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Mar 25, 8:51 AM
Jul 2018
if you don't get mixed for your ethnicity feel free to share your ethnicity :)
Mar 25, 8:54 AM

Jan 2009
im filipino and i got that common south east asian look
Mar 25, 9:04 AM

Sep 2016
Caucasian, native European or whatever it's called.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Mar 25, 9:20 AM

Jun 2016
I'm Greek but I'm blond with blue eyes so I can pass as someone from most of europe.
Mar 25, 9:34 AM
Dec 2022
I'm a mixed race. Father's Chinese, mother's European (French-Canadian, Belarusian, Irish, Walloonian in that order). I look slightly more Caucasian, but I consider myself as Chinese first mostly because I am closer to my father and I grew up with a Chinese nanny.

Some people say that I look Indonesian or even Uzbek/Tajik. As a matter of fact, my Chinese side of the family is partly Hui (Chinese-speaking Sunni Muslims who originally spoke Turkish-like languages) whose ancestry traces to today's Uzbekistan/Afghanistan area, one of the various Semu (色目) people who settled around Kaifeng. My great-grandmother's surname was Ma (馬), AKA the shortened version of the male Muslim name, Muhammad, in Chinese.
MalchikRepaidMar 25, 9:47 AM
Mar 25, 9:36 AM

Aug 2021
usually people can tell that im slavic
when it comes to particular european ethnicities theyre often hard to tell apart (white ppl do look kinda the same brah), but ive never been recognized as polish immediately, just slavic in general (maybe ive been called russian once? im not certain)
recently i studied abroad for half a year in switzerland, and when i got back to poland and hopped on the bus from the airport i was like holy shit all of these mfs look so fkn polish there has to be some polish phrenology happening here and it was to the point that i started laughing in public it was so hilarious man the polish look funny
but yeah the more diverse ppl u hang with and the more u know about their background it gets easier to guess the ethnicity i think
but then again it could be the accent, the clothes, the way ppl carry themselves, sensibilities or some other cultural shit that gives away ppls ethnicities
Mar 25, 9:36 AM
Jan 2022
I get confused for a Westerner, but I'm a Northerner.

Westerners are mixed race, multi-ethnic, and multicultural. This is often what they use in speeches to call themselves superior above all others, which is very similar to Nazi-German behaviour.

Northerners are none of those things, and share none of those believes. We also have a different set of hoplogroups that we instead share in common with a few Asian ethnicities. Among Northerners there are other ethnicities like Sami and Kven who look very different from other Scandinavians.
Mar 25, 9:37 AM

Dec 2015
I am Slavic and Gallic-Celtic, Polish and French.
Many people ain't mixing me with another ethnicity but with another Nationality as for example Russian, when they hear that I am Slavic.

Also by further geneaology tree I may have in my blood/body -> Germanic and Tatar/Mongol ethnicity.
Mar 25, 9:42 AM

Mar 2023
I'm Norwegian so everybody can tell that i'm from a Nordic/Scandinavian country.
Mar 25, 9:50 AM
Dec 2022
Reply to Zettaiken
I am Slavic and Gallic-Celtic, Polish and French.
Many people ain't mixing me with another ethnicity but with another Nationality as for example Russian, when they hear that I am Slavic.

Also by further geneaology tree I may have in my blood/body -> Germanic and Tatar/Mongol ethnicity.
Zettaiken said:
Tatar/Mongol ethnicity.

Lipka Tatars still exist today with their unique identity.
Mar 25, 11:01 AM
Handler One

Jan 2023
I’m Vietnamese but I get mistaken as Chinese most frequently to which I don’t care anymore and don’t bother correcting them.

"You fought to the end. You survived. That's why you're here now. I think that's something you should be more proud of."
- Vladilena Milizé
Mar 25, 11:31 AM

Dec 2015
Reply to MalchikRepaid
Zettaiken said:
Tatar/Mongol ethnicity.

Lipka Tatars still exist today with their unique identity.
@MalchikRepaid Perhaps my grand-grand parents were Lipka Tatars, I have no idea as they were for 100% Tatars but the last name origin is actually Turkish, the name of those ancestor of mine was Czaban [Çoban]. Unfortunately the archives of births/death/marriages ain't specifying such details x(

Oh wait nowadays Tatar are also included into Turkic people, although the medieval origin is still Mongols, that would explain the last name origin.
Mar 25, 3:04 PM

Nov 2016
Im originally Austronesian but since child until now mostly people assumed me as foreigner either from European or Middle east due to my body and face so different with mostly local people posture here lolll

Mar 25, 3:18 PM

Aug 2012
I once had a Russian patient who for some reason was convinced I was Polish and was mad at me that I didn't speak Russian cause I should've been able to.
We were in Belgium and I'm Belgian. He was a bit confused so that's probably why.

But that's more nationality. As for ethnicity, I'm white as crackers so no one ever confused me for another ethnicity.
Mar 25, 3:21 PM

Jun 2016
I'm mainly of German descent, but my maternal great grandparents are of various ex-Soviet ethnicities (I've heard Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Polish, and a DNA test from a relative came up as "Baltic States"). One thing that annoys me is when people think I'm of Scottish/Irish descent just because I have red/auburn hair. I'm not, that comes from the German side.

Unrelated to ancestry, many people in online games think I'm a Euro because I play on Euro servers and don't act like Americans supposedly do.
Mar 25, 3:25 PM
best user ever

May 2022
I'm Filipino and some people have asked if I'm Mexican or sometimes even Chinese. There's also a lot of people that just instantly know I'm Filipino.
Mar 25, 3:27 PM

Jun 2019
A couple people have thought that I part east asian of some form which never made sense to me because I'm mainly Scandinavian.

SoapMar 27, 7:18 PM
Mar 25, 3:38 PM

Jul 2010
I've had a lot of people think I'm of Arab descent. All because of my dark hair and eyes, my natural tan, and the shape of my face. But I'm from European descent and have the whitest sounding name.
Mar 25, 3:38 PM

Nov 2022
I get mistaken for Irish a lot. I'm German, Polish, and Swedish.

Mar 25, 3:54 PM

Jan 2017
I mean everyone is mixed at this point lol

But after studying my genealogy I'm 25% ethnically Jewish [grandfather is a full ethnic jew and I knew this because my aunt got him DNA tested] and the rest of my ancestry is a lot of czechoslovakian, english and french.

Although I never get mistaken for anything besides a white californian with a californian accent lmao
Mar 25, 8:41 PM
Mar 2024
Hoo boy...I have a lot of different ethnicities, So i'll just list them now: Native Hawaiian, Chinese, English, Irish, German, Czech, Portuguese, Hungarian, Romanian & Native American.

People have said that I look either Greek, Armenian or Mexican.
Mar 26, 5:45 AM

Jul 2014
My accent doesn't sound particularly South African so people have mistook me for British, American and Australian a lot.
Take care of yourself

Mar 26, 9:13 AM

May 2013

People look at my nose and immediately sus out that I am a greasy italian.

♡ Harder Daddy ♡
Mar 26, 9:25 AM

Oct 2012
I'm German, but one time a hairdresser asked me if I was Russian, because of my pale skin and black hair. I told her it was dyed. xD
If life ain't just a joke
Then why are we laughing?

If life ain't just a joke
Then why am I dead?
Mar 26, 3:06 PM

Aug 2015
I'm mestizo. According to my parents' DNA testing, something like 85% European, 12% Native and 3% African. Mostly white features but some Native too.

Depending on the context, most abroad think I'm either Latino/mestizo or Southern European, so I guess they're on point technically. I have gotten mixed for Jewish too once or twice.
Mar 26, 3:13 PM

Aug 2021
most of the time it is indonesian...
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Mar 28, 7:40 PM

Dec 2016
When I get a tan people often think I am Italian.
Mar 29, 10:28 PM

Jun 2014
I'm a generic white guy, but apparently I look Semitic and have had people ask if I'm Jewish.
Mar 30, 9:47 AM

Aug 2012
@SnipeStrike Native American originally came from Asia. Why some Filipinos look like "Mexicans". Both colonized by Europeans. In fact my people lived all over this planet, Europeans history tell you bunch of lies.

OT: I look Aztec tho I found have some Asian heritage.
Mar 30, 10:07 AM

Mar 2021
I don't visit outside my area that much and I don't get misrecognised sooo
Mar 30, 10:39 AM

Mar 2024
Apparently its racist and wrong to be just a Caucasian White these days, especially in the non-Slavic countries.

...this trend will only lead to future disaster.

Mar 30, 10:50 AM

May 2023
people generally think I'm more celtic than I actually am. I'm caucasian and Jewish.
Mar 30, 12:00 PM

Jul 2013
I am Caucasian. Or maybe I am not? I try my best not to share overly personal info on the Internet for privacy reasons btw.
Jul 20, 4:04 PM

Jan 2021
I'm half Mizrahi and half Ashkenazi. I quite take on both, so I have been mistaken as both European and Arab.
spiritual successor of lord rothchild.
Jul 20, 6:36 PM

Mar 2021
I'm half white and half Mexican, and almost no one ever guesses the latter.
"Molly Ringwald" out right now - check my Linktree!

Jul 20, 7:55 PM

May 2016
I got mistaken for an Egyptian but i'm Italian
Jul 21, 11:12 AM

Jun 2016
I am Chilean, i have Spanish, Portuguese, French and Italian ancestors, i suppose iI would go unnoticed like someone from Valencia, Seville, Lisbon or Naples
Jul 21, 11:56 AM
white angel

Feb 2024
I'm just some European normie, green-eyed blondie with German, Norwegian and Russian blood mixed, whatever "ethnicity" it is.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Jul 26, 1:51 PM

Aug 2017
I'm white Hispanic, some Americans automatically assume I'm not Hispanic since I'm white which its extremely racist and ignorant since their only exposition to Hispanic people are Mexicans and other Americans of Hispanic descent. They still harbor enough racism (although they'd never admit to it) to think that being Hispanic automatically makes your skin darker. Many forget that there are significant populations of Europeans further south who are descended from Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and German immigrants so Argentina, Uruguay and Chile majority of the population are white and even so many white Hispanic people exist in other countries. Being Hispanic has nothing to do with skin color, it’s more so about culture and language.

It really depends, If I say I'm Hispanic they assume I'm mestizo (I'm not). If I say I'm white they assume I'm either European (I'm not) or not Hispanic for them.
NurguburuJul 26, 2:28 PM
All weebs creatures of the galaxy, hear this message. Those of you who listen will not be struck by western animation. You will no longer know hunger, nor pain. Your Anime have come to lead you now. Our strength shall serve as a luminous sun toward which all intelligence may blossom. And the impervious shelter beneath which you will prosper. However, for those who refuse our offer and cling to their western animation ways… For you, there will be great wrath.
Jul 26, 3:09 PM

Sep 2017
Not mixed at all (I'm pale af), but when you're French and a Danish guy starts talking to you in his native language because you have a viking look and he thinks you're a fellow dane it's pretty strange lmao
Jul 26, 3:41 PM

Sep 2017
I'm Persian but for some reason many people in uni thought I was Jewish when they first saw me.
Which is weird because as far I know about my family tree, we have no Semetic(arab/jew) blood in us. Hell we're not even seyyeds.
هیچوقت بهتر نمیشه
Jul 30, 11:47 PM

Aug 2014
I do not get mixed for another ethnicity.
Jul 31, 5:02 AM

Oct 2015
I mean, I don't know my ethnicity, so I couldn't tell if they're mistaking or actually getting it right. (I know my nationality, but it's a multiethnic one)
Jul 31, 8:06 AM

Jul 2013
Probably a white person because I am a white person. Does that answer your question?
Jul 31, 12:48 PM

Jun 2014
I have had people ask me if I'm Jewish, some even going as far as to say I resemble an Anti-Semitic stereotype.

I'm actually primarily of Scottish descent on both sides of my family.
Jul 31, 2:41 PM

Apr 2012
I have Russian-Ukrainian roots with a small admixture of Gypsies on my father’s side and the roots of Ukrainian and Belarusian Jews with a small admixture of Poles on my mother’s side. My father is a descendant of the Poltava Cossacks, who migrated several centuries ago, first to the Kuban, and then to the Kursk region after the collapse of the Zaporozhye Sich and eventually assimilated. My mother was born in Western Ukraine and is the descendant of a mixture of Belarusian Jews from Gomel and Ukrainian Jews from Chernigov. This is the northern Ukrainian-Belarusian border. As I already mentioned, I have some Gypsy and Polish roots due to one of my dad's great-grandmothers and my mom's distant ancestor, thanks to whom she received a Slavic Polish surname instead of a Jewish one.
Jul 31, 3:07 PM

Jul 2021
I'm a very average specimen of my ethnicity, so never. Guessing country in Europe is not easy though unless you know how the mother language sounds.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Jul 31, 3:17 PM

Jul 2013
Is there anything wrong with being a Caucasian?

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