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Most of the good animes are short and the horrid ones are long
Nov 9, 2009 5:11 PM

Aug 2009
I find it that most of the good Animes have very little episodes (12 or 13) but MOST (not all) of the horrible Animes have like 26-50 episodes.

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Nov 9, 2009 5:15 PM

Jun 2008
One word: Fillers. The shorter, the better. Unless the story takes a long time to tell, in that case short isn't the answer.
Nov 9, 2009 5:16 PM

Feb 2009
that's pretty much impossible to answer! i like short anime series (12/13 eps) but all my favourites are longer (24+ eps). so i guess i disagree
Nov 9, 2009 5:18 PM

Dec 2007
inb4 LotGH
Waratte Oemashou Sore ha Chiisana Inori
Nov 9, 2009 5:22 PM
Mar 2009
Two words: Fullmetal Alchemist.

Thread debunked, lets move on with our lives now.

Nov 9, 2009 5:36 PM

Jun 2008
I have to disagree...but only because that's a really general statement to make. Some short series are terrible, some are great - some long series are awesome and some...aren't. It just depends on the story that's being told. Fillers generally suck, but they can be fun, too. (I usually have to be in the mood for them.) ^_^;

So, my real choice would be "Sometimes agree."

It's really all just personal preference...for example chinlamp stated above that Fullmetal Alchemist proves this thread's statement to be false. However, I have several friends who found the show to be boring and not worth their time.

My advice would be to not rule out a series just because it's long, but do some research on it first to see if it's worth your time. (Although you have to be careful of spoilers when doing so.) ^_^;
Nov 9, 2009 5:46 PM

Jul 2008
Kircheis is angered by this thread

Nov 9, 2009 5:49 PM

Nov 2007
Completely untrue. There are plenty of excellent double cours series, and a number of great triple+ ones too. Though it is true that *in general* long series are rather generic kodomo or shounen stuff, there are always exceptions. GTO was 47 episodes, for instance. LoGH and Monster are widely renowned (though I've yet to finish either >.>) Death Note was three cours though IMHO it went to shit after the second. Kenichi was 50 episodes and is a brilliant comedy. I could go on.

The point is, there are lots of great series over a 13 episodes.
Nov 9, 2009 5:50 PM

May 2009
The longer series (24+) are definitely better because when they are good, the are superior over the 11-13 episode ones, often having more depth, development and special moments.
Nov 9, 2009 6:25 PM

Aug 2009
It's not true that good animes are short, because there are both short animes and long ones that are good. IMHO, short for Elfen lied, haruhi and long for LotGH.
We are the United. Even in defeat we stand united.

Nov 9, 2009 6:35 PM

Aug 2009
I disagree, many great series can have more than 13 episodes.
Nov 9, 2009 6:35 PM

Apr 2009
The best anime fall right in the 24 episode range.
This is a serious post. You're not allowed to delete it.
Nov 9, 2009 7:03 PM

Aug 2009
I disagree.

For me, good Anime is not about long or short. When they drag the show just to get more money, it starts to go downhill for me. I don't mind if it's a 12,24,42,100 episodes, as long as it doesn't get repetitive, and follows the main story line or manga, which means, no fillers and such.
Nov 9, 2009 7:12 PM

Jan 2009
Like everyone else i also disagree. LoGH may very well be the best anime out there and it is a 110 episodes. One Piece is over 400 episodes and is still amazing and original. Monster is 74 episodes, GTO 43, Nana 47, Eureka 7 50 episodes and such on. All are good, it's about story progression, pacing, characters ect...
Nov 9, 2009 7:19 PM

Mar 2007
Animefan1929 said:
I find it that most of the good Animes have very little episodes (12 or 13) but MOST (not all) of the horrible Animes have like 26-50 episodes.

An extreme over-generalization on your behalf I might comment, maybe you should get to watching a bit more anime over a variety of genres to broaden your perspective. ;)
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Nov 9, 2009 7:27 PM

Jun 2007
As I've aged, becoming a nicer person with each passing year, I've had less and less patience with lengthy series. I tend to get bored once the 'new' shine has worn off, even with epics like LotGH. No matter how good, after awhile something lengthy will get old. That's why people don't simply keep rewatching their favourite anime, or replaying their favourite games; they crave something new.

In order to defeat this problem, I've come up with a solution: stick to movies and OVAs. That way, I'll be watching something new every day, preventing me from getting bored and adding to my on-hold list. It's ingenious, really. I'm even able to hold out until the end of most 4-5 content this way.

Until I've watched EVERY movie and OVA I'm interested in, I'll be staying away from watching any TV series not currently airing. My plan is working too well for me to change it, my anime list growing more and more each day.
Nov 9, 2009 9:19 PM

Nov 2009
I personally disagree with the statement that shorter animes (12-13) episodes are better for a number of reasons... 1. The fact that it has less episodes generally means that it was not popular enough to the masses to produce more. 2. There are exceptions to that though for instance maybe the writer merely wanted to create or shorter anime in which case it was on him/her and not due to popularity but to that I say that I prefer the longer animes (24+) because it shows more time spent on developing a more complex and lengthy plot which you won't find in shorter animes. 3. and finally I prefer longer animes because it is like a piece of candy, I prefer to have something that will last longer then be done with it before I even knew that it started...

of course after saying this it also depends on the anime, sometimes writers will stretch out an anime creating repition or fillers/flashbacks in which case it would have probably been better to have just kept it short. Also while I did say shorter ones have less plot development there are talented Anime writers who have been able to pull of an excellent and complex plot in a short anime... But after saying all this my statement still stands shorter anime for the most part are not as good as longer anime.
Nov 9, 2009 9:34 PM

Apr 2009
I have to say that short series are better.

They are better because they are short.


Anyway, I've seen bad short animes and good long animes. But as a whole I prefer shorter series simply because I can watch more of them (and therefore don't get stuck watching a mediocre series for all that long).

However, I disagree with the query, because while there are (more, imo) good short anime and bad long anime, there are good long anime and therefore not all good anime are short.
Confucius say man who stand on toilet is high on pot.
Nov 9, 2009 10:08 PM

Dec 2007
Legend Of The Galactic Heroes and La Maison En Petits Cubes, two of the best anime I've seen with one being 110 episodes and the other being about 15 minutes.

Nov 9, 2009 10:13 PM

Nov 2008
lotsa genuinely bad animes are short. If an anime is long (50 episodes +), chances are they were successful enough to hold a fanbase to watch them for so long.

Lotsa fanservice series are short, OVA or 12 ~ 13 episodes long. They are not known for their quality storytelling.

Anyway, the greatness of a series isn't related to its size.
Eo tempore, cum tibi occuri,
Mihi vita laeta fuit,
Cum autem te nusquam conspexi,
Eo tempore mortem cognovi
Nov 9, 2009 11:53 PM
May 2008
Animefan1929 said:
I find it that most of the good Animes have very little episodes (12 or 13) but MOST (not all) of the horrible Animes have like 26-50 episodes.


Or... just make a dumb generalization and let everyone else debate it I guess.

Nov 10, 2009 12:01 AM

Jun 2009
OP, please watch more anime before you post on these message boards and assume your right. Because, your wrong. A good anime is good, regardless of length.
"Yes, I have been deprived of emotion. But not completely. Whoever did it, botched the job."

- Geralt of Rivia
Nov 10, 2009 12:30 AM

May 2008
I completly disagree!

Best animes has 26 or over. The more the better.

The short ones tends to not get the story out imo cause its to short.
Not always ofc.

GTO, Death Note, Samurai Champloo and so on is great animes with good debt in the story lines.

One of the only animes I really connected with which had 12-13 eps was Sengoku BASARA.

Nov 10, 2009 12:40 AM

Mar 2009
In general, I prefer shorter series, provided that they utilize the length to the optimum which means enough character development, smooth plot progress (not rushed or too slow) and logical happenings (not something random).

As for long anime, they aren't all that bad (depending on one's preference though). It's just that long anime have the tendency to drag on, esp true when they add fillers. Most anime fillers suck (the only one I've seen which was great would be Saiyuki Reload's and Saiyuki Gunlock's). Some of the long anime also tend to fall into the trap of being repetitive.

But overall, it depends on your taste and how well the plot is developed throughout the series.
Nov 10, 2009 2:59 AM

Feb 2005
You just can't have the supreme level of depth in characters and story like you see in LotGH (without feeling rushed and half finished) in 12-20 episodes.
But that being said, you seldom see any series even attempting at such a level of depth, and I would certainly rather see a series that know it's limitations rather than drone on with filler and dragging things out needlessly.

So in short, really good long series will always beat short ones, 12-20 episodes will never give you a proper epic feeling, it would just be too short.
Short series will have to make do with being memorable through more limited and more shallow plots and characters, which, judging by the recent releases, seems to be far easier to pull off than going on for hundreds of episodes without resorting to filler or loosing momentum.

It also depends on what genre. A comedy series will often be better short, as to not be too repetitive and reuse all it's jokes, whereas a story and character centered war drama will always be better if it's long and grand.
Nov 10, 2009 5:15 AM
Nov 2009
Yes, i think so too, one i like very much is kimi ga nozumi eien. 12-13 episodes. Very good story.
Nov 10, 2009 5:22 AM

Nov 2008
Maybe the topic title should be changed to "the animes I like are short and the animes I dislike are long."
Eo tempore, cum tibi occuri,
Mihi vita laeta fuit,
Cum autem te nusquam conspexi,
Eo tempore mortem cognovi
Nov 10, 2009 5:25 AM
Oct 2009
characters plot theme are factors 2 determine if a anime is good or not...i dunno about length
Nov 27, 2009 5:49 AM

May 2009
Most, not all. And there are long anime, although few, that are good (One Piece, for example).
Nov 27, 2009 6:50 AM

Apr 2009
nah disagree...
Gintama - i'd like to see 1000 of episodes of that x)))
sarcastic comedy + epic speeches about life and stuff never bores me)

onepiece - drama adventures pirate fights are never boring...

damn Legend Of The Galactic Heroes seems to be quite a popular show here ... i have to watch it.
Nov 27, 2009 7:13 AM

Apr 2009
Not really, there's great anime of all lengths. Its just, most anime lasts for 25 eps or longer and so Sturgeon's Law plus basic statistics indicate that most of the crud will be, as well.
No problem is insoluble in all conceivable circumstances.
Nov 27, 2009 9:39 PM

Aug 2008
Hell, no. It still depends. Majority of the best shows that I have seen fall under the 24-26 episodes category.

Nov 27, 2009 9:41 PM
Oct 2009
there are good animes with lots of eps, and good animes with 12/13 eps

a lot of my personal favorites are 24/26 eps though, but thats coincidence more than anything.
Nov 28, 2009 4:46 AM

Aug 2009
some of my favourites are medium-length (like 24-50) but I would never expect to get through any of those ones that are like...100+. I just can't believe that anything can stay really good for that long.
Nov 28, 2009 7:56 AM

Aug 2009
I prefer anime be longer than 12-13 episodes, especially if it is a series I really liked. . Heck some of those series I would love if they exceeded 50-100 episodes. If you really like or love a particular series then you do not want to see it end. I do not mind watching short animes but it seems that when I get done with the last episode I am like "IS that it? I want more."
ezikialrageNov 28, 2009 8:02 AM
Nov 28, 2009 8:16 AM
Nov 2009
Some series that contain 12-25episodes are good to watch because they stay on track with the storyline, while the others have to drag the storyline out in order to keep the anime good.
Nov 28, 2009 10:09 AM

Oct 2009
I disagree. And agree. I"m in between. Some of my favorite series are long and some are short, that's just how it is.
Nov 28, 2009 11:26 AM

Sep 2008
it all depends on the series, some series can be covered in 12-13 episodes, other need to be longer, but they both have their bad and good. but rarely very rarely is an anime good over the 24-26 episode mark. They kinda like prophets they come around every once and a while and just do amazingly well.
It doesn't think, it doesn't feel, it doesn't laugh or cry..... All it does from dusk till dawn is make the soldiers die.
Nov 28, 2009 11:52 AM

Feb 2005
tizara said:
I just can't believe that anything can stay really good for that long.
I guess you're right about that. LoGH is no exception. After all, it doesn't stay very good, it just gets better and better.
Nov 28, 2009 2:50 PM

Apr 2009
I think the incredibly short series have no impact on me, leaving me to forget about them.

I think series with about 26 epsiodes are good but still i feel upset when they finish..

i think shows with 30+ are better.
Nov 28, 2009 8:24 PM

Jun 2008
An anime is "good" when it succeeds on what it is trying to do. ie, a romantic series that actually ends with a decent amount of character developments. An action-packed series that show a somewhat refreshing style of fighting and doesn't fully depend on rapid level-ups. A drama that gets most of the viewers emotional. Etc. The length of the show doesn't really matter.
Nov 28, 2009 8:35 PM

Jun 2009
Tachii said:
An anime is "good" when it succeeds on what it is trying to do. ie, a romantic series that actually ends with a decent amount of character developments. An action-packed series that show a somewhat refreshing style of fighting and doesn't fully depend on rapid level-ups. A drama that gets most of the viewers emotional. Etc. The length of the show doesn't really matter.

This I completely agree with. Length doesn't matter, it's if the show accomplishes its goals that matters.
"Yes, I have been deprived of emotion. But not completely. Whoever did it, botched the job."

- Geralt of Rivia
Nov 28, 2009 9:04 PM
Nov 2009
rebekah said:
I think the incredibly short series have no impact on me, leaving me to forget about them.

I think series with about 26 epsiodes are good but still i feel upset when they finish..

i think shows with 30+ are better.

Not that I'm impatient or anything, but I tend to lean towards watching shorter series. I like when the plot moves quickly and can wrap up; the fact that there is a sequel is an incentive to watching.

Even though I voted agree, I still think that a series is judged by quality, not quantity. Although an ideal size for me is between 20-50 episodes in a single season, I've enjoyed anime that had shorter and longer arcs.
Nov 28, 2009 10:05 PM

Jan 2009
It all depends on what anime it is.
Iv seen a good amount of excellent long animes and short.
Nov 28, 2009 11:29 PM

Sep 2008
i love longer series, despite the filler, u get to b with ur fav characters longer :)

i dont watch many shorter than 24/26 unless theres a second season :)
Dec 11, 2009 2:35 AM

May 2009
Now now, I believe it doesn't really matter if it has 12 eps or 52 eps, what matters is production value.

Simply put, the long anime tend to be victims of corporate marketing. Just take a look at Naruto and Bleach, both good series, then it just gets to the point where those who have a shred of intellect, wonder, whens it going to end, cause things just randomly come up, and nothing really seems to get resolved, because it brings the businesses money, so why would they end it.

Another thing I believe is anime tend to be really good, when you can see the artists passion for the work they do, Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo, two really good series, both made by the same people, had a very visible passion.
Dec 11, 2009 2:51 AM

Dec 2008
Death-the-Kid said:
It all depends on what anime it is.
Iv seen a good amount of excellent long animes and short.

Yeah me too.

I personally prefer a bit of length. I enjoy seeing characters fully fleshed out with a good amount of growth.
Dec 11, 2009 2:59 AM
Aug 2008
I disagree. The only one good short anime was Interlude (3 ep.)
Others not deserve this.
Dec 11, 2009 4:58 AM

Dec 2008
takumi said:

I find it that most of the good Animes have very little episodes (12-50) but MOST (not all) of the horrible Animes have like 50-100 episodes.

Paradox_SpiralDec 11, 2009 5:02 AM
Dec 11, 2009 5:01 AM

Apr 2009
CDRW said:
The best anime fall right in the 24 episode range.

I generally agree.
Anything up to this number is normally decent.
I dislike when it gets beyond, wiht certain exceptions like D.Gray-man/FMA/E7

Generally there are good animes in every range O_O
Beyond 100 ->200 *hint* normally gets a bit tedious wiht all the dam fillers.

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