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Jun 22, 2014 7:41 PM

Jan 2011
I laughed at Aurthur getting crushed by the dragons. From episode 6-12 this looked like it had quite a bit of potential but then they started telling us such and such happened, instead of actually showing and then it went back to my first impression of it, a bit better than meh. I think it would have been better if they had just 24 episodes that focused on the Eastern Star unification or an attempt at such, with another 24 episodes for when the rest of the round table made their move.
Jun 22, 2014 8:41 PM
May 2014
Still have a hard time with Guinevere's sudden appearance in the show... I mean arthur went through all the trouble to create the round table, gathers the regalias and the users, invades another planet and kills tons of people, just so he can bring his unfaithful waifu back?

And so everyone excepts for himiko gets a happy ending, she cant even get Nobu in the afterlife after he promised jeanne to meet again in the next life... Himiko is almost like Zessica 2.0

Still wanted to see Caeasar and Ichi in that museum...
jfsJun 22, 2014 8:48 PM
Jun 22, 2014 9:38 PM
May 2014
was a very cliche ending but gave me quite a suprise.

it was a long hard fought 24 episode series and endured many pains along the way and eventually it came to an end.

probably unnecessary, but the epilogue did sort of foreshadow a season 2 where they meet in the modern world and start a new season from that.

9/10 for this show
Jun 22, 2014 10:16 PM

Nov 2007
LOL at the ending.

Interesting ending but it felt a bit rushed towards the end. A lot of random stuffs happened in the last episode. A lot of "oh really?" moments...

Not a bad series overall but I can't really say it was extremely good either.
bla bla bla
The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.
Niko-kun said:
On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard?
Jun 22, 2014 10:58 PM

Mar 2014
First time a anime has put my feelings in a "wtf branded blender" so i cant tell if this show is good or average, also dont know what to think of that ending.

Pretty gruesome episode with the crushing, the hole to hell, the disintegration and of cousre..... the comb to the throat.... ruthless.... still hate mitsu that bastard though
I really like jeanna and nobu as a couple too and how it was portrayed in this episode.... quite nice.
Powered by yuri.
Needless to say, I finish all anime I start, no matter my initial opinion, no matter how bad it gets, I WILL FINISH IT!
Jun 22, 2014 11:01 PM

Jan 2008
Still need to finish this series. I stopped at around 20 or something because it became to retarded for me. Guess the ending seems like fun but of course lots of BS. Oh well, will finish this in the coming days for the heck of it.
Jun 23, 2014 4:14 AM

Dec 2011
What a trainwreck ending!
I had hoped to see Ichi's and Caesar's revival.
Jun 23, 2014 4:26 AM
Sep 2013
I liked this anime; it made some really cool quotes. Episode felt rushed and...I hope we get a second season! I have no idea why I want that because I feel like the anime is really bland but meh...
Overall 7/10
Jun 23, 2014 5:12 AM

May 2013
So Arthur was an old guy. He wanted to bring back his dead girlfriend? Weird.
Da Vinci also died. Suicide much? Oh well.

Jeanne is a weird woman that's for sure.
According to Da Vinci, Mitsu is the Savior King? I got confused on that.
In the end, Nobu and Jeanne were reincarnated.
I wonder if Nobu and the others who died, reunited in heaven.

It's good I guess.
Jun 23, 2014 5:45 AM

Mar 2013
It was inevitable that Jeanne is the worst character of this terrible show. 5/10
Jun 23, 2014 6:04 AM

Dec 2010
HattiewithSugar said:
Goddamn, I don't even know WHAT to think. All I know is that I did NOT see that coming.
This is about all I can say.

I feel so empty after this ending ;__; Not many animes get me so immersed. I hope so much for a modern version of this story. After all Nobu and Jeanne got reborned in the modern world, that means that it's a place for them == a place where Nobu can wage war.

1. Characters. +1. This anime had charactecters that won me from the very beginning - be it just Da Vinci(and Saru), but as the series went on, Nobu won me as well, and of course, Caesar became my fave and of course Ichii.
2. Atmosphere. +1. It was really great in my opinion, at the very worst it was never lacking.
3. OST. +1. I loved the first OP and ED, they were really epic. Then the themes were great as well, and two or three episodes in, and I was loving the 2nd OP and ED. This anime has the most epic OPs and EDs this year for sure.
4. Animation. Can I complain about it? Not really, the style fits a samurai, and the anime didn't call for a better animation quality.
5. Background story. +1. There was not much, but the story didn't need more really.
6. Storyline. +1. This is an anime with a rarely consistent storyline. You may not know what's going to happen next(which isn't really bad), but when you look back you can see that it's a really stable storyline.
7. Ending. +1. It wasn't bad. Actually it was better than what I've hoped for. It did make me nostalgic(though the story has just ended), but that means it was actually good.
8. Drama. +1. Unexpectedly, for the silly style the anime started with, the drama was fast to strike and it was actually good, ever since Nobukatsu's death, and remained this way until the very end.
9. Overall affect. +1. This anime was fast to win my attention and kept me interested for the whole run which is rarely the case with even many of my favorite animes. It was epic and it never failed to deliver. I loved the characters, the action and I was actually interested what was going to hapen next. I liked it until the very end and I felt really bad when it ended the way it did, desiring an another-world continuation.
10. Bonus score: +1. For this anime's epicness, and especially for Caesar - the guy who delivered all his life and even got Ichi, ultimately winning in the end. Definitely one of my all-time favorites.
Overall score: 9/10.If it wasn't Tokyo Ravens, this anime would have been my current favorite of the year.
Jun 23, 2014 6:19 AM

Apr 2013
great and unexpected ending even if it was a bit rushed

in the end the series was a big surprise especially since at first it seemed like an incredibly weird mix of historical figures but the way the story unfolded was nicely done and reminded me of classic jrpgs and it had a frew surprises and turns

art was good. animations and battles could have been better but it did not really bother me the focus never really seemed to be the action anyway

ost was great

8/10 would have been a 9 as i had the series for most of the time but it felt a bit rushed at times

great series
Jun 23, 2014 6:35 AM

Jun 2013
I think the final episode was an excellent finish to a great anime!

Nobunaga resumed his role of the Destroyer-King, and used his power of destruction to consume destruction only, a great revelation. Mitsuhide was the true Savior-King, and vows to Nobunaga, to bring world peace.

The best part of this episode was when I saw it transition to the modern world. Basically, the whole anime was history itself, retold combining Western History with Eastern History, and a bunch of spiritual powers and mechas. I loved that! And know the anime ends with Nobunaga and Jeanne meeting each other in their next lives, like the proclaimed right before they died. They really should make an OVA showing their life in the modern world or something! I just got to see that romance.
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Jun 23, 2014 8:09 AM

Dec 2010
Had it's entertaining moments, but all in all it was more like a waste of time.
Jun 23, 2014 8:25 AM

Nov 2013
Wow a very trollish final episode O_O
This was a very fun series to follow, the pacing was somewhat off at some points but overall it was entertaining enough.
This last episode felt a little too rushed, if it was divided into two episodes I think I would have liked it more. But oh well :)
Nobu and Jeanne in the future o.o

5/5 for this episode.

7.5/10 for series :)

"It was inevitable!"
Jun 23, 2014 9:14 AM

Apr 2008
AlexTheRiot said:

Exacty what I was hoping would happen, happened. After Arthur died, he decided he would take it all upon himself, that he would kill Nobu of his own will. But nobody expected doing that would prove him the Savior King. ... classic.

I really liked the twist with Nobu devouring the ability to make war, Jeanne holding his destruction back to protect the people, and of course Mitsu stopping him before he could devour anymore, and stopping the regalias. I really couldn't be more pleased with this ending.

^ This
Jun 23, 2014 12:18 PM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Mitsuhide's redemption felt very forced to be honest, and the sudden appearance of Guinevere out of the proverbial blue was a facepalm moment for me. And you would have assumed that once Arthur and Nobunaga met, their encounter would feel more momentous. But it really didn't feel that way.

This show had a a lot of promise at some point, but the script was all over the place IMO. Even the mecha that are Kawamori's specialty were kind of meh. I hope that Kawamori has a much better writing/production team for the upcoming Macross project.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Jun 23, 2014 12:18 PM

Feb 2008
Meh, didnt really like the ending. Mitsu, betrayer is a savior king, old geezer crazy about reviving his girlfriend started invading everyone and the title of destroyer king goes to Nobu...
At least it was better then Aquarion EMO, i mean Evol.
Jun 23, 2014 2:23 PM

Jan 2008
Da Vinci random death - bullshit
Nobunaga devouring power to create wars - bullshit
Jeanne wanting to spend her life with the destroyer king (even though if he gets his way and destroys the world they won't be together for long...) - bullshit
Reincarnation in modern times - UTTER F'IN BULLSHIT.

This was so dissapointing. So dissapointing it left me speechless for a while.

Oh and by the way - everything just to rez a single girl... Yeah, I'm completely sold on that.

Music was pretty good though.

Exacty what I was hoping would happen, happened. After Arthur died, he decided he would take it all upon himself, that he would kill Nobu of his own will. But nobody expected doing that would prove him the Savior King. ... classic.

I really liked the twist with Nobu devouring the ability to make war, Jeanne holding his destruction back to protect the people, and of course Mitsu stopping him before he could devour anymore, and stopping the regalias. I really couldn't be more pleased with this ending.

Whoa the irony.
Jun 23, 2014 3:29 PM

Jul 2010
I am glad this anime was a decent ending .
The fact that Mitsu shot the guy who shot Jeanne I was glad man ,how there he try kill yet another ship.
Which reminds me this show has so many ships and my most favorite died.
Nobunaga and Jeanne <3
At the end they show their feelings ( oh why?) I didn't feel that it was forced.
Nobunaga against Alexander and the two dragons were cool .
Arthur being crush by it was so ironic
That twist with Mitsu being the savior king was a shocker I thought it be Hideyoshi.
I can't believe the fight with Mitsu and Nobu not what I expected and the Comb ?! Wth
I didn't want Nobu to die but since his woman was dying might as well?!
Dam it I wanted them show the kiss........
The reincarnation was a nice conclusion just like in the beginning ,they meet and meet again.
Great way to end the series with great music, action love and fate .
I give this a 9.5 / 10
Jun 23, 2014 4:55 PM

Jun 2012
An average/okay series at best. It had its moment, but it also had its BS moments too. And Nobu's voice, It was between hilarious and unbearable.
Jun 23, 2014 5:40 PM
Jan 2014
I'm glad that Hideyoshi didn't die. He was my favourite character from this anime. He was loyal, had resolve, had an awesome seiyuu^^ and was relatively strong. Mitsuhide on the other hand, wasn't my cup of tea. I have mixed feelings about Nobunaga, especially after the ending. I liked the ending, looks like Mitsu's plan worked out well for the future of the two stars. I Liked that museum scene in the modern world. The character and mech designs were also good. My favourite song from this anime was definitely the first ED.

I think this is good as it is. Doesn't need a second season or anything else.

7/10 Overall.
Jun 23, 2014 6:05 PM

Aug 2013
That depiction of the future after the ED was surprisingly heart-warming and enjoyable.
Jun 23, 2014 6:20 PM

Apr 2008
-YAY! Sakurai wins! I actually liked that they kept the the historical context. MC gets killed...geez, Sakurai did it again It feels like, from RL articles, that Akechi's betrayal was due to spite. However, in this he remained pursuing the peace of the land. Nobu just went plain crazy. Even back in one ep he was thirsty for power. Ranmaru, what do you want anyway?!

But we got to remember, peace and destruction are correlated. Flaws exist, but shouldn't tilt in one direction.

People need to stop playing God and looking for fantasies, such as Arthur. Akechi is gonna be a tough dude and bear it.

- I thought they were gonna kill Toyotomi -_-; That was close.

- Wow, Nobu got stabbed by that comb.(LOL)

- MEGALLAN?! Where were you?!

- For Da Vinci:

Average show.

Do we really need a S2...
Jun 23, 2014 9:13 PM
Jun 2014
THis is my personal opinion of the series

Graphic 8
the drawing of the landscape and the characters was good. Some of the battle scene was done very well with some effect.

Characterization 7
Well I could not give more for the characterization. some characters keep dying before we know very well with them ex Nobukatsu, Nobuhide. Even secondary characters like Ichi and Caesar has very little development time. The only character that I thought develop the most from this series was Mitsuhide (well either hate him or love him in his case ^-^)

Music 5
I love J pop and I love J rock. regardless of that I could not get the music inside my head. It was not that impressive (at least for me)

Story 7
The story was mixed. I excited the earlier episode especially after Nobukatsu death and the last part of the series. However, the last episode was ending abruptly and the conclusion was kinda forced. As for the middle of the series, I feel bored with some of the filler episode

Last impression 7
yeah like it or not its 7 (S.E.V.E.N) now let me sleep -_-zzz
There is something more vexing than being insulted, humiliated, and abused.

Having a slow internet connection
My time give back my Time T-T
Jun 23, 2014 10:01 PM
Feb 2009
Looks like Leonardo da Vinci was also reincarnated :)
gypsy00Jun 23, 2014 10:05 PM
Jun 23, 2014 10:21 PM
Feb 2011
I don't know why Kawamori makes anything non Macross show dull, but at least he had a good finale.

I'll give it a 7/10 because of the last episode.
Jun 23, 2014 11:26 PM

May 2014
Werchiel said:
Da Vinci random death - bullshit
Nobunaga devouring power to create wars - bullshit
Jeanne wanting to spend her life with the destroyer king (even though if he gets his way and destroys the world they won't be together for long...) - bullshit
Reincarnation in modern times - UTTER F'IN BULLSHIT.

This was so dissapointing. So dissapointing it left me speechless for a while.

Oh and by the way - everything just to rez a single girl... Yeah, I'm completely sold on that.

Music was pretty good though.

Nobunaga the AssPull

This probably has the most stupid characters I've seen in anime for a while. Forcefully dumbed down for the sake of "plot".
Jun 23, 2014 11:35 PM
Jul 2018

I don't know but I found the ending quite nice.
Still Jeanne is the worst girl for this series.

MITSU SAVED THE WORLD. Congratulations for him.
WTH so all of this was King Arthur only wanted to resurrect his dearly beloved wife that eventually cheats on him with his most trusted knight Lancelot?
Jun 23, 2014 11:56 PM
May 2014
MsChii said:

WTH so all of this was King Arthur only wanted to resurrect his dearly beloved wife that eventually cheats on him with his most trusted knight Lancelot?

Exactly! And considering how old Arthur looked, Guinevere probably died after she has already cheated on him.. IDK does someone know the story well? LOL
Jun 24, 2014 12:28 AM
Jan 2014
The ending is really really well rushed and that random middle opening really kill the mood for the show. and that final part seeing the modern version of Nobu and Jeanne I felt they can make a spin called The School Days of Nobunagan the Fool.
Jun 24, 2014 12:55 AM
May 2014
jfs said:
MsChii said:

WTH so all of this was King Arthur only wanted to resurrect his dearly beloved wife that eventually cheats on him with his most trusted knight Lancelot?

Exactly! And considering how old Arthur looked, Guinevere probably died after she has already cheated on him.. IDK does someone know the story well? LOL

Well, there are different versions. In the oldest Guinevere is not mentioned much and is a faithful wife and her dowry supplies Arthur with his famed round table. In these you'll see Arthur save her when she is abducted while in later ones it's Lancelot. In the old ones Lancelot doesn't even exist. In fact in the old Welsh ones there are 3 Guineveres. XD

Lancelot is a much later French addition and in that Arthur reluctantly sentences Guinevere to be burned at the stake for the affair, but she is saved by Lancelot, who then flees to France for his life. Arthur leaves Guinevere in the care of Mordred as he chases Lancelot. Depending on which Mordred forces Guinevere to marry him or she willingly agrees (in some she even has 2 sons by him). Mordred marrying her is how he proclaims himself king. When Arthur hears of this he returns, kills Mordred, but his wounds are too severe and he goes to Avalon. Guinevere meets Lancelot one last time before living the rest of her life in a convent.

So pretty much take your pick. LOL
Jun 24, 2014 12:58 AM
Jan 2013
Future Nobunaga and Jeanne.(^∇^)If only they showed the other important characters in the future too, but still that painting of Da Vinci. I would love to hang that my wall and have his cards of fate would be a bonus.
Jun 24, 2014 1:45 AM
May 2014
NiteBloomingRose said:

Well i cant imagine arthur being NTR-ed by lancelot he would still want to revive her so bad, so it might be based on the first version....
Jun 24, 2014 1:59 AM
May 2014
jfs said:
NiteBloomingRose said:

Well i cant imagine arthur being NTR-ed by lancelot he would still want to revive her so bad, so it might be based on the first version....

Yeah, probably so. And in the one he was married to 3 was definitely because they died and he remarried. So I guess they just rolled her into one and she died young.
Jun 24, 2014 3:45 AM
Dec 2012
wow that ending suprised me.
Jun 24, 2014 4:13 AM

Mar 2011
Ahh it is finally over. What a jumbled mess of an anime. I really lost interest after the fight with the fire lord. It just didn't seem to know where it was taking the story. 6/10 overall. Had potential, but was below average in the end, it become boring and messy and just bad imo.
"When everyone else is about to give up, the fighter who becomes the role model, is the true Leader."

Jun 24, 2014 7:02 AM

Jan 2014
Nobu became destroyer coz jeane said so, she betrayed him and made him destroyer when she announced that arhtur was savior ......... and ending is similar to aquarion reincaranted in future. and this anime was made by same person i guess :)
wex89Jun 24, 2014 7:10 AM
Jun 24, 2014 9:22 AM

Dec 2013
Those who know a bit of the history of Nobunaga had already predicted that Mitsuhide would kill him, but still the ending was well done in my opinion, I was just a little disappointed with arthur, this episode gave the impression that he hadn't any importance in the anime.

Nobunaga the Fool deserves a 08/10.
Jun 24, 2014 12:59 PM

Jul 2012
Oh wow, the score actually raised into the 7 zone! Good job, za Fool.

Didn't like this ending. Omg the plot was everywhere...Gonna rewatch it right now because I have no idea what just happened. I'm never gonna multitask while watching shows like these.
EDIT- Okay, I kind of get what happened after watching it again. Good ending. Still very confusing.
MayukaJun 24, 2014 1:22 PM
Jun 24, 2014 1:30 PM
Jun 2010
I agree with this ending, WW3 is about to start.
Jun 24, 2014 2:03 PM

May 2013
That was an awesome finale, King Arthur's death was really disturbing, the way he was screaming and being crushed all the way to flesh and bones by the dragon...Damn.

I wasn't expecting Mitsu to be the saviour king and all but I like it :)

That painting Da Vinci made was nice :o
Jun 24, 2014 3:13 PM

Nov 2012
I don't really know how to feel about that.

But since this show was one of the few that was enjoyable to me i'm giving it a 9/10

I will miss it x-x
Jun 24, 2014 8:18 PM

Jan 2014
slow pace - bad scenario - trainwreck end, evangel style (manga) :(

the real end must be:
- the dragon eat all people in both star
- both star self destruct
- new single star born

in the future nobu meet Jean
ritokuroyuukiJun 24, 2014 8:23 PM
Jun 24, 2014 10:22 PM

Apr 2011
Definitely did not see this ending coming! So it turns out Nobunaga is the Destroyer-King after all, and the Savior-King is neither him nor Arthur, but Mitsuhide! Jeanne protected the people while Nobunaga destroyed all their weapons and giant mecha, and then they die together while Mitsu goes on to create a new world, which is apparently our modern one ... so much for creating a world of peace, unless the architecture just happens to mirror our own.

I also thought it was poetic and appropriate how Arthur died, with the dragons crushing him underneath their weight. Though Guinevere did kinda come out of nowhere, we haven't really had any insight as to what his motivations were before this either, and it does kinda make sense that he would want to create an Avalon where his wife could live again.

Pretty solid series overall ... least favorite parts were Caesar and Ichihime, I never really bought Caesar's 'face turn' and their romance felt totally faked to me. Favorite parts were all the badass mecha and Nobunaga's character overall, he was definitely his own man even when he became the Devil himself.

Jun 25, 2014 4:16 AM

Feb 2011
wex89 said:
Nobu became destroyer coz jeane said so, she betrayed him and made him destroyer when she announced that arhtur was savior .........

Actually Jeanne did not betray Nobunaga. Nobunaga never wanted to be the Savior king or Destroyer King to begin with. He just wanted to follow his own path (same for Jeanne).
At the end of episode 23, the reason why Nobunaga did not want Jeanne to proclaim King Arthur to be the Savior king is that if she did so, then she would not be any use to King Arthur, which means King Arthur would try to get rid of her, and it's exactly what happened.
Jun 25, 2014 2:17 PM

Nov 2013
Well that
Really disappointing.
Jun 26, 2014 6:59 AM

Dec 2013
quite possibly the worst series I've finished so far. Holy shit this was awful.
Jun 26, 2014 9:39 AM

Jun 2009
I kinda knew that Mitsu would be the one to finish off Nobu since the start of the series knowing that Mitsu betrayed Nobu based on historical records.
Jun 26, 2014 3:32 PM

Aug 2013
Hoho ? Things from the future that was interesting bu too .short >.<
Hmm 6.5/10

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