hpulley said:tsudecimo said:Akamitsu said:
I don't understand how Eita can be overpowered so easily by two girls holding him by his wrists in no restraining position what so ever. Or why he never attempts to take the notebook he hates so much out of what's-her-faces hands and burn it. He's a weakling. And doesn't deserve a girlfriend. Even if he wanted one.
Shit, I'd have made it priority to flat out ignore everyone except the childhood friend from episode 1. They're all a nuisance. Block the numbers, no eye contact, no words exchanged. Pretend they don't exist. If he wants to study then let him. Leave the poor fuck alone.
another is trying to compare this to real life , to answer your dumb post simply he likes the club or/and doesn't mind any of the girls being in his life.
People are forgetting the first episode already. He didn't really want any of them in his life aside from Chiwa. He became a doctor partly because he wants to help her be healed properly so she doesn't have to worry about her health. Supposedly she could be hurt if she does kendo which she used to be great at. Really, Eita just wanted to be left alone to his studies to get into med school with high marks. Chiwa always loved him but is stuck in the childhood friend role, having a hard time making him notice she has romantic feelings for him.
But then Masuzu came along and wanted him as a fake boyfriend. She wanted to be left alone, too much attention paid to her Swedish silver haired beauty. She is holding him hostage with his Chuunibyou delusional notebook. Personally I would say, go ahead, publish it but I am not Eita kun! They made the club so they can get Chiwa a boyfriend so that Eita and Masuzu could continue to be a fake couple, though Masuzu quickly realized that she really did like him but every time she shows her real feelings she backs off and tells him she was just acting out a scene from...
Himeka was attracted to his Chuunibyo Burning Fighting Fighter persona. In the manga she really puts herself out there, she doesn't beat around the bush, you know her intentions clearly. So far in the manga at least she seems to have the weakest, simplest premise though I really like her character anyway.
Ai, kindergarten crushes, fake boyfriend...
Is Kaoru really part of the harem? I didn't expect that.
Lots or cliches and tropes but combined into what has turned into a fairly unique harem premise. Eita is quite clueless but that's the only way to do it without a nice boat ending... Or three crying girls and one happy one I suppose but the other three rarely if ever give up in this genre...
Regarding Chiwa and Ai, I don't think he's clueless. They both spent considerable time talking about, and in Chiwa's case, pursuing, romantic interests other than Eita. When somebody stats going off about their boyfriend, or potential boyfriend, I don't think it's dense to assume that they don't have a crush on you.