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Jul 8, 2014 7:59 PM

Jan 2011
IT's Rin~! slap on a band aid on her then shes Riko! lol

sadly i wasn't expecting much from this so i can't say i was disappointed the comedy fell flat not sure if some of it was because of the subs or not...maybe it will get better? just felt the pacing was kinda all over the place too.

least the art nice,however the MC pointy eyes and bushy browns annoyed the hell out of me
Jul 8, 2014 8:29 PM
May 2014
why da heck did it take so long to sub

who is going to sub the next one then??

lel apart from that it really reminded me of D-Frag but a bit different
Jul 8, 2014 10:21 PM

Sep 2011
Kerozinn said:
watching this episode was like having a déjà-vu: same boring character stereotypes(ugh) with such an uninspired and overused setting ..not worth my time.

4/10 dropped
I felt exactly this. I couldn't go through with the episode. Didn't feel funny at all and was very, typical... to say the least. Dropped as well.
Jul 8, 2014 11:00 PM

Jan 2014
Not really my piece of cake, but it wasn't unwatchable,
so I guess I'm gonna give it another try ^_________^
Jul 8, 2014 11:34 PM
Lilium Gardener

Jul 2011
Hmm, am I the only one that enjoyed this? I've got a feeling a lot of these people watched the terrible sub that came out before FFF.
Jul 9, 2014 1:49 AM

Mar 2014
It's good but I think it could do better
Jul 9, 2014 8:46 AM

Aug 2013
Omg, so much booooring. Drop.
Jul 9, 2014 10:13 AM

Dec 2010
This was incredibly bland. Even the gay shows this season that I dropped were more entertaining.

4/10 dropped
Jul 9, 2014 11:06 AM

Sep 2010
It was pretty good... but not exceptional... Cliche jokes and characters... Still fun to watch...

Jul 9, 2014 11:08 AM

Feb 2010
This is gonna be good, I actually enjoyed it.
"Your taste is shit cause you like what I hate. Believe me I have 1000 cartoons that I rated with less than 5."

Jul 9, 2014 11:29 AM

Sep 2013
okanagan said:
Jose07 said:
ok first episode. But i did burst out laughing when Fumi mention her uncle
Gomez. My last name is Gomez so thats the reason ^.^

Can anybody explain why that joke is funny? Was there something additional in the
original Japanese? It just seemed so random.

I don't think there is anything funny with it but i laughed because like i said, my name is Gomez.
There's no magical spell to save someone's life.
Jul 9, 2014 1:06 PM

Oct 2012
Mao from GJ-bu strikes back! :)

Anyway, it was kinda cool and I like their chara design, bits of nice fanservice also. But that guy is really talking fast, I had to hit stop button several times during watching this. And sometimes it was funny, sometimes it wasn't, let's hope this gets better as we get to know other characters. Ending cafe romance was well done though.

Kudos to FFF who did marvellous work with translating this, including all those letters and texts.
Jul 9, 2014 2:24 PM
Jun 2014
Had some really funny moments this one. Laughed a lot, definitely my type of humor. The MC does indeed not rise above the crowd, but maybe that's intended to highlight the strong characters of the three girls even more?
Jul 9, 2014 3:41 PM

Jun 2012
this is what I'd like to call: The Suicide of Comedy.
Instant drop from me. I almost fell asleep.....
Welcome to club: Anime that Should Continue
Jul 9, 2014 4:52 PM

Mar 2013
It was ok, I guess... Hope it gets better...
Jul 9, 2014 5:32 PM

Apr 2011
Not sure if MC gay or just oblivious retarded nerd..
7/10 for now and I'm being generous (and drunk so that might be it..)
Jul 9, 2014 6:09 PM

Feb 2013
Well that was boring. Not very funny for a "comedy".

Oh, let's have a water balloon fight just to get our white shirts wet so you can see through them! So much PLOT...

The date at the end was somewhat cute. I doubt I'll watch another episode.
Jul 9, 2014 6:37 PM

Apr 2012
GJ-bu figure Mao at beggining XD

the character

the anime is kinda like Seitokai no Ichizon or Gj-bu.

KingYoshi said:
Hmm, am I the only one that enjoyed this? I've got a feeling a lot of these people watched the terrible sub that came out before FFF.

I enjoy the first episode too but the comedy needs more funny i think.

Jul 9, 2014 6:39 PM
SetoMary Fanatic

Jun 2013
It wasn't.. terrible... but it was far from being amazing.
it was ok in my book. I hope it gets much better.
The characters are all very standard and nothing unique about them...
Jul 9, 2014 7:59 PM
Jul 2018
Not a terrible start but yeah, pretty dull. I didn't find this funny.

Characters are run-of-the-mill. It's hard to be original these days but 'cliched' character traits can still be done well. Sadly, it is not the case here.

I wasn't completely bored or anything so I think I'll continue. I guess I just misjudged this show as I didn't think it would rely so much on the comedy aspect. I was expecting a little something else...
Jul 9, 2014 11:28 PM
Jul 2018
Hmm... Felt kinda boring but I'm sure it will get better down the line.
Jul 10, 2014 2:34 AM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
This could potentially turn into something very funny, but the first episode was sort of mediocre, I think. Hope it gets better.




[H+] ³  
Jul 10, 2014 3:47 AM

Jul 2013
don't like the mc, but the girls are ok
i don't expect much from this, if this had finished airing i wouldn't see it

also, is it just me or ikumi looks (a lot) like riko from Kiss X Sis?
Jul 10, 2014 4:31 AM

Jul 2013
I watch the FFF version and it's a lot more coherent. It's still really boring though.. felt like they were rambling on and on about topic that's uninteresting. At least similar anime like GJ-bu or Seitokai no Ichizon always had something interesting going on.

Well it's watchable only for the fan service. Ikumi reminds me of Riko from Kiss x Sis, their design is awfully similar. This is also the only chance to listen to Rena Maeda this season.
Jul 10, 2014 6:10 AM

Dec 2012
Did i just see Tachibane Kanade there? :O

Ups, close enough :p

Kinda fun episode. Good enough to keep me watching i guess
Jul 10, 2014 7:52 AM

Jun 2010
Why the hell was Maou in the top of that wafers rofl. Anyways, probably not gonna watch this series. The humor wasn't enough to keep my attention.
Jul 10, 2014 10:35 AM

Dec 2012
Somehow a good start.Some good scenes.

Guess I'll continue watching it.

Hoping for more character development.
Jul 10, 2014 1:18 PM
Feb 2013
Ironhorse-Yakuza said:
this is the animation equivalent to watching grass grow or paint dry.
Well, thanks, now I wish I had watched the growing grass instead
Jul 10, 2014 3:30 PM

Mar 2012
Why is "Ecchi" in the genres? There wasn't anything ecchi, there was a little bit of fanservice when they played with the water balloons but I don't think that's enough to have it marked as ecchi.

Anyways, good episode =)
Jul 10, 2014 5:59 PM

Aug 2013
Oh! Another generic bland romcom with your casual normal guy that nobody cares about!

I must admit, I dig ponytail and flat-chested girl so... Yeah, I'm terribly ashamed of myself.

And that glasses girl... I don't think I can handle her... I can't stand character that go all thesaurus and shit. I just can't see if I'm getting bullshitted at or she's saying something true.

Well, probably end up dropping this show.
«Time is passing so quickly. Right now, I feel like complaining to Einstein. Whether time is slow or fast depends on perception. Relativity theory is so romantic. And so sad.»
- Kurisu Makise a.k.a. The Zombie
Jul 11, 2014 1:25 AM

Mar 2011
"So, Yuuki, get yourself a girlfriend." That line right from the start was pretty funny.
Jul 11, 2014 8:05 AM

Oct 2012
bigzzcobzz said:
Why is "Ecchi" in the genres? There wasn't anything ecchi,
there was a little bit of fanservice when they played with the
water balloons but I don't think that's enough to have it
marked as ecchi.

I think it was correct to label it as "Ecchi" just to be on the safe side.

There is no sharp borderline between Ecchi and non-Ecchi. However, if
parents bought the Blu-ray for their teenage children based on checking
that it was classified as non-Ecchi, I think there is a good chance that
they would be concerned by the water balloon scene. For one thing,
the bras were very clearly showing. In addition, there was the grabbing
aspect. It went a bit beyond usual "Fanservice".

I do respect bigzzcobzz's point of view that it should be classified as
non-Ecchi "Fanservice". However, I think that in situations that are
right on the borderline between Ecchi and non-Ecchi, the safe thing is
to label it as Ecchi. After all, we anime fans don't want to have a
negative backlash from parents who are ignorant of anime.
Jul 11, 2014 4:45 PM

May 2012
I really tried, but I couldn't even get through this first episode. It felt so bland, boring, and lacking in any redeeming features that would make me want to continue watching this. Eccentric cute girls doing ecchi things is not enough to keep me entertained, especially when it feels like I've already seen this type of thing a million times already. This is the 17th title I've started watching for the summer season and the first to be dropped. Hell, I'd rather watch a clearly bad train wreck anime than this boring show.
Go ***k yourself.

Polite as usual,
Jul 12, 2014 11:01 PM

Sep 2008
Will watch cause Rino.
Jul 13, 2014 12:47 AM

Oct 2012
Dat Mao figure

Athletics, Humanities, or Sciences?
Dat speed read..
Ah.. Liu Bei & Sun Quan xD

Lol.. There it comes!
Shounen manga famous quote "I'm the weakest among the four.. bla bla bla"
I'm looking forward for uncle Komesu's appearance xD

Dat mental image xD
The male MC just destroyed the 4th wall

That was pretty pointless
But I like pointless things xD
I enjoyed this
"Signature removed"
Jul 13, 2014 3:05 PM

Nov 2012
There's definitely some laughs in this anime. The only problem I have is if the main character was a bit more... I don't know. It's only the first episode and it definitely had the Gj-bu feeling at the start, I almost dropped it. Depending on where things go from here, I may drop it.

I have a feeling that this could possibly turn into a good romance, but again, harem anime's usually are pretty bland on the romance and usually end with the main character getting nowhere.

I don't know why but I didn't enjoy Gj-bu as much as episode 1, although I did drop it after about 5 episodes. =P Might get back into it.
Jul 13, 2014 9:19 PM

Jun 2014
Rino sounds so much like Accel World's Kuroyukihime, the episode felt slow and the comedy wasn't as strong as I thought it'd be, but it is the first episode so I'll see how it continues.

"We live not to forget our past, but to learn from it!"

―Freya Crescent, Final Fantasy IX.
Jul 14, 2014 2:11 AM

Jun 2009
not exactly hilarious, nor or is exciting.

Pretty mild humor and ecchi element.

I think I can burn time with this when I'm bored.

AcezHarfianz said:
GJ-bu figure Mao at beggining XD

the character

the anime is kinda like Seitokai no Ichizon or Gj-bu.

Except Seitokai no Ichizon is at least twice as funny in comparison.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jul 15, 2014 3:30 AM

Jan 2011
"The art club without nudes is like a bird with its wings torn off."
I wonder who gave that advice.
Jul 15, 2014 6:34 AM

Dec 2013
As pleased as I am by Mao appearing as a figurine, the male character here compared to GJ-Bu is really bland. Kyoro had his own quirks and humorous moments, but here.... No comments.
Jul 15, 2014 7:32 AM

Jun 2014
okay i guess...
Jul 15, 2014 4:11 PM

Jul 2013
Way too boring.
"Komugi, are you there?"

Jul 16, 2014 5:17 AM

Dec 2011
優柔不安部 sounds like a great idea. That scene. Brilliant.

In fact, all the little diversion scenes while trying to figure things out were fun to watch.
There is no such thing as shit taste. Only idiots who think everyone should have the same taste as they do.
Jul 21, 2014 9:02 PM
Apr 2011
Not really my cup of tea. I was slightly amused by the water balloon fight, but apart from that, nothing was really capturing.

Will not continue.
The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.
-Albert Camus

Jul 26, 2014 8:37 PM
Jun 2011
Magito said:
Slice of life and slice of ecchi. The spats girl resembles Rin from LB.

You got that out of her too?
The 3 main girls remind me of: Homura Akemi, Rin Natsume, and Yuu Naruse (WataMote).
although on 2nd thought sports-chan would be more like Wanko from Majikoi.
Hyper, cheery, airhead, cute but sorely outclassed...yeah that's Kazuko right there.

xchee said:
When I saw Mao in the opening minutes I thought "ooh is this going to be like GJ-bu?" Alas, tis not. Comedy fell flat. The male character was dull...really dull. Kyoro looked average but he was funny.
Maybe the jokes were lost in translation? I can only understand a bit of Japanese but even I can tell it was poorly translated. Props to the subbers' efforts though. I'll wait for another subbing group to pick this up. Will re-watch but if it's not much different from this one then this will probably be the first drop of the season.

The dude isn't the funny one. He's the straight man. And also: Mao FTW! I totally caught that, made me want to watch it, I just have an easier going attitude about the show.
I go by many names, some call me Hoshimaru, others call me Jiro or Aosou-Kun.
I believe myself a force for good, a papercrafter by trade, and one who seeks love and beauty animesque.

I am the host of the youtube show Who Would You Do?
Aug 4, 2014 2:49 PM

Mar 2012
Just started watching cause I saw GJ Bu figurine on tumblr. Episode was ok.
Sep 3, 2014 5:56 PM

May 2012
01:01 u sure

01:25 god finger

02:53 nice view

04:21 Ikumi mai taipu

11:57 LOOOL

12:37 ohh yehhh

7/10 for this episode.
Isayama Hajime should be awarded The Manga with The Highest Inconsistencies of Characters' Appearances.
He keeps performing multiple plastic surgeries on those Shingeki No Kyojin characters in a SINGLE chapter.
Yes, I've read up to the latest chapter of Shingeki No Kyojin manga.
Forced myself to read through the kidsketching chapters after the anime's ended. At least from now on, I only have to go through the hell once a month.
Patiently awaiting SNK TV/movie/OVA anime-sequel.
The 2015 SNK live-action movie would probably suck.
Sep 4, 2014 5:05 AM

Aug 2008
Pre-OP sequence was enough to turn me off from this anime. Meh voice acting, unpleasant character design and probably lame character cliches. It's nice that some shows need only 4 minutes to prove themselves uninteresting instead of couple of episodes.
Ii tenki desu ne...
Sep 17, 2014 9:53 AM

Nov 2011

Episode not bad, other production studio Feel that will not shine for epic quality and originality to the nth degree, but in the end it is not boring.
Slow to understand, the first episode is drawn and animated well.
I look forward to the next episode to decide whether to follow him.
For now, my vote is 6/10!
Feb 1, 2015 4:05 AM

Jan 2012
another shitty ass random slice of shit anime

srsly who the fuck enjoy watching this shit.. it's the same fukking pointless garbage like the others

fucking waste of fucking time
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