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People who try to be "objective" when rating anime, what is the objective or goal of anime?

Aug 28, 2022 11:02 AM

Dec 2019
I don't know if I'm making sense, but when I hear the word "objective", I think that there's a goal. For example, if you say someone's objectively faster than someone else, you need something to measure that, like how fast they can run a 100m. In that case, the person's goal is to run the 100m as fast as possible. The person who does it the fastest is considered to be objectively the fastest person. So, with that logic, what's the goal of anime? How do you test it?
I'm sure that there will different answers, and that's fine. You can use different tests and still be objective. Using the running example again, you get different results if you use a marathon rather than a 100m.
Aug 28, 2022 11:11 AM

Mar 2021
It's impossible to be 100% objective because even if someone has a set list of criterias, it will still be up to the person's opinions on if those criterias were met. Things like what proper animation quality and character development looks like is subjective to just about everyone
Aug 28, 2022 11:12 AM

Sep 2020

Not influenced by personal feelings, interpretations, or prejudice; based on facts; unbiased.

Was that so hard to do that I had to do it for you?
Lost my old account in the hacking accountpocalypse
Aug 28, 2022 11:13 AM

Dec 2019
Icetype said:
It's impossible to be 100% objective because even if someone has a set list of criterias, it will still be up to the person's opinions on if those criterias were met. Things like what proper animation quality and character development looks like is subjective to just about everyone

I know that. I was wondering how people try to be objective (like which criteria they are using). There aren't many people who claim to be 100% objective.
Aug 28, 2022 11:15 AM

Dec 2019
Shakjoe said:

Not influenced by personal feelings, interpretations, or prejudice; based on facts; unbiased.

Was that so hard to do that I had to do it for you?

I know what objective means. That wasn't the question I asked. I was wondering which facts are you using to measure the quality of anime.
Aug 28, 2022 11:17 AM

Mar 2021
fluffycow17 said:
Icetype said:
It's impossible to be 100% objective because even if someone has a set list of criterias, it will still be up to the person's opinions on if those criterias were met. Things like what proper animation quality and character development looks like is subjective to just about everyone

I know that. I was wondering how people try to be objective (like which criteria they are using). There aren't many people who claim to be 100% objective.

heres an example of one
Aug 28, 2022 11:18 AM

Oct 2018
To conquer the whole world mwahahaha
If you're a fanboy, please don't waste my time.

Watch more movies, please.

Perhaps, this is hell.
Aug 28, 2022 11:23 AM

Dec 2019
Icetype said:
fluffycow17 said:

I know that. I was wondering how people try to be objective (like which criteria they are using). There aren't many people who claim to be 100% objective.

heres an example of one

437 criterias! That's a lot. Unfortunately, I can't see any of the reviews because I need an account for that.
Aug 28, 2022 11:37 AM

Jun 2022
Icetype said:
It's impossible to be 100% objective because even if someone has a set list of criterias, it will still be up to the person's opinions on if those criterias were met. Things like what proper animation quality and character development looks like is subjective to just about everyone

Pretty much this. ^

Any time I see the idea of "objective reviews" for games and anime brought up, I'm reminded of this video Jim Sterling put out years ago, basically showing how useless an objective review truly is. (Love or hate Jim Sterling, that video was incredibly brilliant.)
Aug 28, 2022 11:44 AM

Jul 2021
People who say they rate objectively just try to sound smart.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Aug 28, 2022 11:55 AM

Jul 2021
A pile of wrong assumptions: a) art can be objectively evaluated in a meaningful way; b) the person thinking they're qualified to do so; c) the result will be useful or interesting to anyone reading/watching said review.

Icetype said:
fluffycow17 said:

I know that. I was wondering how people try to be objective (like which criteria they are using). There aren't many people who claim to be 100% objective.

heres an example of one
I guess we can retire rorschach test now. How far one can go through the 437 criteria should be enough to evaluate how sociopath a person is.
Aug 28, 2022 11:58 AM

Aug 2016
The objective goal of anime is to earn an objectively high score from me since I have the objectively correct opinions.
Who are you and why do you show your hostility towards a complete stranger whom you've not once spoken with before. Are you seriously asking to get blocked? Well, if that's what your intent is; to tempt me into throwing hands with someone as lowly and insignificant as you, then i may grant your wish provided you articulate yourself a bit better when trying to spite a person of my wavelength.
Aug 28, 2022 12:08 PM

Mar 2021
Yea I rate anime objectively. As in my objectively correct opinion.
If you wish to treat this incident as our nation’s scheme, that is fine by me. History is written by the victors. All of your false accusations will soon be erased.

Aug 28, 2022 12:10 PM

Sep 2020
One day, i will beat genshinrosaria, where everyone knows my acc, the scores are written in the stones of mal forever.
Aug 28, 2022 12:33 PM

Nov 2007
most people seem to be missing your point in this thread.

i don't believe anime has, nor needs to have a specific, universal objective myself, and i also don't believe in humans being capable of objectivity when it comes to evaluating art (or most things).

from my observations, most people around here seem to believe that the only objective of anime is to be entertaining, so they evaluate it based on how entertaining it is. but of course... whether it's entertaining to you or not, depends largely on YOU (a conscious subject) and your reception of the material in the first place. what is it that entertains you, and why? there aren't simply things that ARE entertaining, to everyone, and things that aren't. also, is it entertaining because of the content itself, or for some other reason? is it entertaining because it is a spectacular failure? and so on.

you can decide that the goal of an anime is x. perhaps x is "to entertain." does it succeed in entertaining? does it do it on purpose? purely through its own content? or is it because you like shipping characters or because it's a tie in to something else or you're interested in the history or development of a particular artist or art style? to me it seems a bit unfair to rate an anime poorly because it fails to be entertaining when that is not the point of a particular work in the first place, but that's the only thing most people care about around here because it's PRESUMED to be the point all of the time. if that isn't the creator's ostensible intention, then the creator must be a troll or a pseudointellectual or something.

what if the objective is to make a particular political point, to teach, to express a feeling, to examine some event or idea thoroughly, or anything else? you have to change your criteria. the criteria and how well the piece lives up to the criteria is up to you to decide.
Aug 28, 2022 2:17 PM

May 2020
Rating anime "objectivly" seems more like a waste of time for me

MAL is the perfect place to shit talk about people's opinions.
Aug 28, 2022 4:38 PM

Jul 2021
Rating anime objectively is not a thing.
Aug 28, 2022 6:31 PM

Oct 2011
There's no such thing as an Objective rating, unless you're a professional in every aspect of what makes an anime. You'd have to know the set idea standards for storytelling, music, character development, animation, pacing, and so much more.

People will tend to compare an anime they watched with past anime they watch or maybe even non-anime. Their personal feelings and experiences. Maybe even their mood at the time and so many other factors on how they decide.

Maybe some people are an expert on one of the above mentioned things or on multiple of these to rate objectively on just those aspects, but I highly doubt the average person here knows enough for a true measure and its all just their opinions at the end of the day.
Aug 28, 2022 9:49 PM

Aug 2018
It is a piece of work that represents an author's thoughts. An objective evaluation is an analysis into how well those thoughts are conveyed.

ohohohohohoho said:
most people seem to be missing your point in this thread.

i don't believe anime has, nor needs to have a specific, universal objective myself, and i also don't believe in humans being capable of objectivity when it comes to evaluating art (or most things).

from my observations, most people around here seem to believe that the only objective of anime is to be entertaining, so they evaluate it based on how entertaining it is. but of course... whether it's entertaining to you or not, depends largely on YOU (a conscious subject) and your reception of the material in the first place. what is it that entertains you, and why? there aren't simply things that ARE entertaining, to everyone, and things that aren't. also, is it entertaining because of the content itself, or for some other reason? is it entertaining because it is a spectacular failure? and so on.

you can decide that the goal of an anime is x. perhaps x is "to entertain." does it succeed in entertaining? does it do it on purpose? purely through its own content? or is it because you like shipping characters or because it's a tie in to something else or you're interested in the history or development of a particular artist or art style? to me it seems a bit unfair to rate an anime poorly because it fails to be entertaining when that is not the point of a particular work in the first place, but that's the only thing most people care about around here because it's PRESUMED to be the point all of the time. if that isn't the creator's ostensible intention, then the creator must be a troll or a pseudointellectual or something.

what if the objective is to make a particular political point, to teach, to express a feeling, to examine some event or idea thoroughly, or anything else? you have to change your criteria. the criteria and how well the piece lives up to the criteria is up to you to decide.

This is a good answer to the question.
OpticflashAug 28, 2022 9:53 PM
Aug 28, 2022 11:23 PM

Dec 2021
Humans certainly do evaluate art in a partly objective manner (some a bit more than others). Subjectivity and objectivity will undoubtedly overlap to varying degrees. Like, consider technical qualities for example. It's not difficult to tell the difference between a no-budget slideshow and fluid animation. If both series are of roughly the same quality in terms of writing and everything else, you'll probably rank the well-animated one a bit higher. That is an objective difference. Subjective elements do come into play, though—such as you might prefer the poorly animated one because you like certain content featured or find it more entertaining. I'm always very suspicious of this line of thinking about everything being purely subjective and humans being incapable of objectivity, as it is sophistry: oh, random YA novels are better than Dostoevsky or Nabokov or whatever famous writer's best books. It's all about your preferences. No, there are indeed objective measures when it comes to art. Most people might not easily parse these differences out, but they are there. No matter how entertaining I might think a random YA novel on the shelf is, I'm not necessarily going to say it is better written than even some other notable novel that I dislike. Something I give a 6 could very well be objectively worse in most ways to something I gave a 4, and in many cases, I can readily acknowledge this. But these objective measures still play some part in my ratings. I wouldn't say we rate objectively per se, only that objective measures do enter into our evaluation in most cases, which is then modulated due to subjectivity or vice versa.

What we call the experience of being entertained is certainly very subjective, but this is independent of character development, story telling, writing, etc., which can be evaluated more objectively. Objectively bad stuff like Birdemic is very entertaining for many people (some scenes are quite funny, but sitting through that is a slog, so I don't quite get it). And MST3K is a thing. Obviously, I'm not going to say I perfectly measure the "true value" or something because it's not that clear cut with art and subjectivity always plays an at least partial role. The more you're rating based on entertainment, arguably, the less objective it is.

I don't think most people rate purely based on entertainment either, regardless of what they think the "objective" of said medium is. Yes, I think that is on average the most important criterion for many people, but usually a very well-made, critically acclaimed film will be given a 3-5 by many people who found it boring. If it lacks quality and they weren't entertained, you can very well expect a 1-2.
Aug 28, 2022 11:51 PM

Apr 2019
Rating objectively is just not possible. Almost everybody rates a show based on enjoyment, weather they like to admit it or not and since enjoyment is in itself subjective so no rating can ever be objective. Enjoyment of a show depends more on the person than the show itself. A persons moral values, his beliefs and his view on what constitutes a good story are gonna shape his enjoyment of a particular show.

I believe people who claim that they rate "objectively" are just better at explaining about why they like or dislike a certain show and have a greater understanding of what elements make a show good in their opinion rather than people who rate subjectively. People who claim they rate just on enjoyment are just not good at understanding their own taste and can't explain what elements the show had that made it appealing to them.

Overall, I would say that people should try to have a better understanding of what they like and dislike in a work of fiction and rate shows based on it rather than worrying about meaningless buzzwords like subjectivity or objectivity.
Aug 29, 2022 12:00 AM

Oct 2019
being 100% objective is impossible, the best I and everyone else can hope for is to get close.

that said, the basics are the same, you must judge the anime, based on what it is trying to be, while putting a certain value on what that goal is based on the difficulty of making it, it's impact, and originality.

so the 2 factors that matter, is how much value is in the goal the show is trying to achieve, and how well it pulls it off.

it would be dumb to give a comedy show a low score for not being serious enough.

and it would be just as dumb to think a fun whatever action, is as good as a fun action show that changes the very structure of writing action series.

now you can see how that can still be subjective, but we can all come close to agreement if we actually try.

APolygons2Aug 29, 2022 12:09 AM
Also available at:
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Aug 29, 2022 12:05 AM

Oct 2019
King_KK said:
Rating objectively is just not possible. Almost everybody rates a show based on enjoyment, weather they like to admit it or not and since enjoyment is in itself subjective so no rating can ever be objective. Enjoyment of a show depends more on the person than the show itself. A persons moral values, his beliefs and his view on what constitutes a good story are gonna shape his enjoyment of a particular show.

I believe people who claim that they rate "objectively" are just better at explaining about why they like or dislike a certain show and have a greater understanding of what elements make a show good in their opinion rather than people who rate subjectively. People who claim they rate just on enjoyment are just not good at understanding their own taste and can't explain what elements the show had that made it appealing to them.

Overall, I would say that people should try to have a better understanding of what they like and dislike in a work of fiction and rate shows based on it rather than worrying about meaningless buzzwords like subjectivity or objectivity.

it is impossible to be fully objective, but saying having any amount of objectivity is impossible is just not true.

I can very easily (mostly) separate enjoyment from quality.

there are more than a few 4, 5 or 6/10 shows that I have enjoyed way more than some of my 8 and 9s.

everyone will always have some biased, but you can get closer than most to being objective if you actually try. although you do HAVE to look at stuff from other peoples perspective as well. having a tunnel vision is the last thing you want when trying to be objective.
Also available at:
YouTube Channel:
Second Channel:
Why You Should Watch Akudama Drive:
A Love Letter To Anime「AMV」:

My referral code to a website/app that gives you free money (a few cents a day) by using a few megabytes of your internet for file sharing. We both get a bonus if you use my link:
Aug 29, 2022 12:24 AM

Sep 2018
Rating objectively = overrating thought provoking anime & underrating dumb fun ones
Aug 29, 2022 12:25 AM

Dec 2021
Yeah, I also definitely don't let enjoyment influence me too much, or I'd have stuff like Angel Cop and Devil Man as 10/10. I actually do have an intuitive scale of sorts that makes it difficult for most anime to make it above a 6 or 7. I watch media for many reasons, but I also like a lot of art films and experimental shorts, so I recalibrated my thinking towards anime and other mediums pretty heavily with an expectation for unique visions, a specific kind of artistry, mood, philosophical perspective, or non-linear aspects and complexity in plot structure, etc. Perhaps entertainment is often the main objective, but it is certainly not my ideal objective. Though I think that has potential for reframing. There are definitely certain films/series that I more or less find entertaining, but you'd be hard pressed to find people labeling them as such. Like, take a slow film like Angel's Egg. It's very focused on symbolism, visual storytelling, sparse snippets of dialogue, and it's very slow-paced. But I don't find this boring, and in some sense I would almost call it entertainment for me. I think it's not correct to call it entertaining, however, but it fulfills another function.
Aug 29, 2022 12:26 AM

Apr 2019
Apolygon2 said:
King_KK said:
Rating objectively is just not possible. Almost everybody rates a show based on enjoyment, weather they like to admit it or not and since enjoyment is in itself subjective so no rating can ever be objective. Enjoyment of a show depends more on the person than the show itself. A persons moral values, his beliefs and his view on what constitutes a good story are gonna shape his enjoyment of a particular show.

I believe people who claim that they rate "objectively" are just better at explaining about why they like or dislike a certain show and have a greater understanding of what elements make a show good in their opinion rather than people who rate subjectively. People who claim they rate just on enjoyment are just not good at understanding their own taste and can't explain what elements the show had that made it appealing to them.

Overall, I would say that people should try to have a better understanding of what they like and dislike in a work of fiction and rate shows based on it rather than worrying about meaningless buzzwords like subjectivity or objectivity.

it is impossible to be fully objective, but saying having any amount of objectivity is impossible is just not true.

I can very easily (mostly) separate enjoyment from quality.

there are more than a few 4, 5 or 6/10 shows that I have enjoyed way more than some of my 8 and 9s.

everyone will always have some biased, but you can get closer than most to being objective if you actually try. although you do HAVE to look at stuff from other peoples perspective as well. having a tunnel vision is the last thing you want when trying to be objective.

If you have shows that you rated a 4 that you consider more entertaining and enjoyable than a show you rated a 9 than you don't understand your taste in fiction to begin with. Anime is an entertainment medium and isn't the main purpose of the entertainment industry to entertain it's viewers to begin with. If one show is more entertaining to you than the other than how do you decide weather the other show is "objectively" better. It doesn't make any sense to me. In my opinion objectively good fiction just does not exist.

I am really interested in knowing what "objective qualities" makes you consider that a show that you think deserves a 4 but you enjoyed more is better than some show you think deserves a 9 but you enjoyed less. Like what even quantifies an objectively good show? Is it the characters, the animation or the plot, if it is either than explain to me what is an objectively good character or an objectively good plot? I believe that at the end of the day what you like and what you consider to be good is gonna be subjective no matter what.
Aug 29, 2022 12:27 AM

Dec 2021
Nirinbo said:
Rating objectively = overrating thought provoking anime & underrating dumb fun ones

Hahaha. Perhaps so. That definitely happens quite a bit from what I've seen with critics. I try to keep a balance.
Aug 29, 2022 12:33 AM

Dec 2021
King_KK said:
Apolygon2 said:

it is impossible to be fully objective, but saying having any amount of objectivity is impossible is just not true.

I can very easily (mostly) separate enjoyment from quality.

there are more than a few 4, 5 or 6/10 shows that I have enjoyed way more than some of my 8 and 9s.

everyone will always have some biased, but you can get closer than most to being objective if you actually try. although you do HAVE to look at stuff from other peoples perspective as well. having a tunnel vision is the last thing you want when trying to be objective.

If you have shows that you rated a 4 that you consider more entertaining and enjoyable than a show you rated a 9 than you don't understand your taste in fiction to begin with. Anime is an entertainment medium and isn't the main purpose of the entertainment industry to entertain it's viewers to begin with. If one show is more entertaining to you than the other than how do you decide weather the other show is "objectively" better. It doesn't make any sense to me. In my opinion objectively good fiction just does not exist.

I am really interested in knowing what "objective qualities" makes you consider that a show that you think deserves a 4 but you enjoyed more is better than some show you think deserves a 9 but you enjoyed less. Like what even quantifies an objectively good show? Is it the characters, the animation or the plot, if it is either than explain to me what is an objectively good character or an objectively good plot? I believe that at the end of the day what you like and what you consider to be good is gonna be subjective no matter what.

This perspective is alien to me. I mean... most people who love Natsume Soseki novels will probably have more immediate enjoyment from watching a Jackie Chan film. That doesn't mean they would rate the Jackie Chan film higher. Why a person likes something can be quite nuanced, and to just narrow it down to muh entertainment is rather shallow. Like would you consider a film like Irreversible especially enjoyable? I don't think most people would, and it's actually meant to be alienating in many ways—just look at the camera work; still, it's a film that offers a unique experience, and that novelty or other artistic qualities may have a person rating it higher than some shoot 'em up John Woo film. You seem to think because it's from the "entertainment industry" that entertainment is the only important thing, but even this industry produces the occasional art film, which is presumably less entertaining, and yet these films are often applauded.

Like, as an example, you know those OVAs and movies that are part of long shounen series? The Ninku movie is one I think is very entertaining, yet I only gave it a 4. The reason for that is because it lacks substance and is just a very simple disconnected and rather meaningless story that I have no emotional connection to. We value many different things, and pure entertainment is not always enough.
GsarthoteggaAug 29, 2022 12:37 AM
Aug 29, 2022 12:39 AM

Apr 2019
Gsarthotegga said:
King_KK said:

If you have shows that you rated a 4 that you consider more entertaining and enjoyable than a show you rated a 9 than you don't understand your taste in fiction to begin with. Anime is an entertainment medium and isn't the main purpose of the entertainment industry to entertain it's viewers to begin with. If one show is more entertaining to you than the other than how do you decide weather the other show is "objectively" better. It doesn't make any sense to me. In my opinion objectively good fiction just does not exist.

I am really interested in knowing what "objective qualities" makes you consider that a show that you think deserves a 4 but you enjoyed more is better than some show you think deserves a 9 but you enjoyed less. Like what even quantifies an objectively good show? Is it the characters, the animation or the plot, if it is either than explain to me what is an objectively good character or an objectively good plot? I believe that at the end of the day what you like and what you consider to be good is gonna be subjective no matter what.

This perspective is alien to me. I mean... most people who love Natsume Soseki novels will probably have more immediate enjoyment from watching a Jackie Chan film. That doesn't mean they would rate the Jackie Chan film higher. Why a person likes something can be quite nuanced, and to just narrow it down to muh entertainment is rather shallow. Like would you consider a film like Irreversible especially enjoyable? I don't think most people would, and it's actually meant to be alienating in many ways—just look at the camera work; still, it's a film that offers a unique experience, and that novelty or other artistic qualities may have a person rating it higher than some shoot 'em up John Woo film. You seem to think because it's from the "entertainment industry" that entertainment is the only important thing, but even this industry produces the occasional art film, which is presumably less entertaining, and yet these films are often applauded.

I personally would not rate a film high no matter how well made it is if I am not enjoying it. It might seem alien perspective to you but that's just how I consume and analyse fiction. What good is good cinematography or artistic qualities if they can't produce a good experience for the viewer. A movie like that failed as a piece of fiction in my eyes and I wouldn't rate it high, no matter what.

People just like to delude themselves thinking just because a snooze fest of a movie has some symbolic, artsy stuff in it , it turns into a good movie. A movie needs to be entertaining to be good.
Aug 29, 2022 12:56 AM

Oct 2019
There´s no such thing as an "objective" rating. Because the way I view it, an "objective" answer means that there´s no other answer, while a "subjective" answer means that there´s different answers depending on the person.

Therefore, stating that your answer is the correctly "objective" one would just make you sound egotistical and a little bit elitist.
Aug 29, 2022 1:04 AM

Oct 2013
Why people have to ask something so obvious? The objective of the production of entertainment industry is to gain profit from their product. The answer apparently is to making many isekai harem anime.

I feel dumb have to explain something so trivial like this.
Aug 29, 2022 1:16 AM

Mar 2016
For I'd like to be more critical in what I'm consuming so I could improve my critical thinking and evaluating skills I don't know about others.

just wanna feel wanted by someone other than the police 😫
Aug 29, 2022 1:25 AM

Dec 2021
King_KK said:
Gsarthotegga said:

This perspective is alien to me. I mean... most people who love Natsume Soseki novels will probably have more immediate enjoyment from watching a Jackie Chan film. That doesn't mean they would rate the Jackie Chan film higher. Why a person likes something can be quite nuanced, and to just narrow it down to muh entertainment is rather shallow. Like would you consider a film like Irreversible especially enjoyable? I don't think most people would, and it's actually meant to be alienating in many ways—just look at the camera work; still, it's a film that offers a unique experience, and that novelty or other artistic qualities may have a person rating it higher than some shoot 'em up John Woo film. You seem to think because it's from the "entertainment industry" that entertainment is the only important thing, but even this industry produces the occasional art film, which is presumably less entertaining, and yet these films are often applauded.

I personally would not rate a film high no matter how well made it is if I am not enjoying it. It might seem alien perspective to you but that's just how I consume and analyse fiction. What good is good cinematography or artistic qualities if they can't produce a good experience for the viewer. A movie like that failed as a piece of fiction in my eyes and I wouldn't rate it high, no matter what.

People just like to delude themselves thinking just because a snooze fest of a movie has some symbolic, artsy stuff in it , it turns into a good movie. A movie needs to be entertaining to be good.

Well, fair enough. It's probably a misunderstanding in terms of how we're both using words like entertainment or enjoyment. On some occasions I have been greatly impressed by things I'm not sure if I would call enjoyable, and sometimes there can be stretches that might not be enjoyable, which could lead to me docking points—maybe not absolutely. If I'd describe it as a literal snooze fest, I would also consider it to be bad as well. I can recall plenty of films that have a lot of symbolism and are artistic that I definitely don't consider good (Malice Doll ugh). It's just that in a general sense, most people would probably label an action film more enjoyable than, say, a philosophical film—not that the philosophical film is boring, it's just not strictly focused on entertainment. But emotional or thought provoking content could elevate it for the viewer above the action piece. However, from what you're saying, if you rated the second example higher than the action film, then I think you would say you enjoyed it more. I tend to think of these two examples as both serving different functions that can't be simplified down to simply enjoyment as the main criterion for preference. But I understand how you can frame it that way.
Aug 29, 2022 1:31 AM

Dec 2021
Scavendgarr said:
Why people have to ask something so obvious? The objective of the production of entertainment industry is to gain profit from their product. The answer apparently is to making many isekai harem anime.

I feel dumb have to explain something so trivial like this.

Well, that's the primary goal for studios, but it's actually not always the primary motivation for the artist. It's not unheard of for creators to make passion projects that they believe won't make money or to fund it themselves—it's just not many of these are made because profit is the primary motivation of the industry, and projects like that take serious passion and resources. Sometimes there's a compromise to balance profit and artistry to make something that bucks the trend but doesn't completely tank.

I don't think OP and most others in the thread were talking about it from the perspective of the entertainment industry, though.
Aug 29, 2022 1:40 AM

May 2018
'People who try to be "objective" when rating anime, what is the objective or goal of anime?'

To look one day back at your list and being able recognize how actually good are the shows on it.
If you mainly vote with your emotions there is big chance your view on the show could change with time.
Aug 29, 2022 1:50 AM

Oct 2013
Gsarthotegga said:
Scavendgarr said:
Why people have to ask something so obvious? The objective of the production of entertainment industry is to gain profit from their product. The answer apparently is to making many isekai harem anime.

I feel dumb have to explain something so trivial like this.

Well, that's the primary goal for studios, but it's actually not always the primary motivation for the artist. It's not unheard of for creators to make passion projects that they believe won't make money or to fund it themselves—it's just not many of these are made because profit is the primary motivation of the industry, and projects like that take serious passion and resources. Sometimes there's a compromise to balance profit and artistry to make something that bucks the trend but doesn't completely tank.

I don't think OP and most others in the thread were talking about it from the perspective of the entertainment industry, though.

Wdym? Can you give me a few example of this passion project you talking about? I'm sincerely asking here since I'm curious.

A project that being commercialized is a business project, not passion project. I cannot believe it's someone passion to make a story about some teenager get transferred to another world and start making a harem.
Aug 29, 2022 1:57 AM

Feb 2020
You can't rate objectively because everyone rates differently and I never understood the point of trying to be objective either when rating anime who cares. Normally these people are trying to hard and just look pretentious to me.
Aug 29, 2022 2:17 AM

Oct 2019
King_KK said:
Apolygon2 said:

it is impossible to be fully objective, but saying having any amount of objectivity is impossible is just not true.

I can very easily (mostly) separate enjoyment from quality.

there are more than a few 4, 5 or 6/10 shows that I have enjoyed way more than some of my 8 and 9s.

everyone will always have some biased, but you can get closer than most to being objective if you actually try. although you do HAVE to look at stuff from other peoples perspective as well. having a tunnel vision is the last thing you want when trying to be objective.

If you have shows that you rated a 4 that you consider more entertaining and enjoyable than a show you rated a 9 than you don't understand your taste in fiction to begin with. Anime is an entertainment medium and isn't the main purpose of the entertainment industry to entertain it's viewers to begin with. If one show is more entertaining to you than the other than how do you decide weather the other show is "objectively" better. It doesn't make any sense to me. In my opinion objectively good fiction just does not exist.

I am really interested in knowing what "objective qualities" makes you consider that a show that you think deserves a 4 but you enjoyed more is better than some show you think deserves a 9 but you enjoyed less. Like what even quantifies an objectively good show? Is it the characters, the animation or the plot, if it is either than explain to me what is an objectively good character or an objectively good plot? I believe that at the end of the day what you like and what you consider to be good is gonna be subjective no matter what.

alright I'll give you an example,

shinsekai yori, a show that I consider to be a high 8.

it's a slow burner that has a good amount of info dumps, there isn't really many flashy action scenes, and the characters are all pretty much act like normal humans, so they aren't really too interesting.

BUT, on the other hand, the show has an extremely interesting world, a satisfying answer to every question, a layer of philosophy that truly makes you think, multiple breath taking scenes and twists, that were only as impactful as they were because of the build up, so many cool and interesting ideas, tragedies, and dramatic moments.

during the time I was watching it, I was more bored that I was not, but I look back at it as a fantastic show with very few flaws.

now let's compare that to something like darling in the franxx. a complete train reck. the character motivations were dumb, the drama was cheap, it was aimless, it lacked originality, and had one of the most laughably bad endings in fiction.

but I enjoyed the hell out of it.

the ending was fucking abysmal but in the most entertaining possible way. the drama was cheap, but it was spicy so It was entertaining. the story was aimless, but it made it unpredictable.

every one of those problems made the show more entertaining.

I can even use more extreme examples.

ex arm is a failed piece through and through, one of the worst anime ever created, but it's way more entertaining than serial experiments lain, which is a show that many consider to be a masterpiece.

anime and media in general, is more than just mindless entertainment.

shows can evoke many different emotions, they can tackle philosophical topics, the can be motivating, they can inspire, they can teach, hell they can change someone's life or give it a new perspective.

yes my hero academia was more enjoyable than end of evangelion.

yes I had a more fun time with baki than I had with odd taxi.

yes redo of healer is far more entertaining than ghost in the shell.

but none of that matters when it comes to quality.

not every shows' goal is entertainment. and your misconception is just that. some want to make you think. some want to make you cry. some want to make you learn. some want to make worry. and so on and so on.

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Aug 29, 2022 2:28 AM

Oct 2019
Gsarthotegga said:
Nirinbo said:
Rating objectively = overrating thought provoking anime & underrating dumb fun ones

Hahaha. Perhaps so. That definitely happens quite a bit from what I've seen with critics. I try to keep a balance.

not really.

a "thought provoking" show can be platinum end, which objectively sucks.

and a "dumb fun" show can be akudama drive, which is objectively great.
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Aug 29, 2022 2:29 AM

Oct 2019
CyborgSaber said:
You can't rate objectively because everyone rates differently and I never understood the point of trying to be objective either when rating anime who cares. Normally these people are trying to hard and just look pretentious to me.

nah, I do it because it helps me improve my own writing.
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Aug 29, 2022 2:30 AM

Dec 2021
Scavendgarr said:
Gsarthotegga said:

Well, that's the primary goal for studios, but it's actually not always the primary motivation for the artist. It's not unheard of for creators to make passion projects that they believe won't make money or to fund it themselves—it's just not many of these are made because profit is the primary motivation of the industry, and projects like that take serious passion and resources. Sometimes there's a compromise to balance profit and artistry to make something that bucks the trend but doesn't completely tank.

I don't think OP and most others in the thread were talking about it from the perspective of the entertainment industry, though.

Wdym? Can you give me a few example of this passion project you talking about? I'm sincerely asking here since I'm curious.

A project that being commercialized is a business project, not passion project. I cannot believe it's someone passion to make a story about some teenager get transferred to another world and start making a harem.

I don't know enough about the anime industry to give too many examples, but with independent films, it is often the case that the artists are trying to make a name for themselves and build up a resume. Like it's definitely not the top choice if you want to make money. Some of them end up being very profitable, but that does not apply to most. It's not uncommon for filmmakers to do a lot of side projects to be able to afford to make their art. Studio 4C had so many artsy productions that they might be the equivalent of this. I assume most of their money comes from assisting other studios rather than the various short art projects they created.

The anime movie Redline was a pretty huge risk. It wasn't the same kind of production disaster as Heaven's Gate was for Hollywood. It ate up a huge amount of money and made hardly any of it back and killed Cimino's career. Of course, the studio wants to make money, but Cimino was far more concerned with artistry and made so many ridiculous choices in the name of perfectionism that you'd have to come to the conclusion that this guy either thought he was too big to fail or was oblivious. So looking it up, that cost 44 million and made back 3.5 million! Not accounting for inflation. Now, I don't know what Cimino thought going in. All artists hope to break even or make money (maybe not Hiroshi Harada lol), but sometimes their vision is more important to them. The film does have beautiful cinematography, but it was a little obtuse for most filmgoers, I suppose. It was also heavily edited and cut. This is the most famous example of a flop in film history.

So back to Redline, from a quick look, I see 26 million cost and only making 8 million in sales and so needless to say it was a big flop (though a nice film, even if more focused on style over substance). Not sure how accurate these numbers are now. But this was a production they worked on for years, and they would put way more attention to detail when it came to animation than they necessarily needed to if the main concern was money. If you were purely focused on money, in fact, you'd want to take a model more like a lot of shounen. Lots of animation saving techniques, then bring in some solid key animation for pivotal scenes. Doesn't need to be hugely time or money-intensive like Redline.

Losses in profit are not always as much of an issue with business as people tend to think, btw, depending on the business model and the industry. Especially if there is some way to offset a loss. Like if we're talking about an anime studio, they might have 5 money makers, and another one for artistic purposes that may not sell well; obviously, they want it to sell, but it's a greater gamble than like a popular isekai or shounen. I've heard rumors about various creators in the industry saying the industry has shifted in a way where it's not really possible to make productions similar to Lain or Texhnolyze anymore, implying they were a risk in the first place, and that it would be an even greater risk now or difficult to get greenlit. That's probably correct, since we don't tend to see very many similar anime lately. I feel Sonny Boy is similar in this regard, and I doubt that was expected to be profitable.

(Speaking of money not always being the most important, you'd have to consider news media—a lot of news outlets are part of a parent company, and either the propaganda is more important than the profit, or the owner is recouping the losses from other outlets or businesses.)
GsarthoteggaAug 29, 2022 3:05 AM
Aug 29, 2022 2:31 AM

Oct 2019
PaantsuSaamaa said:
There´s no such thing as an "objective" rating. Because the way I view it, an "objective" answer means that there´s no other answer, while a "subjective" answer means that there´s different answers depending on the person.

Therefore, stating that your answer is the correctly "objective" one would just make you sound egotistical and a little bit elitist.

well. there is no objective rating.

but I can tell you that monster is objectively a good show.

and tokyo ghoul re season 2 objectively sucks.

you can't be 100 accurate, but you could be close enough that it doesn't matter.
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Aug 29, 2022 2:51 AM

Dec 2021
Apolygon2 said:
King_KK said:

If you have shows that you rated a 4 that you consider more entertaining and enjoyable than a show you rated a 9 than you don't understand your taste in fiction to begin with. Anime is an entertainment medium and isn't the main purpose of the entertainment industry to entertain it's viewers to begin with. If one show is more entertaining to you than the other than how do you decide weather the other show is "objectively" better. It doesn't make any sense to me. In my opinion objectively good fiction just does not exist.

I am really interested in knowing what "objective qualities" makes you consider that a show that you think deserves a 4 but you enjoyed more is better than some show you think deserves a 9 but you enjoyed less. Like what even quantifies an objectively good show? Is it the characters, the animation or the plot, if it is either than explain to me what is an objectively good character or an objectively good plot? I believe that at the end of the day what you like and what you consider to be good is gonna be subjective no matter what.

alright I'll give you an example,

shinsekai yori, a show that I consider to be a high 8.

it's a slow burner that has a good amount of info dumps, there isn't really many flashy action scenes, and the characters are all pretty much act like normal humans, so they aren't really too interesting.

BUT, on the other hand, the show has an extremely interesting world, a satisfying answer to every question, a layer of philosophy that truly makes you think, multiple breath taking scenes and twists, that were only as impactful as they were because of the build up, so many cool and interesting ideas, tragedies, and dramatic moments.

during the time I was watching it, I was more bored that I was not, but I look back at it as a fantastic show with very few flaws.

now let's compare that to something like darling in the franxx. a complete train reck. the character motivations were dumb, the drama was cheap, it was aimless, it lacked originality, and had one of the most laughably bad endings in fiction.

but I enjoyed the hell out of it.

the ending was fucking abysmal but in the most entertaining possible way. the drama was cheap, but it was spicy so It was entertaining. the story was aimless, but it made it unpredictable.

every one of those problems made the show more entertaining.

I can even use more extreme examples.

ex arm is a failed piece through and through, one of the worst anime ever created, but it's way more entertaining than serial experiments lain, which is a show that many consider to be a masterpiece.

anime and media in general, is more than just mindless entertainment.

shows can evoke many different emotions, they can tackle philosophical topics, the can be motivating, they can inspire, they can teach, hell they can change someone's life or give it a new perspective.

yes my hero academia was more enjoyable than end of evangelion.

yes I had a more fun time with baki than I had with odd taxi.

yes redo of healer is far more entertaining than ghost in the shell.

but none of that matters when it comes to quality.

not every shows' goal is entertainment. and your misconception is just that. some want to make you think. some want to make you cry. some want to make you learn. some want to make worry. and so on and so on.

Yeah, I agree with this. I find his take on it kind of peculiar. I checked his favorites out of curiosity, and he gave both Angel's Egg and Death Note an 8. Personally, I think most people who rate Angel's Egg and Death Note roughly equally (or rated Angel's Egg higher than Death Note) would probably say DN was more enjoyable or entertaining. It's a well-polished thriller and is focused on entertainment, regardless of whatever artistic merit it has. Angel's Egg is an art film. Certainly, it's one of my favorite films, so I do enjoy it, but it's more about building atmosphere, beautiful imagery, and thematics and symbolism. Its appeal is a lot different. I think something like a Kawajiri action film is more entertaining and is better for certain moods or situations.

Like with Franxx. I, too, very much enjoyed it, but it's difficult to deny its flaws. I'm pretty sure I enjoyed it more than some series I gave a higher rating, but they were much less flawed. Like no matter how much you enjoy a series, a rushed bad ending can be very damning, and Franxx has one of the worst endings I've ever seen. However, at the same time, I wouldn't say it hurt my enjoyment, because it is hilarious. Still an objectively terrible ending that makes me wince upon reflection.
Aug 29, 2022 2:53 AM

Apr 2019
Apolygon2 said:
King_KK said:

If you have shows that you rated a 4 that you consider more entertaining and enjoyable than a show you rated a 9 than you don't understand your taste in fiction to begin with. Anime is an entertainment medium and isn't the main purpose of the entertainment industry to entertain it's viewers to begin with. If one show is more entertaining to you than the other than how do you decide weather the other show is "objectively" better. It doesn't make any sense to me. In my opinion objectively good fiction just does not exist.

I am really interested in knowing what "objective qualities" makes you consider that a show that you think deserves a 4 but you enjoyed more is better than some show you think deserves a 9 but you enjoyed less. Like what even quantifies an objectively good show? Is it the characters, the animation or the plot, if it is either than explain to me what is an objectively good character or an objectively good plot? I believe that at the end of the day what you like and what you consider to be good is gonna be subjective no matter what.

alright I'll give you an example,

shinsekai yori, a show that I consider to be a high 8.

it's a slow burner that has a good amount of info dumps, there isn't really many flashy action scenes, and the characters are all pretty much act like normal humans, so they aren't really too interesting.

BUT, on the other hand, the show has an extremely interesting world, a satisfying answer to every question, a layer of philosophy that truly makes you think, multiple breath taking scenes and twists, that were only as impactful as they were because of the build up, so many cool and interesting ideas, tragedies, and dramatic moments.

during the time I was watching it, I was more bored that I was not, but I look back at it as a fantastic show with very few flaws.

now let's compare that to something like darling in the franxx. a complete train reck. the character motivations were dumb, the drama was cheap, it was aimless, it lacked originality, and had one of the most laughably bad endings in fiction.

but I enjoyed the hell out of it.

the ending was fucking abysmal but in the most entertaining possible way. the drama was cheap, but it was spicy so It was entertaining. the story was aimless, but it made it unpredictable.

every one of those problems made the show more entertaining.

I can even use more extreme examples.

ex arm is a failed piece through and through, one of the worst anime ever created, but it's way more entertaining than serial experiments lain, which is a show that many consider to be a masterpiece.

anime and media in general, is more than just mindless entertainment.

shows can evoke many different emotions, they can tackle philosophical topics, the can be motivating, they can inspire, they can teach, hell they can change someone's life or give it a new perspective.

yes my hero academia was more enjoyable than end of evangelion.

yes I had a more fun time with baki than I had with odd taxi.

yes redo of healer is far more entertaining than ghost in the shell.

but none of that matters when it comes to quality.

not every shows' goal is entertainment. and your misconception is just that. some want to make you think. some want to make you cry. some want to make you learn. some want to make worry. and so on and so on.

So basically your argument boils down to the fact that you enjoy shows that you know are poorly made and are pretty trashy. I guess, I just can't relate to you because I can't enjoy media that I know is bad or poorly made. The entire idea of shows that are so bad that they become good is pretty alien to me. I need the show to have good writing and good production values for me to enjoy it. I guess to each their own. Still it is you who is analysing each show you watch to find out what show is well written and what's not so it's still subjectivity in my eyes. It would be objectivity if there was some scientific metric to test weather Shinsekai Yori is more well written the Darling in the Franxx or not. But alas there's not.

As for your last paragraph, shows wanting to make me feel a certain way or making me think and succeeding in it is entertainment in my eyes.
Aug 29, 2022 3:00 AM

Jun 2020
I don't know how many times people will try to milk this objective/subjective crap. There are huge load of threads on this. Just adding something extra doesn't make it original. Op should understand that before creating these pointless threads. Your whole post lies on the fact that you consider, it is possible to rate objectively. Based on that assumption you are asking something about goal or whatever. Do you see the problem? It's nothing but subjective/objective crap. First prove that it is possible to rate something objectively then talk about goal. If it's not possible then what's the point of this thread?
Second thing is taking random example and drawing generalized conclusion is stupid. It's like saying "look, I found 5 legged dog. Therefore all dogs have 5 legs".
To answer your question without touching subjective/objective. No it's not. It's not necessary/require to have goal for any objective facts.
Mr_XIIIAug 29, 2022 3:13 AM
Aug 29, 2022 3:05 AM

Apr 2012
Every work of art has its own objectives. The quality of a work of art depends on the difficulty of its objectives, the importance of its objectives, and how well it achieves them.
Aug 29, 2022 3:11 AM

Oct 2019
King_KK said:
Apolygon2 said:

alright I'll give you an example,

shinsekai yori, a show that I consider to be a high 8.

it's a slow burner that has a good amount of info dumps, there isn't really many flashy action scenes, and the characters are all pretty much act like normal humans, so they aren't really too interesting.

BUT, on the other hand, the show has an extremely interesting world, a satisfying answer to every question, a layer of philosophy that truly makes you think, multiple breath taking scenes and twists, that were only as impactful as they were because of the build up, so many cool and interesting ideas, tragedies, and dramatic moments.

during the time I was watching it, I was more bored that I was not, but I look back at it as a fantastic show with very few flaws.

now let's compare that to something like darling in the franxx. a complete train reck. the character motivations were dumb, the drama was cheap, it was aimless, it lacked originality, and had one of the most laughably bad endings in fiction.

but I enjoyed the hell out of it.

the ending was fucking abysmal but in the most entertaining possible way. the drama was cheap, but it was spicy so It was entertaining. the story was aimless, but it made it unpredictable.

every one of those problems made the show more entertaining.

I can even use more extreme examples.

ex arm is a failed piece through and through, one of the worst anime ever created, but it's way more entertaining than serial experiments lain, which is a show that many consider to be a masterpiece.

anime and media in general, is more than just mindless entertainment.

shows can evoke many different emotions, they can tackle philosophical topics, the can be motivating, they can inspire, they can teach, hell they can change someone's life or give it a new perspective.

yes my hero academia was more enjoyable than end of evangelion.

yes I had a more fun time with baki than I had with odd taxi.

yes redo of healer is far more entertaining than ghost in the shell.

but none of that matters when it comes to quality.

not every shows' goal is entertainment. and your misconception is just that. some want to make you think. some want to make you cry. some want to make you learn. some want to make worry. and so on and so on.

So basically your argument boils down to the fact that you enjoy shows that you know are poorly made and are pretty trashy. I guess, I just can't relate to you because I can't enjoy media that I know is bad or poorly made. The entire idea of shows that are so bad that they become good is pretty alien to me. I need the show to have good writing and good production values for me to enjoy it. I guess to each their own. Still it is you who is analysing each show you watch to find out what show is well written and what's not so it's still subjectivity in my eyes. It would be objectivity if there was some scientific metric to test weather Shinsekai Yori is more well written the Darling in the Franxx or not. But alas there's not.

As for your last paragraph, shows wanting to make me feel a certain way or making me think and succeeding in it is entertainment in my eyes.

i don't disagree with you.

like i said, there is no way of being 100% objective.

but that doesn't mean you can't be as objective as possible.

the truth is that everyone us somewhere in the middle. and all i'm hoping for is to be on the most objective part possible, even though no one will ever truly reach it.

i mean, are you telling me that has there never been a show that was mostly boring, yet gave a emotional pay off that made it worth it?

like yes that one scene that made you cry is entertainment, but as a whole a show like that would still be considered boring and not too entertaining.
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Aug 29, 2022 4:19 AM

Oct 2013
Gsarthotegga said:
Scavendgarr said:

Wdym? Can you give me a few example of this passion project you talking about? I'm sincerely asking here since I'm curious.

A project that being commercialized is a business project, not passion project. I cannot believe it's someone passion to make a story about some teenager get transferred to another world and start making a harem.

I don't know enough about the anime industry to give too many examples, but with independent films, it is often the case that the artists are trying to make a name for themselves and build up a resume. Like it's definitely not the top choice if you want to make money. Some of them end up being very profitable, but that does not apply to most. It's not uncommon for filmmakers to do a lot of side projects to be able to afford to make their art. Studio 4C had so many artsy productions that they might be the equivalent of this. I assume most of their money comes from assisting other studios rather than the various short art projects they created.

The anime movie Redline was a pretty huge risk. It wasn't the same kind of production disaster as Heaven's Gate was for Hollywood. It ate up a huge amount of money and made hardly any of it back and killed Cimino's career. Of course, the studio wants to make money, but Cimino was far more concerned with artistry and made so many ridiculous choices in the name of perfectionism that you'd have to come to the conclusion that this guy either thought he was too big to fail or was oblivious. So looking it up, that cost 44 million and made back 3.5 million! Not accounting for inflation. Now, I don't know what Cimino thought going in. All artists hope to break even or make money (maybe not Hiroshi Harada lol), but sometimes their vision is more important to them. The film does have beautiful cinematography, but it was a little obtuse for most filmgoers, I suppose. It was also heavily edited and cut. This is the most famous example of a flop in film history.

So back to Redline, from a quick look, I see 26 million cost and only making 8 million in sales and so needless to say it was a big flop (though a nice film, even if more focused on style over substance). Not sure how accurate these numbers are now. But this was a production they worked on for years, and they would put way more attention to detail when it came to animation than they necessarily needed to if the main concern was money. If you were purely focused on money, in fact, you'd want to take a model more like a lot of shounen. Lots of animation saving techniques, then bring in some solid key animation for pivotal scenes. Doesn't need to be hugely time or money-intensive like Redline.

Losses in profit are not always as much of an issue with business as people tend to think, btw, depending on the business model and the industry. Especially if there is some way to offset a loss. Like if we're talking about an anime studio, they might have 5 money makers, and another one for artistic purposes that may not sell well; obviously, they want it to sell, but it's a greater gamble than like a popular isekai or shounen. I've heard rumors about various creators in the industry saying the industry has shifted in a way where it's not really possible to make productions similar to Lain or Texhnolyze anymore, implying they were a risk in the first place, and that it would be an even greater risk now or difficult to get greenlit. That's probably correct, since we don't tend to see very many similar anime lately. I feel Sonny Boy is similar in this regard, and I doubt that was expected to be profitable.

(Speaking of money not always being the most important, you'd have to consider news media—a lot of news outlets are part of a parent company, and either the propaganda is more important than the profit, or the owner is recouping the losses from other outlets or businesses.)

Huh, thanks for actually answered my question properly. but what i get from that, is now if it have a risk of not being profitable, they probably won't make it in the first place.

Probably you didn't realize profit is not always money wise. by being more famous in the industry is profitable in a way. so flop or not doesn't change the fact it could be profitable in the long run.

IMO the real passion project is an anonymous art that presented to the one worthy to behold it, rather than experimental project that professionally distributed to be consumed by everyone that can afford to consume it.
Aug 29, 2022 8:04 AM
Aug 2021
well, i'm not doing that though lmao.

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