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Jan 19, 11:01 PM

Aug 2012
Hi everyone, so I was just wondering what y'all think is the best decade with regards to quality of life, movies, music, fashion, and so on.

I personally found the 80s to be quite neat due to the overall economic growth and the movies that were released at the time. Also like the 90s to an extent for similar reasons.
H-A-M-M-YJan 19, 11:08 PM
Jan 20, 12:28 AM

Oct 2012
60s, because it was the decade of smoking weed and having orgies with hot hippy women. It was also the decade before HIV started spreading like wildfire, which hit a peak sometime in the 80s. The 80s was also the peak of crack cocaine, and also the decade when Americans started taking double jobs because Ronald Reagan sold our autonomy out to the Chinese. Having grown up in the 90s, I see it as the decade of racial strife (Rodney King), street gang wars, proliferation of opioids, and the decade when if you weren't cool, you were a "faggot".

I went back to college in the 2010s and I loved how there were so many student cultural clubs in my school, like an amateur dance club, a club for learning how to play Taiko drums, etc. None of this was possible in the 90s to early 2000s. The only thing I remembered about the first time I tried going to college was massive frat and house parties that took riot police to drive down in a bus to shut down with tear gas, everyone in my dorm doing drugs like heroin, oxycontin and shrooms. Everyone who went to a dance or Taiko club would have been ostracized and labeled a faggot.

So now you know my least favorite decade. Although, I'm Asian, so my least favorite decade should be anything before the 60s, since I might have been hung on a tree by white people, or forced to pay up to a "Tong" for protection.
My subjective reviews:
Jan 20, 4:08 AM

Jun 2019
The 1920s. It was the peak of fashion, all men would sport a hat (that changed in the 1930s), they would not go out without a cane, etc. And all arts were flourishing at the time.
Jan 20, 5:41 AM

Aug 2021
i dont care about like early 2000s i want my technology u know
even tho i struggled a lot as a teen back then i still find myself most nostalgic for the time between late 2000s and early 2010s
it was when emo and scene subcultures were popping, and being introduced to those aesthetics for the first time really scratched an itch for me
its probably a longing for something ive missed out on, as i didnt live in a city, and i was very much constrained at home too, so i could only watch those cultural developments from the sidelines; naturally as a teen i wished to participate and live in a big city and hang out with the cool kids u know lol cute
it was also a time of like general optimism about society for me, like where the world is heading type thing, i believed that the world is changing for the better, and that the situation of those who do not fit the norm will also continue to improve; like hell ye emo and scene were explicitly bisexual and i believe thats also what made it resonate with me a lot, and those aesthetics are obnoxiously gay ngl
theres a revival going on nowadays, and ofc i participate!!1 this time nothing gona stop me
Jan 20, 8:18 AM

Aug 2021
2000s cause it near my bday :)))

the only reason
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Jan 20, 8:28 AM

Oct 2012
To romanticize: Perhaps the 60s and 70s, I like flower power, feminism, liberation and weed.

To actually live through: The 2020s. Hear me out.

It might seem like this decade is the worst of all the previous ones with internet and AI being omnipresent. But I think we are just more exposed to all the bs that is going on in the world, because of the internet. Before it existed and before every idiot had a platform to post their nonsense on, there was also a loooot of crazy shit going on. We just didn't have the means to see some crazy dude from the other side of the world in our pocketwatches.

The reason I like this decade is because, if you know how to surf your way around the internet, it can be a very helpful thing to exist. There's so much support you can find. Most of my best friends ever are on a discord server, in a group chat that I've been in since around 2015.
And I also met my husband on the internet (here on MAL), and if that hadn't happened, I would never have experienced true, unconditional and beautiful love. <3 @Moog

The worst things about this decade are AI and global warming, in my opinion.
If life ain't just a joke
Then why are we laughing?

If life ain't just a joke
Then why am I dead?
Jan 20, 5:37 PM

Jun 2014
I voted the 2010s but my real answer is the present decade, we have to accept reality as it is.
Jan 20, 8:07 PM

Jul 2012
That depends on how rich you were and what you looked like.
Jan 20, 8:54 PM
Mar 2015
Every decade has its ups. But the 1990s were fun!
Jan 20, 11:56 PM

Apr 2013
The ones that I grew up in? I don't know, I can't really answer that without having lived it. But I can try.

I'd say the 80s due to the music, and the economics. Western culture wasn't quite yet as defiled as it is now.

90s had the best video games

2000s for anime. It basically created anime culture in a meaningful capacity.

2010s because of internet culture.

2020s for

This ground is soiled by those before me and their lies. I dare not look up for on me I feel their eyes
Jan 21, 2:28 AM
CD enthusiast

Jan 2024
A tricky question for sure, as life could/can be completely different depending on location. For example, for many in NA/Western Europe/Oceania, the 90s were pretty nice overall (at least in contrast to the current situation), but in Eastern Europe, for many it was a living nightmare. I guess the question is pretty open, so I'll just say the 80s/90s level of technology, music, culture, and common optimism about the future (at least in the west) was very nice. Although, I also liked the form-over-function experimentation in "futuristic" design of consumer products of the 00s, too. This is all just surface-level stuff, though. I won't comment on deeper layers.
Jan 23, 5:49 AM

Sep 2016
I was tempted to say 80s or 90s because of music and movies, but let's be real: any decade without advanced internet would be insufferable for most of us, so 2010s are best by a mile (2020s were shit so far because of the pandemic and global inflation due to you know whose decision to invade their neighbors)
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Jan 24, 6:59 AM

Jul 2023
2000s because of anime.Also, 2020s because of technology
Jan 24, 7:01 AM

Jan 2009
im a 90s kid so i vote 1990s obviously
Jan 24, 7:29 AM

Feb 2020
80s and 90s were easily the best decades, especially when it comes to music, movies, and TV series + many other things as well.

SerafosJan 24, 7:36 AM
Jan 24, 8:35 AM
Call me Oniichan

Jan 2007
2010s were when humanity peaked with the best living standards, high prosperity of people, relative peace on Earth, and with advancements in technology making life easier and entertainment better.
It's all downhill from now.
>with every year it's becoming more evident that we're heading towards a total economic collapse
>when that happens, there will be chaos, starvation, looting, survival of the fittest
>communism will come back, the days of waiting all night in queue to buy 500g of meat will come back
>WW3 is on the brink of happening
>getting closer to nuclear disasters
>advances in bioscience will bring about bioterrorism on the scales we've never seen before
>people will die of man-made diseases
>we are running out of fossil fuels, which means that every decade from now on people will struggle more and more
>electricity prices will continue to rise faster than our paychecks, eventually forcing people to abandon most of electricity use
>fuel prices will continue to skyrocket, forcing people to limit vehicle usage or abandon the idea of owning a car
>as fuel becomes more prohibitively expensive, our ability to transport goods will drastically diminish, which will lead to a collapse of many industries
>electrical vehicles are not the future for mainstream use, since we're near the limits of scalability of renewable energy - it's just not possible to create even half of the required energy from renewable sources, and will never be possible due to laws of physics being what they are
>advancements in AI will lead to a situation where your operating system will carefully monitor what you say, type or what type of media you consume, and report all infractions to authorities
>people will gradually lose their freedoms, and they won't rebel because of the granular process and because people in general are afraid of standing their ground
BigBoyAdvanceJan 24, 8:41 AM
Jan 24, 8:47 AM

Sep 2015
My awnser is obviously going to be biased towards the decade where I was a kid. Which is the 2000s :')
"This signature is under construction." ~Fabuubz
Jan 25, 7:42 AM

Mar 2023
The 2000s was the best decade for me. I barely remember the 90s, the 2010s was only good until around 2014/2015 and the 2020s have been such a shitshow.
Jan 25, 8:12 AM

Oct 2017
Well, the ww2 generation is called the greatest generation for a reason so I'll vote the 1940s because men had balls back in the day.

I'm joking I voted the 1990s because we had no major wars and all we had to care about was whether or not that woman was being fucked in the @** by the president, obviously that the answer differs from country to country I wouldn't say the same if I was a Croat or Serbian.
''Enemies' gifts are no gifts and do no good.''
Jan 28, 6:50 AM
Call me Oniichan

Jan 2007
tfw zoomers and alpha gen try to "fit in" by pretending to like 80s/90s/00s anime while they only watched maybe 10 animes from that era

Jan 28, 5:51 PM

Apr 2012
If I were to get fancy, I would point to the 80s and 90s for their influence on pop culture that is meaningful to me. If we are realistic and remember what was happening in my country during these years, then I would call the 00s as conditionally the calmest and most peaceful years.
Feb 4, 4:03 AM

May 2022
uhm i'd say the 90's where the most peacefull years in like the last 2 centuries. I know there was some conflicts going on but still, the world was so peacefull. I'd argue the wake up call was the twin towers terrorist attack.
Feb 4, 5:14 AM
Yare Yare Daze

May 2022
None. All these decade had issues especially in 1900s. Especially if you were a person color.

@trinitroglycerin The hell? The 90s was anything but peaceful. Columbine, racism and homophobia ran wild, people were still going postal, bombing the Olympics, blowing up us embassies. Modern day Terrorism was born 90s.
Feb 4, 5:24 AM

Jan 2021
I can't really say, I wasn't around for most of these so It's hard to tell

1980s don't seem that bad though
Feb 4, 5:35 AM

Oct 2009
Reply to Amityblight
None. All these decade had issues especially in 1900s. Especially if you were a person color.

@trinitroglycerin The hell? The 90s was anything but peaceful. Columbine, racism and homophobia ran wild, people were still going postal, bombing the Olympics, blowing up us embassies. Modern day Terrorism was born 90s.
@Amityblight Ever heard of the IRA? Terrorism (even the modern kind) happened way back before the 90s. As for the other stuff, that is dependent on location. Got to say in the UK it was peaceful and although there was the Dunblane massacre we can't let one/few event(s) define a whole decade.

Personally I did not see a lot of racism in my neck of the woods although granted homophobia was more prominent back then. Then again m experiences come from living in Edinburgh (capital of Scotland), Norwich (small city in England) and London. Your experiences may vary so yes it could be different to mine but then it comes back to those things being location dependent. I would say, all things considered, the 90s was a better time to be a child than today.
Feb 4, 6:15 AM
Yare Yare Daze

May 2022
@monsta666 It was mastered in the 90s. Massacre do you realize what that word means? Don't say shit was peaceful when something like that happen because something else was going. You didn't know because the internet wasn't like it is.

UK, France, Italy and US pretty racist back. You were born in 1987 you don't remember that well.

Things are more peaceful now in everyday life than back then. Better kid better nowadays as along ain't go tablet or phone.
AmityblightFeb 4, 6:28 AM
Feb 4, 6:52 AM

Jun 2019
Amityblight said:
@monsta666 It was mastered in the 90s. Massacre do you realize what that word means? Don't say shit was peaceful when something like that happen because something else was going. You didn't know because the internet wasn't like it is.

UK, France, Italy and US pretty racist back. You were born in 1987 you don't remember that well.

Things are more peaceful now in everyday life than back then. Better kid better nowadays as along ain't go tablet or phone.

They must have forgotten about the Gulf War. But for Europeans and Americans, it was without a doubt a more peaceful period than today.

France is way more racist today in fact although it pretends to be treating people equally (the State religion that is atheism has gotten a lot worse recently). People seem literally obsessed with this question, while it is at best virtue-signalling and at worst a way to feel better about some racist things they have done in the past.

Going to school in France in the 1990s and 2000s was great from this respect. You could hardly hear racist remarks or even slurs being thrown around. Some people did make racist jokes, but you would seldom hear things really offensive, or people fighting over an "insensitive" comment.
Feb 4, 7:26 AM

Aug 2012
Reply to Meusnier
Amityblight said:
@monsta666 It was mastered in the 90s. Massacre do you realize what that word means? Don't say shit was peaceful when something like that happen because something else was going. You didn't know because the internet wasn't like it is.

UK, France, Italy and US pretty racist back. You were born in 1987 you don't remember that well.

Things are more peaceful now in everyday life than back then. Better kid better nowadays as along ain't go tablet or phone.

They must have forgotten about the Gulf War. But for Europeans and Americans, it was without a doubt a more peaceful period than today.

France is way more racist today in fact although it pretends to be treating people equally (the State religion that is atheism has gotten a lot worse recently). People seem literally obsessed with this question, while it is at best virtue-signalling and at worst a way to feel better about some racist things they have done in the past.

Going to school in France in the 1990s and 2000s was great from this respect. You could hardly hear racist remarks or even slurs being thrown around. Some people did make racist jokes, but you would seldom hear things really offensive, or people fighting over an "insensitive" comment.
@Meusnier People forget history over the pain of a year lol.

My people were never welcome over there so fuck that. Old YouTube videos black woman who talk all racism they she experienced living from 90s to about 2006. Europeans have always been evil ( white American are Europeans)

Not to mention gang pop up everywhere in the 90s. Mexican Cartels started shifting business to Europe in early 90s.
Feb 4, 7:36 AM

Oct 2009
Reply to Amityblight
@monsta666 It was mastered in the 90s. Massacre do you realize what that word means? Don't say shit was peaceful when something like that happen because something else was going. You didn't know because the internet wasn't like it is.

UK, France, Italy and US pretty racist back. You were born in 1987 you don't remember that well.

Things are more peaceful now in everyday life than back then. Better kid better nowadays as along ain't go tablet or phone.
@Amityblight : You may quibble with the wording but the event (rightly or wrongly) was dubbed the Dunblane massacre. I used this term intentionally not because it is necessarily right but because if you were interested in finding out more then you could google the term and find it on the first hit. In short, this massacre involved a school shooting that resulted in the death of 16 children. At the time it was a very shocking event which resulted in tighter gun controls in the UK.

Going back to the violence bit, there was never a period in history when there were no wars however compared to the rest of history Europe and the US had relative peace. Also, I am black and lived in the UK and can remember most of the 90s so I am talking out of experience. I did not personally suffer from a lot of racism at school. But again, mileages vary so what was true for me might not be true for you.

If anything, I have experienced more racism later on as I was repeatedly "randomly" searched after the London bombings and I had more "quality control screening" during my sales job (they were checking I wasn't mis-selling) than a white colleague doing the same job. Off course this was all random or so I was told. But then again, I got that same line from the police during those random searches. Later on it was discovered through a public information release request that the UK police disproportionately searched black people at far higher rates than other races. So yes, I am not convinced that racism is way less today than it was in the 90s. Homophobia yes but not on racism.
Feb 4, 7:40 AM

Jun 2019
Order-Sol said:
@Meusnier People forget history over the pain of a year lol.

My people were never welcome over there so fuck that. Old YouTube videos black woman who talk all racism they she experienced living from 90s to about 2006. Europeans have always been evil ( white American are Europeans)

Not to mention gang pop up everywhere in the 90s. Mexican Cartels started shifting business to Europe in early 90s.


You mean Native Americans? They simply do not move to Europe as far as I know, and if they did, I do not see why they would experience more racism than other groups. Your bold sentence is true, but it says nothing about the life those "evil" people have when they are amongst themselves (being French is not a racial issue, independently of what far-right activists like to say). I will rather believe my own experience as someone who has lived more than two decades in this country over what an American woman pretends she had to go through to make views on YouTube. Public school and university was chill from this respect. And if you go back in time, black jazz-men were much better treated and welcome in Europe in the 1950s and 1960s than they were in America.

At least you did not have drug traffickers killing each other on a daily basis. Sorry, but I will stay on my position, it was much better to live in the 1990s in France than in the 2020s where everything falls apart (education, hospitals, the job market, etc) and where real political action and genuine benevolence is replaced by wokewashing.
Feb 4, 8:11 AM

Apr 2016
I guess 90's to 2000's anime, in my opinion.
Feb 4, 8:16 AM
Yare Yare Daze

May 2022
Reply to Meusnier
Amityblight said:
@monsta666 It was mastered in the 90s. Massacre do you realize what that word means? Don't say shit was peaceful when something like that happen because something else was going. You didn't know because the internet wasn't like it is.

UK, France, Italy and US pretty racist back. You were born in 1987 you don't remember that well.

Things are more peaceful now in everyday life than back then. Better kid better nowadays as along ain't go tablet or phone.

They must have forgotten about the Gulf War. But for Europeans and Americans, it was without a doubt a more peaceful period than today.

France is way more racist today in fact although it pretends to be treating people equally (the State religion that is atheism has gotten a lot worse recently). People seem literally obsessed with this question, while it is at best virtue-signalling and at worst a way to feel better about some racist things they have done in the past.

Going to school in France in the 1990s and 2000s was great from this respect. You could hardly hear racist remarks or even slurs being thrown around. Some people did make racist jokes, but you would seldom hear things really offensive, or people fighting over an "insensitive" comment.
@Meusnier definitely worst today racism and homophobic shit over there. You realize how many kidnapping took place in the fucking 90s lol.

@Order-Sol mouth breathers for sho.

Off topics some bring up entertainment. Nope bullshit too 90s music is repetitive garbage outside of Metal and Nirvana. The TV shows were garbage too outside king of the hill, Batman cartoons and the first 8 seasons of Simpsons.
Feb 4, 8:27 AM

Aug 2012
Reply to Meusnier
Order-Sol said:
@Meusnier People forget history over the pain of a year lol.

My people were never welcome over there so fuck that. Old YouTube videos black woman who talk all racism they she experienced living from 90s to about 2006. Europeans have always been evil ( white American are Europeans)

Not to mention gang pop up everywhere in the 90s. Mexican Cartels started shifting business to Europe in early 90s.


You mean Native Americans? They simply do not move to Europe as far as I know, and if they did, I do not see why they would experience more racism than other groups. Your bold sentence is true, but it says nothing about the life those "evil" people have when they are amongst themselves (being French is not a racial issue, independently of what far-right activists like to say). I will rather believe my own experience as someone who has lived more than two decades in this country over what an American woman pretends she had to go through to make views on YouTube. Public school and university was chill from this respect. And if you go back in time, black jazz-men were much better treated and welcome in Europe in the 1950s and 1960s than they were in America.

At least you did not have drug traffickers killing each other on a daily basis. Sorry, but I will stay on my position, it was much better to live in the 1990s in France than in the 2020s where everything falls apart (education, hospitals, the job market, etc) and where real political action and genuine benevolence is replaced by wokewashing.
@Meusnier She of color it trust her more. Only because clout they treated him right. Ugly ass mothafuckas don't treat no one of color right.
Feb 4, 10:35 AM

Jan 2024
70s seem like they would be fun. Music wise at least.
Feb 5, 12:47 AM

May 2022
Well of course being a white guy i didn't have to experience any racism in the 90's but still. I think racism was always present and i'd even say people are way more extreme now. And yes, there were indeed massacre and conflits in the 90's but it was a period of peace after the fall of ussr and people were starting to believe in that United Nations bullshit. I fell the world started to spiral into chaos after Putin bécane président and the us made their mess in the Gulf to get the oil there.
Mar 27, 10:10 AM

Jun 2016
I don't really have a favorite, in general I like certain aspects from the mid 1960s to the very early 2010s.
Mar 27, 10:45 AM
Jan 2023
For me personally, at least from my experiences, the early 2010s are the time I look back on most fondly, maybe because some of my earliest memories are from then. Not gonna say that decade was perfect for me, as it all went to hell in the second half.

Now objectively, the 1920s were probably the most important, things like cars and other household conveniences that we know and love (or hate perhaps) today became available to the general population at that point.
Mar 27, 1:05 PM

Feb 2020

• Cool music & movies, and some of my favourite cartoons came from this decade.
• Fashion was mostly cool (a little better than the 90s anyway)
• Some of the best (and my favourite) British sitcoms came out also during the 80s.
• Pro Wrestling became massive thanks to WrestleMania & Hulk Hogan.
• Best decade of Formula One.

Also I just love all of the weird (and now very obsolete) tech and other consumables that came out, especially home computers which were in abundance in my country, as we didn't take to game consoles until later on. And I've owned a few old computers and found them fascinating.

Truly wish I was an adult in the 80s, instead of being born towards the end of it😩

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