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Do anime fans HATE strong female characters?

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Dec 16, 2016 12:53 AM

Sep 2014
Swiggy said:
I'm kinda speaking more for anime when I type this.

You know why it doesn't usually work? Because creators don't know what to do with their strong female characters. They just make a female strong and that's it. Every now and then, they'll throw in a little backstory to make them seem a little less boring, but they're usually just really lackluster. And that's the better part of the strong female characters. The other bit are strong female characters who are often caught in fanservice moments. So what's the point? And then we have the "strong" female characters who almost always seem to end up as a damsel or defeated so a male character can come in and save them (or not/just watch them get beaten or violated).

Creators seriously need to rethink their female characters and what that means to them. I'd love to look at my favorite character list and see more female characters, but most female characters are just handled so poorly that it's hard to find any you like unless you're seriously like, "Wow, this character is me lol".

When you look at the top male characters just here on MAL... who do you see? Lelouch? Quickly off the top of your head, can you think of too many female characters like Lelouch who were handled well? How about for L? You might be able to find one for Luffy, but more often than not, those female characters end up being straight up obnoxious. My point with the first two though is that female characters are often made with the fact that they're a "female" in mind, but this is a limiter. It limits a creator to what a creator thinks a female is like instead what a female can be or often is. That or the female character will turn out just lifeless or bat shit crazy-- or temperamental.

Like female character creation has started to consist of picking a trope and that's it. Genki. Quiet loli. Hyper loli. Tsundere. Yandere. Perverted. Strong Silent. Weak silent. Emotionless except sometimes. Troubled Silent. Yadda yadda yadda. And there are a LOT of tropes and ya know what I'm not even going to say it's bad to pick one (even though I'd avoid it), but you can't just pick one and stop there then expect your character to be good. If you're going to pick one, you need to expand so much that the trope only served as point A in your final result of point Z.

So I don't blame the Youtube commenter for their comment, because beneath it is a whole other point that even they probably didn't consider. They think strong female characters don't work, but the reality is that creators just make bad strong female characters sometimes.

Man, I'm watching Izetta right now and it's like, yeah of course no one is going to take these "strong" female leads seriously if every time there's a chance they're going to be used for fanservice.

All that being said, there are strong female characters who do work really well in anime and I definitely don't want it to seem like there are absolutely no strong female characters-- or good female characters in general.
I think you resume very well the problem I have with some strong female character.
Dec 16, 2016 1:01 AM

Nov 2009
GlennMagusHarvey said:
On the other hand I did see one ep of Prisma Illya and dropped it promptly. Found it pretty irritating.

Prisma Iliya is like a fanservice OVA that somehow spiraled out of hand and grew to three seasons. I think it gets really good at some point, but I don't recommend even starting it unless you've seen at least one of F/SN's adaptations.

Wensbane said:
I'm in the minority here but I actually like the F/SN anime, to be honest. I'd give it a try.

I liked it too. It was my first anime of the Fate franchise, and it worked fine.

Wensbane said:
I didn't play the VN so if there are deviations from the source material, I don't really care. No sex scenes I guess, lol.

F/SN the anime grabs a few ideas out of other routes of the VN, but it's okay. It also cuts out sex scenes, replacing one with CG dragons.
But most importantly, people who have read the VN find it easier to understand that Emiya Shiro is a pretty screwed-up person, not your generic schoolboy.

@Swiggy I disagree that one cannot take a female character that has fanservice moments seriously. For any value of "take seriously".
I agree with the overall problem that you outlined, though.
flannanDec 16, 2016 1:14 AM
Dec 16, 2016 1:57 AM

Aug 2007
flannan said:
rom my limited experience in falling in love, no, falling in love with a character is not much different from falling in love with a person. Except characters are even less likely to love you back (unless you associate yourself with one of the show's characters).

This is not love. This is delusion. Especially the last sentence entirely.
Dec 16, 2016 9:12 AM

May 2015
Bourmegar said:
TheBrainintheJar said:
This is a general problem in fiction which comes from a patriarchal view that women are best at nurturing and being at home.

Nothing new, and I don't care if my female characters swing weapons or not. I only care if they have a personality.
And that is the right thing to do.

Personality trumps all and makes Characters likeable. Strength doesn't do that.

As much as I love feminism, I find their focus on 'warrior women' annoying. Look at Freezing. It's full of women that kill epic aliens, yet they lack character development (Still better than Token Female Warrior in Western films, like Star Wars VII). Strength is stats, not personality. That's basic stuff you learn in roleplaying.
WEAPONS - My blog, for reviews of music, anime, books, and other things
Dec 16, 2016 10:15 AM

Sep 2014
Codename_ZQ said:
What exactly is it you are referring to?
Well, I talk about what It's in the spoiler button...
Maybe you're right about this girl can be good (I don't watch Magi) but this kind of scene doesn't appeal me at all to begin the show. I mean the "little girl" killing big monsters with blood and such this ease makes me reminds some very bad shows-comics (and simply I don't like that.)

But It's my opnion...
Dec 16, 2016 10:32 AM

Oct 2014
TheBrainintheJar said:
Bourmegar said:
And that is the right thing to do.

Personality trumps all and makes Characters likeable. Strength doesn't do that.

As much as I love feminism, I find their focus on 'warrior women' annoying. Look at Freezing. It's full of women that kill epic aliens, yet they lack character development (Still better than Token Female Warrior in Western films, like Star Wars VII). Strength is stats, not personality. That's basic stuff you learn in roleplaying.

Yh Freezing has many issues, the ladies don't get proper development and instead get stripped all the dam time like seriously they can't make proper armor for these girls that are fighting all the dam time?
And yh Star wars Token Female was Boring and somehow learns force techniques and can face a sith in training without proper training.....
Dec 16, 2016 10:52 AM
Sep 2014
what kind of strong female characters. like ghost in the shell major strong or madoka magica magical girl strong?
Dec 16, 2016 10:58 AM

Apr 2016
Balong said:
Codename_ZQ said:
What exactly is it you are referring to?
Well, I talk about what It's in the spoiler button...
Maybe you're right about this girl can be good (I don't watch Magi) but this kind of scene doesn't appeal me at all to begin the show. I mean the "little girl" killing big monsters with blood and such this ease makes me reminds some very bad shows-comics (and simply I don't like that.)

But It's my opnion...
Well she's not little by any means. She's as old as most other main anime characters and has a typical build and height. Honestly it isn't much different from what you'd see from other anime.
Dec 16, 2016 12:06 PM

Jul 2013
Codename_ZQ said:
Balong said:
Well, I talk about what It's in the spoiler button...
Maybe you're right about this girl can be good (I don't watch Magi) but this kind of scene doesn't appeal me at all to begin the show. I mean the "little girl" killing big monsters with blood and such this ease makes me reminds some very bad shows-comics (and simply I don't like that.)

But It's my opnion...
Well she's not little by any means. She's as old as most other main anime characters and has a typical build and height. Honestly it isn't much different from what you'd see from other anime.
Don't forget she is not even a normal human girl, being part from a human subespecies who is very, very stronger than your average homo sapiens.
Dec 16, 2016 12:21 PM

Oct 2014
I do not think anime fans particularly hate strong female characters(i have actually seen way more problems regarding this with the movie fandom)
i also tend to disagree with what most people claim are strong female characters(katniss from the hunger games is very far from a example of one)
Dec 16, 2016 12:55 PM

May 2016
Pullman said:
Lmao, a thread based on a youtube comment. That made my day. Keep up the good work, chaps. Nothing better for some thought-provoking, relevant and interesting debate than the youtube comment section. That is where the intellectual elite of our times thrives. That's where the important opinions are shared with the world.

But seriously, idgaf about gender, I only care about personality in a character. Except when I fap of course.

Doesn't that suggest that intellectual enquiry is utterly divorced from social activity? Don't get me wrong, cultural fiat is something to be contested and, sometimes, actively avoided. But the insuation that one cannot engage with such things as "youtube comments" because it is "below intellectual discourse" is, itself, as questionable a position as those expressed by the youtube commenters.

That being said (and to address the original post), one must always raise an eyebrow when someone opens their argument by saying "I am not a sexist". I mean, surely, that position would be obvious based on your arugments?

The matter seems utterly moot from inception. I mean, its seems pretty silly. Remove the word "female" and what do you get, "strong character". Unless you can prove that what makes a character "strong" is PURELY based on gender, then all other character considersation become moot.

The only time gender (or type) comes into play is if the social context is at stake. For example, it is harder to be a woman in the current social-economic climate in Japan. It is harder to be a women in the current legal system in Japan. Ergo, narratives that center around with the social, legal, and economic conditions for women in Japan will inevitably have characters that would be characterised as a "strong female", because their strength is derived from their gender.

The issue is less with the terming of "strong", but rather misappropriating the term as generalising "strong" as referring to character traits, rather than environmental context.
Dec 16, 2016 1:08 PM

Mar 2016
I hate all of them, all the females.
Fight me, bro.
People try too hard to make females what they are not. It's rather pathetic. People complain if they make female characters fit stereotypes, but make them super strong and it's fine. Just making it unrealistic in another way.
Can't really make any good ones, to be honest. I've never liked any, but you know, that's just how I work.
~The frog leapt forth to my lilypad memory.~
I was indoctrinated by an inamorata rabbit,
Adenomata affronted.
It was the verecund, dismissed creatures
That I jubilated in most.
This rabbit I would nurture,
At the aiguille of esse,
The anneal of noblesse.
❤️ Birdie ❤️

Dec 16, 2016 1:09 PM
Jul 2018
I just don't like when the female protagonist is depicted as a strong woman with a masculine attitude/look rather than as a strong woman who is also sensitive and attractive. It happens almost every time.
removed-userDec 16, 2016 1:13 PM
Dec 16, 2016 1:29 PM

Feb 2012
The thing is that there is this delusion that a strong female character in anime means something stoic, respectable and beyond human aka. boring. If you'd take someone like Luffy, he is also a moron, big eater and recless, which makes him more fun to watch. There are some entertaining strong females out there, like Lina Inverse, but there are some that are just beyond anything resembling fun or entertainment like Major Kusanagi (a serious series, but Batou and Togusa got some funnies in anyway). Also Claymore was a suffering/angst -type series where everyone is a terrible unlikable person, so it's not a hard task to find something more favorable to look up to.
Dec 16, 2016 1:46 PM

Jul 2016
i dont think so there just arent many good ones.female chars are often given emotionless or masculine qualities to express strength and most people can tell its just a ploy to get losers to buy toys cuz they like that archytype of character.
Dec 16, 2016 1:52 PM

Jan 2016
Seems like mostly thinks of a strong woman only regarding the strength and fighting.

Hana from Wolf Children is a strong woman and she doesn't need to kick ass.
Johnnyd3rpDec 16, 2016 1:55 PM
Dec 16, 2016 1:54 PM
Jul 2018
I'm actually desperately searching for more shows that star strong female characters like the ones in Claymore. All I ever seem to find is fucking fanservice anime with girls 'fighting' that do exactly what that (kind of sexist) guy said: flashing their tits and panties.

And I don't think anime fans in general hate strong female characters, of course, there are some assholes, but the main problem is that there are not many of them. And the ones that are being sold as ''strong independent female characters'' are just shitty tsunderes and female supremacists, so there's a stigma around it.

I've been called a shitlord myself for disliking anime with girls in them, but honestly, I couldn't care less what gender the characters are. As long as they're well made characters, gender shouldn't matter. The thing is that there are more good male characters than female characters, who are often used for 'waifu material', fanservice and boosting up the sales. That's all imo.
Dec 16, 2016 2:01 PM

Mar 2014
nightlur said:
i dont think so there just arent many good ones.female chars are often given emotionless or masculine qualities to express strength and most people can tell its just a ploy to get losers to buy toys cuz they like that archytype of character.

On the one hand I hate useless female characters in regards to fighting. But I also hate the quiet/brooding/personality void strong female characters.
Dec 16, 2016 2:01 PM
Jul 2018
I don't really care as long as the character is good
Dec 16, 2016 2:21 PM

Jan 2014
Bodhisattva said:
I was under the impression that most people tend to like strong female characters.
TheBrainintheJar said:
As much as I love feminism, I find their focus on 'warrior women' annoying.
Johnnyd3rp said:
Seems like mostly thinks of a strong woman only regarding the strength and fighting.

This is precisely the problem. People do like strong women, or think they do, but then their 'strength' is measured in power levels.

The thing is that genuinely strong women might make decisions that don't necessarily sit well with the male main a lot of viewers identify with. In real life that happens, but when producing a show that's a risk.
"I'm a middle schooler bartender!"
- Mishima Hitomi
Dec 16, 2016 2:52 PM

Jul 2016
Shuichi2 said:
nightlur said:
i dont think so there just arent many good ones.female chars are often given emotionless or masculine qualities to express strength and most people can tell its just a ploy to get losers to buy toys cuz they like that archytype of character.

On the one hand I hate useless female characters in regards to fighting. But I also hate the quiet/brooding/personality void strong female characters.

I can see how i characater who is heavily invloved in a battle show that cant fight can be annoying but look at Bulma from Dragon Ball she cant fight never has was the damsel in distress a few times but also a reliable big sister to goku has been very important over the course of the series and is a fan favorite all it takes is good writing.
Dec 16, 2016 2:57 PM

Mar 2014
nightlur said:
Shuichi2 said:

On the one hand I hate useless female characters in regards to fighting. But I also hate the quiet/brooding/personality void strong female characters.

I can see how i characater who is heavily invloved in a battle show that cant fight can be annoying but look at Bulma from Dragon Ball she cant fight never has was the damsel in distress a few times but also a reliable big sister to goku has been very important over the course of the series and is a fan favorite all it takes is good writing.

I was thinking more like Elizabeth from seven deadly sins, she's pretty much useless til near the end.
Dec 16, 2016 3:04 PM

Dec 2013
I don't think people are apposed to strong female characters. The trick is they have to be likable or well written characters. Of course there is always going to be outliers, but I assume its a fringe group at best.
Dec 16, 2016 3:32 PM

Oct 2014
Swiggy said:
I'm kinda speaking more for anime when I type this.

You know why it doesn't usually work? Because creators don't know what to do with their strong female characters. They just make a female strong and that's it. Every now and then, they'll throw in a little backstory to make them seem a little less boring, but they're usually just really lackluster. And that's the better part of the strong female characters. The other bit are strong female characters who are often caught in fanservice moments. So what's the point? And then we have the "strong" female characters who almost always seem to end up as a damsel or defeated so a male character can come in and save them (or not/just watch them get beaten or violated).

Creators seriously need to rethink their female characters and what that means to them. I'd love to look at my favorite character list and see more female characters, but most female characters are just handled so poorly that it's hard to find any you like unless you're seriously like, "Wow, this character is me lol".

When you look at the top male characters just here on MAL... who do you see? Lelouch? Quickly off the top of your head, can you think of too many female characters like Lelouch who were handled well? How about for L? You might be able to find one for Luffy, but more often than not, those female characters end up being straight up obnoxious. My point with the first two though is that female characters are often made with the fact that they're a "female" in mind, but this is a limiter. It limits a creator to what a creator thinks a female is like instead what a female can be or often is. That or the female character will turn out just lifeless or bat shit crazy-- or temperamental.

Like female character creation has started to consist of picking a trope and that's it. Genki. Quiet loli. Hyper loli. Tsundere. Yandere. Perverted. Strong Silent. Weak silent. Emotionless except sometimes. Troubled Silent. Yadda yadda yadda. And there are a LOT of tropes and ya know what I'm not even going to say it's bad to pick one (even though I'd avoid it), but you can't just pick one and stop there then expect your character to be good. If you're going to pick one, you need to expand so much that the trope only served as point A in your final result of point Z.

So I don't blame the Youtube commenter for their comment, because beneath it is a whole other point that even they probably didn't consider. They think strong female characters don't work, but the reality is that creators just make bad strong female characters sometimes.

Man, I'm watching Izetta right now and it's like, yeah of course no one is going to take these "strong" female leads seriously if every time there's a chance they're going to be used for fanservice.

All that being said, there are strong female characters who do work really well in anime and I definitely don't want it to seem like there are absolutely no strong female characters-- or good female characters in general.

Thats true and all but I wonder,
why do the Writers/Mangakas Fail at that Regard?

Well I believe that it is because most of them are man and they Cannot interact enough with Females to get proper inspiration because of their Job, (Mangakas only have like 5 hours of free time in a week (or month!)) and have to make shortcuts just to make it to the deadline.
some Men also have a harder time writing Proper female Characters like Kishimoto once Confessed, even Toryama couldn't come up for a proper Design for a Female Super sayan Hence why DB doesn't have many female fighters.
Dec 16, 2016 3:45 PM

Jun 2011
What is a strong female character anyway?

Is it Oscar? (Rose of Versailles)


Hanoka? (Love Live)


San from Princess Mononoke?


Kiki from Kiki's Delivery Service?


Major Motoko Kusanagi from Ghost in the Shell


Major Misato Katsuragi from Neon Genesis Evangelion?


Duck from Princess Tutu?


Fey from Cowboy Bebop


Michiko from Michiko to Hachin

Like they have different strengths different forms of leadership... but they fail in different ways too... but it depends on if you admire what they overcame, if you admire their physical strength... if the you admire their perseverance. It isn't just about being cute. We often don't think about empathy as a form of strength. But the ability to be empathetic and do the right thing when it is the hardest thing to do is a really powerful strength a lot of magical girls have... and I think it is greatly undervalued when we think of strong women and girls in anime.

It is like... just really hard to quantify sometimes.
Energetic-NovaDec 16, 2016 4:00 PM
The anime community in a nutshell.
Dec 16, 2016 3:47 PM

Jul 2016
Shuichi2 said:
nightlur said:

I can see how i characater who is heavily invloved in a battle show that cant fight can be annoying but look at Bulma from Dragon Ball she cant fight never has was the damsel in distress a few times but also a reliable big sister to goku has been very important over the course of the series and is a fan favorite all it takes is good writing.

I was thinking more like Elizabeth from seven deadly sins, she's pretty much useless til near the end.

yea she is hot garbage but diane is pretty cool
Dec 16, 2016 4:24 PM
Jan 2014
I don't think I've ever seen any indication that anime fans hate strong female characters, and in fact, I've seen plenty that they like them.

I don't know why a Youtube comment with a whopping 8 upvotes would be able to convince you otherwise.
Dec 16, 2016 4:58 PM

Apr 2014
I personally don't, in fact I find it quite refreshing when they do show up.

Black Lagoon is a great example of badass female characters, Revy, Eda, Balalaika, and holy shit Roberta...though I suppose it still has a male lead.

Anyway, that commenter has clearly never heard of the Major from Ghost in the Shell.
There is no end though there is a start in space. — Infinity.
It has (its) own power, it ruins, and it goes though there is a start also in the star. — Finite.
Only the person who (has) wisdom can read the most foolish one from the history.
The fish that lives in the sea doesn't know the world in the land. It also ruins and goes if they have wisdom.
It is funnier that man exceeds the speed of light than fish start living in the land.
It can be said that this is (a) final ultimatum from the god to the people who can fight.
- Okabe "Hououin Kyouma" Rintarou
Dec 16, 2016 7:23 PM

Oct 2015
Umm, their are plenty of action girls in anime that are badass

2.Ryuko (her being half-naked almost the entire show doesnt matter.)
4.Seras Victoria
6.Satsuki Kiryuuin

And those are the ones i can remember off the top of my head
The peasant is bound by the king. The king is bound by the peasants and their kingdom. But the Viking is bound to nothing but themselves.

Dec 16, 2016 10:47 PM

Apr 2014
Personally I like strong female characters o.o
Dec 16, 2016 11:02 PM

May 2009
Svpernovae said:
I just don't like when the female protagonist is depicted as a strong woman with a masculine attitude/look rather than as a strong woman who is also sensitive and attractive. It happens almost every time.
mecharobot said:
The thing is that there is this delusion that a strong female character in anime means something stoic, respectable and beyond human aka. boring. If you'd take someone like Luffy, he is also a moron, big eater and recless, which makes him more fun to watch. There are some entertaining strong females out there, like Lina Inverse, but there are some that are just beyond anything resembling fun or entertainment like Major Kusanagi (a serious series, but Batou and Togusa got some funnies in anyway). Also Claymore was a suffering/angst -type series where everyone is a terrible unlikable person, so it's not a hard task to find something more favorable to look up to.

Problem with this is that there actually do exist different meanings of the word "strong" -- for some, it means "capable of exerting much physical force"; for some, it means "drives the story"; for some, it means "acts independently; for some, it means "is well-written and interesting, as opposed to being an unrealistically one-dimensional character" -- and thus people mean different things when they talk about "strong female characters". This applies to audience as well as writers.

Also see @Jonouchi-Katsuya's question above.
Avatar character is Gabriel from Gabriel DropOut.
Dec 16, 2016 11:46 PM

May 2015
Laionidas said:
Bodhisattva said:
I was under the impression that most people tend to like strong female characters.
TheBrainintheJar said:
As much as I love feminism, I find their focus on 'warrior women' annoying.
Johnnyd3rp said:
Seems like mostly thinks of a strong woman only regarding the strength and fighting.

This is precisely the problem. People do like strong women, or think they do, but then their 'strength' is measured in power levels.

The thing is that genuinely strong women might make decisions that don't necessarily sit well with the male main a lot of viewers identify with. In real life that happens, but when producing a show that's a risk.

The problem is, we're thinking of female/male characters in different terms. We don't really care about 'strong' male characters. We want them developed and interesting. Why can't we ask the same for women?

Bourmegar said:
TheBrainintheJar said:

As much as I love feminism, I find their focus on 'warrior women' annoying. Look at Freezing. It's full of women that kill epic aliens, yet they lack character development (Still better than Token Female Warrior in Western films, like Star Wars VII). Strength is stats, not personality. That's basic stuff you learn in roleplaying.

Yh Freezing has many issues, the ladies don't get proper development and instead get stripped all the dam time like seriously they can't make proper armor for these girls that are fighting all the dam time?
And yh Star wars Token Female was Boring and somehow learns force techniques and can face a sith in training without proper training.....

In Star Wars, Rey had no personality. I often forgot about her until she appeared again. She contributed nothing in her dialogue. The only thing she could do is kick ass.
TheBrainintheJarDec 17, 2016 12:12 AM
WEAPONS - My blog, for reviews of music, anime, books, and other things
Dec 17, 2016 12:15 AM

May 2009
TheBrainintheJar said:
In Star Wars, Rey had no personality. I often forgot about her until she appeared again. She contributed nothing in her dialogue. The only thing she could do is kick ass.

To be fair, some people may add their own extratextual information/context and that makes things more enjoyable for them. This includes giving more personality traits to a character who is poorly-defined by the text.
Avatar character is Gabriel from Gabriel DropOut.
Dec 17, 2016 12:19 AM

May 2015
GlennMagusHarvey said:
TheBrainintheJar said:
In Star Wars, Rey had no personality. I often forgot about her until she appeared again. She contributed nothing in her dialogue. The only thing she could do is kick ass.

To be fair, some people may add their own extratextual information/context and that makes things more enjoyable for them. This includes giving more personality traits to a character who is poorly-defined by the text.

That only proves that a story was terrible if I had to write my own story inside it.
WEAPONS - My blog, for reviews of music, anime, books, and other things
Dec 17, 2016 1:00 AM

Jan 2014
TheBrainintheJar said:

That only proves that a story was terrible if I had to write my own story inside it.

Exactly, if you're just setting up a story to basically facilitate fan fiction, then you're not writing.

Star Wars was just horrible alltogether though. I quite like the franchise, though I'm not a real 'fan' I guess, while my little brother just looks at it like any other movie. Both of us had to force (no pun intended) ourselves just to sit through the full length movie. Characters, script, design, effects, everything was just terrible. Maybe not from a technical perspective, but there was literally nothing that surprised me, and everything just oozed 'PC Disney Cash Cow'. Let's forget about it.
"I'm a middle schooler bartender!"
- Mishima Hitomi
Dec 17, 2016 1:03 AM

Aug 2009
Id say most people on this site prefer female characters to male characters, cause they are more cute and easy to fap to. Personally I don't give a fuck a good character can be well written despite their gender. Its just that most female characters are shitty archetypes and waifu-bait. There are a also shitty male chars that are blank slates and generic AF, but the amount of crappy waifu-bait female chars far outnumbers to boring generic male characters.

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself."
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Dec 17, 2016 1:05 AM
Sep 2016
nah bro, saber is so bad-ass but still female
Dec 17, 2016 1:14 AM

May 2009
Laionidas said:
TheBrainintheJar said:

That only proves that a story was terrible if I had to write my own story inside it.

Exactly, if you're just setting up a story to basically facilitate fan fiction, then you're not writing.

Fair enough, though if you're doing that intentionally, then that's a different story (pun acknowledged), so it's more like you're writing with a different purpose, as opposed to serving the typical goal of making a self-contained piece of entertainment.

Though to be honest I find that stories that are too "perfect" add a little boring to talk about because there's less space to engage my imagination, ironically.
Avatar character is Gabriel from Gabriel DropOut.
Dec 17, 2016 1:31 AM

Oct 2016
it's true but this just happen because Shounnen Anime/manga have more boys fans is just a thing comercial like you saided have a little with protagonist female but is not pretty much.
Dec 17, 2016 2:19 AM

Feb 2016
I like really strong female characters.Well...I like cute ones too but I prefer strong or smart girls.

I will not believe that everything is controlled by fate.

ll X ll
Dec 17, 2016 4:08 AM

Jun 2016
I don't hate them nor do I see why anyone else would hate them o-o
Dec 17, 2016 4:36 AM

Mar 2014
nightlur said:
Shuichi2 said:

I was thinking more like Elizabeth from seven deadly sins, she's pretty much useless til near the end.

yea she is hot garbage but diane is pretty cool

Yeah Diane is a good example, I liked her character.
Dec 17, 2016 4:38 AM
Dec 2016
not care bla bla bla those girl aren't not real 😝 :v
Dec 17, 2016 4:53 AM

Apr 2015
Well I Can Say For Myself That I Dont Hate Any Strong Female Characters
Dec 17, 2016 4:58 AM

May 2016
No definitely not you can say a lot of anime fans love them I'm one of them why hate them I don't get it
Dec 17, 2016 6:15 AM

Oct 2010
I'm not particularly into strong/fighting characters but among these it makes no difference to me. What's more important is how the fight delivers, the techniques, the tactics, the interactions, the visual/musical accompaniment... Being targeted at guys may explain some reticence at the beginning coming from people who prefer to be identified with characters that resemble them the most and pick gender as their criteria of choice, but anyway holding it for such a long run seems quite absurd to me.

Speaking of the representation, this is always a problematic issue to talk about because my experience is limited, but I've found a good amount of anime with strong female fighters. Code Geass for instance, for all the cheap fanservicey stuff it happily indulges in, cares a damn lot about having female characters with prominent roles in every front of the story, the political, the romantic, the mecha action stuff, etc. In Gintama the representation is pretty much equal for both genders. One Piece has a good amount of strong females, even though in this case male characters are more prevalent. I haven't watched Fairy Tail but it's hard to ignore its contribution of strong girl fighters. The little I've seen of JoJo was very focused on men as main characters, but on the villain side there's always quite a lot of variety. And I'm not even going with magical girl shows here.

So I wonder, is this really a thing? People who actively dislike strong female characters may make a lot of noise, but if there's many of them then maybe it is because those don't represent a good enough portion of the fanbase.

Mkim said:
About the title: No

About the comment: Taking up the fact that the dude is literally called "Monkey D. Luffy", is using One Piece as his single example and saying that other creators should follow it's example, I'd say he's a """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""anime fan""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" and that he """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""totally knows what he's talking about""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

All I could think when I read it is that he must be suffering a damn lot if he's up to date with the manga.
jal90Dec 17, 2016 6:20 AM
Dec 17, 2016 6:19 AM

Apr 2014
It is not in female's nature to be strong, that's why. It just doesn't feel natural. When a female mc is acting strong it always feels like she is trying to prove something and that's annoying. Idk if that makes sense but when a male does the same thing you somehow don't question anything and on the contrary - start to resepct the guy lol

I know it's weird but that's just how it feels like
Dec 17, 2016 6:56 AM

Nov 2009
Darius said:
It is not in female's nature to be strong, that's why. It just doesn't feel natural. When a female mc is acting strong it always feels like she is trying to prove something and that's annoying. Idk if that makes sense but when a male does the same thing you somehow don't question anything and on the contrary - start to resepct the guy lol

I know it's weird but that's just how it feels like

Yeah, it's totally weird. When the MC is made of rubber, and the party includes a swordsman who fights with three swords at once and a reindeer (I have no idea what's his story), people saying "strong female fighters don't feel natural" are totally weird.
Yes, all of anime is strange enough that minor stuff like gender shouldn't bother people.

nightlur said:
i dont think so there just arent many good ones.female chars are often given emotionless or masculine qualities to express strength and most people can tell its just a ploy to get losers to buy toys cuz they like that archytype of character.

Why people are never bothered by emotionless "strong" male characters, like Guts? I don't think there is any reason female characters can't embody the same archetype.

Laionidas said:
Bodhisattva said:
I was under the impression that most people tend to like strong female characters.
TheBrainintheJar said:
As much as I love feminism, I find their focus on 'warrior women' annoying.
Johnnyd3rp said:
Seems like mostly thinks of a strong woman only regarding the strength and fighting.

This is precisely the problem. People do like strong women, or think they do, but then their 'strength' is measured in power levels.

The thing is that genuinely strong women might make decisions that don't necessarily sit well with the male main a lot of viewers identify with. In real life that happens, but when producing a show that's a risk.

Can you give some examples?

TheBrainintheJar said:
The problem is, we're thinking of female/male characters in different terms. We don't really care about 'strong' male characters. We want them developed and interesting. Why can't we ask the same for women?

Actually, a lot of viewers complain about main male characters not being strong enough (for any value of strong). For example, Ikari Shinji, lead of NGE.
If you ask me, I like battle harem leads a lot more than comedy harem leads. Even though they aren't that much different in personality, but battle harem leads are brave and strong on the battlefield.

TheBrainintheJar said:
GlennMagusHarvey said:

To be fair, some people may add their own extratextual information/context and that makes things more enjoyable for them. This includes giving more personality traits to a character who is poorly-defined by the text.

That only proves that a story was terrible if I had to write my own story inside it.

I don't feel the author should chew everything for the viewers. Only the parts he/she considers important.

Bourmegar said:
Yh Freezing has many issues, the ladies don't get proper development and instead get stripped all the dam time like seriously they can't make proper armor for these girls that are fighting all the dam time?

Why would you bother making proper armor if it's going to get stripped off them anyway?
Still, I like Dog Days' "ablative armor" explanation (basically, the armor is designed to be destroyed, protecting the wearer in the process, and that's the best armor in the setting).

Jaarin said:
Pullman said:
Lmao, a thread based on a youtube comment. That made my day. Keep up the good work, chaps. Nothing better for some thought-provoking, relevant and interesting debate than the youtube comment section. That is where the intellectual elite of our times thrives. That's where the important opinions are shared with the world.

But seriously, idgaf about gender, I only care about personality in a character. Except when I fap of course.

Doesn't that suggest that intellectual enquiry is utterly divorced from social activity? Don't get me wrong, cultural fiat is something to be contested and, sometimes, actively avoided. But the insuation that one cannot engage with such things as "youtube comments" because it is "below intellectual discourse" is, itself, as questionable a position as those expressed by the youtube commenters.

Ignoring youtube comments is perfectly reasonable thing to do. Youtube comments are just as devoid of humanity as 2ch and similar sites. Even MAL is a reasonable place in comparison.
Dec 17, 2016 7:07 AM

Sep 2012
People jizz their pants over practically all female characters in general. Idk what OP's smoking.

Retarded shitposts on youtube removed of context don't mean anything.
Dec 17, 2016 7:16 AM

Oct 2015

We just don't like "stronk indepondont womyn who don't neeed NO MAN" sort of pandering

As in, genuinely strong female characters are preferable over pandering archetypes
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