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May 25, 2016 1:54 PM

Apr 2016
Zepton said:
UnpopularAnime said:
sexist and racist? How? It would be best if you give direct quotes.

Here's some stuff, I'm sure there's more

lol, none of those are really sexist or racist. Blacks have a trait for being lazy? It's not racist to believe that, it's fair for him to believe that if every black person he knows is lazy.

It's not sexist to prefer women with larger breasts.

It's not sexist to say how his family will be, and describe it as the typical family.

Some of those are jokes.

“Who the f knows? I mean, really, who knows how much the Japs will pay for Manhattan property these days?”

I don't see how this is racist, I'm sure he doesn't know that "jap" is offensive to japanese, I didn't know it was.

“total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on.”

This just shows how most people against trump are too politically correct. This isn't racist, it's common sense. Many muslims will come here and blow themselves up, so yes, ban them all until they figure out who the bad ones are.

None of these are racist. The most racist thing there, is the black trait thing, which isn't even that bad.
May 25, 2016 2:05 PM

Apr 2016
skitzo said:
UnpopularAnime said:

Some examples of him changing positions?

i cannot believe you do not know the flip flops of Donald Trump here are examples

I only watched the first "flip flop on the second video. For the first, those aren't really "flip flops". For the muslim thing, he said that he will ban muslims until he figures out what's going on, then he said that it's only a temporary ban... how is this a flip flop?

The second time, he just said what he said the first time.

"Until we know what's going on"

That means once they know what's going on, it will change.

The minimum wage thing, yes he did change his opinion. It's not like he's doing it to get more votes.

There was probably something that made him change his mind.

For the second video, he explained why he changed his mind.
May 25, 2016 3:16 PM

May 2016
I don't really know why you try to rationalize his most terrible policies. Take the muslim ban for instance. Not only is it contrary to american values, but the common sense would be to realize that it actually serves the terrorists' cause :
a) it won't stop people from blowing themselves up in the US (most terrorists are not fresh immigrants)
b) on short term it will only stigmatize local muslims (hence more extremists)
c) on a longer term it means higher unstability in the middle east thus more problems in the future..

Trump likes taking shortcuts to appeal to the neglected masses. He plays on populism and shock value.
May 25, 2016 3:19 PM
Jul 2015
I don't like him, but I don't particularly like any of the candidates so it doesn't matter. I won't be voting until the 2020 election anyway.
May 25, 2016 3:43 PM

Apr 2016
if you've always wished for world destruction.... this is the guy for you! : D
Sry guys, I'm the main character of this anime.
May 25, 2016 4:14 PM

Feb 2014
He is ok, prefer him over the opposition as USA president.
May 25, 2016 5:22 PM

Apr 2016
Strigalia said:
I don't really know why you try to rationalize his most terrible policies. Take the muslim ban for instance. Not only is it contrary to american values, but the common sense would be to realize that it actually serves the terrorists' cause :
a) it won't stop people from blowing themselves up in the US (most terrorists are not fresh immigrants)
b) on short term it will only stigmatize local muslims (hence more extremists)
c) on a longer term it means higher unstability in the middle east thus more problems in the future..

Trump likes taking shortcuts to appeal to the neglected masses. He plays on populism and shock value.

Those points are highly debatable.
May 25, 2016 5:40 PM

Feb 2016
MetalMessiah said:
I don't like him, but I don't particularly like any of the candidates so it doesn't matter. I won't be voting until the 2020 election anyway.

Kanye FTW (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
May 25, 2016 5:53 PM

Sep 2007

LOL. Nice pic.

Anecdotally speaking, a lot of people are voting for Trump out of spite -- either to piss off liberals or because of dank memes. In other words, they don't even think he'll make a good president. Those who honestly support Trump are even more fragmented.

Ratohnhaketon said:
The terrible liberal media forced me into supporting Donald Trump. Had given him fair coverage, I wouldn't have dug into real, unbiased sources and discovered the ace behind the joker.
Ratohnhaketon said:
He's certainly a wild card. I got his book Crippled America: How to Make America Great Again as a gift and it really does uncover a more thoughtful Donald Trump behind the scenes.
>unbiased sources
>his book
Nek0May 25, 2016 9:42 PM

May 25, 2016 6:05 PM
May 2016
Savior of America and perhaps Europe too.
May 25, 2016 7:10 PM

Nov 2012
The Good
Won't pander to BLM or regressive left movements.

The Bad
Narcissist but then so is Hillary so irrelevant.
Wants to bomb civilians.
No real policy specifics, a real wild card, who knows what he'll do.
Anti-free speech in some regards.

May 25, 2016 8:07 PM

Feb 2008
He says a lot of silly things - mainly for attention - but what actually bothers me is his plan to pull military support from Japan, destabilizing East Asia in the process and likely forcing Japan to change from a peaceful nation back to a military one. Nobody in their right mind can say this is a good idea unless they give absolutely zero craps about anything except 'Murica. I suppose a lot of Trump supporters don't.

If Trump is going to hurt the rest of the world, then Hillary is going to ruin the US itself (and by extension the rest of the world, too). Both are awful choices. I suppose I dislike Trump less since he understands that terrorism is an actual thing and that refugees and uncontrolled immigration are harmful. He also does not have the blood of thousands of people on his hands and a history of destroying Libya and the Middle East like Hillary Clinton does. Saying a few mean words at rallies does not in any way compare to what Hillary has done.

Either way, I look forward to being in Japan, on the other side of the planet, when this shitshow of an election finally goes down. I'll just pray that if Trump wins he does not go through with his stupid plan to withdraw troops from Japan.
May 25, 2016 8:13 PM
Jul 2018
The one and only god emperor / Savior of anime
May 25, 2016 9:07 PM

May 2015
He's a successful businessman with a gift for self-promotion and using controversy to his advantage. He's extremely charismatic. However, that doesn't mean he's a good politician.

Veronin said:
If Trump is going to hurt the rest of the world, then Hillary is going to ruin the US itself (and by extension the rest of the world, too). Both are awful choices. I suppose I dislike Trump less since he understands that terrorism is an actual thing and that refugees and uncontrolled immigration are harmful. He also does not have the blood of thousands of people on his hands and a history of destroying Libya and the Middle East like Hillary Clinton does. Saying a few mean words at rallies does not in any way compare to what Hillary has done.
Amen. As a first time voter, having to choose between a populist who literally does not care about what happens to her country so long as she benefits from it and a very controversial figure who does not care about what happens to the rest of the world so long as America benefits from it definitely puts a bad taste in my mouth.
KaoruMatsuokaMay 25, 2016 9:10 PM
May 25, 2016 9:12 PM

Jul 2012
Well at least with him we know what we are going to get, some people just look good on the outside and could be even worse. I am not a big fan.

KaoruMatsuoka said:
He's a successful businessman with a gift for self-promotion and using controversy to his advantage. He's extremely charismatic. However, that doesn't mean he's a good politician.

and that
May 25, 2016 10:28 PM

Dec 2012
Notaneko said:

Ratohnhaketon said:
The terrible liberal media forced me into supporting Donald Trump. Had given him fair coverage, I wouldn't have dug into real, unbiased sources and discovered the ace behind the joker.
Ratohnhaketon said:
He's certainly a wild card. I got his book Crippled America: How to Make America Great Again as a gift and it really does uncover a more thoughtful Donald Trump behind the scenes.
>unbiased sources
>his book
Nice strawman aka complete bullshit.
May 26, 2016 12:11 AM
Jul 2018
He is amazing only because he support big breasts. if he becomes president, he might put a law where he can make all women have z-cup size breasts and give them free health insurance.
May 26, 2016 1:23 AM

Apr 2014
Meh, at least he has the right general idea about immigration, even if the wall thing is a bit much.
May 26, 2016 6:59 PM

Dec 2008
He's pretty entertaining, whether you like him or not.

I found Ted Cruz a lot crazier. And Hilary is a bitch, but yet has a fairly good reputation. Figures.
May 26, 2016 8:17 PM

Oct 2013
A cynic, he wants you to get offended, that's his game.

He's obviously racist as well but him and his followers will deny it, it does no good at all for them

A good guy, I like autocrats
May 26, 2016 10:44 PM

Nov 2014
I think Trump is a narcissistic demagogue, but I'd rather have him as president than a corrupt enabler like Hillary Clinton. Frankly, I'm pissed at Americans for choosing the two worst candidates.
May 26, 2016 10:49 PM
Jul 2018
Trump is a racist, sexist carrot with corn cob hair and a passion for being a douche. He makes for a great meme, though.
May 26, 2016 10:58 PM

Apr 2014
aikaflip said:
I think Trump is a narcissistic demagogue, but I'd rather have him as president than a corrupt enabler like Hillary Clinton. Frankly, I'm pissed at Americans for choosing the two worst candidates.

Trump is easily one of the best Republican candidates. I'm not even saying he's great, just that he's better than almost all of them, and leagues better than Hillary.
May 27, 2016 7:23 AM

Oct 2015
Since I live in Canada I could care less if he got elected it would actually be quite funny but other than that better memes than Hillary soooooo
Dreaming memes
May 27, 2016 7:45 AM

May 2016
You people are idiots, Trump changing his words is nothing more than political strategy.
May 27, 2016 8:49 AM

Jan 2016
I have a couple of Mexican friends is like to stay friends with
May 27, 2016 12:32 PM

May 2016
As I'm British, I don't hear too much about what goes on stateside about elections and so forth. But from what I have actually heard about Trump it sounds like he's a self-made politician who just fancies playing the game of turning a country upside down for no other reason than for seeing what happens. I realise that this is the decision of the American people at the end of the day but I sincerely hope that Clinton gets in to make sure that the minority groups stay protected and not criminalised.
May 27, 2016 12:52 PM

Jun 2010
If that dude becomes president Im packing my relatives and moving them to Europe lol
May 27, 2016 12:57 PM

Apr 2016
Zoe-kun said:
As I'm British, I don't hear too much about what goes on stateside about elections and so forth. But from what I have actually heard about Trump it sounds like he's a self-made politician who just fancies playing the game of turning a country upside down for no other reason than for seeing what happens. I realise that this is the decision of the American people at the end of the day but I sincerely hope that Clinton gets in to make sure that the minority groups stay protected and not criminalised.
i dont know about her. the media makes it seem like she lies allot, but the only lies I can remember hearing, is a compliation vid of her saying she wouldn't run for president countless times, and when she changed her view on something from years ago. I'm sure there are more lies by her though, I must just be forgetting some.
May 27, 2016 2:22 PM

Mar 2008
Trump is secretly a Communist.

“You’re going to have a worker’s party. A party of people that haven’t had a real wage increase in 18 years, that are angry.” That’s how Donald Trump described the Republican Party he imagines in five or 10 years, during an interview with Bloomberg Businessweek’s Joshua Green."

He married Melania, whose dad, Viktor Knavs , was a registered member of the Communist party.

" That is, until I heard Donald Trump’s words in a GOP debate in which he called the nonviolent movement at Tiananmen a “riot.” This description—“a riot”—is the same one that the Chinese Communist Party uses for its massacre, which left innocent blood flowing through the heart of Beijing. Mr. Trump went on to praise the Chinese government that butchered civilians as “strong, powerful.”
As a student leader at Tiananmen, whose fellow youth were killed or imprisoned by a government that is still in charge in China, I am disappointed by and angry at Mr. Trump’s words. If a bloody repression can be praised as a “strong, powerful” action, what does this mean about American values, especially when this blatant mischaracterization comes from a presidential candidate?"
May 27, 2016 4:15 PM

Sep 2007
Ratohnhaketon said:
Notaneko said:
>unbiased sources
>his book
Nice strawman aka complete bullshit.
Nice insult, dude.

Since this is a Trump thread, decided to post this here for fun.

May 27, 2016 4:30 PM

Feb 2016
Trump is a liar and a bully....

He has no policy that will help or fix US problems...
All he does is attack people's character and attack anyone who disagrees with him.
The republican party is so divided and crumpling that is the only reason why he is the candidate.

I will let John Oliver do the rest of the talking... As he destroys Trump

May 27, 2016 6:20 PM

Dec 2012
Notaneko said:
Ratohnhaketon said:
Nice strawman aka complete bullshit.
Nice insult, dude.

Since this is a Trump thread, decided to post this here for fun.
Well next time you take my posts out of context I hope you won't take being called out for it personal.

@ Topic - it's ironic how people are always like "I'm so tired political correctness", but the moment someone shows up who isn't they're like "No no no, you can't be that kind of politically incorrect! Too uncomfortable!" The news is so incredibly biased. Just the other day, Trump said he'd debate Bernie if the news channel could raise $10 million for women's health. On the headline caption all it said was "Trump willing to debate Bernie for $10 million."
ZekkenshinMay 27, 2016 6:24 PM
May 27, 2016 6:22 PM

Aug 2009
UnpopularAnime said:
I'm Canadian, but it looks like he gets more hate than he deserves. idk why people use the words "racist", "xenophobe", etc against him. But I never saw him say anything racist...

edit - Just in case this happens, respect others' opinions, don't try to change an opinion by attacking, that never goes anywheres. Have a respectful discussion, a different opinion is not equal to an enemy.

edit- If you are going to say he is racist, please say why. I can't find anything racist he said, so please give direct quotes. Don't put his quote into your own words, too many have done that and changed what he said.

Generally the racist and xenaphobe labels are thrown around by the pro-illegal immigration and pro-open borders side to try to demonize and silence those who oppose illegal immigration, unrestricted legal immigration and open borders.

I find Donald Trump to be a fraud, flip flopper and a liberal. I find the claims that he is an outsider and anti-establishment to be moronic considering the fact he has donated money to establishment politicians and even liked the job those politicians has done.He loved Bill and Hillary Clinton so much he invited them to his wedding. And as far as I know out of all the politicians he donated money to, She is the politician he has donated the most money to. Donald Trump has also support liberal positions that most conservatives would find repugnant. So by all logic republicans should have never voted for Donald Trump. if I didn't know Donald Trump's past liberal positions and the fact he donated to politicians I detest I would vote for him.
May 27, 2016 6:49 PM

Apr 2016
Plice said:
Trump is a liar and a bully....

He has no policy that will help or fix US problems...
All he does is attack people's character and attack anyone who disagrees with him.
The republican party is so divided and crumpling that is the only reason why he is the candidate.

I will let John Oliver do the rest of the talking... As he destroys Trump

Do you realize how ironic your post is? lol
May 27, 2016 6:51 PM

Apr 2016
kongwung said:
You people are idiots, Trump changing his words is nothing more than political strategy.
Remember the message from the op, don't be that guy.
May 27, 2016 6:57 PM

Apr 2015
Trump makes unfunny memes, so I hope he doesn't become president so I won't have to look at his face for the next 4 years.

Outside of that, I don't really care too much. I live in Europe.
May 27, 2016 7:02 PM

May 2015
I think he is a racist sentient hairpiece.
ゴロゴロゴロ ゴロゴロゴロ ゴロゴロゴロ ゴロゴロゴロ ゴゴゴゴゴゴ ゴゴゴゴゴゴ ゴゴゴゴゴゴ
May 27, 2016 7:55 PM
Mar 2015
all iknow he create so manny best memes !!
May 28, 2016 4:59 PM

Oct 2015
Here is what I think of trump

Whats the difference between Donald Trump and a sewage plant?
Nothing they are both full of shit!

In all honesty though I think he is a racist shitty ass fuckboy (excuse my language)
May 28, 2016 5:07 PM

Jan 2013
I am more concerned about the people who actually support him and think that all the people from my country are drug dealers or rapists.

weetI guess, as long as I have life, all I can do is fight with all my might.
May 28, 2016 5:14 PM

Feb 2013
I wonder when are they going to add his picture next to the word "racist" in the dictionary.
May 28, 2016 5:23 PM

Jan 2012
A joke that Muricans will not find funny in 2 years.

for real are muricans that stupid to be supporting someone who doesn't respect no one , care only about money

Bernie is the Man #2016

May 28, 2016 8:09 PM

Dec 2015
Trump may be a good business man but it doesn't mean he will make a good president.

Some people like the way he talks because he speaks his mind, I disagree.
His speech is aggressive and offensive. He needs to speak more thoughtfully.

Also, study finds Trump's speech level is below 6-grade level

Trump is racist and sexism.
Just google why is Donald Trump is racist and why is Donald Trump is sexism?
you will find enough evidence.

Look what some Japanese think about him lol
UtingMay 28, 2016 8:16 PM
May 28, 2016 8:22 PM

Mar 2013
Most Trump detractors are just parroting what they've read in gawker articles. These people are convinced that racism is the biggest threat to humanity. I was the same way when I was 16 though.
May 28, 2016 11:30 PM

Apr 2016
Riki_Oh said:
Most Trump detractors are just parroting what they've read in gawker articles. These people are convinced that racism is the biggest threat to humanity. I was the same way when I was 16 though.
I agree completely. The "racist" things he said, aren't even racist. Banning all muslims when who knows how many want to blow up the country is smart, not racist.
May 28, 2016 11:40 PM

May 2016
Trump 2016. Only one that actually wants to pay the trillions of debt we are in off. Just thanking god that Bernie lost so he doesn't put us in another 100 trillion for his "free" college and Medicare.
May 28, 2016 11:46 PM

Apr 2016
Uting said:
Trump may be a good business man but it doesn't mean he will make a good president.

Some people like the way he talks because he speaks his mind, I disagree.
His speech is aggressive and offensive. He needs to speak more thoughtfully.

Also, study finds Trump's speech level is below 6-grade level

Trump is racist and sexism.
Just google why is Donald Trump is racist and why is Donald Trump is sexism?
you will find enough evidence.

Look what some Japanese think about him lol

I didn't see anything racist really...

For the stuff he has against blacks, it's stereotypes he has. You don't know how he grew up. If you grew up with every black person trying to mug you, you would have those stereotypes as well. Yes it's racist, but that was long ago, and it's the only racist things you can find about him.

Not condemning white supremacists, um no that doesn't make him racist. He would lose votes like that.

I stopped reading after he said "those indians don't look like indians"

Not racist....

The speech level thing is ridiculous. He gets his point across. That's all that matters.

You sound like the racist one to me. Many blacks would have a grade 3 level speech level. I'm not being racist, you know the blacks I'm talking about. Some whites talk like this too.

So are those blacks stupid because of the way they talk? Is trump stupid because of the way he talks? If he's not, then why bring it up?
May 29, 2016 1:11 AM

Dec 2015
UnpopularAnime said:

The speech level thing is ridiculous. He gets his point across. That's all that matters.

Many blacks would have a grade 3 level speech level. I'm not being racist, you know the blacks I'm talking about. Some whites talk like this too.

So are those blacks stupid because of the way they talk? Is trump stupid because of the way he talks? If he's not, then why bring it up?

It's a different situation here. Trump wants to run for president.
I am not good at giving a speech, but
Aren't we need a higher expectation to the person who is going to run the country?
A president represents our country and will often give speeches in other countries.

"those indians don't look like indians"
Here is the full story:
It hurts the Indians feeling, my Indian friends disliked him because of that.

Like I said before, he may be a good business man but it doesn't mean he will be a good president.
I don't hate him but I am not liking him either.
Everyone has their opnion, I am just proving my point here. :)
May 29, 2016 2:25 AM

Feb 2008
Uting said:
Trump is racist and sexism.

There are innocent people, many of them American, being slowly and brutally beheaded with dull knives, it being filmed all the while and uploaded to the internet like it is some kind of funny joke.

And Trump detractors are upset that he might be sexist? There are far more pressing things going on. Liberals need to focus less on their first-world problems and recognize that there are serious issues in the world that need to be addressed. I have problems with Trump, but those problems have nothing to do with his tone. His tone doesn't matter.
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