Hey everyone! I'm your average white American male who loves anime, video games, tabletop roleplaying, CCGs and all things nerdilicious. I like a variety of anime but tend to lean towards epic action and the rare comedy that's actually funny. I am usually turned off by tsunderes and comedic violence, which are often connected. Unlike a lot of people, I don't mind fanservice; nothing wrong with a little tits and ass in my entertainment. Or a lot thereof.
I'm always interested in meeting new people so if you want to, send me a friend request or post on my wall. Especially if we have high compatibility, but even if not, don't be afraid to recommend some shows I've never never heard of. :)
Current Videogame Obsession: Final Fantasy Record Keeper
1st Anime: Transformers the Movie
100th Anime: Saki
150th Anime: Amon, Apocalypse of Devilman
200th Anime: Kyousougiga
250th Anime: Attack on Titan
300th Anime: MSMM the Movie III - Hangyaku no Monogatari
350th Anime: Sword Art Online II
400th Anime: Souryuuden (Legend of the Dragon Kings)
450th Anime: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (2012)
500th Anime: ...
Top 5 EDs
1. You Won't See Me Coming, Gankutsuou
2. Kimi wo Mamoritai, FREEZING
3. Wired Life, Ao no Exorcist
4. Shuukan Sentimental, FMA:Brotherhood
5. Buddy Body, Queen's Blade II
(Mawaru Review)
>Art: 1.
Really? Why u watch something without know anything about its genre(dementia)?
It's like watching Seinen and expecting content for kids...
>Sound: 1. Meh.
So you're not just blind but deaf
Also, Nice 10/10 Berserk 2nd season xDDDDDDD
I hadn't updated MAL since May 15th? It seemed longer. I finished Gargantia, though I don't know what to watch the next season. I guess I'll watch Date A Live, though that was last season. You always recommend it :)
All Comments (402) Comments
>Art: 1.
Really? Why u watch something without know anything about its genre(dementia)?
It's like watching Seinen and expecting content for kids...
>Sound: 1. Meh.
So you're not just blind but deaf
Also, Nice 10/10 Berserk 2nd season xDDDDDDD
Nice joke.