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This episode was incredible--it managed to do so much in so short a time. Also, this show has such an amazing amount of atmosphere. I'm looking forward to seeing how it will continue to unfold.
Matsuuu. Looking badass xD Seriously, he's my favourite. He doesn't waste time on bullshit, he gets the job done. In the shadows. Eheheh.
Is the second person Yaichi, by any chance?
- If you believe this place holds you, it is a prison.
If you do not wish to leave, it will become a fortress.
Current icon:
Kusuriuri from Mononoke
by pana (LJ username)
This episode furthered the plot quit a bit. I got to know Yaichi a little more. It seems that he has a very shaded past that he would rather forget. Plus I got to learn more about Masa and why he cannot go back to his hometown.
I have friends that would never watch this because of the lack of action. I was really hoping for the fight between Masa and Yaichi too. I think Yaichi would win though. He just seems like he could.
Then again he seems like he does not really want to fight Masa because of the potential that Masa has. Yaichi can see that. Yaichi realizes that if Masa got pressed into a corner he might do something regretable.
Oh god... I think i'm really starting to love this show. This new episode was amazing. Everything about it was just... perfect. One more episode of this quality and i'm bumping it up to a 9. I quite like the theory in the link that divinespirit posted... Actually, thinking about it, we haven't seen a flashback to that whole incident for a few episodes now, have we?
Great episode! Pushed the score to a 9 for me for now.
I love it how this episodes pace was somehow as relaxed as ever but still thex covered much plot and character development. Really looking forward to the next episode(s).
Really liked this episode. Lots of character information given, and a little bit of a development in Yaichi and Masa's relationship. Very cool, very tense, very wonderful.
I wonder whether Yaichi has something to do with the deceased friend of Yagi~
The atmosthere was blowing again and we got a lot of development :D I loved it~~
God I love this show soo much. There's a good chance I'll rewatch if they decide to make a second season. If not, which is highly probably seeing how overlooked the show is, I'll read the manga
"...our faces marked by toil, by deceptions, by success, by love; our weary eyes looking still, looking always, looking anxiously for something out of life, that while it is expected is already gone – has passed unseen, in a sigh, in a flash – together with the youth, with the strength, with the romance of illusions.” - Joseph Conrad ('Youth')
yamakasi said: Damn, was hoping for a Masa/Yaichi fight. XD; Also -- "You're oddly tense around me, Masa." BECAUSE HE WANTS TO BONE YOUUUUU.
I wonder if that last scene was a flashback or in the present. Hrm.
Ugh! Not everything has gay undertones. Please people shouldn't bring yaoi into this fandom.
This is a really great anime, I would hate it if it turns into some yaoi thing.
Mmm, there's a really mysterious atmosphere creating in the recent episode. Why did this samourai mentioned Yaichi at the grave?
I wanted to see Masa fight :(
I wonder what Matsu is up two. Maybe that other guy will ask him to do something against Yaichi and he'll have to make a choice?
«Time is passing so quickly. Right now, I feel like complaining to Einstein. Whether time is slow or fast depends on perception. Relativity theory is so romantic. And so sad.» - Kurisu Makise a.k.a. The Zombie
In which Masanosuke is kind but nosy and kind but complex. Or is that 'have' a complex? Trigger warning, kids~
Ichi + Masa behavioral dynamics are so fascinating. Something about this time period means relationships work differently than we're used to. Not friends (or as stated) but the two of them circle one another in both wariness and fascination. Catalysts for change. The plates beneath the earth's crust are trembling.
Wow, what an episode!!! Superb! We learned so much, yet everything is even more mysterious! Apparently, Yuichi's past is far more troublesome than we thought! He actually still may be a dangerous, bad person - certainly the old man thinks so... And Matsu is about to find out something about him. I really wonder what has happened to Yuichi and what will. I believe though that deep down he still is a good person and that whatever his sin may be, he has done it because he was betrayed by his mother... No wonder he doesn't trust nobody...
On the other hand Masa's inner fear is back too! I mean, what an incredible twist!!! I'm blown away...
Kinda makes you wonder how Masa was even able to become a Samurai in the first place. Unless it was after that one moment in his past that his mental/personality issue began rather than before. Would make sense I suppose.
This guy is so damn pathetic. He's like a stupid stray dog. He should commit seppuku for his pitiful actions against bushido by being a miserable asshole.
Also the character design in the source material is very pleasant to look at. Why anime characters are exceptionally ugly??