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Aug 14, 2018 3:11 PM

Aug 2018
Hmm, I have two main reasons for sure where I would drop a series:

- If I can't manage to connect to the characters emotionally.
- I'm not enjoying the show after all.
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Please come drink tea, eat cake and procrastinate at the Cute Girls Doing Cute Things Club. We have simulwatches! \o/
Aug 14, 2018 3:12 PM

Aug 2015
Nothing. I don't pick up an anime if I'm not fully confident that I'd finish it.
Aug 14, 2018 3:17 PM
Dragon Idol

May 2017
If I hear it contains things I either find distasteful, and/or when the genres aren't to my liking.
Aug 14, 2018 3:18 PM

Sep 2015
- Negative reviews
- Low score
- Too long or too short
- Bad art or animation
Aug 14, 2018 3:42 PM
Aug 2018
If i feel like the 20 ish minutes episodes startes to feel like alot more and im just waiting and waiting for it to be done with the episode for the next. Then it feels like i'm forcing myself into the anime and then i'm ussually dropping it cause of it.
Aug 14, 2018 3:44 PM

May 2014
Procrastination is the biggest one.
Aug 14, 2018 4:11 PM

May 2018
- bad animation (bothers me a lot for some reason)
- annoying anime girls (almost all of them)
- bad plot
- too long (that's the problem with me, I can't begin to watch an anime with too many episodes)
- dull (watching becomes forced)

fandoms don't bother me that much, yet
Aug 14, 2018 4:17 PM
Aug 2018
Overhyped, too mainstream/pressure to love it, bad art style, or uninteresting story
Aug 14, 2018 4:52 PM

Jan 2018
Accidentally spoiling myself upon entering a hyped anime thread.
Aug 14, 2018 5:03 PM
Jul 2018
If it dosnt have an Blood gore or fighting then i wont watch it
If the characters are boring and not very interesting
or i just generally lose interest
Aug 14, 2018 5:09 PM

Aug 2018
I discard a show generally if the main character is a wuss. You get the feel for the characters pretty soon and for far too many shows you can discard the MC as a wuss within the first couple of minutes
Aug 14, 2018 5:14 PM
Sep 2017
If theres Pedophilic themes, specially if the two MC's are an adult and a loli, ill instantly drop.

Aug 14, 2018 5:28 PM
Oct 2016
Bad CGI. Dropped Planet With this season because of that. Also, annoying voices on recurring characters. For example, that one type of character you get sometimes, usually a loli, where they have a high pitched squeaky voice.
Aug 14, 2018 5:58 PM

Apr 2018
Not feeling the slightest bit of interest in the first 4 episodes.
Aug 14, 2018 6:02 PM

Jan 2013
Lack of cute girls. The opposite guaranteed I'll at least put it on my ptw.
Aug 14, 2018 6:04 PM
May 2017
joykiller91 said:
...if you don't watch that type of genre.

No. Watching an anime series of some genre I am not used to can become a great experience.

joykiller91 said:
Does the fanbase affect your decisions?...Do reviews help?

An anime series fanbase does not affect my decision because its bias does not allow me make a value judgment. Good reviews, even considering its authors' bias, help decide if I will watch a series, not if I will drop it.

joykiller91 said: it...the story...?

Yes. The story or its characters' development can make me drop an anime series.
Mene, mene, tekel, parsin
Aug 14, 2018 7:02 PM
Ready to Ruffle

Oct 2014
I'm generally very open to different kinds of anime, I actually make an active effort to watch anime of varying types and qualities. However, one thing that stops me from watching series from time-to-time is when people won't stop saying "you HAVE to watch this" but without actually saying why or why they think I would enjoy it.

Main examples include TTGL and LotGH. I've gotten so tired of hearing it, I don't know if I'll ever watch them even if they're a "must-watch" or they're something I would actually enjoy (and I very rarely explicitly not enjoy something).
Aug 14, 2018 7:06 PM

Feb 2015
A bland protagonist. So basically 99% of light novel adaptations.
Aug 14, 2018 7:10 PM

Dec 2016
at this point, alien looking girls in the cover is one of the few off-putting reasons remaining
Aug 14, 2018 7:35 PM

Aug 2015
When the show goes 11/10 ecchi, it kinda turns me off.
Aug 14, 2018 7:35 PM

Apr 2015
1) If the show is bad (exam: story, characters, narration, pacing, aesthetic. etc)
2) Lack of interest.
Aug 14, 2018 8:03 PM

Jun 2017
Not enjoying the series that much and the score is nothing special to continue for just the score I always trust the MAL scores
Aug 14, 2018 8:07 PM

Apr 2018
Most of the anime I watch are ones where I can latch onto the male main character.

So, if the anime has a weak male lead, I'm out.
Aug 14, 2018 9:02 PM

Mar 2018
At first, I look at the cover art, if it’s too crap I’m not watching it.

If I feel like it’s too long I’m not watching it or delaying it. If the synopsis sounds stupid and I don’t like the tags I probably won’t watch it.

If I don’t like the character design I’m dropping it. That’s that. I know, pretty petty of me. This is my biggest pet peeve, crappy character designs...

If the animation or story is bad I’m dropping it.

Aug 14, 2018 9:05 PM
Jun 2017
joykiller91 said:

Ooh Isekai huh. I love Isekai :)) Maybe coz I keep dreaming of being in other places so it doesn't bother me much that it's generic settings lol.
What Isekai did you like?

Only No Game No Life was good for me, though Re:Zero, Konosuba and Over Lord was decent enough, re: creator was creative enough to make the cut, (have yet to watch Log Horizon, I save that for sometime later). Most of the other ones I've watch are just mediocre at best. Usually, if it's 3 episodes in and they still expect us to know the world they made instead doing the world building themselves, i just drop right there (though sometime you can tell that just from the premise). If not, comedy or uniqueness usually a saving grace. I do agree about the "dreaming of being in other places" though, sometime just read Isekai manga (save time) for guilty pleasure but never really remember any of them
Aug 14, 2018 9:13 PM
Jan 2009
Well, the Netflix USA licensing of "Sirius the Jaeger" is blocking me from watching it legally.
Aug 14, 2018 10:34 PM

Apr 2017
If i'm not invested into the story whatsoever.

If it's so predictable that watching it to the end is not necessary, especially if it's long.

If it becomes incredibly boring.
Only in death are we all equal.
Aug 14, 2018 10:41 PM

Sep 2017
The anime I usually end up dropping are comedy shows since I can get bored of the jokes very fast, I love certain comedy anime (like Asobi Asobase, Nichijou, Osomatsu-san, etc) because the jokes are usually very entertaining and non-repetitive.
Aside from comedy though, I usually drop anime if I get bored during episodes, I never drop stuff based off of ratings or reviews since everybody has different tastes that won't match mine, but usually if the show is just bland or uninteresting with boring characters as well then I'll probably stop watching it.
Aug 14, 2018 10:56 PM
Oct 2017
When my dad or my other dad catches me jacking it to anime I have to stop using their laptop to watch it
Aug 14, 2018 11:07 PM

May 2009
joykiller91 said:
GlennMagusHarvey said:
Whether or not it annoys me.

This could be a number of things, such as:
* I tried it out and the premise or the fanservice or the characters' personalities annoyed me.
* The people around me are getting annoying in their hyping about it.
* I just don't like the art style.

Review score is not a factor in whether I watch something. If anything, I'm more likely to be curious about it if the score is lower.

For me to be annoyed by the story, and not just the premise, would require me to be very far into the series.

Oooh curious, what anime annoyed you with it's fanhype? X)

Same with review scores. Haha though most times it's correct for me.
That's a good question that I haven't thought much about yet.

Fan hype tends to make me not too interested in starting something until later after the hype dies down, so it's sort of only a temporary factor, as opposed to art style or premise which are sorta built into the show. Also, fan hype doesn't make me dislike the show itself -- that's usually just based on my own tastes anyway. But it can make it not feel "fresh" I guess.

I don't think i've really maintained a list of shows where the fan hype annoyed me and made me avoid the show, but off the top of my head...

* Legend of the Galactic Heroes: this is the show that is like the elitist meme show. I don't have anything against the show itself, but if I do watch it it won't be just because people say it's good.
* I joined TV Tropes around 2009 and arrived to see a bunch of people talking about The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya very, very frequently. I only watched the show several years later. And I liked it. And then I was rather stunned to realize no one talked about it anymore -- considering how much it was hailed as a huge gamechanger at the time.
* Little Witch Academia is a show that became a big hit among a number of my friends. I still haven't watched it.
* I'd run into people mentioning the Fate/ franchise since over a decade ago (I remember Red Scarlet, a Super Metroid speedrunner, using Saber in her sig image on a forum dedicated to either speedrunning or Metroid), but something about it just hasn't
* It's possible that there are some shows I might have checked out already if not for people egging me on to try it. Rahxephon is a possibility.
* All those mentions of Code Geass and Death Note haven't gotten me to want to watch them; I still don't want to. Heck, I kinda want to watch FMAB but I still haven't watched that either.

In general though I think it's not really very specific to a series. Generally, if I would like a show, I would still be interested in it if it became popular. LotGH, LWA, Code Geass, Death Note, and the Fate/ shows aren't shows that would interest me much in the first place. Haruhi originally didn't, and I later picked it up arguably because I was curious after what the hype was all about. Meanwhile, if it's something I like, it's probably just ended up on my PTW list anyway -- Kobayashi's Maid Dragon, WIXOSS, and Ghost in the Shell are examples of stuff my friends have chattered about and have thus ended up on my PTW (GitS in particular was specifically recommended to me).

That said, if a show is currently running and being hyped, I might not jump on the show just yet. For example I am interested in Darling in the FranXX but I know I'm actively avoiding mentions of it because I want to go into it with as little foreknowledge as possible. And I think this is part of why I avoid fan hype -- I almost inevitably start something after other people do, which means if I try to join in the hype, I'll just faceplant into spoilers, whereas I value a sense of discovery that goes with watching the story unfold.

Also I once lived with a housemate who basically hyped over everything. I actually watched less anime and played fewer games during that time, I think, partly because having someone near me who was constantly into this stuff actually kinda burned me out on it somewhat.

Also I think this sorta has been more of a thing for videogames than anime. Like, I can think of Undertale and Dark Souls as two examples of games I think I might enjoy, but which I've largely avoided mostly to avoid the hype surrounding them and the inevitable incessant mentions.
GlennMagusHarveyAug 14, 2018 11:14 PM
Avatar character is Gabriel from Gabriel DropOut.
Aug 14, 2018 11:20 PM

Apr 2018
Nithirel said:
I drop series/and or don't even attempt to watch them mostly off the following:

- character design (example of bad being clannad)
- lolis (I don't mean actual children, but high school-aged females who look like they're 8 years old)
- aged animation (if the story/concept is good I can handle it, but there isn't many)
- an MC I can't somehow relate to (which is why I couldn't watch Assassination Classroom, only likable character was Koro imo)
- excessive fan service/ecchi (anything that's worse than Fairy Tail is too much for me)

There's probably some more, but those are some of them.

Yeah, I hear you with Clannad ><
I don't think I watch much anime with loli in it.. Hmm but yeah Ig that's also not my thing. But it's getting a lot of tractions the recent years.
Yeah excessive fan service can be annoying too. *looking at you One Piece*
"When I decided to follow my dream, I had already discarded my life.” -Roronoa Zoro
Aug 14, 2018 11:22 PM

Apr 2018
9mm_Revy said:
for me it would be a variety of reasons such as: terrible art/animation, terrible VA, poorly written or repetitive story, or the show just has too many episodes.

Curious, What's an example example that you dropped?
Oh so what's the longest anime episode you've watched?
"When I decided to follow my dream, I had already discarded my life.” -Roronoa Zoro
Aug 14, 2018 11:22 PM

Apr 2018
Parantica said:
joykiller91 said:

Actually.. I'm also not into the ecchi, moe, harem ones X)
Curious, what an anime that is "so bad it's good"? Hahaha

Animes like Ousama game, Mayoiga, Gakuen Handsome, etc... So bad that it's entertaining

I only heard of Gakuen Handsome.. and saw the stills hahahahah. Looks so bad :))) maybe I'll give it a peak lol
"When I decided to follow my dream, I had already discarded my life.” -Roronoa Zoro
Aug 14, 2018 11:26 PM

Oct 2017
The fanbase, reviews, etc are irrelevant... It's either because it gets really annoying, or it's just me losing interest in such anime over time...
Aug 14, 2018 11:31 PM

Apr 2018
Firechick12012 said:
Ooooh boy, it's VERY easy for me to drop an anime/manga/book/show, surprisingly enough. Here's a simple list of things that turn me off:

1. Sexual harassment played for comedy (Such as boob grabbing).
2. Excessive ecchi fanservice in general.
3. Boring, hateful, or unlikeable characters.
4. If a show goes in a certain direction that makes no sense.
5. Creepy stuff that doesn't sit right with me.

I just dropped this one manga called Red River, said by many to be absolutely fantastic and awesome, because one of the main character's touched a girl's breasts against her will and even tried to rape her a few times...and he's touted as the main love interest! It's also the reason why I can't bring myself to watch shows like Love Live, Haruhi Suzumiya, or Nagi no Asukara, because ANY piece of media that plays sexual harassment for comedy, especially someone violating someone else's boundaries and touching them inappropriately, is a big NO for me.

Ooooh I love Red River.. X)). I think he does apologize for the rape thing? I can't recall well. But yeah there are some sexual scenes in there. Maybe I'm just forgiving since it wasn't done for the comedy. I don't like the comedic ones (the boob grab as you said) because it's annoying and nothing comes of it. Though I don't really watch much of that genre to give examples. Maybe you can skip the part where he does and read from there haha the story gets better.

Agree so much with ecchi fanservice. *sigh* I really hope One Piece just stops at the fanservice and doesn't go the ecchi route too.

Curious, what creepy stuff would that be?
"When I decided to follow my dream, I had already discarded my life.” -Roronoa Zoro
Aug 14, 2018 11:31 PM

Apr 2018
MrAwesome2018 said:
When it's episode count is too damn high.

Lmao, so what's the longest episode count you've watched?
"When I decided to follow my dream, I had already discarded my life.” -Roronoa Zoro
Aug 14, 2018 11:34 PM

Apr 2018
ShadowMonkey said:
cool-looking cover artwork, promising advertisement ----> shitty low-quality show

nothing pisses me off more than that

Reminds me of when I first went to watch SAO :(( so disappointed.
What anime were those for you?
"When I decided to follow my dream, I had already discarded my life.” -Roronoa Zoro
Aug 14, 2018 11:35 PM

Apr 2018
MemeLoner said:
>A boring story who goes nowhere
>Lame characters,boring,one-dimensional and non-likable
>A predictable plot,
>Stupid decisions/situations characters get through
>Weird art.

Hahahah I still get angry when characters make such stupid ass decisions :))
"When I decided to follow my dream, I had already discarded my life.” -Roronoa Zoro
Aug 14, 2018 11:35 PM

Apr 2018
Gailo said:
The story. I don't watch anything that sounds boring.
I don't care about the genre, animation or average rating, as long as it sounds interesting.

AAah more for the plot huh, what types do you usually consider boring?
"When I decided to follow my dream, I had already discarded my life.” -Roronoa Zoro
Aug 14, 2018 11:39 PM

Apr 2018
Seiya said:
joykiller91 said:

Curious, What would you say is a horrible art style? :)

I consider the majority of Anime from the 2000s and 2010s to be horrible art styles. I grew up with 80s and 90s Anime, so I'm not into much of the newer stuff.

If I look hard enough, I can find some okay looking stuff from the early 2000s, but stuff from 2006 to present are much worse looking for me.

Lol had to google what 2010 look like :)) yeah I get the art style difference. I grew up with the 90s.
The feel from then to now is way different.

Though I think for the present art I more or else am good except if it looks like Clannad. w/c is weird since I like Saber Marionette J.. Hmm :))
"When I decided to follow my dream, I had already discarded my life.” -Roronoa Zoro
Aug 14, 2018 11:40 PM

Apr 2018
Prankster_001 said:
Well the one that stops me from watching an anime is if they use too much of the plot,the fanservice and of course the predictable bad animation and in some cases i often read the reviews of that anime b4 i watch it

What do you mean in "use too much of the plot"?
"When I decided to follow my dream, I had already discarded my life.” -Roronoa Zoro
Aug 14, 2018 11:41 PM

Apr 2018
Swagernator said:
When that anime series suddenly turns gay.

Lmao how does one suddenly turn gay? Curious, what anime is this? X)
"When I decided to follow my dream, I had already discarded my life.” -Roronoa Zoro
Aug 14, 2018 11:43 PM

Mar 2012
- Seeing a blonde character on the cover image giving off strong tsundere vibes
- Description mentioning anything about yakuza, gangs, thugs or alcoholics
- Fans mentioning how good the fights or "powerful" the characters are, not interested in power levels or fights
- Seeing a lot of ecchi pics from the series in forum sigs or avatars
- Fujos being obsessed with some mxm ship in the anime, chances are that its some crappy fujo-bait with an abusive guy involved
Aug 14, 2018 11:44 PM
Aug 2018
Not a lot really just something like bad character development, unappealing plot, and an unattractive animation Style kind of will put me off
Aug 14, 2018 11:45 PM

Apr 2018
Anatithe said:
That's a bit too vague of a question to have a definitive answer for. Started? Completely new? Following seasons? You need to be more clear.

You can't judge a story if you have not seen the anime or explored it via different means. You can judge the premise of the said story, however.

There are multiple aspects one can dislike and they may not apply to any other series.

I don't have a general reason for not watching or picking up series outside of the characters, genre and/or poor salesmanship.

It's usually a collective of details that may drive me away, which differ from case to case basis.

Reviews have never been helpful.

It seems like the established structure currently is:

<something pretentious/a story of your life that nobody asked for/insert random quotes>
<unnecessarily drawn out wall of text that hardly mentions anything of note>
<a summary that is probably (not very often) better than the whole wall of text>

You're not writing a book, mate.

Synopsis is not any better.

I made it vague because people have different styles. Like some comments don't even start the anime before deciding they don't like it just from the story or the art cover. Some say it depends on while they are watching~~ just don't want to limit the answers since I'm curious to know how people choose what they watch/continue watching :)

True enough. But doesn't stop people from doing so hahaha. Some even say the episode counts stop them. Preference~

Reviews are hit or miss for me tho I have never once relied on it before watching. I read up after to check if others have a similar feelings with mine heheh.
"When I decided to follow my dream, I had already discarded my life.” -Roronoa Zoro
Aug 14, 2018 11:46 PM

Apr 2018
-Zephyr- said:
The more people bug me to watch it and talk about it, the less likely I am to ever watch it.

HAHA. I get this. It's like when I'm being told to do chores when I already decided to do them it makes me wanna not do it anymore. :))
"When I decided to follow my dream, I had already discarded my life.” -Roronoa Zoro
Aug 14, 2018 11:53 PM

Dec 2012
-It's boring
-I hate most of the characters
-It's annoying or frustrating to watch
-It's offensive
-It's got huge amount of episodes (like 200+) since they're usually disappointing
-It's one of those titles most people say is soul crushingly depressing since I'm not a masochist
KruszerAug 14, 2018 11:59 PM
"The name's Gambit. Remember it."
-Gambit "X-Men '97"

Aug 14, 2018 11:56 PM

Apr 2018
Atsukito said:
There are a few things... but mostly:

- Stupid characters that are TOO CLICHE for my sanity.
- Lolis in general (usually they are too dumb.. sorry loli lovers)
- Like the first reply, fandom too hyped and annoying.

Ah, ah, and stupid harems with too much echi and 0 story.

Curious, what's the anime that turned you off coz of the fandom? :)

Hahah I try to stay away from harems usually since they lose all the story :/
"When I decided to follow my dream, I had already discarded my life.” -Roronoa Zoro
Aug 14, 2018 11:58 PM

Mar 2016
knowing the end,

Code Geass for one.
Aug 14, 2018 11:58 PM

Jan 2017
Here's a fun fact about me!

I'm a different type of anime fan than most people, I don't drop a show if I don't like it, I will finish what I've started. Which is why I've watched through a few series that I wasn't even enjoying.

I haven't seen that many yet but I want to have over 1000 in my list one day!
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