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Trump sparks anger by calling coronavirus the 'Chinese virus'

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Mar 19, 2020 4:40 PM

Dec 2018
Afloo said:
Monochrosanity said:

If you name it something like Wuhan virus no one will go to Wuhan in the next 50 years. It’s not about offending people, it’s about making sure you don’t ruin a cities tourism industry. It’s fairly obvious that people living in Wuhan won’t be too appreciative of the name “Wuhan Virus.”
Influenza (Spanish Flu), MERS (Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome) and a lot of other diseases are named after places. WHY NOT THIS ONE?
The Spanish Flu isn’t from Spain, it was called the Spanish Flue because that was where it got the most accurate press and media attention due to a lack of wartime censorship. There’s over a dozen countries in the Middle East, which is not comparable to a single city which is the thing you don’t want to name it. China wouldn’t accept the name so it would have ended with at least 2 different names being used, with countries that trade with China likely having to adopt the name cosidering the CCP is very hesitant to trade with countries that consider Taiwan a country. If it was called something very specific like Wuhan virus (China Virus is fine for the most part, it wouldn’t be accepted by the CCP) it potentially could financially hurt the city.
Mar 19, 2020 4:52 PM

Aug 2016
More screams of racism and bigotry whenever possible. Reaching for any possible way to shit on Trump.

It's embarrassing the lack of self-awareness these extremist have.
Mar 19, 2020 5:34 PM
Cat Hater

Feb 2017
Cabron said:
149597871 said:

The word "racism" means nothing to the CCP. They are just trying to weaponize it in order to cause internal conflict within the West and deflate any criticism directed at the Chinese Communist Party for their cover-up.

In fact, the Chinese state-run media themselves were using the term Wuhan virus since January before they decided to blame the US military for it.

Meanwhile, in "non-racist" China organ harvesting from ethnic minorities and political dissidents is at its peak.
Right, so what does organ harvesting have to do with the virus? Or is this more shit flinging at another country?

Apparently there were some very questionable lung transplantation where perfect matching, "consenting" donors were found nearby the patient's location within less than a few days, something that usually takes several months or even a few years in normal countries.

Of course, the Chinese mainstream media considers these transplantation to be an accomplishment but very few people ask themselves how such things are being accomplished in the first place and the truth is usually dark.

And due to the virus outbreak the necessity of such and similar transplantation is higher than ever.

As for the profile pic, it's an animated pic of Cersei Lannister.
Mar 19, 2020 5:38 PM

Jan 2017
traed said:
Cneq said:
1. The US doesn't have a monopoly on HUNDREDS of areas of commerce like China does [Medicine, plastics, manufacturing, just about anything you can think of has some part of it made in China and since countries decided for China to be the scapegoat of pollution since they didn't want to make that trash in their own countries they decided to let china do it, not to mention the literal slave labour going on there which in turn = cheaper prices for manufacturing.

2. The US isn't constantly buying up land in foreign countries and in turn rising the cost of living for the natives. The Chinese own at least 50% of Australia and this has crippled home grown companies and have caused others to completely shut their doors, for example holden cars.

3. The US doesn't treat their people like garbage nor do they run a police state where speaking out against a government official will land you behind bars.

You can't even compare China to the US, it's completely fucking impossible. While I do hate China for what they've done it doesn't mean I don't respect the power they control nor the trials they had to go through to get there, even if that form of power is of the oppressive and morally grey variety, power and cunning is still power and cunning.

The Chinese were victims of the exact type of self-reliance back with the opium wars and they learned the value of international trade and relations and now it's come right around to bite the west in the ass.

1. They don't literally have a monopoly. China has unique conditions that allow it to thrive. It is resource rich and there is the availability of cheap labour so it's cheaper to manufacture parts there. Similar in parts of Africa but their infrastructure isn't as developed as China.

2. There isn't a single part of the US that isn't land that was stolen or purchased. It's not China that owns this land it's Chinese companies just the same as the US owns land in other countries. It's a non argument. It has nothing to do withwwhat you were saying. I'm sure everywhere you go in Australia you have a KFC, McDonalds, Starbucks etc...

3. You're joking right? There isn't a time that goes by where there is a reminder of how abusive and oppressive the police system in the US is.
Oh good lord where are you even coming up with these ideas? Are you brainwashed or something? Please tell me you're joking.


What are you even saying? lmaooooo are you kidding me right now? THEY HAVE A MONOPOLY PRECISELY BECAUSE THEIR PRICES ARE SO LOW. Everyone uses China, you can't get better prices than buying from China and therefore no other county/business can compete with them which makes them a single party that controls it. That's a monopoly, they have a literal monopoly on not on manufacturing but other areas as well.


The history of the US's own land and the history of China's own land have NO VALUE IN THIS DEBATE. Why even bring it up? I'm talking about a nation, A NATION, AS IT IS NOW, going and taking EVEN MORE LAND and economically damaging other nations. The US CANNOT be compared to China in this regard what so ever, not only does the US barely send it's citizens out to colonize areas where it's tried to gain influence [for example you don't see a lot of Americans living/gaining education in Japan, The Middle east or ANY OTHER AREA THEY'VE HAD INFLUENCE IN, PERIOD].

The Chinese are CONSTANTLY sending their people to other nations for education, buying up EVERYTHING and crippling home grown markets, they buy land, they buy product, they buy entire business, they even influence politics to allow them to buy even MORE. Are you even aware of Australia's policy for foreign investors? You literally don't even have had to step into the country a SINGLE TIME to be able to invest, buy and influence the economy in any form you'd want to. The Chinese are literally sitting in Bejing playing fucking monopoly and you're going to tell me the US is doing the same thing? Where the hell do you even live mate?

Once I again I repeat, an economical invasion serves to undermine a country, topple home grown business and gain immense influence in the same way a militaristic occupation would, without a single troop nor gunshot. You obviously haven't been to Australia or you would realize how ignorant you're sounding by trying to compare a global fast food branch to literally TRILLIONS of dollars being pumped into land, THOUSANDS of hotels being constructed, homegrown business's being COMPLETELY bought out and taken control of and the price of living SKYROCKETING because of how much money these people are willing to spend. So even with KFC, Carls Jr and Mc donalds making let's be generous and say 25b each anually [carls jr is estimated to make to 21 b where as mcdonalds is 22b and KFC is around the same]. So let's say China own's IN LAND ONLY about half of Queensland, which is 926 500 000km's, of course this amount is spread across all states in Australia in various locations/industries, the land cost alone for all that is EASILY the same as ANY us franchise in the US and when you add the amount for construction and every other associated fee or investment from hotels being built, homes, offices, warehousing etc etc the amount is astronomical.

And you want to know what's funny about that? THAT'S JUST AUSTRALIA LMAO, the annual revenue for KFC, mcdonalds and carls jr include EVERY country, including the US where they're making the most money and considering you can find a KFC in even Mauritius of all places they're literally EVERYWHERE.

The Chinese own the west, there's nothing more that needs to be said. They reign with such economical supremacy that it's insane and in the end regardless of actual scale of investment they're doing it with cause that undermines the nation they're investing[invading] in. Will a KFC, MCDonalds, Carls JR damage Australia? Fuck no, it provides jobs and more money flow. Will massive land grabs, private homes/"hotels"/offices for foreign use help Australia? Of course not, the majority of the land being bought up hasn't even been built on and it's simply sitting there in limbo because some fuck in Bejing wanted it, all the while the prices soar and causes the normal aussie to struggle to invest/pay even more money for when they want to buy a house.


Oh be quiet, if you think you can compare the CCP to US law enforcement you're more delusional than someone who thinks the earth is flat. Where'd you get that idea from? The masses who follow false information on twitter all day and love to soak in their hate? Despite everything literally being distorted to fit a hate agenda? Or are you just naive? and have no clue how ruthless true "enforcers of the peace" can be? Do you even know what police do in the US? Do you know their education/training? Do you know their protocols? Do you know the laws they follow? Have you examined dozens upon dozens of uncut body cam footage directly released from US law enforcement instead of snippets of distorted crap found by people promoting an agenda?

If you'd done any of these things you'd realize how uneducated you're coming off as right now.
Mar 19, 2020 5:47 PM

Apr 2019
Simply Trump doing his usual things.
Mar 19, 2020 7:16 PM
Cat Hater

Feb 2017

It's okay. Here everyone is free to choose their own beliefs anyway.

It's part of the Chinese Communist Party's plan to turn any criticism towards them into "racism" and this "incident" is just another proof that so far it's been working.
Mar 19, 2020 7:17 PM

Dec 2014
ezikialrage said:
It is the Chinese virus because it came from China. There is nothing racist about using a regional or country designation of where a virus came from.
No shit Sherlock, how would I realize if it wasn't you!
FragMentizedMar 19, 2020 7:20 PM
Today they say you're crazy, tomorrow they will say you're a genious.
Mar 19, 2020 7:23 PM

Mar 2008
Cneq said:
traed said:

1. They don't literally have a monopoly. China has unique conditions that allow it to thrive. It is resource rich and there is the availability of cheap labour so it's cheaper to manufacture parts there. Similar in parts of Africa but their infrastructure isn't as developed as China.

2. There isn't a single part of the US that isn't land that was stolen or purchased. It's not China that owns this land it's Chinese companies just the same as the US owns land in other countries. It's a non argument. It has nothing to do withwwhat you were saying. I'm sure everywhere you go in Australia you have a KFC, McDonalds, Starbucks etc...

3. You're joking right? There isn't a time that goes by where there is a reminder of how abusive and oppressive the police system in the US is.
Oh good lord where are you even coming up with these ideas? Are you brainwashed or something? Please tell me you're joking.


What are you even saying? lmaooooo are you kidding me right now? THEY HAVE A MONOPOLY PRECISELY BECAUSE THEIR PRICES ARE SO LOW. Everyone uses China, you can't get better prices than buying from China and therefore no other county/business can compete with them which makes them a single party that controls it. That's a monopoly, they have a literal monopoly on not on manufacturing but other areas as well.


The history of the US's own land and the history of China's own land have NO VALUE IN THIS DEBATE. Why even bring it up? I'm talking about a nation, A NATION, AS IT IS NOW, going and taking EVEN MORE LAND and economically damaging other nations. The US CANNOT be compared to China in this regard what so ever, not only does the US barely send it's citizens out to colonize areas where it's tried to gain influence [for example you don't see a lot of Americans living/gaining education in Japan, The Middle east or ANY OTHER AREA THEY'VE HAD INFLUENCE IN, PERIOD].

The Chinese are CONSTANTLY sending their people to other nations for education, buying up EVERYTHING and crippling home grown markets, they buy land, they buy product, they buy entire business, they even influence politics to allow them to buy even MORE. Are you even aware of Australia's policy for foreign investors? You literally don't even have had to step into the country a SINGLE TIME to be able to invest, buy and influence the economy in any form you'd want to. The Chinese are literally sitting in Bejing playing fucking monopoly and you're going to tell me the US is doing the same thing? Where the hell do you even live mate?

Once I again I repeat, an economical invasion serves to undermine a country, topple home grown business and gain immense influence in the same way a militaristic occupation would, without a single troop nor gunshot. You obviously haven't been to Australia or you would realize how ignorant you're sounding by trying to compare a global fast food branch to literally TRILLIONS of dollars being pumped into land, THOUSANDS of hotels being constructed, homegrown business's being COMPLETELY bought out and taken control of and the price of living SKYROCKETING because of how much money these people are willing to spend. So even with KFC, Carls Jr and Mc donalds making let's be generous and say 25b each anually [carls jr is estimated to make to 21 b where as mcdonalds is 22b and KFC is around the same]. So let's say China own's IN LAND ONLY about half of Queensland, which is 926 500 000km's, of course this amount is spread across all states in Australia in various locations/industries, the land cost alone for all that is EASILY the same as ANY us franchise in the US and when you add the amount for construction and every other associated fee or investment from hotels being built, homes, offices, warehousing etc etc the amount is astronomical.

And you want to know what's funny about that? THAT'S JUST AUSTRALIA LMAO, the annual revenue for KFC, mcdonalds and carls jr include EVERY country, including the US where they're making the most money and considering you can find a KFC in even Mauritius of all places they're literally EVERYWHERE.

The Chinese own the west, there's nothing more that needs to be said. They reign with such economical supremacy that it's insane and in the end regardless of actual scale of investment they're doing it with cause that undermines the nation they're investing[invading] in. Will a KFC, MCDonalds, Carls JR damage Australia? Fuck no, it provides jobs and more money flow. Will massive land grabs, private homes/"hotels"/offices for foreign use help Australia? Of course not, the majority of the land being bought up hasn't even been built on and it's simply sitting there in limbo because some fuck in Bejing wanted it, all the while the prices soar and causes the normal aussie to struggle to invest/pay even more money for when they want to buy a house.


Oh be quiet, if you think you can compare the CCP to US law enforcement you're more delusional than someone who thinks the earth is flat. Where'd you get that idea from? The masses who follow false information on twitter all day and love to soak in their hate? Despite everything literally being distorted to fit a hate agenda? Or are you just naive? and have no clue how ruthless true "enforcers of the peace" can be? Do you even know what police do in the US? Do you know their education/training? Do you know their protocols? Do you know the laws they follow? Have you examined dozens upon dozens of uncut body cam footage directly released from US law enforcement instead of snippets of distorted crap found by people promoting an agenda?

If you'd done any of these things you'd realize how uneducated you're coming off as right now.

1. That's not a literal monopoly but a virtual monopoly. I was just explaining you sounded exaggerative and how it doesn't have anything to do with the government at least not directly. Seriously what do you even want? China to end all trade? To raise minimum wage? To be nuked to a crater? To declair war on them and take all their resources? What?

2. The American living in Australia complaining about Chinese owning land in other countries than China. Priceless....

3. No, I'm not compairing directly. Each country has their own unique problems.

All the problems you have with the CCP isnt that unique to it or China in general is the point and I'm trying to help you be aware of that. It's neocolonialism and capitalism. If it wasn't China it would be someone else.
Mar 19, 2020 7:27 PM
Mar 2016
I mean he is 'technically right,' and he should call out China.

But I've yet to see anyone call it the Chinese virus outside of the media and Trump. He didn't have to go out of his way to call it the Chinese virus when everyone is saying Coronavirus or COVID-19. It only makes people more antagonizing against Chinese people and Asian Americans overall.
Mar 19, 2020 7:50 PM

Jan 2017
traed said:
Cneq said:
Oh good lord where are you even coming up with these ideas? Are you brainwashed or something? Please tell me you're joking.


What are you even saying? lmaooooo are you kidding me right now? THEY HAVE A MONOPOLY PRECISELY BECAUSE THEIR PRICES ARE SO LOW. Everyone uses China, you can't get better prices than buying from China and therefore no other county/business can compete with them which makes them a single party that controls it. That's a monopoly, they have a literal monopoly on not on manufacturing but other areas as well.


The history of the US's own land and the history of China's own land have NO VALUE IN THIS DEBATE. Why even bring it up? I'm talking about a nation, A NATION, AS IT IS NOW, going and taking EVEN MORE LAND and economically damaging other nations. The US CANNOT be compared to China in this regard what so ever, not only does the US barely send it's citizens out to colonize areas where it's tried to gain influence [for example you don't see a lot of Americans living/gaining education in Japan, The Middle east or ANY OTHER AREA THEY'VE HAD INFLUENCE IN, PERIOD].

The Chinese are CONSTANTLY sending their people to other nations for education, buying up EVERYTHING and crippling home grown markets, they buy land, they buy product, they buy entire business, they even influence politics to allow them to buy even MORE. Are you even aware of Australia's policy for foreign investors? You literally don't even have had to step into the country a SINGLE TIME to be able to invest, buy and influence the economy in any form you'd want to. The Chinese are literally sitting in Bejing playing fucking monopoly and you're going to tell me the US is doing the same thing? Where the hell do you even live mate?

Once I again I repeat, an economical invasion serves to undermine a country, topple home grown business and gain immense influence in the same way a militaristic occupation would, without a single troop nor gunshot. You obviously haven't been to Australia or you would realize how ignorant you're sounding by trying to compare a global fast food branch to literally TRILLIONS of dollars being pumped into land, THOUSANDS of hotels being constructed, homegrown business's being COMPLETELY bought out and taken control of and the price of living SKYROCKETING because of how much money these people are willing to spend. So even with KFC, Carls Jr and Mc donalds making let's be generous and say 25b each anually [carls jr is estimated to make to 21 b where as mcdonalds is 22b and KFC is around the same]. So let's say China own's IN LAND ONLY about half of Queensland, which is 926 500 000km's, of course this amount is spread across all states in Australia in various locations/industries, the land cost alone for all that is EASILY the same as ANY us franchise in the US and when you add the amount for construction and every other associated fee or investment from hotels being built, homes, offices, warehousing etc etc the amount is astronomical.

And you want to know what's funny about that? THAT'S JUST AUSTRALIA LMAO, the annual revenue for KFC, mcdonalds and carls jr include EVERY country, including the US where they're making the most money and considering you can find a KFC in even Mauritius of all places they're literally EVERYWHERE.

The Chinese own the west, there's nothing more that needs to be said. They reign with such economical supremacy that it's insane and in the end regardless of actual scale of investment they're doing it with cause that undermines the nation they're investing[invading] in. Will a KFC, MCDonalds, Carls JR damage Australia? Fuck no, it provides jobs and more money flow. Will massive land grabs, private homes/"hotels"/offices for foreign use help Australia? Of course not, the majority of the land being bought up hasn't even been built on and it's simply sitting there in limbo because some fuck in Bejing wanted it, all the while the prices soar and causes the normal aussie to struggle to invest/pay even more money for when they want to buy a house.


Oh be quiet, if you think you can compare the CCP to US law enforcement you're more delusional than someone who thinks the earth is flat. Where'd you get that idea from? The masses who follow false information on twitter all day and love to soak in their hate? Despite everything literally being distorted to fit a hate agenda? Or are you just naive? and have no clue how ruthless true "enforcers of the peace" can be? Do you even know what police do in the US? Do you know their education/training? Do you know their protocols? Do you know the laws they follow? Have you examined dozens upon dozens of uncut body cam footage directly released from US law enforcement instead of snippets of distorted crap found by people promoting an agenda?

If you'd done any of these things you'd realize how uneducated you're coming off as right now.

1. That's not a literal monopoly but a virtual monopoly. I was just explaining you sounded exaggerative and how it doesn't have anything to do with the government at least not directly. Seriously what do you even want? China to end all trade? To raise minimum wage? To be nuked to a crater? To declair war on them and take all their resources? What?

2. The American living in Australia complaining about Chinese owning land in other countries than China. Priceless....

3. No, I'm not compairing directly. Each country has their own unique problems.

All the problems you have with the CCP isnt that unique to it or China in general is the point and I'm trying to help you be aware of that. It's neocolonialism and capitalism. If it wasn't China it would be someone else.

Number 1.

Yes, I believe China should be kicked down a peg and for all global powers to increase their own productivity and independence. I care not for China but I care for what's best for the broader global community.

Number 2.

Are you that fucking ignorant mate? I'm not an "American" living in Australia, I'm an Australian as well, a complete dual citizen. The Chinese that are investing here are foreign nationals without even permanent residency and most of them invest without even stepping foot in this country like I said.

It sounds like you have a critical lack of understanding when it comes to matters outside your own country so I don't think you're qualified to discuss this unless you educate yourself.

Number 3.

Yet you've draw comparisons this entire time to the US and China. Instead of looking like a hyopcrite maybe own up and admit you're uneducated and made a bad comparison between the severity of China's law enforcement and the US.

"All the problems you have with the CCP isnt that unique to it or China in general is the point and I'm trying to help you be aware of that. It's neocolonialism and capitalism. If it wasn't China it would be someone else."

No kidding, no one said it's unique to china nor did did I say it couldn't be someone else. Who are you even talking to lol?
Mar 19, 2020 9:16 PM

Apr 2014
Well it is a Chinese virus... nothing to get mad at.
Mar 19, 2020 9:45 PM

Apr 2008
"Let's talk about Chinese people, with their Kung Fu and all that silly ching chang chong talk. I cain't understand them". Clayton Bigsby.
"Every man shall reap what he has sown, from the highest lord to the lowest gutter rat. And some will lose more than the tips off their fingers, I promise you. They have made my kingdom bleed, and I do not forget that"
Mar 20, 2020 12:22 AM

Mar 2020
How is it racist? He is simply stating that the coronavirus originated in China by saying, "China Virus". I say the same thing too (with no intent to be racist) and only recently found out he calls the coronavirus the "Chinese Virus".
Mar 20, 2020 12:59 AM

Mar 2008
Cneq said:
traed said:

1. That's not a literal monopoly but a virtual monopoly. I was just explaining you sounded exaggerative and how it doesn't have anything to do with the government at least not directly. Seriously what do you even want? China to end all trade? To raise minimum wage? To be nuked to a crater? To declair war on them and take all their resources? What?

2. The American living in Australia complaining about Chinese owning land in other countries than China. Priceless....

3. No, I'm not compairing directly. Each country has their own unique problems.

All the problems you have with the CCP isnt that unique to it or China in general is the point and I'm trying to help you be aware of that. It's neocolonialism and capitalism. If it wasn't China it would be someone else.

Number 1.

Yes, I believe China should be kicked down a peg and for all global powers to increase their own productivity and independence. I care not for China but I care for what's best for the broader global community.

Number 2.

Are you that fucking ignorant mate? I'm not an "American" living in Australia, I'm an Australian as well, a complete dual citizen. The Chinese that are investing here are foreign nationals without even permanent residency and most of them invest without even stepping foot in this country like I said.

It sounds like you have a critical lack of understanding when it comes to matters outside your own country so I don't think you're qualified to discuss this unless you educate yourself.

Number 3.

Yet you've draw comparisons this entire time to the US and China. Instead of looking like a hyopcrite maybe own up and admit you're uneducated and made a bad comparison between the severity of China's law enforcement and the US.

"All the problems you have with the CCP isnt that unique to it or China in general is the point and I'm trying to help you be aware of that. It's neocolonialism and capitalism. If it wasn't China it would be someone else."

No kidding, no one said it's unique to china nor did did I say it couldn't be someone else. Who are you even talking to lol?

1. Knock it downa peg how though? Yes for all? Yes for just some of those? How could they increase productivity when it's not an issue with productivity? No country can be fully independent. They don't all have the same resources.

2. Eh semantics. I wasn't sure what your status is there currently so i just gave a general wording plus I was reflecting your later slip up where you shifted from talking about "The Chinese" "people in power" and the "CCP" to clearly talking about Chinese nationals with money to study abroad or own a business and seemingly somehow conflating them.

3. I never at any point it's exactly the same. You said America isn't a police state and I was suggesting that's not exactly correct as it oversimplifies the problems the US has with police and government authority.

SouthernLand said:
How is it racist? He is simply stating that the coronavirus originated in China by saying, "China Virus". I say the same thing too (with no intent to be racist) and only recently found out he calls the coronavirus the "Chinese Virus".

He actually in a speech had crossed off "coronavirus" and wrote "Chinese virus" in a speech saying it's a war. There is photos out there of it originally from Washington Post I believe. Clearly there can be political motive in calling it the Chinese virus.
traedMar 20, 2020 1:14 AM
Mar 20, 2020 3:26 PM
Feb 2014
He's wrong. He should be saying Xinnie the Flu or the Wubonic Plague.
Mar 20, 2020 5:26 PM

Dec 2008
"Just trump being trump". More like just a fucking moron being a fucking moron. Call it whatever you want, I just want this whole shitting corona virus incident to go away asap.
Life Is Short But Intense.
Mar 20, 2020 8:18 PM

Sep 2013
If Trump really cares about being geographically accurate regarding the name (which he isn't), then there is no reason to call this anything but the "Wuhan Virus".

The very fact that he chooses to be less specific shows his motivations are something else.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Mar 20, 2020 9:05 PM

Dec 2014
Karote said:
ezikialrage said:
It is the Chinese virus because it came from China. There is nothing racist about using a regional or country designation of where a virus came from.
No shit Sherlock, how would I realize if it wasn't you!
that again ^
Today they say you're crazy, tomorrow they will say you're a genious.
Mar 22, 2020 8:14 PM

Feb 2015
how is it racist to say were it came from, if its playing the moral superiority blame game then Trump is right to call it the Wuhan virus or china virus as it was the Chinese government who nearly guarantee the virus would be a world wide crisis and not a region footnote. by lying to the WHO and denying anything was wrong until the death tole became to large for them to hide.

also Chinese isnt a race, so not racism by definition.
ChadAznable0079Mar 27, 2020 7:09 PM
Mar 23, 2020 5:23 AM

Jun 2016
Well, I mean, it did come from China, and Trump isn't exactly the sharpest tool in the shed, so his choice of words may come from that. Dumb as he may be, this particular tweet doesn't strike me as anything racist.
Mar 24, 2020 8:31 AM

Jan 2013
ShadowByte said:
I'm pretty much angry at the Chinese people for intentionally taking medicine to hide their symptoms and spreading the disease to other countries. Most normal people that are sick tend to stay home but for some strange reason the Chinese people feel the urge to travel around the world and to different countries - now a lot of other countries are suffering due to China's constant policy failures, ignorant and arrogant population, lack of hygienic procedures, bad, dangerous and hazardous cultural habits. I'm sorry, if this upsets some people, but some cultures just don't deserve to be followed because they are NOT good for this ecosystem.

There's widespread lock downs taking place in other countries, people are not getting proper medical care, many are ending up dead from preventable disease because they can't see any doctors because the medical system is busy dealing with COVID-19.

Poor countries can't afford ventilators and other necessary equipment, medicine and precautionary items to fight COVID-19.

China has opened Pandora's Box once again and unleashed it onto the world. Most sane nations end up learning from previous mistakes, but for some strange reason China loves to repeat those over and over. They should have learnt a lesson from the 2003 SARS outbreak, despite that they continued to have wet markets open, despite that the local Wuhan government took the disease lightly and allowed it to spread until a sizable number of infected individuals began to rush to the hospitals.

China deserves criticism. Many people have died world wide, a vaccine is 18 months away and the virus is continuously mutating, it's already has different types of strains. If people that get infected a second time have an even more dangerous and grim prognosis.
You're not wrong, but this isn't just exclusive to China.
Please learn about cel animation and its technical process.
Learn how special effects and backlighting were done without computers.

Mar 24, 2020 12:21 PM
Jul 2018
Some news outlets are now calling it the 'CCP Virus'.
Mar 24, 2020 1:40 PM
Dec 2017
What is the probability that the virus occurred naturally in China, right in the middle (hubei province), right during their most important holiday, right at the height of the US-Chinese trade war, right after the US participated in the 2019 Military World Games held in Oct 18 near the sea food market and with an US administration hostile to China?

Not taking into account the probability, it jumps right to the US rival, Iran, without inflicting anything to significant levels even if India is right there? What's the probability it further jumps right to the US competitor, the EU?

It's more than obvious what's being done here.
adolfsaxMar 24, 2020 1:47 PM

Itchy knee sand shit go rock you, cunt
1+1 Abomb = peace.

Mar 24, 2020 3:44 PM

May 2018
Why are we defending China now? is the TDS so powerful that you've become Chinese shills? lmao
Mar 24, 2020 4:26 PM
Jul 2018
FlowersInTheRain said:
Some news outlets are now calling it the 'CCP Virus'.

CCP is the governing authority. The Chinese citizens are just the ones living under it. Unfortunately they don't know much else besides it. It's not really their fault they live under the CCP regime, they were just born in it. Unfortunately the anti-asian racist people mocking all asians / chinese people don't realize that chinese-americans are not chinese chinese people.... and that it's doubtful all chinese people support the CCP... or they dont even know what a controlling regime they're under if that is all theyve ever known
removed-userMar 24, 2020 5:04 PM
Mar 24, 2020 4:34 PM
May 2019
Cneq said:
traed said:

When China does it it's a virus and when America does the same it's spreading freedom and prosperity, right? Heh
1. The US doesn't have a monopoly on HUNDREDS of areas of commerce like China does [Medicine, plastics, manufacturing, just about anything you can think of has some part of it made in China and since countries decided for China to be the scapegoat of pollution since they didn't want to make that trash in their own countries they decided to let china do it, not to mention the literal slave labour going on there which in turn = cheaper prices for manufacturing.

2. The US isn't constantly buying up land in foreign countries and in turn rising the cost of living for the natives. The Chinese own at least 50% of Australia and this has crippled home grown companies and have caused others to completely shut their doors, for example holden cars.

3. The US doesn't treat their people like garbage nor do they run a police state where speaking out against a government official will land you behind bars.

You can't even compare China to the US, it's completely fucking impossible. While I do hate China for what they've done it doesn't mean I don't respect the power they control nor the trials they had to go through to get there, even if that form of power is of the oppressive and morally grey variety, power and cunning is still power and cunning.

The Chinese were victims of the exact type of self-reliance back with the opium wars and they learned the value of international trade and relations and now it's come right around to bite the west in the ass.

Laugh Out Loud. Don't know what world you living in. Just cause the usa is not as bad as china don't mean they are not very similar. Really no point in debating which is worst.
Mar 24, 2020 4:49 PM
May 2019
SolidusSmoke said:
Cneq said:
Oh really? Go ahead and tell me what land the US has taken over which has benefited them. It sure as hell isn't anything in the middle east, the reason the US was in there was to protect assets which were already owned and to protect the global oil supply. The land still belongs to the natives and most troops were already pulled out long ago. Yet the Chinese have a monopoly on all global trade, they own literally more than half of some countries and they're still expanding their influence everywhere which has a negative impact on everyone in the global community.

Economical invasion is no less of an invasion than a militaristic one, if you're naive enough to think there's somehow a difference between them then your entire opinion has been discredited.

The USA has treaties with countries, they just don't storm in and set up a base and operate there indefinitely.

Funny how alot of people believe things like this.

Mar 24, 2020 6:54 PM

Jan 2013
Only_Brad said:
Why are we defending China now? is the TDS so powerful that you've become Chinese shills? lmao
Lmao who the fuck is shilling for China?
Please learn about cel animation and its technical process.
Learn how special effects and backlighting were done without computers.

Mar 24, 2020 8:20 PM

Oct 2017
Cabron said:
Only_Brad said:
Why are we defending China now? is the TDS so powerful that you've become Chinese shills? lmao
Lmao who the fuck is shilling for China?

Lmao, people who act like if stating facts about where a disease started it's racism.

Mar 24, 2020 8:48 PM
Cat Hater

Feb 2017
FlowersInTheRain said:
Some news outlets are now calling it the 'CCP Virus'.

It's the most accurate name so far since technically the CCP's cover-up is what caused it to spread around the world and become a pandemic.

These news outlets are refusing to call it a "Chinese" virus despite the epicenter being in Wuhan because it puts the blame on the Chinese people in general rather than the ruthless authoritarian government that caused this pandemic. Chinese people =/= Chinese Communist Party.
Mar 26, 2020 9:52 PM

May 2010
You know this doesn't help your case when you want to tell people that you're not snowflakes.
Mar 26, 2020 10:11 PM

Dec 2008
finestseeker17 said:
zrdb said:
Has anybody ever noticed that bird flu, sars and now covid19 all originate from china? It's gotta be more than a coincidence.

No sh*t, dude.

Just like how MERS originated from the Middle East cause people there hung out & maybe ate some camels.

Seriously, though, not funny, man. No coincidences. They ate bats, dogs, monkeys & birds in China. So, yeah.. I regret reading your fifth tier comedy post.

It ain't intended to be funny. Like I said before that fucking trump needs to catch corvid 19 and die asap, it would make the coming elections so much simpler.
Life Is Short But Intense.
Mar 27, 2020 5:32 AM

Jun 2015
calling this one a chinese virus isnt correct........

almost all such viruses came from those chinese fuckers raping random animals and getting infected with their viruses....

Mar 27, 2020 8:49 AM

Jan 2013
Heimur said:
Cabron said:
Lmao who the fuck is shilling for China?

Lmao, people who act like if stating facts about where a disease started it's racism.
No, those are called idiots, big difference.

KuroudoAkabane said:
calling this one a chinese virus isnt correct........

almost all such viruses came from those chinese fuckers raping random animals and getting infected with their viruses....

Sounds like you have a lot of unnecessary hatred, did they touch your food?
CabronMar 27, 2020 8:52 AM
Please learn about cel animation and its technical process.
Learn how special effects and backlighting were done without computers.

Mar 27, 2020 8:52 AM

Jul 2013
French fries didn't originate in France but the whole world calls it french fries anyway and no one is complaining. Fuck the ccp btw.
Mar 27, 2020 9:33 AM
Jul 2018
PrimeX said:
French fries didn't originate in France but the whole world calls it french fries anyway.

No they don't. Other countries call them chips.
Mar 28, 2020 9:28 AM

Oct 2009
Mar 28, 2020 8:14 PM

Dec 2008
As I've said before and will repeat again-trump is a fucking moronic idiot who doesn't know his head from his butthole.
Life Is Short But Intense.
Mar 28, 2020 9:56 PM

Apr 2019
who cares what someone calls it... if they call the chinesevirus, then they're not wrong.
Mar 29, 2020 4:13 AM

Jul 2015
Afloo said:
Monochrosanity said:

If you name it something like Wuhan virus no one will go to Wuhan in the next 50 years. It’s not about offending people, it’s about making sure you don’t ruin a cities tourism industry. It’s fairly obvious that people living in Wuhan won’t be too appreciative of the name “Wuhan Virus.”
Influenza (Spanish Flu), MERS (Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome) and a lot of other diseases are named after places. WHY NOT THIS ONE?
Here is why. Take a look at this official WHO guideline.

WHO said:
8 MAY 2015 | GENEVA - WHO today called on scientists, national authorities and the media to follow best practices in naming new human infectious diseases to minimize unnecessary negative effects on nations, economies and people.

“In recent years, several new human infectious diseases have emerged. The use of names such as ‘swine flu’ and ‘Middle East Respiratory Syndrome’ has had unintended negative impacts by stigmatizing certain communities or economic sectors,” says Dr Keiji Fukuda, Assistant Director-General for Health Security, WHO. “This may seem like a trivial issue to some, but disease names really do matter to the people who are directly affected. We’ve seen certain disease names provoke a backlash against members of particular religious or ethnic communities, create unjustified barriers to travel, commerce and trade, and trigger needless slaughtering of food animals. This can have serious consequences for peoples’ lives and livelihoods.


Terms that should be avoided in disease names include geographic locations (e.g. Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, Spanish Flu, Rift Valley fever), people’s names (e.g. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, Chagas disease), species of animal or food (e.g. swine flu, bird flu, monkey pox), cultural, population, industry or occupational references (e.g. legionnaires), and terms that incite undue fear (e.g. unknown, fatal, epidemic).”

SleepyMan1209 said:
who cares what someone calls it... if they call the chinesevirus, then they're not wrong.
We care because it has negative effects for Chinese people that have nothing to do with the disease. Causes more discrimination. Stop being an obtuse retard and denying the obvious. Shit is annoying.
Railey2Mar 29, 2020 4:16 AM
"my life at this state could be transposed into a pretty massive biography"

- Cneq, "the guy who was literally using BTC in 2012 to make deals in the first main instance of a digital itemized economy forming naturally in all human history (also the precursor of NFTs) and who had 20k+ total trades.", 23 years old

MAL's most prolific antivaxxer, Noboru.
Mar 30, 2020 11:42 AM
Feb 2014
Only_Brad said:
Why are we defending China now? is the TDS so powerful that you've become Chinese shills? lmao

Centrism is worse than liberalism, enough said.
Mar 30, 2020 5:26 PM

Dec 2008
SolidusSmoke said:
zrdb said:
As I've said before and will repeat again-trump is a fucking moronic idiot who doesn't know his head from his butthole.

He's more intelligent than you.

As you obviously love trump-well, I guess that's your fucking problem-not mine.
Life Is Short But Intense.
Mar 30, 2020 9:52 PM

Feb 2015
"Trump sparks anger"

Ah, so like any other day since 2016, I see. Why is this in the news again?
Mar 31, 2020 12:39 AM

May 2018

Well,I guess these Chinese American must be regret voting Trump. At least, now we know Chinese American and perhaps Asian American too will not vote for Donald Trump in upcoming election.
Mar 31, 2020 7:59 PM
Jul 2018
I'm actually worried about the people there in China are suffering the most from the corruption of their shitty government, if the rest of the world is set against them now.
But yeah, the situation escalated because they lied and covered up for so long. If the government had told the truth right away, like a few months earlier, maybe the situation wouldn't have come this far.

I also got a few east asian, mostly Chinese, friends and acquaintance here and on the internet. People think that everyone, who's looking asian, is chinese anyway.
With all the racist attacks on random asian people on the streets, I'm so worried that idiots blame and attack them (again in countries like US), as soon as the lockdown is over. Although the US seems to be even way worse for asians than Europe.
Before the lockdown, a Chinese friend "only" got hostile looks from people and a few people quickly moved away from him.
I hope that situation doesn't become worse, I'm quite worried about them.

One reason that it might worse in the US is that people always talk about "THE Chinese", like over a billion people became totally like-minded and are all to blame equally.
And Trump calling it the Chinese virus does the rest for people, who are wanting to blame and blow off their own frustration on someone. Asian people appear like the "perfect target" then.
Trump surely does that with the full intention to set them against Chinese people first and then against the country, so his fans will elect him again in the end.

Gorochu said:

Well,I guess these Chinese American must be regret voting Trump. At least, now we know Chinese American and perhaps Asian American too will not vote for Donald Trump in upcoming election.

What the fuck?

ShadowByte said:
I'm pretty much angry at the Chinese people for intentionally taking medicine to hide their symptoms and spreading the disease to other countries. Most normal people that are sick tend to stay home but for some strange reason the Chinese people feel the urge to travel around the world and to different countries

Over 50 % never have symptoms and some others became ill after one or two weeks. That's why so many people didn't know that they had been a conductor. Either because they were never ill or they were after weeks.

149597871 said:
Maneki-Mew said:
I bet he forgot the name and called it the chinese virus then. He is not exceptionally smart and things he says are not to be taken serious anyway.

He probably did it intentionally to be honest, not very surprising since Beijing is blaming the US so it might have been some sort of retaliation.

Speaking of which nobody even mentions that... I guess Trump calling the Wuhan corona virus a "Chinese virus" in some tweet is more outrageous and inaccurate than Beijing calling it a US bioweapon. Another day in the Clown world I guess.

I know, that was more a bit of sarcasm. ^^"
removed-userMar 31, 2020 8:11 PM
Apr 1, 2020 3:35 AM

Jun 2008
The reason he is calling it that is because he got upset over China trying to insinuate the US army made and spread the virus.
And after they did that i think he has every right to call it the Chinese virus.

But knowing crazy lefties they will side with the communism regime because "Orange man bad'.
Apr 1, 2020 6:37 AM
Jul 2018
ShadowByte said:
Maneki-Mew said:

Over 50 % never have symptoms and some others became ill after one or two weeks. That's why so many people didn't know that they had been a conductor. Either because they were never ill or they were after weeks.

It still doesn't justify the fact that they were aware that their country was experiencing and outbreak. It still doesn't justify the fact that they could have avoided traveling this year in order to not cause problems for others. There's plenty of news reports which already mentioned that the Chinese Government knew of this problem, kept it a secret, allowed it to spread, kept international flights, travel open and allowed possible carriers of the disease to spread to other countries.

Yes, the people around the world do have a legitimate reason to be angry at China and it's ignorant population. Firstly, a lot of people have lost their loved ones. Secondly, the people that were sick, intentionally left Wuhan and traveled to other countries, lastly, why did the Chinese Government allow such a catastrophe on other countries? Thirdly, the Chinese Government had been warned multiple times of unsanitary activities, including illegal wildlife trade and their strange cuisine habits will lead to the deaths of millions of people if a disease outbreak occurs. China experienced such outbreaks over and over throughout history, but instead of learning from it they allowed it to continue unhindered. Lastly, China knew of this issue back in November, they kept quiet, imported huge amounts of medical equipment and supplies from other countries and later on let other nations know about the disease. I've seen news reports of Chinese people exploiting poorer countries and exporting their medical equipment, including PPE to China. Leaving such countries in peril to suffer from the virus.

The way Chinese Government functions is entirely wrong. Keeping secrecy on a potential infectious disease is a crime against humanity. If it were up to me, I'd put a ban on Chinese tourists, businesses and put an embargo on their products. Simply cut them off for years until they learn to become civilized enough to be considerate of others.

I've never defended the government, but this also came from illegal animal markets, if I'm right. You can't hope that there aren't any idiots in your country. As a government you have to try to stop these markets instead of hoping that nothing will happen anymore.

Also, what exactly is a strange cuisine? How is eating cow, pork etc not weird? Do you know what you could get from badly done pork meat? A lot if funny parasites up to norovirus etc. And BSE coming from cows was horrible too. And then look at our industry livestock farming. It's not like it's super clean and "not strange" either.
A lot of very dangerous antibiotic resistances come from our livestock farming and there will be a lot of super resistent bacterias in the future that might kill a lot of people too.

But yeah, that wildlife markets still need to be stopped, if they are that dangerous, but they really have to control and fight against that and not thinling that there aren't a few idiots out of over one billion people who will still doing it illegally.
Apr 2, 2020 6:04 AM

Jan 2011
Trump has somewhat right. This virus started to spread in chinese wild animal markets and it's fucking ridiculous that China is trying to blame other countries even Italy lol 🤦‍♂️
We all know how's the hygiene in certain part of China. One part of China is ultra advanced but the other is basically like Third World.
Apr 4, 2020 4:02 AM

Apr 2014
Between 1918 and 1920 there was a pandemic that killed more than 40 million people worldwide. Many studies place the first cases at the Fort Riley military base (USA) on March 4, 1918.

After registering the first case in Europe, the flu spread to Spain. A neutral country in World War I that did not censor the publication of reports on the disease and its consequences, unlike the other countries focused on the war.

Being the only country that echoed the problem caused the epidemic to become known as the "Spanish Flu." And despite not being the epicenter, Spain was one of the most affected with 8 million people infected and 300,000 people dead.

I do not see the Spanish offended because the name "Spanish Flu" has been given to a pandemic that did not originate in them. Nor do I see leftists crying that this name is still used to this day. Why is it so different in the chinese case? There are many more reasons to call "Chinese virus" to "Coronavirus" than "Spanish flu" to the pandemic that killed millions of people in the early 20th century.

I honestly don't think Trump said that for racist motivations. He is simply very reckless and tends to say things as he really thinks. Although he would retract his words (it is advisable), people (including leftists) will still avoid "visiting" the Chinatowns.
_Nemrod_Apr 4, 2020 4:07 AM

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