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Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka IV: Fuka Shou - Yakusai-hen Episode 11 Discussion

Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? (light novel)
Available on Manga Store
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Mar 24, 2023 6:42 AM
Apr 2018
"Lions Justice" 
Great episode. 
Ryu finally overcoming the survivors guilt, connecting with the spirits of her friends and guild members which was visually well done.
Good combat and fight sequence against the juggernaut with some good combination and coordination between ryu and bell, and ryu finishing off the juggernaut in style recalling her friends in spirit form with the emotional aspect. Well done. 
Wiene to the rescue, glad she and the xenos made it on time, wish she could have stayed with bell a little longer, she was so worried for him.
Finally the rescue team arrives and takes the two to the infirmary. Bell had quite an expensive treatment, more debt on poor hestia i guess? lol Had a little bit of fanservice with ryu just running into bells room
half naked, hestia and ryu with the classic comical slap. Bell can never catch a break as usual. But all of them thanked ryu for saving bell and hestia truly referring to her as the "hero of justice".
Syr relaying mamma mias words which was wholesome, like a mom waiting for her child back at home with other siblings.
Ryu's name or rather gale winds name is finally cleared thanks to bors also shes rather declared dead, but whatever works and it ends well for ryu at the end. She is a free elf now.
Finally a day out or rather a date with ryu and Bell which was adorable. Ryu was just defying heights of beauty with that dress with more of her elf charms coming out. She finally admits and realizes what goddess astreas meaning was behind her words, vengeance isnt always the way and wasnt what astrea and the members of the familia wanted for her. Ryus finally free from her shackles, glad to see that. 
Finally the cherry on top, Bell does the thing again and lives up to the name of the series. 

Casually compliments Ryu in the most charming way and ofc Ryu finally and offically falls for bell. But yea after this season and what both have been through together, i am totally rooting for them. :3

Great way to end the season, few questions are still there including what are bells stats as of now, the juggernauts background, freyas next move. etc. Hopefully next season is announced, i feel its just gonna get even more interesting and darker for our argonaut. 8/10 for me. Good stuff. 
Mar 24, 2023 10:14 AM

Feb 2022
Must protect that smile, she deserved it!
Mar 25, 2023 9:22 AM
Jun 2019
No words no words.. just amaizing season start to finish
Mar 26, 2023 5:56 AM

Feb 2020
She killed the juggernaut with the power of friendship and a fucking rasengan lol

This was peak ngl. Maybe it's just me but this was an amazing season, so powerful, and such a HUGE upgrade for this series. I already liked this series even before watching this but it was never my favorite. Was it predictable? Yes, but boy was it great. I don't care what anyone thinks, I just think this is one the best arcs I've ever seen in a fantasy anime, at least from some of the fantasy stuff that I've watched. 9/10

Also, Ryuu is best girl.
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Mar 26, 2023 8:14 AM

Feb 2014
Bell was impaled over and over and only has a broken forearm? 🙄
Mar 27, 2023 6:29 AM
Feb 2019
A supposedly extremely deadly and gruesome monster who cold-bloodedly murdered countless adventurers with one swipe, is managed to be defeated EVEN though after all those new monster modification to his body to gain more abilities within just the first 10 minutes of the episode...

IF that's not rushed conclusion I don't fucking know what is.
Mar 28, 2023 3:40 PM

Jul 2016
Wait. So no one knows Ryuu's face? I could swear there were a few people who knew about her identity... or maybe they are all dead now.

Kind of an underwhelming final fight if I'm honest. Author practically nerfed the Juggernaut without a proper reason and also gave both Ryuu and Bell a convenient power boost despite them being physically exhausted just one episode ago.
Ryuu's final attack looked cool tho. Albeit kinda corny with the imaginary dead friends giving her a push.

All in all, another OK-ish season for DanMachi. Part 1 was awful but fortunately, all the Ryuu development saved this continuation from going down the same path. I always liked her character and Hayami Saori did a wonderful job voicing her. Not to mention the near-masterpiece that was Episode 9.

And yeah, kinda disappointing there was no "Level-up" scene for Bell after all the supposedly powerful monsters he defeated.

5/10 - Ryuu, new MC when? Also Harem tag freaking when?
Apr 1, 2023 6:23 PM

Jun 2015
not the biggest fan of the series but I have to say that this season was without a doubt the most enjoyable one
Apr 2, 2023 8:39 AM
Nov 2010
Aw man, this is the kind of asspull I feared. They beat a nearly unbeatable foe that gained even more strength from devouring monsters just like that. It would've made more sense if Xenos & the others were able to reach them in time, and together they beat the Juggernaut using that adamantite sword Welf made. Also, no main or supporting character died. The only people that died are a bunch of nobodies. I'm a bit disappointed by that.
Man, it would suck if they didn't even get one level up from this ordeal.
What happened to that familia banner they recovered from those dead folks on the 37th floor? Were they able to return it?
Apr 2, 2023 12:59 PM
Sep 2020
Such a perfect way to end this!!!

This whole season was fųcking AMAZINGLY AWESOME! They showed just how troublesome the dungeon can be at its lowest. And yes. Ryu took the spot of the best girl in this anime, and that's FINAL!

 I love how at the ending Elisa told Lion to not let him go... so sweet 🖤 BUT FOR A REAL GOOD JOB J.C.STAFF!
JankulaaApr 2, 2023 1:17 PM
Apr 4, 2023 11:18 PM

May 2015
Ryu is finally part of Bell's harem. Good progress.
Apr 6, 2023 1:26 AM

Apr 2013
best season
W Ryuu, Bell
Tho I still don't understand how the level up system works? Didn't Bell or Ryu took down something that should give them a level up surely or something?
Possibly next season will give us a level up for Bell and Ryuu I guess.
Apr 6, 2023 10:02 PM
Oct 2009
I really enjoyed this conclusion. I can'tt wait for another season.
Apr 7, 2023 12:31 AM

Aug 2018
That was really good.  I would never have expected this in a series with this title.
Apr 7, 2023 11:50 AM
Mar 2021
I said it before and I'll repeat it. AIS WHO????? This was the best season of Danmachi hands down and it's all because of Best Girl Lion! I'm so scared of knowing what happened in the light novel after this event, cause as much as I want Lion to be endgame, I don't think that will happen, but I will still support that idea with all my heart!
Apr 8, 2023 2:14 PM
May 2015
classic rasengan 
Apr 11, 2023 8:52 AM
Jan 2023
Holy shit was crying like a b****
Apr 11, 2023 1:34 PM
Jun 2016
I'm happy ryu finally managed to forgive herself, and move on towards the future, and killed the juggernaut, and last long they manged to comeback again, and it's good to see this season they emphasized of the arduous journey inside the dungeon.
If bell had made a move on ryu in the last scene just pull her from behind and kissed ryu, or ryu making a move on him would have been such happy ending for this season:(
Apr 14, 2023 6:47 PM
Feb 2022
Loved it. This season alone is reason enough to get into this series. 
Apr 15, 2023 3:02 PM

Sep 2012
Bell is juts a lady killer without even trying to be one LMAO
Apr 16, 2023 1:55 PM

Jun 2013
This was a good season. It was interesting to know more about Ryuu's tragic past and her interactions with bell. Other characters also had good growth and development. Ryuu's character actually had more of a meaningful and emotional connection with Bell in this one season than any other characters so far.
Apr 20, 2023 10:01 AM

Oct 2016
"It was not for revenge, but for hope and her ideal justice."
Apr 20, 2023 10:46 PM
May 2020
Amazong season tbh 9/10. Bell's development is very interesting and the mystery behind the dungeon is still to be totally discovered. Now I am wondering if Bell will end up with Ryu or still Ais Walenstein. What do you guys/girls think?
Apr 22, 2023 3:28 PM
Mar 2020
It was absolutely briliant
Apr 23, 2023 4:54 AM
Jul 2015
Good ending make me smile and happy
Apr 30, 2023 10:09 AM

Jan 2008
The season was definitely a ride. The intensity of not knowing how they'll get through, though knowing that they would get through because they're main characters. While there wasn't a particularly mindblowing scene like some of the previous seasons, the overall season was good rather than just the latter or the finale, making up for it.

Seems like Ryuu's story is more or less done? I still hope she makes appearances or is relevant in the future if we get more anime. Of the large female cast of DanMachi, she is one of the better.
May 6, 2023 4:36 PM
Mar 2022
magnificent ending
May 14, 2023 12:19 AM

Aug 2013
So...Hestia, Lili, Haruhime, the guild worker chick and now Ryuu? I mean...tbh by characterization alone, Ryuu took best girl. But this idiot only has eyes for the lamest chick in the entire series aka Aiz Wallenstein...sorry but not even Sword Oratorio made me like her as a character. Anyway, this season was crazy. I feel like I'd nosedive into the LNs from the beginning in order to truly appreciate the product, but damn good in the end.
Don't believe the hype.
May 15, 2023 8:27 PM
Jul 2019
Awesome and I hope there is more to see after this.
May 18, 2023 4:11 PM

Jul 2015
Finally home after the long expedition. Was great seeing not only Bell but also everyone else face the various unexpected dungeon problems and their character growth. Got a bit annoyed with the overused trope of how Hestia and Lily slapped Bell there, but at least Bell and best girl Ryu went on a nice walk at the end, can't wait for s5.

Jun 25, 2023 4:37 PM
Apr 2020
Amazing anime cant wait for season 5. About to go pick up all the LNs
Jun 25, 2023 7:09 PM

Jun 2017
Kind of felt like an abrupt end to the season, if I'm to be frankly honest. I was looking forward to some kind of level-up like Season 1's, for example. On the flip side though, having Ryuu-san seal the deal is very fitting, considering her past encounters with the irregular. 

In the end, it took everything to save Ryuu-san and Bell, which was nice to see. Xenos, the cafe's fighters, the spirits of the former Astrea family - you name it! Not to mention, Welf's creation of a lifetime and the group's resilience as well. It really does feel like the end of the journey in many ways, but I'm sure there's still more remaining to explore in the DanMachi world, so here's to hoping for an S5. 

Going to miss the ED, by the wonderful group in sajou no hana of course, and I pray that this won't be the last of Ryuu-san we see. Because she's number 1 now for me in that spicy race, lol.
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Jun 29, 2023 2:00 PM
Dec 2022
it was good very good
Jul 2, 2023 7:53 AM
Jun 2023
Jul 3, 2023 9:23 AM
Mar 2021
waiting for next seasom
Jul 4, 2023 7:52 AM
Mar 2023
good good, Amazing just wondering, former familia status
Jul 7, 2023 7:44 AM

Aug 2009
I like it. But I feel they need a another episode to wrap things up.
Jul 8, 2023 5:59 PM

Sep 2017
Considering how Ryu has been down for years, she literally got picked up in the dungeon..

Anyways, throughout this whole season the temptation to go immediately to the next episode was very strong, even when I should really have been doing something else. That's always a strong indicator of a good story presented well, and I think they got everything right with this one. Best season thus far, and I hope for more
Jul 29, 2023 3:37 PM

Mar 2012
What a season this has been. It's been pretty satisfying to see this series evolve and improve over time, and you can really see the improvement and the ramp-up in the last two seasons, first with the philosophical struggle over Xenos and then with this brutal survival challenge in the depth. I think the one bone I'd pick with this season is it felt like things dragged on a bit. Generally, the narrative structure of a character overcoming a struggle includes a stretch of "overperformance" (think back to when Bell beat the Minotaurus in season 1), but it felt like the entire season was a long stretch of "overperformance," such that it became somewhat difficult to feel the tension later on. I mean, by the end it was pure plot armor. Which is fine--we expect that in a series like Danmachi where no major death has ever occurred. But like I said, it might've went on a smidge too long.

Still very much hoping that this series continues to get adapted, no matter how long it takes. I'd love to stay with this ride till curtains. 
Aug 10, 2023 8:58 PM
Jun 2019
Now this season definitely sold me on Danmachi, especially the later episodes that focused on Lyu and Bell. She's definitely best girl in my eyes now.

Though I do wonder how much Bell got stronger by adapting to fight against the deep floor monster. Hope we see more of Luy in the future.
Graduated High School in May of 2022. Summer vacation has finally arrived. I have once again regained the power of a new anime fan, being able to watch multiple anime episodes in a day. Time to binge-watch every single anime I can into the night until college arrives. SADGE. SUPER SADGE... College has begun as of Monday, August 30, 2022, so you won't be seeing me much around these parks. See you on weekends, I guess... School me is back. Sigh! I'll at least try for one anime a day with all this course load.
Aug 16, 2023 12:19 PM
Apr 2022
I want to date an elf girl now
Aug 30, 2023 10:04 AM

Jan 2021
Nice ending

One thing I didn't like though is that very little character development happened

Gale wind had the most, and she showed the most depth; and Bell just stayed the same and very shallow character wise

Sep 5, 2023 11:11 PM

Aug 2018
Second time through and I understand so much more. Remarkable writing and foreshadowing. I expect there will be a 5th season and eagerly await it.
Sep 8, 2023 6:34 AM
Jan 2019
Let this man have some rest 😭 and so is Ryu. They straight-up beat an entity stronger than some of the Floor Boss. They definitely deserve to get promoted to Level 5 for that one🙏🏻😭. I think I officially ship Bell and Ryu now, definitely better a better ship than Bell X Ais fight me.
Oct 21, 2023 3:57 AM

Apr 2013
There were three problems in this season for me.
1. They spent waaaaay too much time in the dungeon. In fact I think they stretched the story out in general.
2. The plot armor was too thick this season. I can't count how often Bell should've died or at least not been able to continue fighting, but he just got up and moved around like nothing was wrong seconds after a fatal blow.
3. Bell/Ryu relationship was cringe and forced, please stop turning this show into a harem.

6/10, weakest Danmachi season so far.
Nov 1, 2023 1:34 PM

Jun 2010
I'm super late to the Danmachi IV party, but just finished it. Have to say it was probably the best season out of them all or at least up there with S1. I don't agree about the complaint above saying there was too much time in a dungeon. It's literally in the title of the show... and I'm a sucker for good old fashioned dungeon crawling.. and finally full season of it! I do miss some of the Familia politics up on the surface but I think we already had alot of that already. Lots of character development too which was nice, and great to see Ryu's arc fully resolved and in such great detail. Only negative for me was Ais wasn't in it at all outside of a few flashblacks... and Hestia got limited screen-time as well. But overall, I enjoyed it immensely and binged it all in one night. Can't wait for the future seasons and see where they go from here. 9/10 <3
WallenwhatsitNov 1, 2023 1:45 PM

Nov 3, 2023 1:55 AM

Oct 2008
That was a nice ending, pretty happy Lion's problems were completely resolved. I didn't really care much for the Astrea familia, but the way the introduced them and then finally showed how they were slaughtered really communicated how Lion felt. With as much development as she got up to now, was half expecting her to join the Hestia family but that didn't happen.

Overall, this was better than the first part but still had plenty of things I didn't like.The pacing felt really slow and dragged out. We had things like when they really struggled to find 5 minutes to get some sleep but then spent half an episode strolling through the dungeon talking about justice and other random things without any encounters. Or all of the times they get surrounded out of nowhere, like how does that even happen? I get that you encounter enemies when you move forward, but how do you not notice 100 mobs following behind you?

Nov 22, 2023 4:09 AM

Jun 2010
I just LOVE how Bell said "fuck it" and went head on with the monster. Ryu and the spirits of her friends was cool and cute too.
They KO'd that thing for good this time.

The one thing that annoyed me is how the xenos are still left pretending not to be "too smart" of friendly.. Like why did they have to leave before the rest of the gang got to Bell and Ryu? That would have been a sweet and perfect moment. It's little things like this that always piss me off sometimes. Lol at the catgirl jumping up and down that whole scene. cute

Oh the three girls are the the bar girls! I was wondering for a minute. All three of them are super cute. The two catgirls are too much with those cat words. lol

lol at Ryu running in and having her robe fall off. I don't think I ever saw her react so much and cutely.

OMG THAT'S RYU?! O.O :D She is beautiful! They are basically on a date. lol
Hahaha he said it now.. (the truth, she really in cute when smiling) And she is out of here.... LOL

Did you hear that. After she asked her friend what she should do. We hear say "don't let him get away" haha Looks like Ryu confirmed official member of the harem now!

Wow.. THAT was a brutal arc for the MC and Ryu. How many times did they almost die? All that fighting and exp.. They both better level at least once after this.

It got a little too dark though early on in the season and then at the end in the flashback. I don't want to see a bunch of young woman get ripped apart. That was a little too much for my liking in this type of series. Too dark and edgelord.

Dec 23, 2023 7:30 PM
Demon of Hatred

Feb 2015
This has to be the best season by far. The backstory of Lion was so grim and took me by surprise! I hope to see this intensity in the future seasons! Also, might be recency bias but Lion has become my favorite girl on the show! You go girl <3

5/10 for the season
"Life is too bitter, so coffee, at least should be sweet..." - Hikigaya Hachiman (Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatte Iru)
Feb 3, 2024 1:20 AM

May 2017
This season was so fucking good holy shit. What a contrast with season 1 and 2, which were fun and I enjoyed as well, however this was something else. My only complaint would be that the CGI in some parts looked kinda meh, but that's about it. Also if those 2 don't end up together shit's gonna go down. Ais and the oppai loli ain't shit, Ryu best girl hands down.

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