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Jul 26, 2016 11:53 PM

Mar 2016
Yesterday gypsies burned a Hedgehog alive, and watched his dying. Just because of fun.

Why I told you this? Because these anthropoids live with us since centuries, but we can't even teached them the standards, and morals. And they are not even muslims, most of them are "Christian".

So, if we could not integrate the christian gypsies from india, how would we integrate the muslims from Middle-East?

We dont even have a dominant culture, because the traditions have been killed by liberal-multiculturalism. What we left? Don't tell me the christianity, because it's just a corrupt abrahamic religion.
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Jul 27, 2016 12:11 AM

Apr 2014
I don't think there's any getting around the racial component. The Christian Gypsies illustrate that nicely. European society is the result of the biological subset of humanity that created it.
Jul 27, 2016 12:21 AM

Oct 2013
You can't, you don't add different people with different culture to a monolithic one, you have to make a new identity up.
Jul 27, 2016 12:24 AM

Aug 2012
That's the 'greatest civilization' for ya.
Jul 27, 2016 1:12 AM

Aug 2015
Europe is presently a failed state.

France in the last 2 years have had more terrorist killings than Yemen.

Europe has fallen, and may not recover.
idk about you but the closer a girl gets to looking like ronald mcdonald, the more aroused i become. CAV

where can we cast our eyes to @PoruMairu who thinks of himself a member of the true church. Helion.
Jul 27, 2016 2:23 AM

Jun 2016
Going by history, yea we can't seem to integrate anybody into our continent's society.Gypsies prove that perfectly,they still can't integrate into society here in Hungary even after 600 years, imagine what's going to happen with all these islamic extremists and whatnot.Thank fuck I'll be moving to Ireland hopefully in a couple of years.Our society is too fucked up to accept anyone.
Erg_OrgyJul 27, 2016 3:19 AM
Jul 27, 2016 2:34 AM

May 2015
huh? what? Europe? Muslims? India? huh?
Freddy Nicholas said:
have control, be yourself, god is dead
Jul 27, 2016 3:13 AM

Jan 2009
European Countries can integrate People, just not Masses from certain Regions of the World with a completely different Value System.
Jul 27, 2016 3:59 AM

Aug 2013
The problem isn't that Europe can't integrate anybody, but that certain kinds of people don't integrate well with Europe.
Jul 27, 2016 6:04 AM

Jan 2015
They can't because progressive modern society is equally as toxic as barbarism, but for completely opposite reasons. Besides, Europe is literally not even trying. Europe is full of pussies crumbling in white guilt.

It's all stupid, spineless libtard bullshit. This is offensive, that is offensive, this is culturally insensitive, this is racist. Addressing problems with minorities is tantamount to heresy.

Nationalism in Europe turned inside out and shoved it's ugly face up its own arse. It's all gone fill circle guys. RIP Europe, cucked itself to death.
ModeratelyHumanJul 27, 2016 6:09 AM
Jul 27, 2016 6:16 AM

Aug 2013
Europe is an experiment to see if radically different cultures can mesh into some brown grey blob where nobody is happy and no culture is truly represented. Its a failed socialist idea that has failed everywhere its tested.

Whats wrong with having cultures and nations for the natives at large we still get immigration, we still can explore and visit each others cultures. This idea that for their to be harmony and progressive we have to force all cultures and peoples into one blog is wrong. Europe worked until apparently it wasn't culture enough and they began to force mismatched peoples to all live together on mass.

Back when I was a kid I wanted to visit some locations in the middle east, wanted to work in Germany, wanted to see other places. now I just think fuck that.
SpooksJul 27, 2016 6:23 AM
Jul 27, 2016 6:31 AM

Dec 2015
Integrating into a society should come from both sides. The gypsies definitely dont want to integrate and so do most of the people from the most recent refugee waves.

But to say that Europe cant integrate anyone is completely false. We have a lot of different ethnic groups/religions that actually integrated in very well. For example think about the majority of people from Asian countries.
Jul 27, 2016 6:57 AM

May 2016
I think the problem is that there are people who don't make any effort to integrate into Europe and that way coexistence is impossible. Gypsies have been in my country, Spain, since some centuries ago, and most of them still want to interact only among themselves. Also, the fact that they have a higher crime rate doesn't help to clean up their image.
Jul 27, 2016 7:46 AM

Nov 2014
Altairius said:
I don't think there's any getting around the racial component. The Christian Gypsies illustrate that nicely. European society is the result of the biological subset of humanity that created it.

You and your alt-right "race realism"...

I know people of many races, and we all get along just fine. Why? How is it possible for people of different races to get along at all if there's such a deep biological divide between races? I'll give you a hint. My friends and I share many of the same interests, and the same (American) culture.

If a person—of any race—is raised in a certain culture, they'll likely be compatible with people of similar cultures. Now granted, there are some subcultures that glorify violence, and these subcultures should be condemned and criticized, but cultures and subcultures aren't confined to race. For example, if a brown person is raised surrounded by Buddhist culture, chances are they'll grow up into a Buddhist adult without any regard for gangsta rap music or Jihadism.

Jul 27, 2016 8:11 AM
Jan 2013
It's isn't everybody,just One particular group of people.

It isn't fair to blame multiculturalism.

Jul 27, 2016 9:28 AM
Oct 2014
Why would anyone integrate? They don't even have to, and governments all over Europe isn't even trying. Otherwise they wouldn't promote multiculturalism.

You get to hear from all these "enlightened experts" in the media and from the political establishemnt how great and kumbayaa diversity is, but when you talk to people on the ground and particularly working class people, which have to live with all multiculturalism on a daily basis because they cannot afford moving into a nice safe homogenous area, you will get a different story about burning cars, robbery, death threats, assaults, harassements, rape, and the list goes on.
There was a time not long ago when you could walk right through a large major city in the middle of the night without fearing anything. Those days are gone unless you live in a smaller homogenous city or on the countryside.

Immigration is nice to a certain extent, when the foreign population makes up for between 5 to 10% of the general poplation and given that they want to become a part of the country. Immigrants shouldn't compete with the working class. Even an idiot should be able to understand that tensions will occur.
The acceptance for parallel socities is so retarded that I don't even know where to begin. Immigration shouldn't threaten the gender balance either.
Two or more countries may have more open borders and free movement of people between each other if they are culturally, economically and socially similar.

It should be mentioned though that many Europeans or Westerners in general are pretty dumb as well and don't even know what their culture is or stands for. How are immigrants from vastly different cultures supposed to integrate then, if they don't know what to integrate into?

Jul 27, 2016 9:39 AM
Feb 2014
Europe is either

-Alt-right soccer hooligans
-Sharia peddlers

1). Globalists=Racists
3). Don't behead me if I don't want to buy your kebab pls

Edit: Take a look at this btw

AqutanJul 27, 2016 9:44 AM
Jul 27, 2016 9:47 AM

Feb 2016
Nope they cant.

Gypsies and Muslims are proof of that.

Well they can integrate different Europeans atleast but even Poles get hated on.
DildryJul 27, 2016 9:51 AM
Jul 27, 2016 10:00 AM

Aug 2013
Nico- said:
Europe is either

-Alt-right soccer hooligans
-Sharia peddlers

1). Globalists=Racists
3). Don't behead me if I don't want to buy your kebab pls

Edit: Take a look at this btw

I read an article that the Chinese tourism industry for Europe has basically crashed as they don't want to come to Europe anymore, whats the point its lost its culture into a blobby mush of multiculturalism what made it unique is gone. I don't blame the Chinese they're right its too pointless and too dangerous now.
Jul 27, 2016 10:03 AM
Feb 2014
Spooks said:
Nico- said:
Europe is either

-Alt-right soccer hooligans
-Sharia peddlers

1). Globalists=Racists
3). Don't behead me if I don't want to buy your kebab pls

Edit: Take a look at this btw

I read an article that the Chinese tourism industry for Europe has basically crashed as they don't want to come to Europe anymore, whats the point its lost its culture into a blobby mush of multiculturalism what made it unique is gone. I don't blame the Chinese they're right its too pointless and too dangerous now.

Well I've been long skeptical of traveling to Europe because I either found it filled with intolerant locals or infested with Muslims and now that both are at political extremes, Europe has truly become a war zone with mass migration and failed states like France/Germany.

Only countries in Europe I tend to not mind are Switzerland, Finland, and the Czech Republic. Russia too but I don't know if they count.
Jul 27, 2016 10:09 AM

Sep 2015
a friend from japan came to europe for a round trip and i guided her around in munich for two days. she said europe is very different from what she imagined it to be and full of "black and brown people".

if we don't change it in the next ten years (max.), our nations are lost forever- and then i'd rather be nuked out of existence than live in this hell hole....or white people move to space. that would be cool. yeah we should totally do that. let's all leave earth and travel through the galaxy in giant space ships

Jul 27, 2016 10:29 AM

Nov 2014
Nigami_Shin said:
a friend from japan came to europe for a round trip and i guided her around in munich for two days. she said europe is very different from what she imagined it to be and full of "black and brown people".

You're the kind of person who could see a brown guy in a suit going to work and still think he's a terrible person, aren't you?
Jul 27, 2016 10:37 AM
Jul 2018
Europe is historically bad at integrating their minority populations

Where do you think the word ghetto even came from
Jul 27, 2016 11:43 AM

Apr 2015
So odd reading doom and gloom about a continent I'm inside even though my country doesn't really want to participate In the E.U. (Well, outside some politicians).
Jul 27, 2016 4:21 PM

Jul 2013
Many don't really integrate to Europe and their values. Why the need to integrate tho? As long as you do your working and don't push values from a diff society, you should be fine for the most part.
Europe Governments for the most part promote multiculturalism.
Jul 27, 2016 4:55 PM

Apr 2014
aikaflip said:
Altairius said:
I don't think there's any getting around the racial component. The Christian Gypsies illustrate that nicely. European society is the result of the biological subset of humanity that created it.

You and your alt-right "race realism"...

I know people of many races, and we all get along just fine. Why? How is it possible for people of different races to get along at all if there's such a deep biological divide between races? I'll give you a hint. My friends and I share many of the same interests, and the same (American) culture.

If a person—of any race—is raised in a certain culture, they'll likely be compatible with people of similar cultures. Now granted, there are some subcultures that glorify violence, and these subcultures should be condemned and criticized, but cultures and subcultures aren't confined to race. For example, if a brown person is raised surrounded by Buddhist culture, chances are they'll grow up into a Buddhist adult without any regard for gangsta rap music or Jihadism.

I wonder how long it will take for radical egalitarians to realize that anecdotal evidence is all they have, and how damning that is to their worldview.
Jul 27, 2016 5:56 PM

Nov 2014
Altairius said:
I wonder how long it will take for radical egalitarians to realize that anecdotal evidence is all they have, and how damning that is to their worldview.

This is the second time someone here has called me an egalitarian. I don't believe that everyone is equal, but I do believe that people should be judged as individuals, and skilled people deserve opportunities regardless of gender or race.

What's wrong with that? What's wrong with acknowledging the fact that every race has good and bad people?
Jul 27, 2016 6:13 PM

Apr 2014
aikaflip said:
Altairius said:
I wonder how long it will take for radical egalitarians to realize that anecdotal evidence is all they have, and how damning that is to their worldview.

This is the second time someone here has called me an egalitarian. I don't believe that everyone is equal, but I do believe that people should be judged as individuals, and skilled people deserve opportunities regardless of gender or race.

What's wrong with that? What's wrong with acknowledging the fact that every race has good and bad people?

You're a radical egalitarian, in that you think there are no inherent mental differences between the Japanese and Pygmies. A standard egalitarian simply believes in equal rights and opportunities.
Jul 27, 2016 6:27 PM

Nov 2014
Altairius said:
aikaflip said:

This is the second time someone here has called me an egalitarian. I don't believe that everyone is equal, but I do believe that people should be judged as individuals, and skilled people deserve opportunities regardless of gender or race.

What's wrong with that? What's wrong with acknowledging the fact that every race has good and bad people?

You're a radical egalitarian, in that you think there are no inherent mental differences between the Japanese and Pygmies. A standard egalitarian simply believes in equal rights and opportunities.

You have an influx of Pygmies immigrating into your country? That's something that you have to worry about? And of course there are inherent differences between Japanese and Pygmies. Where did I ever say that there wasn't? If you would actually read what I'm saying instead of falling back on alt-right talking points, you might understand my point.

Moreover, you didn't answer my questions. What's wrong with judging people as individuals, providing opportunities for skilled people despite their gender or race, and acknowledging the fact that every race has good and bad people?
Jul 27, 2016 7:10 PM

Apr 2014
aikaflip said:
Altairius said:

You're a radical egalitarian, in that you think there are no inherent mental differences between the Japanese and Pygmies. A standard egalitarian simply believes in equal rights and opportunities.

You have an influx of Pygmies immigrating into your country? That's something that you have to worry about? And of course there are inherent differences between Japanese and Pygmies. Where did I ever say that there wasn't? If you would actually read what I'm saying instead of falling back on alt-right talking points, you might understand my point.

Moreover, you didn't answer my questions. What's wrong with judging people as individuals, providing opportunities for skilled people despite their gender or race, and acknowledging the fact that every race has good and bad people?

So you acknowledge the overall intelligence differences? That means you're a race realist. The moment you acknowledge the extreme example of Japanese and Pygmies, you acknowledge the whole spectrum. You can't be like "okay, I can't deny the Pygmies are incredibly dumb, but every other group is equal".

Nowhere have I said there aren't smart people in every race.
Jul 27, 2016 8:11 PM

Mar 2014
"Europe can't integrate anybody" you say, because we've failed to integrate a lot of Middle Easterners, Africans and gypsies... have you forgotten about all the East Asians (Chinese, Japanese, Koreans) and South East Asians (Vietnamese, Filipinos) that also live here in Europe, OP?

As far as I am aware, Europe has, overall, never had any particular problems integrating those people, so to me, it seems like it's not an issue of Europe "not being able to integrate anybody", but rather an issue of certain cultures not being able to integrate with Europe
Nico- said:
@Comic_Sans oh no y arnt ppl dieing i need more ppl dieing rly gud plot avansement jus liek tokyo ghoul if erbudy dies amirite
Conversations with people pinging/quoting me to argue about some old post I wrote years ago will not be entertained
Jul 27, 2016 8:15 PM

Nov 2014
Altairius said:
So you acknowledge the overall intelligence differences?

Of course. Some people are smart. Some people are stupid.

That means you're a race realist.

Not in the sense that I assume that everyone of one race is smarter or dumber than everyone of another race. Like I said, I judge people as individuals, usually after a conversation. I don't just look at a person's skin color from a distance and think, "that person must be smart (or dumb)", or assume that I wouldn't have anything in common with them because they don't look like me.

You should think about why good Whites, Blacks, Muslims, Christians, etc exist, and what differentiates them from the bad ones. It's not all IQ. If there was a correlation between IQ and violence, the intellectually disabled would be the most violent people on the planet, and yet they're not. Cultures, subcultures, and ideologies do have influence over how people turn out, and these things aren't confined to race.

I can't deny the Pygmies are incredibly dumb.

I'm not going to make any assumptions about the intelligence of every single Pygmy.
Jul 27, 2016 8:32 PM

Apr 2014
aikaflip said:
Altairius said:
So you acknowledge the overall intelligence differences?

Of course. Some people are smart. Some people are stupid.

That means you're a race realist.

Not in the sense that I assume that everyone of one race is smarter or dumber than everyone of another race.

That is not the position of race realism, and you know that.

You should think about why good Whites, Blacks, Muslims, Christians, etc exist, and what differentiates them from the bad ones. It's not all IQ. If there was a correlation between IQ and violence, the intellectually disabled would be the most violent people on the planet, and yet they're not. Cultures, subcultures, and ideologies do have influence over how people turn out, and these things aren't confined to race.

There is a correlation between IQ (and testosterone level) and violence. It's not that the lower you go, the more violent you get though. Below a certain point, people start to get less violent again. Of course, mental disability has more to it than just low IQ.
Jul 27, 2016 9:29 PM

Nov 2014
Altairius said:
aikaflip said:
Not in the sense that I assume that everyone of one race is smarter or dumber than everyone of another race.

That is not the position of race realism, and you know that.

No, I don't know that. I don't know the details of "race realism", and race isn't something that I obsess over. I have better and more fun shit to think about like anime, my dog, work, foods I'd like to try, books I'd like to read, going out, and so on.

There is a correlation between IQ (and testosterone level) and violence.

It would make more sense to judge people by culture and ideology instead of by race. Cultural relativism does more harm than whatever the opposite of race realism is. Some subcultures, like the ones that practice taharrush, breed terrible people, and shouldn't be beyond reproach.
Jul 27, 2016 10:17 PM
Jun 2013
Similarities between Europe and India .

Many Languages , Cultures , Food etc .

Differences between Europe and India .

One is divided other is United . India assimilated Jews , Zoroastrians , Buddhists , Sikhs , Hindus , Jains , Muslims , Christians , Atheists , Seculars , Pseudo Seculars and Liberals , Left , right and center , Different Languages , Food , Culture , tradition etc etc etc . under 1 umbrella called India .

India kept receiving Migrants in the ancient times , Now its Europe's turn >_<
Jul 27, 2016 10:48 PM

Apr 2014
^ There you have it, Europe. If you want to end up like India, keep doing what you're doing.

aikaflip said:
Altairius said:

That is not the position of race realism, and you know that.

No, I don't know that. I don't know the details of "race realism", and race isn't something that I obsess over. I have better and more fun shit to think about like anime, my dog, work, foods I'd like to try, books I'd like to read, going out, and so on.

There is a correlation between IQ (and testosterone level) and violence.

It would make more sense to judge people by culture and ideology instead of by race. Cultural relativism does more harm than whatever the opposite of race realism is. Some subcultures, like the ones that practice taharrush, breed terrible people, and shouldn't be beyond reproach.

In other words you don't care to learn the truth. Race realism is the belief that there are inherent differences on average.

Cultural relativism being a problem doesn't mean you should ignore the race issue.
Jul 27, 2016 11:14 PM
Jul 2018
Could you say that the gypsies went over the hedge?
Jul 28, 2016 2:55 AM

Mar 2016
Comic_Sans said:
"Europe can't integrate anybody" you say, because we've failed to integrate a lot of Middle Easterners, Africans and gypsies... have you forgotten about all the East Asians (Chinese, Japanese, Koreans) and South East Asians (Vietnamese, Filipinos) that also live here in Europe, OP?

As far as I am aware, Europe has, overall, never had any particular problems integrating those people, so to me, it seems like it's not an issue of Europe "not being able to integrate anybody", but rather an issue of certain cultures not being able to integrate with Europe

Oh, yeah, you are right. I totally forget the triad, who send chinese to us to sell drugs, and get some body parts. And the asian money Laundry, I mean the chinese shops, and restaurants. Or the "Big Asian Centers", "Chinatowns" - yeah, they totally integrated :D Some of them almost can speak an european language.
Jul 28, 2016 3:11 AM

Jul 2013
Bezaliel said:
Could you say that the gypsies went over the hedge?
nice1 mate.

If Europe continues it will certainly fall.

╮ (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) ╭

Jul 28, 2016 4:04 AM

Aug 2014
You have some very good points i see.


Agreed with what you said, some people dont wish to adapt to the new society.


Wow this Video is great, When i first went to Paris, what i saw was the exact opposite of what i expected.


Hello there, I would like you to enlighten me on this point please.

You say the people of the right-wing are racists, well here is my question;

From what i observe i think these people are not racists as you think, they are just conservative or lets say Traditional, they have their own values, their own views, they want to keep and protect their culture, their values, and they love it to that point, because of their love they tend to go very emotional at some points, thats simply because the other side of the discussion isn't willing to understand them and instead they label them as racists/extremists/ and all these generalizations.

They are witnessing their culture death, they love it and they want to defend it, And in these time where their culture is by far on of the most infected with degeneracy, they have figured that they need to become aggressive, and more passionate about what they want to protect, especially with these Terror attack every once in a while and with these rape stats and all that, in addition to the ignorance of the left-wing policy.

Now you assume they are racists, my question here is that;
They have their own views!!! Why other people feel the need to force their opinions on them? why force multiculturalism on them? why force them to accept other cultures, while for other cultures its ok to be traditional and defend their culture?
Why only this rule should apply to these countries? why only on them?
Why most left-wing people do not go to other countries and tell them that they should embrace diversity and that they shouldn't care about their own values their own culture and all that?

Its simply other opinions, but the media and the left wing dont respect the other side opinion they use disgusting buzzwords labels and degenerate society.

For example my own opinion is that I like different cultures and i want them to stay different, (excluding Terror and crime rates in this discussion because obviously I am against it)
The world with different cultures and values = Colorful
The world with the ongoing agenda= Same color, ugly, no values, uninteresting.

What do you think?
Jul 28, 2016 4:42 AM
Oct 2014
Dave8814 said:
Comic_Sans said:
"Europe can't integrate anybody" you say, because we've failed to integrate a lot of Middle Easterners, Africans and gypsies... have you forgotten about all the East Asians (Chinese, Japanese, Koreans) and South East Asians (Vietnamese, Filipinos) that also live here in Europe, OP?

As far as I am aware, Europe has, overall, never had any particular problems integrating those people, so to me, it seems like it's not an issue of Europe "not being able to integrate anybody", but rather an issue of certain cultures not being able to integrate with Europe

Oh, yeah, you are right. I totally forget the triad, who send chinese to us to sell drugs, and get some body parts. And the asian money Laundry, I mean the chinese shops, and restaurants. Or the "Big Asian Centers", "Chinatowns" - yeah, they totally integrated :D Some of them almost can speak an european language.

I've never heard of East Asians burning cars, creating parallel societies or contribute to the rape statistics. They are generally well educated, secular, disciplined and hard working people. They don't disturb the social dynamics significantly or bring with them child marriage, endogamy and polygamy to our countries to enrich our cultures.

Jul 28, 2016 6:37 AM

Nov 2014
Altairius said:
Race realism is the belief that there are inherent differences on average.

And that justifies focusing on the good in your own race and the bad in other races?

Cultural relativism being a problem doesn't mean you should ignore the race issue.

What race issue?

Klassical said:
You say the people of the right-wing are racists

Lol, I did? Where?

thats simply because the other side of the discussion isn't willing to understand them

I've had several lengthy discussions with White nationalists/supremacists on and off line. I understand their points just fine. My counterpoint is that loving your own race doesn't mean that you have to be prejudiced against other races. Is judging people as individuals really that difficult?

They are witnessing their culture death

And whose fault is that? It's not Muslims who are letting unvetted immigrants into European countries.

What do you think?

I'm not in love with any particular race or culture. I'm more attracted to good ideas, which can be found anywhere. If some people want to preserve their race, great. Just don't do it in a way that hurts or demonizes other races. Every race has good and bad people.
aikaflipJul 28, 2016 7:03 AM
Jul 28, 2016 7:05 AM

Aug 2014

I'll save myself some time and respond in numbers so that 1 is a response to your first question.

1- You didn't say that here, but i think the way you post gives this kind of impression, well if not then im sorry for assuming this.

2- Why do you assume that i was talking about W-N? I was talking about the ideology of cultural preservation itself, not some specific group this applies to every race/ethnic group on the face of the earth.
And why do you say they hate other races? not all of them do! maybe you encountered only those kind of people, there are plenty of other people that love their culture love their race love their values and at the same time they dont hate other races, what happens is they get a bit aggressive because of what i mentioned above (the left hypocrisy and double standards) and also other races not willing to accept their cultural values even though they are hosted by their country and attacking them, it feels to them like an invasion.)
You see these people are always portrayed as evil racists when they defend their opinions and thats where the problem stems from.

3- Well i didn't tie my point to one specific group, but anyway you agree with me here its the governments and media fault and the people fault as well for not standing for themselves (even though they will be fought against by the media/government/police/other people/immigrants/minorities etc etc..)

4- Alright i have answered this above in point two.

But actually you didn't answer my question which was in bold text, I'm disappointed.
Dr-EyesJul 28, 2016 7:11 AM
Jul 28, 2016 8:22 AM

Mar 2014
Dave8814 said:
Oh, yeah, you are right. I totally forget the triad, who send chinese to us to sell drugs, and get some body parts.
So, some kind of maffia organization? You mean like the Italian maffia?
And the asian money Laundry, I mean the chinese shops, and restaurants. Or the "Big Asian Centers",
Are you serious? Asian shops/restaurants/shopping centers aren't representative of Asians not being well integrated into European society, otherwise that would mean the Poles who own that East European delicatessen I visit once in a while prove that Polish people do not integrate well into Swedish society simply because of the fact that they own a Polish delicatessen – which is completely false, at least if we go by your logic.
Which were created a long time ago, just like Little Italy and the "real" Little Italy Arthur Avenue. Was there a time when East Asians had more problems integrating into European society, yes, are the Chinatowns representative of East Asians today, not really, because majority of them do NOT live in Chinatowns.
yeah, they totally integrated :D Some of them almost can speak an european language.
Most of them are old people, I have yet to meet an East Asian under the age of fifty-fifty-five living in a European country who doesn't speak the language of the country they live in, or at least English.

Now, I don't know about YOU, but I have yet to hear anything about East Asians creating parallell societies en masse in North America and Europe where cars are burned every day, where child marriage and polygamy are considered as normal and where women are told to wear gigantic burqa tents because they ought to "cover themselves up"... As far as I am aware, most East Asians are hard-working, often well educated people who don't disturb the social and cultural dynamics of Western society. I think we can safely assume that East Asians are, in fact, much easier to integrate than Middle Easterners, Africans or gypsies
Comic_SansJul 28, 2016 8:33 AM
Nico- said:
@Comic_Sans oh no y arnt ppl dieing i need more ppl dieing rly gud plot avansement jus liek tokyo ghoul if erbudy dies amirite
Conversations with people pinging/quoting me to argue about some old post I wrote years ago will not be entertained
Jul 28, 2016 9:32 AM

Nov 2015
Nigami_Shin said:
a friend from japan came to europe for a round trip and i guided her around in munich for two days. she said europe is very different from what she imagined it to be and full of "black and brown people".

if we don't change it in the next ten years (max.), our nations are lost forever- and then i'd rather be nuked out of existence than live in this hell hole....or white people move to space. that would be cool. yeah we should totally do that. let's all leave earth and travel through the galaxy in giant space ships

I'd be glad if guys like you fucked off into outer space.
Have fun.
Jul 28, 2016 9:46 AM

Nov 2014
Klassical said:
Why do you assume that i was talking about W-N?

I didn't say that you were talking about White nationalists.

And why do you say they hate other races?

My counterpoint is directed to people who only have negative things to say about races other than their own.

.. humans are biological species they have some racial bias born within them ..

I've read about this, too. Hopefully one day we can evolve past being adverse to people who don't look like us. It's really silly and narcissistic when you think about it.

But actually you didn't answer my question which was in bold text, I'm disappointed.

If you want to know how other people and leftists feel about the issues you raised, you should ask them.

Comic_Sans said:
I think we can safely assume that East Asians are, in fact, much easier to integrate than Middle Easterners, Africans or gypsies

This isn't a fact. It depends on the individual. There are East Asians who are assholes, and there are skilled Middle Easterners and Africans who integrate easily.
Jul 28, 2016 9:56 AM

Mar 2014
aikaflip said:
This isn't a fact. It depends on the individual. There are East Asians who are assholes, and there are skilled Middle Easterners and Africans who integrate easily.
True, I should've mentioned that I was talking about individuals growing up in different cultures, rather than them being of different races (e.g. someone who grew up in Japan is more likely to integrate well into Western society than someone who grew up in Afghanistan, regardless of race)

Edit: modified for the sake of clarification
Comic_SansJul 28, 2016 6:31 PM
Nico- said:
@Comic_Sans oh no y arnt ppl dieing i need more ppl dieing rly gud plot avansement jus liek tokyo ghoul if erbudy dies amirite
Conversations with people pinging/quoting me to argue about some old post I wrote years ago will not be entertained
Jul 28, 2016 10:20 AM

Aug 2014

Alright so what i get from you is that you have no problem with people who are traditional, who are conservative and want to protect their cultural values. You only dislike people who hate other people just because they have a different race. I see no problem there, fair enough.

And about my question it seems it will forever be unanswered, simply because this is the killing evidence of the hypocrisy and double standards of the left and the media in general, its not your problem though since you are not from these people (looks like you're neutral)

Okay, all clear, nothing more to discuss, thanks for clearing these issues.
Jul 28, 2016 12:57 PM

Nov 2014
Klassical said:
Alright so what i get from you is that you have no problem with people who are traditional, who are conservative and want to protect their cultural values.

I don't have a problem with this at all.

I'm an individualist. I believe that people should be respected as individuals, and should be left alone unless they're hurting themselves or others. And I oppose cultural relativism. The vast majority of people aren't born bad, but some subcultures breed bad people. It's dangerous to assume that all cultures are equal and compatible.

You only dislike people who hate other people just because they have a different race.

Pretty much.

And about my question it seems it will forever be unanswered, simply because this is the killing evidence of the hypocrisy and double standards of the left and the media in general

Maybe they feel a sense of moral superiority? I don't know.
Jul 28, 2016 2:01 PM

Sep 2015
-Stabbed- said:
Nigami_Shin said:
a friend from japan came to europe for a round trip and i guided her around in munich for two days. she said europe is very different from what she imagined it to be and full of "black and brown people".

if we don't change it in the next ten years (max.), our nations are lost forever- and then i'd rather be nuked out of existence than live in this hell hole....or white people move to space. that would be cool. yeah we should totally do that. let's all leave earth and travel through the galaxy in giant space ships

I'd be glad if guys like you fucked off into outer space.
Have fun.


Goofs said:
Nigami_Shin said:
let's all leave earth and travel through the galaxy in giant space ships
get ready for Legend of the Galactic Heroes IRL

that would be glorious (empire only)

btw why are those sjw posters always from Canada or the USA? it's not really your business what we europeans do, is it? you countries are already lost...

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