, technology and so forth just as a normal citizen does.
- Integration: it doesn't work because well we witnessed 2-3 generations and it still hasn't. What about the muslim running for mayor in London then? Or what about the USA?

Still, Eu is suffering a large scale crisis and its popular support is at the lowest. It was too soon, the national states born in the modern era aren't as dead as the founding members of the union thought would be. The middle-eastern unrest wasn't foretold either. This refugee crisis is killing it too.

Maybe I'm just too naive and idealistic to give up hope. We should fucking unite as one and explore space already! Quit this squabbling hysteria, I won't even see the landing on Mars if we don't. How sad!
RollTheJointMay 18, 2016 3:41 PM
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May 19, 2016 7:10 AM

Jan 2013
Rarusu_ said:
Molyneux is sad

It's a pain when the whole thing devolves into a refugee discussion after 5 minutes. Like he said, the UK isn't going to go bankrupt. The UK will still be able to trade with the EU, that's a misplaced fear if people really have those.

What he fails to mention though is what the future trade entails. It means the UK will still have to follow those EU trade regulations nonetheless. By leaving the EU, the UK will give up on its rights to form/change those regulations.

This video over-simplifies the reasoning behind the "Brexit" for some, 10% everything will be fine, 90% "Those damn refugees".

Leaving the the EU will mean millions of jobs lost in a short time, estimated to around 3 million from what I've read so far. A loss of GDP, etc., etc. it's just going to spiral more hate towards the EU, and even more so the hate towards "the refugees that have caused this". Which isn't true, the refugee issues we have today is an American/EU production. Especially the UK, that were the first ones to join America in making the region even more unstable. Furthermore the EU cut the support for the refugees in the Middle East, which is the cause of them flooding their way into Europe. Again, a mishap of the EU. (including the UK)

Maybe like @RollTheJoint_C2 I'm too naive to expect that if you cause a problem, you should try to fix it.
May 25, 2016 3:55 PM

Aug 2010
Found a good video for the pro brexit side, crowdfunded btw

If you have the time please view the whole thing as it talks about the valid reasons for leaving the EU, minus the refugee crisis reason.
May 25, 2016 4:03 PM
Oct 2014
ThRippJck said:
Found a good video for the pro brexit side, crowdfunded btw

If you have the time please view the whole thing as it talks about the valid reasons for leaving the EU, minus the refugee crisis reason.

Lol, I'm currently watching it. It's good, take a watch, but it clearly is very pro brexit.

May 25, 2016 4:32 PM
Oct 2014

If you vote for Brexit, I will drink a bottle of whiskey and then run naked with the Union Jack through my home town in the middle of the day. I promise.

May 26, 2016 9:11 AM

Jan 2013
Rarusu_ said:
ThRippJck said:
Found a good video for the pro brexit side, crowdfunded btw

If you have the time please view the whole thing as it talks about the valid reasons for leaving the EU, minus the refugee crisis reason.

Lol, I'm currently watching it. It's good, take a watch, but it clearly is very pro brexit.

Well, it's not just Pro-Brexit, but also partially outdated making a lot of those claims false, especially those in regards to the economy.

For example the fishing industry, the EU quotas are now giving the UK's fishing industry the expected growth of 35% (2014). Those complaints are factually false.

The "Free Trade Wall" is also not true anymore, TTIP, and the trade talks with China etc.

Undemocratic? Really? The countries vote their EU representatives, these have to be re-elected. Just like any country's election system.

The things I fully agree with though, is that the countries fail to educate how the EU works, who the representatives are, and how it functions. Again, this is the fault of the countries, not the EU.

As a EU citizen you can write your EU representative to take you to Brussels. From what I know it's free for students. If you're interested in knowing more about the EU, they will gladly inform the shit out of you, and for free. (Couldn't think of a better way to phrase that line.)

Essentially a lot of people don't care enough about a system that has a lot of power over their daily lives, nor do the countries do a good job of educating them in that regard.

That the EU representatives live a life of luxury? Fully agree, and it should be changed, but that's not a reason for the Brexit.

I don't even particularly like the EU, and how it can overrule national laws that aren't conform with the EU ideal. The fact remains that the advantages of the EU overbear the disadvantages. Especially in regards to the economy, and anyone who claims the opposite is either lying, fear mongering, has no clue, or just doesn't like the EU. The latter is at least something I can fully feel for as a common man, but a politician/expert in the field shouldn't be spreading misinformation. There are issues with the EU (How the EU dealt with Greece, to name one.), but not populistic, outdated nonsense.
May 26, 2016 11:50 AM

May 2009
I think leaving the EU would be good. Heck, I would love it if we (The Netherlands) followed suit if they did).

However, since the referendum is not binding, I suspect that the British government ignores it and stays.
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May 26, 2016 11:55 AM

Feb 2015
AO968 said:
I suspect that the British government ignores it and stays.

It'll be close, either way.
Now you're wondering if there's white text in any of my other posts.

Over there, I'm everywhere. I know that.
May 26, 2016 1:01 PM

Aug 2013
The anti brexit lot are really desperate. They started with the doom talk Leaving EU will destroy usss!!! and moved onto trying desperately to get the race vote against evil white-y who wants out.

All people voting out even though they are from all races and religions and types of people are now all evil skin head white people who hate the poor Indian old people who all are apparently voting to stay because of how good and nice they are.

Seriously the desperation to the point they will try to pit people against each other and segregate just to get votes.
May 27, 2016 4:49 AM
Oct 2014
Spooks said:
The anti brexit lot are really desperate. They started with the doom talk Leaving EU will destroy usss!!! and moved onto trying desperately to get the race vote against evil white-y who wants out.

All people voting out even though they are from all races and religions and types of people are now all evil skin head white people who hate the poor Indian old people who all are apparently voting to stay because of how good and nice they are.

Seriously the desperation to the point they will try to pit people against each other and segregate just to get votes.

Even Sargon consider voting for Brexit

If Britain would to leave the union it would of course weakening the EU as a whole. The UK is one of the biggest economies in the world and a major contributer to the EU project.
They fear that also other countries would jump on the exit train, and probably it would be those countries who are more anti-federalistic such as Denmark, Sweden and the Netherlands. Countries which are generally rich.

If it really is that important for European countries to be members of some kind of union, then countries around the North Sea could establish their own little club where they keep their currency, immigration policies and laws. Leaving a more federal EU alone.

May 27, 2016 9:52 AM
Jan 2014
Rarusu_ said:
Even Sargon consider voting for Brexit

If Britain would to leave the union it would of course weakening the EU as a whole. The UK is one of the biggest economies in the world and a major contributer to the EU project.
They fear that also other countries would jump on the exit train, and probably it would be those countries who are more anti-federalistic such as Denmark, Sweden and the Netherlands. Countries which are generally rich.

If it really is that important for European countries to be members of some kind of union, then countries around the North Sea could establish their own little club where they keep their currency, immigration policies and laws. Leaving a more federal EU alone.

We can only wait and see but I really hope that at least it convinces other countries including mine to reassess their involvement in the EU. One can only dream...
May 27, 2016 9:56 AM

Sep 2015
I don't really have a side in this, I've yet to see facts from either side of the leave campaign. Both sides fearmonger.
May 27, 2016 10:08 AM

Feb 2005
The only remotely sane option is to leave, of course, staying in only benefits the gaggle of corrupt globalist elites.

I doubt they will leave though, they'll likely rig the election with postal votes, as witnessed in Austria recently. The tyrants in the EU have already made it clear they have nothing but contempt for democracy and are willing to go to any lengths to get their will.
May 29, 2016 9:55 AM

Nov 2012
I think EU membership is great for poor or developing countries but a bad choice for already developed and rich countries.

Britain, Germany & France is basically funding rest of the EU countries and that is a great amount of extra tax for the citizens, with that money Britain can use that funding to support other activities and improve, already quite improved, facilities.

Also, considering UK is not in the Schengen agreement and Monetary agreement, visibly there won't be any big change.

I think Britain's leave will effect the other EU countries more than it will Britain and it will only improve Britain.

The only bad thing about losing the EU membership is loss of work and stay permit in borders of EU, people who already works in lives in abroad will suffer and there will be a need of adjustments to make this process easier for those.

As a Turkish citizen who goes to UK 3-4 times a year, nothing regarding visas will also change for me and I actually want them to leave simply because, I DISLIKE EU.

Britain deserves more than EU. #FREEDOMFORBRITS
May 29, 2016 2:31 PM

Oct 2014
I'm an American, so maybe my opinion is worthless to UK/EU users, but here's my opinion:

TL;DR: Britain should leave

Full opinion: I feel that Britain leaving the EU is the only sane choice. I have no ill will for collective Europeans, but I do feel the EU as an organisation has only really benefited France and Germany than anyone else. Are there perks to being a collective? Sure, in theory. However the 'benefits' I feel the British have seen have only applied to the elite. Corporations, bankers, high level citizens, etc. Sure, there's the point about 'cheap outsourced labour', but all that means is you're giving a job another Brit who's struggling for work could be using to a Polish guy (Just using Poles because I recently read an article about the 1million something Polish in the UK via EU benefits) all because you can pay the Polish guy less. Now look, I get that the status quo is easier to put up with than the initial changes of trying to reform everything to the new independent system, but listen, nothing worth doing in life is ever easy. Sometimes it takes effort to be able to enjoy a return to a new status quo. Like buying a derelict home, sure, it's work to try and repaint it, to replace the floors and all the wiring. But when you do all that? Then it's a lovely home and your only routine concern is making sure the garden stays properly trimmed. So yeah, sure, it'll be tough at the beginning of a newly independent UK, but in the end the result will be that Britain is a land of Brits ran by Brits. Not a land of Brits ruled by proxy by mainland Europe. So don't buy into all that scaremongering bullshit. If you guys are of age and claim you support independence, don't just peck away at a keyboard bragging about your opinion. Go out there, vote, and back that opinion up because your vote will matter.

@Welsh- I dunno about the 'poor and developing parts'. The EU has basically enslaved Greece through debt for the sake of maintaining the proverbial crown jewel of the EU agreement.
"Dakimakura aren't meant for fucking." -Moog, January 2015

When a site's moderators warn you for condemning a troll, you know their moderators need to be changed out.
May 29, 2016 7:19 PM
Jan 2014
I do feel the EU as an organisation has only really benefited France and Germany than anyone else.

To be fair France has lost a lot of its influence in the EU and at this point is basically acting like Germany's sidekick.
May 29, 2016 10:02 PM

Jun 2008
LMAO....UcucK ain't going nowhere...

We all know Brits are all bark and no bite.

You don't got the guts, the United Cuckdom stays the way it is.

Sorry sane UK citizens.

And of COURSE my opinion is that they should leave....FUCK the EU!
--ALEX--May 29, 2016 10:06 PM
May 30, 2016 10:44 AM

Jan 2011
Thinking voting matters in 2016.
May 30, 2016 4:30 PM

Aug 2013
Welshcake said:
I think EU membership is great for poor or developing countries but a bad choice for already developed and rich countries.

Britain, Germany & France is basically funding rest of the EU countries and that is a great amount of extra tax for the citizens, with that money Britain can use that funding to support other activities and improve, already quite improved, facilities.

Also, considering UK is not in the Schengen agreement and Monetary agreement, visibly there won't be any big change.

I think Britain's leave will effect the other EU countries more than it will Britain and it will only improve Britain.

The only bad thing about losing the EU membership is loss of work and stay permit in borders of EU, people who already works in lives in abroad will suffer and there will be a need of adjustments to make this process easier for those.

As a Turkish citizen who goes to UK 3-4 times a year, nothing regarding visas will also change for me and I actually want them to leave simply because, I DISLIKE EU.

Britain deserves more than EU. #FREEDOMFORBRITS

You speak the truth.

May 30, 2016 4:46 PM
Oct 2014
"We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be"

Your ancestors didn't fight for your independence so that you could give it away some day

And you do want to see me run naked so you better go and vote for brexit

May 30, 2016 4:48 PM

Jan 2009
i heard the Europe economy and the whole World Economy will be affected in a bad way if this Brexit happens
May 30, 2016 4:52 PM
Oct 2014
elros75 said:
I do feel the EU as an organisation has only really benefited France and Germany than anyone else.

To be fair France has lost a lot of its influence in the EU and at this point is basically acting like Germany's sidekick.

De Gaulle is turning around in his grave

May 30, 2016 10:22 PM

Jan 2009
Welshcake said:
I think EU membership is great for poor or developing countries but a bad choice for already developed and rich countries.
It's great for developed and rich Countries as well, since they also profit from having stable and more and more developed economic Partners.
The Taxes that go to the EU Payments are negligible.

As a Turkish citizen who goes to UK 3-4 times a year, nothing regarding visas will also change for me and I actually want them to leave simply because, I DISLIKE EU.
Did you get your Opinion because it's the the fancy Thing to bash the EU?
How much does it negatively affect you as a Tourist/temporary Worker that you want them to leave? Besides, wouldn't it be better if Turkey could stick to their Part of the Agreement and then you could travel Visa-free?

elros75 said:
To be fair France has lost a lot of its influence in the EU and at this point is basically acting like Germany's sidekick.
Right, that's why the most spoken Mother Tongue in the European Union is barely used in Contrast to French. Besides, it was the French that pushed for the Euro in Exchange for Germany's Reunification. Putting the Blame on Germany because it happened to successfully reform itself (albeit with a big Price to pay for it, considering the lower Salaries than what they should be worth) while most of the others didn't do much or even cheated themselves in is hypocritical imho.

If France appears to be like Germany's Sidekick, than it's not because Germany is strong, but because the others just appear weak. Nevertheless, it is often assumed that Germany runs the EU and can Decide about every Matter. The Truth is, even Austria or even States of Germany can refuse the Policy of the German Government.

Rarusu_ said:
Your ancestors didn't fight for your independence so that you could give it away some day
Every EU-Memberstate is independent. They are all free to move away if they really wanted to. But they don't want to. And Konrad Adenauer would be also turning around in his Grave.
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