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Do you prefer sexualised female characters or non-sexualised female characters in Shonen/Seinen series?

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Mar 20, 2023 1:08 PM

Jul 2021
LostSpectre said:
JaniSIr said:

Yeah, about that, like I'm reading erotica manhwas, and I really appreciate when outside of the numerous explicit sex scenes the characters dress normally, like they could go to church without sticking out.

And like even Redo of Healer was missing many of the usual fanservice stuff from anime, it was rather refreshing. Who needs panty shots when... You know.

That is a possibility, yes. But I don't remember you being a jerk about it, so it's cool.
I don't really see how that example is relevant when you're talking about normal dress in erotic media, which is a different circumstance altogether.

Regardless, I think you were assuming too much about my statement, it wasn't particularly deeper than "female sex appeal is desirable". 

I got a bit sidetracked, I was just trying to say that I like those realistic, modest, if not prudish character designs, as per the principle of knowing when to be lewd and when not to be lewd.

If anything, I'd like to see more like that in regular anime, like many try to have a sex appeal with their character design, but achieve the opposite. (As far as I'm concerned obviously.)

To be fair, I did also download all the bikini armor mods for Skyrim a decade ago, but stopped using those.

Don't disagree on the principle, just on the execution.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Mar 20, 2023 1:19 PM

Jan 2013
JaniSIr said:
LostSpectre said:
I don't really see how that example is relevant when you're talking about normal dress in erotic media, which is a different circumstance altogether.

Regardless, I think you were assuming too much about my statement, it wasn't particularly deeper than "female sex appeal is desirable". 

I got a bit sidetracked, I was just trying to say that I like those realistic, modest, if not prudish character designs, as per the principle of knowing when to be lewd and when not to be lewd.

If anything, I'd like to see more like that in regular anime, like many try to have a sex appeal with their character design, but achieve the opposite. (As far as I'm concerned obviously.)

To be fair, I did also download all the bikini armor mods for Skyrim a decade ago, but stopped using those.

Don't disagree on the principle, just on the execution.
I suppose that depends on what your definition of sex appeal is to begin with, are you saying that more modest dress is sexier? 

An example of each might help.
If you reply back to me and I never respond, I lost interest and don't care. Sorry about that.
Mar 20, 2023 1:26 PM
May 2021
From my perspective you can't have one without the other.

That Mikasa image though is pretty hot on it's own.
Mar 20, 2023 2:12 PM

Nov 2008
ambza said:
i prefer everything to be sexualized, males included
This, as it's inevitable that fan artists will sexualize the characters anyway.

Mar 20, 2023 3:58 PM

Jul 2019
Based on the pictures you posted, it feels like you definition of "Sexualized female" is purely how scantily clad they are, as I would consider that picture of Mikasa you posted, to be a very sexualized picture of that character. 

I watched a show recently that had a bunch of middle school girls in a bath, completely naked, and yet I would not consider them to be sexualized at all, despite the fact they are technically naked, and not wearing any clothes. There was no emphasis placed on their bodies, there was no talk about breast size, or body type, or anything like that, they were simply goofing off, having fun, and talking about the future. Nothing sexual about it. 

That picture of Mikasa on the other hand, despite the fact she is fully clothed, is designed to put major emphasis on her chest and thighs, it's wanting to draw the viewers' attention to her body, her blush is meant to emphasize her "attractiveness." Showing you that she is a beautiful character. All of these are counter to how she is portrayed in the show/manga. It's literally taking a character and "prettying them up" for the sake of making them more attractive to the viewer, and I would consider that to be sexualizing her more than just having a character be scantily clad. 
Mar 20, 2023 9:55 PM
Neet Specter

Mar 2022
Doesn't it depend on what someone finds sexy?
I find Mikasa and Maki cutting heads off and stomping on the enemy, much sexier..I find the katana swinging bleach women sexy.
Also Makima treating everyone like dumb dogs..

Mar 20, 2023 10:03 PM

Sep 2008
sexualized. where's the poll my dude?
馬鹿げた倫理 全部ガラクタで
Mar 20, 2023 10:19 PM

Nov 2022
I prefer them to be sexualized to my particular tastes.

I personally do not find every possible so called sexy outfit really sexy. Some are sexy and other not. That is how it is.

They have 5 girls in shows like Gochiusa and GuP precisely because not everyone is into the same thing.

There are minimum 3 girls that cover all tastes. You can't get any lower that that.

Broadly there are 5 types of sexy and each works with different kind of man. Behaviors and attire has to match the certain type or stereotype.

There is no universal solution that works with every kind of man. There is no girl that all men will find sexy. It is impossible.
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Mar 20, 2023 10:22 PM

Apr 2019
It completely depends on the nature and tone of anime for me. If sexualization serves some purpose to the narrative that a story is trying to tell than I don't mind it. However if sexualization serves no purpose than I would rather have the show to not have much sexualization of its female characters.

Also that first image you posted seems pretty sexual to me. That blonde chick on the left with massive tits definitely seems sexualised.
Mar 21, 2023 12:31 AM

Jul 2021
LostSpectre said:
JaniSIr said:

I got a bit sidetracked, I was just trying to say that I like those realistic, modest, if not prudish character designs, as per the principle of knowing when to be lewd and when not to be lewd.

If anything, I'd like to see more like that in regular anime, like many try to have a sex appeal with their character design, but achieve the opposite. (As far as I'm concerned obviously.)

To be fair, I did also download all the bikini armor mods for Skyrim a decade ago, but stopped using those.

Don't disagree on the principle, just on the execution.
I suppose that depends on what your definition of sex appeal is to begin with, are you saying that more modest dress is sexier? 

An example of each might help.

It definitely can be. Depends on context, and personal taste obviously.
You can probably imagine what a rather low effort NSFW bikini armor mod for Skyrim looks like.
In comparison this is my current favourite :

There are a couple different versions for the leggings, but even the most revealing only shows some thighs.
It's not 100% practical, like the chestplate is a bit too tightly fit to move comfortably, and high heels are a huge no for combat, but it's quite protective.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Mar 21, 2023 5:56 AM

Feb 2017
As long as they contribute to the plot somehow, don't really care about the sexualization or even gender for that matter.
Best ending line in anime history = "My name is Saiki Kusuo. I am a psychic."
Mar 21, 2023 7:08 AM

Mar 2008
I prefer there to be a variety of characters. I don’t want every character to in every show to be the same. Also they need to be written well no matter what kind of character they are.
traedMar 21, 2023 7:18 AM
Mar 21, 2023 7:54 AM

Feb 2017
I usually prefer non-sexualized. A lot of sexualized seinen/shounen designs look tacky and ugly. 
Mar 21, 2023 12:26 PM
Dec 2022
tbh idk as long as there is some fan service but dont really matter to me 
Mar 21, 2023 12:46 PM

Jan 2021
I prefer female characters in anime.
If you enjoyed the time you wasted, then its not a waste of time.

Mar 21, 2023 12:57 PM

Jan 2013

I guess I should have specified, but I forgot that Skyrim was even mentioned at any point. I was mainly curious about the type of shounen designs that you thought tried to be sexy, but achieved the opposite. The armor design in that image certainly looks good to me, but it's obviously more stylish or cool looking than sexy. The bikini armors are undoubtedly sexier, as their intent is to highlight the sex appeal of the female body, any many of them don't seem too out of place for a fantasy setting. Also, I'm still not sure if you just prefer more natural looking designs or you actually think more modest outfits are somehow sexier. 
If you reply back to me and I never respond, I lost interest and don't care. Sorry about that.
Mar 21, 2023 1:23 PM
Jul 2018
I personally don't care lol maybe cause im not a girl
Mar 21, 2023 4:42 PM

Feb 2014
Every time I see the world "sexualized" I die a little inside, I curse the day it became a popular term.
Mar 21, 2023 4:59 PM

Feb 2014
Isn't the answer, "I'll sexualize who I want, when I want; at all times?"
“When people see some things as beautiful, other things become ugly.
When people see some things as good, other things become bad.”
Mar 21, 2023 5:53 PM

Dec 2022
None. I don't mind if the female characters are beautiful or sexy, but if that is their purpose or it undermines the realism, I'm out. 

(like a woman who regularly goes to battle in 'armor' that is mostly about showing off skin).
This is your reminder to drink water 💦 or eat some fruit  🍒 🥝
Mar 21, 2023 6:48 PM

Feb 2020
I usually like characters more if they're sexualized 

Mar 21, 2023 10:23 PM
Jul 2018
 "In terms of character elements, drawing large breasts is always difficult"

Tite Kubo
Mar 21, 2023 11:27 PM

Feb 2016
I don't give a shit either which way + Who cares?
Mar 21, 2023 11:42 PM

Dec 2013
I prefer sexualized female characters period. It doesn't matter whether it's an ecchi show or serious show. Nor does it matter, whether they flaunt their chest or not.
Mar 21, 2023 11:45 PM

Apr 2007
I prefer sexualized characters and it seems that people who complain about it are referred to as Moephobia(萌えフォビア), Twitter Feminist(TwiFemi - ツイフェミ) and feeling Yakuza(お気持ちヤクザ). A lot of people hate having sexiness in their mindless violence, but a lot more have no problem with it.
Mar 22, 2023 1:03 AM

Feb 2023
Mostly, no. I don't mind eye candy to an extent and sexualization as a theme has it's place in almost any media but when it comes to "we have no here's women jumping for 20 mins with/without shitty comedy!" I have to say a harsh "fuck off" everytime it happens.
PotatoSpoonMar 22, 2023 1:15 AM
Mar 22, 2023 1:30 AM
Feb 2023
I love that the example used for "non-ecchi" includes women with tits the size of their heads hanging out. That's how bad I feel anime is right now, we are at the point where the sole purpose of certain characters is essentially quick dopamine and a boner. I will admit that Complaining about the like in these kids shows is self defeating though since the VAST vast majority of anime is already riddled with flaws
Cam_08Mar 22, 2023 1:36 AM
Mar 22, 2023 3:37 AM

Feb 2018
I guess it depends on what you mean by sexulization. Is it a chick who wears risque/skimpy clothes? Is it a chick that with every action oozes sexuality? Is the screen glued to her ass and tits the moment she makes an appearance?
Mar 22, 2023 3:38 AM
Sep 2018
I prefer if it has some plot relevance I've noticed. I don't hate fanservice as long as it's within reason and doesn't cause a tonal shift because of it. I generally prefer more subtleness than the loud examples shown in the thread for example. But sometimes the plot makes it make sense (Kill La Kill?) and in those cases I find it more palatable. And if the say is using it for gags or comedy then I can be more forgiving though in those cases I prefer if the character is well-meaning but doesn't understand the inappropriateness or is just teasing another character relatively innocently. But boobs just popping out randomly without rhyme or reason can be a lot sometimes. But I'm against not sexualized scenes but I prefer them to have some substance, build-up, and logic. Take the Chun-Li scenes from the Street Fighter II animated movie. Absolutely no issues with that.

Some shows use it as a crutch with random nudity and close-ups in the middle of important dialogue, not a fan of such stuff. Like there's a time and a place for everything.

It's the same reason I don't like nude mods in videogames. 9 times out of 10 they don't fit the character or the setting so they just look absurd. Think... fighting games like SamSho or the latest Guilty Gear.
PsychoSoliderMar 22, 2023 3:51 AM
Mar 22, 2023 4:08 AM

Dec 2015
I prefer the chars to be well-written ... according to the genre. Other stuff is not that important. Though you usually have shounen where they try for plot and still make annoying female chars that act like a stupid tsundere + showing a lot of skin.

I mean ... Queen's Blade (someone posted pics from there) was fun. The focus was mostly on the action. If we had this type of clothing in anime like ... Psycho Pass - it would be annoying though. It is annoying in anime like Re:Zero that girls get presented as "waifu" (designed in a way to get certain types of viewers watch the anime).

Not having such stuff is no guarantee that the plot and chars are written well though. If such stuff is in the anime then though pretty often (not in all cases) it seems like the anime mainly wants to sell itself through this. And no good plot/chars. (Which can work ... if the show is mainly focused on action.)
Mar 22, 2023 4:39 AM

Aug 2020
Sexualization for the viewer's benefit makes me very uncomfortable, regardless of gender, unless that is the specific point of the show (I'd never complain about ecchi or hentai series being like that, since that's their purpose).

The reason is that we need to view the characters as "people" to empathize with them and feel the full effect of the plot they are involved in. But seeing them constantly treated as an object to derive sexual stimulation from by the show creators takes me out of the ability to view the character as a person (which makes the whole thing fall flat, because why would I care about the plot if I don't care about the characters?).

I do wanna clarify though that, like some others have said already, it's a lot more about the intent of the creators than the actual visuals themselves. A character can be very attractive, show a lot of skin or behave in sensual ways without it messing with my perception of them as a person because there are a lot of different people in the world and it's totally fine to portray the whole spectrum in anime too, including the sexy ones.
The thing that bothers me is how the "camera" and plot treat them; are they just there to show off their body? Does the camera leer on them at every chance? Do their "sexy" actions make sense for their personality, history and situation in the plot? That's the kind of stuff that makes or breaks it for me.

I also think it's kinda demeaning to say stuff like "well teenage boys are the target demographic so it has to be like that" as if all teenage boys were incapable of caring for or liking a show unless there was boobs and ass and pantyshots flung in their face constantly. Give teenage boys some credit!
Mar 22, 2023 8:40 AM

Apr 2018
SleepySera said:
Sexualization for the viewer's benefit makes me very uncomfortable, regardless of gender, unless that is the specific point of the show (I'd never complain about ecchi or hentai series being like that, since that's their purpose).

The reason is that we need to view the characters as "people" to empathize with them and feel the full effect of the plot they are involved in. But seeing them constantly treated as an object to derive sexual stimulation from by the show creators takes me out of the ability to view the character as a person (which makes the whole thing fall flat, because why would I care about the plot if I don't care about the characters?).

I do wanna clarify though that, like some others have said already, it's a lot more about the intent of the creators than the actual visuals themselves. A character can be very attractive, show a lot of skin or behave in sensual ways without it messing with my perception of them as a person because there are a lot of different people in the world and it's totally fine to portray the whole spectrum in anime too, including the sexy ones.
The thing that bothers me is how the "camera" and plot treat them; are they just there to show off their body? Does the camera leer on them at every chance? Do their "sexy" actions make sense for their personality, history and situation in the plot? That's the kind of stuff that makes or breaks it for me.

I also think it's kinda demeaning to say stuff like "well teenage boys are the target demographic so it has to be like that" as if all teenage boys were incapable of caring for or liking a show unless there was boobs and ass and pantyshots flung in their face constantly. Give teenage boys some credit!
There is a catalog of shows that treat characters as "emphasizing as a human" although I hate to say it that way because it leads to a cultural misconception that appreciating sexualization and, eventually, objectification is not a way to appreciate someone as a person outside of "having personality". I am more surprised that some people demand more for realistic shows as if we are still in the 2010s ecchi trend or that drama is still formed for the most basic fanservice in the "wholesome" or "dark" show.

Regarding the angle of cameras, idk I prefer that to the whole show only showing the faces of the characters in the 20 minutes of the episode (like the video of an Indonesian censorship that I saw more than a year ago to a beach episode of a cgdct show). Most of the angles are too lame to even think of a standard sexualization.

You and the rose are connected. Know the weight of your own life
Mar 22, 2023 10:19 AM

Jul 2021
LostSpectre said:
I was mainly curious about the type of shounen designs that you thought tried to be sexy, but achieved the opposite.

You know what, I'm actually going to nitpick a series I really enjoyed.
Also Cross Ange is technically anime original, so technically manga target audiences don't apply, but anyway.

So this is like the casual outfit. It's fine, like I could imagine someone going outside in a crop top and miniskirt in the summer heat.
The Cape makes no sense, nor the straps, but it's anime so what can you do.

And then this is the combat outfit...
However I look at it, having a huge cutout that reveals even the underwear is just kind of trashy.

And as it's rather common in anime, she is among those teenagers that have unnatural fake looking boobs.

LostSpectre said:
The armor design in that image certainly looks good to me, but it's obviously more stylish or cool looking than sexy. The bikini armors are undoubtedly sexier, as their intent is to highlight the sex appeal of the female body, any many of them don't seem too out of place for a fantasy setting.

It also accentuates the female body, the outfit is still basically skin tight.

LostSpectre said:
Also, I'm still not sure if you just prefer more natural looking designs or you actually think more modest outfits are somehow sexier. 

I do in fact prefer more natural designs. And modest outfits aren't necessarily sexier, but the revealing clothes need a kind of style, and it matters the context in which they are used.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Mar 22, 2023 11:02 AM

Jan 2013
JaniSIr said:
LostSpectre said:
I was mainly curious about the type of shounen designs that you thought tried to be sexy, but achieved the opposite.

You know what, I'm actually going to nitpick a series I really enjoyed.
Also Cross Ange is technically anime original, so technically manga target audiences don't apply, but anyway.

So this is like the casual outfit. It's fine, like I could imagine someone going outside in a crop top and miniskirt in the summer heat.
The Cape makes no sense, nor the straps, but it's anime so what can you do.

And then this is the combat outfit...
However I look at it, having a huge cutout that reveals even the underwear is just kind of trashy.

And as it's rather common in anime, she is among those teenagers that have unnatural fake looking boobs.

LostSpectre said:
The armor design in that image certainly looks good to me, but it's obviously more stylish or cool looking than sexy. The bikini armors are undoubtedly sexier, as their intent is to highlight the sex appeal of the female body, any many of them don't seem too out of place for a fantasy setting.

It also accentuates the female body, the outfit is still basically skin tight.

LostSpectre said:
Also, I'm still not sure if you just prefer more natural looking designs or you actually think more modest outfits are somehow sexier. 

I do in fact prefer more natural designs. And modest outfits aren't necessarily sexier, but the revealing clothes need a kind of style, and it matters the context in which they are used.
- My first impression of that combat outfit is that it just looks bad, but I don't think I was analyzing it much while watching. It's not the "trashy" aspect that really bothers me here, I don't mind that it's slutty looking, it's just a pretty ugly design. Can't say I mind the fake boobs either, they look more natural to me in anime than fake tits on a real woman. 

- Sure, I'm not saying the Skyrim outfit isn't feminine, it's a good looking design, and it has a natural sensuality to it, but it's still quite tame. 

- Well, yeah, I wouldn't argue that sexy outfits aren't ever out of place, I just don't think there's many battle shounen where this is true. 
If you reply back to me and I never respond, I lost interest and don't care. Sorry about that.
Mar 22, 2023 11:51 AM

Jan 2013
SleepySera said:
Sexualization for the viewer's benefit makes me very uncomfortable, regardless of gender, unless that is the specific point of the show (I'd never complain about ecchi or hentai series being like that, since that's their purpose).

The reason is that we need to view the characters as "people" to empathize with them and feel the full effect of the plot they are involved in. But seeing them constantly treated as an object to derive sexual stimulation from by the show creators takes me out of the ability to view the character as a person (which makes the whole thing fall flat, because why would I care about the plot if I don't care about the characters?).

I do wanna clarify though that, like some others have said already, it's a lot more about the intent of the creators than the actual visuals themselves. A character can be very attractive, show a lot of skin or behave in sensual ways without it messing with my perception of them as a person because there are a lot of different people in the world and it's totally fine to portray the whole spectrum in anime too, including the sexy ones.
The thing that bothers me is how the "camera" and plot treat them; are they just there to show off their body? Does the camera leer on them at every chance? Do their "sexy" actions make sense for their personality, history and situation in the plot? That's the kind of stuff that makes or breaks it for me.

I also think it's kinda demeaning to say stuff like "well teenage boys are the target demographic so it has to be like that" as if all teenage boys were incapable of caring for or liking a show unless there was boobs and ass and pantyshots flung in their face constantly. Give teenage boys some credit!
What does viewing anime characters as "people" even mean? Unless we're talking about more mature/grounded shows, I don't think anime characters act very human at all, not in any realistic sense. Personally, I don't have any issue viewing sexualized characters as people, or at least, I'm not viewing these characters more negatively on account of it. My stance is that there's already a lack of realism in most of these shows, the female wearing skimpier armor or getting into some perverted scenario isn't really going to stop me from being able to view them as a "normal" character. However, I don't like it if fanservice is outright prioritized over character development, and in Fairy Tail (which is technically an ecchi) I have a lot of mixed feelings on combat sexualization (torn clothes etc.) especially if the plot is actually getting more serious or emotional. Now, I'm trying not to assume too much here though, because I don't know what shows you really have in mind here.

Oh, and when people say it has to be that way, because it's for teen boys, the main takeaway should be that it's an easy gimmick to appeal to them. 
LostSpectreMar 22, 2023 11:54 AM
If you reply back to me and I never respond, I lost interest and don't care. Sorry about that.
Mar 22, 2023 12:09 PM

Sep 2007
King_KK said:
It completely depends on the nature and tone of anime for me. If sexualization serves some purpose to the narrative that a story is trying to tell than I don't mind it. However if sexualization serves no purpose than I would rather have the show to not have much sexualization of its female characters.

Same here as long the female character is portray well and has good character development for the nature and tone of anime'story/plot it's telling and such.
Mar 22, 2023 7:56 PM

Oct 2019
I prefer good and well written characters

them being sexualized or not doesn't really matter, unless they are way they are being sexualized doesn't work with their character, and they are worse character for it. 
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