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Japan is No Longer A Leader In Animation!!!

Dec 29, 2021 9:44 PM

May 2021
A Japanese news blog, Real Economy published an article about the Gundam creator, Yoshiyuki Tomino, who spoke at a Museum exhibition, where he talked about the challenges of the anime industry in the current era. Yoshiyuki revealed that Japan is no longer the leader in animation, and China is now ahead of Japan.

Tomino revealed that about 10 years ago when he went to Beijing (China) to deliver a lecture, there were many young anime enthusiasts, and they are now working as professionals in Chinsese animation industry. He also said that many graduates from Beijing University (which is considered a top class education institute) have entered in the world of anime.

Tomino claimed that Chinsese government is heavily investing in their domestic animation department, as a part of their state policy. He then compared the Chinsese govt. with Japanese government, and said that Japansese politicians are stuck 30 to 40 years in the past. He further said:
"There is a sense of crisis that Japan will lose completely to those in Beijing if they don’t stop making anime from a business-oriented perspective. But I didn’t mean to send salt to them who came to listen to my lecture, and I don’t want to lose. Still, I want you all to be aware that Japan is no longer a leader in animation."

As for as the Chinese animated shows are concerned, the quality has improved a lot over the years. Link Click is probably the most popular Chinese animated series, worldwide. And the series is also getting a Japanese dub, which will be released in Jan 2022. According to many anime fans, they still can’t enjoy the Chinese animation as much as anime because of the language barrier. Also, many Japanese animators now prefer to work for Chinese animation studio due to better wages.

What are your thoughts on China’s growing animation industry? Will it affect the anime industry in any way? Please tell your opinion about this??

Yukino_chan99Dec 30, 2021 3:52 AM
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Dec 29, 2021 9:49 PM

Dec 2020
Ya as the things are going now and if more anime like Link Click releases every season, people will started to move to Chinese animes.But how may Chinese animation may be good imo anime will never be taken down,there are many manga that still waiting for adaptions(vagabond)some.anime have just started like jjk which made a major role in anime popularity.So ya anime will live long.

For your Information:

Dec 29, 2021 9:52 PM

Jan 2009
made in china strikes again thats my thought lol
Dec 29, 2021 9:56 PM

Apr 2012
Was Japan once a leader? I always thought the leader of animation was the USA with their Disney and Pixar.

Also, for me personally, it's not about the language barrier, but about the content itself. Most of the Chinese shows I've seen were mostly either boring imitations of typical Japanese clichés or even more boring webtoon-like pandering to teenagers from TikTok and Twitter. I have nothing against Chinese or Korean animation per se, but as long as it has lazy plots, it will not interest me very much.
RobertBobertDec 29, 2021 9:59 PM
Dec 30, 2021 3:50 AM

Oct 2020
Chinese studios haven't been able to make animations like Your Name or A Silent Voice.
Dec 30, 2021 3:58 AM

Oct 2010
We had this same thread thread a while ago, only with a slightly less sensationalist title.

Also, it's very funny that Tomino creating what is perhaps the single most milked franchise in anime history for more than 40 years talks about anime being too business-oriented and too stuck in the past. Not the best person to mention this, he has made an entire career out of these "flaws".
Dec 30, 2021 4:23 AM

Nov 2019
I'm fine with it, as my favourite are the best the entertainment industry could offer.
Help! I need somebody. Help! Not just anybody. Help! You know I need someone. Helpppppp!

Dec 30, 2021 4:50 AM

Mar 2012
How will they get money if they stop making anime from a business-oriented perspective?
Maou_heikaDec 30, 2021 6:07 AM
Dec 30, 2021 5:16 AM

Apr 2018
I don't understand, why would anyone create anime if it isn't from a business perspective, how are you gonna pay the people behind its production?

Dec 30, 2021 5:46 AM

Dec 2020
Maou_heika said:
How will they get money if the stop making anime from a business-oriented perspective?
NekoZamurai said:
I don't understand, why would anyone create anime if it isn't from a business perspective, how are you gonna pay the people behind its production?

Studios like Madhouse was once a studio that adapts manga without seeing it from a business perspective. They just took on projects that they wanted. Masao Maruyama founded Madhouse with one vision - to create whatever they wanted to create. That's why they took on creative projects like Kaiji, Kaiba, Beck, The Tatami Galaxy and so on. Unfortunately, after Madhouse became a well-known studio, they had less freedom to make whatever they wanted.
no more forum pic. that's it.
Dec 30, 2021 7:27 AM

Oct 2014
It was bound to happen. The Japanese animation industry is so poorly run as it stands. It's incredible that they've even made it this far.
Dec 30, 2021 7:30 AM

Sep 2018
If China continues to censor, I could never consider them a leader in animation. Look what they did to dragon maid.
Dec 30, 2021 7:46 AM
Aug 2021
Sorry if this sound political but I thought they don’t like each other? Would Japanese customers really pay to watch Chinese anime?
Dec 30, 2021 7:49 AM

Sep 2020
Loved Link Click, glad donghua are getting more recognition worldwide. I don't have an issue with its growing popularity at all. If only there was less censorship, Chinese animation could have a lot to bring to the table that the anime industry is lacking.
Dec 30, 2021 7:56 AM

Feb 2011
There is a sense of crisis that Japan will lose completely to those in Beijing if they don’t stop making anime from a business-oriented perspective.

Also, many Japanese animators now prefer to work for Chinese animation studio due to better wages.

Isn't this is the result of Chinese companies operating on business-oriented model?

Also, I wouldn't mind letting all mainstream go to China if it meant Japan would focus on their own market/niche genres, although it's unlikely to happen.
Dec 30, 2021 8:04 AM

Nov 2018
Maou_heika said:
How will they get money if they stop making anime from a business-oriented perspective?

From us in the west, obviously. We gobble up anime like there's no tomorrow. We're a potentially massive market that's only recently begun to expand rapidly.
So I've been banned from MAL-Badges, after spending nearly two years of my time and dedication to helping out, being the club's spokesperson, and planning for the revamp, it all goes down the fucking drain. What a joke the club has become. I advise everyone to stop using the feature and stop showing their support for the site and the club. We were promised that we will see changes come to the site, and nothing's been done for the past year. I doubt the site will be touched for the foreseeable future. If you're angry and annoyed about the lack of development, then good, you should be.
Dec 30, 2021 8:06 AM

May 2018
"No Longer A Leader"

What? Really?

Than I am returning my weeb badge since I can only be associated with the leader and nothing less.
Dec 30, 2021 8:20 AM

Mar 2021

If we are judging by history it's going to take several generations for modern Chinese animation to become infused within it's culture. China has never been well known for any specific animation franchises and what they have currently it's far from being titles of broad appeal world wide.

I am not saying that China can't eventually become a leading country in animation. But it's still far from having it's own unique identity apart from just being seen as just a copy of Japanese anime.

On top of this if you were to research the top known Chinese animation franchises, none of them are even remotely familiar or well known outside of Asia and nothing that has been created before 2015.

The main thing that China is missing about the over all cultural appeal of Anime is it's marketability. They have no diverse international merch for any of their animation franchises and it would be hard for them to do so with current trade agreements with other countries world wide.

"Link Click" is just an outlier in my opinion and only having one title that has had moderate international success is a far cry from being seen as moving ahead to becoming the new leader in animation.
ColourWheelDec 30, 2021 8:28 AM
Dec 30, 2021 8:21 AM

Feb 2011
_cjessop19_ said:
Maou_heika said:
How will they get money if they stop making anime from a business-oriented perspective?

From us in the west, obviously. We gobble up anime like there's no tomorrow. We're a potentially massive market that's only recently begun to expand rapidly.

Here's a novel idea: let China have battle shounen and fanservice-less, boobless anime, while Japan continues to make Isekai, CGDCT, Harem, etc., so the Japanese and weebs worldwide watch the latter, while "normal" westerners and Chinese government stops complaining about anime in general. Everybody wins.
Dec 30, 2021 8:32 AM
Apr 2021
Howdym8 said:
Sorry if this sound political but I thought they don’t like each other? Would Japanese customers really pay to watch Chinese anime?
china & japan has love hate relationship, but, currently there are tons of anime chinese fan. Same goes for japanese, if china takeover japan in anime.
Dec 30, 2021 8:35 AM
Apr 2021
ColourWheel said:

If we are judging by history it's going to take several generations for modern Chinese animation to become infused within it's culture. China has never been well known for any specific animation franchises and what they have currently it's far from being titles of broad appeal world wide.

I am not saying that China can't eventually become a leading country in animation. But it's still far from having it's own unique identity apart from just being seen as just a copy of Japanese anime.

On top of this if you were to research the top known Chinese animation franchises, none of them are even remotely familiar or well known outside of Asia and nothing that has been created before 2015.

The main thing that China is missing about the over all cultural appeal of Anime is it's marketability. They have no diverse international merch for any of their animation franchises and it would be hard for them to do so with current trade agreements with other countries world wide.

"Link Click" is just an outlier in my opinion and only having one title that has had moderate international success is a far cry from being seen as moving ahead to becoming the new leader in animation.
agree, china has to take way long time to surpass japan in anime. there are tons of anime that are considered as masterpiece by the whole community. china could take over, maybe at least 10 years i guess
Dec 30, 2021 8:38 AM

Jul 2021
Why because some boomer said so lol.
People should stop listing to clowns like him.
Dec 30, 2021 8:43 AM

Dec 2020

Am I supposed to care?
Nah for real, I don't think this makes much difference. It's not like I'm going to stop watching Animation from Japan or anything.

Dec 30, 2021 8:46 AM

Nov 2008
China's a threat to anime but it's only regulated to censorship and business practices (the latter is the reason I will not watch anything made by Bilibili). Marketability, lack of genre variety, and politics from Japanese and even Westerners prevent Chinese anime from being mainstream.

Dec 30, 2021 8:52 AM
Oct 2020
Well if anime like Link Click are made, then surely they might takeover Japan someday soon
Dec 30, 2021 9:32 AM

Mar 2021
Hoppy said:
China's a threat to anime but it's only regulated to censorship and business practices (the latter is the reason I will not watch anything made by Bilibili). Marketability, lack of genre variety, and politics from Japanese and even Westerners prevent Chinese anime from being mainstream.

China is preventing itself from having their own animation franchises from becoming mainstream world wide.

Their government has a lack of any foreign intellectual property protections which is just one of many reasons that has caused many countries to stop trading with them.

China will go above and beyond protect their own domestic IP but will be completely lax when foreign IP is found being counterfeited on a large scale within their country.
Dec 30, 2021 9:40 AM
May 2019
So what? I don't really care who is the leader? I'm not going to stop watching Japanese animes
Dec 30, 2021 9:46 AM

Apr 2019
rockwel said:
Why because some boomer said so lol. People should stop listing to clowns like him.
I rather stop listening to those clowns who think ageism, racism, sexism etc would count as arguments. Your statement has zero content beyond being offensive.

Dec 30, 2021 10:08 AM

Nov 2008
ColourWheel said:
Hoppy said:
China's a threat to anime but it's only regulated to censorship and business practices (the latter is the reason I will not watch anything made by Bilibili). Marketability, lack of genre variety, and politics from Japanese and even Westerners prevent Chinese anime from being mainstream.

China is preventing itself from having their own animation franchises from becoming mainstream world wide.

Their government has a lack of any foreign intellectual property protections which is just one of many reasons that has caused many countries to stop trading with them.

China will go above and beyond protect their own domestic IP but will be completely lax when foreign IP is found being counterfeited on a large scale within their country.

Yeah, and I'm surprised Chinese animated films even have the niche appeal they have in the states, then again most of it is on Netflix and Netflix takes almost anything.

Dec 30, 2021 10:09 AM
Dec 2020
falsified and deviant ha I said the thing
Dec 30, 2021 10:48 AM

Jun 2007
This thread is not a leader in discussing Japan's loss of animation supremacy:

Everything that connects to MAL

Contains Ecchi, but not Tagged Ecchi: Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3

Dec 30, 2021 1:14 PM

Mar 2020
I don't really see it as a problem, but I don't think China can surpass japanese animation in terms of quality.

"I wonder if anything will ever change? Will that day ever come?"
- Okazaki, Tomoya
"Nothing can stay unchanged. Fun things… Happy things…
They can’t possibly remain the same."
- Furukawa, Nagisa
Dec 30, 2021 2:20 PM
Nov 2020
Most of the anime audience especially western ones they simply don't like chinese animation or china in general...this simple reason is enough to make it difficult for china to become leaders in animation.....otherwise language barriers can easily be reduced because most of the anime don't know japanese either
Dec 30, 2021 3:26 PM

Oct 2009
Japan will only lose that position once Chinese studios started making hentai's with better quality, which I assume not in the near future.
The most important things in life is the people that you care about
Dec 30, 2021 4:12 PM

Mar 2021
azzuRe said:
Japan will only lose that position once Chinese studios started making hentai's with better quality, which I assume not in the near future.

Hentai is banned in China. The Chinese government would have to go through a huge state of reform for Hentai to become legal there, so basically it's never going to happen.
Dec 30, 2021 4:39 PM

Jul 2021
i have high hopes as link click was very well animated

imo japan was not the leader in animation clone wars s7 looks better than anything japan has produced

Dec 30, 2021 11:10 PM

Oct 2012
Japan is still the leader in animation, but it's on the trajectory to losing its seat. I don't know what the issue is behind the scenes, but they're producing more and more derivative works replete with fanservice and other nonsense. I haven't seen any innovation in a while.

And to be honest, for the past 2 seasons, I've watched like 2 Japanese anime, and like dozens of donghua. Donghua isn't without its own cliches, but you could literally see the quality improve every year. The characters are overall more mature, and the subject matter is more diverse. There are sci-fis and occult shows every season that only come along in anime a few times in a decade. They're not all good, but it's getting to the point that I'd rather watch donghuas most of the time.

My favorite shows are still Japanese e.g. Chihayafuru and Steins;Gate. But on the average, donghua is more palatable to my tastes.
My subjective reviews:
Dec 30, 2021 11:13 PM

Oct 2012
Endless_end said:
I don't really see it as a problem, but I don't think China can surpass japanese animation in terms of quality.
I don't see why not. There are standouts of course, but on the average, Japanese animation is quite stale. From the article, Japan has been importing work from Korea, China and Vietnam for like a decade, and it's coming to the point where these studios overseas have learned from the masters themselves, just like Japan learned from Disney in the 70s.
My subjective reviews:
Dec 30, 2021 11:48 PM

Jul 2013
Of course not, especially with Toei besmirching the Digimon franchise. Toei must be run by applesauce-eating old foagies who can't even adapt One Piece to CGI.

Neither the Japanese or the Americans can afford to make hand-drawn animation or even stop motion anymore. James and The Giant Peach came out back when people actually had ideas.

No duh! That China can afford to animate characters with any medium known to man and obviously having already stolen filmmaking secrets in Disney's HQ via whatever spy devices they took over there.

Seemingly yesterday's news, but China still has the highest GDP in the world and Japan is still running low on cash. Duh! Because too many people buy cheap knockoffs, play around on TikTok everyday and buy a stupidly absurd quantity of smartphones being Chinese most of the time. Too many irresponsible consumers buying iPads for their kids which are Chinese too.

As long as people spend money on stupid Chinese knockoffs, the Chicoms will display some serious form of dominance in the animation industry.

I can almost hear the communists talking behind the Japanese backs for pandering to an audience they assume are socially inept dorks, running out of ideas and not taking any chances at making anime with substantial substance, balls, whatever.

The Chinese don't envy Japan anymore, more like they pity them, laughing at them now. I also remember some CCP troll somewhere calling Japanese people clowns.
Kurt_IrvingDec 30, 2021 11:52 PM
Dec 31, 2021 12:00 AM

Dec 2020
There's no problem to begin with unless is the ego talk on the table.

China will always want to be dominating with everything they can, and you can just ignore that and enjoy what you like, and on top they both have their own cultural traits that can't be integrate one to another making them a divided category.
Dec 31, 2021 12:01 AM

Mar 2021

You want to know why Anime studios like "Manglobe" went bankrupt?

I don't have any proof but I do have my suspicions....

About a little over a decade ago I ordered online a few anime DVD sets without checking precisely what I was ordering at the time. One of which was the complete box set of the series "Samurai Champloo". Once I got it in the mail I noticed something fishy about it because it was something completely different then what was being advertised when I ordered it online. The cover art was not the same and the inlays in the DVD cases were completely non-existent. Yet I still got the entire series in DVD quality. The only noticeable difference was oddly the series had additional subtitles in Mandarin. At this point I realized I was conned into buying a counterfeit copy of the series that was obviously professionally produced in China.

It ends up, China has been doing stuff like this for decades.

Coincidentally "Manglobe" happens to be the very studio that produced "Samurai Champloo".

It's because of stuff like this why China is probably never going to be any leader in Animation. This is a country that has literally been culturally appropriating things outside of it's own country for millenniums. Most countries around the world have started to refuse to do any trading with them.
Dec 31, 2021 12:01 AM
Jul 2018
Man, this guy is too fucking old. Grandpa is out of his mind. Doesn't know what he's talking about. Yeah, Gramps, whatever you say, now go back to bed or doing old people stuff whatever. Nobody cares!

_spoon_ said:
i have high hopes as link click was very well animated

imo japan was not the leader in animation clone wars s7 looks better than anything japan has produced

Lmao. Violet Evargarden beats this ugly CGI shit out of the water mate. You are just like Gramps Tomino.
Dec 31, 2021 12:13 AM
Aug 2014
I really really tried to watch Chinese animations, I really did but their language is like Shwashwashwa at x20 speed and it gave me a headache every time I tried. No disrespect, I'm sure English sounds moronic to them too but my brain is just not wired for that input. Maybe I'll try again in dubs if avail.
Dec 31, 2021 1:18 AM

Nov 2019
LockHowl said:
I really really tried to watch Chinese animations, I really did but their language is like Shwashwashwa at x20 speed and it gave me a headache every time I tried. No disrespect, I'm sure English sounds moronic to them too but my brain is just not wired for that input. Maybe I'll try again in dubs if avail.

Well, since you have blokced every way of communication, here is my reply. I can't abandon my responsibility, so sorry mate, can't leave something that cute. Enjoy your lovely day.
Help! I need somebody. Help! Not just anybody. Help! You know I need someone. Helpppppp!

Dec 31, 2021 1:21 AM
Aug 2014
SgtBaitMan said:
LockHowl said:
I really really tried to watch Chinese animations, I really did but their language is like Shwashwashwa at x20 speed and it gave me a headache every time I tried. No disrespect, I'm sure English sounds moronic to them too but my brain is just not wired for that input. Maybe I'll try again in dubs if avail.

Well, since you have blokced every way of communication, here is my reply. I can't abandon my responsibility, so sorry mate, can't leave something that cute. Enjoy your lovely day.
Could you not have PM'd me? Surely, that would have worked? Or not? Does it reject le PMs? I sincerely don't know haha. You too have an awesome one too! :)
Dec 31, 2021 2:00 AM

Oct 2012
ColourWheel said:

You want to know why Anime studios like "Manglobe" went bankrupt?

I don't have any proof but I do have my suspicions....

About a little over a decade ago I ordered online a few anime DVD sets without checking precisely what I was ordering at the time. One of which was the complete box set of the series "Samurai Champloo". Once I got it in the mail I noticed something fishy about it because it was something completely different then what was being advertised when I ordered it online. The cover art was not the same and the inlays in the DVD cases were completely non-existent. Yet I still got the entire series in DVD quality. The only noticeable difference was oddly the series had additional subtitles in Mandarin. At this point I realized I was conned into buying a counterfeit copy of the series that was obviously professionally produced in China.

It ends up, China has been doing stuff like this for decades.

Coincidentally "Manglobe" happens to be the very studio that produced "Samurai Champloo".

It's because of stuff like this why China is probably never going to be any leader in Animation. This is a country that has literally been culturally appropriating things outside of it's own country for millenniums. Most countries around the world have started to refuse to do any trading with them.
Sorry, but rants like these have to be laughably xenophobic propaganda, and it's a shame so many people fall into this trap. And it's very easy to debunk -- what exactly does the fact that some Chinese fansubber sold you a bootlegged DVD over eBay have to do with the quality of donghua production? That's a big fat nothing.

You're suggesting that Manglobe folded because of pirated works, which is ridiculous on face value. Why do you think Asian media (e.g. Japanese, Chinese, Taiwanese, etc.) have all adopted a premium limited edition run model to sell to hardcore fans? The best defense for piracy is built into the system.

Nor is Manglobe somehow an outlier target of piracy to the exclusion of literally every other studio in Japan that's not bankrupt.

The real reason these studios fold and will fold probably has more to do with the attitudes of people like you who sit in a moral high seat and think the industry is untouchable... until it is not.
My subjective reviews:
Dec 31, 2021 2:09 AM

Oct 2012
ColourWheel said:
This is a country that has literally been culturally appropriating things outside of it's own country for millenniums. Most countries around the world have started to refuse to do any trading with them.
Oops, I missed this. This particularly tells me you probably think the Confederacy wasn't about slavery, because if you think China has been appropriating things for a millennium, then you are sorely lacking in your world history, and blindly trusting of the Western colonialist mindset. In reality, China (and Japan) didn't start appropriating Western cultures until it was forced upon them by the people who saw Asian traditions as savage. You really think the West never appropriated anything? Let me remind you: Gunpowder? Algebra? Horse-riding? The composite bow?
My subjective reviews:
Dec 31, 2021 3:19 AM

Mar 2021
katsucats said:
ColourWheel said:

You want to know why Anime studios like "Manglobe" went bankrupt?

I don't have any proof but I do have my suspicions....

About a little over a decade ago I ordered online a few anime DVD sets without checking precisely what I was ordering at the time. One of which was the complete box set of the series "Samurai Champloo". Once I got it in the mail I noticed something fishy about it because it was something completely different then what was being advertised when I ordered it online. The cover art was not the same and the inlays in the DVD cases were completely non-existent. Yet I still got the entire series in DVD quality. The only noticeable difference was oddly the series had additional subtitles in Mandarin. At this point I realized I was conned into buying a counterfeit copy of the series that was obviously professionally produced in China.

It ends up, China has been doing stuff like this for decades.

Coincidentally "Manglobe" happens to be the very studio that produced "Samurai Champloo".

It's because of stuff like this why China is probably never going to be any leader in Animation. This is a country that has literally been culturally appropriating things outside of it's own country for millenniums. Most countries around the world have started to refuse to do any trading with them.
Sorry, but rants like these have to be laughably xenophobic propaganda, and it's a shame so many people fall into this trap. And it's very easy to debunk -- what exactly does the fact that some Chinese fansubber sold you a bootlegged DVD over eBay have to do with the quality of donghua production? That's a big fat nothing.

You're suggesting that Manglobe folded because of pirated works, which is ridiculous on face value. Why do you think Asian media (e.g. Japanese, Chinese, Taiwanese, etc.) have all adopted a premium limited edition run model to sell to hardcore fans? The best defense for piracy is built into the system.

Nor is Manglobe somehow an outlier target of piracy to the exclusion of literally every other studio in Japan that's not bankrupt.

The real reason these studios fold and will fold probably has more to do with the attitudes of people like you who sit in a moral high seat and think the industry is untouchable... until it is not.

1st of all it wasn't some "fansubber" bootleg, it was a professional copy with a serial number that I eventually found linking back to a Chinese manufacturer company that was later known for counterfeiting DVD sets and then selling them in bulk to anyone willing to buy. There was a guy named "Fort Myers" who was found guilty of selling these counterfeit DVDs in the U.S. and it all linked back to China. Apparently he had some site called

Now you might wonder what this has to do with the quality of donghua production?

You are missing the point of a bigger picture. The Chinese government doesn't care about cracking down on protecting foreign intellectual property. Cultural appropriation is relatively a new concept to them because they have never thought about it like the rest of the world has until recently. They literally have been doing this for millenniums but since the victors of war write the history books we just all assume all things culturally Chinese originated there.

China cares more about the price of products whether it's counterfeit or not. Chinese theft of American intellectual property alone has been estimated around $225 billion and $600 billion every year. Giving you that small example of how this could have effected "Manglobe" well over a decade ago is not completely out of reach when their Government is letting bootlegs being produced on a massive scale legally leaving their country to be sold off as legit authentic products.

Piracy is a completely different realm and every industry in the entertainment medium already accounts for this, but they don't account for what is practically state sponsored counterfeit production of foreign goods when their country doesn't do anything about it.

This is not xenophobic propaganda either it's actually more truthful than maybe you wish to believe.

Now you ask why they have premium limited edition run model to sell to hardcore fans? It's because there is not enough demand for them in the 1st place to be produced on a massive scale. This has nothing to do with defense for piracy. This type of logic is more laughably than you basically calling out my post as a xenophobic rant.

The reason why the Japanese Anime industry is untouchable because anything else that is trying to replace it is just a cheap copy like a Chinese fansubber bootlegged DVD you can get over eBay when they are advertising it as the real deal.

In the end the quality of donghua production is basically not going to matter.
ColourWheelDec 31, 2021 3:50 AM
Dec 31, 2021 3:42 AM

Jun 2020
link click is good but its not a masterpeice, most of the chinese animations are just hot trash!!
Just ignore this old man
Dec 31, 2021 4:13 AM

Jun 2011
I won't lie, I am more fond towards Chinese anime these days, even those animated in 3DCG. I prefer their style of animation, reminds me a lot of Japanese animation in the past before they stopped caring about making good anime and started being more of a businessman like Tomino mentioned. Most Japanese anime today are more about promoting the original source (which I don't read most of the time) rather than one that's great.

I also like wuxia stories more than I like isekai.
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