Japan's Weekly Blu-ray & DVD Rankings for Oct 19 - 25
Rank / This week's sales by copies / Cumulative sales / Titles
*2. 5,909 **5,909 Hibike! Euphonium Vol.5
*3. 2,640 **2,640 Grisaia no Rakuen Vol.3 Limited Edition
*4. 1,882 **1,882 Tesagure! Bukatsumono Spin-off: Purupurun Sharumu to Asobou Vol.5
*5. 1,761 **1,761 Gakkougurashi! Vol.2 Limited Edition
*6. 1,617 **1,617 Shimoneta to Iu Gainen ga Sonzai shinai Taikutsu na Sekai Vol.3 Limited Edition
*7. 1,553 **1,553 Arslan Senki Vol.4 Limited Edition
*8. 1,332 **1,332 Wakaba*Girl Vol.2 Limited Edition
*9. 1,287 **1,287 Ninja Slayer From Animation Vol.3 Limited Edition
10. 1,087 **1,087 Akatsuki no Yona Vol.6
11. 1,063 **1,063 Go! Princess Precure Vol.1
12. 1,024 **9,621 Kekkai Sensen Vol.5
13. *,941 ***,941 Gatchaman Crowds Insight Vol.2
14. *,925 **9,789 Dragon Ball Z Movie 15: Fukkatsu no "F"
15. *,827 ***,827 Edogawa Conan Shissou Jiken: Shijou Saiaku no Futsukakan
16. *,602 ***,602 Serial Experiments Lain Blu-ray BOX
17. *,599 ***,599 Haibane Renmei Blu-ray BOX
18. *,424 *56,488 Love Live! μ's Go-Go! LoveLive! 2015 ~Dream Sensation!~ Blu-ray Memorial BOX
(cut-off 424)
*2. 2,541 *20,689 Dragon Ball Z Movie 15: Fukkatsu no "F"
*3. 2,260 **2,260 One Piece Log Collection Special "Jidaigeki" (eps.TVSP4, 291, 292, 303, 406, 407)
*4. 1,044 **1,044 Arslan Senki Vol.4 Limited Edition
*5. *,873 ***,873 Akatsuki no Yona Vol.6
*6. *,871 ***,871 Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Zoku Vol.4 Limited Edition
*7. *,659 ***,659 Aoharu x Kikanjuu Vol.2 Limited Edition
*8. *,557 *10,533 Dragon Ball Z Movie 15: Fukkatsu no "F" Special Limited Edition
*9. *,553 ***,553 Hibike! Euphonium Vol.5
10. *,548 **3,630 Kekkai Sensen Vol.5
11. *,475 ***,475 Grisaia no Rakuen Vol.3 Limited Edition
12. *,412 130,443 Youkai Watch Movie 1: Tanjou no Himitsu da Nyan! Special Price Edition
13. *,403 ***,403 Gakkougurashi! Vol.2 Limited Edition
14. *,386 **6,025 Usavich Zero
15. *,335 ***,335 Go! Princess Precure Vol.4
16. *,327 *44,386 Tonari no Totoro HD-Remaster
17. *,287 ***,287 Kyoukai no Rinne Vol.4
18. *,274 **8,355 Uta no☆Prince-sama♪ Maji Love Revolutions Vol.4 (CD Bundle)
19. *,266 ***,266 Tensai Bakavon: Yomigaeru Flanders no Inu
20. *,217 **7,608 Youkai Watch DVD-BOX Vol.3
21. *,212 ***,212 Ore Monogatari!! Vol.5
22. *,201 *10,565 One Piece Log Collection "Shirahoshi" (eps.536-554)
23. *,201 **7,603 Doraemon Movie 35: Nobita no Space Heroes
24. *,197 *27,817 Omoide no Marnie
(cut-off 197)
Source: Oricon Youtaiju
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20 of 35 Comments Recent Comments
Also reminded me that I still haven't watched Omoide no Marnie, whoops.
Oct 31, 2015 9:40 PM by Kumoshi
As for Gakkou Gurashi... *sigh* season 2 is dead by now.
Oct 31, 2015 5:46 PM by DarklordVor
Oct 28, 2015 3:58 AM by Ahenshihael
Oct 27, 2015 3:42 PM by MagisterEquitum
Lol at those SEL/Haibane box sales. I wonder if Texhnolyze got released too.
For Tex I'm predicting...less than 1/10 than Rokka no Yuusha sales.
Oct 27, 2015 11:59 AM by FireEmblemIke24
Psycho-Pass and Shirobako, just to name two. Charlotte also sold well and Aldnoah.Zero somehow made it to the best anime list in a popularity contest, so there's that as well. That's 4, off the top of my head, from the past 4 years.
Which is fine. But if we're at the level of one success per year that's still pretty darn low.
And in the end even Charlotte was basically brand success. Which I suppose still qualifies, even if it isn't particularly satisfying.
Personally I'd still rather see more original shows actually doing well on a quality side and on the sales side. A few every year or so is ok, but still a pretty low success rate.
If Charlotte has essentially been Joe Blow random anime with the exact same production just sans affiliation with Key/Visual Arts label I doubt it even achieves half it's first volumes first week sales. That was an extremely polarizing show by the end even among Japanese audiences and even some die hard Key loyalists I know had a hard time giving it their usual full marks let alone praise at times. We're talking a show where the early expectation was at least 20-30K first week for Vol 1 at the top of the season.
The simple reality I continue to think we're seeing (and I say this knowing some will just get angry and tell me what a horrible human being I am but whatever) is that aside from the absolute die hard collectors stuff like that attached to legacy franchises (Gundam, Dragon Ball Movies), big time moe/fujoshi pullers (Haikyuu, GochiUsa), idol/music must haves for fans (iDOLM@STER, Love Live, Symphogear) and big time eroge or light novel writers with ultra die hard loyal collector type fanbases (Monogatari series, Charlotte) in Japan is that the premium BD market is kind of dying out with increasing stream options, PVRing and just a really bad economy in Japan leading people to spend less money and tighten their budgets.
If you want to do original projects you're honestly going to be a little better off going into Live Action (chance at attracting mainstreamers) or trying some sort of crowdfunding thing to offset the loss if you really want to do it in animation unless you have some sort of plan to tie it to one of the established working formulas or personalities which even then are hardly guarantees when it comes to original anime.
Another example of something having strong ties to a largely established working formula and bombing in BD sales is Gakkou Gurashi. The franchise is immensely popular in the season it aired in getting rave fan reviews in Japan and is a Nitroplus work which is essentially a degree removed from saying it's affiliated to the mega popular Urobuchi brand and even then it's still doing poorly, though I think he has to have the specific credit of script or series composition for a whole product for that effect to take place. Not Norimitsu Kaihou, not Makoto Fukami, specifically Gen Urobuchi, but even then that doesn't explain how something can be so popular and well received yet sell so poorly unless maybe the packaging was bad.
Oct 27, 2015 10:38 AM by PeacingOut
Psycho-Pass and Shirobako, just to name two. Charlotte also sold well and Aldnoah.Zero somehow made it to the best anime list in a popularity contest, so there's that as well. That's 4, off the top of my head, from the past 4 years.
Which is fine. But if we're at the level of one success per year that's still pretty darn low.
And in the end even Charlotte was basically brand success. Which I suppose still qualifies, even if it isn't particularly satisfying.
Personally I'd still rather see more original shows actually doing well on a quality side and on the sales side. A few every year or so is ok, but still a pretty low success rate.
Oct 27, 2015 10:33 AM by FlarisKnight
And damn....Comet Lucifer. You kind of hope original shows are going to find success at some point or we're just not going to be seeing much of them for a while.
Psycho-Pass and Shirobako, just to name two. Charlotte also sold well and Aldnoah.Zero somehow made it to the best anime list in a popularity contest, so there's that as well. That's 4, off the top of my head, from the past 4 years.
Shirobako is the only one of those that achieved that not piggybacking off of already mega popular elements though. Shows like Comet Lucifer didn't start with some mega popular eroge authors name slapped on it as writer/creator or have a mega popular music artist and/or cast member to draw an audience in (well it does have Ayaka Ohashi, Inori Minase and Suzuko Mimori, but they aren't being taken advantage of at all in the packaging and promotion) and so far the package offers no must have collectors bonuses that I'm aware of like any of those franchises. If they want to drop some sort of concert event ticket and/or meet and greet type thing on it to take advantage of Mimori(Love Live), Ohashi (iDOLM@STER CG, Aikatsu) and Minase (Symphogear) that'd be a likely quick fix on at least the first volumes fortunes.
As of today though Comet Lucifer essentially offers absolutely nothing as a premium priced package to those that would spend money on Blu-Rays as of this moment in time which even Shirobako did before it started to catch on. Just an 8 page booklet and not even so much as a poster or music CD. It's like there's literally no confidence there (it's supposed to be a commercial for a cell phone game ultimately but it looks like it's headed down the Buddy Complex route already) and Rewrite should do several dozen times better easily as a Blu-Ray package for 8-Bit when it comes time for them to use the KEY brand and it's pre-installed loyal audience to their advantage .
God Eater will also be getting a game tie-in release next week which unlike the iDOLM@STER ones will not be just arbitrarily added to the total here let alone counted at all like past iDOLM@STER and Macross ones for what I can only call selective reasoning and I expect the same to be the case for the off shot packages containing the next sets of volumes which I get the sense people will be determined not to count like the Gravure For Your iDOLM@STER packaging. I plan on at the very least mentioning its sales though cause frankly I just hate selective and arbitrary reasoning and withholding information in those cases just because a show is polarizing. The only problem is there are like 6 different versions only 2 of which on the PS4 contain the anime so it'll be kind of hard to tell which is which, though given that the 2 anime tie-in ones seems to be selling the best of the 3 PS4 versions perhaps not quite so much.
Oct 27, 2015 10:17 AM by PeacingOut
Is also great to see IBO with these estimates.
*7.4k Gundam - Iron-Blooded Orphans
Hopefully these will get more sales.
*2.1k Noragami S2
*1.5k Sakurako-san
*0.4k Young Black Jack
Oct 27, 2015 10:01 AM by Houreki
Kekkai is still going on nicely.
A couple of new releases next week, here are the wk1 stalker estimates of the BD/DVD sales,
*3.0k Aquiron Logos.
*1.1k God Eater
*1.0k Classroom crisis
*0.3k Million doll.
And the wk1 stalker estimates of the autumn 2015 series,
*6.7k Utawarerumono
*3.4k One Punch Man
*2.1k Noragami S2
*2.0k Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry
******2k Line*****
*1.1k Shomin sample
*0.9k The perfect insider
*0.8k Concrete Revolutio
*0.3k Comet lucifer
I know it still early to really take this into consideration....but still quite a lot of low sellers so far...even one punch man which is really hyped has quite a low start.
Huh but than again this pretty much represents how i feel about the fall season...while there are a few good ones almost all of them only rank 6 or 7/10. which while i like them i would no be upset if i don't see a sequel or something in the future.
Oct 27, 2015 9:08 AM by -ShadowClaw-
Oct 27, 2015 9:04 AM by milkydean
Hope vol 2 next week makes a good run.
That's good I guess :P
*8. 1,332 **1,332 Wakaba*Girl Vol.2 Limited Edition
Oct 27, 2015 8:38 AM by ichii_1
Kekkai is still going on nicely.
A couple of new releases next week, here are the wk1 stalker estimates of the BD/DVD sales,
*3.0k Aquiron Logos.
*1.1k God Eater
*1.0k Classroom crisis
*0.3k Million doll.
And the wk1 stalker estimates of the autumn 2015 series,
30.2k Owarimonogatari
18.8k Gochiusa S2
12.9k Haikyuu S2
11.5k Osomatsu-san
*7.4k Gundam - Iron-Blooded Orphans
*6.7k Utawarerumono
*3.4k One Punch Man
*3.1k Valkyrie Drive
*2.7k High School Musical
*2.5k Shingeki Junior high
*2.1k Noragami S2
*2.0k Yuru Yuri S3
*2.0k Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry
******2k Line*****
*1.7k Lupin III part IV
*1.5k Sakurako-san
*1.4k Hidan no Aria AA
*1.4k Asterisk
*1.4k K S2
*1.4k Heavy Object
*1.1k Shomim Sample
*0.9k Onsen Yousei(short)
*0.9k The perfect insider
*0.8k Concrete Revolutio
*0.6k Taimadou Gakuen 35
*0.5k Fushigi(short)
*0.4k Young Black Jack
*0.4k Dance with Devils
*0.3k Comet lucifer
*0.2k N'Lance
Isn't this the estimate after 1 week? It's almost 4 weeks now and the estimates for some series have increased much. For example. One Punch Man is around 5.5k now and Rakudai is around 3.5k now
Oct 27, 2015 8:29 AM by AP24
And damn....Comet Lucifer. You kind of hope original shows are going to find success at some point or we're just not going to be seeing much of them for a while.
Psycho-Pass and Shirobako, just to name two. Charlotte also sold well and Aldnoah.Zero somehow made it to the best anime list in a popularity contest, so there's that as well. That's 4, off the top of my head, from the past 4 years.
Oct 27, 2015 8:17 AM by yhunata
And the wk1 stalker estimates of the autumn 2015 series,
30.2k Owarimonogatari
18.8k Gochiusa S2
12.9k Haikyuu S2
11.5k Osomatsu-san
*7.4k Gundam - Iron-Blooded Orphans
*6.7k Utawarerumono
*3.4k One Punch Man
*3.1k Valkyrie Drive
*2.7k High School Musical
*2.5k Shingeki Junior high
*2.1k Noragami S2
*2.0k Yuru Yuri S3
*2.0k Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry
******2k Line*****
*1.7k Lupin III part IV
*1.5k Sakurako-san
*1.4k Hidan no Aria AA
*1.4k Asterisk
*1.4k K S2
*1.4k Heavy Object
*1.1k Shomim Sample
*0.9k Onsen Yousei(short)
*0.9k The perfect insider
*0.8k Concrete Revolutio
*0.6k Taimadou Gakuen 35
*0.5k Fushigi(short)
*0.4k Young Black Jack
*0.4k Dance with Devils
*0.3k Comet lucifer
*0.2k N'Lance
Those projections...
Well no shock on Monogatari, that series is just ungodly popular at this stage. Pretty darn good for GochUsa 2 though. The effort there will pay off nicely. Looking solid projection wise for Gundam and Utawarerumono.
Not huge sales or much separation for Asterisk and Cavalry. Around the 1.5-2.0 range is solid enough. Doesn't look like the spinoff for Aria is going to be so overwhelming that it could push a continuation of the original show there.
And damn....Comet Lucifer. You kind of hope original shows are going to find success at some point or we're just not going to be seeing much of them for a while.
Oct 27, 2015 7:44 AM by FlarisKnight
And the wk1 stalker estimates of the autumn 2015 series,
30.2k Owarimonogatari
18.8k Gochiusa S2
12.9k Haikyuu S2
11.5k Osomatsu-san
*7.4k Gundam - Iron-Blooded Orphans
*6.7k Utawarerumono
I'm not buying this data, Gochiusa would at best stay at its S1 11K cumulative.
All SoL sequels earlier in the year is but a shadow of their former self, there is no way Gochiusa will sell more.
Oct 27, 2015 7:41 AM by TYxTxYT
11.5k Osomatsu-san
*7.4k Gundam - Iron-Blooded Orphans
Woah osomatsu-san is really high up there and IBO seems to be doing fine so far.
Oct 27, 2015 6:43 AM by Z4K
Oct 27, 2015 6:29 AM by Etherealis
*2. 5,909 **5,909 Hibike! Euphonium Vol.5
You know what to do, KyoAni. Give us a second season.
18.8k Gochiusa S2
12.9k Haikyuu S2
11.5k Osomatsu-san
*7.4k Gundam - Iron-Blooded Orphans
*3.4k One Punch Man
*2.1k Noragami S2
Whoa, didn't expect Osomatsu-san to be so high up. I hope Pierrot sees the signs and stops messing with action anime and stays with shorter, non-action series. They're much better at that than with action. Sad to see Noragami so low, though.
*1.5k Sakurako-san
*0.9k The perfect insider
*0.8k Concrete Revolutio
*0.4k Young Black Jack
*0.3k Comet lucifer
What is this, Japan? 400 for YBJ? Like, fucking seriously? Hopefully, they change for the better.
Oct 27, 2015 5:46 AM by yhunata
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