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Mar 28, 2018 5:47 PM

Oct 2012
Pretty meh episode again. I couldn't care less about inflated drama around Hinata (which felt pretty much forced in the first place) and most of the wannabe laughing scenes wasn't even funny.

Am I the only one who don't see real characters here, rather parody of theirs? Either they are way too naive or they overplay each drama pretty hard.

It's so sad the series had such great start but most of the episodes have some needless crazy humor that doesn't really work well side by side cliche drama. I mean, some episodes were good (and ep9 even great) but the last two episodes were real disappointment.

Also, those would-be after-credits cliffhangers are always pointing on something that turns pretty much inconsequential in the next episode.

AbeldeMedici said:
So, I've just realized what was it that I was missing in these past two episodes: It's the sense of progression. In each episode from 1 to 9, they were closer to their goal while developing on the characters. Now that has stopped to focus just on the girls, and while I like their development I also miss that sense of excitement from the previous episodes. That's why I think this Antarctica arc feels somehow weaker compared to the journey itself. Hope that will improve on the last two episodes.
+1 Thanks, you summed up my feelings after this episode pretty well.
Mich666Mar 28, 2018 5:53 PM
Mar 29, 2018 12:37 PM
Nov 2016
I gotta say, Hinata is the most cheerful bullying victim I have ever seen in an anime.
Apr 2, 2018 4:14 PM

Sep 2011
Yet another boring episode... I like Hinata, but I just didn't care at all about her past :/ It's not that the drama is bad, it just feels forced and so out of place now that they are at Antarctica. It's like it doesn't even matter where they are, like the whole place is just a random setting to the drama episodes.
Apr 4, 2018 9:53 AM

Jan 2013
I don't get how they do this, another fantastic episode!
What a great ending! Shirase you are the mvp.
This anime and Yuru Camp just teaches us that we should enjoy the little things in life.
Amazing how animes with such unexpected plot turn out to be one of the best animes i've seen!
At the beginning, it was an 8/10 for me but now it's a solid 9/10.
"There is no such thing as an Anime elitist. You watch Anime, therefore, you are trash by society's standards."

Apr 4, 2018 4:35 PM

Dec 2016
Really really good episode. Loved Shirase standing up for her friend like that. She said everything that needed to be said. I may be spiteful but I would have a hard time forgiving someone too, and normally anime goes for the wholesome “forgive and forget and everyone is best friends again” trope, so this was really nice to see for a change.

Also loved Yuzuki saying “this is friendship!” Lmao
+ that Shirase x Hinata hug was cute af
Apr 9, 2018 5:23 AM
Jul 2018
THEY DID IT they made a soundtrack out of the opening <3 also, great subtle yuri tones, perfect ^-^
Apr 11, 2018 7:49 AM

Apr 2011
The power of friendship. It was n ice of Shirase defending Hinata about her crappy friends now ex-friends.
Apr 21, 2018 12:07 PM

Jul 2009
So that was the reason why Hinata quit school...I love Shirase!!! She did a great job telling Hinata's old friends all that, the chemistry between Hinata and Shirase is great.
May 3, 2018 11:44 AM
Nov 2010
Go Shirase.

This episode was beautiful. ☺️
May 5, 2018 11:36 AM

Jan 2013
Things are going pretty smooth in Antarctica.
Good character development.
May 6, 2018 10:24 AM

Jan 2018
Great way to start an episode

I would love to have seen the faces of the bitches that abandoned Hinata after Shirase's speech, but this is fine too I guess.

Aug 9, 2018 9:12 PM

May 2012
Wonderful episode, their friendship is truly special, and the way they stood up for her was just great! Really wonderful episode and I am looking forwards to see what the next episode has to offer!
Aug 25, 2018 5:18 PM
Jul 2018
I loved that pipebomb that Shirase dropped on Hinata's former friends. She buried the entire track team that Hinata was part of. Heck, she probably buried the entire school that Hinata went to with a speech like that.
Sep 20, 2018 7:24 AM

Aug 2017
This really was one of the best episodes this season. I feel like I’ve said this’s just that pretty much all the episodes were the best XD

Lol at Kimari and her sun tan. At first I was like what are they laughing at. Then I was like ahaha!

I never seen Hinata so mad like that...and it was nice seeing Shirase so worried about her and not giving up until she knew what was bothering her.

I loved the part where Hinata and Shirase were talking and she put her hand on her face and said this is all I need. I just can’t take the feels...;-;

Then at the end with Shirase telling Hinata’s supposed friends off was the best tbh. All episode such powerful emotions!
FMmatron said:

Post ed scene was kinda creepy,like from a different genre xD

I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who thought that lol
Nov 9, 2018 10:32 AM

Jul 2017
This episode was so bad tbqh
Dec 12, 2018 9:24 AM

Oct 2013
I don't think I have a taste for the way this anime approaches its melodrama in this over the top yet still strangely superficial, maybe even immature fashion. I'm reminded relatively often watching this that perhaps this show's demographic is a younger audience than me.

But I'm known to enjoy melodramatic, over the top anime drama in the past, so I'm wondering if this is a Sora Yori thing specifically or if my tastes aren't just evolving past it. Maybe it's just that the characters aren't developed enough and the setting isn't serious enough for me to care.

It is, at any rate, the least appealing part of the show. Which makes me sad, because it appears to be the selling point for a lot of other watchers.

Jan 2, 2019 11:27 AM
Apr 2018
Finally some Hinata. I thought this would end up in Hinata forgives her previous classmates and she gets to live happy but I'm glad this wasn't the case.
Jan 11, 2019 9:11 PM

Jun 2015
kimari and her never fading sun tan amuses me
Feb 19, 2019 10:14 PM
Aug 2017
WOWOW. Now this is what real friends are!! That shit was sugoi. Real niggaz got your back, Shirase atta girl ~•~. Goddamn 10/10
Feb 19, 2019 10:15 PM
Aug 2017
Zadion said:
I don't think I have a taste for the way this anime approaches its melodrama in this over the top yet still strangely superficial, maybe even immature fashion. I'm reminded relatively often watching this that perhaps this show's demographic is a younger audience than me.

But I'm known to enjoy melodramatic, over the top anime drama in the past, so I'm wondering if this is a Sora Yori thing specifically or if my tastes aren't just evolving past it. Maybe it's just that the characters aren't developed enough and the setting isn't serious enough for me to care.

It is, at any rate, the least appealing part of the show. Which makes me sad, because it appears to be the selling point for a lot of other watchers.

Come on man its just an anime xd, it be boring if it wasnt
Apr 1, 2019 5:10 PM

Oct 2012
As someone who had to study from home because of some assholes in highschool, this episode means the world to me. It's pretty nice to know that Hinata is great nowadays - as am I! ♥ - and that she has friends who will stood beside her no matter what! This episode was truly beautiful, and Shirase "PISS OFF" literally made me tear up.

Friendship is so beautifully represented in this anime. :')
May 6, 2019 6:17 AM

Feb 2013
I wouldn't forgive those "friends" after all this time.
May 12, 2019 12:34 PM
Oct 2018
I didn't really understand the story with the track team, can someone please explain it?
May 14, 2019 10:36 AM

Apr 2016
SuperDuperSaiyan said:
I didn't really understand the story with the track team, can someone please explain it?

It's been covered earlier, but in short:

- school needs to select representative for each track event in competition.
- typically schools have a race among its track team members to select.
- unspoken "rule" in most schools where seniors (3rd yr) should be selected since it's their last chance.
- Hinata, as a junior but more talented than seniors, was encouraged by her (junior) friends to not hold back in selection race.
- Hinata wins, gets selected to represent school, and is immediately ostracized by the seniors on the track team.
- she then overhears the seniors berating her junior friends, who then backpedal and claim they told Hinata to let the seniors win
- Hinata feels betrayed by her friends, and is implied she gets bullied as her junior "friends" dump her as well
- situation deteriorates that Hinata felt she had to quit school altogether
- years later, her junior teammates find out Hinata will be on TV and try to use that opportunity to appear on TV (and maybe force Hinata to forgive them to save face)
- cue Shirase.

Sep 22, 2019 9:36 PM

Mar 2015
Looks like a bit of baggage was resolved for Hinata!
I'm Bruneian and I like anime. And Manchester United. And fat cats.
Oct 31, 2019 4:13 PM

Feb 2017
Well, I guess Hinata was due for some character development surrounding friendship too, since all the other main cast got some. I wasn't expecting her to get any development, and I would have been fine with that.
Dec 3, 2019 4:54 AM

Oct 2012
Lol that "Yuu-kun" girl is still there

Damn Shirase, I love her
Chances to get a friend like her who can stand up for her friend is just lower than the chance of finding aliens in Antartica xD

Kinda wish they showed us the "worst" friends of Hinata's reactions
"Gotta bear that sin for the rest of your life" ざま見ろ!
Rayl1ghtDec 3, 2019 5:00 AM
"Signature removed"
Dec 31, 2019 6:37 AM

Aug 2018
I like how shirase and hinata always argued to one another but they were the most that understand each other compared to other two great ep btw
B O C C H I  S W E E P
Feb 12, 2020 3:13 PM

Sep 2018
Goddamn it, every episode they find a new way to hit you in the feels. It doesn't feel like your cheap tears, melodrama sort of stuff either, at least for me personally. Great series.
Feb 16, 2020 5:47 AM

Apr 2013
I love how Shirase told them off, I'm a bit like Hinata in that regard. I don't forgive people easily, if you behave like an ass then live the rest of your life like an ass.
May 24, 2020 3:19 PM

Nov 2014
now THIS is the Power of Friendship I can tolerate

Tacsk0 said:
This episode was weak and stupid. Let me say melodrama is always junk and a talented director never resorts to such a cheap "solution" to fill screen-time.

Secondly the whole premise is unrealistic and ridiculous. I mean such emotionally unstable and immature people would never be allowed on an expedition which goes to the end of the world for at least 3 months. They don't want suicides and people getting into fights with each other at a base that more or less resembles a prison, with adverse weather acting as the chain fence. So how would those hysterical girls and ladyfolk pass muster during the psychology evaluation? They would never get a chance to set foot on the ship, much less see Antarctica.

these girls are definitely more mature than most people out there and you can tell from the way they deal with problems and obstacles that stood in their way. i don't see how they're emotionally unstable. Hinata especially was able to act tough in front of everyone despite her past coming back to haunt her. and even if they are emotionally unstable and immature as you claimed, who are you to say they're not allowed on this kind of expedition? where's your source to prove this really is true? Do you even know the prerequisites for participating in an expedition like this? If you don't know, then stop talking bs and piss off.
ramenystMay 24, 2020 3:25 PM
Jun 7, 2020 1:17 PM

Feb 2020
To be honest I feel like the way Hinata's past has been explored was a little weak... Just like pretty much everything drama-related in this show, it is just slightly talked about and then you're in for tears and tears and tears again. And the topic that has been covered in this ep is one that hits so close to home and that I've never seen in any show before (at least in such a realistic manner), I was hoping for it to be explored more in depth but at the end it felt very superficial, which really annoys me as I feel like the show wants to cover deep subjects but at the same time doesn't know how to handle it. Maybe I just take it too personally, but I really don't like when shows use painful topics like this to make it look like they're "deep" when they actually have no idea what they're talking about and it shows. Wish they added some subtlety to all this, not just in this episode but every ep covering some drama, but well, at least they're really trying to make the characters feel real. However I also have issues with the character development. I feel like they're using the "tell don't show" narrative (like for exemple with Yuzuki saying "This is friendship" when we've never seen her truly working on her friendship issues since last episode ended with her crying over the fact she blew up her birthday party by sneezing on the cake and she got barely any screentime in this one), and the characters aside from Shirase really aren't shown (keyword "shown") evolving this much, which is too bad, I feel like this show could do better than that.
But that doesn't mean I dislike this show ! It's just that given how much praise it gets, I feel the need to explain why I believe this show is far from perfect, while still being good.
FafetteJun 7, 2020 1:25 PM
Jul 15, 2020 10:03 AM

Feb 2019
Yet another amazing episode.

The focus is on Hinata now, but before that I gotta say I did not know that there was a place like that in Antarctica, where there was no snow/ice.

Also, Shirase the master of mahjong lol

I don't play mahjong, but I'm guessing Kimari wasn't just asking but was giving away information about what pieces Shirase had lol

So we finally got the backstory of Hinata. To me, she's been the most mysterious so far, especially with her constant smile and energy. We rarely see her troubled or down or haunted by her past, unlike Shirase or even Yuzu.

It was horrible, what happened to Hinata. They were the ones who pushed her on and yet they were the ones who took part in her ostracisation. It wasn't even just a denial, they claimed that they were against the whole thing. I can at least understand a denial since when you're under that kind of pressure, it's easy to say to people you should've done the right thing but when you're in that situation it's not as easy. But to actually claim you did something that was the complete opposite of what you actually did is heinous. And then after Hinata left club and then school, they started spreading rumours about her? These are toxic people.

The bond between Shirase and Hinata was unexpected. I thought Hinata would be closer to Kimari, but turns out I was wrong. But it's so touching and beautiful.

That ending scene was the absolute best. One of the best scenes of this entire anime. I can't get enough of hearing and seeing Shirase fully determined and full of strength, spirit, and, this time, rage. There's just something about her look, her eyes, and the way she talks in these moments. Powerful is one word. She really doesn't mince her words or is afraid of anything like being rude to others. She even said it herself that she's saying it because unlike Hinata, she doesn't care and she'll say it out loud and directly at them.

Do they really feel guilt? They just came and talked to her only after she's gone all the way to Antarctica. I'm not someone who believes that people can't be forgiven, but they don't seem all that remorseful. If they were truly remorseful and they truly felt bad for what they did, and not just "yeah, I feel bad about what happened so I'm sorry", then they deserve forgiveness. Maybe not a second chance. Sometimes it's better to just let things end. But if it's something like this? Unless you show true remorse and regret for what you did, don't even bother. As Shirase said, stay away from Hinata. She's done far greater things than you've accomplished and probably will ever accomplish in your life in the time that she's been away from you.

Powerful. Amazing. Inspirational. Loving it.

Kimari's journey, the main focus for the first half of the season, has been covered.

Yuzu's journey, covered by last episode.

Hinata's journey, this episode.

And so that leaves Shirase's journey, hers and her mother. I'm guessing that's what the final scene before the credits was hinting at with the map in Gin's office.

Preparing for a feels storm.
Jul 25, 2020 11:06 PM

Oct 2016
Throughout the episode everytime I see Kimari I just crack up because of those tan marks. And I just noticed that they were included in the op lmao.

And of course Shirase asserting her dominance as best girl once again, this show is so fucking great.
sKyBlazer08Jul 25, 2020 11:09 PM
Jul 26, 2020 4:24 PM
Nov 2019
Really well executed.
But I wanted to know if they've ever found her mom's corpse...
Aug 2, 2020 11:14 AM
Apr 2019
A bit underwhelming episode, but whatever.
Couldn’t get why Shirase was particularly annoyed by Hinata's backstory, was she putting herself in Hinata's shoe? Yes she definitely was, but wonder why actually she was doing that. Perhaps she also had a rough time with "friends"?
Aug 7, 2020 10:08 AM

Nov 2011
Christ, just when you thought the show had reached its peak, it goes up another gear again, Shirase's speech produced some sniffles out of me, characters are beyond brilliant.

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Sep 3, 2020 9:39 AM

Feb 2020
it's so sad how hinata is probably the most broken from the group when she's also the most positive (excluding mari). she had to go through all that by herself and no one supporting her :/ where are her parents though? we've seen a glimpse of all the girls' parents but not hinata's.

so happy for shirase!! shirase has grown so much from the first episode. i like how shirase's focus is going towards her friends. she was so concerned about hinata.
Sep 10, 2020 11:10 AM

Apr 2020
As soon as I saw Kimari's face I died. I would've had the same reaction as her mother and sister. It even was like that the entire episode lmao

I wasn't expecting Shirase to tell off Hinata's friends like that.

Depressed girl's man finally wrote to her hahahaha
Nov 10, 2020 4:00 PM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
Even when we're at the other end of the world at the bottom thousands of miles away from home, we can't just escape your typical high school drama can we

I do appreciate the focus on Hinata though. Was afraid she was just going to be the throwaway outgoing side character that didn't really have a back story and lacked depth over all. Glad that isn't the case and that each of them now have shown their flaws and their problems that they bear together as friends

whiskey tango foxtrot

Dec 20, 2020 1:40 PM

May 2016
FireFistYK said:
I've been wondering if me giving SoraYori a rare 10/10 is a bit too much? Then
I watch the episode and wonder why I can't give it an 11.

There has been so much character progression for each and every girl in this series that it's mad. We get the happy segment and then get hit by the feels part. I'm lost for words because it's hard to explain why this is such a masterpiece
Exaclty this I couldn't say it better, let me add this, when Shirase said you can't live your life in this half state
she even moved Gin to start her plan as well, the details in the story is insane.
Dec 30, 2020 1:17 AM

Aug 2018
Well, yeah, Hinata seemed like kind of person that lives and does everything on her own.. And could have been without friends as well.. As well as she doesn't have family, or not, I wonder?.. Well, as if she would - wouldn't they invite family instead?..
And yeah, if it's some friends she didn't contact for ages - of course Hinata would just think that they appeared either of sense of guilt, or wanting to get popularity, or because it'd be proper thing to do to appear on translation, even if they don't care about her that much..
I mean, fuck those people, who'd only show up on such occasion.. Even if they do care about you or something.. If you really want to have relationship - you don't have to do it through some TV meeting..
Jun 8, 2021 2:57 AM

Jun 2020
Kimari’s tan line was HILARIOUS lollllllol

Having friends who would feel hurt, upset & injustice for you. I felt Hinata’s tears♡ She has found her people. These girls are so precious!!!!!!

but i’ll probably remember over and over again
you were there and everyone else was there
— the day we all searched for just one thing

Aug 5, 2021 10:24 AM
Dec 2019
I don't care how realistic the scenario is on paper. The delivery and handling was corny as hell. The four girls make a lifelong friendship way too neatly and tears are spilled way too easily. Again just watch Uninhabited Island Survive handle this way better.
Aug 24, 2021 3:03 PM

Mar 2021
bro Kimari's tan lines were there through out the entire episode xD

This episode's spotlight goes to Hinata.
Though what her friends did was awful it's a pity she was forced to quit the club and eventually her school due to the rumors that are spreading around about her, It's utterly unimaginable for her to forgive them right away just imagine someone that you detest showed up in front of you and pretend like nothing happened I mean they did apologized for what they did but that was after they showed up...
even so...there are times that you should forgive someone for what they did

And it seems like Shiraishi now knows about friendships that was so wholesome❤
Oct 26, 2021 8:14 PM

Jan 2016
I guess Hinata was the star of this episode. This track team stuff is news to me. I thought she was a genius who quit school halfway and had entrance exams in two years? Maybe she was making it up? I understand the girls' reaction of "piss off". I would feel the same. It's clear the girls only reached out cuz she went to Antarctica. I was half expecting another "and the whole bus clapped" moment when they were done telling the girls to piss off lol. That scene did make me want to have friends tho.
Nov 10, 2021 2:46 PM

Nov 2013
C'mon is this a really good time for extremely forced high-school drama?
What about some frozen mom or penguins, anything...
Why do people rate this episode and the whole show so high? It's just boring! You can make the story like this anywhere, you don't need Antarctica for this.
I dislike this episode not because i hate drama, and this is really bad and cliche example of drama. I just hate wasting my time.
GvendolineNov 10, 2021 2:50 PM
Nov 28, 2021 11:12 PM

Mar 2018
Mich666 said:
Pretty meh episode again.

AbeldeMedici said:
So, I've just realized what was it that I was missing in these past two episodes: It's the sense of progression. In each episode from 1 to 9, they were closer to their goal while developing on the characters. Now that has stopped to focus just on the girls, and while I like their development I also miss that sense of excitement from the previous episodes. That's why I think this Antarctica arc feels somehow weaker compared to the journey itself. Hope that will improve on the last two episodes.
+1 Thanks, you summed up my feelings after this episode pretty well.

Glad to see I'm not an insolated case among this feeling, the past 2 episodes and the Antarctic arc in general has felt like a decent step down from the first 9. I'm starting to get a little perplexed by this animes high rating
Dec 10, 2021 11:58 PM

Oct 2019
it's like 2:00am and i am struggling to understand the story to this episode. can someone please explain?
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Dec 16, 2021 9:29 AM
Dec 2021
sponny said:
it's like 2:00am and i am struggling to understand the story to this episode. can someone please explain?

Ep.11 is a peak of the story about Hinata's broad-mind.

In the beginning, child's play started at the post-office of the Showa base in the Antarctic.

This comedy is a foreshadowing of the Japanese NEN-GA-JYO(New Year's card) culture, where Japanese write post cards to their relatives and friends. So, Kimari wrote post cards and asked Hinata about her friends. Then, Hinata-Shirase's event started.

After that, Hinata told them her past. That was a qualification of a championship, the last chance for upper-class students. Her classmates said "you must play fair and run as fast as possible" for Hinata, and they said, after she won, "we stopped Hinata but she ignored us" for the upper-class students. Finally, she quit her school. This was the reason why she was not able to forgive her classmates.

The detail was not told. I guess, to avoid the confliction against both her friends and upper-class students, firstly she just quit the club activities. She thought the decision was good because they got a chance again. However, teachers or other friends wanted to know the reason, for example, bullying. Then, the girls in her club did self-justification by sending rumor. Then, again, to avoid confliction, she quit her school.

Apart from my guess, in fact, she ran away from confliction and friend's lie. So, she said "Sorry. I'm a underdog". She can say so because she is trying to have broad-mind in a public space.

Remember, in Ep.2, Hinata joined, because "USO GA NAI"(no lie between Shirase and Kimari). In Ep.5, she showed broad-mind against bad rumor. In Ep. 6, she tried to avoid confliction by making self-decision. In Ep.7, Hinata's self-introduction was "small-body but broad-mind". However, in the last of Ep.11 before official recording would start, Hinata confessed her true narrow-mind to Shirase.

This feeling is her "landfast sea ice" that hinders Hinata's step-forward. In other words, "BONNOU" in Japanese Buddhism. It's a pity because she just won the race following friend's advice, you know. And, Shirase knows. Then, Shirase (and Kimari) broke Hinata's ice, making confliction, declaring narrow-mind, and saying "piss off". After some days, they imitated the Japanese "Jyoya no kane" culture to flush "BONNOU". See the page Kleshas_(Buddhism) in wikipedia and search "Jyoya no kane" in Google.

I guess Hinata can forgive her classmates finally because they are not important for her, that is, they are like the "drum can".

"Bash the drum can" of Ep.11:: true broad-mind is supported by an important and narrow-minded friend who gets angry instead of you.

Sorry for too long text! My typing was not stopped.
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