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Love and Lies
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Aug 21, 2017 8:23 AM

Nov 2011
Mm, this episode gave a lot more screen time between Neji and Nisaka.

The episode had fan service with the body measuring. The boys were drooling from behind the scenes...I can't help but face palm during that scene. Similarly, the girls were very interested when Nisaka was being examined.

Seems Misaki got really into talking about her past and present this episode.
Stark700Aug 21, 2017 8:54 PM
Aug 21, 2017 9:21 AM

Apr 2010
The ending was intense Misaki's feelings are clear but will Nejima make the right choice, the outcome could be very bad for both of them.
That being said i am rooting for Lilina i like her a lot more then Misaki.

Nisaka's father makes an appearance and he seems like a nice guy but the question is, what is his role there seems to be a reason for his introduction not to mention the timing.
Aug 21, 2017 10:26 AM

Mar 2016
This episode was less paced than the pevious ones, but i liked it more.
Poor Nisaka,he's actually the only character that is going to have a bad end in every circumstance.He's so cute, and his tsundere side was nothing new but fun to watch.
I can't understand where the plot is going...I have the feeling they are just beating around the main problem without touching it for the serie length safe....

ps:i'm sorry for eventual mistakes,i'm not english :(
mokadelcaffeAug 21, 2017 10:31 AM
Aug 21, 2017 12:02 PM
The Komori

Mar 2013
Being Misaki and Nisaka is suffering man :( I love you Ririna, but I'm all in with Team Misaki, fuck the system!
Aug 21, 2017 12:26 PM

Aug 2013
Misaki let it all out. Her feelings are clear but Nejima is in a tough position. Either way, it seems everyone is going to get hurt regardless of what choices they make.

Aug 21, 2017 12:28 PM
Jul 2012
Great episode again. I really wish I didn't like some of these characters so when they eventually get their bad endings I wouldn't feel sad for them.
Aug 21, 2017 12:31 PM

Nov 2016
Stark700 said:
The episode had fan service with the physical health testing. The boys were drooling from behind the scenes...I can't help but face palm during that scene

Same here xD

Aside from that, the last segment with Yukari and Misaki totally got me, so bittersweet. I also like, that the stage play is a nice reference to their current situation.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Aug 21, 2017 12:34 PM

Mar 2016
Takasaki poured her heart out to Neji in that final interaction but what will come of it? In the end she knows no matter how much she loves him she can't have him...just like the lines from Romeo and Juliet that she recites this is a forbidden love.

Also Nisaka's feelings for Nejima haven't really been explored properly in this anime yet...this episode teased at those feelings but only on a surface level. Nisaka is sheltering his emotions and as his dad says this episode building a wall around himself. I hope we see more of Nisaka's true feelings.

Lastly we didn't see much from Riri this episode...we know her feelings for Neji are coming to the forefront and she is struggling with that new feeling but I was hoping to see more from her this episode...oh well.

Overall it was another good episode that leaves me wondering how this is all going to work out and whose heart will be broken in the end? Can't wait to see how the next episode pans out!
I shall rule over the realms of anime and manga! Mwahhahahahaha!!!
Aug 21, 2017 12:36 PM
Mar 2015
You had to feel for Nisaka when Nejima talked to him about Romeo and Juliet because he is living that story just like Misaki is when she poured her heart out about all the time she has been in love with Nejima
Aug 21, 2017 12:45 PM
Former AMQ God

Sep 2014
FFS Misaki! Why are you still awesome? I thought i had decided for Ririna BUT NOW GNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!

Nejima/Nisaka was also very cute, i must say.
Aug 21, 2017 12:52 PM
Aug 2015
Wow, I'm surprised at how fast everything is being covered. This episode adapted around chapter 70-76. I'm thinking by the end of the anime, they'll reach pretty close to where the manga is at right now.

Moreover, they adapted the 'what is love" scene pretty well. Nejima being unable to response to Misaki's question "Did you fall in love Liliana yet?", definitely makes me question if he fully likes misaki as much as he says he does through out the anime.
Aug 21, 2017 1:10 PM

Jun 2013
Jeez that ending scene is heartwrenching, misaki just pouring out her feelings, But I'm a little worried how nejima beats around the bush. Nevertheless a good episode
Aug 21, 2017 1:42 PM

May 2015
Love is so much suffering ;__;....

Aug 21, 2017 1:51 PM

Nov 2016
That was the first time this anime made me cry. It's about time.
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Aug 21, 2017 2:02 PM

Jun 2015
Nisaka got more screen time in this episode. Got to meet his father. He's pretty funny. It was nice to see Nisaka smile. Misaki got emotional at the end. She really loves Nejima.
Aug 21, 2017 2:06 PM

Jul 2015
I will be so dissappointed if Neji is not going to choose Misaki ..

I don't know why but I don't feel something for Ririna.
Aug 21, 2017 2:19 PM

Feb 2015
I still don't see any reason for Misaki to love Nejima that much.
Aug 21, 2017 2:26 PM

Dec 2014
Good episode.

Neji is unknowingly seducing Nisaka by showing he has so much faith in him. xD

That conversation with Misaki talking about how much she loves Neji really made me smile, she really loves Neji with all her heart. :(

Damn, I'm still on the Ririna ship but with this episode I might just might have second thoughts. xD
Aug 21, 2017 2:34 PM

Jan 2016
Fuck, just when I thought I had decided on Ririna, Misaki shows why she's also a good contender.

The thing is I'm all for the "fuck the system" thing but I like Ririna more. But Misaki is suffering so much and it isn't fair that way. DAMMIT
Aug 21, 2017 2:42 PM

Dec 2015
Aug 21, 2017 3:32 PM

Jan 2017
Tomoebi said:
I still don't see any reason for Misaki to love Nejima that much.

I was about to post something along these lines.
Seriously, Nejima is like the Epitome of shit, the simple fact he is like he is gives me the chills, and is the reason why I can't rate this anime higher no matter how much I try.
This anime is ok, but the MC is super shit, this episode was the exact display of it.
Aug 21, 2017 3:45 PM

Mar 2014
Neji x Misaki!!! Her tears tour me apart! T_T Poor Poor Misaki! I hope Misaki doesn't just let Ririna storm in and take Neji away. She needs to fight for what she wants!
Aug 21, 2017 4:53 PM

Oct 2012
The second part of the episode was really good because of Misaki, she's still a best girl at least for me even though there are sadly way to many flags that proves otherwise. The quote "What is love?" certainly may be the weird and out-of-place thing to say to other person here but when given the context of the world they are living in, it makes much more sense (as you can say the full sentence "What is the love for when we can't be with each other?" instead)

The sound direction is still way too off for this series though, with the music being way too loud and intrusive during dialogues and Neji's VA is still ridiculous with his squeaky sheepish voice, he would be a lot better with a lot deeper tone. This thing really bothers me all the time and they are effectively changing his character by this. The bad thing is the same applies to Ririna too. HanaKana was great as always though.

By the current pacing it's almost certain now they won't reach the end in four episodes... probably end around chapter 100 or something. Let's just hope another season is still possible.
Aug 21, 2017 5:07 PM

Jul 2015
Poor Misaki, poor Nisaka, just nothing can go right for them.

I liked Nisaka's dad, he was chill.
Aug 21, 2017 5:49 PM

Dec 2013
Team Misaki! Although I don't see her winning ;_;

Poor Nisaka still doesn't have a chance.
Aug 21, 2017 6:31 PM

Jan 2013
Never seen a dad look just as young as the kid.
Also they were born in 2001 I feel old now.
I don't think it went anywhere with Misaki.
Aug 21, 2017 6:36 PM
Jan 2017
Nisaka = Tsundere haha. This guy has me laughing XD
Aug 21, 2017 7:27 PM

Dec 2015
Aug 21, 2017 7:48 PM

Dec 2015
Also, there was zero story progression in this episode. This show had potential but it's destroying it every chance it gets.
Aug 21, 2017 7:55 PM

Mar 2017
I'm going to root for Nisaka until the end because I want him to be happy. I just love him so much. I will protecc.
Aug 21, 2017 8:10 PM

Aug 2010
Niisaka as Juliet in that preview... YAS BOY. SIGN ME THE FK UP.

But in all seriousness, the ending of this episode was so sad;__; Misaki is so in love with Nejima. I do wonder if they are ever going to bring up the e-mail glitch that happened at the beginning where Nejima's assigned partner was said to be Misaki at first or if that was just a simple plot device to get our hopes up & then thrown away.
Looking forward to more Ririna screen time in the next episode. Gosh, I just want the best for all these characters but that'll never happen T.T
Aug 21, 2017 8:14 PM
Jun 2017
Man I really can't choose a team already, both girls are great (I like Misaki a little more than Lilina and this ending made me like her even more) .
I vote Neji keep them both, it's not impossible, but maybe he doesn't has the guts
Aug 21, 2017 8:15 PM
Jul 2017
To me it doesn't seem like he cares for Misaki any less. Imagine it as an RGB slider: He was already fully red for Misaki... But here comes Ririna just adding in blue. Its not any less red, but now he's thinking "what has this become? Does this color still mean love? Or actually, what color IS love?" He's seeing this new tint inside and questioning what it really means for the outside.

Besides, its totally possible to be in love with both of them.

I think at this point he still loves Misaki more, but he loves Ririna more deeply.
Aug 21, 2017 9:14 PM
Dec 2016
Are they gonna end this thing anime-only or with open ending...?
Raising both flags with heroine like this same with the manga makes me confused so much!
Aug 21, 2017 9:23 PM

Jan 2013
i must say KanaHana is nailing it in that last scene
Aug 22, 2017 1:21 AM

Mar 2013
Poor Nisaka. All of this must be hard on him :(

I was rooting for Lilina all the way but after seeing Misaki in this episode, I'm having second thoughts on the matter. Maybe it's better for her to be the end girl. Although, I don't mind harem end too XD
Aug 22, 2017 1:38 AM

May 2017
Genderbend Romeo and Juliet . The most 2017 thing EVER.
Aug 22, 2017 2:11 AM
Apr 2017
Gah now I'm so torn between Takasaki and Ririna, like who will Nejima have. This love triangle just intensified even more than normal.

Now we have 4 episodes left. I'm hoping it gets even better.
Aug 22, 2017 2:46 AM
Sep 2014
woooooww that is too much for a Misaki x Nejima shippers out there, HanaKana really doing a great job here glad they took her as misaki va though i didnt expect that

seriously this just makes me rooting for misaki even more wtf
and this is why i changed side in nisekoi, onodera took so long to confess her feelings i wonder if the same will happen to misaki if she did the same thing to nejima (probably will)
Aug 22, 2017 4:28 AM
Jun 2017
I still prefer misaki x nejima.. although it seems nejima's starting to have doubts about his feeling for misaki. darn it, if that's the case misaki deserves someone better than him haha
Nisaka's dad such a cool and funny guy. nice episode
Aug 22, 2017 4:35 AM

Oct 2015
I like Ririna, but I ship Yukari x Misaki so badly. I mean it's really painful to see her like that. They both love each other since they were kids, how could you possibly don't ship them??? That preview of next episode though, omg Nisaka with long hair, what a trap.
Aug 22, 2017 5:48 AM

Jul 2014
Other than the ending, I can't say I particularly enjoyed this episode. The stuff with Nisaka doesn't feel as if it was handled well at all, not least because we got little to no context about his relationship with his father (I get the feeling that they have a strained relationship, and I seem to recall his father being in the Ministry, but that's about it). Also, it doesn't help that I don't really care about this play they're doing or how it turns out, although I did feel sorry for Nisaka when they were suggesting giving him fake boobs (doesn't doing that kinda defeat the purpose of it being a gender-swapped Romeo and Juliet, though?).
Aug 22, 2017 7:42 AM

Jul 2013
Being voiced by Kana Hanazawa in romance series is indeed suffering.
That crossdressed Nisaka in the PV could be best girl design wise if he would be female, lmao.
Aug 22, 2017 8:00 AM

Apr 2016
A great episode again
Takasaki said her feelings for Nejima again.. Was so beautiful
I'm rooting for Takasaki.. Hope they decide to ignore the notice and be a couple

Aug 22, 2017 9:19 AM
Nov 2016
Pretty interesting episode, no Ririna which is sort of a disappointment. I still don't know which girl I want Nejima to end up with them. I like both of them.

Seems like Nisaka really IS gay, something seems off about his dad though, I can't quite put my finger on it but his dad has a weird presence.

Seems like Misaki REALLY likes Nejima.
Aug 22, 2017 9:23 AM

Dec 2014
hmm why with all those feels booo
Aug 22, 2017 9:25 AM

Nov 2009
Was Nejima's voice always so high pitched/sheepish? It kinda bothered me in the first half, but never before oO

This episode made me feel like changing ships from Ririna to Misaki, but I'll see what happens next time Ririna gets screentime. I kinda like both of them equally atm.
Nisaka's father was cool, jumpin down from the bridge like that and all. The costume and wig really suits Nisaka in the preview hahah.
Aug 22, 2017 9:38 AM

May 2017

I love Misaki tho

This is just a theory, but it's probably just a test, and that Misaki was actually was the real one chosen for Neji, the glitch and Misaki's friend working for the system proves this theory
Aug 22, 2017 9:46 AM
Apr 2017
This episode is so intense

The bgm is also amazing <3

I am rooting for Ririna since few eps back then, cause I think thats the safest way to prevent more tragic occurrence, as they can't beat the system. And you just can't denial the calculation done by the system to choose the one you have the highest chance to be satisfy with, Ririna would always be the right path.
But I am ok for Misaki too, because if they wanna denial the system, they just have to bear the consequences.

The most important part I think i s Neji make his decision ASAP, as this would minimize the damage done to all of them
The sooner Neji make his choice the better for all of them, as if you hold something back for too long without considering the outcome, then the outcome would probably be worse.

I am very glad I didn't drop this show
Apple_BSAug 22, 2017 9:56 AM
Aug 22, 2017 10:47 AM

Oct 2007
Haha oh boy, I'm sick and tired of this ambivalent asshole, but I'm so far in that I have to see this through -.-
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