PoeticJustice said:
Spooks always pointing out the truth.
Cersei said:
You're one of the people MAL needs so that we can actually have some decent threads from time to time
OneTrueEmiya said:
Hail Spooky_Love, the new leader of our world~
Lux_Lucis said:
I'm leaving MAL in your hands knowing you won't let it become the shithole it's striving to be.
Rinshansan said:
you are the Milo of MAL, Spooky o:
Cookie said:
All the ladies want spooks
SnugglyWhuggly said:
I think Spooks has pretty much made the best posts in this thread.
Lost_Future said:
Spooky you glorious bastard!
I missed your posts )
Still got MAL on bended knee?
Clebardman said:
you actually don't give a fuck about anime, don't discuss it, and just pour oil on every fire you find on CD
TheConquerer said:
always trust Spooks/Patrick Bateman/Heisenberg/And_Ryan to get the job done :D!
Lost_Future said:
Spooky. I want a divine being to take my life.
It's either him or I stay a werewolf (which doesn't sound so bad).
Baki502 said:
you are a damn funny guy. Loved your memes, gotta admit you rekt me there.
orario said:Lost_Future said:
Damn Spooks, you killed the poor guy...
Ok. I was also blunt, but this guy nailed it
Dojourei said:
Lord Spooky, Bringer of Dank Memes.
kyle said:
Spooky knows what's up
Moog- said:
PoeticJustice said:
Spooks is a prophet
Moog- said:
Spookey_Love: Blunt, clever. Kind, although not always readily apparent.
Space-Wizard said:
Spookey_Love: Earnest, Stubborn, Good person
7starkiller99 said:
Spooky, keep up the good work on Mal.
BunnyMe said:
Spooky Love is cool :D
LeosApathy said:
What is with this niggas obsession with nazis
Moog said:
the forums need Spooky.
Baileyy said:
Spooky_Love Gave me inspiration to give meaning to my life when I needed it most.
Geni-2-ol said:
Spooky Genesis 3:42
PoeticJustice said:
lmao. You are fucked up spooky.
LAOG said:
Good guy, Baelish.
Man-Eating-Ghoul said:
Well this thread sure got spookier with mcbones around *o*
-Axcel- said:
Spooks_McTimeTravel the man who went back in time, blended into the Russian army, and saved the world from nuclear destruction.
All Comments (805) Comments
Thanks, I hope so too