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Sep 27, 2014 3:47 PM
Mar 2013
I love the very moment when Handa's mom finds he is now a different person, not who should be protected by others but who can take care of others kindly.
htsujiSep 27, 2014 3:53 PM
Sep 27, 2014 3:52 PM

Oct 2013
his mom is freaking adorable
"Burn the heretics"
Sep 27, 2014 3:57 PM

Apr 2014
Oh. Seishuu's mom was really a big pain for him (but she's really cute and funny there though). He's been a shut-in kid for all those years but finally he decided for his own. But I'm glad both his parents was now supporting him on his own decisions.

And his dad actually stayed in the island too huh? But there's no surprise there after all since he was the one who sent Seishuu there so he definitely knows that place.

So he's finally back at island and he was been approached by the whole gang with some sort of welcome surprise. And the results was of the calligraphy competition was revealed and he rank #5 out of 10 but the good thing is he didn't lost to Kousuke and it was just a beginning steps with his own calligraphy style. But in the very end it felt somehow I expected something more than that ending but it couldn't be help.

Anyway It's been a good ride with this anime along with Gekkan so I'll give this a 8/10 over all score. Or maybe I'll give this a 9 if there would be an OVA,Special or 2nd Season.
RayzerSep 27, 2014 4:04 PM
Haters always gonna hate.
Sep 27, 2014 3:58 PM

Oct 2012
Hmm, I can't say that I liked the last episode as they put in just about everything I hated on this show.
Handa's mum in first part of the ep was suffering example of that and many other conversations were just real pain. They don't even bothered with different ED.

I can't honestly recommend this show even though sometimes it was really good. But then those nice scenes suddenly turned into the most annoying slapstick and I can't say I like it. This show worked the best when slapstick was toned down or at least not over the top.

5/10 There were some really good episodes but at the same time there were some very annoying parts that was pain to watch.
Sep 27, 2014 3:58 PM

Jun 2013
This coming of age, heart warming slice of life, laugh out loud comedy is over...
Really enjoyed the ride and I'll probably pickup the manga because it was something I was looking forward to every week.

Again, the show is over! ; _ ;
Sep 27, 2014 4:29 PM
Jan 2012
Handa's mom was annoying.
Sep 27, 2014 4:31 PM
Jan 2012
zellami said:
So, Mom was a Stand user! A real power house! *giggle*

Sep 27, 2014 4:43 PM

Feb 2014
I will miss this show :(
AOTS for me 10/10
Sep 27, 2014 4:57 PM

Mar 2012
AOTS nuff sed
LoneWolf said:
@Josh makes me sad to call myself Canadian.
Sep 27, 2014 4:57 PM
Jul 2014
Handa's mom is awesome. It'd be great if she could make more appearances in the future. Hopefully there will be second season T_T
Love the comedy and warm moments. 9/10
Sep 27, 2014 5:02 PM

Mar 2012
Handa's mom needs to go back to a KyoAni show.
LoneWolf said:
@Josh makes me sad to call myself Canadian.
Sep 27, 2014 5:10 PM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
That mother. She's a violent one isn't she XD I'm so proud of Handa, he took the news of being 5th very well. Being on the island has been a really life-changing experience for him. He's calmer now, though I guess still acts on impulse. It's the kid side of him though, something that makes him him.

Aaaand so another one of my favorites this season ends :( This one was especially cute and heartwarming (lol as if this hasn't been said enough). It was quite refreshing in the way that there were so many kinds and they actually used kids' voices! All the characters were so funny and ridiculous unique. Will miss all of them, especially Handa and Naru of course! Season two pleeease.
Sep 27, 2014 5:22 PM

May 2013
Loved it so, so, so very much <3

Sep 27, 2014 5:32 PM

Nov 2013
I actually didn't like this last episode much. Felt too short, and not even emotional at all. Or much humor. Didn't suit the series to me.

Still, loved this anime. I'd say 9/10 from me. Would have been 10/10 if not for this last episode ^.^"
Sep 27, 2014 5:46 PM

Jun 2013
Lol Sensei's mom turned into Star Platinum!!!
Great heartwarming little anime overall.
Kids were awesome :)

Sep 27, 2014 6:36 PM

Nov 2013
Easily anime of the season for me. What a refreshing feel good ride. Can't express how it made me feel knowing I had this series to fall back on in a season of mediocrity.
the official MAL hall of fame/cursed comments is now open for business - you are welcome to PM me any potential quotes to include
Sep 27, 2014 6:40 PM

Jul 2012
Heartwarming and funny, is how I would describe Barakamon. :3
Relaxing.....peaceful....glad I watched this one as it was about to finish. :3

So, It's a good thing that Handa came back to the island.....and everyone was happy to see him as well. That Naru smile at the moment when everyone pounced on Handa.....priceless~! x3

Anyways, I'm gonna miss this gang of characters: They were all enjoyable, cute, etc etc.... :3

Great anime to watch. :3
Sep 27, 2014 6:40 PM

Jul 2014
I will miss this anime, had so many memorable moments.

I hope we getting funny anime like this one and nozaki-kun during fall, I am not always up to watch something serious.
Sep 27, 2014 6:42 PM
Oct 2010
Liked it, but it wasn't consistent like nozaki. 7/10 from me.
Sep 27, 2014 6:50 PM
Apr 2014
This show made me feel like having kids of my own.. Damn you Naru, making me alter my life plans..
Sep 27, 2014 6:51 PM
Nov 2013
Sensei's mom was so hilarious this episode, especially when she was beating the shit out of Kawafuji lmao.

Everyone welcoming him back was so heartwarming, I loved how Naru tackled him.

9/10, this was a really great series, definitely the best of the season. Please give me more :(
Sep 27, 2014 6:58 PM

Aug 2014
Anime of the season.
Sep 27, 2014 7:05 PM

Apr 2014
Great series. One of those series that is just fun to watch.

Don't take this anime to seriously or you'll end up like that guy who made a thread as to why this anime is overrated......
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Sep 27, 2014 7:06 PM

Apr 2014
Holy hell, Sensei's mom was crazy violent. I laughed at the part where she pounced on Kawafuji and beat the living hell out of him.

The ending felt a little underwhelming to me for some reason. I was expecting something a bit more emotionally heart twisting, but this was just as fine.

I'm going to miss watching this show every week. I'd ask for a second season, but I felt like they left off at a good place.

I'm going to miss my weekly dose of adorable Hina.
Sep 27, 2014 7:21 PM

Jul 2010
Handa's mom is best mom. Please someone link me a picture of her with red cheeks.

That said, I expected a more dramatic and plot-twist wise ending related to Naru's past, but I guess this makes still sense. Enjoyed the series overall, it was really heartwarming and funny sometimes, would gladly watch a sequel.
Sep 27, 2014 7:23 PM

Jun 2014
Barakamon is one of my favorites in this season and I'm glad I watch it.
The last episode is still the same, still awesome.

I'm going to really miss this anime.
Sep 27, 2014 7:30 PM

Dec 2011
D'aww. That Thank You card in the end. I am going to miss this series. 8/10 for me.
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Sep 27, 2014 7:35 PM
Feb 2014
for me the AoTS duel is between this and nozaki, but in the end nozaki win. this final episode is little bit weak both on humor and drama, still it's great overall

Sep 27, 2014 7:38 PM

Apr 2013
great anime with a fitting ending 8/10

would really like a second season!
Sep 27, 2014 7:39 PM

Jun 2012
Im gonna miss this show.
Sep 27, 2014 7:41 PM

Apr 2014
Relaxing anime. Not bad, just sit back and enjoy. 6/10
A stupid thread deserves a stupid answer!
Sep 27, 2014 7:50 PM

Sep 2013
Ah man this was a nice and fun show for the summer season!

I couldn't stop laughing at sensei's mother trying to stop him from leaving!

Though, I am glad that he returned to the island, I was hoping for like some suprise season 2 for some dumb reason, but it wasn't!

Loved the show, animation, soundtrack, I loved it all! 9/10 being one of my favorites of the summer season!

Sep 27, 2014 8:16 PM

Jun 2013
Shaniyaz said:

Exactly what I was thinking XD I was also thinking of North Star, "[b]ATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATA[/b]"

Glad that Handa wasn't hung up on getting 5th place. He's definitely matured and learned to move on in life, because he realizes that there are more important things in life for him than just calligraphy. A Solid 8/10
pakokoSep 27, 2014 8:40 PM
Sep 27, 2014 8:17 PM

Dec 2011
This anime was so heartwarming! At first I was annoyed by Naru but now I love everything about her and Sensei's relationship to everyone on the island ^^ The character development is great, the show is funny, and I'm sad it's over! 9/10
Sep 27, 2014 9:12 PM

Jan 2008
Wow, talk about domestic abuse from the mom. She could very well rival the characters in Street Fighter.

It's too bad that "Star" work got ruined by tea. But even without as much impact, the "Stone Wall" submission was just as sentimental, and well-suited to it's title with it's theme. Handa still needs to work on his self-consciousness though.

I could totally go for another season of this. They could continue it into the winter months, since they mentioned the season starting to get colder.
Sep 27, 2014 9:20 PM

Nov 2013
Aww, that's character development done right! Handa has really matured, that quote at the end really sums up this series. I didn't expect much of this show, but it turned out to be a diamond in the rough for sure! Easily the best anime of this summer and one of the best slice of life shows I have seen!

My Saturdays just aren't gonna be the same now ;_;


Sep 27, 2014 9:32 PM

Aug 2009
I'm definitely going to miss this series. Very heartwarming and cozy. I truly enjoyed each episode as they came and literally laughed my butt off. This was a good episode. Haru's smile when she jumped on Handa gave me a big wide koolaid smile over here. They all looked so happy I couldn't stop smiling. It brings forth such I don't want it to be over :(

Sep 27, 2014 9:33 PM

Jul 2012
A pretty nice finale to a great show. One of the AOTY contenders so far. This show was a blast to watch each week, as it covered a lot of different themes and morals that relate to human feelings such as fear, contempt, competition, goals and much more. I really enjoyed the atmosphere and mood. It was a relaxing watch while it still maintained a good story and fun, likable characters.

I wish there was a sequel because I would love to see more of their lives.
Sep 27, 2014 9:37 PM
Sep 2012
Okay for the thoughts of the finale:
Seishu's mom reminds me of my mom, in a gentler way (I'm not kidding! xD)

Poor Kawafuji, he just tasted his bestfriend's mom's rain punch! I died there!

I also died on Miwa-Tama's lack of cleaning motivation, Hiro kicked their butts to do their work!

I'm honestly touched to their welcome-home-sensei party and his personal calligraphy entry.
Seeing his friends' name in a huge calligraphy is a lovely thing.

Of all anime I watched, Barakamon is truly a gem of a series.
I mean, I'll never see such anime series who's closer to reality in life.
Barakamon delivers it with ease and you can relate to Sensei's life at some point.
I've been reading the manga since 2009 when Village Idiot did the scanslation of it.
In the first half of the episodes, I'm very familiar to the scenarios and how it will turned out.

Omedetou for Daisuke Ono for giving the role of my favorite guy xD

I might write a review soon for this series.

For the series grade, I'm not ashamed to give it a 10!
Sep 27, 2014 9:39 PM

Apr 2011
Was a great finale to a fantastic show, everything about this anime i loved and enjoyed how it went on each and every week. I will defiantly be re watching this show time and time again in the future. 10/10
Sep 27, 2014 9:40 PM

Jul 2012
Yeah, forgot to mention: This is definitely my favourite Ono Daisuke role <3 I normally don't care much for his characters other than Shizuo and Luigi but Handa's a great character.
Sep 27, 2014 9:44 PM

Jul 2012
darkreaver94 said:
Satisfactory ending. Don't really like the first 8 minutes seeing how overprotective Handa's mother is.

Yeah, dragged a bit. They (anime directors) were probably trying to fill out the time so the rest would be paced right.
Sep 27, 2014 9:57 PM

Aug 2013
Cute. Heartfelt. Liked the music.

Solid 7/10.
Sep 27, 2014 10:04 PM

Aug 2013
Might sound mean but I'm glad I saw Hina cry before it ended XD

"Glad you're back."

Nooo but the show is over I'm sad. Really heart-warming Everyone needs a Naru in their life.

"May those who accept their fate be granted happiness."

"May those who defy their fate be granted glory."
Sep 27, 2014 10:38 PM

Apr 2012
This show was from start to end nice :D
Sep 27, 2014 10:54 PM

Jan 2014
Great anime, one of the best of the season for me and personally one of the best SoL shows I've ever watched. Glad I caught this - was gonna pass it up but decided to watch it after a recommendation. So relieved I did.

Hope this gets a sequel sometime :)
Sep 27, 2014 10:56 PM

Apr 2013
Loved the series and it had a very heartwarming emotional ending ^.^
Sep 27, 2014 10:56 PM

Jun 2012
Absolutely awesome finale. Is there more material for the manga out to make another season off of eventually? I only know where the english translations go up to and the anime has already passed it.
Sep 27, 2014 11:01 PM

Jan 2011
Wonderful show that had a story beyond the comedy. I wish there was more so it could expand on the former. Will miss this. 9/10. For a comedy show it had no pitfalls and like I said it had more to offer then just that.
Sep 27, 2014 11:10 PM

Jul 2012
Absolutely wonderful series. It's just one of those shows you never want to end. It was so heartwarming and touching. Definitely my favorite summer anime. I liked how they ended it, and the OP/ED for this show were great. I wish a second season would be announced... I'm gonna miss Handa a lot~ His last calligraphy piece was beautiful. :') (Oh yeah, his dad was very handsome when he was younger LOL)
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