Top 10 anime 2021
Top 10 anime 2022
Top 10 anime 2023
Top 11 anime 2024
Top 2 anime 2025
My anime principles
- Enjoyment comes first
Rating by enjoyment doesn't mean lack of rationality: it means giving different weights to different aspects, case by case. Firstly I assess my enjoyment, then I try to understand the causes; sometimes sound, pacing or likable characters can be more important than plot, animation or deep characters. Everyone's taste is different, I'm not trying to be objective.
- My rating system
8-10) love
6-7) like
3-5) watchable
1-2) dislike
- Everything deserves a chance, but if it's boring I'll drop it immediately
There are a lot of anime I liked even though I didn't expect to and that's why I believe that anything deserves a try. However, since there's no time to watch literally everything, dropping whatever isn't enjoyable as soon as possible is the best way to try out many different anime. "But you might miss some masterpieces!" Well, I'll miss even more great stuff if I waste time with anime I don't like.
- Do scores matter?
Caring about ratings and ranks doesn't mean "high score = I'll like it", but that there are always multiple reasons why some anime are rated high and others low. I try to understand these reasons, even when I disagree. My taste is a completely different matter; I like about 30% of the top 250, which is satisfying because I won't find better odds in the lower ratings.
- Rewatching is worth it
Rewatching is important, because taste changes over time. Some anime weren't as enjoyable as I remembered, but some others became my favorites only after a rewatch.