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Feb 2, 2021 4:30 PM
Jul 2018
I don't ship and I don't care much about the people that do it but sometimes they can be annoying and be really cringey though
Feb 2, 2021 4:42 PM

Apr 2016
they're just young people or people new to the anime scene. they haven't been around long enough to know how cringe shipping is.
Feb 2, 2021 4:55 PM

Oct 2015
Iikamiialv said:
Auron_ said:
I think well of them. Shipping is fun. But if it's same-sex ships you'll have to acquiesce yourself to the fact that it's never gonna be actualized outside of fan works.

Why? Is it specifically female fans of yaoi that you're averse to or the act of shipping male characters in general? If it's the former, what particular thing about female sexuality being expressed do you take issue with? If it's the latter, how do you reconcile the differential treatment between straight couples in fiction and gay couples in fiction.

first, i'm so sorry if was rude, i was refering to those extreme fujoshis. Yes, fundashis too, but i have never seen one of them so i didnĀ“t even know that they existed.
I have talked to a lot of fujoshis (not everyone is like this, i know) and they way that the fetishize gay relationships is akward. You put two guys togheter and they start shipping them. A great example is part of the MHA fanbase, with very illegal ships and pretty weird things. I do not have anything against shipping men, girls or whatever
I guess you are a fujoshi?, so sorry for being rude i donĀ“t want to make anyone feel bad

No it's fine, I don't really mind but was just genuinely curious. Well they indeed exist, you've seen one now.

I don't see what's particularly awkward about that. Sexualization in fiction is a natural thing. As long as you're not being a creep to actual people who do not want your attention, you should be fine imo.

As for legality, are you talking about the characters being minors? If so, that's like 95% of all characters in anime, irrespective of whether you're shipping them with the opposite sex or the same sex. I guess it seems kinda odd to me to raise that objection selectively when it comes to gay pairings alone. A ship does not necessarily have to overtly sexual, and it oftentimes isn't.

No, I'm not a fujoshi, since I'm not a joshi.
AuronFeb 2, 2021 4:59 PM
Feb 2, 2021 5:30 PM

Jan 2019
I think shipping is pretty -3 letter word beginning with G and ends with Y- Ive never understood viewers desiring for certain characters to be together in a relationship.

"Omg I want them to be together soooo bad"
me: "xD LOLE"
Feb 3, 2021 4:44 PM

Feb 2021
I ship eveything that moves

Shipping is my hobbie hahahahaa

I ship since digimon adventure tai x sora and then have the bigggest ntr moment when the studio decide that sora x matt was canon lol

Other favorite ships

Roy x riza FMA
Shinji x kaworu hahahahahaa deal with it homofobe weebs
Megumin x kazuma
Feb 3, 2021 4:47 PM
Jul 2018
No problem with shippers, if you truly believe that Person A and Person B would make a lovely couple then all the power to you to enjoy that...

HOWEVER, it must be pointed out clearly, unless your ship ends up canon in some way, do not assume it is just because you "really think they should" because that is not how it works - the canon is determined by the creator, if they say Person A ends up with Person C and B ends up with no-one or Person D then that is the official ship END. OF. STORY
Feb 3, 2021 5:46 PM

Dec 2012
The ones who know that shipping is just for fun are happy dreamers. The rest are delusional. I don't ship because it generally undermines understanding character motives & plot progression in favor of self-serving fantasies. That might just be my inner-actor speaking though.
Feb 4, 2021 4:57 AM

Sep 2019
Does anyone have a problem with shipping, anyway? It's fun, it's exciting, and it inspires a lot of genuinely good content like fanfiction or fanart. The romance genre's entire POINT is to cause people to ship characters and debate whether or not there is chemistry between the main couple.

What people really dislike about shipping is the toxicity of the so-called "shipping culture". You know what I'm talking about. We all know that one BNHA fan that gets really aggressive whenever people ship literally any other ship than the one they favor. All those fujoshis that hate Uraraka, just because she "gets in the way". This is toxic. Shipping is supposed to be fun. It shouldn't be something gaining either creepily overreacted praise from the fans of a certain couple and actually hurtful hate from its haters. If someone ships some toxic shit like Yoonbum x Sangwoo or whatever then, by all means, please do criticize, but don't fucking kill each other over a ship. Toxic shippers are getting normal people a really, really bad rep. Because everyone ships SOMEONE, even if their ship is just looking on the canon couple getting married or something and thinking "aww".

Ships are okay. Shipping culture isn't.
Don't fear the gods,

Don't worry about death;

What is good is easy to get, and

What is terrible is easy to endure.
Feb 4, 2021 5:02 AM

Jun 2019
Shippers of all types bother me but I do not want them to go away, they have the right to bother me lmao.

Leading biologist Scott Pitnick said:
The bigger your 'nads, the smaller your brains
Feb 4, 2021 5:07 AM
May 2019
I do ship characters but not in every single anime that I watch, it's not necessary and I don't watch animes for shipping characters, it's not that important for me, I watch animes for story, characters and character development and I don't have any problems with shippers in general but only with toxic ones who only cares about their ships and are being annoying and will shove their ship down in others throats
Feb 4, 2021 5:11 AM

May 2018
Although it's the same idiocy, at least shippers are not as repulsive as waifu tards.
Jan 29, 10:55 PM

Sep 2017
Hate them, wish they'd all die in a ditch. Annoying fuckers, the lot of them. Also, never understood the stronghold shipping has on fandoms, even in series that has zero romance.
Jan 29, 11:03 PM
Nov 2022
to be honest, they are kinda hit and miss for me, sure they can ship them because they think its cute for them on a highschool setting or episodic but When its a very heavy story wise the shippers got out of control because if this it intentionally destroys a character or story that the author created since they nag author to ship the characters that they want.
Jan 29, 11:05 PM

Feb 2014
I think they're very nice: Not much is sold in the stores of my city, so it's very convenient to be able to buy something on the internet and have it shipped to my house.
Jan 29, 11:06 PM
šŸ… Tomato šŸ…

Feb 2020
I don't mind. Everyone is free to ship as much as they want.

SerafosJan 30, 12:24 AM
Jan 29, 11:14 PM

Feb 2021
I like them, especially yaoi shippers.
Jan 29, 11:25 PM

Jul 2015
Shippers are usually just a nuisance, because they generally do not care if two characters they ship have any chemistry and just want to see characters they like to get intinate. They mostly consist of Those People found on Twitter or Tumblr, which is why most of ships are gay. They are usually harmless if left alone and ignored, but can be even worse if author makes a cardinal mistake of actually listening and catering to their demands, which can effectively ruin an entire series as a result. RWBY is a good example.

Jan 29, 11:43 PM

Nov 2008
I am neutral about them and don't mind people shipping character's but I don't ship character's myself.
Jan 29, 11:58 PM

Sep 2017
Reply to Piromysl
Shippers are usually just a nuisance, because they generally do not care if two characters they ship have any chemistry and just want to see characters they like to get intinate. They mostly consist of Those People found on Twitter or Tumblr, which is why most of ships are gay. They are usually harmless if left alone and ignored, but can be even worse if author makes a cardinal mistake of actually listening and catering to their demands, which can effectively ruin an entire series as a result. RWBY is a good example.
@Piromysl F/M shippers aren't any better. Look at the FF7 fandom. Some loons mocked a woman's death (it was cancer fyi) because she shipped Cloud/Aerith instead of Cloud/Tifa.

And don't forget the following behaviors:
> Death threats (Voltron went down in flames thanks to them)
> Trashing on characters for the mere crime of existing (poor Emilia, Rem/Subaru fanboys are mentally ill)
> Caring nothing about any series they see except for the desire to see two characters fuck

And don't forget the victim complex they have. They don't understand why people often look down on them, and for good reasons.
Jan 30, 12:20 AM

Dec 2017
Shippers are amazing to me if the shipping is from two entirely different shows. I genuinely think silly ships like MordeTwi (Mordecai x Twilight Sparkle) is fun.
Jan 30, 4:52 AM

Mar 2012
I dislike aggressive shippers, specially fujoshi/fudanshi are the cancer of the anime community even more so when their gay ship has at least one straight character and they go to lengths to prove them gay, have had plenty of bad experiences with these types.

Always the sameā€¦ Every age, every generation.
Human beings are infinitely more cruel and selfish than any demon in hell

~Dantalion (Makai Ouji)
Jan 30, 9:49 AM

Sep 2017
Reply to Maou_heika
I dislike aggressive shippers, specially fujoshi/fudanshi are the cancer of the anime community even more so when their gay ship has at least one straight character and they go to lengths to prove them gay, have had plenty of bad experiences with these types.
Maou_heika said:
I dislike aggressive shippers, specially fujoshi/fudanshi are the cancer of the anime community even more so when their gay ship has at least one straight character and they go to lengths to prove them gay, have had plenty of bad experiences with these types.

Aside from KKM, what other series has such people? And yeah, those aggressive shippers are the worst, those people literally ruin every fandom they touch.
Feb 1, 5:38 AM

Mar 2012
Reply to LeonhartAugust
Maou_heika said:
I dislike aggressive shippers, specially fujoshi/fudanshi are the cancer of the anime community even more so when their gay ship has at least one straight character and they go to lengths to prove them gay, have had plenty of bad experiences with these types.

Aside from KKM, what other series has such people? And yeah, those aggressive shippers are the worst, those people literally ruin every fandom they touch.
@LeonhartAugust All my personal experiences are from KKM fandom since I was part of it for 5 years but I've seen other shippers behave similarly. For straight, there was Nisekoi and Re:Zero. BnHA is more than infamous for all the gay shipping that goes on in its fandom specially BakuDeku. I'm sure everyone knows at this point how Tokyo Ghoul shippers sent death threats to its mangaka when their gay ship sunk. While Yuukoku no Moriarty was airing people only cared about shipping Sherlock Holmes and William Moriarty arguing about how they are gay for each other in the manga even though the manga doesn't explicitly states anything like it. Even with BL series fujos get overly defensive about gay abusers and rapist, romanticizing their actions.

Always the sameā€¦ Every age, every generation.
Human beings are infinitely more cruel and selfish than any demon in hell

~Dantalion (Makai Ouji)
Feb 1, 5:53 AM
Feb 2024
They're fine as long as they don't think their ship is law or get mad when it doesn't happen(MHA fans).
Feb 1, 6:07 AM

Aug 2021
A necessary part of any fandom.... I think.

Feb 1, 3:08 PM
Jul 2018
Reply to LeonhartAugust
@Piromysl F/M shippers aren't any better. Look at the FF7 fandom. Some loons mocked a woman's death (it was cancer fyi) because she shipped Cloud/Aerith instead of Cloud/Tifa.

And don't forget the following behaviors:
> Death threats (Voltron went down in flames thanks to them)
> Trashing on characters for the mere crime of existing (poor Emilia, Rem/Subaru fanboys are mentally ill)
> Caring nothing about any series they see except for the desire to see two characters fuck

And don't forget the victim complex they have. They don't understand why people often look down on them, and for good reasons.

The issue with fandoms is that the amount of teenagers and young adults is very high, often uhm... such with behavioral issues too. They let out the frustration in their life on some random person with the wrong ship, a random artist etc... and can't see that the internet is in fact, just the internet.
Some people were dodged over "problematic ships".
Feb 1, 3:29 PM

Sep 2017
Reply to removed-user

The issue with fandoms is that the amount of teenagers and young adults is very high, often uhm... such with behavioral issues too. They let out the frustration in their life on some random person with the wrong ship, a random artist etc... and can't see that the internet is in fact, just the internet.
Some people were dodged over "problematic ships".
@Tressym My thoughts exactly, and the less I talk about antis, the better. I get getting disgusted by certain topics in fiction, but those guys are genuinely deranged. Also, there's rather abhorrent vermin like tragedydesu, who would use to flood the forums with his shipping obsession like some mentally disabled teenage fangirl for years on end. And of course he blocked me when I asked him why he cared about Ayase Momo's virginity.
LeonhartAugustFeb 1, 3:52 PM
Feb 1, 3:33 PM

Jan 2020
Eh, it's okay as long as you don't argue and make much drama on the internet. Fanfics, doujins, shipping animation are all different forms of art, and, yes, while there might be questionable content is those (there probably is), all of it still has a place to be.
Feb 1, 4:07 PM
Jul 2018
Reply to LeonhartAugust
@Tressym My thoughts exactly, and the less I talk about antis, the better. I get getting disgusted by certain topics in fiction, but those guys are genuinely deranged. Also, there's rather abhorrent vermin like tragedydesu, who would use to flood the forums with his shipping obsession like some mentally disabled teenage fangirl for years on end. And of course he blocked me when I asked him why he cared about Ayase Momo's virginity.

I know, antis are awful.
"I don't like romanticized rape" or anything doesn't give an excuse to berate them aka threaten them or anything these insane people do.
I also hate sexualized lolis and still don't try to ruin someone's very real life and identity over it lol.
Feb 1, 7:33 PM

Apr 2023
It depends on the ship, most of the time I really could care less but proshipping is when it becomes a problem. Examples include Aqua X Ruby and Sugimoto X Asirpa.
If I had to choose between One Piece and a girlfriend...I think I'll go with One Piece
Feb 1, 9:05 PM

May 2009
Whatever floats their boat.

Pun not intended, but acknowledged.
Avatar character is Gabriel from Gabriel DropOut.
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