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Apr 4, 2020 5:55 PM

Apr 2015
Esquirtit said:
Tylaen said:
Just as I do not believe someone sitting down to play Resident Evil 3 stands up the next day and shoots someone eating a mushroom, I don't believe that someone goes out the door after they've watched Kodomo no Jikan to dick the first minor in their vicinity.

The contextual use of violence as well as the contextual use of tropes is important, and the nuances of seperating a game that aims to be train terrorists from the middle east to engage is combat is vastly different from just the standard video-game. It's why, as you seem to be actively following my posts, I've also frequently brought up the concept of context being important. Context aids in normalization, whether because the message was positive or negative.

Also, moralfaggotry as an insult is homophobic but I'm sure you do that on purpose :p

Yes no shit we're talking about normalization not straight up copying.

Now I undersand what you mean with ''mister-literal'', but sorry you butchered this conversation from the beginning by extending the conversation to manipulative ads and mainstream outlets which do in fact serve the purpose of normalizing behaviours and thoughts. That's why in my first reply, I ask you if you can even compare it with fan service gags in anime.

Tylaen said:
The contextual use of violence as well as the contextual use of tropes is important, and the nuances of seperating a game that aims to be train terrorists from the middle east to engage is combat is vastly different from just the standard video-game.

Bro, what? How is that nuanced? Man said "seperating a game that aims to be train terrorists from the middle east to engage is combat'' this shouldn't even be in a conversation when talking about normalization. Does the CIA have a shop where they sell these games?

Tylaen said:
It's why, as you seem to be actively following my posts, I've also frequently brought up the concept of context being important. Context aids in normalization, whether because the message was positive or negative.

What is the message in a fan service gag though? When is positive or negative to you? If we're talking nonconsensual gags, I can argue it's not meant to be taken literally because it's a seperate world and that viewers understand this. What exactly is the normalization here?

Tylaen said:
Also, moralfaggotry as an insult is homophobic but I'm sure you do that on purpose :p

Not to be homophobic. It implies obsession (moefag, shounenfag, ecchifag etc).
Fag is generally a slur, unless you're from England and you're in a convenient situation where you want to ask for a "fag". That the community has adopted a slur into their language is not much to brag about. I'm here, so I'm fairly aware of those words so you're not pulling a fast one on me.

I also did not imply my example was nuanced in itself but rather than discerning the differences in messaging is where the nuances come from, that you intentionally misinterpret me time and time again sort of feels like a game of whack-a-mole that I'm tired of at this late hour.

Given you're followed my posts, I'd say you're fully aware of what I perceive as negative. Also, I'm not sure why you're saying it shouldn't be taken literally when that's what I just said? It's not a one-to-one translation.

The normalization we're talking of is the objectification of women to an extent where their agency is no longer considered. It doesn't matter what they want, just what I want.

Zeroflamez said:
backdoornight said:
Before this thread gets locked: no one can top the guy that got really personal about a certain food stereotype and went straight to retrieve the ole fateful 50 minute video from their favorite breadtuber. It's actually ironic how much credence that lends to said stereotype.

LOL bro. When I dropped the soy milk. That dude just fucking lost it and got super defensive. Having to prove I'm wrong. It's comical. They just prove the point of it giving them Estrogen on their own.
Showing your ignorance of biochemistry isn't a badge of pride, especially as you continue to further the myth that plant estrogen is equal to the female estrogen.

Just as a note to anyone feeling themselves up, I'm going to sleep now. See you in the morning if this isn't locked.
TylaenApr 4, 2020 6:04 PM
Apr 4, 2020 5:59 PM

Jan 2011
Wait until they find out Japan uses soy sauce for everything.
Apr 4, 2020 6:01 PM

Apr 2015
ReaperCreeper said:
Wait until they find out Japan uses soy sauce for everything.
I actually think that'd play well into the crowd that view Asian men as inherently inferior, so it's a net benefit?
Apr 4, 2020 6:02 PM

Oct 2017
thepotatogirl said:
Earlier I saw a post about how SJW were ruining anime for wanting to push a western agenda into a different culture. The post was taken down, but I ended up thinking about some valid points that were made and I wanna talk about it.

I do think that sometimes in anime there are things that can be and are detrimental to a considerable amount of groups that are present in any society: ethnic minorities, the lgbt+ community, and yes, also women. There are gay people in Japan, there are immigrants in Japan, there are transgender people in Japan, and it's important to acknowledge that a lot of times they aren't portrayed in a very positive or healthy way. That is not to say that anime is the thing that is gonna make the people start thinking about gay and women rights, but it definitely play a role in the normalization some things.

Of course, it's important that we, as westerners, understand that we're talking about a completely different culture and that we can't examine anime through the same lens as we would do with other cartoons (BoJack Horseman i.e). But that doesn't mean that just because something it's from a different culture it can't be judged by people outside of it. It also doesn't mean that we can't be happy when we see things that acknowledge the existence and the validity of those minorities I previously talked about.

Two complaints that I always see when I read about this subject are the oversexualization of women, and the way in which yaoi and yuri are just fetishizing homosexual relationships. I personally don't have an issue with any of those, as I understand that we're talking about content that is targeted to an specific demographic and it is usually done in a context that is obviously not intended to be a representation of the real world. It's just like porn, straight, gay and lesbian (not to say they are the same thing, ofc): unrealistic content catered to an specific group of people and which its sole purpose is entertainment. As long as is clear that the fanservice is fanservice, whatever.

But that doesn't mean that is not good to have more shoujo series starring realistic lgbt+ couples. such as Given and Bloom Into You. Or that it would be amazing to find good shonen female characters that are not overlysexualized, as shonen guys don't tend to be.
In terms of representation, I don't think it is always needed, but it's still important that it is there. In School Days it would be stupid to include an arc dedicated to how Makoto's mom overcomes the challenge of being a single mom in Japan, because that's not the point of the anime. But it's always nice to have a couple in Shingeki no Kyojin that was important for the plot and that it just so happened to be a lesbian couple.

I definitely don't plan to stop watching anime, cause even when I don't how some groups are portrayed, I do love the general anime way of storytelling, the art, the music, most times the humor and the characters. I love the stories that couldn't be easily made in other but an anime world (hence why we are yet to see a good live action adaptation for an anime). But that doesn't mean that I am not allowed to spot and judge things that I find "problematic", or that I can't celebrate when I see anime trying to be more inclusive to parts of society that have been ignored during anime history.

And that's it fellas, thank you for coming to my TED talk. (PS. A non native speaker her, please excuse the mistakes)

I will say considering the name of the thread surprised the post wasn't that bad.

As for the first point yes Japan does have a lot of social and cultural issues. I don't think anyone is going to act like they don't. I don't think everyone is going to act like every portrayal has been great. I don't think we want to go back to how some old anime/manga depicted black people granted that's more them taking a lot from American animation including the bad stuff. What I will disagree with is that normalization comes from media when media instead is written as a reaction to what the general populace feels or agrees on.

Secondly I will agree I don't like how many people use it's another culture argument. It doesn't really matter I am not going to just accept say the bacha bazi in Afghanistan just because it's their culture. It's pedophillia that simple and that practice has been observed to cause significant harm to children. Cultures can be critiqued and certain things can be examined as wrong due to negative impacts on society and individual people. Every society or culture has bad aspects regarding it.

As for the complaints the problem I see is that people have different standards for what is problematic. This is the issue. It goes back and forth. Personally I don't have a problem as a bi man with even heavily fetishitic yaoi and I have seen gay guys like it as well. Lots of people would argue it's terrible and hurting gay men. It's the same thing with sexualization so many people come out against it but then since they don't want to be seen as puritains argue there is a right way to do something. This of course is just based of their own perception of what is right instead of any verified reason that the things they are calling out is causing harm. I can dislike something but it's a whole different argument I am making to make some accusation the content is actively detrimental to other people.

Getting back to it again yeah I don't think there is anything wrong with wanting to see more kinds of characters. LGBT romances that are more down to earth is a fine desire and it makes sense but that of course is up to the audience demanding and supporting those kinds of shows. Given did well considering it got a film sequel so more kinds of content like that will be made. It doesn't mean though that people who write fetishtic yaoi stuff should be attacked.

I don't think outside of bigots or self entitled people anyone has a problem with inclusion the problem is what inclusion means does differ from person to person. It doesn't help those that champion it aren't always the most inclusive people either. Though I do think yeah though on the opposite end many so called "anti SJWs" have now gotten so paranoid that any criticism towards writing or how things are used immediately is countered with hostility. Like i will defend Shield Hero's, Goblin Slayer's right to exist and for people not to attack or harass the creator but critiquing for what some see as bad writing isn't the same thing. Or the fact that I defend fanservice in anime/manga but at the same time I do think how anime/manga use sexual appeal is pretty poor most of the time.
BilboBaggins365Apr 4, 2020 6:11 PM
Apr 4, 2020 6:02 PM
Jul 2018
Zeroflamez said:
backdoornight said:
Before this thread gets locked: no one can top the guy that got really personal about a certain food stereotype and went straight to retrieve the ole fateful 50 minute video from their favorite breadtuber. It's actually ironic how much credence that lends to said stereotype.

LOL bro. When I dropped the soy milk. That dude just fucking lost it and got super defensive. Having to prove I'm wrong. It's comical. They just prove the point of it giving them Estrogen on their own.
They didn't though. The video said it was a plant type of chemical that's similar to estrogen(but not the same thing), and that was much weaker to the point it didn't affect testosterone levels, all of which is true based on the research I've also seen("Exposure to isoflavones (including at levels above typical Asian dietary intakes) has not been shown to affect either the concentrations of estrogen and testosterone, or the quality of sperm and semen (181, 182).")
Apr 4, 2020 6:08 PM

Oct 2017
Tylaen said:
When I opened this thread, the sort of considerations I read weren't the ones I expected to see going in. I'll definitely be monitoring this thread if it maintains interest or survives moderation.

The dearth of content in regards to unsexualized female character designs is largely part of the issue, or at least the issue the circle I'm in finds in anime. If the sexualization wasn't so ubiquitous to a ton of shows, I figure I'd be more okay with it yet the prevalence of it seems largely unbalanced in my eyes. It doesn't help that a large majority of the time, their sexualized appearance is very much not part of their characterization either, just an "incidental" nod to the audience that they might enjoy seeing this girl undress. *Wink* *Wink*

I've largely stuck myself on transgender representation, racial, etc. I'd make a fairly poor case and those subjects I'm monitoring on other platforms. Some things are easier to call out than others, however, so I'm not completely silent on all fronts and occasionally it's just a given.

I appreciate the TED talk.

I would disagree that it is ubiquitous to a ton of shows you can find a lot that don't. Even those that cater to the otaku market. Plus I don't think it really is up to the artist to provide balance. I shouldn't say to someone who just wants to write some fetishitic yaoi for their fantasies make more realistic content because there isn't enough. That is up to the market to support more content that is more realistic or proper.

Plus it depends on the context. There isn't an inherent reason that drawing art of a girl undressing is bad because people will like it. Again that shouldn't be ashamed. What I would agree is I don't think anime/manga handles sexualization that well. Hentai funny enough does it way better.
Apr 4, 2020 6:18 PM

Apr 2015
TolkienFan365 said:
Tylaen said:
When I opened this thread, the sort of considerations I read weren't the ones I expected to see going in. I'll definitely be monitoring this thread if it maintains interest or survives moderation.

The dearth of content in regards to unsexualized female character designs is largely part of the issue, or at least the issue the circle I'm in finds in anime. If the sexualization wasn't so ubiquitous to a ton of shows, I figure I'd be more okay with it yet the prevalence of it seems largely unbalanced in my eyes. It doesn't help that a large majority of the time, their sexualized appearance is very much not part of their characterization either, just an "incidental" nod to the audience that they might enjoy seeing this girl undress. *Wink* *Wink*

I've largely stuck myself on transgender representation, racial, etc. I'd make a fairly poor case and those subjects I'm monitoring on other platforms. Some things are easier to call out than others, however, so I'm not completely silent on all fronts and occasionally it's just a given.

I appreciate the TED talk.

I would disagree that it is ubiquitous to a ton of shows you can find a lot that don't. Even those that cater to the otaku market. Plus I don't think it really is up to the artist to provide balance. I shouldn't say to someone who just wants to write some fetishitic yaoi for their fantasies make more realistic content because there isn't enough. That is up to the market to support more content that is more realistic or proper.

Plus it depends on the context. There isn't an inherent reason that drawing art of a girl undressing is bad because people will like it. Again that shouldn't be ashamed. What I would agree is I don't think anime/manga handles sexualization that well. Hentai funny enough does it way better.
Ah, Tolkien fan. You're making me break my vow to get some sleep.

I agree that it isn't up to the individual artist to make the large change and expecting one person to do so Is an unfair burden to put on them. I've also not once brought up the topic of realism, merely sexualization. One can have fantastical clothing without it somehow showing off all your kinky assets to the world. I do not, however, think It unfair to have to artist consider that their art is not created in a vacuum and their voice adds to others, whether intentionally or not.

I'm all for positive reinforcement, I'm just not for what you generally see in anime.

As for the last two sentences, you're provided me. Inherently, I don't disagree...girls undressing is natural but the context is critical once more! I don't think you've found me ragging on hentai or ecchi, probably ever? So, I agree to an extent.

Now please god, allow me some rest man. I need the energy for all the aggression I'm facing later.
Apr 4, 2020 6:19 PM

Oct 2017
Turtles_Hunter said:
ccbestgirl said:
Sorry if this doesn't belong in this thread, but why does anyone care what sjws say? How does some people being idiotic affect the anime industry? I'm sure sjws are in the minority, so how can they make an impact? (I know that I'm being ignorant but please bare me)
At the beginning the word SJW is a creation from alt right to dismiss everything they're against. It serve a purpose, cutting short any discussion that doesn't go their way by appealing to the argument that those ideas are supported by pinkhaired fanatics that jump on every fight they can, as long as it can make them progressit. Willingly or not, that's exactly what you just did, you just dismissed the whole argument by claiming "SJW are shit".

Now, I'm not gonna deny those lunatics do exist, and I even think they de serve the causes they pretend to defend. But that said, does that make all the people that defend those causes SJW, and the cause they defend not worth even discussing? I don't think so.

On the main subject now, I tend to agree with you. Something is problematic by a society standard, which is different in different countries but also change through time. By that, of course something can be problematic, anime as anything else. Every sane people would admit that Disney Song of the South is problematic by today's standard, even if it wasn't at the time. Blaming SJW is a scapegoat. Those people only don't like that some problematic subject are now recognised by everyone and don't get a free pass anymore. Like if Harvey Weinstein was complaining he can't fuck anyone he wants anymore, because of those filthy SJW that made people believe women had the right to say no.

Often, how show are marketed that can be as problematic as what they are. For example, I have a big problem with series like To-Love-Ru for example. Sexualizing underage girls has always been a problem in anime, but hey, what float your boat, everyone has his kinks, as long as you keep that between you and your computer. The real problem I have with that is that for a long time, that kind of shit only concerned a small part of the OAV industry, nothing too wide spread. But with TLR we reach a new lvl. That was a fucking shonen jump series, and I'm really uneasy with the idea that's how it's presented to young teenagers. I don't care about closet pervert that can draw a line, but not everyone that is exposed to that can. It's a really bad example, and I don't want to live in a society where that's the example given to my kids. If TLR was an obscure serie of OAV meant for a niche public into that, I would have no problem with it. But it's something that's presented as normal, and I think that's problematic.

To dismiss that, some people will use the art argument. But the same way as cinema, comic book, series and video game, anime are as much art as they are consumption products. As consumption product, their goal is to make money. That's why there is so much fanservice in some anime, to attract the average people. I really think that recognising this duality is an important point. Does it serve the story, the point it wants to make, or is it there only to attract the viewer. If it's the second, I think it's questionnable to consider it art, and the question of being problematic seems legitimate.

In the end, blaming the SJW is juste a scapegoat to avoid to discuss the subject of why do I think that thing that society doesn't approve is ok, and they hide with the "it's art".

Not really the SJW label literally came from more left leaning people who identified with socially progressive view points it only became an insult later. Though I agree ad homs really don't achieve much and I think it's important to actually have discussion when respectful. Secondly though to address changing with time I just disagree with that it matters. Racism was an innate foundation as something incredibly harmful. If anything is bad or "problematic" there should be obvious case of what it is contributing to. Racism contributed to violence (lynching, wars can be observed) and destruction of other's livelihood (unjust legal restrictions) therefore we can understand that racism is bad. It's the same thing with many other crimes there has to be a reason why said thing became unacceptable in society.

You can argue that fanservice is poor writing but that doesn't make it inherently problematic. You would have to shown an obvious case where it's causing direct harm. Personally it depends on the context. If something is just a straight up hentai or a series like Interspecies Reviewers there is no issue with attracting the viewer through exploring fetishes even if it's just to be appealing. I don't see the problem with that people who just want to be turned on aren't weighing or affecting in this context actually even more so than actual porn (where abuse can be rampant in the industry/when it comes to art like this it's just the arist)

If it is trying to market itself more as a serious action series and it is out of place sure I will critique that but only in the vein of bad writing. Again you would have to prove it actually causes harm.
BilboBaggins365Apr 4, 2020 6:33 PM
Apr 4, 2020 6:23 PM

Jul 2017
Tylaen said:
Senpai has noticed you. Do not worry! I'm certain not understanding biochemistry runs in your ideology.

Peaceful_Critic said:
They didn't though. The video said it was a plant type of chemical that's similar to estrogen(but not the same thing), and that was much weaker to the point it didn't affect testosterone levels, all of which is true based on the research I've also seen("Exposure to isoflavones (including at levels above typical Asian dietary intakes) has not been shown to affect either the concentrations of estrogen and testosterone, or the quality of sperm and semen (181, 182).")

You see, my guys, that's not even really the point here. You're interpreting that guy as having implied that "you all have effeminate views because you drink soy milk", but what he must have really meant is something more like "you drink soy milk because you have effeminate views" (don't quote me). It's like "vapid city girls only drink Pumpkin Spice Latte". It's not even supposed to be some scientific statement, just someone poking fun on y'all because the stereotype fits like a glove. Really, there's no need to get that mad.

Let's say I concede to the fact that phytoestrogens really do not interfere in males' hormonal levels in any way (there's no universal scientific consensus whether they do or don't as of 2020 afaik, but feel free to send me recent, peer-reviewed papers if you wish). You guys then proceed to act like petty dames over some silly quip and link us to a video of a guy with an improbably round baby face and literally under 300 ng/dl of free testosterone saying that ACKCHUALLY you should chug plenty of soylent to own the alt-right snowflakes. Gold.
Apr 4, 2020 6:23 PM

Apr 2010
Peaceful_Critic said:
Zeroflamez said:

LOL bro. When I dropped the soy milk. That dude just fucking lost it and got super defensive. Having to prove I'm wrong. It's comical. They just prove the point of it giving them Estrogen on their own.
They didn't though. The video said it was a plant type of chemical that's similar to estrogen(but not the same thing), and that was much weaker to the point it didn't affect testosterone levels, all of which is true based on the research I've also seen("Exposure to isoflavones (including at levels above typical Asian dietary intakes) has not been shown to affect either the concentrations of estrogen and testosterone, or the quality of sperm and semen (181, 182).")

You're taking it too literally. I said it gives Estrogen. They got mad and proved to me it didn't. Even though they are correct they are still backing up the stereotype that it does by getting emotional about me telling them they drink soy milk and that it gives them estrogen. If it really doesn't give estrogen (which it doesn't) then WHY get mad over that fact if you know it is not true?
Apr 4, 2020 6:24 PM

Apr 2015
backdoornight said:
Tylaen said:
Senpai has noticed you. Do not worry! I'm certain not understanding biochemistry runs in your ideology.

Peaceful_Critic said:
They didn't though. The video said it was a plant type of chemical that's similar to estrogen(but not the same thing), and that was much weaker to the point it didn't affect testosterone levels, all of which is true based on the research I've also seen("Exposure to isoflavones (including at levels above typical Asian dietary intakes) has not been shown to affect either the concentrations of estrogen and testosterone, or the quality of sperm and semen (181, 182).")

You see, my guys, that's not even really the point here. You're interpreting that guy as having implied that "you all have effeminate views because you drink soy milk", but what he must have really meant is something more like "you drink soy milk because you have effeminate views" (don't quote me). It's like "vapid city girls only drink Pumpkin Spice Latte". It's not even supposed to be some scientific statement, just someone poking fun on y'all because the stereotype fits like a glove. Really, there's no need to get that mad.

Let's say I concede to the fact that phytoestrogens really do not interfere in males' hormonal levels in any way (there's no universal scientific consensus whether they do or don't as of 2020 afaik, but feel free to send me recent, peer-reviewed papers if you wish). You guys then proceed to act like petty dames over some silly quip and link us to a video of a guy with an improbably round baby face and literally under 300 ng/dl of free testosterone saying that ACKCHUALLY you should chug plenty of soylent to own the alt-right snowflakes. Gold.
Perpetuating scientific myths to own the libs.
Apr 4, 2020 6:28 PM

Oct 2017
Tylaen said:
TolkienFan365 said:

I would disagree that it is ubiquitous to a ton of shows you can find a lot that don't. Even those that cater to the otaku market. Plus I don't think it really is up to the artist to provide balance. I shouldn't say to someone who just wants to write some fetishitic yaoi for their fantasies make more realistic content because there isn't enough. That is up to the market to support more content that is more realistic or proper.

Plus it depends on the context. There isn't an inherent reason that drawing art of a girl undressing is bad because people will like it. Again that shouldn't be ashamed. What I would agree is I don't think anime/manga handles sexualization that well. Hentai funny enough does it way better.
Ah, Tolkien fan. You're making me break my vow to get some sleep.

I agree that it isn't up to the individual artist to make the large change and expecting one person to do so Is an unfair burden to put on them. I've also not once brought up the topic of realism, merely sexualization. One can have fantastical clothing without it somehow showing off all your kinky assets to the world. I do not, however, think It unfair to have to artist consider that their art is not created in a vacuum and their voice adds to others, whether intentionally or not.

I'm all for positive reinforcement, I'm just not for what you generally see in anime.

As for the last two sentences, you're provided me. Inherently, I don't disagree...girls undressing is natural but the context is critical once more! I don't think you've found me ragging on hentai or ecchi, probably ever? So, I agree to an extent.

Now please god, allow me some rest man. I need the energy for all the aggression I'm facing later.

Well I think the problem is asking the creator to have to consider what every person is going to take from their art. The writer of Catcher in The Rye didn't assume their work was going to be someone's inspiration for assassinating a well known musical creator. Of course like anything if someone is considered with something the artist of course I think should clarify.

If I am writing from the say perspective of an a racist and he does horrible things and someone is upset or concerned with that I don't think there is anything wrong with clarifying what you believe and just stating intent for those bothered or to keep away actual bad people who see it as endorsement. In many cases it's very hard to be clear. I know this from other fanbases like 40k which is very critical of authoritarianism and pretty much every political ideology but some see it as endorsing right wing views from a casual look and content/perspective.

Since some of this is around sexualization. If people need a warning say around a non consent rape fantasy in a hentai that says this is fantasy not a representation of views or reality fine but again I don't think the artist has some responsibility to ensure society is running properly. That of course doesn't mean character interactions can't be critiqued but when someone says problematic to me you are arguing the creator is causing harm. The problem also many people take that seriously. If I write a bad female character I am not sexist just like if someone writes a bad gay romance they aren't homophobic but people treat them like they are evil for doing that instead of just critiquing it like anything else in a story.

As for the last statement no just my general views not stating you had. It reminds me of the Fire Force situation where people just felt the fanservice was out of place and after seeing it on twitter (only watched like two episodes and I need to eventually pick it up again) I get what they are talking about. So of course when I just made the argument that yeah a lot of anime doesn't use it well people accused me of being an SJW. I don't think the creator should be ashamed but at the same time yeah I am going to critique it like anything. The problem with a lot of sexual content in anime/manga not much actually feels natural it's just slapstick or unnatural ways for titiliation. Plus I mean I like fantasies who can I deny but for me that is just kinda a turn off honestly because personally I need a dose of reality there.
BilboBaggins365Apr 4, 2020 6:32 PM
Apr 4, 2020 6:36 PM

Apr 2010
TolkienFan365 said:
Tylaen said:
Ah, Tolkien fan. You're making me break my vow to get some sleep.

I agree that it isn't up to the individual artist to make the large change and expecting one person to do so Is an unfair burden to put on them. I've also not once brought up the topic of realism, merely sexualization. One can have fantastical clothing without it somehow showing off all your kinky assets to the world. I do not, however, think It unfair to have to artist consider that their art is not created in a vacuum and their voice adds to others, whether intentionally or not.

I'm all for positive reinforcement, I'm just not for what you generally see in anime.

As for the last two sentences, you're provided me. Inherently, I don't disagree...girls undressing is natural but the context is critical once more! I don't think you've found me ragging on hentai or ecchi, probably ever? So, I agree to an extent.

Now please god, allow me some rest man. I need the energy for all the aggression I'm facing later.

Well I think the problem is asking the creator to have to consider what every person is going to take from their art. The writer of Catcher in The Rye didn't assume their work was going to be someone's inspiration for assassinating a well known musical creator. Of course like anything if someone is considered with something the artist of course I think should clarify.

If I am writing from the say perspective of an a racist and he does horrible things and someone is upset or concerned with that I don't think there is anything wrong with clarifying what you believe and just stating intent for those bothered or to keep away actual bad people who see it as endorsement. In many cases it's very hard to be clear. I know this from other fanbases like 40k which is very critical of authoritarianism and pretty much every political ideology but some see it as endorsing right wing views from a casual look and content/perspective.

Since some of this is around sexualization. If people need a warning say around a non consent rape fantasy in a hentai that says this is fantasy not a representation of views or reality fine but again I don't think the artist has some responsibility to ensure society is running properly. That of course doesn't mean character interactions can't be critiqued but when someone says problematic to me you are arguing the creator is causing harm. The problem also many people take that seriously. If I write a bad female character I am not sexist just like if someone writes a bad gay romance they aren't homophobic but people treat them like they are evil for doing that instead of just critiquing it like anything else in a story.

As for the last statement no just my general views not stating you had. It reminds me of the Fire Force situation where people just felt the fanservice was out of place and after seeing it on twitter (only watched like two episodes and I need to eventually pick it up again) I get what they are talking about. So of course when I just made the argument that yeah a lot of anime doesn't use it well people accused me of being an SJW. I don't think the creator should be ashamed but at the same time yeah I am going to critique it like anything. The problem with a lot of sexual content in anime/manga not much actually feels natural it's just slapstick or unnatural ways for titiliation. Plus I mean I like fantasies who can I deny but for me that is just kinda a turn off honestly because personally I need a dose of reality there.

Not my discussion but if you want reality why watch Anime?
Apr 4, 2020 6:40 PM

Oct 2017
Zeroflamez said:
TolkienFan365 said:

Well I think the problem is asking the creator to have to consider what every person is going to take from their art. The writer of Catcher in The Rye didn't assume their work was going to be someone's inspiration for assassinating a well known musical creator. Of course like anything if someone is considered with something the artist of course I think should clarify.

If I am writing from the say perspective of an a racist and he does horrible things and someone is upset or concerned with that I don't think there is anything wrong with clarifying what you believe and just stating intent for those bothered or to keep away actual bad people who see it as endorsement. In many cases it's very hard to be clear. I know this from other fanbases like 40k which is very critical of authoritarianism and pretty much every political ideology but some see it as endorsing right wing views from a casual look and content/perspective.

Since some of this is around sexualization. If people need a warning say around a non consent rape fantasy in a hentai that says this is fantasy not a representation of views or reality fine but again I don't think the artist has some responsibility to ensure society is running properly. That of course doesn't mean character interactions can't be critiqued but when someone says problematic to me you are arguing the creator is causing harm. The problem also many people take that seriously. If I write a bad female character I am not sexist just like if someone writes a bad gay romance they aren't homophobic but people treat them like they are evil for doing that instead of just critiquing it like anything else in a story.

As for the last statement no just my general views not stating you had. It reminds me of the Fire Force situation where people just felt the fanservice was out of place and after seeing it on twitter (only watched like two episodes and I need to eventually pick it up again) I get what they are talking about. So of course when I just made the argument that yeah a lot of anime doesn't use it well people accused me of being an SJW. I don't think the creator should be ashamed but at the same time yeah I am going to critique it like anything. The problem with a lot of sexual content in anime/manga not much actually feels natural it's just slapstick or unnatural ways for titiliation. Plus I mean I like fantasies who can I deny but for me that is just kinda a turn off honestly because personally I need a dose of reality there.

Not my discussion but if you want reality why watch Anime?

I want people to react like they would in situations given. I like fantasy stories but I want people to you know act like people. A guy peeking in a girls bath gets him a sexual harassment write up not just a boot to the jaw. I just find it immersion breaking and since this is usually supposed to be comedic I don't find it funny either.
Apr 4, 2020 6:41 PM

Mar 2018
If you knew why suggest I was being homophobic on purpose lol. SJW!

Tylaen said:
I also did not simply my example was nuanced in itself but rather than discerning the differences in messaging is where the nuances come from, that you intentionally misinterpret me time and time again sort of feels like a game of whack-a-mole that I'm tired of at this late hour.

Idk, I just wanted to make fun of the example. You could've skipped trying to give this explanation on how contextual use is important to the conversation. I didn't see the point in it. Maybe you should've given an example related to anime, one where the purpose is to ''normalize'' certain ''problematic'' things. Probably hard to do, because we both know that nonconsensual gags do not serve that purpose.

edit: There are plenty of games that allow you to freely kill people however you want. It's quite the standard fam. The ''training game for terrorists in the middle east'' example is redundant, because I still literally have no idea what your position on violence in media is. How you gonna say context is important, and then not even explain when you perceive something to be normalizing problematic issues? Jesus man. Just go straight to the point.

Tylaen said:
Given you're followed my posts, I'd say you're fully aware of what I perceive as negative. Also, I'm not sure why you're saying it shouldn't be taken literally when that's what I just said? It's not a one-to-one translation.

Well, I don't know when and when not you believe something sexual is responsible for normalization. I don't remember you specifying what the ''messages'' are. Kind of a broad topic this is, isn't it. If a nonconsensual gag isn't meant to be taken on face value, but serves the purpose of giving the audience fan service, then what message is it sending lol?

The normalization we're talking of is the objectification of women to an extent where their agency is no longer considered. It doesn't matter what they want, just what I want.

Agency in what way though? Narratively? Like being put in nonconsensual gags? It's just to fill a fantasy/taboo humor. Pantyshots? Just a drawing. Skimpy clothing? Just a drawing. Like wtf.

IRC you're also against sexualization of lolis so whatever, you don't allow for freedom of expression. I CBA, there's no point in talking to each other.
EsquirtitApr 4, 2020 7:18 PM
Apr 4, 2020 6:43 PM
Jul 2018

Well, I am a girl, but he wasn't referring to me when he said the other guy must have been drinking soymilk.

It's not even supposed to be some scientific statement, just someone poking fun on y'all because the stereotype fits like a glove. Really, there's no need to get that mad.

I'm not mad, I just disagree. If I am being honest here, I think Zero got way too offended that someone said "X anime was problematic to me for Y reason. " You can go back to the comment he called a soyboy and see the other commenter was calm and simply explained why civilly. I don't like how Zero handled the situation at all since he threw an insult at him when he could've just rationally explained his position.

Let's say I concede to the fact that phytoestrogens really do not interfere in males' hormonal levels in any way (there's no universal scientific consensus whether they do or don't as of 2020 afaik, but feel free to send me recent, peer-reviewed papers if you wish

I just linked an edu thing that had 2 .gov studies within it on humans(i.e 181, and 182) that proved it. I mean you could also do the two animal studies on it, but, we are talking about humans, so the human studies would be better to base an opinion off of.

Even though they are correct they are still backing up the stereotype that it does by getting emotional about me telling them they drink soy milk and that it gives them estrogen.

Yeah...people tend to get emotional when you attempt to insult them by attacking their manhood. I don't really like insults such as soyboy for that kind of reason, it puts expectations on guys that they have to act or look a certain way to fit into this archetype on what a really man is and shame those who don't fit into that stereotype. I don't think being a more feminine guy should be as shamed as it is.
Apr 4, 2020 6:44 PM

Mar 2019
Hey_Taka-tin_Hey said:
Ryuk9428 said:

Lmao I fucking knew it. There are no lows that the left will not stoop to in order to convert the world to the new religion of wokeness. This thread is literally a response thread to mine but nobody will report it because the alt-lite is not full of insecure pussies who need the moderators to get rid of their opposition for them.

Can you not quote me with your verbal diarrhea? You sound like an American nutjob, no xenophobia intended.
I'm not from your side of the Atlantic, don't drag me into your bullshit.

Got a problem with my report, take it up with the staff. Guess what, though? Your shit thread would have been locked anyway, I just expedited the process by letting them know it was up.

PS: Stick your buzzwords up your arse, while you're at it. Alt this, alt that... what you need is an alternate brain.
(And with that I take my leave from AD...)

I don't care what country you're from, this is a global issue at this point. And don't try to deflect responsibility for this onto the staff. The moderators respond to user reports and the plethora of left-wing threads that get started on this forum don't get shutdown until there's been like 3 or 4 pages of discussion because we don't report them. That's like calling the cops on your neighbor playing loud music and then blaming the cops for showing up.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Apr 4, 2020 6:59 PM

Sep 2016
StarManOfAtmora said:
Sure, it definitely can. LotGH is a perfect example of this. I like the show a lot, gave it an 8/10 myself. Only problem is the way it represents women. They're all secretaries, and they all end up as the housewife of a male lead character (with the exception of Reinhard's sister, who has some effect on Reinhard for a while, before she ends up just kind of talking softly the rest of the show and suddenly that's her personality I guess). This is bad because the show takes place in like, 2700 or some ludicrously far away year.
This is a sci-fi series, and most combat happens from inside space ships. There is no reason why a woman shoudn't be in one of those positions. Yet all the characters in positions of power are male, and all the women are side characters who don't affect the plot in major ways. This doesn't make sense in universe. This doesn't take place in contemporary times or the past. I enjoy the show a lot, but this aspect of it definitely lowered my enjoyment of it.

And don't give me that "Well akshually it *did* come out in '88 you can't expect it to have progressive social views!" Yeah I can. I decide my own standars. GunBuster came out in the same fuckin' year.

The thing with LOGH is that it is clearly supposed to be "19th and early 20th century politics and society, BUT IN SPACE". No one had non academic arguments about Enlightened Dictatorship vs Representational Democracy in 1988 either. Nor did people wear the obviously Prussian inspired outfits the Empire does either, and they certainly wont be in 2700 ect.
Reign_of_FloofApr 4, 2020 7:04 PM
Apr 4, 2020 7:00 PM

Jul 2015
Hey_Taka-tin_Hey said:
Mayuka said:
Adding onto this post, I saw on Twitter a thread where people were talking about how Akira Toriyama doesn't know how to write women in Dragon Ball franchise. Since most of the women became mommy/wives at the end and didn't become a fighter like Goku or his sons.

Just a thought.

But for me, it didn't matter for my enjoyment of DB franchise.

Toriyama doesn't know how to handle his characters properly, period. Women, men, it doesn't matter.

The problem with most of the women in Dragon Ball is that they're human. Unless they happen to be something like an android (18) or even an alien, they'll get tossed to the side.
That's just Toriyama being Toriyama.

Once the power spikes started getting out of control, the man no longer had any control over his own story. It's not so much that women have to wives, or even that they can't fight, it's that human beings got whipped. Everyone, from Launch to Tien, got whipped.

Launch was forgotten right out of the story.
Apr 4, 2020 7:11 PM
May 2019
Anything that goes against your political views/ideology can be considered problematic even more so if you're moral authoritarian.
XstasyApr 4, 2020 7:24 PM
Apr 4, 2020 7:17 PM

Oct 2012
Setsuei said:
katsucats said:
It's a shame that in her critique, the OP was completely blind to the harmful stereotypes against male characters, such that it's often okay to beat them up for no reason, or that they are often dumb hunks that need to be told what to do. But the overall point should not be taken lightly. Of course there can be problematic anime. When a protagonist picks up slave girls and train them, it's problematic even if he is "nice". When the protagonist outright buys a slave girl at an auction so she could be his bride, it is extremely more problematic than Beauty and the Beast. When "tsundere" or "yandere" are shown to be acceptable or even desirable behavior, that is extremely problematic. I won't enumerate down the whole list. I've probably offended enough chauvinistic incels who wish they lived in the 50s.

This. This right here is the kind of thought process I don't understand. So, If I read this correctly, anyone who watches and enjoys shows that contain these types of themes/premises is automatically a "chauvinistic incel" in your eyes. If that's indeed you're stance on this issue, then from my point of view, you're stance on this is far more problematic than anything that takes place in a fictional world. I hate to break it to you, but just because you watch stuff like that doesn't mean you endorse that kind of behavior in real life...That's like saying I'm highly likely to ground someones parents into chili or try to reform the nazi party just because I saw Cartman do it on South Park.
No, anyone who gets offended at anyone calling slavery problematic is probably a chauvinistic incel. The fact that you overreacted and got offended to my comment probably put you in that category by proxy, but what's even more problematic than that attitude is the fact that you can't read.
My subjective reviews:
Apr 4, 2020 7:27 PM

Mar 2018
katsucats said:
Setsuei said:

This. This right here is the kind of thought process I don't understand. So, If I read this correctly, anyone who watches and enjoys shows that contain these types of themes/premises is automatically a "chauvinistic incel" in your eyes. If that's indeed you're stance on this issue, then from my point of view, you're stance on this is far more problematic than anything that takes place in a fictional world. I hate to break it to you, but just because you watch stuff like that doesn't mean you endorse that kind of behavior in real life...That's like saying I'm highly likely to ground someones parents into chili or try to reform the nazi party just because I saw Cartman do it on South Park.
No, anyone who gets offended at anyone calling slavery problematic is probably a chauvinistic incel. The fact that you overreacted and got offended to my comment probably put you in that category by proxy, but what's even more problematic than that attitude is the fact that you can't read.

People generally get offended when what they watch gets called problematic though. We understand that content-wise they depict bad things, but that doesn't make them problematic to watch. Isn't it more useful to say ''this anime contains problematic themes'' instead?

edit: Nevermind actually, the very fact they are seen problematic by some people means they are problematic. I just belief that calling the anime itself problematic is a bad start, when after all it's the people who watch it hat lead to problems (reinforcing their believes in negative stereotypes, self-isolation from society, or the worst one SJWs harassing everyone on Twitter etc). Fans are always the ones losing.
EsquirtitApr 4, 2020 7:49 PM
Apr 4, 2020 7:41 PM

Oct 2013
katsucats said:
Setsuei said:

This. This right here is the kind of thought process I don't understand. So, If I read this correctly, anyone who watches and enjoys shows that contain these types of themes/premises is automatically a "chauvinistic incel" in your eyes. If that's indeed you're stance on this issue, then from my point of view, you're stance on this is far more problematic than anything that takes place in a fictional world. I hate to break it to you, but just because you watch stuff like that doesn't mean you endorse that kind of behavior in real life...That's like saying I'm highly likely to ground someones parents into chili or try to reform the nazi party just because I saw Cartman do it on South Park.
No, anyone who gets offended at anyone calling slavery problematic is probably a chauvinistic incel. The fact that you overreacted and got offended to my comment probably put you in that category by proxy, but what's even more problematic than that attitude is the fact that you can't read.
katsucats said:
Setsuei said:

This. This right here is the kind of thought process I don't understand. So, If I read this correctly, anyone who watches and enjoys shows that contain these types of themes/premises is automatically a "chauvinistic incel" in your eyes. If that's indeed you're stance on this issue, then from my point of view, you're stance on this is far more problematic than anything that takes place in a fictional world. I hate to break it to you, but just because you watch stuff like that doesn't mean you endorse that kind of behavior in real life...That's like saying I'm highly likely to ground someones parents into chili or try to reform the nazi party just because I saw Cartman do it on South Park.
No, anyone who gets offended at anyone calling slavery problematic is probably a chauvinistic incel. The fact that you overreacted and got offended to my comment probably put you in that category by proxy, but what's even more problematic than that attitude is the fact that you can't read.
Really? You question my ability to read while simultaneously misunderstanding the point I was trying to make...You think I was offended by your post? I was just pointing out how ridiculous I thought your argument was. Which I stand by even more now after this last response of yours.
Apr 4, 2020 7:58 PM

Apr 2010
Peaceful_Critic said:

Well, I am a girl, but he wasn't referring to me when he said the other guy must have been drinking soymilk.

It's not even supposed to be some scientific statement, just someone poking fun on y'all because the stereotype fits like a glove. Really, there's no need to get that mad.

I'm not mad, I just disagree. If I am being honest here, I think Zero got way too offended that someone said "X anime was problematic to me for Y reason. " You can go back to the comment he called a soyboy and see the other commenter was calm and simply explained why civilly. I don't like how Zero handled the situation at all since he threw an insult at him when he could've just rationally explained his position.

Let's say I concede to the fact that phytoestrogens really do not interfere in males' hormonal levels in any way (there's no universal scientific consensus whether they do or don't as of 2020 afaik, but feel free to send me recent, peer-reviewed papers if you wish

I just linked an edu thing that had 2 .gov studies within it on humans(i.e 181, and 182) that proved it. I mean you could also do the two animal studies on it, but, we are talking about humans, so the human studies would be better to base an opinion off of.

Even though they are correct they are still backing up the stereotype that it does by getting emotional about me telling them they drink soy milk and that it gives them estrogen.

Yeah...people tend to get emotional when you attempt to insult them by attacking their manhood. I don't really like insults such as soyboy for that kind of reason, it puts expectations on guys that they have to act or look a certain way to fit into this archetype on what a really man is and shame those who don't fit into that stereotype. I don't think being a more feminine guy should be as shamed as it is.

I don't even know why the guy responding to me is responding to me about the soy milk comment. He wasn't even the person I initially replied to.
Apr 4, 2020 8:03 PM
Jul 2018

I mean if you are really curious, you could just ask him as to why.
Apr 4, 2020 8:34 PM

Aug 2017
No, I can found some episodes homophobic or abusing the franservice but a show is never going to focus all the time on attacking a minority group or disrespecting someone. Anime is one of the few media that defends femininity and masculinity. There is nothing wrong with that. Humanity lives with it since the beginning of time, it is natural.

Ironically, showing minority groups for no valid reason just like almost every modern western cartoon, it's worse than not showing them.

NurguburuApr 4, 2020 8:38 PM
All weebs creatures of the galaxy, hear this message. Those of you who listen will not be struck by western animation. You will no longer know hunger, nor pain. Your Anime have come to lead you now. Our strength shall serve as a luminous sun toward which all intelligence may blossom. And the impervious shelter beneath which you will prosper. However, for those who refuse our offer and cling to their western animation ways… For you, there will be great wrath.
Apr 4, 2020 8:46 PM

Aug 2016
I had such high hopes for this thread reading the first few posts, but then it devolved into a completely pointless argument that takes up half the thread.
Apr 4, 2020 8:48 PM

Oct 2017
Zeroflamez said:
Peaceful_Critic said:

Well, I am a girl, but he wasn't referring to me when he said the other guy must have been drinking soymilk.

I'm not mad, I just disagree. If I am being honest here, I think Zero got way too offended that someone said "X anime was problematic to me for Y reason. " You can go back to the comment he called a soyboy and see the other commenter was calm and simply explained why civilly. I don't like how Zero handled the situation at all since he threw an insult at him when he could've just rationally explained his position.

I just linked an edu thing that had 2 .gov studies within it on humans(i.e 181, and 182) that proved it. I mean you could also do the two animal studies on it, but, we are talking about humans, so the human studies would be better to base an opinion off of.


Yeah...people tend to get emotional when you attempt to insult them by attacking their manhood. I don't really like insults such as soyboy for that kind of reason, it puts expectations on guys that they have to act or look a certain way to fit into this archetype on what a really man is and shame those who don't fit into that stereotype. I don't think being a more feminine guy should be as shamed as it is.

I don't even know why the guy responding to me is responding to me about the soy milk comment. He wasn't even the person I initially replied to.

You are on a public forum people can respond to ongoing discussions and chip in. If you want a private back and forth use a DM or post on each other's profile.
Apr 4, 2020 9:04 PM

Jul 2012
TwilightCelica said:
I had such high hopes for this thread reading the first few posts, but then it devolved into a completely pointless argument that takes up half the thread.
I feel like we all have a common ground but people are arguing about nothing.

I mean, I don't see any hardcore alt-right or alt-left people here. Maybe I'm wrong.
Apr 4, 2020 9:10 PM

Apr 2010
Peaceful_Critic said:

I mean if you are really curious, you could just ask him as to why.

I don't care enough to do so. He does that in every thread. Chimes into something that doesn't concern him.
TolkienFan365 said:
Zeroflamez said:

Not my discussion but if you want reality why watch Anime?

I want people to react like they would in situations given. I like fantasy stories but I want people to you know act like people. A guy peeking in a girls bath gets him a sexual harassment write up not just a boot to the jaw. I just find it immersion breaking and since this is usually supposed to be comedic I don't find it funny either.

Ok and? It's fiction. It's not supposed to be what people in real life would actually do. So many times the girls throw themselves at the MC and he deflects advances and runs away when they try to assert themselves on him. That is not normal for a guy to do, especially when it comes to an attractive woman(which is how they are always portrayed in Anime)
Apr 4, 2020 9:14 PM

Oct 2017
Zeroflamez said:
Peaceful_Critic said:

I mean if you are really curious, you could just ask him as to why.

I don't care enough to do so. He does that in every thread. Chimes into something that doesn't concern him.
TolkienFan365 said:

I want people to react like they would in situations given. I like fantasy stories but I want people to you know act like people. A guy peeking in a girls bath gets him a sexual harassment write up not just a boot to the jaw. I just find it immersion breaking and since this is usually supposed to be comedic I don't find it funny either.

Ok and? It's fiction. It's not supposed to be what people in real life would actually do. So many times the girls throw themselves at the MC and he deflects advances and runs away when they try to assert themselves on him. That is not normal for a guy to do, especially when it comes to an attractive woman(which is how they are always portrayed in Anime)

A girl finding a guy attractive and going consistently after him even after rejecting her advances is fine because it does happen. I don't even mind exaggeration for comedic purposes but most fanservice scenes don't have a dose of reality in it. That does. Same thing with idealization. Sure it's unlikely for an entire cast of people to be full of hot girls and guys but attractive girls and guys exist. Plus in a lot of anime/manga like action series it makes sense that they are in good shape.

To bring another example I got into it with people pointing out how stupid characters like Hux and Holdo acted strategically in SW The Last Jedi and the plot was unaware what they were doing was stupid. The response was well it doesn't matter because it's a space opera. Well no it does because just because the universe is wacky and weird doesn't mean human beings don't behave in certain ways and logic doesn't exist. Sure rules may change and things can be exaggerated but you still need a dose of reality in it. Otherwise I just feel it kinda kills my immersion. The purpose of fiction in my opinion is to submerge the consumer into a different world, situation or purpose and therefore you need to keep a sense of immersion. If it doesn't for others cool but it does for me.

Anyway that's just my personal opinion I am not bashing people who enjoy fanservice hijinks just explaining why I think anime/manga uses it poorly and why i don't like it.
BilboBaggins365Apr 4, 2020 9:26 PM
Apr 4, 2020 9:57 PM

Apr 2010
TolkienFan365 said:
Zeroflamez said:

I don't care enough to do so. He does that in every thread. Chimes into something that doesn't concern him.

Ok and? It's fiction. It's not supposed to be what people in real life would actually do. So many times the girls throw themselves at the MC and he deflects advances and runs away when they try to assert themselves on him. That is not normal for a guy to do, especially when it comes to an attractive woman(which is how they are always portrayed in Anime)

A girl finding a guy attractive and going consistently after him even after rejecting her advances is fine because it does happen. I don't even mind exaggeration for comedic purposes but most fanservice scenes don't have a dose of reality in it. That does. Same thing with idealization. Sure it's unlikely for an entire cast of people to be full of hot girls and guys but attractive girls and guys exist. Plus in a lot of anime/manga like action series it makes sense that they are in good shape.

To bring another example I got into it with people pointing out how stupid characters like Hux and Holdo acted strategically in SW The Last Jedi and the plot was unaware what they were doing was stupid. The response was well it doesn't matter because it's a space opera. Well no it does because just because the universe is wacky and weird doesn't mean human beings don't behave in certain ways and logic doesn't exist. Sure rules may change and things can be exaggerated but you still need a dose of reality in it. Otherwise I just feel it kinda kills my immersion. The purpose of fiction in my opinion is to submerge the consumer into a different world, situation or purpose and therefore you need to keep a sense of immersion. If it doesn't for others cool but it does for me.

Anyway that's just my personal opinion I am not bashing people who enjoy fanservice hijinks just explaining why I think anime/manga uses it poorly and why i don't like it.

You're expecting too much from Ecchi man..
Apr 4, 2020 10:03 PM

Dec 2016
katsucats said:
It's a shame that in her critique, the OP was completely blind to the harmful stereotypes against male characters, such that it's often okay to beat them up for no reason, or that they are often dumb hunks that need to be told what to do. But the overall point should not be taken lightly. Of course there can be problematic anime. When a protagonist picks up slave girls and train them, it's problematic even if he is "nice". When the protagonist outright buys a slave girl at an auction so she could be his bride, it is extremely more problematic than Beauty and the Beast. When "tsundere" or "yandere" are shown to be acceptable or even desirable behavior, that is extremely problematic. I won't enumerate down the whole list. I've probably offended enough chauvinistic incels who wish they lived in the 50s.
I hate to say it, but I agree with all of what you said.
Bob-o-DominadorApr 4, 2020 10:10 PM
Apr 4, 2020 10:13 PM

May 2012
I'm indifferent on this issue. Yea, there are anime that I find to be repulsive and distasteful and do have a right to critique those anime. And are the criticisms valid? I would say so. Personally, I don't really care about "problematic" depictions in anime. I prefer it when anime pushes the barrier of what is acceptable. Makes it more interesting.
Apr 4, 2020 10:29 PM

Feb 2013
It's 2020 and the word problematic has lost any meaning it once held. I hate seeing this word in my line of site now. The only thing problematic is people thinking something make believe can ever be problematic, as it lower's the population's I.Q. and encourages psychopathic tendencies of not being able to separate reality from fiction. tl;dr
Apr 4, 2020 10:34 PM

May 2016
guys I just saw some anime titties in an anime. the feeling in me now is growing that rape is ok and now I think I should go out and rape woman.

The anime was to sexy and has influenced me to become a rapist!
Apr 4, 2020 11:09 PM
May 2019
Zigizmund said:

laws do not define moral standards ... Abortion can be legal, but cannot be moral ... Killing Jews in Hitler's Germany is legal, but not moral ... therefore saying what is legal and what does not make sense. officials write laws, and moral values dictate traditional values and culture

i never claimed laws and morals are the same?

i just said chinas laws for example bans or censors anime with certain themes their government do not like

>and moral values dictate traditional values and culture

err one major source of morals is religion and religion is part of culture

religion can dictate laws for example islam have those haram laws right?

I do not think that laws in China are an indicator. Laws can be any, but this does not mean that they work.

Religion is an hour-long case of cultural differences ... I have a specific opinion on this. I believe that even within the framework of one country, one nation, one religion there can be different cultures ... I believe that culture is defined by the "environment" ... rather, even the surrounding nature ... in Central Asia there is an unspoken law of blood feud and if she survived the present day, then perhaps it makes more sense than it seems ... cultural natural selection.

Apr 4, 2020 11:25 PM

Oct 2017
Zeroflamez said:
TolkienFan365 said:

A girl finding a guy attractive and going consistently after him even after rejecting her advances is fine because it does happen. I don't even mind exaggeration for comedic purposes but most fanservice scenes don't have a dose of reality in it. That does. Same thing with idealization. Sure it's unlikely for an entire cast of people to be full of hot girls and guys but attractive girls and guys exist. Plus in a lot of anime/manga like action series it makes sense that they are in good shape.

To bring another example I got into it with people pointing out how stupid characters like Hux and Holdo acted strategically in SW The Last Jedi and the plot was unaware what they were doing was stupid. The response was well it doesn't matter because it's a space opera. Well no it does because just because the universe is wacky and weird doesn't mean human beings don't behave in certain ways and logic doesn't exist. Sure rules may change and things can be exaggerated but you still need a dose of reality in it. Otherwise I just feel it kinda kills my immersion. The purpose of fiction in my opinion is to submerge the consumer into a different world, situation or purpose and therefore you need to keep a sense of immersion. If it doesn't for others cool but it does for me.

Anyway that's just my personal opinion I am not bashing people who enjoy fanservice hijinks just explaining why I think anime/manga uses it poorly and why i don't like it.

You're expecting too much from Ecchi man..

Eh I don't think asking for actual intimacy and natural sexy scenes is hard. It's not like I haven't enjoyed some ecchi series where I think they do it mostly well. Plus others that do interest me (like Reviewers recently) Though yeah again honestly if I actually want sex appeal from anime/manga I am going to hentai dojins.
Apr 5, 2020 1:26 AM

Feb 2010
epidemia78 said:
Tylaen said:
Oh, you're being a mister-literal today Epi? I'm glad you're feeling inspired by your comrades!

And yes, I suppose in your view my ideology would be just as dangerous. I guess I just fail to see how human empathy compares to the active discrimination of certain folks, but what do I know! I'm just a dumb SJW with a boner made of feminazi thoughts :D

You almost did the ol "it's called being a decent human being, sweety" thing

you are literally the SJW stereotype made flesh

probably because they are just doing a satire
"among monsters and humans, there are only two types.
Those who undergo suffering and spread it to others. And those who undergo suffering and avoid giving it to others." -Alice
“Beauty is no quality in things themselves: It exists merely in the mind which contemplates them; and each mind perceives a different beauty.” David Hume
“Evil is created when someone gives up on someone else. It appears when everyone gives up on someone as a lost cause and removes their path to salvation. Once they are cut off from everyone else, they become evil.” -Othinus

Apr 5, 2020 1:38 AM

Apr 2015
Esquirtit said:
If you knew why suggest I was being homophobic on purpose lol. SJW!

Tylaen said:
I also did not simply my example was nuanced in itself but rather than discerning the differences in messaging is where the nuances come from, that you intentionally misinterpret me time and time again sort of feels like a game of whack-a-mole that I'm tired of at this late hour.

Idk, I just wanted to make fun of the example. You could've skipped trying to give this explanation on how contextual use is important to the conversation. I didn't see the point in it. Maybe you should've given an example related to anime, one where the purpose is to ''normalize'' certain ''problematic'' things. Probably hard to do, because we both know that nonconsensual gags do not serve that purpose.

edit: There are plenty of games that allow you to freely kill people however you want. It's quite the standard fam. The ''training game for terrorists in the middle east'' example is redundant, because I still literally have no idea what your position on violence in media is. How you gonna say context is important, and then not even explain when you perceive something to be normalizing problematic issues? Jesus man. Just go straight to the point.

Tylaen said:
Given you're followed my posts, I'd say you're fully aware of what I perceive as negative. Also, I'm not sure why you're saying it shouldn't be taken literally when that's what I just said? It's not a one-to-one translation.

Well, I don't know when and when not you believe something sexual is responsible for normalization. I don't remember you specifying what the ''messages'' are. Kind of a broad topic this is, isn't it. If a nonconsensual gag isn't meant to be taken on face value, but serves the purpose of giving the audience fan service, then what message is it sending lol?

The normalization we're talking of is the objectification of women to an extent where their agency is no longer considered. It doesn't matter what they want, just what I want.

Agency in what way though? Narratively? Like being put in nonconsensual gags? It's just to fill a fantasy/taboo humor. Pantyshots? Just a drawing. Skimpy clothing? Just a drawing. Like wtf.

IRC you're also against sexualization of lolis so whatever, you don't allow for freedom of expression. I CBA, there's no point in talking to each other.
Oh my lord, I'm losing my mind here. The freedom to want to sexualized child-like characters is holy indeed.

Well, I'm glad you don't want to talk to me. It saves me having to deal with the simultaneous belief that media is somehow capable of affecting people yet the animated medium is somehow excluded here. It's a convenient shield, I'll give you that.

If you change your mind, let me know.
TylaenApr 5, 2020 1:41 AM
Apr 5, 2020 1:44 AM
Jan 2012
Yup, I watched a problematic anime a while ago called Space Brothers. Made me want to pursue my dreams and I ended up quitting my job, only to find out professional fleshlight tester isn't a real job, what the fuck.
Apr 5, 2020 2:00 AM
Jul 2018
Everything can be problematic, but why should we as viewers care?
Apr 5, 2020 5:05 AM

Mar 2018
Tylaen said:
Esquirtit said:
If you knew why suggest I was being homophobic on purpose lol. SJW!

Idk, I just wanted to make fun of the example. You could've skipped trying to give this explanation on how contextual use is important to the conversation. I didn't see the point in it. Maybe you should've given an example related to anime, one where the purpose is to ''normalize'' certain ''problematic'' things. Probably hard to do, because we both know that nonconsensual gags do not serve that purpose.

edit: There are plenty of games that allow you to freely kill people however you want. It's quite the standard fam. The ''training game for terrorists in the middle east'' example is redundant, because I still literally have no idea what your position on violence in media is. How you gonna say context is important, and then not even explain when you perceive something to be normalizing problematic issues? Jesus man. Just go straight to the point.

Well, I don't know when and when not you believe something sexual is responsible for normalization. I don't remember you specifying what the ''messages'' are. Kind of a broad topic this is, isn't it. If a nonconsensual gag isn't meant to be taken on face value, but serves the purpose of giving the audience fan service, then what message is it sending lol?

Agency in what way though? Narratively? Like being put in nonconsensual gags? It's just to fill a fantasy/taboo humor. Pantyshots? Just a drawing. Skimpy clothing? Just a drawing. Like wtf.

IRC you're also against sexualization of lolis so whatever, you don't allow for freedom of expression. I CBA, there's no point in talking to each other.
Oh my lord, I'm losing my mind here. The freedom to want to sexualized child-like characters is holy indeed.

Well, I'm glad you don't want to talk to me. It saves me having to deal with the simultaneous belief that media is somehow capable of affecting people yet the animated medium is somehow excluded here. It's a convenient shield, I'll give you that.

If you change your mind, let me know.

It's not capable of affecting people any more than a random video with your mom on Pornhub. That's your shtick right.. ''just watch porn/hentai!''.

The point of this conversation is to find out where the line is. If games like GTA are fine, how are niche anime not? Why do you belief they need to hold so much responsibility?

You can't stand the very idea of ''objectification'', even when it's through a 2D world where no one gets harmed, like you're not just bothered because of your personal taste, but also that there are people who do enjoy it.

What is with that sarcasm? Your idea stretches so far you're potentially taking the freedom of millions of people away. Anti-loli brigade is so far up its own ass... when it comes to how it's harming society in any way their arguments are akin to that from a Karen whining about her son playing GTA.
EsquirtitApr 5, 2020 5:10 AM
Apr 5, 2020 8:17 AM

Apr 2015
Esquirtit said:
Tylaen said:
Oh my lord, I'm losing my mind here. The freedom to want to sexualized child-like characters is holy indeed.

Well, I'm glad you don't want to talk to me. It saves me having to deal with the simultaneous belief that media is somehow capable of affecting people yet the animated medium is somehow excluded here. It's a convenient shield, I'll give you that.

If you change your mind, let me know.

It's not capable of affecting people any more than a random video with your mom on Pornhub. That's your shtick right.. ''just watch porn/hentai!''.

The point of this conversation is to find out where the line is. If games like GTA are fine, how are niche anime not? Why do you belief they need to hold so much responsibility?

You can't stand the very idea of ''objectification'', even when it's through a 2D world where no one gets harmed, like you're not just bothered because of your personal taste, but also that there are people who do enjoy it.

What is with that sarcasm? Your idea stretches so far you're potentially taking the freedom of millions of people away. Anti-loli brigade is so far up its own ass... when it comes to how it's harming society in any way their arguments are akin to that from a Karen whining about her son playing GTA.

Ah, you're referring to that recent thread where that one guy brought up the Funimation bit again after the prior one had been locked and I told him to vent his frustrations via pornography? If you believe my entire ordeal to be surmised into that brief 4 to 5 word sentence then I don't have the power to convince you otherwise.

Other than so, I'd like to have a clear answer on these things, but are you or are you not up for resuming this? Why do you object to my sarcasm when you've shown similar scorn? Is your skin not thick enough? If so, should we convert to more civil wording where we don't constantly jab at each other, or is that asking too much of you?

Now onto what you actually wanted to hear. I can't believe I'm forced to use this word but it's once again, contextual! Surprise. Full disclosure, I haven't actually played GTA ever since the the overhead versions that was super pixelated come out but I've watched a great deal of gameplay of it simply due to cultural osmosis. As I've observed, GTA's protagonists are never fully endorsed via the cutscenes that take place or the actions therein. It's true, however, that the gameplay can get downright genocidal and so you can ask, why is this alright? It's alright for the same reasons that I don't condemn Minecraft for incidentally allowing someone to make a swastika. It's just what some players do, and so the game itself is not directly responsible for all reprehensible acts.

Switching to anime, It's important to separate that games are interactive so the player and view experience can't be translated directly.

Now once more with feeling. Context! I've little issue with animation that holds itself to not put women into ridiculously sexual situations or clothing at all times. If it's a part of their characterization, so be it but I find even that rarely goes beyond actively titillating the audience but it's marginally less offensive. (Marginally). If an accidental "boob" grab is portrayed as funny, that is where my line is and for a good example, I'd ask to look at Evangelion. Such things are rarely funny for the one on the receiving end, and often fairly uncomfortable.

And yes, I'm bothered by people who enjoy it. Got it a problem wit that? You may shove it. I don't care about people's freedom to sexualize small girls, I don't care about peoples freedom to abuse animals, I don't care about peoples freedom to discriminate against minorities because they offend their sensibilities by mere existence. I find you repulsive and I believe we share that feeling towards each other, so I request you cease appealing to my sense of "freedom" and actually bring up something better than enabling people's innate cruelty by practicing apathy. I don't fucking care, dude. You're in it to score points against the SJW with your pals and I'm here for the audience! I hope you're having a splendid time.
TylaenApr 5, 2020 8:21 AM
Apr 5, 2020 8:54 AM

Mar 2012
I've realized that long ago, be it simple fan-service or straight up rape-culture. And these things will continue to exist because they have an audience that is willing to spend money on them. It's quite obvious even if you simply look at MAL ratings of such series.
For most part it's somewhat easy to stay away from these themes if you avoid certain genres (hentai, yaoi, yuri, ecchi, shounen-ai, shoujo-ai) but unfortunately that's not always the case.
Apr 5, 2020 9:00 AM

Mar 2018
Tylaen said:
Esquirtit said:

It's not capable of affecting people any more than a random video with your mom on Pornhub. That's your shtick right.. ''just watch porn/hentai!''.

The point of this conversation is to find out where the line is. If games like GTA are fine, how are niche anime not? Why do you belief they need to hold so much responsibility?

You can't stand the very idea of ''objectification'', even when it's through a 2D world where no one gets harmed, like you're not just bothered because of your personal taste, but also that there are people who do enjoy it.

What is with that sarcasm? Your idea stretches so far you're potentially taking the freedom of millions of people away. Anti-loli brigade is so far up its own ass... when it comes to how it's harming society in any way their arguments are akin to that from a Karen whining about her son playing GTA.

Ah, you're referring to that recent thread where that one guy brought up the Funimation bit again after the prior one had been locked and I told him to vent his frustrations via pornography? If you believe my entire ordeal to be surmised into that brief 4 to 5 word sentence then I don't have the power to convince you otherwise.

Well, it's a popular response nowadays from people who are against sexualization.

Other than so, I'd like to have a clear answer on these things, but are you or are you not up for resuming this? Why do you object to my sarcasm when you've shown similar scorn? Is your skin not thick enough? If so, should we convert to more civil wording where we don't constantly jab at each other, or is that asking too much of you?

I didn't understand your use of sarcasm because you do actually believe that something dear to people should be taken away.

Now onto what you actually wanted to hear. I can't believe I'm forced to use this word but it's once again, contextual! Surprise. Full disclosure, I haven't actually played GTA ever since the the overhead versions that was super pixelated come out but I've watched a great deal of gameplay of it simply due to cultural osmosis. As I've observed, GTA's protagonists are never fully endorsed via the cutscenes that take place or the actions therein. It's true, however, that the gameplay can get downright genocidal and so you can ask, why is this alright? It's alright for the same reasons that I don't condemn Minecraft for incidentally allowing someone to make a swastika. It's just what some players do, and so the game itself is not directly responsible for all reprehensible acts.

Yeah no, GTA clearly encourages going on mass murder sprees. It's the fastest way to earn 5 stars and get in a police chase. There are multiple implemented cheat codes for all kinds of crazy shit. Online is full of missions like heists and assassinations, where you can make your own character.The storyline is just one part of the game. You can take the protagonists and go open-world mode. Or go online and go open-world with your own avatars, to kill each other or whatever.

edit: You can even go to street prostitutes and stripclubs in GTA5, how did I forget about that. Yes, you can let them suck your dick or fuck them. It's part of the game.
edit2: All violent games encourage players to do violent things. Sorry your answer was so unsatisfactory I couldn't help but respond to it in a condescending way. Just accept you don't apply the same logic to violence in videogames because you're not offended it by it for arbitrary reasons. You're okay with engaging in fiction that lets you be a complete criminal, but not one where accidental boob graps happen, yeah aight. Both are just filling fantasies.

The Minecraft example is a whole different ballgame. It would be like blaming a piece of paper for whatever gets drawn on it.

Switching to anime, It's important to separate that games are interactive so the player and view experience can't be translated directly.
Cool, then explain the difference in how it affects the which one is more responsible...what the ''message'' is in a gag. If you're claiming that gags are just as responsible (or more) for ''normalization'' in how we view groups of people, consent, sexuality in general or whatever, then explain how and why it should be removed. If all you say is that it's offensive, then there is no room for understanding and conversation.

Now once more with feeling. Context! I've little issue with animation that holds itself to not put women into ridiculously sexual situations or clothing at all times. If it's a part of their characterization, so be it but I find even that rarely goes beyond actively titillating the audience but it's marginally less offensive. (Marginally). If an accidental "boob" grab is portrayed as funny, that is where my line is and for a good example, I'd ask to look at Evangelion. Such things are rarely funny for the one on the receiving end, and often fairly uncomfortable.

But we were talking about how it's ''normalizing'' or what the ''messages'' are. These sort of gags have their place in anime because it's an entirely seperated world with established genres and character archetypes, ecchi/harem contain them the most because there's an audience who do find it appealing.

The scene in Evangelion was juxtaposed with another where ( I think) Asuna didn't mind it all. One scene was realistic, the other one portrayed in a way you normally see in anime. Both can have their place.

We're back at square one, your entire reasoning is based on you finding it offensive. There was no attempt to justify your claim on how it harms society.

And yes, I'm bothered by people who enjoy it. Got it a problem wit that? You may shove it. I don't care about people's freedom to sexualize small girls,
I don't care about peoples freedom to abuse animals
is that even legal or ''normal'
I don't care about peoples freedom to discriminate against minorities because they offend their sensibilities by mere existence.
I was more talking about artistic freedom that doesn't aim to be propagandist. lolis aren't excusing real pedophilia and child abuse
I find you repulsive and I believe we share that feeling towards each other, so I request you cease appealing to my sense of "freedom" and actually bring up something better than enabling people's innate cruelty by practicing apathy.
me offended
I don't fucking care, dude. You're in it to score points against the SJW with your pals and I'm here for the audience! I hope you're having a splendid time.
you're virtue signalling by demonizing fan service gags and dehumanizing otaku

EsquirtitApr 5, 2020 9:39 AM
Apr 5, 2020 9:04 AM

Jan 2012
Tylaen said:

Ah, you're referring to that recent thread where that one guy brought up the Funimation bit again after the prior one had been locked and I told him to vent his frustrations via pornography? If you believe my entire ordeal to be surmised into that brief 4 to 5 word sentence then I don't have the power to convince you otherwise.

Other than so, I'd like to have a clear answer on these things, but are you or are you not up for resuming this? Why do you object to my sarcasm when you've shown similar scorn? Is your skin not thick enough? If so, should we convert to more civil wording where we don't constantly jab at each other, or is that asking too much of you?

Now onto what you actually wanted to hear. I can't believe I'm forced to use this word but it's once again, contextual! Surprise. Full disclosure, I haven't actually played GTA ever since the the overhead versions that was super pixelated come out but I've watched a great deal of gameplay of it simply due to cultural osmosis. As I've observed, GTA's protagonists are never fully endorsed via the cutscenes that take place or the actions therein. It's true, however, that the gameplay can get downright genocidal and so you can ask, why is this alright? It's alright for the same reasons that I don't condemn Minecraft for incidentally allowing someone to make a swastika. It's just what some players do, and so the game itself is not directly responsible for all reprehensible acts.

Switching to anime, It's important to separate that games are interactive so the player and view experience can't be translated directly.

Now once more with feeling. Context! I've little issue with animation that holds itself to not put women into ridiculously sexual situations or clothing at all times. If it's a part of their characterization, so be it but I find even that rarely goes beyond actively titillating the audience but it's marginally less offensive. (Marginally). If an accidental "boob" grab is portrayed as funny, that is where my line is and for a good example, I'd ask to look at Evangelion. Such things are rarely funny for the one on the receiving end, and often fairly uncomfortable.

And yes, I'm bothered by people who enjoy it. Got it a problem wit that? You may shove it. I don't care about people's freedom to sexualize small girls, I don't care about peoples freedom to abuse animals, I don't care about peoples freedom to discriminate against minorities because they offend their sensibilities by mere existence. I find you repulsive and I believe we share that feeling towards each other, so I request you cease appealing to my sense of "freedom" and actually bring up something better than enabling people's innate cruelty by practicing apathy. I don't fucking care, dude. You're in it to score points against the SJW with your pals and I'm here for the audience! I hope you're having a splendid time.

You are comparing the sole act of DRAWING sexualized children with abuse of REAL animals? I wonder whta you think of people who write rape stories for fun like me.
Have you ever talked to a hentai artist/writer before? Do you genuinely, unironically think we would actually rape people just because we write stories with those themes!?

About the rest of thread: frankly, what I want is for people to have alternatives WITHOUT removing the ones that are already there, what I mean by that?
When Erika Lust saw porn for the first time, she disliked it, she felt there wasn't enough passion and the pleasure was exclusively male, this motivated her to create an alternative to the mainstream porn, and thus creating feminist porn.
You see? She didn't tried to destroy the male-focused porn, she instead created an alternative that could exist ALONG WITH the mainstream. Why can't be the same with anime?
Vini310Apr 5, 2020 9:11 AM
Apr 5, 2020 9:46 AM

Apr 2015
Esquirtit said:
Tylaen said:

Ah, you're referring to that recent thread where that one guy brought up the Funimation bit again after the prior one had been locked and I told him to vent his frustrations via pornography? If you believe my entire ordeal to be surmised into that brief 4 to 5 word sentence then I don't have the power to convince you otherwise.

Well, it's a popular response nowadays from people who are against sexualization.

Other than so, I'd like to have a clear answer on these things, but are you or are you not up for resuming this? Why do you object to my sarcasm when you've shown similar scorn? Is your skin not thick enough? If so, should we convert to more civil wording where we don't constantly jab at each other, or is that asking too much of you?

I didn't understand your use of sarcasm because you do actually believe that something dear to people should be taken away.

Now onto what you actually wanted to hear. I can't believe I'm forced to use this word but it's once again, contextual! Surprise. Full disclosure, I haven't actually played GTA ever since the the overhead versions that was super pixelated come out but I've watched a great deal of gameplay of it simply due to cultural osmosis. As I've observed, GTA's protagonists are never fully endorsed via the cutscenes that take place or the actions therein. It's true, however, that the gameplay can get downright genocidal and so you can ask, why is this alright? It's alright for the same reasons that I don't condemn Minecraft for incidentally allowing someone to make a swastika. It's just what some players do, and so the game itself is not directly responsible for all reprehensible acts.

Yeah no, GTA clearly encourages going on mass murder sprees. It's the fastest way to earn 5 stars and get in a police chase. There are multiple implemented cheat codes for all kinds of crazy shit. Online is full of missions like heists and assassinations, where you can make your own character.The storyline is just one part of the game. You can take the protagonists and go open-world mode. Or go online and go open-world with your own avatars, to kill each other or whatever.

edit: You can even go to street prostitutes and stripclubs in GTA5, how did I forget about that. Yes, you can let them suck your dick or fuck them. It's part of the game.
edit2: All violent games encourage players to do violent things. Sorry your answer was so unsatisfactory I couldn't help but respond to it in a condescending way. Just accept you don't apply the same logic to violence in videogames because you're not offended it by it for arbitrary reasons. You're okay with engaging in fiction that lets you be a complete criminal, but not one where accidental boob graps happen, yeah aight. Both are just filling fantasies.

The Minecraft example is a whole different ballgame. It would be like blaming a piece of paper for whatever gets drawn on it.

Switching to anime, It's important to separate that games are interactive so the player and view experience can't be translated directly.
Cool, then explain the difference in how it affects the which one is more responsible...what the ''message'' is in a gag. If you're claiming that gags are just as responsible (or more) for ''normalization'' in how we view groups of people, consent, sexuality in general or whatever, then explain how and why it should be removed. If all you say is that it's offensive, then there is no room for understanding and conversation.

Now once more with feeling. Context! I've little issue with animation that holds itself to not put women into ridiculously sexual situations or clothing at all times. If it's a part of their characterization, so be it but I find even that rarely goes beyond actively titillating the audience but it's marginally less offensive. (Marginally). If an accidental "boob" grab is portrayed as funny, that is where my line is and for a good example, I'd ask to look at Evangelion. Such things are rarely funny for the one on the receiving end, and often fairly uncomfortable.

But we were talking about how it's ''normalizing'' or what the ''messages'' are. These sort of gags have their place in anime because it's an entirely seperated world with established genres and character archetypes, ecchi/harem contain them the most because there's an audience who do find it appealing.

The scene in Evangelion was juxtaposed with another where ( I think) Asuna didn't mind it all. One scene was realistic, the other one portrayed in a way you normally see in anime. Both can have their place.

We're back at square one, your entire reasoning is based on you finding it offensive. There was no attempt to justify your claim on how it harms society.

And yes, I'm bothered by people who enjoy it. Got it a problem wit that? You may shove it. I don't care about people's freedom to sexualize small girls,
I don't care about peoples freedom to abuse animals
is that even legal or ''normal'
I don't care about peoples freedom to discriminate against minorities because they offend their sensibilities by mere existence.
I was more talking about artistic freedom that doesn't aim to be propagandist. lolis aren't excusing real pedophilia and child abuse
I find you repulsive and I believe we share that feeling towards each other, so I request you cease appealing to my sense of "freedom" and actually bring up something better than enabling people's innate cruelty by practicing apathy.
me offended
I don't fucking care, dude. You're in it to score points against the SJW with your pals and I'm here for the audience! I hope you're having a splendid time.
you're virtue signalling by demonizing fan service gags and dehumanizing otaku

No viewer is responsible for what happens on the screen. The only responsibility they can ultimately hold is an interpretation of intent, or simply wanting a certain outcome. They hold little power to sway it in either direction. I don’t believe the individual gags themselves are responsible for it all, and if such a gag was a rarity, it’d just be largely cringeworthy and unworthy of much attention. However, due to its weird prevalence in anime even outside Ecchi tagged shows. When it’s continually reinforced, even outside the sexual context of a show where a viewer might ordinarily expect such content, it becomes an issue as it intrudes on the otherwise normal socialization of the characters.

“How” it should be removed is not even a question, so I don’t know why you ask me this. Just don’t insert it? It’s not like dragging Cthulhu out from the ocean and accidentally killing the whole planet, man. AS to why, I feel like I’ve reiterated this several times but I’ll do once more, with feeling! It’s an author’s way of having a character, typically male, intrude upon girl’s comfort zone without actually making him responsible and so conveniently making it “not his fault” that he did so. This basically never happens aside from being a woefully unfunny gag that we’ve seen 10 million times now, that it might desensitize viewers to the personal space of women aren’t great outcomes. The message of the “boob grab” gag is effectively meaningless, as either “benign” interpretation range from eye-rolling to side-eye worthy. (“Haha, isn’t this funny” and “The audience would like the girl to have her boob grabbed now”.) The ultimate result is just that character has had their space intruded upon in a way that constitutes harassment in most situations.

I also don’t believe we have any room for understanding regardless because you’ll never accept my answers, so who cares anyway? This audience you speak of doesn’t matter to me because that audience is you, and I don’t care about what you want because I view what you want as disgusting. That there is an audience for disgusting content.

You’re going to have be to more specific about this scene with Asuna where Shinji grabs her boob because I only recently watched this classic and unless you’re referring to the rebuilds, that’s not at all what I was talking about. Once again, that it’s not strictly “reality” doesn’t matter and this is the last time I’ll say this.

Esquirtit said:

me offended

Me so smart, me say offended all the time
Esquirtit said:

you're virtue signalling by demonizing fan service gags and dehumanizing otaku
Oh, boo huu. Sucks to be them.
Esquirtit said:

I was more talking about artistic freedom that doesn't aim to be propagandist. lolis aren't excusing real pedophilia and child abuse
Every sort of pedophilia is real, mate. That you're not acting on it is irrelevant.
Vini310 said:
You are comparing the sole act of DRAWING sexualized children with abuse of REAL animals? I wonder whta you think of people who write rape stories for fun like me.
Have you ever talked to a hentai artist/writer before? Do you genuinely, unironically think we would actually rape people just because we write stories with those themes!?
Your reading comprehensible is faulty but your words are amusing.
Apr 5, 2020 10:34 AM

Mar 2018
Tylaen said:
Esquirtit said:

Well, it's a popular response nowadays from people who are against sexualization.

I didn't understand your use of sarcasm because you do actually believe that something dear to people should be taken away.

Yeah no, GTA clearly encourages going on mass murder sprees. It's the fastest way to earn 5 stars and get in a police chase. There are multiple implemented cheat codes for all kinds of crazy shit. Online is full of missions like heists and assassinations, where you can make your own character.The storyline is just one part of the game. You can take the protagonists and go open-world mode. Or go online and go open-world with your own avatars, to kill each other or whatever.

edit: You can even go to street prostitutes and stripclubs in GTA5, how did I forget about that. Yes, you can let them suck your dick or fuck them. It's part of the game.
edit2: All violent games encourage players to do violent things. Sorry your answer was so unsatisfactory I couldn't help but respond to it in a condescending way. Just accept you don't apply the same logic to violence in videogames because you're not offended it by it for arbitrary reasons. You're okay with engaging in fiction that lets you be a complete criminal, but not one where accidental boob graps happen, yeah aight. Both are just filling fantasies.

The Minecraft example is a whole different ballgame. It would be like blaming a piece of paper for whatever gets drawn on it.

Cool, then explain the difference in how it affects the which one is more responsible...what the ''message'' is in a gag. If you're claiming that gags are just as responsible (or more) for ''normalization'' in how we view groups of people, consent, sexuality in general or whatever, then explain how and why it should be removed. If all you say is that it's offensive, then there is no room for understanding and conversation.

But we were talking about how it's ''normalizing'' or what the ''messages'' are. These sort of gags have their place in anime because it's an entirely seperated world with established genres and character archetypes, ecchi/harem contain them the most because there's an audience who do find it appealing.

The scene in Evangelion was juxtaposed with another where ( I think) Asuna didn't mind it all. One scene was realistic, the other one portrayed in a way you normally see in anime. Both can have their place.

We're back at square one, your entire reasoning is based on you finding it offensive. There was no attempt to justify your claim on how it harms society.

is that even legal or ''normal'
I was more talking about artistic freedom that doesn't aim to be propagandist. lolis aren't excusing real pedophilia and child abuse
me offended
you're virtue signalling by demonizing fan service gags and dehumanizing otaku

No viewer is responsible for what happens on the screen. The only responsibility they can ultimately hold is an interpretation of intent, or simply wanting a certain outcome. They hold little power to sway it in either direction. I don’t believe the individual gags themselves are responsible for it all, and if such a gag was a rarity, it’d just be largely cringeworthy and unworthy of much attention. However, due to its weird prevalence in anime even outside Ecchi tagged shows. When it’s continually reinforced, even outside the sexual context of a show where a viewer might ordinarily expect such content, it becomes an issue as it intrudes on the otherwise normal socialization of the characters.

Oh, you mean that way. But still, you could argue that there's an audience that wants to see more of it and is therefore responsible for its prevalence. Especially with loli content.

I'm actually not a fan of these sorts of gags either, or fan service in otherwise serious shows (like pantyshots or characters entirely created for fan service). But not for reasons that you first seemed to suggest, like actual harmful behaviour towards real women.

“How” it should be removed is not even a question, so I don’t know why you ask me this. Just don’t insert it? It’s not like dragging Cthulhu out from the ocean and accidentally killing the whole planet, man.
I don't remember asking how lol.

AS to why, I feel like I’ve reiterated this several times but I’ll do once more, with feeling! It’s an author’s way of having a character, typically male, intrude upon girl’s comfort zone without actually making him responsible and so conveniently making it “not his fault” that he did so.
Yeah but that's to see a sexy scene and it can actually be played with in a multitude of ways. Of course some will be seen as tiresome but not for people who enjoy it. You don't care either way but still.

This basically never happens aside from being a woefully unfunny gag that we’ve seen 10 million times now, that it might desensitize viewers to the personal space of women aren’t great outcomes.
2D girls have no personal space.Not invading people's privacy is common sense anyway, these sort of gags shouldn't cease to exist just because some dumbass might start beliefing otherwise. It is exactly the same argument against videogames. I can understand you wanting it gone for preference in storytelling, not because it's ''normalizing'' harassment of women.

The message of the “boob grab” gag is effectively meaningless, as either “benign” interpretation range from eye-rolling to side-eye worthy. (“Haha, isn’t this funny” and “The audience would like the girl to have her boob grabbed now”.) The ultimate result is just that character has had their space intruded upon in a way that constitutes harassment in most situations.
True, but that's appelaing to some people. F-a-n-t-a-s-y. You don't respect it, I do. I hate you for it, you hate me for it.

I also don’t believe we have any room for understanding regardless because you’ll never accept my answers, so who cares anyway? This audience you speak of doesn’t matter to me because that audience is you, and I don’t care about what you want because I view what you want as disgusting. That there is an audience for disgusting content.
Sometimes that audience is me when I feel horny and can enjoy the fan service I guess, but really I just respect artistic freedom and defend it when feeling like it.

You’re going to have be to more specific about this scene with Asuna where Shinji grabs her boob because I only recently watched this classic and unless you’re referring to the rebuilds, that’s not at all what I was talking about. Once again, that it’s not strictly “reality” doesn’t matter and this is the last time I’ll say this.

I remebered it wrong, it was still a scene with Rei. In the last episode they bump into each other and Shinji sees her panties, it was done purposefully to juxtapose the more realistic scene where it's uncomfortable as fuck. I'm just saying both have their place in anime and should be respected (if you respect artistic freedom).

Esquirtit said:
I was more talking about artistic freedom that doesn't aim to be propagandist. lolis aren't excusing real pedophilia and child abuse

Every sort of pedophilia is real, mate. That you're not acting on it is irrelevant.

Lolis don't resemble real children enough for it to be an attraction only pedophiles can feel. That's just facts bro. Most lolicons are disgusted by real sexualized children, you probably don't like hearing that though. These things will always be extremely niche and never normalized anyway, taking it away is just being a cunt.

End this, don't reply.
EsquirtitApr 5, 2020 10:38 AM
Apr 5, 2020 10:46 AM

Apr 2015
Esquirtit said:
End this, don't reply.
I'm just replying anyway to spite you and also to inform you that you did, in fact, ask me how.

Esquirtit said:
then explain how and why it should be removed. If all you say is that it's offensive, then there is no room for understanding and conversation.

That's all folks!
This topic has been locked and is no longer available for discussion.
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