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Why is it okay to be proud of your race as long as you aren't white?

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Aug 10, 2016 10:02 AM

Oct 2014
grimace said:
Grey-Zone said:

Then who are you refering to when you say "whites". Am I as a "white" person included in that or am I part of "everyone else feeling bad about not being white"? Do you say I am responsible for making non-whites feel bad or do you think I feel bad to be a non-white despite being white? Unfortunately the use of the word "everyone else" made it impossible not to belong to one of these two groups. So which is it?

i suppose as a white person you are included, just not directly (as far as i know, because i am not regarding your personal life in this claim) due to colonization and systematic racism the majority of white people have held class/status and opportunity advantages over poc.

That makes no sense. I am either part of the "white" group or not. You are either giving me full responsibility or not. If you say I am white but not part of those whites who should be considered "responsible" then it's on you to clarify that you are actually talking about a "subset" of whites or a collection of individual whites and not about all whites in general.

If you don't do that then you are making a very generalising argument that makes people responsible for the situation of non-whites just because they have white skin color. That's what is called "racism", unless one believes in the college campus "safe space" narrative that you can only ever be racist against those who are "more of a victim than you".
Aug 10, 2016 10:14 AM

Feb 2016
Its not okay

I dont know why people think its okay?

Maybe you shouldnt hang out with Racist people.
Aug 10, 2016 11:39 AM

Nov 2014
zombie_pegasus said:
People even used to think that white people were biologically superior to black people and somehow cheated in order to prove their point. We're not all the same, but that isn't a bad thing. Are white people different from black people? Yes. Are white people better than black people? No, in fact "better" is subjective. Black people make better athletes, but that's about the only difference.

These are still generalizations, though. It's like saying Chinese people are better at math. Some Chinese are terrible at math, and some Blacks are terrible at sports. Some Chinese are great at sports, and some Blacks are great at math.

When discussing race, people—even those with good intentions—often commit the fallacy of composition. What's true for some isn't always true for the whole. This is why it's good practice to judge people individually.

Aug 10, 2016 11:57 AM

Oct 2014
Chinese people are good at math because of their culture, not their biology. In mainland China it is considered to be a bad thing to do poorly in school and their culture is set up for most of them to do well (or be crushed under the pressure). Men are stronger than women, which is something biological. Men are not smarter than women on average, although the standard deviation of intelligence is higher so there are more idiots and geniuses who are men (although, up until recently female geniuses were severely under reported so the statistics about them may be inaccurate).

It's still discussed why there are more good black athletes than there are from other races. One thing is that there is far more genetic diversity in Africa than anywhere else, which can cause certain traits to be more dominant. It could be genetic or it could be cultural,
Aug 10, 2016 12:12 PM

Apr 2013
To be fair the media makes everything a target and will only talk about the most triggering news because that's what gets them traffic. Racism triggers so many people. Might as well make it the topic every fucking headline!
Just need to find out how to quote this every time so I can dodge the stupid 30-character limit.
Aug 10, 2016 12:15 PM
Jul 2018
I don't think racial pride is necessary or beneficial no matter who's doing it. It's dumb, useless, and often bleeds into racial superiority, which is in all honestly just a veiled form of racism.

Once again, I don't care who's doing it, black, white, or otherwise, there's no point to it in the first place. "ZOMG IM SO PRUD OF MY ANCESTERS FOR BEIN WHITE OR BLACK OR WHATEVERS IM SO PROUD OF MY HERITIGE LOOKIT MMEMEEEEEEEE."

Who gives a shit?

I don't even give a shit about my own race, honestly.
Aug 10, 2016 12:27 PM
Feb 2014
grimace said:
Grey-Zone said:

Then who are you refering to when you say "whites". Am I as a "white" person included in that or am I part of "everyone else feeling bad about not being white"? Do you say I am responsible for making non-whites feel bad or do you think I feel bad to be a non-white despite being white? Unfortunately the use of the word "everyone else" made it impossible not to belong to one of these two groups. So which is it?

i suppose as a white person you are included, just not directly (as far as i know, because i am not regarding your personal life in this claim) due to colonization and systematic racism the majority of white people have held class/status and opportunity advantages over poc.

lol this is exclusively a white problem?

There are black people wealthier than me and they deserve to be wealthier than me if they've taken the steps to get there. How do you think they got there? They worked to get there and overcame adversity. Unfortunately to people like you, that's "Uncle Tom" behavior.

Why do people deliberately like to hold themselves back? Perpetual victimhood. I'm not even white and I'm saying this, shocking right?
Aug 10, 2016 12:30 PM

Nov 2009
I think its pathetic being proud of something like your race in the first place. To me it just seems like you are grasping at straws because you have no achievement of your own, that you accomplished through your own merit, worth being proud over.

However people take pride in other's achievements for all sorts of things, like sports teams, country's, etc., which just for the record, I find just as sad.
Aug 10, 2016 12:36 PM
Jul 2018
Nico- said:
grimace said:

i suppose as a white person you are included, just not directly (as far as i know, because i am not regarding your personal life in this claim) due to colonization and systematic racism the majority of white people have held class/status and opportunity advantages over poc.

lol this is exclusively a white problem?

There are black people wealthier than me and they deserve to be wealthier than me if they've taken the steps to get there. How do you think they got there? They worked to get there and overcame adversity. Unfortunately to people like you, that's "Uncle Tom" behavior.

Why do people deliberately like to hold themselves back? Perpetual victimhood. I'm not even white and I'm saying this, shocking right?

"grimace" indeed.... holy tumblr buzzwords batman if i've ever seen them

victimhood just elicits sympathy, that's why people resort to it. 'oooh look at me i'm so sad in my current state, it's everyone else's fault because i refuse to take proper responsibility for myself, feel sorry for me, bawwww'.

that isn't just limited to racial self victimization, that also extends to all other kinds of self victimization. at the end of the day it may give someone a false sense of security, but it doesn't solve anything, if anything, it worsens it.

the problem with modern 'social justice' is their poisonous witch hunting mentality as well. if you are the dissenter to the mob, you're going to be attacked, if you try and remain neutral, you're also going to be attacked. to be honest, i'm at the point where i've become desensitized to people's bullshit. maybe if i just say nothing they'll go away, or maybe if i just block them out, they'll go away...

once again, i've already stated, i don't care about my race. like at all.
removed-userAug 10, 2016 12:43 PM
Aug 10, 2016 12:41 PM
Jun 2015
to end this blog debate or whatever this has spiraled into, the point of this is to reach the same end result which is to come to peace within all races. the purpose of black power or any other races power, it's all the same we want to reach a state where all races are equal. I think we as a people especially if you live in the united states are working towards that but its a slow process.
Aug 10, 2016 12:42 PM
Feb 2014
clandestine said:
Nico- said:

lol this is exclusively a white problem?

There are black people wealthier than me and they deserve to be wealthier than me if they've taken the steps to get there. How do you think they got there? They worked to get there and overcame adversity. Unfortunately to people like you, that's "Uncle Tom" behavior.

Why do people deliberately like to hold themselves back? Perpetual victimhood. I'm not even white and I'm saying this, shocking right?

"grimace" indeed.... holy tumblr buzzwords batman if i've ever seen them

victimhood just elicits sympathy, that's why people resort to it. 'oooh look at me i'm so sad in my current state, it's everyone else's fault because i refuse to take proper responsibility for myself, feel sorry for me, bawwww'.

that isn't just limited to racial self victimization, that also extends to all other kinds of self victimization. at the end of the day it may give someone a false sense of security, but it doesn't solve anything, if anything, it worsens it.

the problem with modern 'social justice' is their poisonous witch hunting mentality as well. if you are the dissenter to the mob, you're going to be attacked, if you try and remain neutral, you're also going to be attacked. to be honest, i'm at the point where i've become desensitized to people's bullshit. maybe if i just say nothing they'll go away, or maybe if i just block them out, they'll go away...

Yeah, identity politics hold us back and segregate us all for all the wrong reasons.

It's not even intellectually stimulating anymore. It's just making you infantile.
Aug 10, 2016 12:47 PM
Feb 2014
fate_fighter said:
to end this blog debate or whatever this has spiraled into, the point of this is to reach the same end result which is to come to peace within all races. the purpose of black power or any other races power, it's all the same we want to reach a state where all races are equal. I think we as a people especially if you live in the united states are working towards that but its a slow process.

I'm still not going to support black power/#BlackLivesMatter because of this. Remember, they have no common decency for people who study in libraries and actively celebrate killing cops at their worst. If they focused on black on black crime more instead of just coming out when a non-black officer kills a black person, then I'd be able to treat them as equals. Note that I didn't say "black people" only "black power people."
Aug 10, 2016 1:09 PM
Jun 2015
Nico- said:
fate_fighter said:
to end this blog debate or whatever this has spiraled into, the point of this is to reach the same end result which is to come to peace within all races. the purpose of black power or any other races power, it's all the same we want to reach a state where all races are equal. I think we as a people especially if you live in the united states are working towards that but its a slow process.

I'm still not going to support black power/#BlackLivesMatter because of this. Remember, they have no common decency for people who study in libraries and actively celebrate killing cops at their worst. If they focused on black on black crime more instead of just coming out when a non-black officer kills a black person, then I'd be able to treat them as equals. Note that I didn't say "black people" only "black power people."

each side has their faults I remember Dylan roof with the exact same intentions but we ended up taking away the confederate flag for it which was surprising to me because I didn't think they would do anything. i found it as a sign of progress
Aug 10, 2016 1:11 PM

Dec 2012
fate_fighter said:
to end this blog debate or whatever this has spiraled into, the point of this is to reach the same end result which is to come to peace within all races. the purpose of black power or any other races power, it's all the same we want to reach a state where all races are equal. I think we as a people especially if you live in the united states are working towards that but its a slow process.
The easiest way to achieve that is for everyone to drop the race issue and start living according to their individual merits as human beings. The reason why that won't happen is because liberals have bred careers and associations where being black is literally someone's only marketable quality.
Aug 10, 2016 1:12 PM
Feb 2014
fate_fighter said:
Nico- said:

I'm still not going to support black power/#BlackLivesMatter because of this. Remember, they have no common decency for people who study in libraries and actively celebrate killing cops at their worst. If they focused on black on black crime more instead of just coming out when a non-black officer kills a black person, then I'd be able to treat them as equals. Note that I didn't say "black people" only "black power people."

each side has their faults I remember Dylan roof with the exact same intentions but we ended up taking away the confederate flag for it which was surprising to me because I didn't think they would do anything. i found it as a sign of progress

An inbred piece of trash like Roof is a solid counterpoint, but he's not protected by outside sources such as the media like black power people are. I'm not going to say the media is anti-white, but I think that if people are using that narrative to hurt white people based off cases like his, then it's counterproductive and an outright encouragement of segregation.

Because segregation is what was before the Civil Rights movement. And Martin Luther King would wince upon seeing the recent things black power organizations have done. And I'm not sure if Malcolm X is really a positive role model unless perhaps you've had a very, very difficult upbringing in a setting that would facilitate so.

Segregation fuels racial hatred, violence, and contempt. That is far from equality, and in the unconscious of black supremacy, this is absolutely what they want.
AqutanAug 10, 2016 1:15 PM
Aug 10, 2016 1:14 PM

Nov 2012
I'm Australian... I'll always be that guy that's happy and make you laugh... in the most awkward of moments
Aug 10, 2016 1:18 PM
Mar 2011
Nico- said:
fate_fighter said:

each side has their faults I remember Dylan roof with the exact same intentions but we ended up taking away the confederate flag for it which was surprising to me because I didn't think they would do anything. i found it as a sign of progress

An inbred piece of trash like Roof is a solid counterpoint, but he's not protected by outside sources such as the media like black power people are. I'm not going to say the media is anti-white, but I think that if people are using that narrative to hurt white people based off cases like his, then it's counterproductive and an outright encouragement of segregation.

Because segregation is what was before the Civil Rights movement. And Martin Luther King would wince upon seeing the recent things black power organizations have done.

noonw should be protected froom the media lol roof was covered for around i day internationally evry time is an Islamist its covred for weeks orby the new midia for example sargon stil talks about the koln attacks he never mintoned roof once

minus to attack tyt's coverrae of it lol
"If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine"

When the union's inspiration through the workers' blood shall run
There can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun
Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one
For the Union makes us strong
Aug 10, 2016 1:24 PM

Jan 2016
Nico- said:
grimace said:

i suppose as a white person you are included, just not directly (as far as i know, because i am not regarding your personal life in this claim) due to colonization and systematic racism the majority of white people have held class/status and opportunity advantages over poc.

lol this is exclusively a white problem?

There are black people wealthier than me and they deserve to be wealthier than me if they've taken the steps to get there. How do you think they got there? They worked to get there and overcame adversity. Unfortunately to people like you, that's "Uncle Tom" behavior.

Why do people deliberately like to hold themselves back? Perpetual victimhood. I'm not even white and I'm saying this, shocking right?

well, i did only say majority!
its harder for others to climb up the ladder with a glass ceiling

and ive said nothing like "uncle tom behavior" dont put others sick ideas in my mouth, thanks!
Aug 10, 2016 1:29 PM
Jun 2015
Nico- said:
fate_fighter said:

each side has their faults I remember Dylan roof with the exact same intentions but we ended up taking away the confederate flag for it which was surprising to me because I didn't think they would do anything. i found it as a sign of progress

An inbred piece of trash like Roof is a solid counterpoint, but he's not protected by outside sources such as the media like black power people are. I'm not going to say the media is anti-white, but I think that if people are using that narrative to hurt white people based off cases like his, then it's counterproductive and an outright encouragement of segregation.

Because segregation is what was before the Civil Rights movement. And Martin Luther King would wince upon seeing the recent things black power organizations have done. And I'm not sure if Malcolm X is really a positive role model unless perhaps you've had a very, very difficult upbringing in a setting that would facilitate so.

Segregation fuels racial hatred, violence, and contempt. That is far from equality, and in the unconscious of black supremacy, this is absolutely what they want.

probably because BLM is more of an ideology than a group, an ideology that the media has gotten behind because it's profitable. when MLK was around he controlled those ideas and ideologies. Right know BLM is basically a mess
Aug 10, 2016 1:39 PM
Jul 2018
If I were to say "I'm proud of my race!" I would get jumped because I am white complected but I'm Hispanic.

I find one being proud of their ethnicity is stupid.
Aug 10, 2016 1:55 PM
Mar 2011
Bezaliel said:
If I were to say "I'm proud of my race!" I would get jumped because I am white complected but I'm Hispanic.

I find one being proud of their ethnicity is stupid.

your Mestizo then and no im not being racist thta want ypu are
"If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine"

When the union's inspiration through the workers' blood shall run
There can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun
Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one
For the Union makes us strong
Aug 10, 2016 2:27 PM

Sep 2012
I'm proud of being white

But Asians are still clearly the master race.
☕ Truth be told, I'm quite proud of my house blend. To attain my flavor and fragrance, I use five different types of coffee beans. ☕
Aug 10, 2016 2:45 PM

May 2015
ThrashMatto said:
TheBrainintheJar said:
Being proud of your race is like being proud of the Earth's second moon.

You're being proud of something that doesn't even exists.
Prove to me that race doesn't exist.
Do you call yourself a jew even though you are supposedly non-religious?

I'm ethnically Jewish/Israeli since I was born to ethnic Jews and into Israeli culture. That's not race. Race is biological. Ethnicity is sociological.

I don't prove something doesn't exist. Unless I have evidence, I won't believe it exists.
WEAPONS - My blog, for reviews of music, anime, books, and other things
Aug 10, 2016 2:49 PM

Jan 2014
TheBrainintheJar said:
ThrashMatto said:
Prove to me that race doesn't exist.
Do you call yourself a jew even though you are supposedly non-religious?

I'm ethnically Jewish/Israeli since I was born to ethnic Jews and into Israeli culture. That's not race. Race is biological. Ethnicity is sociological.

I don't prove something doesn't exist. Unless I have evidence, I won't believe it exists.
If race is biological that means it's a one that exists, not ethnicity. Usually when somebody claims that race doesn't exist it's because they claim it's sociological and that ethnicity is the biological one, but i guess you do tend to make shit up as you go along.
I love Christine

"If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. He will put some things behind, will pass an invisible boundary; In proportion as he simplifies his life, the laws of the universe will appear less complex, and solitude will not be solitude, nor poverty poverty, nor weakness weakness." - Henry David Thoreau

Aug 10, 2016 7:26 PM

Jun 2016
what are you talking about? the internet is nothing but 'angry white people' expressing themselves.

and by the way, what does 'white' even means these days? I'm persian and I'm whiter than a daisy sour cream.
Aug 10, 2016 7:39 PM

Jul 2015
I think it's because historically (idk, im awful with history so don't quote me on this) white people have been treated as a "supreme race" and haven't really been oppressed. So it'd be weird to have white people banding together for more rights or a cultural revival, which is what I see other races/ethnic groups/whatever coming together for.

But ayyy! It should be ok to be proud to be white! Just don't act like you're better than other races/ethnic groups/whatever
Aug 10, 2016 9:13 PM

Nov 2014
@zombie_pegasus: You missed my point. My point was that you can't look at people and make assumptions about how smart, strong, or athletic they are based on gender or race. I mean, you can if you want to, but your assumptions may not always be accurate.

OT: Actually, I don't see far-leftists being offended by people who are "proud" of a specific Euro-heritage: Irish, German, Swedish, etc. I think they mainly object to "whiteness", a postmodernist concept that's been rotting the brains of young and impressionable college students. People are oppressed through action, not skin color, or by merely existing.
Aug 10, 2016 10:28 PM

Dec 2015
Yo dude no matter how I look at it, making a "white group" sounds pretty fucked up. But that goes the same way when black ones make one, like whats the fucking point?
All ppl are equal, and theres no point making groups like that, thats just retarded
Aug 10, 2016 11:58 PM

May 2015
Robiiii said:
Yo dude no matter how I look at it, making a "white group" sounds pretty fucked up. But that goes the same way when black ones make one, like whats the fucking point?
All ppl are equal, and theres no point making groups like that, thats just retarded

People need an identity to belong to and people who share that identity.

Identities like 'race' are easier to get into since you're born into them. You don't have to develop that identity.
WEAPONS - My blog, for reviews of music, anime, books, and other things
Aug 11, 2016 12:03 AM

Jan 2014
TheBrainintheJar said:
Robiiii said:
Yo dude no matter how I look at it, making a "white group" sounds pretty fucked up. But that goes the same way when black ones make one, like whats the fucking point?
All ppl are equal, and theres no point making groups like that, thats just retarded

People need an identity to belong to and people who share that identity.

Identities like 'race' are easier to get into since you're born into them. You don't have to develop that identity.

Isn't it ironic, you throw labels on yourself and treat them purely as your identity, yet you realize that using labels as your identity is stupid. It's sad that you can't separate yourself from your ideology, truly sad.
I love Christine

"If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. He will put some things behind, will pass an invisible boundary; In proportion as he simplifies his life, the laws of the universe will appear less complex, and solitude will not be solitude, nor poverty poverty, nor weakness weakness." - Henry David Thoreau

Aug 11, 2016 1:29 AM

Jun 2016
fate_fighter said:
why is it not okay? it's due to a little thing called privilege, white people have the most privilege out of any race. you're probably thinking what is privilege, well everyone has some sort of privilege example: I have privilege over women because I'm a man. if me and woman both look for and get the same job I'm probably gonna get paid more just because I'm a man. other races protest these privileges white people have because a lot of them aren't fair and they only get them because of their skin color. When white people say white power there really saying "we have the power you don't" when other races say there saying "we want the same privileges and rights as everyone else".

Men don't have privilege over women (maybe i don't know of them so feel free to give me examples), in fact women have some privileges over men, for example: men can't be raped under british law, there are no male abuse shelters, feminists always complain how there are less women in stem jobs, but men occupy 90%+ of dangerous and deadly jobs and more. Women aren't paid less for the same job, the "wage gap" takes the average earnings of all women and men and doesn't take into account the different interests of men and women, and also the fact that women have been in the work force for less time and tend to work less hours than me, its illegal to pay a woman less for the same job, so if a woman is actually paid less she has an easy lawsuit on her hands. Besides if women were actually paid less, every employer will hire only women. And white people don't have any special privileges over other races, why don't you give me an example?

fate_fighter said:
_Poochyena_ said:

The stigma against white people is noticeably disturbing. I dont know why, but white folks have allowed themselves to be shamed by every other race and consequently they've taken to shaming themselves. Sure, the history behind Europe's rise to power is gruesome, but they're not the only race to murder and take advantage of other people so I don't know why everyone's acting like it.
As a black person, I can say that the black community thinks it's owed something just because our ancestors were put through tremendous strife but we've already been given so much. We have the same opportunities as everyone else (in america at least) to succeed. A lot of black people are under privileged sadly but those people still think they need handouts from white people to succeed. News flash, they don't. If black people really want to be serious, they need to stop blaming other people and get up and make a real name for themselves. That's what my dad did. He grew up without parents on the streets of Detroit barely surviving with his brothers, sisters, and grandma. But he didn't sit and mope around and cry in the streets yelling for handouts. He went to law school and made a name for himself. He didn't b*tch and moan about white people on his way either.

It's not white people's fault anymore. It's irrational to continue blaming them as we have just as much opportunity as they do to perform well. In some instances, we have even more benefits since we're considered minorities. I don't think white people should be thrown under any kind of bus. Racism against white people does exist.

Ah the uninformed

when you say handouts i can assume you're talking about welfare and I'm either talking to a republican or a child. let's start with your dad did you ever think once where your dad would be if he wasn't a lawyer probably selling dope in the streets of Detroit. nobodies getting a handout from white people,Unarmed black people were killed at 5x the rate of unarmed whites in 2015.Among racial and ethnic groups, African Americans had the highest poverty rate, 27.4 percent, followed by Hispanics at 26.6 percent and whites at 9.9 percent. 45.8 percent of young black children (under age 6) live in poverty, compared to 14.5 percent of white children. white families make up 96% of the 1%. there were 31,027 (34.7%) cases of discrimination based on race and those were the ones reported. I'm not even mentioning the education gap between white students and black students in almost every state whites do better in the learning gap the reason isnt because white people are just generally smarter. make no mistake black people aren't asking for handouts were asking to be treated fairly

The problem is, all the things you mentioned are things black people did to themselves, white people are not to blame. Black people are approximately 13% of the population, but they commit a disproportional amount of crime compared to white people, black people account to most of the arrests for murder, roberry, gambling, weapon's crimes, prostitution and aggravated assault. Watch the whole video and read the article.

Implicit bias test proves cops are less likely to shoot blacks:
TyrelAug 11, 2016 8:29 PM
Aug 11, 2016 3:23 AM

Jan 2015
Because we contributed the most to society, thus we must be humble. ;-)
Aug 11, 2016 3:33 AM

Jan 2015
I agree. People who get offended by white people taking pride in being white need to be bitch slapped with acid to burn right through their fat cheek. Fuck those guys. Eat a chode.
Aug 11, 2016 3:34 AM

Mar 2008
razor39999 said:
nightwave91 said:
Why are whites not allowed to form "white only groups" only to be labeled
neo nazis, skinheads and white supremacist's ?

Why are blacks, asians, hispanics, allowed to have "pride" marches, form latino / black pride groups etc

If whites were to march down the street screaming "white power" as the blacks do currently, or screaming "white pride" it would turn into a national controversy and everyone would be labeled racist
There are no historical/sociopolitical reasons for whites to go on "pride marches". Maybe if third wave feminists form tyrannical governments and open slave trade on white males, a hundred years in the future, male power marches will be the thing. The rest of the minority movements aren't nearly as powerful or malevolent and they don't have the numbers to create actual problems for white people, other than triggering antisjw's on the internet.

There already have been white slaves.
Aug 11, 2016 10:18 AM

Mar 2008
razor39999 said:
traed said:

There already have been white slaves.
There are white slaves as we speak, I know. But the topic at hand is a mainly North American perspective where institutionalized slavery of non-white races was a common part of everyday life. There was never a reverse situation in NA.
And the rest of the world (apart from some African countries) doesn't have as much of an issue with race, Europe and Asia are mostly about nationality and religion as the big dividing points.

It wasnnt that common actually. Only the rich could afford slaves. Supposedly the first slave owner in the US was a black man.
Aug 11, 2016 10:40 AM

Aug 2015
Why are we regurgitating the "wage gap isn't real" argument?

I mean, it's smaller than the 79 cent figure suggests, but it isn't nonexistent.

Just sayin'
Aug 11, 2016 11:02 AM

Jun 2013
Yesako said:
Why are we regurgitating the "wage gap isn't real" argument?

I mean, it's smaller than the 79 cent figure suggests, but it isn't nonexistent.

Just sayin'

IF (and that's a big if) it does exist it's because of the difference in what fields men and women apply and study for. A Women's Studies or an English Literature degree isn't going to give you the same kind of job opportunities and/or money that a degree Electrical Engineering or Biology would offer.
Aug 11, 2016 1:56 PM

Oct 2015
I personally don't see why you would have a sense of accomplishment in something you had no choice in. Yeah I'm Mexican and have my culture or whatever and I like experiencing other cultures and stuff, but why have pride in something that was pretty much a roll of the dice? But hey, different strokes for different folks.
Now to answer your question OP, I guess it's a problem if it's just "white pride" instead of something like "German", "Irish", or "American" pride because "white pride" is pretty vague and broad. "White pride" doesn't really say what specifically you're talking about. Is it KKK, Neo-Nazi type thing, just that your happy your skin is white, or specific nationalities? It could be used for anything really. With other races/ethnicities/nationalities what you see is what you get.
Aug 11, 2016 2:11 PM
Oct 2014
FlatEight said:
I personally don't see why you would have a sense of accomplishment in something you had no choice in. Yeah I'm Mexican and have my culture or whatever and I like experiencing other cultures and stuff, but why have pride in something that was pretty much a roll of the dice? But hey, different strokes for different folks.

Pride is an inwardly directed emotion that carries two antithetical meanings. With a negative connotation pride refers to a foolishly and irrationally corrupt sense of one's personal value, status or accomplishments, used synonymously with hubris. With a positive connotation, pride refers to a humble and content sense of attachment toward one's own or another's choices and actions, or toward a whole group of people, and is a product of praise, independent self-reflection, and a fulfilled feeling of belonging.

Pride isn't strictly individual and about personal praise. In other words, you can be proud over your own accomplishment, when you praise another person's accomplishment, or respect and feel a sense of humility for a group's accomplishments.

Aug 11, 2016 2:27 PM

Mar 2008
razor39999 said:
traed said:

It wasnnt that common actually. Only the rich could afford slaves. Supposedly the first slave owner in the US was a black man.
I said common and institutionalized part of life, as in seeing a black slave wasn't weird or wrong, even if actual slave owners were about as rare as nobles in Europe.

Part of that had to do with how not all slave owners treated their slaves bad and a small amount of slaves actually liked being slaves. This gave a way to have a distorted vieew of what went on during the time..
Aug 11, 2016 3:12 PM

Apr 2016
Yesako said:
Why are we regurgitating the "wage gap isn't real" argument?

I mean, it's smaller than the 79 cent figure suggests, but it isn't nonexistent.

Just sayin'

It's "not real" - meaning, people really don't understand how it works.
If a man and a woman have identical jobs, they will get identical pay. In this case, the 75 cent figure is a myth.

Women tend to get lower-paying jobs on average, either because some employers do not want to allow someone who may take maternity leave. Or because of societal pressures, women are less likely to *want* to be managers, CEO etc . Where men will more likely be in a high-paying job.

So if you take the average of *every* woman, and compare it to the average of *every* man - the men's average will be higher.

This is bad though, because there's no reason there shouldn't be more woman in higher paying jobs, or studing/working in fields that are higher-paying... but for some reason women aren't allowed to, or don't want to. That's the issue.

But to get back on topics about the racism thing.

There's nothing inherently wrong with being proud of your heritage and culture. But many many people seem to think that if you are proud of being white, you are a racist. This is largely because of white pride/supremacy groups being more well-known that, say, black supremacy groups (which do still exist) - and a lot of the "white pride" thing gets associated with them.

I really don't understand why people say you can't be racist towards white people though, and some people believe People of Colour cannot be racist a tall, to anyone - if you are prejudiced against someone *because* of their skin tone, if you make assumptions about who they are and what they believe based on the colour of their skin - you ARE a racist. End of.

(I apologise if my information is slightly incorrect, this is a bigger problem in the US than where I'm from so what I say ay not fit 100% to US belief)

Aug 11, 2016 3:31 PM
Mar 2011
Hawke said:
Yesako said:
Why are we regurgitating the "wage gap isn't real" argument?

I mean, it's smaller than the 79 cent figure suggests, but it isn't nonexistent.

Just sayin'

It's "not real" - meaning, people really don't understand how it works.
If a man and a woman have identical jobs, they will get identical pay. In this case, the 75 cent figure is a myth.

Women tend to get lower-paying jobs on average, either because some employers do not want to allow someone who may take maternity leave. Or because of societal pressures, women are less likely to *want* to be managers, CEO etc . Where men will more likely be in a high-paying job.

So if you take the average of *every* woman, and compare it to the average of *every* man - the men's average will be higher.

This is bad though, because there's no reason there shouldn't be more woman in higher paying jobs, or studing/working in fields that are higher-paying... but for some reason women aren't allowed to, or don't want to. That's the issue.

But to get back on topics about the racism thing.

There's nothing inherently wrong with being proud of your heritage and culture. But many many people seem to think that if you are proud of being white, you are a racist. This is largely because of white pride/supremacy groups being more well-known that, say, black supremacy groups (which do still exist) - and a lot of the "white pride" thing gets associated with them.

I really don't understand why people say you can't be racist towards white people though, and some people believe People of Colour cannot be racist a tall, to anyone - if you are prejudiced against someone *because* of their skin tone, if you make assumptions about who they are and what they believe based on the colour of their skin - you ARE a racist. End of.

(I apologise if my information is slightly incorrect, this is a bigger problem in the US than where I'm from so what I say ay not fit 100% to US belief)

fun fatc the us is the only nation that odes not have paid maternity leave out of he G7 democracies

its the us fault ofr not having Paid maternity leave laws not the women

yes even Japan how work obdessed we are have paid maternity leave laws

side not the that

base house weekly the us has the highest hours with no leving wage that us fault for bhaving such anti union laws

the fact is the wage game does esist for the reason i sated above

and no im not an sjw i just think the us Government are so anti worker worker overall
"If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine"

When the union's inspiration through the workers' blood shall run
There can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun
Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one
For the Union makes us strong
Aug 11, 2016 3:47 PM

Jul 2016
MortalMelancholy said:
No person should really be proud of their race; that's something you were born with, not something you can earn, change, or contribute to. Culture or nationality on the other hand, are things you should take pride in.

Took the words right out of my fucking face.

I'm racially mixed, and I personally think that sort of thing is silly. I'm not running around preaching about how I'm proud to be Jamaican, or Italian, or etc. These weren't things I earned or anything like that. This was just how I was born.

Also, I really don't see how being white is a privilege. When you're born, you don't instantly get a stamp on your forehead and have the doctors say, "Congratulations, you're white. Have a nice life." Privileges are things that are earned and can be taken away, not something that you're born and stuck with for the rest of your days. People need to get this through their fucking heads. /end small rant
Aug 11, 2016 4:04 PM

Aug 2015
[quote=LilithMythTakes message=47319545]
MortalMelancholy said:
Privileges are things that are earned and can be taken away, not something that you're born and stuck with for the rest of your days. People need to get this through their fucking heads. /end small rant

The reason the word privilege was chosen was because of that probably lol
The ironic connotations made it sound edgy and cool
Privilege here has a different definition from a parent giving their child the privilege of using the computer
But I'm not going to get into that because if I reveal how much I know about social justice-related issues I'm going to get called a SJW feminazi dyke faggot
Aug 11, 2016 4:09 PM

Jul 2016
[quote=Yesako message=47319706]
LilithMythTakes said:
MortalMelancholy said:
Privileges are things that are earned and can be taken away, not something that you're born and stuck with for the rest of your days. People need to get this through their fucking heads. /end small rant

The reason the word privilege was chosen was because of that probably lol
The ironic connotations made it sound edgy and cool
Privilege here has a different definition from a parent giving their child the privilege of using the computer
But I'm not going to get into that because if I reveal how much I know about social justice-related issues I'm going to get called a SJW feminazi dyke faggot

That's only warranted if you're the kind of person who uses words where they shouldn't be used, giving them new "meanings" by reconstructing the definition of it to fit your agenda. And it's safe to assume you aren't.
Aug 11, 2016 4:15 PM

Apr 2016
DateYutaka said:
Hawke said:

It's "not real" - meaning, people really don't understand how it works.
If a man and a woman have identical jobs, they will get identical pay. In this case, the 75 cent figure is a myth.

Women tend to get lower-paying jobs on average, either because some employers do not want to allow someone who may take maternity leave. Or because of societal pressures, women are less likely to *want* to be managers, CEO etc . Where men will more likely be in a high-paying job.

So if you take the average of *every* woman, and compare it to the average of *every* man - the men's average will be higher.

This is bad though, because there's no reason there shouldn't be more woman in higher paying jobs, or studing/working in fields that are higher-paying... but for some reason women aren't allowed to, or don't want to. That's the issue.

But to get back on topics about the racism thing.

There's nothing inherently wrong with being proud of your heritage and culture. But many many people seem to think that if you are proud of being white, you are a racist. This is largely because of white pride/supremacy groups being more well-known that, say, black supremacy groups (which do still exist) - and a lot of the "white pride" thing gets associated with them.

I really don't understand why people say you can't be racist towards white people though, and some people believe People of Colour cannot be racist a tall, to anyone - if you are prejudiced against someone *because* of their skin tone, if you make assumptions about who they are and what they believe based on the colour of their skin - you ARE a racist. End of.

(I apologise if my information is slightly incorrect, this is a bigger problem in the US than where I'm from so what I say ay not fit 100% to US belief)

fun fatc the us is the only nation that odes not have paid maternity leave out of he G7 democracies

its the us fault ofr not having Paid maternity leave laws not the women

yes even Japan how work obdessed we are have paid maternity leave laws

side not the that

base house weekly the us has the highest hours with no leving wage that us fault for bhaving such anti union laws

the fact is the wage game does esist for the reason i sated above

and no im not an sjw i just think the us Government are so anti worker worker overall

Yeah, it's not that it doesn't exist - it's just they people do not understand it. There are a lot of problems in the workplace for women but at least if we have the same job as a man, we will get paid the same.

Unfortunately women don't often get the same opportunities as men, and that's the problem really.


On the racism issue again. Yeah, it's more your culture that you should be proud of, rather than race. There is not one single 'white culture', and there is no one single 'black culture'. or example, germany and england are both 'white' countries, but they have very different history and culture. And jamacia and south africa are both 'black' countries, but again they have very different culture and history.

I'm white myself, but I've experienced racism from other white people a lot because of my heritage. (Labelled a terrorist and such, it's not fun.)

Aug 11, 2016 4:59 PM
Oct 2014
nightwave91 said:
Why are whites not allowed to form "white only groups" only to be labeled
neo nazis, skinheads and white supremacist's ?

Why are blacks, asians, hispanics, allowed to have "pride" marches, form latino / black pride groups etc

If whites were to march down the street screaming "white power" as the blacks do currently, or screaming "white pride" it would turn into a national controversy and everyone would be labeled racist

After reading most of these replies, as a black man, I must say I am disgusted by all of your ignorant views?

First, there is nothing wrong with you being proud of being french, irish, british, german, russian, etc.

What you are ignorantly saying is that you want "White" pride, wtf kinda stupid can you be? Find out what race you actually are first.

"Yeah but why is it black? Not nigerian, south african, etc???". This is because us minorities are discriminated against due to the color of our skin.

Your afriad of being labeled a nazi, well that primarily due to it being ignorant and bigoted racists asking these questions.

What do you need to have a group for? to talk about the discrimination that you have experienced, let me tell you something, you have never been discriminated due to the color of your skin. Black people and other minorities have groups because we are being discrimated against EVERY DAY EVERY DAY EVERY DAY.

So make your french pride or whatever type of "white" you may be, you can't be proud of being a skin color, but you can be proud of being a race, and NO ONE IS GOING TO GET ANGRY AT YOU BECAUSE OF THAT.
Aug 11, 2016 5:06 PM
Oct 2014
Narmy said:
It's always stupid to be proud of something you were born into by chance like race or nationality.

I mostly agree with your statement, but when it comes to nationality there is certainly pride someone can take in the nation they were born and raised in, jut as you love your childhood home, but when you start to act as if your country is better that others because you were born in it, well then we see the ignorance come out.
Aug 11, 2016 5:14 PM
Oct 2014
hentaionlyhentai said:
I am pretty much sure its only black doing that shit, I dont remember asians doing something like that...

Goddamn I don't know where to start.

"only black doing it", come on, so there has never been a white person or any of race tell people asking this question how ignorant they are?

You may just not be thinking straight, but there is no need for a white pride group. Like iI have said, there can be a french, german ,irish ,british ,australian, etc. group, but there is no need for a bunch of white people being proud about the fact that their skin is a certain color.

You will eventually learn how the world works, or maybe you'll continue believing the ignorance fox news tells you. This from a black man who knows how the world works.

Mod Edit: Removed baiting
TyrelAug 11, 2016 8:39 PM
Aug 11, 2016 10:06 PM
Jan 2016
Most White Americans are a big mish mash of different European ethnicities. Unless if they are descended from a recent White immigrant group like Italians. So how would they even know what to celebrate?
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